Jeremiah 31v35-36 Thus says the Lord, which gives the Sun for light of day, and the Moon and stars for a light at night, which divideth the seas. If those ordiances depart from befor me, then the seed of Israel also will cease from being a nation before me for ever. It will Never Cease !
That is a wonderful passage. It's so important that we observe these words of God. He is telling us that He intends to be faithful to His promises to the Jewish forefathers, and we will watch and see that faithfulness carried out - even in contemporary times.
That scripture interpreted rightly is about Jesus coming to fulfill that prophecy. Everyone in Christ is in Israel and anyone out of him whether Jew or Gentile is not in Israel. The seed of Israel is Christ who is also called the seed of Abraham. Hebrews 11:8-10 8 By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. 9 By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. 10 For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God. Abraham’s promised land was not a physical land but a spiritual one built by God. That’s the heavenly Jerusalem which Paul says is the mother of all believers. That’s the everlasting land.
@@LifeinMessiahThose promises were already fulfilled when Christ came on the scene. Paul clearly states in Romans 9 that Gods promises to Israel had not failed. But that sonship was no longer by bloodline but by faith in Jesus because of the promise he made to Abraham. Paul states very clearly that the children of the flesh are not the children of God. Romans 9:6-8. In fact, the Jews are likened to Ishmael the persecutor of Isaac who is likened to believers. And he said even as Ishmael persecuted Isaac, so do the Jews persecute believers. Gal 4:21-31. Romans 11:25-26 is tied to Romans 9:25-27 which are tied to Hosea 1:4-11 You absolutely need to read and study the above scriptures to understand this well. In summary, Paul is quoting the prophecy from Hosea 1 where God said he will disown the house of Israel and they shall not be called his people any longer making them gentiles. But promised that he will bring them back in again by raising someone who will reunite them and be head over them which is Jesus. So when Paul says in Romans 9:25-27 that not of the Jews only but also of the gentiles, he is referring to the house of Israel that was disowned. Fast forward to Romans 11:25-26. When he said when the fullness of the gentiles are come in all Israel will be saved, he is talking about same gentiles in Romans 9:25-27. The Jews had already started being saved first then carried the gospel to the gentile Hebrews disowned and dispersed around the world. Romans 11:25-26 was fulfilled in 70AD when the temple was destroyed. It marked the end of the Mosaic system and the end of Physical Israel. But Jesus prophesied about them Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
1 Peter 2:9 But YOU are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. YOU is the church, the Israel of God, made up of both jew and Gentile!
Have you EVER studied Ancient Jewish History "read" Josephus or have you read the ancient Roman Historian Tacitus? - and their description/reporting on the fall of Jerusalem/Judah in 70 AD. These are "certified factual" reports that will make you consider your stance and re- examine your Biblical perspective on what you have just claimed"its because I read/know?" my Bible!
Your point is noted, but it's important to note that Messiah is seen as very trustworthy as He carries out God's promises to the Jewish people-those descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. So long ago, God made promises to these forefathers, and even four thousand years later we can see Him carrying out those promises. It helps us to trust Him even more; yes, it strengthens our faith. Thank you for viewing.
@@LifeinMessiah Again, you are in error because what is happening is no fulfillment of prophecy. After the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, there is no other prophecy about the rebirth of Israel. What is happening is a fabrication of prophecy. If Israel was to reborn it would be reborn with the tribes defined. But modern day J3ws who are converts do not belong to any tribe. In fact because they know that they are not true J3ws, they have banned DNA testing to find your ancestry.
@@LifeinMessiah God carried out ALL of His Promises when the Jews entered Canaan. Joshua 21:45 says this: AMPLIFIED BIBLE: Not one of the good promises which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel failed; all had come to pass. they inherited the land from the North to the South and the east to the West - Just as God Promised Israel would! BUT IN SPITE of Gods warnings to them? they fell into Heathen and satanic practices - the Prophets warned them - buy the IGNORED the warnings! First the Assyrians, then centuries later the Babylonians conquered them and took them into captivity. God told them the Land He gave them would "vomit" them out. Lev 18 vs 28 AMP [do none of these things] so that the land will not vomit you out, should you defile it, as it has vomited out the nation which has been before you. - which it finally did in AD 70 after they had rejected and murdered their "Messiah" - they were judged by Jesus Himself with His Angels in chariots of Fire. Go read the Jewish Historian ( who was in Israel at the time) when the Romans came and slaughtered millions of Jews! GO READ HERE:
We have read both the TaNaKh and the New Testament writings. Our conclusion is that they are two halves to the very same novel. The heart, character, and plans of God are consistent throughout both halves. In fact, it is the New Testament that resolves the things God left unresolved prior to the first century. This is especially true regarding the promised coming of the Messiah. He came. The second half of the book explains the rest of the story God is trying to get us to listen to. And this story is amazing!
