258 - The Final Elijah / In the Stream of Time - Walter Veith

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
  • Who is Elijah? What were the issues at stake in the times of the first and second Elijahs? Before the coming of the Lord, there will be a restoration of the true Gospel message. What is the message that Elijah must bring to restore all things? Who will the final Elijah be? What characteristics will the final Elijah have?
    What are the defining features of the remnant? What can we learn from a study of the various remnant movements described in the Bible? What characteristics did they have? What pivotal experience did they share? What are the Three Angels’ Messages of Revelation 14? And what is the everlasting Gospel?
    Who was William Miller and what similarities did he share with the earlier reformers? What was the Great Awakening and how widespread was it? What are the five doctrinal pillars of Adventism? What is the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church? And is Seventh-day Adventism a cult?
    Professor Walter J. Veith leads a Bible study on the final, antitypical Elijah. It is a study of the defining features of God’s remnant people described in Revelation 14.
    Discover more: amazingdiscover...


  • @jamiehoward5591
    @jamiehoward5591 2 роки тому +14

    Man, this guy is surely inspired by GOD!!

  • @davidsanganyi6888
    @davidsanganyi6888 3 роки тому +16

    So encouraging, so enlightening, so comforting to all SDA brothers and sisters al over the world. Indeed we have the special message of Elijah for the last days. From kitale Kenya.

  • @amberforcen1177
    @amberforcen1177 2 роки тому +10

    Walter is the only one who talks about this ! I haven’t found one person that mixes history, science, politics, secret societies with the Bible ! I absolutely love it ! I did research on this information for 2 1/2 years and I swore it was the Zionist but no and to learn the Bible at the same time ! I came across gnostic ,new age , critics of the Bible ! I had so many questions and he answers ALL of them !

  • @rickvelez6120
    @rickvelez6120 10 місяців тому +3

    I am in need of prayer. I love my church!

    • @kiritsuguemiya1547
      @kiritsuguemiya1547 8 місяців тому

      My friend I’m praying that may Christ Jesus Richly Bless you in grace and mercy for whatever you are in need ❤🙏🏽

    • @rickvelez6120
      @rickvelez6120 8 місяців тому +1

      Just pray for my church to completely come out of Laodicean stupor.

  • @patsyalanismy4686
    @patsyalanismy4686 4 роки тому +10

    This is quite an eye-opening message. What are we going to do with it- ignore it or continue the revolution Martin Luther started?
    This truly is a revolutionary message. May Yaweh give us boldness to live by our convictions.

  • @discerningacumen
    @discerningacumen 4 роки тому +25

    I think the doctrine of Seventh Day Adventist is in line with the doctrine of Jesus Christ that I love to read their articles even if I do not belong to any denomination of Protestant Churches. I had been but reading Bible refutes the teachings of most of churches which are not real churches that I departed from them.

    • @bobortel
      @bobortel 2 роки тому +1

      God is leAding you. Trust the Bible for this man is correct Biblically, as is
      Several others. Study, God guides.

    • @bobortel
      @bobortel 2 роки тому

      God is leading you ever. Stay with this church. I find it perfectly biblical. I am a member now and have found truth. Thank you Jesus.

    • @violethendrickson6080
      @violethendrickson6080 Рік тому

      Amen, God blesses all true in heart who follow him!

    • @makaalastone9061
      @makaalastone9061 8 місяців тому

      Aloha from the Island of Maui, SMK!
      There is NO such entity as the "Church of God!" Jesus, in Matthew 16:18, said to Peter, "I will build My Ecclesia and the gates of hell will never prevail against it!" He did NOT say I will build My Kuriakos and the gates of hell will never prevail against it!" DO THE RESEARCH, and you will find that the terms "Ecclesia" and "Church," are NOT synonymous, contrary to what many English Bible dictionaries and most all English publications - claim! They have been deceived by the Jesuit "pencil" - erasing the "Ecclesia" from the English biblical "language, and penciling in the term "Church, Eng./Kuriakos, Gk.," in its place! Typical Jesuit tactic! How well it has worked! And the whole world wondered after the Beast!
      Your friend and brother in Christ, Maka'ala Stone

  • @peterpearson2154
    @peterpearson2154 2 роки тому +5

    This message has such a profound impact on the heart..to cut through flesh marrow and bone,,, may the word of God which proceeds from His mouth be received into your hearts with meekness joy fear and gladness for reproof correction and training in righteousness and to fulfil the purpose for which He sent it and not to return to Him void ...Amen

  • @maxineporteous1320
    @maxineporteous1320 7 років тому +32

    It is important we pray for the remnant. Truth remains the same, as Jesus is, the same yesterday, today and forever. It is sometimes hard to swallow or accept but will be manifested in the fullness of time. Those who have an ear, let him hear what the Father continues to reveal to us. Jesus is the Only constant throughout our existence here on earth.

  • @pearlygirlie7053
    @pearlygirlie7053 4 роки тому +14

    A great blessing!!! Bless you !!

  • @susiwakeman4271
    @susiwakeman4271 3 роки тому +8

    Amen x thank you Prof Walter, you are a magnificent blessing to us all x God bless you always x much love from the UK xx

  • @kenbellchambers4577
    @kenbellchambers4577 5 років тому +11

    Thank you so much for your outstanding work. I am so moved sometimes, listening to you, that I feel as if I have been transported to heaven. May the Lord continue to bless you and your excellent ministry.

  • @playerzero2236
    @playerzero2236 4 роки тому +9

    I abandoned the gregorian calendar altogether, and my wife and I use the lunar/solar calendar the ancient Hebrew use. To me this sounds like the correct thing to do, use God's natural calendar that uses the spring equinox for years, and the new moon between each month.
    Walter said himself, and historians will back this up, the Passover always fell on a full moon. The day after the new moon is new moon day, and every seven days after that is Sabbath.
    The Hebrew word for Moon and Month were interchangeable.
    World's last chance backs this calendar as well, and to me it makes sense both scripturally and naturally, because it requires no adjustments or pre planning. You can within reason tell the day of the month by simply observing the moon. I believe God made it this way for a reason.

