God definitely lead me to listen to Justin Peters to free me from so much deception for over 30 years in the Word Faith Teachings. I'm so grateful to learn the truth in the Scriptures. I'm on a completely new way of seeing everything now. But I must say it's not the popular way to go. I can't think about being popular, I'm just rejoicing to have my eyes open now. Maranatha. ❤
Ohhhh I just took some MAJOR HEAT because I totally "fumbled" my attempt to reveal my stepping away from Word-of-Faith. My Bad. Didn't anticipate the "attack" from the presuppositions that were in the other person's "reality." It's waaay not easy to explain why one is leaving the WoF paradigm. 😥
@@painterofloveWe can try to explain and Maybe they will hear us and turn from Word of Faith too,But people can choose what they want,I just love Justin,His heart is in the right place, He's trying to obey Father God and be a blessing to the Body of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, Blessings always ❤️
@@jamietanksley3113 I sooo appreciate your comment. Thank you. I'm actually the one who is being attacked by the WoF person, so your comment "people can choose what they want" is a good comment for me to apply. I've been on the receiving end of some serious anger. "Choose what you want." is a fair way out. thank you
Your teaching have opened my eyes. Wow , I do t want to ever be deceived. I followed a few of those people that are false prophets. Lord show me the way🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Those WoFs love to talk about how many Bentleys, airplanes, houses which means mansions they have, Kenneth Copeland likes to talk about how that he's " a billionaire,With a B," etc. Over seven hundred and forty- something billion, The Bible says feed the hungry and clothe the naked,Are your preachers doing that?! with your money?! Benny Hinn says he can heal So why doesn't he go empty out the childrens' hospitals all over the world? What about the ones that the doctors say will never run, or even walk?What about the nursing homes? Hospitals in general?Maybe those preachers need to start at Repent, By the way...Jesus died for those children too, 😢 ❤
Justin, you have truly helped me learn something invaluable..Discernment. I am still learning more and asking the Holy Spirit to continue to reveal the truth of Discernment to me. We all need it in the Body of Christ! I am Baptist that lives in the south..We love the Lord truly in our church and the bible is the focus! Thank you for helping us to protect ourselves and help others to learn and do so as well! I watch all your new video's and look forward to them! I get excited when I see a new one is there to click on! May God Bless You & I hope you and your wife have a very Merry Christmas!
That must be one of your gifts is discernment. I worry that when I say something that is the truth about something or someone I'm being negative or judgemental. I'm learning. I've asked God for wisdom and discernment. Discernment is really something I'm starting to understand more. Thanks again for your help!
@@shyloh1980 If you know Justin's story you can understand why it's so important to him to not only point out false teachers to us but actually show evidence proving that what they are saying, preaching or doing isn't in line with the Word of God! But like I've stated on his page at times, I couldn't be as harsh as he sometimes is! Saying someone isn't saved and that they are going to hell I wouldn't do..not unless they show that they are pure evil! Justin thinks alot of these Preachers on tv are evil! He says that they know they are misleading people that put their trust in them to be their leaders and teachers! He saids that is pure evil! If that is what a preacher is doing..I would have to agree they are playing for satan's team not Jesus's!
@angelawindom4711 yes I heard Justin's Story on Nora Lamb. I agree with him about Nora, but I Don't use nora as a judging stick to condemn other WOF pastors and call them liars and not saved just becauses Nora Lamb Textamony in her book was not the Truth. like to give everyone a chance to prove themselves. And I ask the Holy Spirit to show me the Truth. This is where justen is off. HE teachs God no longer speaks in auto or thought voice. Justin is chosen not to ask the Holy what he is hearing is right or wrong. Just uses Nora Lamb as his Measuring stick and his feelings.Feelings can be used by God and by the devil, but Justin does not know this.Does he believe his dad no longer speaks to people today in auo and thought voice. Justin says only SATAN speaks in auto and thought voice. God is speaking all of us Including Justin, but he just studied here because he please.Those voices he's hearing is from satan or the cereal he ate last night l🤔
Read and study Scriptures repeatedly, prayerfully, asking the Htoly Spirit to teach you, to illuminate Truth to you. Use God's Word , not your own opinion, as your guide. You may make a mistake - we each must learn. But if you are genuine in your faith in Christ Jesus, He will teach you. Trust Him !
@@Gospelmama1940 I agree with everything you said! The Holy Spirit is the msot mysterious part of the Holy Trinity in some ways but He is with us through every decision and that still, small voice I have learned gets stronger the more we listen to it and respond righteously! God Bless!
Agnostic. Thanks for posting an actual teaching from Justin though. I was just investigating things. There is only one more thing I need to see but am not a part of this movement.
