Very interesting. Great job dialoguing respectfully and listening to the young man being interviewed. He’s so eloquent and kind. Would love to hear more believers in Jesus speaking like him. What I found interesting was the idea the Chabad followers have of an intermediary or intercessor. And also his comments on matters of faith, and loving a Jew unconditionally regardless of their beliefs.
What's up, friend. Always good to hear from you. This young man was really nice. We interviewed him in Manhattan's Financial District. He was very open to discussing with us. As you know, Scott and this young Lubavitcher man may not agree on all things theologically, but one thing we do on this channel is remind everyone that God has a special calling on and covenant with the Jewish people. When we read the Bible and study history we can see God has remained committed to His promises to Israel through thick and thin, good times and bad times. It is a blessing to observe that faithfulness because it reminds us that God will be faithful to us as individuals in regards to His promises of forgiveness through the Messiah prophesied about in Isaiah chapter 53. That's the Messiah who was born in the place God promised Messiah would be born in Micah 5:1-2. So, while we disagree theologically with certain sects of Judaism, we maintain a full respect and love for them at all times, knowing that they are special in the eyes of God. Hope you're having a good week. B
It's so wonderful to see someone from Egypt supporting Israel. I've been to Egypt and had a wonderful time. In fact, the beaches along the eastern edge of the Sinai are as good as it gets. :) Keep speaking the truth, friend. Also, stay updated with our channel. We've got some great stuff coming up. B
i Witness to jews -- in Israel About 2.5 years-- i use 💙💙Isaiah 53 💙💙 written 700 Years Before❤ Yeshua---== -*-*-*- By HIS WOUNDS WE HEALED -*-*-*----- and💜 Daniel 9:24-27 --- says within the 70x7=490 Years the 6 Things in verse 24 will be Done-- Messiah COME and 😡CUT OFF😡-- the 69x7= 483 Years do Come to Time of 💙Yeshua and JOHN💙-- then we read Messiah COMES 💦💦BEFORE🖤🖤 Jerusalem and Temple DESTROYED🖤🖤💦💦--- BEFORE💜 BEFORE-💜- BOTH JOHN and Yeshua were Around 30ce-- then Yeshua 🖤CUT OFF Crucified🖤-- then 40 More YEARS BOTH 🖤🖤 Jerusalem and Temple are 🖤🖤DESTROYED 🖤🖤 .... Yeshua was CUT OFF BEFORE the 🖤🖤Destructions🖤🖤========== GREAT Proof of the Truth of YESHUA
*** in witnessing i use ISAIAH 53 and DANIEL 9:24-27 a LOT-- BOTH GREAT JEWISH Prophets-- ISAIAH 53 says BY HIS WOUNDS WE ARE HEALED_- there is Healing in Yeshua and He CARRIED our sins in 53-------------- and Daniel 9:24-27 says Messiah Comes*** BEFORE ***BEFORE Jerusalem and temple DESTROYED { 70ce by romans } and the 70x7= 490 YEARS does come to the TIME of JOHN and Yeshua .. Artaxerxes in 7th year said GO REBUILD Jerusalem in TIMES of EZRA and Neheniah-- so the 490 YEARS have LONG EXPIRED and Messiah ALREADY HAS COME as Daniel SAID-- also DANIEL said CUT OFF== CRUCIFIED========= so this is Yeshua ****
" Jew and Gentile alike". 1/3 will believe in Jesus Messiah during Jacob's Trouble. Probably through the wonderful preaching of the Two Witnesses ( Elijah and Moses big candidates because the signs and wonders are the same they did in O.T.). I would have a hard time witnessing to A religious Jewish person because I know the heartache that awaits their false Messiah choice..." the Covenant of death and hell". We ALL come to Messiah through belief in His finished work on the cross. ALL. So sad to me about their blindness but I do support the Jews
Well, thanks for viewing. I guarantee there is some good stuff around our channel. Def check it out. Also, we're releasing a film in 2025. We should have the trailer up shortly. It's about the rise of antisemitism since October 7, 2023.
Very interesting. Great job dialoguing respectfully and listening to the young man being interviewed. He’s so eloquent and kind. Would love to hear more believers in Jesus speaking like him. What I found interesting was the idea the Chabad followers have of an intermediary or intercessor. And also his comments on matters of faith, and loving a Jew unconditionally regardless of their beliefs.