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 3 роки тому +1

      The weekly 7th day Sabbath is governed by the sun - not the moon. It is not a shadow of Christ as it was created prior to sin.

    • @playerzero2236
      @playerzero2236 Рік тому

      @@theway5563 Ok freemason

  • @willycat7445
    @willycat7445 3 роки тому +4

    Miller was an active Freemason until 1831. Miller resigned his Masonic membership in 1831, stating that he did so to "avoid fellowship with any practice that may be incompatible with the word of God among masons". By 1833 he wrote in a letter to his friends to treat Freemasonry "as they would any other evil".

  • @Christine.Colbert
    @Christine.Colbert 7 років тому +11

    Wonderful scriptural study!

  • @jennyward7202
    @jennyward7202 4 роки тому +5

    ❤️♥️💕 love AD and Walter Veith giving Bible truth and the 3 Angels messages of Revelation 14.

  • @therepentguy1653
    @therepentguy1653 6 років тому +10

    " Repent is the START "

  • @katrinabrowning4908
    @katrinabrowning4908 7 років тому +14

    Jesus is our high priest. The image of the beast is coming. Open your eyes,people!

    • @vincentrock1994
      @vincentrock1994 7 років тому +2

      Katrina Browning .The beast has already settled down. we at war.

    • @myag5087
      @myag5087 7 років тому +2

      Vincent Rock
      Yes, there's a war coming? Among many others?
      But God is in control . . .
      Truly God's time of the end is finally a pond us all, Christians or not.
      we're so close now.
      Just look around at this world . ...
      Pray like never before, Jesus will hear all honest hearts . . .
      God can do more in one moment then we can do in a lifetime.
      always hope in Jesus, for Jesus to bring peace, love,truth, a new heart into anyone who's sincere within ...
      Check out ' NSL' by, Jan Marcussen. Thanks.....

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 3 роки тому +2

      @@vincentrock1994 - The beast has not settled down. He is like a snake hiding in the grass. The image of the beast that will be set up by the USA (the land beast) will enable the sea beast of Rev 13 to arise fully again and have total dominion over the earth with both swords - the sword of temporal power (state unity) and the sword of false religious power. Church and state will be united and all will be forced to worship the beast, who represents Satan and his counterfeit doctrines from the bottomless pit.

    • @karenhetherington3585
      @karenhetherington3585 3 роки тому

      @@vincentrock1994 We are ALL involved in a spiritual war, a war for the mind.

  • @Austine-r8z
    @Austine-r8z 7 місяців тому

    Of a truth, he is inspired of God and I pray to Walk in His footsteps

  • @haroldbarry8118
    @haroldbarry8118 Рік тому +3

    Word for today.
    1st Timothy
    Chapter 6:7-12
    7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
    8 And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.
    9 But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.
    10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
    11 But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.
    12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses...
    Isaiah 54-17
    God's word for his people who believe ..
    [17] No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn.
    This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD...
    JESUS Matthew 6:33-34
    33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
    34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
    Amen .🙂

  • @margaretamoako4208
    @margaretamoako4208 Рік тому

    May God continue to bless you more and empower you more. Amen

  • @katrinabrowning4908
    @katrinabrowning4908 7 років тому +9

    Jason Smith,so true!Come out of her ,my people

  • @targetedindividual7931
    @targetedindividual7931 5 років тому +2

    Sin is falling short of God's perfect standard.

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 3 роки тому +1

      And the Bible is clear just what this standard is - His law, which is the image of God’s character attributes. We must be transformed back into His image - His character, or we will not be fit for His kingdom.

  • @andrewcameron6611
    @andrewcameron6611 2 роки тому +1

    Such a smart man

  • @georgedeboer8141
    @georgedeboer8141 2 роки тому +1

    Good day your answer is end time massage by William Branham

  • @lbatlas2
    @lbatlas2 3 роки тому +3


  • @aleksandrabissani567
    @aleksandrabissani567 7 років тому +4

    Thanks for your dedication to proclaim the Word of God. I pray for you , your family every day. Now I also am waiting for the Lord Jesus Christ asa result of your study and evangelizm. Thanks be to God for people like you who dedicated their life to this work. Just off the theme, I wonder how come one of SDA hospitals is named " St Helen Hospital" after the catholic nomenclature?

    • @gregcox6165
      @gregcox6165 7 років тому +1

      it's St Helena Sanitarium. It's in St. Helena California.

  • @dancelucy6942
    @dancelucy6942 5 років тому +1

    Ok, I do not want to sound weird but my Mom was dying, maybe a week out, we were standing in her room, and I saw the same tube that is on your video, it passed me and went straight into her room. The "tube" knew who it had come for, it was alive! I got sick at my stomach and had to leave. Never seen anything like that before! Then I saw the same tube a year later for my sister`s sister in law! So, I do not know why I saw that since I worked as an RN and saw some weird things, but feel this was from God!

    • @roybellerose4671
      @roybellerose4671 4 роки тому

      Hello sister, I think God does things for his children to help us deal with the death of a loved one,my sister and I had a dream about our Mother,in both dreams our Mother was young and happy and doing something that she enjoyed doing,I'am not sure if the Lord gave us the dream or an angel, but I know it wasn't mother because she is asleep in the grave, but it was comforting to both of us, buy sister doesn't believe in the sleep in the lord doctrine, I also see how were responsible for what we believe, that will affect what we tell others what happened to both of us.God bless you.

