By shorting the non-working LED you are simply re-establishing continuity, but at the cost of increasing the current through the rest of the LEDs that are still functional, so they are not going to last too long. If you want to fix the bulb properly, you need to replace the non-working LED with a good one, taken from another bulb. I love the idea, I support fixing and re-using whenever possible.
Also it may help to improve cooling, either by removing the globe or drilling a few holes. I like your idea of using good LEDs from another bulb to repair one.
They are fed by a supply that regulates the current, rather than the voltage, so the remaining LEDs will function at their design power. That’s an interesting idea, though, if you can dismount and remount the LEDs without damaging them.
@@92U235Are you sure that the current is regulated? I agree with the original poster that these will burn out faster given the loss/resistance from the bad led.
I haven't tried it but I think you could make a safer and more secure bridge between the two exposed electrodes with a little solder instead of the foil and tape.
The LED bulb is lit by a short circuit of the cracked LED. This is because the LEDs are connected in series. Is it safe to use this method because the current flows through the individual LEDs more than the designed value, which may cause heat generation and damage?
Great presentation - truthful title, short, direct to the problem and solution. You want to inform and instruct rather than star in a media production that wastes the viewers time. Thank you, thumbs up.
How is "Wrap a non-working Led Bulb with insulating tape ... " a truthful title? The tiny bit that is used is only to hold the foil in place. Nothing is "wrapped" in it.
Thank you for the enlightenment to connect dead lights. I collect a lot of dead lights and am waiting for information like this to be applied to all my LED lights 👍👍
The LED can be replaced. Also if you want to bypass it, you should solder a fine jumper wire across the LED. Aluminum foil is not safe! These LEDs are in series. Bypassing one or more puts extra strain in the others, and thus will reduce life span of the remaining ones. The power supply on the circuit board was designed to operate with a specific current and voltage. Bypassing an LED will offset the characteristics of the load.
Don't forget we have an amature here who used a lighter to strip off the wire insulation instead of using a proper wire stripper. Using tape to hold down the foil works only temporarily maybe for the duration of making this video.
@@SC-qx2kj Most people are not aware, but when servicing any electrical device and service was not done to ISO standards, no matter how simple it seems, if something goes wrong where there is injury, or fire, or property damage it will not be covered by insurance. When you call someone in to your home to do servicing such as electrical, plumbing, or construction, they must be approved/licensed to do the work. They must do the work and use parts/materials to meet proper standards. This is referred to as "meeting proper code." When you have any appliance or device serviced the service people have to service it to meet code. I've worked in the electronics industry. Going back some decades ago (I am in my 70s), I was designing industrial precision power supplies and chargers. I also worked in the broadcast television field, and supporting super computer systems.
@@devnull7550 Indeed. The title (it was translated in my language, I see something like "wrap the bulb in insulating tape") and the miniature of the video were clearly misleading. Intriguing indeed, so totally clickbait.
Like the old days when a fuse blew out in a fuse box for your house, some people would insert a copper penny instead of replacing the fuse. House fires were started that way. Einsteins.
Todo eso funciona únicamente para un caso de extrema emergencia. Los leds que están buenos en menos de unas horas se quemarán porque cada uno recibirá una tensión mayor a la soportable según su característica, producto de que tomarán la carga del led faltante. Gracias.
Lo correcto sería colocar una resistencia similar a la del led o un led de de algún descarte, en vez de puentear con aluminio, de todas maneras no será que en pocos días se quemen...tengo algunas puenteadas desde hace mas de un año y funcan, todo depende de la calidad de los materiales, saludos cordiales Cacho
en mi pais la mayoria de esas lámpara tienen fuentes conmutadas (como la de este video), que disminuye la tención, si puenteas algunos de ellos, no ocurre lo mismo con los de fuente capacitiva que sí aumenta el voltaje de la serie. pero el problema es que ese led ya se quemo por exceso de trabajo y calor los demás están en similares condiciones se volverán a quemar por eso. se puede extender reduciendo el voltaje de la fuente. (toda la info se encuentra en youtube)
@@wilsonroberto3481 Buen día Wilson, perdón por la demora, pero no reviso los correos como corresponde, te cuento, hay que poner una pequeña resistencia que reemplace el consumo de, o, las retiradas para no recargar el resto y evitar que se quemen. - Depende del voltaje de trabajo de cada led de 12volt o 18volt se recomienda resistencia de 80 Homs a 200 Homs , va iluminar menos pero durar mas,. Saludos.-
1. The title of the video has nothing to do with what is being demonstrated. 2. The electrical circuit of the bulb was designed to operate with the 7 LEDs. Shunting the position of the defective LED now causes the remaining LEDs causes an increase of power dissipation of each device to increase and will likely cause failures in the near future. Not to mention the additional heating could cause unpredictable results depending on how the bulb is being used. This is a really bad idea!