Very good job Justin Peters! ❤❤❤ God bless you! ❤❤❤ It's a sad and very horrible that a movement which has destroyed the confidence in the Bible and has changed almost all of the biblical terminology about the Trinity claims to be of the Holy Spirit. Keep continuing Justin for the Glory of the TRUE GOD, the BIBLICAL GOD!
Great teacher, remember we know in part and God remains the same, always. Acts 2:17 NIV “ 'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.’ “ and 1 John 4: “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out.“ Are you being driven closer to God? Living a life of holiness, not by following rules, but by His work in your life? I saw the beginning of the “Toronto blessing,” and we see the fruits of that today in the woke movement. We were not allowed to “judge” back then and now.
We are told we can judge righteously, We are not to judge someone about alcohol abuse IF we are abusing alcohol, We are to use Righteous judgement Not self- righteousness judgement,We can't judge someone on something that we, ourselves are doing, IF we do,That is self-righteous judge- ment, Blessings always ❤️
Finally a mainstream preacher telling about the facts that we ARE IN THE day of judgment! The great trial where God determines our hearts, the destruction!!
Justin i know I am texting much, but I want to say-it is written that “if they hate me-they will hate you whom come in my name”. It is also written that “if we do not put Him first-hate parents, children, spouse” now this doesn’t mean loathe or literally detest, but in the Biblical sense it does mean “let the dead bury their dead, and come and follow me”. If the parents or others do not love Christ we follow Christ still-we do not seek a relationship with THESE-but we seek a relationship with God above all. TODAY if this is preached I have not heard it-I heard a pastors wife say “well I cldnt give up my children” well I never want to give up Jesus-if we go on and serve Him-He will ensure our children and family come in. Today the Gospel is dilutedly (not a word) preached. We have made it a feel good-have it all-message-instead of endure hardship like a good soldier. I don’t like it, and I have been praying about it, but there is GREAT POWER IN SUFFERING-the CROSS WAS POWER-I ask Christ to help me to be joyful, because I don’t want ANYTHING THIS WORLD HAS TO OFFER-NOTHING that is considered riches or fame by the world. Think of this-there are ppl in hell at this moment that enjoyed this world-when the trumpet sounds and time ends and we are gathered unto Jesus-things change for us-we go home, but it will only go on for the ones that served the flesh which is evil. It’s a sobering thought to think that many ppl we have enjoyed their movies-their songs or music and they are in hell wishing they had it all to do over again. Sad indeed
I wish someone would record what preachers "speaking in the spirit", and have expert in language study the recording to see if they can decipher what is being spoken.
To all who been under the teaching of false christians please consider listening to Zac Poonen or Huge Ross. The first a church planter and a humble diciple and family man, the latter an dr in physic and renowned pastor. Both with over 50 years serving God and seing true miracles while staying in Jesus and Gods Holy Word. Tx JPeters, agree that as we grow in our knowlegde of Gods Word decernment should be a fruit of the Spirit. As brother Zac say: I can do nothing without God.
There are many many false teachers in India , so many in the last 50 years...His messages must be translated in local languages or subtitles in local languages be very useful..
Read the Bible prayerfully, what you need to understand+will be crystal clear, what you don’t fully understand, trust in God God, not self sent “preachers”
Hey Justin-remember Paul studied under Gamaliel-this is spoken from him in Acts-I have often wondered if he was trying to protect Paul. I am not sure if he said this before Paul’s conversion but I think he did.
“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” Matthew 10:34-39 “Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. For from now on in one house there will be five divided, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”” Luke 12:51-53 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26-27 If your heart is corrupted with pascifism ❤️🩹 then, I recommend you study *any* School or “Denomination” of Buddhism ☸️
It is so true, if you study the word consistently, precept upon precept, line upon line and meditate on the word (do NOT empty your mind); the word of God will create a "filter" that is always working. 2 Peter 2:1-3 But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.
Always preferred your teachings. born again in through, with and in Jesus, for me your teachings is only The Truth and crystal clearly understood. Prefer sharing your vedios to those who have chosen to listen the worldly foolish preachers. God Bless your ministry. God Bless your fruitful and blessed ministry.
Good old Justin “pastor puppy “ Peters. MacArthur’s #2 man . Makes his living exposing everyone while protecting and covering for all MacArthur’s blunders. Oh yeah, Phil Johnson is #1.
It's an interesting question you ask. The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) are the account of Jesus' life obviously But if you check Gal. 3:8 Paul suggests that the Gospel was presented to Abraham, in a simple message, "in your seed shall all families of the earth be blessed". That 'seed' is Christ as you know and the message about Christ is the Gospel. In that same book, Paul said he was taught the Gospel by Christ - Gal. 1:11-12. Jesus on the road to Emmaus taught those two disciples from the OT scriptures about Himself. When Paul said the Bereans were noble it was because those believers had searched the OT scriptures and they knew Christ through those examinations (in addition to our Lord's incarnation and life). The point is even though the Gospels as individual books were not all written in the lifetime of Paul, he knew that Christ was clearly revealed in the OT and Apostolic authority caused him to receive direct revelatory truth from the Lord. I'm an amateur in all this so pardon the flimsy sentence construction.