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 3 роки тому +3

      What you describe does not sound like it came from God, imo. Nothing shows up to come for anyone at death because the dead go no where but the grave, so what you describe certainly sounds like a demonic deception. There is no reason for God or His angelic host to manifest as a ‘tube’. You need to EAT God’s word and discover His character and His ways. You seem like you could be an easy mark for Satan because you don’t understand who God is. We are not to be expecting signs and wonders and charged emotional experiences. We need the stable word to guide us.

  • @joehowerton4840
    @joehowerton4840 4 місяці тому

    Matthew 17:12
    But I say unto you, That Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them.

  • @questioneverything1646
    @questioneverything1646 3 роки тому +2

    Excellent Dr Veith!

  • @davidallen2026
    @davidallen2026 4 роки тому +2

    The FATHER has a ‘people,’ not a denomination. Ye are the temple of the living Mighty One (God) was spoken to people not a particular religion or denomination. Those who do Revelation 14:12; 22:14 are the ‘remnant.’

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 3 роки тому +1

      Wrong. God is organized and will have an organized, worldwide movement to proclaim the final message the world will hear before Christ returns. God is in control - not you. The remnant will be just like the beginning - the Apostolic church, which were churches planted by the Apostles and disciples, and they were then organized with bishops and elders over them.

    • @solitairecat1
      @solitairecat1 3 роки тому

      @@theway5563 The great tribulation occurred in 70 AD when Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed. That is when Matthew 24 and Rev 1 - 20:6 was fulfilled. Yahshua said he was coming in the clouds, and all these thing would be fulfilled in that generation in Matt 24:30 & 34, and he showed John the things which would soon take place, he was coming in the clouds in Rev 1:1 & 7. "Coming in the clouds" means in the spirit not the flesh. Why would he come back in the flesh having risen to Yahweh's right hand?
      When Satan was thrown out of heaven Rev 12: 7 - 12, he became flesh, and he will be flesh when he's released from the abyss for a short time Rev 20:3. It is Satan who will come to the temple in Israel, to present himself as the Messiah, then him and his followers will be destroyed by fire from God Rev 20:9.

    • @ananymousjesse6610
      @ananymousjesse6610 Місяць тому

      Who deceived you so?!!! Please take a step back and pray that God will lead you to truth. Please. He is coming again to “ receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may be also” John 14:3. “Behold I come quickly and my reward is with me, to give unto every man according as his work shall be “Rev 22:12. Have you received your reward? Are you where He is?! Christ is coming soon. Paul says in 2 Thess 2:1 “ Now we beseech you brethren…that ye be not soon shaken in mind… that the day of Christ is at hand…for that day shall not come unless there be a falling away first and the man of sin be revealed” all of this has happened Christ is soon to come after the fulfillment of Rev 13.

  • @gregcox6165
    @gregcox6165 7 років тому +4

    a great vid! please book mark this

    • @leayape
      @leayape 7 років тому +1

      @ Greg Cox. I did brother! Blessings going your way!

    • @gregcox6165
      @gregcox6165 7 років тому

      Amen sister - peace and blessings

  • @makaalastone9061
    @makaalastone9061 8 місяців тому

    Aloha from the Island of Maui, SMK!
    The "Restoration" of all things by the "Last Days" antitypical John the Baptist, the Seventh Day/2nd Advent Movement (NOT the apostate Church religious system) is not finished! There is one "jot and tittle" to be corrected, then all things will be restored!
    Your friend and brother in Christ, Maka'ala Stone

  • @jahatton
    @jahatton 6 років тому +3

    Hi any Adventist's out there? We learned something new. Walter said that priests would take a little drop of (cooked blood from the sacrificial alter) and eat it to assimilate the sin of the person who brought the sacrifice. We read Bible from cover to cover 6 times but never noticed any mention of it anywhere. Need help to understand that.

    • @mate5171
      @mate5171 5 років тому

      I noticed it.

    • @damuscledaddy
      @damuscledaddy 4 роки тому

      James Hatton , please do a Google search for “priests take cooked blood from the sacrificial altar and eat it” and you will see the links referring to your inquiry. Proof positive that the professor knows what he is talking about!👍🏾

    • @jahatton
      @jahatton 4 роки тому

      @@damuscledaddy I made a google search as you prescribed and came up empty. I did find that God made it clear that you are not allowed to eat any meat with it's blood or life force still in it. Gen 9:4
      Only, you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood.

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 3 роки тому +1

      Show the time stamp where Pastor Veith said such a thing in this video. I do not believe he did. It sounds like you did not understand properly what he said. I have never heard of such a thing. The priest would never need to assimilate the sin of the person who brought the sacrifice. That is between God and the sinner. Pastor could have been describing a metaphor, but certainly not something a ‘man’ priest would actually do.

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 3 роки тому +2

      @@mate5171 - Provide the time stamp where you heard such a thing. Maybe you are working for Satan as an agent provocateur. Jesuits and Masons flood his comment section. I wish he would turn off the comment section so we wouldn’t be subjected to all of these satanic comments, not to mention the down right moronic ones.

  • @americanrebel413
    @americanrebel413 Рік тому

    Thank you

  • @revvvrand
    @revvvrand 3 роки тому

    Amazing content

  • @robycoles
    @robycoles Місяць тому

    John the Baptist wasn't some wild cave man living in caves. That's where his library was kept. His collection is more extensive than ours. He was a levitical priest in exile from the fake ones that ruled the temple and had Jesus crucified. The temple was defiled in 165 bc making it the date you start Daniel's 2300 day prophecy. Now you have the approximate 2nd coming decade around the year 2135.
    (Not many alive right now eligible for any rapture theory bouncing around)

  • @Charlettewilliamson
    @Charlettewilliamson 2 роки тому


  • @HereIStandICanDoNoOther
    @HereIStandICanDoNoOther Рік тому

    the ravens that fed Elijah could also be translated as midianites or arabs (pre islamic muslims that worshiped the moon god innana)

  • @flickaJay
    @flickaJay 5 років тому

    @ 1:40 hrs/min there is a mistake in the web address that says catholic.com/tracts/seventh-day-adventism. you will find that paragraph is number 28 but take out the 's' in the word 'tracts'. there you may find that quote to link to if needed - www.catholic.com/tract/seventh-day-adventism

  • @Bill-xx2yh
    @Bill-xx2yh Рік тому

    Please..WHAT AND WHEN, was the "wound" that crippled Satan in Rome?