Ese tipo de reparaciones son útiles si te encuentras en la selva, lejos de la civilización; pero es mejor puentear con soldadura, ya que el papel aluminio provocará calor en exceso y podría ocurrir un accidente, quemandose el cableado y con riesgo de quemarse tu casa. min3:10
Superbe idée, mes félicitations. Il est possible d'acheter ces micros LED et de coller celle qui ne fonctionne plus. Merci beaucoup pour la réparation👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍.
This is good, and I use such types of bulbs, and one stopped working so I tried this but...there is a problem. That bulb that I have has more of those LEDs and those exposed places on each of those, well my bulb has no such exposed parts, so I wasn't able to determine where the problem is because there is nothing, no such exposed places. I thought that maybe I should try to make exposed parts on each, but that material above is hard, and in any case, I would probably destroy LEDs, so this is not working as a tip for every bulb of this type.
Lógicamente que será temporal, ya que al quitarle un diodo LED y hacer puente, aumenta la tensión de los LED restantes, no se olvide que está conectado en serie y la tensión está calculada en base a la cantidad de LED, al existir más tensión en los restantes acorta más rápido su vida útil!!
Intéressant mais la présence du papier d'aluminium et celle du ruban adhésif ne risque t-elle pas de générer une chaleur voire une flamme ? À utiliser avec discernement. Merci
And as time goes by, you could keep doing that until there is just one diode left. Or you could just spend a few bucks and purchase a package of new bulbs.
E declara-lhes os estatutos e as leis, e faze-lhes saber o caminho em que devem andar, e a obra que devem fazer. E tu dentre todo o povo procura homens capazes, tementes a Deus, homens de verdade, que odeiem a avareza; e põe-nos sobre eles por maiorais de mil, maiorais de cem, maiorais de cinqüenta, e maiorais de dez; Para que julguem este povo em todo o tempo; e seja que todo o negócio grave tragam a ti, mas todo o negócio pequeno eles o julguem; assim a ti mesmo te aliviarás da carga, e eles a levarão contigo. Se isto fizeres, e Deus to mandar, poderás então subsistir; assim também todo este povo em paz irá ao seu lugar. E Moisés deu ouvidos à voz de seu sogro, e fez tudo quanto tinha dito; E escolheu Moisés homens capazes, de todo o Israel, e os pôs por cabeças sobre o povo; maiorais de mil, maiorais de cem, maiorais de cinqüenta e maiorais de dez. E eles julgaram o povo em todo o tempo; o negócio árduo trouxeram a Moisés, e todo o negócio pequeno julgaram eles. Então despediu Moisés o seu sogro, o qual se foi à sua terra. Êxodo 18:20-27
Seems OK, but do not forget that you short circuit the nonworking LED; so the remaining LEDs will be exposed to a higher voltage. May be this is OK if you just short circuit one of the LEDs, but you need to be careful when you short circuit more. Besides, it probable that the higher voltage will result is less emitted light per the power consumed. This is, because the light emitted depends linearly on the current [amperage] passing through and not the power consumed. In fact, the higher voltage will likely result in mismathced band gap, resulting in less light per the amount of current, because more of the charge carriers will be wasted (they will only do heating, and not lighting). So, in the long run you might not save any money.
You're wrong. These lamps work with LEDs powered by a current generator that regulates the current delivered by the rectifying circuit. The corresponding voltage falls on each led diode.
The current in a household LED used for lighting is regulated by a switch-mode power regulator, and they are designed for a specific switching frequency that minimizes the power losses. For a switching frequency different from the optimal frequency, there are higher power losses. Short circuiting one of the LEDs results in a different switching requency, away from the optimal design frequency. If the switching frequency changes, the noise reduction circuit will also work less efficiently.