Paul as well as the twelve, including Jesus were teaching from OT. The OT is a foreshadow of NT. The Gospel is Jesus Christ, death, burial and resurrection! All foreshadowed in OT.
And I am not sure, but The Galation Churches second visit was not far apart from the first. Either Galatia or Corinth-the times were not every far apart and I think it was Galatia. Today someone can be in Church FOR DECADES and still not know the Word-the only things they know is what their preacher tells them-that’s it. They will say smthin of this nature “well I don’t read the Bible because I don’t understand it”.
Discernment is necessary, no doubt there. But what often happens is that this discernment is still based on humane judgement, even if the bible is picked and then some standard applied. That filters out some charlatans, true. But it can also applied in a way to throw out anyone that has some resemblance with the charlatans. And that happens with the 'gifts of the Spirit'. Are they real or is it fake? I'd expect that one can get both cases. But there will be a lot of fools gold as well. And those that present the fools gold, do have the means to get more air-time on anything there. So good reason to be skeptical.
Sort of.. your heart will change once you are born again, that's for sure but many other permanent changes will take place in the elects life. They are a new person once truly saved. They Will be so radically different than who they were that most of not all of the people they knew before will abandon them , because the people of the world do not like anyone of God. Radical change, that is what will happen.
Do u ever wonder why other Christians trust these people why can’t they see I personally know a man that has an amazing relationship with God and he loves Copeland and Myers why can’t he see considering how close to God he is
Justin one of the passages that needs be considered IS Mariam and Aaron ONLY SPOKE against Moses-I am just saying-there are a few that I do not believe are actually following God because of love for Him and His people, but I HAVE to know FOR SURE before I say anything about them. Now for YEARS I have not felt Copeland was on the up and up, but because he is so well like by so MANY-even ppl of God I have not said anything openly-well until today. You know-there is a script in The Living Word that tells us “not to boast” about tomorrow or for anything-but when I seen him showing that watch in the sanctuary and bragging about his car-plus when I seen him fake cutting his hand to mic with the blood of Christ-(which is evil) his blood would contaminate the PURE BLOOD OF JESUS, and he didn’t even cut himself-it doesn’t bother me to say what I see about him. If he will trick the ppl THIS WAY-think of how he has misused the ppl all along
Young Son , I heard You say , that God does not write Poetry ! Well Solomon did. If You want to send me you're post office box address , I will send You , A Book , By The Spirit , and Christ ! I am NOT here to put You down . I am only Telling You , and Your followers , that Christ writes Poetry !
Always Selected Scriptures Justin Just ignore the ones that don't fit your doctrine The lens you come to scripture with will determine what you see The Person of Jesus as He revealed the Father, no not your Sovereign God in the Gospels is my lens not Reformed/Calvinist doctrine
Joel is a borrower, he is in debt up to his ass, any who use Gods name, borrows and they are in debt, to Almighty God. For anyone, and at present they and Jake's Duplantis etc liars are borrowers, and what makes it worst they lend, owning God, some not all, on what they all hav borrowed, from God, point, the next person who call themselves a ministry, by any other name than God, is a boastful, liar. For instance, so and so minsitry,( your name). X or X. If your first words, dont come out saying, I come in th name of th Lord., then they are false, and scared to th recompense of God, wrong words to believers bring, anger to themselves judged as false or liars. Short thoughts❤ not enough to go into more detail. Remember this, l come in th name of th Lord Jesus Christ. Period ❤❤❤❤ l understand th borrow and lender, but all are guilty. To you, th world contaminated my Joy and beliefs and stole money, Pay it back, judgement will inevitably will come, its just when? ❤
Pastor Joel Osteen and his family take no tithes or offerings-all the money sent in goes directly back into the Church-Joel takes a different method with the people-a method to encourage the people, but I do believe we need preach on sin and the consequences of sin. I do know that many people follow Joel because they like hearing about “the good life” here upon earth, and they do not know The WORD of God-or the ones I have spoken with dont-well one one person do I know, and she reads many books of prosperity preachers but not the Bible. I love the Osteens, but I do not believe Joel is a false teacher or his family-I just believe he needs make soldiers out of the people instead of muffins
Had a chiropractor tell me that there are a lot of people who are little short in one leg or the other showing their hips and lower back aren’t quite right. When Todd straighten the leg by God’s Power it fixes lower back and hips. Todd has healed more but you’re stuck on legs being lengthened. You spend more time justifying that God once in awhile does miracles. I find it hard that you teach cessation. Why would Jesus do the things through him and disciples during his ministry and fizzle out in the first 100 years? I find it hard you wouldn’t want what Jesus Preached. No where does it say in the Bible His Ministry died. Most people this era have shut Jesus down. I believe there has been a remnant that has got the same ministry as when Jesus was on the Earth. I believe there are books talking about the first 400 years that said the church was getting the same signs wonders and miracles and of course being raised from the dead. All the disciples and those that were becoming disciples believed the healings they were getting was that Jesus himself was touching the person through the disciples. All we cry is your don’t have power or authority to heal people. Because we haven’t taught the truth we say God will choose when he wills. What’s wrong with you it’s always God’s Will and we were meant to do it. God is not a respecter of man. Yet you have made God a respecter of man. If God didn’t give you a disease is he trying to teach you a lesson. I don’t need to learn anything from cancer for example. Since God Truly Loves Us Why Do You Deny and Say He Won’t Heal. I Know there are Many Who are Very Sick Or They Have Been Stuck in Chairs Paralyzed Begging God To Heal Them And Wonder Why They Haven’t Been Healed. God Has Already Healed And Begging For Something That Has Been Done. Jesus was given to you! God gave everything to Us. Jesus was the last of What He Could. Jesus paid For Everything we just need to learn to receive. Show me in scripture about healing for Heaven only. Think about this is the Lord’s Prayer a Command or just a prayer. If it is a Command How Come are You not Following it?