    • @thebiggestpanda1
      @thebiggestpanda1 Рік тому +2

      The fulfillment of the deadly wound took place in 1798. General Berthier, at the head of a French army, entered Rome and declared the end of the political rule of the papacy. Thus, he took the pope captive to France, where he soon died. This was done under the direction of French leader, Napoleon Bonaparte. The wound received a healing in 1929 when the Lateran Treaty gave back temporal power to the pope. Subsequently, he was given the rule of Vatican City, a section of the city of Rome about 108.7 acres in extent. From here, the papacy is once again bringing in the whole world under the doctrine of Lucifer. Walter has a few lectures going into the details of all this.

    • @Bill-xx2yh
      @Bill-xx2yh Рік тому

      @@thebiggestpanda1 THANK YOU. seems odd that they left the city intact and waiting.

  • @georgemargerum9248
    @georgemargerum9248 7 років тому +1

    rev 14:12. to all you that pick on walter. you dont have to keep the word of god but telling other snot to. well.

  • @solitairecat1
    @solitairecat1 7 років тому +3

    The most important distinguishing characteristic of God’s people is that they know and speak the truth 3 John 1:4. Jesus said “everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice” in John 18:37. The apostolic congregations were all in the truth 2 John 1:1. The truth is from the holy spirit John 16:13 and it sanctifies us John 17:17, freeing us from sin John 8:32. In Christ, after listening to His message of truth, the gospel of our salvation, when we believe we are sealed in Him with the holy spirit of promise, given as a pledge of our inheritance with a view to the redemption of God’s own possession Eph 1:13 & 14.
    The only way to the truth is Christ John 14:6. He commanded us to only call Him leader and teacher Matthew 23:8 & 10. If we follow anyone else, we risk receiving a different spirit or another gospel 2 Cor 11:4 which will not be the truth and endanger our salvation. It is critical that we test all things 1 Thes 5:21, not believe every spirit but test them to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world 1 John 4:1. False prophets come to us in sheep’s clothing but inwardly they are ravenous wolves Matthew 7:15. Anyone who doesn’t remain in Christ’s teaching does not have God, and whoever remains in His teaching has both the Father and Son 2 John 1:10. Do not associate with anyone who doesn’t have Christ’s teaching 2 John 1:10, turn away from them Romans 16:17.
    If you study the Word of God you would see the lies contained in this video because there are many. Like all false religions, the SDA believe that they are the chosen people of God, but no lie comes from the truth 1 John 2:21. They deny that Christ came to fulfill the Law and the prophets Matthew 5:17 to try and mislead you into believing the lie that observing the Sabbath is a sign of God’s people, but it isn’t. The sign of God’s people is abiding in Christ John 15:4 which means walking as Jesus walked 1 John 2:6, in the truth 3 John 1: 3 & 4.

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 3 роки тому

      You miss the truth completely. Obedience is TRUE worship. You cannot worship God unless you do so in HIS Truth. Your so-called truth is only yours - your self-deceiving notions. God’s law is eternal and unchangeable. God does NOT change. His church today is exactly like Israel. They looked forward to the lamb of God and we look back to Christ’s sacrifice. Jesus only has one bride and it is Israel - which was literal and is now spiritual Israel. If God’s law was done away with, then we don’t need grace (gift of God’s power working IN us), and Christ died in vain. Your cockeyed SELF-deceived beliefs negates why Christ, the Messiah came and what His sacrifice did for us. We can only keep God’s laws with Christ IN us. We must put on the righteousness of Christ, take up our cross and follow Him wherever He goes. And right now, He is officiating for us in the Most Holy Place of the Heavenly Sanctuary. Christ is undertaking the investigative judgement, which must occur before He returns - because He brings His rewards with Him. Use some simple, common sense, please!!! Psalms 77 says, Thy way, Oh God, is in the Sanctuary. The Sanctuary services show us God’s complete plan of salvation.

    • @solitairecat1
      @solitairecat1 3 роки тому

      @@theway5563 Obedience to whom? To traditions of men?
      Did Yahshua observe the Sabbath? He didn’t and explained that “it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath” in Matt 12: 1 - 12, that “the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath” and said that he is “Lord of the Sabbath” in Mark 2:23 - 28. This reveals that the scribes and Pharisees had replaced God’s law with their own tradition, which he said caused them to “transgress the commandment of God”, and “made the commandment of God of no effect” in Matthew 15:2 - 6.
      God does not change but people misinterpret his word and present it as the truth. Everyone who identifies the Sabbath as a sign of being God’s people is NOT walking as Yahshua walked!

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 3 роки тому +1

      @@solitairecat1 - Kate, Jesus created the Sabbath. John tells us that everything that was created was created by Christ, the Word. Obedience to every word the came out of the mouth of God. God (Jesus) spoke the 10 commandments on Mt Sinai. Jesus wrote them with His own finger on tablets of Stone. Christ was the glory in the wilderness tabernacle - the pillar of cloud by day and of fire by night. Jesus is LORD of the Sabbath, and the Bible does say that the Sabbath (7-day Sabbath) is a sign between God and His people. Jesus did not break the Sabbath - only the man-made laws that the Israelite religious authorities ADDED. They made the Sabbath a horror and God made it to be a delight. You only want to believe i 9 commandments, not 10. The 4th commandment has the SEAL of God. It is the only one that says whose laws these are, His authority, and His jurisdiction. Lord - Creator - Everything in Heaven and the earth. Jesus kept all of the royal 10 laws. They are like marriage vows for us. The bride of Christ is His body - His church of believers and His laws are our vows to Him. He died our death and He can give us the power of His grace to change us back into His image - His character. We must be evenly yoked or we cannot walk with Christ Jesus, and He cannot walk with us. So many so-called Christians will hear Jesus, I know you not. Depart from me, you LAWLESS ones (you, who break my laws - my vows).