Q buena explicación entendí perfecto no iluminará como antes pero si recalentar más. Q Antes y es riesgoso sos un capo. Lo barato terminaría siendo caroo
Monami français , vai aumentar a corrente nos leds nao queimados em 1 hora ou menos queimara outros leds no led queimado tem que se colocar um pequeno resistor pra atenuar a voltagem e assim protege os demais leds.
Did I do it correctly? I now have a yard full of bulbs, it’s beginning to get out of control. Everyday I leave the house. It seems like there is even more of them. Is there a way to reverse the process? I am good now. I have enough to last for as far as I can imagine.
The preview photo and description are not what you find in view. Probably not safe (like using a penny in a fuse box) . Quicker to go to the store and buy new bulb.
No se que conoce ud como "cinta aislante"... Pero al menos donde yo vivo, la cinta aislante o cinta aisladora, es la negra que utiliza en el video para pegar y cubrir el papel aluminio. Saludos.
Depois toda a congregação dos filhos de Israel partiu do deserto de Sim pelas suas jornadas, segundo o mandamento do Senhor, e acampou em Refidim; não havia ali água para o povo beber. Então contendeu o povo com Moisés, e disse: Dá-nos água para beber. E Moisés lhes disse: Por que contendeis comigo? Por que tentais ao Senhor? Tendo pois ali o povo sede de água, o povo murmurou contra Moisés, e disse: Por que nos fizeste subir do Egito, para nos matares de sede, a nós e aos nossos filhos, e ao nosso gado? E clamou Moisés ao Senhor, dizendo: Que farei a este povo? Daqui a pouco me apedrejará. Então disse o Senhor a Moisés: Passa diante do povo, e toma contigo alguns dos anciãos de Israel; e toma na tua mão a tua vara, com que feriste o rio, e vai. Eis que eu estarei ali diante de ti sobre a rocha, em Horebe, e tu ferirás a rocha, e dela sairão águas e o povo beberá. E Moisés assim o fez, diante dos olhos dos anciãos de Israel. E chamou aquele lugar Massá e Meribá, por causa da contenda dos filhos de Israel, e porque tentaram ao Senhor, dizendo: Está o Senhor no meio de nós, ou não? Êxodo 17:1-7
Depois disse Moisés a Arão: Dize a toda a congregação dos filhos de Israel: Chegai-vos à presença do Senhor, porque ouviu as vossas murmurações. E aconteceu que, quando falou Arão a toda a congregação dos filhos de Israel, e eles se viraram para o deserto, eis que a glória do Senhor apareceu na nuvem. E o Senhor falou a Moisés, dizendo: Tenho ouvido as murmurações dos filhos de Israel. Fala-lhes, dizendo: Entre as duas tardes comereis carne, e pela manhã vos fartareis de pão; e sabereis que eu sou o Senhor vosso Deus. E aconteceu que à tarde subiram codornizes, e cobriram o arraial; e pela manhã jazia o orvalho ao redor do arraial. E quando o orvalho se levantou, eis que sobre a face do deserto estava uma coisa miúda, redonda, miúda como a geada sobre a terra. E, vendo-a os filhos de Israel, disseram uns aos outros: Que é isto? Porque não sabiam o que era. Disse-lhes pois Moisés: Este é o pão que o Senhor vos deu para comer. Esta é a palavra que o Senhor tem mandado: Colhei dele cada um conforme ao que pode comer, um ômer por cabeça, segundo o número das vossas almas; cada um tomará para os que se acharem na sua tenda. E os filhos de Israel fizeram assim; e colheram, uns mais e outros menos. Êxodo 16:9-17
Muy interesante. El gran problema (casi imposible de resolver) es la gran dificultad de separar la carcasa superior porque vienen muy, muy unidas a la base. Es prácticamente imposible separarlas.
En mi país, la mayoría se destapa con mucha facilidad, me preocuparía más el tema que comentan otros usuarios de la posibilidad de sobrecalentamiento e incendio...