This teacher's "discernment" has led him to teach Christ's sheep can no longer hear His voice and the Holy Spirit longer grants wisdom to those who ask. You "only need your bible". False and idolatrous. A person who has made a living criticizing others needs to read Romans 2.
This guy breaks my heart with his teaching style. Hardly any care. Just nit picking on others. Almost seems to me he tries HARD to break houses built by others. He has made a career of dissing other believers in his own image of Christianity. Sadly, people listen without this discernment he talks about. If the world will wait form the JP salvation, it will lead elsewhere, not heaven. I agree with you...i dont mean to say others are right, but Holy Spirit is Well Able to bring all to the same understanding Phil 3:15
Pray for Justin he wakes up before he becomes 100% Modern day Jim Jones. Justin is on his way, leading alot of you with him. Justin now says you only believe what Jesus did for you on Cross but you don't have ask for salvation, you don't have to pray sinners prayer. AND Only Jesus can speaks God's words and get results, we can't ! According to Justin. God no longer speaks to us in auto or thought voice like God did in bible ( according to Justin) Gifts are NO longer for today ( according to Justin) GOD might Heal ONLY IF HE CHOOSE TO 🤔 ) where is this example at in the Bible JUSIN ? This is only the beginning there is a lot more . Do you see how Jusin leading believes away with his sweet blinding talk??? Can you see it now? Or you Rather not think about it 🤔 because I found a lot of fault in your mentor ??
@shyloh1980 Proverbs 17:15 NKJV [15] He who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the just, Both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord. Justin is not even a cult leader...and he speaks the true Gospel every video I've seen. What a disgrace this comment is, I really hope you go to Jesus Christ and ask for forgiveness and repent. What a horrible statement to say.
Justin, thank you for your teachings. You are a teacher whom I love to listen to. You are Blessed and you are a Blessing.
God definitely lead me to listen to Justin Peters to free me from so much deception for over 30 years in the Word Faith Teachings. I'm so grateful to learn the truth in the Scriptures. I'm on a completely new way of seeing everything now. But I must say it's not the popular way to go. I can't think about being popular, I'm just rejoicing to have my eyes open now. Maranatha. ❤
Welcome Sister, The world will not understand you but the body of Christ does.
Ohhhh I just took some MAJOR HEAT because I totally "fumbled" my attempt to reveal my stepping away from Word-of-Faith. My Bad. Didn't anticipate the "attack" from the presuppositions that were in the other person's "reality." It's waaay not easy to explain why one is leaving the WoF paradigm. 😥
@@painterofloveWe can try to explain and Maybe they will hear us and turn from Word of Faith too,But people can choose what they want,I just love Justin,His heart is in the right place, He's trying to obey Father God and be a blessing to the Body of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, Blessings always ❤️
@@jamietanksley3113 I sooo appreciate your comment. Thank you. I'm actually the one who is being attacked by the WoF person, so your comment "people can choose what they want" is a good comment for me to apply. I've been on the receiving end of some serious anger. "Choose what you want." is a fair way out. thank you
Fantastic teaching from Peters as always!
I like the way he explained the gospel at the end! Perfect!
Thank you.
Yes indeed!
You are teaching so right. God Bless for your willing to apply the WORD of GOD to the world.
Your teaching have opened my eyes. Wow , I do t want to ever be deceived. I followed a few of those people that are false prophets. Lord show me the way🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I suspect you all are deceived. A man who makes his living trolling those who make their living teaching the Word of God.