    • @solitairecat1
      @solitairecat1 3 роки тому

      @@theway5563 Everything you say is from the Adventist faith, and much of it contradicts scripture.
      You say God doesn’t change but the Adventist leaders decided in 1957 that Yahshua is Yahweh, accepting the Trinity doctrine. They describe the history in this article www.ministrymagazine.org/archive/2009/02/the-trinity.html
      All Christian religions, including Adventist’s, have changed the Sabbath from a day of rest, into a day of religious gathering, making their members believe it is a sin to not participate, that those who don’t participate are not saved. Under the Law, no work was to be done, on the Sabbath Exodus 20:10. The Sabbath (which means ‘rest’) was a sign throughout the generation that they would know that Yahweh sanctifies them, and those who worked on it were to be cut off from among their people Exodus 31: 13 - 14. What you call the Sabbath, is not the Sabbath rest in the Law, but the Church teaching of gathering together on the chosen day of the week.
      All Christian religions have replaced the congregation (ekklesia meaning ‘body of believers’), and the bride of the Lamb, with the institutional church. In institutional Churches, leadership determines their doctrine and they select ministers to deliver it, like in the Pastoral Epistles which were added by the early church. In the Apostolic churches, each member had a gift for building their understanding, and the congregation were judging whether what was said was true in 1 Cor 14:26 - 29.
      If Yahshua is to be our only teacher and leader as commanded in Matt 23: 8 & 10, then we must meet with others in the fashion of the Apostolic church, not blindly accept religious doctrine provided by men.
      I can go over the errors in your understanding, but you really need to remove yourself from false teachings and pray for the guidance of the Spirit of truth John 14:17, 15:26 & 16:13.

  • @gordonj5157
    @gordonj5157 7 років тому +1

    Why should I go to SDA and not some other seventh day church?

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 3 роки тому +1

      Go to whatever church you discover is teaching God’s truth. That means you must study God’s Word with the Spirit so you actually know the truth yourself. It also depends on whether you want to be part of His remnant people (body/bride) or not at the end of this world.

  • @bettyarmenta6790
    @bettyarmenta6790 4 роки тому


  • @solitairecat1
    @solitairecat1 7 років тому +3

    Apart from the Law the righteousness of God has been manifested, through faith in Jesus Christ, being justified as a gift of His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus, in His blood through faith God passed over the sins previously committed, we are justified by faith apart from works of the Law Romans 3: 21 to 31. Christ, in His flesh abolished the Law of commandments and decrees, dividing the wall of hostility between Jews and Gentiles, making peace between them Eph 2: 14 to 16. What counts is a new creation Gal 6:15. Having canceled the debt ascribed to us in the decrees that stood against us, He took it away, nailing it to the cross Col 2:14.
    Paul speaks of how those under grace do not continue in sin because they are obedient to Christ’s teaching, slaves to righteousness, resulting in sanctification in Romans 6: 15 to 19. Having been baptized into Christ’s death, we have buried our flesh and been raised in the spirit to walk in the newness of life, freed from sin Romans 6: 1 to 7. Sin shall not be our master because we are not under Law but under grace Romans 6:14.
    The Law has jurisdiction over a person when they live (as flesh), but with death (to the flesh) we are released from the Law, so we can serve in newness of the spirit not the oldness of the letter Romans 7: 1 to 6. Those who are in Christ Jesus have been set free from the law of sin and death, because what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son as an offering for sin to condemn sin in the flesh so the requirement of the Law would be fulfilled in us Romans 8: 1 to 4. We owe nothing to anyone except to love one another, love does no wrong to a neighbor, therefore love is the fulfilment of the Law Romans 13:8 to 10.

  • @solitairecat1
    @solitairecat1 7 років тому

    Babylon, the great whore, was the nation of Israel who were destroyed in 70 AD. False teachers try to deceive you into believing its Rome so you don’t see that the great tribulation prophesied in Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 and Revelation took place in the first century. Jesus warned the scribes and Pharisees whom he called hypocrites, serpents, and brood of vipers, “Truly I tell you, all these things will come upon this generation. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those sent to her, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were unwilling! Look, your house is left to you desolate.” Matthew 23: 36 to 38 a Luke 13: 34 & 35.
    In the parable of the marriage feast in Matthew 22 Jesus details how God sent the nation of Israel invitations to the wedding feast but they were unwilling to come v3, he sent out more slaves to invite them and they were to busy v5 and some of them mistreated and killed God’s slaves v6. This enraged God (the King) and He sent His armies and destroyed the murderers and set their city on fire v7. Then invitations were sent out too many v9, both evil and good and the wedding hall was filled with guests v10. But when God (the King) looked over the guests he saw some who were not dressed in wedding clothes v11 and they were thrown into the outer darkness v13 for many are called but few are chosen v14.
    In Daniel 9: 24 the “seventy sevens” is referring to generations. In the 77th generation from the decree in the garden of Eden that the seed of the woman would crush the serpents head in Genesis 3:15, the transgression would be finished, making an end to sin, iniquity atoned for, brining in everlasting righteousness and the holy place anointed. In the genealogy in Luke 3: 23 to 38 we see that Christ was the 77th generation from Adam. The holy place that was anointed was heaven when Satan and his angels were thrown down to earth for a short time which caused the persecution of God’s people Rev 12: 7 to 17 being put in his hands for a time, times and half a time Dan 7:25. Then the court sat for judgment, the beast with the horn speaking boastful words was destroyed, and the rest of the beasts had their dominion taken away, but an extension of life granted for an appointed period of time Dan 7:9 to 12.
    These prophesies were fulfilled in the generation that Christ was born. Christ was clear that judgment was about to begin at the house of God 1 Peter 4:17. The ax was at the root of the tree and every tree that does not produce good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire Matthew 3:10 & Luke 3:9. The ruler of the world, Satan, was judged and sent out John 12:31 & 16:11. The destruction of the great harlot in Rev 19:2 aligns with the beast with the horn speaking the boastful words, and the binding of Satan for a thousand years in Rev 20:2 align with the judgment prophesied in Daniel 7: 9 to 12, which was evidenced in the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in 70 AD.
    Today we are awaiting fulfilment of the release of Satan, his deception of the entire world to lead them to war against the beloved city and his destruction, followed by the final judgment and destruction of the unrighteous Rev 20: 7 to 15. The turmoil in the world is a sign that Satan has been released so the end must be in sight. Put on the armor of God Paul spoke of in Eph 6: 10 to 18, study scripture and pray to be saved from this deception.