The best thing that can be done is to solder the 2 contacts where the led was and it works without the need to put tape Lo mejor que se puede hacer es soldar con estaño los 2 contactos donde estaba el led y funciona sin necesidad de poner cinta
pretty dangerous using aluminium foil which would create a high resistance joint, which in turn creates heat which could soften the tape possibly catching it on fire. a soldered copper wire would be much safer. the life of the other LEDS would be shortened because they will have increased brightness due the higher voltage across them.
By shorting the non-working LED you are simply re-establishing continuity, but at the cost of increasing the current through the rest of the LEDs that are still functional, so they are not going to last too long. If you want to fix the bulb properly, you need to replace the non-working LED with a good one, taken from another bulb. I love the idea, I support fixing and re-using whenever possible.
Maybe it’s still within tolerance. But I agree, it’s best to replace the bad led.
Also it may help to improve cooling, either by removing the globe or drilling a few holes. I like your idea of using good LEDs from another bulb to repair one.
They are fed by a supply that regulates the current, rather than the voltage, so the remaining LEDs will function at their design power. That’s an interesting idea, though, if you can dismount and remount the LEDs without damaging them.
@@92U235Are you sure that the current is regulated? I agree with the original poster that these will burn out faster given the loss/resistance from the bad led.
Or replace the while bulb like a normal human being
Wait, WHAT?, what about the tape rapped around the outside like the thumbnail shows ?🤔
It bugs me when folks lie or mislead. Lost 5 minutes of my life.. and will lose more if you do this "fix", don't do it.
Just more clickbait ....
That was just for fun.
I haven't tried it but I think you could make a safer and more secure bridge between the two exposed electrodes with a little solder instead of the foil and tape.
I thought same.
It works great! Using a solder is the best solution! I have tried it!
@@georgezik8637 buy a new one. nowadays only €1,-
My thoughts exactly. If you couldn't just melt the 2 squares of solder together, it would only take another drop to connect them.
The LED bulb is lit by a short circuit of the cracked LED. This is because the LEDs are connected in series. Is it safe to use this method because the current flows through the individual LEDs more than the designed value, which may cause heat generation and damage?
It's not safe to use a cracked LED bulb due to the risk of heat generation and damage. Make sure to use functioning LED bulbs for safety! 👍
Hello, you are very smart. I like people who use their ingenuity to help others😊
Great presentation - truthful title, short, direct to the problem and solution. You want to inform and instruct rather than star in a media production that wastes the viewers time. Thank you, thumbs up.
How is "Wrap a non-working Led Bulb with insulating tape ... " a truthful title? The tiny bit that is used is only to hold the foil in place. Nothing is "wrapped" in it.
Total BS
Thank you for the enlightenment to connect dead lights. I collect a lot of dead lights and am waiting for information like this to be applied to all my LED lights 👍👍
That's great to hear! 🌟 I'm glad you found the tip helpful for your LED lights collection! 🌈💡
You did not "wrap" the bulb with insulating tape.
True, but after the video was shot, a friend wrapped insulating tape around his head.
The LED can be replaced. Also if you want to bypass it, you should solder a fine jumper wire across the LED. Aluminum foil is not safe! These LEDs are in series. Bypassing one or more puts extra strain in the others, and thus will reduce life span of the remaining ones. The power supply on the circuit board was designed to operate with a specific current and voltage. Bypassing an LED will offset the characteristics of the load.
Don't forget we have an amature here who used a lighter to strip off the wire insulation instead of using a proper wire stripper. Using tape to hold down the foil works only temporarily maybe for the duration of making this video.
You pretty much summed up my thoughts exactly.
Most people are not aware, but when servicing any electrical device and service was not done to ISO standards, no matter how simple it seems, if something goes wrong where there is injury, or fire, or property damage it will not be covered by insurance.
When you call someone in to your home to do servicing such as electrical, plumbing, or construction, they must be approved/licensed to do the work. They must do the work and use parts/materials to meet proper standards. This is referred to as "meeting proper code."
When you have any appliance or device serviced the service people have to service it to meet code.
I've worked in the electronics industry. Going back some decades ago (I am in my 70s), I was designing industrial precision power supplies and chargers. I also worked in the broadcast television field, and supporting super computer systems.