Those WoFs love to talk about how many
Bentleys, airplanes, houses which means mansions they have, Kenneth Copeland likes to talk about how that he's " a billionaire,With a B," etc. Over seven hundred and forty- something billion, The Bible says feed the hungry and clothe the naked,Are your preachers doing that?! with your money?! Benny Hinn says he can heal So why doesn't he go empty out the childrens' hospitals all over the world? What about the ones that the doctors say will never run, or even walk?What about the nursing homes? Hospitals in general?Maybe those preachers need to start at Repent, By the way...Jesus died for those children too, 😢 ❤
What a powerful message!! As a born again Christian, this wisdom is SO insightful!!
Amen, Thank you for your teachings and for revealing the"Truths" of God's Word.
Justin, you have truly helped me learn something invaluable..Discernment. I am still learning more and asking the Holy Spirit to continue to reveal the truth of Discernment to me. We all need it in the Body of Christ! I am Baptist that lives in the south..We love the Lord truly in our church and the bible is the focus! Thank you for helping us to protect ourselves and help others to learn and do so as well! I watch all your new video's and look forward to them! I get excited when I see a new one is there to click on! May God Bless You & I hope you and your wife have a very Merry Christmas!
That must be one of your gifts is discernment. I worry that when I say something that is the truth about something or someone I'm being negative or judgemental. I'm learning. I've asked God for wisdom and discernment. Discernment is really something I'm starting to understand more. Thanks again for your help!
@angelawindom4711 Well, don't listen to Justin.You're
Discernment will be way off, like His !!
@@shyloh1980 If you know Justin's story you can understand why it's so important to him to not only point out false teachers to us but actually show evidence proving that what they are saying, preaching or doing isn't in line with the Word of God! But like I've stated on his page at times, I couldn't be as harsh as he sometimes is! Saying someone isn't saved and that they are going to hell I wouldn't do..not unless they show that they are pure evil! Justin thinks alot of these Preachers on tv are evil! He says that they know they are misleading people that put their trust in them to be their leaders and teachers! He saids that is pure evil! If that is what a preacher is doing..I would have to agree they are playing for satan's team not Jesus's!
@angelawindom4711 yes I heard Justin's
Story on Nora Lamb. I agree with him about Nora, but I Don't use nora as a judging stick to condemn other WOF pastors and call them liars and not saved just becauses Nora Lamb Textamony in her book was not the Truth. like to give everyone a chance to prove themselves. And I ask the Holy Spirit to show me the Truth.
This is where justen is off. HE teachs God no longer speaks in auto or thought voice. Justin is chosen not to ask the Holy what he is hearing is right or wrong. Just uses Nora Lamb as his Measuring stick and his feelings.Feelings can be used by God and by the devil, but Justin does not know this.Does he believe his dad no longer speaks to people today in auo and thought voice. Justin says only SATAN speaks in auto and thought voice. God is speaking all of us Including Justin, but he just studied here because he please.Those voices he's hearing is from satan or the cereal he ate last night l🤔
Read and study Scriptures repeatedly, prayerfully, asking the Htoly Spirit to teach you, to illuminate Truth to you. Use God's Word , not your own opinion, as your guide. You may make a mistake - we each must learn. But if you are genuine in your faith in Christ Jesus, He will teach you. Trust Him !
@@Gospelmama1940 I agree with everything you said! The Holy Spirit is the msot mysterious part of the Holy Trinity in some ways but He is with us through every decision and that still, small voice I have learned gets stronger the more we listen to it and respond righteously! God Bless!
Amen Justin Peters for Truth
Agnostic. Thanks for posting an actual teaching from Justin though. I was just investigating things. There is only one more thing I need to see but am not a part of this movement.
God bless you and your family and ministry. Thanks for the teachings!
Very good job Justin Peters! ❤❤❤ God bless you! ❤❤❤
It's a sad and very horrible that a movement which has destroyed the confidence in the Bible and has changed almost all of the biblical terminology about the Trinity claims to be of the Holy Spirit.
Keep continuing Justin for the Glory of the TRUE GOD, the BIBLICAL GOD!
Justin Peters, thank you for a fantastic message .
I thank God for your ministry.
Great teacher, remember we know in part and God remains the same, always. Acts 2:17 NIV
“ 'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.’ “ and 1 John 4:
“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out.“ Are you being driven closer to God? Living a life of holiness, not by following rules, but by His work in your life? I saw the beginning of the “Toronto blessing,” and we see the fruits of that today in the woke movement. We were not allowed to “judge” back then and now.
We are told we can judge righteously,
We are not to judge someone about alcohol abuse IF we are abusing alcohol, We are to use Righteous judgement
Not self- righteousness judgement,We can't judge someone on something that we, ourselves are doing,
IF we do,That is self-righteous judge- ment, Blessings always ❤️
Well done my brother. Be strong in the power of His might.