  • @HereIStandICanDoNoOther
    @HereIStandICanDoNoOther Рік тому

    monday night study then maybe watch Stephen Borh's the 3 Elijah's and his 3 enemies throughout time .. the mother (RCC) the weak minded king (USA) or daughter and the false prophets (apostate Protestantism)

  • @gregcox5577
    @gregcox5577 7 років тому

    your channel is not anything like mine, am I the maniac of the Greg Cox world?

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 3 роки тому +1

      I guess we should consider ourselves fortunate for that fact.

  • @jasontrotter7660
    @jasontrotter7660 3 роки тому

    Jesus made it VERY VERY VERY simple. And easy to understand. That the REAL Elijah figure is coming. Jesus NEVER once said anything about a false religion fixing up the whole world dude. We will allnsee who the REAL Elijah is. Here shortly.

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 3 роки тому

      What you call a false religion is clearly described otherwise in God’s Word. The book of Revelation is the Revelation of Jesus Christ. And Jesus gave His beloved disciple/Apostle John the visions in the book He had John write. God is ultra organized. Look how He had Moses organize Israel - even in the wilderness. Only an organized church can take the last message to a lost and dying world. So don’t fool yourself due to your ignorance or your pre-conceived, prejudiced notions. Revelation clearly spells out the characteristics of Christ’s end-time remnant. They will be just like the Apostolic church and will have all the gifts of the Spirit, most certainly the gift of prophesy. Your referring to Pastor Veith as ‘DUDE’ demonstrates you lack the spirit of Christ in you; therefore, true conversion has not yet taken place. Your heart is still carnal. No one is forcing you to listen to someone you obviously have no respect for. Walter backs up everything he says with Biblical and/or historical proof. Most people will not accept the truth of God’s Word because they don’t want the truth - they only want their preconceived ideas to be supported. Oh, how God’s heart must break because so many have no desire to be saved from the 2nd death from which there is no resurrection. There are only 2 choices and God let us choose. He does not force anyone to love Him back. There is eternal life for those that accept His BIBLICAL plan of salvation or eternal death (perish) for those that don’t. Sinners will not be allowed into Heaven. God’s GRACE is HIs power to transform us back into His righteous image. If He let sinners (unconverted & unchanged) into Heaven, He would have to let Lucifer back in, too. God wants sin forever eradicated because it is the most deadly pestilence there is and we have seen for ourselves the horrible & hideous suffering it causes all of mankind.

  • @nickolasberkeley2659
    @nickolasberkeley2659 7 років тому +7

    when are they going to talk about flat earth

    • @JasonSmith-tv2zw
      @JasonSmith-tv2zw 7 років тому +1

      Walter talks a lot of truth, I'm sure he'll come over to the biblical cosmology

    • @andriandm
      @andriandm 7 років тому +1

      +Solomon berkeley
      Why should they talk about it?

    • @bradsexson9211
      @bradsexson9211 7 років тому

      that is another video

    • @gordonj5157
      @gordonj5157 7 років тому +1

      "World's Last Chance" ministry on youtube does that. I believe they are seventh day something maybe not adventist but close

    • @bradsexson9211
      @bradsexson9211 7 років тому +1

      WLC and SDA except for the Sabbath are totally different

  • @bass9351
    @bass9351 3 роки тому

    The Assyrian church of the east was established in Nineveh,Assyria from the APOSTLES thomas jude Thaddeus and Bartholomew modern day north Iraq. Walter is right the church evangelized the whole region through persia Afghanistan india china. Wen it was established the APOSTLES gave the liturgy which is the oldest running till 2day and never had the sabbath teaching this was b4 the gospels were written. So we hav traditions that hav been passed down through the church fathers bishops and saints of the church. This is where walter is not knowing history of all churches his hatred for the roman Catholic church has blinded him on these points. Even if a church in the middle east 2day is under the catholic banner we go by Assyrian rite not Rome. Remember 1 important point no apostolic church is corrupt its the imposters who hav corrupted all churches around the world

  • @claywithers523
    @claywithers523 3 роки тому +1

    "Nutcase group", you are funny Mr Veith. It's rooted in chapter 2 of Genesis(Bereshit) of course bearing in mind that the day begins at nightfall, and ends at nightfall; and the evening and the morning were the seventh day, but that is not written but follows the pattern of what is written in Genesis 1; Genesis 2 verse 3 follows; So let them laugh and mock, had it most of my life, like water off a duck's back, I cannot turn away from the Son, no more than I can turn away from the Father, I'm no more perfect than any other man, it is not mine to judge another for I have done many wrongs in my life, and repent of those things, men can scoff all they are willed to scoff, it's a personal choice. Peace be with you.