@@devnull7550 Indeed. The title (it was translated in my language, I see something like "wrap the bulb in insulating tape") and the miniature of the video were clearly misleading. Intriguing indeed, so totally clickbait.
Are you seriously that cheap to go buy a new bulb?
nice fire starter! insurance companies are standing by
That was my thought exactly. Hope everyone reads your comment.
I wanted to add you should have mentioned Insurance Co's standing by laughing, will not pay.
Like the old days when a fuse blew out in a fuse box for your house, some people would insert a copper penny instead of replacing the fuse. House fires were started that way. Einsteins.
Great idea, I will definitely give it a try when I have the chance.
Great! Let me know how it goes when you try it out! 😊
Todo eso funciona únicamente para un caso de extrema emergencia. Los leds que están buenos en menos de unas horas se quemarán porque cada uno recibirá una tensión mayor a la soportable según su característica, producto de que tomarán la carga del led faltante. Gracias.
Lo correcto sería colocar una resistencia similar a la del led o un led de de algún descarte, en vez de puentear con aluminio, de todas maneras no será que en pocos días se quemen...tengo algunas puenteadas desde hace mas de un año y funcan, todo depende de la calidad de los materiales, saludos cordiales Cacho
en mi pais la mayoria de esas lámpara tienen fuentes conmutadas (como la de este video), que disminuye la tención, si puenteas algunos de ellos, no ocurre lo mismo con los de fuente capacitiva que sí aumenta el voltaje de la serie. pero el problema es que ese led ya se quemo por exceso de trabajo y calor los demás están en similares condiciones se volverán a quemar por eso. se puede extender reduciendo el voltaje de la fuente. (toda la info se encuentra en youtube)
Cool! Thanks for showing us that!
Se quemará muy pronto otro led por que se recarga la tensión...hay que puentear con una pequeña resistencia. - Gracias por la información. -
Que valor deve ser esse pequeno resistor?
@@wilsonroberto3481 Buen día Wilson, perdón por la demora, pero no reviso los correos como corresponde, te cuento, hay que poner una pequeña resistencia que reemplace el consumo de, o, las retiradas para no recargar el resto y evitar que se quemen. - Depende del voltaje de trabajo de cada led de 12volt o 18volt se recomienda resistencia de 80 Homs a 200 Homs , va iluminar menos pero durar mas,. Saludos.-
Nowadays, it's so easy for people to repair LED light bulbs that light bulb manufacturers should be worried that we won't buy new bulbs. :)
1. The title of the video has nothing to do with what is being demonstrated. 2. The electrical circuit of the bulb was designed to operate with the 7 LEDs. Shunting the position of the defective LED now causes the remaining LEDs causes an increase of power dissipation of each device to increase and will likely cause failures in the near future. Not to mention the additional heating could cause unpredictable results depending on how the bulb is being used. This is a really bad idea!
It would cause disastrous results with total mayhem and carnage.
Ese tipo de reparaciones son útiles si te encuentras en la selva, lejos de la civilización; pero es mejor puentear con soldadura, ya que el papel aluminio provocará calor en exceso y podría ocurrir un accidente, quemandose el cableado y con riesgo de quemarse tu casa. min3:10
Y con q lo soldaria
É muito mais fácil dar um pingo de solda estanho neste led queimado . Fica um serviço mais top .
Um forte abraço e uma excelente semana .
Superbe idée, mes félicitations. Il est possible d'acheter ces micros LED et de coller celle qui ne fonctionne plus. Merci beaucoup pour la réparation👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍.
You did a great job, I will learn from you
Thank you! I'm glad you found the video helpful. 😊.
This is good, and I use such types of bulbs, and one stopped working so I tried this but...there is a problem. That bulb that I have has more of those LEDs and those exposed places on each of those, well my bulb has no such exposed parts, so I wasn't able to determine where the problem is because there is nothing, no such exposed places. I thought that maybe I should try to make exposed parts on each, but that material above is hard, and in any case, I would probably destroy LEDs, so this is not working as a tip for every bulb of this type.
Muchas gracias, por esta enseñanza, yo tengo 3 focos que segun no funcionan, voy a arreglarlos, 1000 gracias.
You,sir, are a genius!! How practical and inexepensive!! God bless youl May you live long and prosper, Mr, Spock!