Finally a mainstream preacher telling about the facts that we ARE IN THE day of judgment! The great trial where God determines our hearts, the destruction!!
Thanks for sharing ! God is great! Shalom !
Keep up the good work! Praise Christ
I loveyou, Justin, I am glad God put you in my life AND I share your channel with people in my life!!!!
Justin i know I am texting much, but I want to say-it is written that “if they hate me-they will hate you whom come in my name”. It is also written that “if we do not put Him first-hate parents, children, spouse” now this doesn’t mean loathe or literally detest, but in the Biblical sense it does mean “let the dead bury their dead, and come and follow me”. If the parents or others do not love Christ we follow Christ still-we do not seek a relationship with THESE-but we seek a relationship with God above all. TODAY if this is preached I have not heard it-I heard a pastors wife say “well I cldnt give up my children” well I never want to give up Jesus-if we go on and serve Him-He will ensure our children and family come in. Today the Gospel is dilutedly (not a word) preached. We have made it a feel good-have it all-message-instead of endure hardship like a good soldier. I don’t like it, and I have been praying about it, but there is GREAT POWER IN SUFFERING-the CROSS WAS POWER-I ask Christ to help me to be joyful, because I don’t want ANYTHING THIS WORLD HAS TO OFFER-NOTHING that is considered riches or fame by the world. Think of this-there are ppl in hell at this moment that enjoyed this world-when the trumpet sounds and time ends and we are gathered unto Jesus-things change for us-we go home, but it will only go on for the ones that served the flesh which is evil. It’s a sobering thought to think that many ppl we have enjoyed their movies-their songs or music and they are in hell wishing they had it all to do over again. Sad indeed
I wish someone would record what preachers "speaking in the spirit", and have expert in language study the recording to see if they can decipher what is being spoken.
Thank you Justin. This is very helpful ❤️🙏
Thank you for this.
I wish I was there! But I will watch and be encouraged!
To all who been under the teaching of false christians please consider listening to Zac Poonen or Huge Ross. The first a church planter and a humble diciple and family man, the latter an dr in physic and renowned pastor. Both with over 50 years serving God and seing true miracles while staying in Jesus and Gods Holy Word. Tx JPeters, agree that as we grow in our knowlegde of Gods Word decernment should be a fruit of the Spirit. As brother Zac say: I can do nothing without God.
Great message
What a great message
There are many many false teachers in India , so many in the last 50 years...His messages must be translated in local languages or subtitles in local languages be very useful..
That breaks my heart because I know so many beautiful young men from India 😢❤
I’m from India and I agree
They're mostly Hindu in disguise. Also UK has a Hindu PM and Vance's wife is a Hindu to. 😮
I am also from India and I also agree.
❤ 3rd time watching Justin. Brilliant 👏 👏 👏 ❤
Read the Bible prayerfully, what you need to understand+will be crystal clear, what you don’t fully understand, trust in God God, not self sent “preachers”
Arise Justin! Take up thy bed and walk.
I don't think we'll be able to catch him in heaven or on the new earth. ❤🤣🤣😋✝️🙏👏
Hey Justin-remember Paul studied under Gamaliel-this is spoken from him in Acts-I have often wondered if he was trying to protect Paul. I am not sure if he said this before Paul’s conversion but I think he did.
Great teaching !!
JP brought that fire FR
“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”
Matthew 10:34-39
“Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. For from now on in one house there will be five divided, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.””
Luke 12:51-53
“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.”
Luke 14:26-27
If your heart is corrupted with pascifism ❤️🩹 then, I recommend you study *any* School or “Denomination” of Buddhism ☸️
It is so true, if you study the word consistently, precept upon precept, line upon line and meditate on the word (do NOT empty your mind); the word of God will create a "filter" that is always working. 2 Peter 2:1-3 But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you,
who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing
upon themselves swift destruction.
And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed.
And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not
idle, and their destruction is not asleep.
One of our pastors said jesus was every nationality . Canadian philippine pakistan .
I’m not sure yet where I stand on the no more apostles thing but great teaching on discernment ❤
Always preferred your teachings. born again in through, with and in Jesus, for me your teachings is only The Truth and crystal clearly understood.
Prefer sharing your vedios to those who have chosen to listen the worldly foolish preachers.
God Bless your ministry.
God Bless your fruitful and blessed ministry.
I only know of one person with one leg shorter than the other.
Justin there are more than twelve Apostles-Paul also was an Apostle-not ordained of man but of God-I believe the word Apostle only means “sent”.
I personally find Southern Baptist quite good. I'm not SB but usually they ARE doctrinally good. I couldn't figure out why he puts them down
Good old Justin “pastor puppy “ Peters. MacArthur’s #2 man .