@@LifeinMessiah You considered the Holy Hebrew Scriptures as a novel? well I disagree with you but well the NT writings are definitely only Jewish letters for sure not Holy Scriptures. FYI: The NT writings could never be Holy Scriptures like the OT. why? because the NT writings were not written by prophets recognized by Israel. They were just Jewish writings by a religious movement. The OT were recognized prophets by a nation called Israel regardless of the outcome. God revealed everything through his prophets only my friend. That's it. Read Amos 3:7 The NT writings suppose to confirm the OT writings otherwise they are nothing but fraud. Read Luke 24:44,45 Unfortunately Jesus did not meet those messianic prophetic requirements. The source and true word of God come from the prophets . Jesus said that the word of the prophets were the truth. John 17 17,19 I am using your own book to prove that your christian doctrines contradict even the NT writings. That's how bad it is. Therefore, there is no part one and part two. It's only what Amos 3:7 stated along with what all the prophets agreed. They definitely don't agree with Jesus' claims.
@@TorahisLifeandLight Without Jesus and the New Testament, the Tanach is just a fairy tale which can never be fulfilled. But most importantly Jesus is the New Covenant promised in Jeremiah 31:31-32, which manifests in Jeremiah 33:14-16. Without Jesus no one can be righteous before God and no one has anything to do with God even if you're a Jew. And the Old Testament prophets and their writings cannot save you only the Letters in the New Testament and Jesus who can save you.
@@TorahisLifeandLight Well I am not surprised coming from a practicing J3w. That’s how they missed it before and still staying in ignorance. This is from your own scriptures from Moses whom you claim to be the greatest. Deuteronomy 18:15 “The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me [Moses] from among you, from your countrymen (brothers, brethren). You shall listen to him.
The Jews as a collective covenantal group have been replaced. The individuals Jews who are in Christ are the inheritors of all the promises to the Jews right from Abraham. So, God has played his role of being faithful. If they've not been replaced where's their covenant of Righteousness? And why haven't they heard from God in over 2 thousand years? The Church are the True collective Israel, the covenantal and righteous Israel.
Jeremiah 31v35-36 Thus says the Lord, which gives the Sun for light of day, and the Moon and stars for a light at night, which divideth the seas.
If those ordiances depart from befor me, then the seed of Israel also will cease from being a nation before me for ever.
It will Never Cease !
That is a wonderful passage. It's so important that we observe these words of God. He is telling us that He intends to be faithful to His promises to the Jewish forefathers, and we will watch and see that faithfulness carried out - even in contemporary times.
That scripture interpreted rightly is about Jesus coming to fulfill that prophecy. Everyone in Christ is in Israel and anyone out of him whether Jew or Gentile is not in Israel. The seed of Israel is Christ who is also called the seed of Abraham.
Hebrews 11:8-10
8 By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.
9 By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise.
10 For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.
Abraham’s promised land was not a physical land but a spiritual one built by God. That’s the heavenly Jerusalem which Paul says is the mother of all believers. That’s the everlasting land.
@@LifeinMessiahThose promises were already fulfilled when Christ came on the scene.
Paul clearly states in Romans 9 that Gods promises to Israel had not failed. But that sonship was no longer by bloodline but by faith in Jesus because of the promise he made to Abraham.
Paul states very clearly that the children of the flesh are not the children of God. Romans 9:6-8.
In fact, the Jews are likened to Ishmael the persecutor of Isaac who is likened to believers. And he said even as Ishmael persecuted Isaac, so do the Jews persecute believers. Gal 4:21-31.
Romans 11:25-26 is tied to Romans 9:25-27 which are tied to Hosea 1:4-11
You absolutely need to read and study the above scriptures to understand this well.
In summary, Paul is quoting the prophecy from Hosea 1 where God said he will disown the house of Israel and they shall not be called his people any longer making them gentiles. But promised that he will bring them back in again by raising someone who will reunite them and be head over them which is Jesus.
So when Paul says in Romans 9:25-27 that not of the Jews only but also of the gentiles, he is referring to the house of Israel that was disowned.
Fast forward to Romans 11:25-26. When he said when the fullness of the gentiles are come in all Israel will be saved, he is talking about same gentiles in Romans 9:25-27.
The Jews had already started being saved first then carried the gospel to the gentile Hebrews disowned and dispersed around the world.
Romans 11:25-26 was fulfilled in 70AD when the temple was destroyed. It marked the end of the Mosaic system and the end of Physical Israel.
But Jesus prophesied about them
Revelation 2:9
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
And the Jews are liars according to Jesus Christ in Revelation. "Say they are of Judah but do lie."
Jesus is the new Temple the final one these guys are dispensationalists
Knowing the bible is not always sufficient. Bad logic leads to false knowledge... False knowledge, when it accumulates, is not easy to untangle...