Excelente video amigo, ya que segun las bombillas led duran 10000 horas y resulta que al poco tiempo se te descomponen. Gracias
Interesting, but people keep mentioning the title as being accurate. Where is the wrapping electrical tape around the bulb part?
That part was edited out, as it did absolutely nothing.
Thank you, UA-cam for providing a platform for music and useful ,
Practical ideas!
Μπράβο!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Τό έκανα καί δούλεψε!!! Να είσαι καλά!!!
I love that idea when I try it probably not but I love it. Lightbulbs is so expensive.❤
Lógicamente que será temporal, ya que al quitarle un diodo LED y hacer puente, aumenta la tensión de los LED restantes, no se olvide que está conectado en serie y la tensión está calculada en base a la cantidad de LED, al existir más tensión en los restantes acorta más rápido su vida útil!!
How sure are you that it won't cause a fire in the socket? Ty
Great, thank you for this!
Interesting. When are you going to wrap it?
Right? When I see crap like this I think it's just a ploy to get us to watch the ads. I'm out.....
This is SO amazing I can't even tell the tape is there!
I'm thinking that trip to the store might be easier....
Intéressant mais la présence du papier d'aluminium et celle du ruban adhésif ne risque t-elle pas de générer une chaleur voire une flamme ? À utiliser avec discernement. Merci
And as time goes by, you could keep doing that until there is just one diode left. Or you could just spend a few bucks and purchase a package of new bulbs.
Why stop at just one diode when you can keep the magic going? 🌟🔮💡
Bom dia , faço o mesmo com um pingo de solda branca , mais um pouco de trabalho , porem mais seguro .
Então ensina para todos nós 👍
I was impressed.
exelente ,sencillo muy practico gracias !! bahia blanca Argrntina
E declara-lhes os estatutos e as leis, e faze-lhes saber o caminho em que devem andar, e a obra que devem fazer.
E tu dentre todo o povo procura homens capazes, tementes a Deus, homens de verdade, que odeiem a avareza; e põe-nos sobre eles por maiorais de mil, maiorais de cem, maiorais de cinqüenta, e maiorais de dez;
Para que julguem este povo em todo o tempo; e seja que todo o negócio grave tragam a ti, mas todo o negócio pequeno eles o julguem; assim a ti mesmo te aliviarás da carga, e eles a levarão contigo.
Se isto fizeres, e Deus to mandar, poderás então subsistir; assim também todo este povo em paz irá ao seu lugar.
E Moisés deu ouvidos à voz de seu sogro, e fez tudo quanto tinha dito;
E escolheu Moisés homens capazes, de todo o Israel, e os pôs por cabeças sobre o povo; maiorais de mil, maiorais de cem, maiorais de cinqüenta e maiorais de dez.
E eles julgaram o povo em todo o tempo; o negócio árduo trouxeram a Moisés, e todo o negócio pequeno julgaram eles.
Então despediu Moisés o seu sogro, o qual se foi à sua terra.
Êxodo 18:20-27
Seems OK, but do not forget that you short circuit the nonworking LED; so the remaining LEDs will be exposed to a higher voltage. May be this is OK if you just short circuit one of the LEDs, but you need to be careful when you short circuit more. Besides, it probable that the higher voltage will result is less emitted light per the power consumed. This is, because the light emitted depends linearly on the current [amperage] passing through and not the power consumed. In fact, the higher voltage will likely result in mismathced band gap, resulting in less light per the amount of current, because more of the charge carriers will be wasted (they will only do heating, and not lighting). So, in the long run you might not save any money.
mismatched, not mismathced. Besides, no comma is needed in the third line after "This is." I wish you could edit these postings.
You're wrong. These lamps work with LEDs powered by a current generator that regulates the current delivered by the rectifying circuit. The corresponding voltage falls on each led diode.
The current in a household LED used for lighting is regulated by a switch-mode power regulator, and they are designed for a specific switching frequency that minimizes the power losses. For a switching frequency different from the optimal frequency, there are higher power losses. Short circuiting one of the LEDs results in a different switching requency, away from the optimal design frequency. If the switching frequency changes, the noise reduction circuit will also work less efficiently.
@@herwinbregi8270 I meant my post below about current regulators as a reply to your post.