Makes his living exposing everyone while protecting and covering for all MacArthur’s blunders.
Oh yeah, Phil Johnson is #1.
How could Paul preach the Gospel if the Gospels had not been written down.
It's an interesting question you ask.
The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) are the account of Jesus' life obviously
But if you check Gal. 3:8 Paul suggests that the Gospel was presented to Abraham, in a simple message, "in your seed shall all families of the earth be blessed". That 'seed' is Christ as you know and the message about Christ is the Gospel.
In that same book, Paul said he was taught the Gospel by Christ - Gal. 1:11-12.
Jesus on the road to Emmaus taught those two disciples from the OT scriptures about Himself.
When Paul said the Bereans were noble it was because those believers had searched the OT scriptures and they knew Christ through those examinations (in addition to our Lord's incarnation and life).
The point is even though the Gospels as individual books were not all written in the lifetime of Paul, he knew that Christ was clearly revealed in the OT and Apostolic authority caused him to receive direct revelatory truth from the Lord.
I'm an amateur in all this so pardon the flimsy sentence construction.
Paul as well as the twelve, including Jesus were teaching from OT. The OT is a foreshadow of NT. The Gospel is Jesus Christ, death, burial and resurrection! All foreshadowed in OT.
1 John 3:2 "to know him is to love him"
"to love him is to know him" which is what confused say..
And I am not sure, but The Galation Churches second visit was not far apart from the first. Either Galatia or Corinth-the times were not every far apart and I think it was Galatia. Today someone can be in Church FOR DECADES and still not know the Word-the only things they know is what their preacher tells them-that’s it. They will say smthin of this nature “well I don’t read the Bible because I don’t understand it”.
Discernment is necessary, no doubt there.
But what often happens is that this discernment is still based on humane judgement, even if the bible is picked and then some standard applied. That filters out some charlatans, true. But it can also applied in a way to throw out anyone that has some resemblance with the charlatans. And that happens with the 'gifts of the Spirit'. Are they real or is it fake? I'd expect that one can get both cases. But there will be a lot of fools gold as well. And those that present the fools gold, do have the means to get more air-time on anything there. So good reason to be skeptical.
Wait ,Justin, being born again is the changing of the heart, right?
Sort of.. your heart will change once you are born again, that's for sure but many other permanent changes will take place in the elects life. They are a new person once truly saved. They Will be so radically different than who they were that most of not all of the people they knew before will abandon them , because the people of the world do not like anyone of God. Radical change, that is what will happen.
How about Ephesians where Apostles are listed with teachers? I guess there are no teachers.
Non sequitur
Do u ever wonder why other Christians trust these people why can’t they see
I personally know a man that has an amazing relationship with God and he loves Copeland and Myers why can’t he see considering how close to God he is
I don't listen to those stage prancing false teachers, I did not know they taught such blasphemy, woe!
Justin one of the passages that needs be considered IS Mariam and Aaron ONLY SPOKE against Moses-I am just saying-there are a few that I do not believe are actually following God because of love for Him and His people, but I HAVE to know FOR SURE before I say anything about them. Now for YEARS I have not felt Copeland was on the up and up, but because he is so well like by so MANY-even ppl of God I have not said anything openly-well until today. You know-there is a script in The Living Word that tells us “not to boast” about tomorrow or for anything-but when I seen him showing that watch in the sanctuary and bragging about his car-plus when I seen him fake cutting his hand to mic with the blood of Christ-(which is evil) his blood would contaminate the PURE BLOOD OF JESUS, and he didn’t even cut himself-it doesn’t bother me to say what I see about him. If he will trick the ppl THIS WAY-think of how he has misused the ppl all along
Peters certainly has no discernment whatsoever.
Young Son , I heard You say , that God does not write Poetry ! Well Solomon did. If You want to send me you're post office box address , I will send You , A Book , By The Spirit , and Christ ! I am NOT here to put You down . I am only Telling You , and Your followers , that Christ writes Poetry !