    • @Diadochi.813
      @Diadochi.813 3 роки тому

      If thats your opinion than quit stalking adventist.. a person can see your outher comments and tell you aren't of this fold and aren't seeking truth. So. Y not just go away stalker

    • @claywithers523
      @claywithers523 3 роки тому +1

      @@Diadochi.813 Did you not see the quotation marks? Mr Veith said that, not I , I just quoted what he said, did you not see the video, you would have heard him say it. Of course he was probably quoting what some might say concerning the group. It was not my opinion. Matthew 7:1. Take care.

  • @JasonSmith-tv2zw
    @JasonSmith-tv2zw 7 років тому +2

    Oh 66 thumbs up and 3 down, just sayin

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 3 роки тому

      Just saying nothing, actually. You are ridiculous.

  • @nickolasberkeley2659
    @nickolasberkeley2659 7 років тому

    and when is he going to talk about the true sabbath the Lunar sabbath given to us by the creator

    • @georgemargerum9248
      @georgemargerum9248 7 років тому +1

      lunur. no such thing. it tells us that night wa sfalling before they could wrap Jesus and they couldnt because night was coming the beginning of th esabbatyh. the moon ceramonies were sabbaths the Jews kept that were monthly. they were oridainces placed on the cross. the 7th day sabbath is a moral law. it was written by gods hand. jesus is lord of the sabbath,. its gods day. who changed it. not romaniaians but papacy as daniel 7:25. proclaims the beast will change law and times.

    • @shirleysneddon9573
      @shirleysneddon9573 7 років тому +2

      Also the moon was created on the fourth day, that would make a mess out of the seven days of Creation to rest on the 11th day. Also the lunar month has one to two days a month that doesn't fit, lunar doesn't make sense

    • @lylebester2232
      @lylebester2232 5 років тому +3

      You do know that is a jesuit doctrine along with flat earth belief.

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 3 роки тому

      You are self-deluded. God set up a 7-day weekly cycle, with the Sabbath always being the 7th day. The Sabbath is not lunar - it is solar - from sundown to sundown.

    • @nickolasberkeley2659
      @nickolasberkeley2659 3 роки тому

      @@theway5563 ok thanks i guess

  • @solitairecat1
    @solitairecat1 7 років тому +1

    In the Old Testament everything was physical - the nation of Israel were God’s chosen people, the temple was a literal building, the law were written ordinances, but in the New Testament God’s chosen people are those that do his will - the commonwealth of Israel - one new man - branches on the olive tree, the temple is a spiritual building of which Christ is the corner stone, the Apostles the foundation, and God’s people the living stones, and the Law is written in the hearts of God’s people.
    Paul spoke often and passionately against the Law of Moses because, being a strict Pharisee, he experienced the veil of it which resulted in him persecuting Christ’s followers. It is this veil that prevents masses of people from accepting that Christ ushered in the eternal Sabbath rest. This is why Paul calls the Law a curse Gal 3:13 because it is a veil that lies over our heart that is only removed in Christ 2 Cor 3:14. Those that return to the Law are denying Christ’s blood sacrifice which fulfilled the Law releasing us from its bondage. In Gal 5: 4 Paul warns “you have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace”.
    In Acts 15 when Peter corrects some men from Judea that were teaching without circumcision you cannot be saved v1, and a sect of Pharisees that were saying "It is necessary to circumcise them and to direct them to observe the Law of Moses." Peter in reply states that God chose that the Gentiles would hear the word of the gospel and believe v7, and God, who knows the heart, testified to them giving them the Holy Spirit, just as He also did to us v8, cleansing their hearts by faith v9. Then he rebukes them saying “why do you put God to the test by placing upon the neck of the disciples a yoke which neither our fathers nor we have been able to bear?” v10 and confirms that “we are saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, in the same way as they also are” v11.
    If you were sealed by God’s spirit you would know that observance of the Sabbath is not a requirement, nor is it a sign you are God’s people, quite the opposite in fact, it is a sign that you have another spirit and you are in danger.

    • @patsyalanismy4686
      @patsyalanismy4686 4 роки тому +1

      Kate E you are misled. So many of God’s people have believed this, but Christ took away the “curse” of the law since He became sin in ourplace. He fulfilled the penalty of sin. He said, “if you love me, keep my commandments” were all the other nine commandments “done away with”? If you break one commandment, you have broken them all. No, we aren’t saved by keeping Zgods commandments but if we ARE saved, weWILL keep His commandments. See?

    • @solitairecat1
      @solitairecat1 4 роки тому

      The new commandment is to love God and your neighbor and even your enemy. In Mark 12: 26 to 31 Jesus answered the question "What commandment is the foremost of all?" v28 with two commandments. First he said “THE LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD AND YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND, AND WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH.” V29 & 30. Second he commanded “YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF” v31.
      In John 13:34 Jesus said "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another”, and similarly in John 15:12 & John 15:17. In Romans 13:10 Paul said “Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law”, and in Galatians 5:14 “For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
      The reason love is the new commandment is that if we have love in our hearts we will not even think about murdering, committing adultery, stealing, bearing false witness and we will honor our parents and love our neighbor because with love in our hearts we will even love our enemies and those that persecute us. That is why the commandment to love exceeds the Law because God judges us on what is in our hearts which the Law did not.