Q buena explicación entendí perfecto no iluminará como antes pero si recalentar más. Q Antes y es riesgoso sos un capo. Lo barato terminaría siendo caroo
Fiz em 3 lampadas durou poe alguna minutos e o calor soltou a fita, mas finciona😊
cola com super bond...
Extraordinario, gracias por enseñas a las personas
Thank a lot 👏👍🤝
полезно здраве и късмет поздрави от България
Looks good.watching from cotabato
Excelente enseñanza!!!!! Gracias amigo
2 hacks here!! the foil idea is good, but... I didn't know you could strip insulation off a (small) wire with heat from a lighter!!
Merci ! Bon tuyau ( ou astuce)
Monami français , vai aumentar a corrente nos leds nao queimados em 1 hora ou menos queimara outros leds no led queimado tem que se colocar um pequeno resistor pra atenuar a voltagem e assim protege os demais leds.
Great video!
Interesting but why the clickbait and picture of wrapping black tape around the base? Completely unnecessary.
Is there any particular reason you did this in the yard instead of at a work bench? Just curious.
Genial........................buena solucion ........................
Did I do it correctly? I now have a yard full of bulbs, it’s beginning to get out of control. Everyday I leave the house. It seems like there is even more of them.
Is there a way to reverse the process? I am good now. I have enough to last for as far as I can imagine.
great, thank you
OK for short term, but you are loading the rest of the Diodes more! So it's best to source an LED to bridge the PCB Contacts.
Throw away get new one screw in. Very simple
Propojení vadného led čipu alobalem a izolackou je hnus "!
A navíc žárovka se zahřeje a lepící izolacka může spadnout časem.
Jedině,, pájka a cín!!!!
Indeed nice ! 👌👌🌹
Un 10 gracias amigo por publicarlo...👌
Mui bien sigue aciendo nuevas tecnologias. 😊😊😊
Thanks for the info!
Very clever
The preview photo and description are not what you find in view. Probably not safe (like using a penny in a fuse box) . Quicker to go to the store and buy new bulb.
Pregunto no es mejor un alambrecito del cable ..tiene que tocar los extremos del
En que parte del video envolvió la bombilla con la cinta aislante ?
buena pregunta
Lo voy salvaste un montón de dinero.. gracias.
Interesting but won’t last - so no thanks. It’s just a quick trip to my local hardware store for a new bulb!
Y la cinta aislante ? El vídeo no coincide con el título 😢
Esa canija costumbre están usando muchos sinvergüenzas con tal de atraer mucha gente, y ganar más dinero.
No se que conoce ud como "cinta aislante"... Pero al menos donde yo vivo, la cinta aislante o cinta aisladora, es la negra que utiliza en el video para pegar y cubrir el papel aluminio. Saludos.
Parabéns pelo ótimo vídeo
Congratulations!.. A perfect speachless video!.. Thank you
Depois toda a congregação dos filhos de Israel partiu do deserto de Sim pelas suas jornadas, segundo o mandamento do Senhor, e acampou em Refidim; não havia ali água para o povo beber.
Então contendeu o povo com Moisés, e disse: Dá-nos água para beber. E Moisés lhes disse: Por que contendeis comigo? Por que tentais ao Senhor?
Tendo pois ali o povo sede de água, o povo murmurou contra Moisés, e disse: Por que nos fizeste subir do Egito, para nos matares de sede, a nós e aos nossos filhos, e ao nosso gado?
E clamou Moisés ao Senhor, dizendo: Que farei a este povo? Daqui a pouco me apedrejará.
Então disse o Senhor a Moisés: Passa diante do povo, e toma contigo alguns dos anciãos de Israel; e toma na tua mão a tua vara, com que feriste o rio, e vai.
Eis que eu estarei ali diante de ti sobre a rocha, em Horebe, e tu ferirás a rocha, e dela sairão águas e o povo beberá. E Moisés assim o fez, diante dos olhos dos anciãos de Israel.
E chamou aquele lugar Massá e Meribá, por causa da contenda dos filhos de Israel, e porque tentaram ao Senhor, dizendo: Está o Senhor no meio de nós, ou não?