1 Peter 2:9 But YOU are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
YOU is the church, the Israel of God, made up of both jew and Gentile!
Have you EVER studied Ancient Jewish History "read" Josephus or have you read the ancient Roman Historian Tacitus? - and their description/reporting on the fall of Jerusalem/Judah in 70 AD. These are "certified factual" reports that will make you consider your stance and re- examine your Biblical perspective on what you have just claimed"its because I read/know?" my Bible!
Replacement theology is when dispensationalists replaced Christ with a re-emerged national Israel as the sacred centrepiece of prophecy. ✔️
Your point is noted, but it's important to note that Messiah is seen as very trustworthy as He carries out God's promises to the Jewish people-those descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. So long ago, God made promises to these forefathers, and even four thousand years later we can see Him carrying out those promises. It helps us to trust Him even more; yes, it strengthens our faith. Thank you for viewing.
They would be anything but dispensationalists
@@LifeinMessiah The root of the matter is that dispensationalists are incapable of identifying
the true Israel of God. ✔️
@@LifeinMessiah Again, you are in error because what is happening is no fulfillment of prophecy. After the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, there is no other prophecy about the rebirth of Israel. What is happening is a fabrication of prophecy. If Israel was to reborn it would be reborn with the tribes defined. But modern day J3ws who are converts do not belong to any tribe. In fact because they know that they are not true J3ws, they have banned DNA testing to find your ancestry.
@@LifeinMessiah God carried out ALL of His Promises when the Jews entered Canaan. Joshua 21:45 says this: AMPLIFIED BIBLE: Not one of the good promises which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel failed; all had come to pass. they inherited the land from the North to the South and the east to the West - Just as God Promised Israel would! BUT IN SPITE of Gods warnings to them? they fell into Heathen and satanic practices - the Prophets warned them - buy the IGNORED the warnings! First the Assyrians, then centuries later the Babylonians conquered them and took them into captivity. God told them the Land He gave them would "vomit" them out. Lev 18 vs 28 AMP [do none of these things] so that the land will not vomit you out, should you defile it, as it has vomited out the nation which has been before you. - which it finally did in AD 70 after they had rejected and murdered their "Messiah" - they were judged by Jesus Himself with His Angels in chariots of Fire. Go read the Jewish Historian ( who was in Israel at the time) when the Romans came and slaughtered millions of Jews! GO READ HERE:
We have read both the TaNaKh and the New Testament writings. Our conclusion is that they are two halves to the very same novel. The heart, character, and plans of God are consistent throughout both halves. In fact, it is the New Testament that resolves the things God left unresolved prior to the first century. This is especially true regarding the promised coming of the Messiah. He came. The second half of the book explains the rest of the story God is trying to get us to listen to. And this story is amazing!
@@LifeinMessiah You considered the Holy Hebrew Scriptures as a novel? well I disagree with you but well the NT writings are definitely only Jewish letters for sure not Holy Scriptures. FYI: The NT writings could never be Holy Scriptures like the OT. why? because the NT writings were not written by prophets recognized by Israel. They were just Jewish writings by a religious movement. The OT were recognized prophets by a nation called Israel regardless of the outcome. God revealed everything through his prophets only my friend. That's it. Read Amos 3:7
The NT writings suppose to confirm the OT writings otherwise they are nothing but fraud. Read Luke 24:44,45
Unfortunately Jesus did not meet those messianic prophetic requirements.
The source and true word of God come from the prophets . Jesus said that the word of the prophets were the truth. John 17 17,19
I am using your own book to prove that your christian doctrines contradict even the NT writings. That's how bad it is.
Therefore, there is no part one and part two. It's only what Amos 3:7 stated along with what all the prophets agreed. They definitely don't agree with Jesus' claims.
Without Jesus and the New Testament, the Tanach is just a fairy tale which can never be fulfilled.
But most importantly Jesus is the New Covenant promised in Jeremiah 31:31-32, which manifests in Jeremiah 33:14-16. Without Jesus no one can be righteous before God and no one has anything to do with God even if you're a Jew.
And the Old Testament prophets and their writings cannot save you only the Letters in the New Testament and Jesus who can save you.
@@TorahisLifeandLight Well I am not surprised coming from a practicing J3w. That’s how they missed it before and still staying in ignorance.
This is from your own scriptures from Moses whom you claim to be the greatest.
Deuteronomy 18:15
“The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me [Moses] from among you, from your countrymen (brothers, brethren). You shall listen to him.
You put the Jesus fish inside the star of remphan, opinion disregarded
Nothing specific! Grifters in action!
The Jews as a collective covenantal group have been replaced. The individuals Jews who are in Christ are the inheritors of all the promises to the Jews right from Abraham. So, God has played his role of being faithful. If they've not been replaced where's their covenant of Righteousness? And why haven't they heard from God in over 2 thousand years?
The Church are the True collective Israel, the covenantal and righteous Israel.