Always Selected Scriptures Justin
Just ignore the ones that don't fit your doctrine
The lens you come to scripture with will determine what you see
The Person of Jesus as He revealed the Father, no not your Sovereign God
in the Gospels is my lens
not Reformed/Calvinist doctrine
Joel is a borrower, he is in debt up to his ass, any who use Gods name, borrows and they are in debt, to Almighty God. For anyone, and at present they and Jake's Duplantis etc liars are borrowers, and what makes it worst they lend, owning God, some not all, on what they all hav borrowed, from God, point, the next person who call themselves a ministry, by any other name than God, is a boastful, liar. For instance, so and so minsitry,( your name). X or X. If your first words, dont come out saying, I come in th name of th Lord., then they are false, and scared to th recompense of God, wrong words to believers bring, anger to themselves judged as false or liars. Short thoughts❤ not enough to go into more detail. Remember this, l come in th name of th Lord Jesus Christ. Period ❤❤❤❤ l understand th borrow and lender, but all are guilty. To you, th world contaminated my Joy and beliefs and stole money, Pay it back, judgement will inevitably will come, its just when? ❤
Pastor Joel Osteen and his family take no tithes or offerings-all the money sent in goes directly back into the Church-Joel takes a different method with the people-a method to encourage the people, but I do believe we need preach on sin and the consequences of sin. I do know that many people follow Joel because they like hearing about “the good life” here upon earth, and they do not know The WORD of God-or the ones I have spoken with dont-well one one person do I know, and she reads many books of prosperity preachers but not the Bible. I love the Osteens, but I do not believe Joel is a false teacher or his family-I just believe he needs make soldiers out of the people instead of muffins
He teaches hew age law of attraction, and ashamed of the gospel, gloomy darkness is reserved for such folks
This was great until you claimed that airplanes were involved on 911 and then said "truth is the issue." Be not deceived.
My thought exactly
Had a chiropractor tell me that there are a lot of people who are little short in one leg or the other showing their hips and lower back aren’t quite right. When Todd straighten the leg by God’s Power it fixes lower back and hips. Todd has healed more but you’re stuck on legs being lengthened. You spend more time justifying that God once in awhile does miracles.
I find it hard that you teach cessation. Why would Jesus do the things through him and disciples during his ministry and fizzle out in the first 100 years? I find it hard you wouldn’t want what Jesus Preached. No where does it say in the Bible His Ministry died. Most people this era have shut Jesus down. I believe there has been a remnant that has got the same ministry as when Jesus was on the Earth. I believe there are books talking about the first 400 years that said the church was getting the same signs wonders and miracles and of course being raised from the dead. All the disciples and those that were becoming disciples believed the healings they were getting was that Jesus himself was touching the person through the disciples. All we cry is your don’t have power or authority to heal people. Because we haven’t taught the truth we say God will choose when he wills. What’s wrong with you it’s always God’s Will and we were meant to do it. God is not a respecter of man. Yet you have made God a respecter of man. If God didn’t give you a disease is he trying to teach you a lesson. I don’t need to learn anything from cancer for example. Since God Truly Loves Us Why Do You Deny and Say He Won’t Heal. I Know there are Many Who are Very Sick Or They Have Been Stuck in Chairs Paralyzed Begging God To Heal Them And Wonder Why They Haven’t Been Healed. God Has Already Healed And Begging For Something That Has Been Done. Jesus was given to you! God gave everything to Us. Jesus was the last of What He Could. Jesus paid For Everything we just need to learn to receive. Show me in scripture about healing for Heaven only. Think about this is the Lord’s Prayer a Command or just a prayer. If it is a Command How Come are You not Following it?
This teacher's "discernment" has led him to teach Christ's sheep can no longer hear His voice and the Holy Spirit longer grants wisdom to those who ask. You "only need your bible". False and idolatrous. A person who has made a living criticizing others needs to read Romans 2.
This guy breaks my heart with his teaching style. Hardly any care. Just nit picking on others. Almost seems to me he tries HARD to break houses built by others. He has made a career of dissing other believers in his own image of Christianity. Sadly, people listen without this discernment he talks about. If the world will wait form the JP salvation, it will lead elsewhere, not heaven.
I agree with you...i dont mean to say others are right, but Holy Spirit is Well Able to bring all to the same understanding Phil 3:15
He's exposing phonies. Some one has to.
Pray for Justin he wakes up before he becomes 100% Modern day Jim Jones. Justin is on his way, leading alot of you with him.
Justin now says you only believe what Jesus did for you on Cross but you don't have ask for salvation, you don't have to pray sinners prayer. AND
Only Jesus can speaks God's words and get results, we can't ! According to Justin.
God no longer speaks to us in auto or thought voice like God did in bible ( according to Justin) Gifts are NO longer for today ( according to Justin) GOD might Heal ONLY IF HE CHOOSE TO 🤔 ) where is this example at in the Bible JUSIN ?
This is only the beginning there is a lot more .
Do you see how Jusin leading believes away with his sweet blinding talk???
Can you see it now? Or you Rather not think about it 🤔 because I found a lot of fault in your mentor ??
Your NUTS!
@@stephenbiggins9114 yep your right Justin is NUTS!!!!
Justin is preaching against false teachers maybe you should listen to what he says you might learn something
@@annewhittingham8823 Justin peters is a FALSE TEACHER
@shyloh1980 Proverbs 17:15 NKJV
[15] He who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the just, Both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord.
Justin is not even a cult leader...and he speaks the true Gospel every video I've seen. What a disgrace this comment is, I really hope you go to Jesus Christ and ask for forgiveness and repent. What a horrible statement to say.