Êxodo 17:1-7
Gostei por demais e achei foi bommmmmm! Tenho lâmpadas dessa e vou recuperar. Obrigado pela maravilhosa aula.
Depois disse Moisés a Arão: Dize a toda a congregação dos filhos de Israel: Chegai-vos à presença do Senhor, porque ouviu as vossas murmurações.
E aconteceu que, quando falou Arão a toda a congregação dos filhos de Israel, e eles se viraram para o deserto, eis que a glória do Senhor apareceu na nuvem.
E o Senhor falou a Moisés, dizendo:
Tenho ouvido as murmurações dos filhos de Israel. Fala-lhes, dizendo: Entre as duas tardes comereis carne, e pela manhã vos fartareis de pão; e sabereis que eu sou o Senhor vosso Deus.
E aconteceu que à tarde subiram codornizes, e cobriram o arraial; e pela manhã jazia o orvalho ao redor do arraial.
E quando o orvalho se levantou, eis que sobre a face do deserto estava uma coisa miúda, redonda, miúda como a geada sobre a terra.
E, vendo-a os filhos de Israel, disseram uns aos outros: Que é isto? Porque não sabiam o que era. Disse-lhes pois Moisés: Este é o pão que o Senhor vos deu para comer.
Esta é a palavra que o Senhor tem mandado: Colhei dele cada um conforme ao que pode comer, um ômer por cabeça, segundo o número das vossas almas; cada um tomará para os que se acharem na sua tenda.
E os filhos de Israel fizeram assim; e colheram, uns mais e outros menos.
Êxodo 16:9-17
Thank you a lot
Muy bueno!!!...gracias!
The video shows tape being wound around the base of the bulb. But it is put inside. Ridiculous.
Yeah. Typical click bait ...
Sencillamente Hacer 1 Puente Y Listo....Gracias...❤❤❤❤❤
Muy interesante. El gran problema (casi imposible de resolver) es la gran dificultad de separar la carcasa superior porque vienen muy, muy unidas a la base. Es prácticamente imposible separarlas.
En mi país, la mayoría se destapa con mucha facilidad, me preocuparía más el tema que comentan otros usuarios de la posibilidad de sobrecalentamiento e incendio...
La cortas con una sierra y luego la vuelves a pegar y listo
Se puede separar, unas más duras que otras pero si se puede, también depende de la marca el sellado del foco.
You can cut them with a hacksaw or a cutting wheel or a Dremel tool
Thank you for sharing :) Like for you : I wish you a wonderful weekend
I really love things like this. Thanks for sharing. Reading all the comments to see what other ideas you stirred up. Jesus bless.
This whole video was shot in the middle of a field. That makes the author of the video a field service technician!
wheres part about tape around base as shown and stated?
My led bulbs cap ( diffuser ) burst out on its own. It got thrown a feet away from where the bulb is placed ( on the ceiling ) . Is it normal?
Si te ven los de la NASA te contratan ( Andaaaaa)!!!
Gracias por compartir
Excelente amigo!
Thank you very much !
still searching for when he wrapped the bulb in insulating tape... only see where he COVERED foil with a piece of tape.
I have a bulb like this but it starts blinking after being on for 5 minutes. Do you have a video for that?
The best thing that can be done is to solder the 2 contacts where the led was and it works without the need to put tape
Lo mejor que se puede hacer es soldar con estaño los 2 contactos donde estaba el led y funciona sin necesidad de poner cinta
the best i have seen
Very smart ,thanks sharing
Just scrape the yellow bit away to reveal the 2 contacts - add a drop of self-fluxing solder.
Done it many times.
He lives outside and has only one socket no solder iron or wire strippers he needs the light before it gets dark.
Sos un genio te felicito. WOW
Genial. Mas, como se cobre um sensor da lâmpada com fita preta, eu acho que essa lâmpada não fica 100 % luminosa como era antes, quando nova...
Wow, wish I had known about this a month ago, I just threw out a blub just like this then! THANKS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE!
pretty dangerous using aluminium foil which would create a high resistance joint, which in turn creates heat which could soften the tape possibly catching it on fire. a soldered copper wire would be much safer. the life of the other LEDS would be shortened because they will have increased brightness due the higher voltage across them.
Idea eccellente che in tanti non sanno wow