What's up, friend. Always good to hear from you. This young man was really nice. We interviewed him in Manhattan's Financial District. He was very open to discussing with us. As you know, Scott and this young Lubavitcher man may not agree on all things theologically, but one thing we do on this channel is remind everyone that God has a special calling on and covenant with the Jewish people. When we read the Bible and study history we can see God has remained committed to His promises to Israel through thick and thin, good times and bad times. It is a blessing to observe that faithfulness because it reminds us that God will be faithful to us as individuals in regards to His promises of forgiveness through the Messiah prophesied about in Isaiah chapter 53. That's the Messiah who was born in the place God promised Messiah would be born in Micah 5:1-2. So, while we disagree theologically with certain sects of Judaism, we maintain a full respect and love for them at all times, knowing that they are special in the eyes of God. Hope you're having a good week. B
I’m Egyptian Christian loves my Jewish brothers and sisters and I pray that God open their eyes to see Yeshua ❤
As a jew, I don't like christians..
You guys are idol worshipers
Don't try to force your satanic religion on us
It's so wonderful to see someone from Egypt supporting Israel. I've been to Egypt and had a wonderful time. In fact, the beaches along the eastern edge of the Sinai are as good as it gets. :) Keep speaking the truth, friend. Also, stay updated with our channel. We've got some great stuff coming up. B
Interesting name, bro. Glad you're watching our videos and getting a dose of truth.
I'm the Mashiach. ⚡️⚡️
i Witness to jews -- in Israel About 2.5 years-- i use 💙💙Isaiah 53 💙💙 written 700 Years Before❤ Yeshua---== -*-*-*- By HIS WOUNDS WE HEALED -*-*-*----- and💜 Daniel 9:24-27 --- says within the 70x7=490 Years the 6 Things in verse 24 will be Done-- Messiah COME and 😡CUT OFF😡-- the 69x7= 483 Years do Come to Time of 💙Yeshua and JOHN💙-- then we read Messiah COMES 💦💦BEFORE🖤🖤 Jerusalem and Temple DESTROYED🖤🖤💦💦--- BEFORE💜 BEFORE-💜- BOTH JOHN and Yeshua were Around 30ce-- then Yeshua 🖤CUT OFF Crucified🖤-- then 40 More YEARS BOTH 🖤🖤 Jerusalem and Temple are 🖤🖤DESTROYED 🖤🖤 .... Yeshua was CUT OFF BEFORE the 🖤🖤Destructions🖤🖤========== GREAT Proof of the Truth of YESHUA
*** in witnessing i use ISAIAH 53 and DANIEL 9:24-27 a LOT-- BOTH GREAT JEWISH Prophets-- ISAIAH 53 says BY HIS WOUNDS WE ARE HEALED_- there is Healing in Yeshua and He CARRIED our sins in 53-------------- and Daniel 9:24-27 says Messiah Comes*** BEFORE ***BEFORE Jerusalem and temple DESTROYED { 70ce by romans } and the 70x7= 490 YEARS does come to the TIME of JOHN and Yeshua .. Artaxerxes in 7th year said GO REBUILD Jerusalem in TIMES of EZRA and Neheniah-- so the 490 YEARS have LONG EXPIRED and Messiah ALREADY HAS COME as Daniel SAID-- also DANIEL said CUT OFF== CRUCIFIED========= so this is Yeshua ****
You have a lot of emojis in this message.
@@LifeinMessiah yes fun to do
@@edbarnes6598Are you a 13 year old girl? Why so many emojis. This is a serious discussion about religion and faith we don’t need this type of text.
" Jew and Gentile alike". 1/3 will believe in Jesus Messiah during Jacob's Trouble. Probably through the wonderful preaching of the Two Witnesses ( Elijah and Moses big candidates because the signs and wonders are the same they did in O.T.). I would have a hard time witnessing to A religious Jewish person because I know the heartache that awaits their false Messiah choice..." the Covenant of death and hell". We ALL come to Messiah through belief in His finished work on the cross. ALL. So sad to me about their blindness but I do support the Jews
He said a whole lot of nothing
They're having a conversation and the young man was sharing what is important to him. We can just listen. There are some things to be learned.
You are not of God.
Nochri babble
Well, thanks for viewing. I guarantee there is some good stuff around our channel. Def check it out. Also, we're releasing a film in 2025. We should have the trailer up shortly. It's about the rise of antisemitism since October 7, 2023.