    • @noelcurtodero1452
      @noelcurtodero1452 4 роки тому +1

      If you love God you keep the Sabbath command... The command of love elevates the ten commandments

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 3 роки тому

      @@solitairecat1 - There is no new commandment. God does NOT change - ever. You love to deceive yourself with teachings you learned from false (under Satan’s control) teachers. They will receive the number of stripes they deserve for deceiving others in the lake of fire. You, too, will suffer the same for continually spreading their virus of lies. If God could just abolish His commandments - there would have been no need for Christ’s sacrifice because there would be no sin. Sin is breaking God’s laws - the letter of His laws and the Spirit of them. God can never abolish His laws because they are a MIRROR image of who He is - they are the attributes of His character.

    • @solitairecat1
      @solitairecat1 3 роки тому

      @@noelcurtodero1452 Did Yahshua observe the Sabbath? He didn’t and explained that “it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath” in Matt 12: 1 - 12, that “the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath” and said that he is “Lord of the Sabbath” in Mark 2:23 - 28. This reveals that the scribes and Pharisees had replaced God’s law with their own tradition, which he said caused them to “transgress the commandment of God”, and “made the commandment of God of no effect” in Matthew 15:2 - 6.
      God does not change but people misinterpret his word and present it as the truth. Everyone who identifies the Sabbath as a sign of being God’s people is NOT walking as Yahshua walked!

  • @solitairecat1
    @solitairecat1 7 років тому

    When John wrote the book of Revelation, in the first century, it was to show the servants of Jesus Christ “what must soon come to pass” Rev 1:1, “the time was near” Rev 1:3. Thus Rev 1:7 would be fulfilled in the apostle’s generation, Jesus came with the clouds and every eye saw Him, even those who pierced Him, which was at the end of the great tribulation prophesied in Matthew 24:30. The apostle’s generation did not pass away until all these things had taken place Matthew 24:34.
    The biggest lie of organized religion is that Christ did not come as He promised He would in John 14:18 & 19. They have deceived many into believing that Christ would come back in the flesh when He was prophesied to return in the spirit “with the clouds” where he would meet both the dead and living in Christ so they would always be with Him 1 Thes 4:17. Jesus promised His followers that He would go and prepare a place for them, come back and welcome them into His presence, so that they may be where He is John 14:3, which was in heaven Col 3:1.
    Christ’s 2nd coming took place in 70 AD when judgment began at the house of God 1 Peter 4:17. The prince of the world was judged John 16:11 and driven out, when Christ was lifted up John 12:31 & 32. This was the war in heaven when Michael and His angels threw Satan and his angels out of heaven, down to earth having great wrath knowing he had a short time, and he persecuted Christ’s followers (the woman) Rev 12: 7 to 17. After the great tribulation, Satan was bound for “a thousand years” during which time Christ and God’s people rule from heaven Rev 20: 1 to 6.
    The turmoil in the world today is tied to Satan’s release for a short time to deceive the nations and gather them for war against the camp of the saints which is in heaven Rev 20: 3, & 7 to 9. It is more critical then ever that we put on the armor of God that Paul described in Eph 6: 10 to 18 which consists of the truth of the word of God which is the sword of the spirit, righteousness, faith and sharing the good news of the gospel combined with prayer at all times in the spirit. The entire world has been deceived by false religion and have succumbed to rampant immorality which will lead to destruction if not repented of and ceased. It is critical to only follow Christ, as He warned us we must call no one except Him teacher or leader in Matthew 23:8 & 10 or we risk being misled. We must abide in Christ so the spirit will guide us into all the truth John 16:13.

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 3 роки тому +1

      You just completely ‘bombed’ the word of God with your SELF-interpretation. The Bible is NOT of private interpretation. It is its own expositor and will interpret itself if you KNOW it well enough. You only cherry pick what you want and make it say what you want to believe it says. This is why there are so many Christian denominations. All would be ONE if they read the Bible with the Spirit that inspired it because they would all come to the same understanding of TRUTH. There is only ONE truth and that is the whole tapestry (the complete & cohesive picture) that the Bible presents and provides us with.

    • @davidn9391
      @davidn9391 2 роки тому

      How on earth. 🤣

  • @mariuszkozera8038
    @mariuszkozera8038 6 років тому

    Wait a moment! Saturday can't be Sabbat because sunday isn't the first day of the week, it's the fourth day! Genesis 1: 14-19. The light and darkness of the first day, is explained in Revelation 21: 23; and John 1: 1. You see, has nothing to do with the sun. By the way, light and darkness were divided two times in the week of creation, on the first and on the fourth day. I suppose you are fooled by the catholic church! The Sabbat-day isn't on saturday or sunday! Sunday, day 4. Monday, day 5. Tuesday, day 6. Wednesday (Sabbat), day 7.

    • @AmazingDiscoveriesOfficial
      @AmazingDiscoveriesOfficial  6 років тому +3

      Dear Skalare,
      Thank you for your comment. I am giving you a link below that explains the Sabbath a little deeper, perhaps it will help shed some light on this important truth.
      UA-cam Support

    • @patsyalanismy4686
      @patsyalanismy4686 4 роки тому

      Saturday is the seventh day. I don’t believe a word you are saying.

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 3 роки тому +1

      Oh, boy - Satan has so many ways to control our stupid minds. Your comment is so devoid of any reason.

    • @Diadochi.813
      @Diadochi.813 3 роки тому +1


  • @derekelshaw5869
    @derekelshaw5869 7 років тому

    the white horseman is Elijah. he is a man. not a church. Walter is delusional

    • @bradsexson9211
      @bradsexson9211 7 років тому

      ok why ?

    • @patsyalanismy4686
      @patsyalanismy4686 4 роки тому

      No, the white horseman is the anti-Christ. He has a bow, not a sword, which is the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. He tries to pretend he is Jesus, but he is a wolf in sherps clothing. Very deceptive, as alwYs. An imitator.

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 3 роки тому

      The white horseman is NOT Elijah. Ever consider how delusional you might be with your private interpretations? The Bible interprets itself - if you know it well enough, that is.