Transition to "Roma Aeterna" & How to Complement (LLPSI Pars I & Pars II)

  • Опубліковано 29 січ 2025


  • @julianholton2223
    @julianholton2223 10 місяців тому +10

    Here is a transcript of this video:
    Salvē! Ego sum Īrēnē, Latīnae linguae magistra, et hodiē pergimus loquī dē Familiā Rōmānā et dē librīs quōs legere potes cum librō vel post librum lēctum. In aliā pelliculā locūta sum dē librīs quōs legere potes dum legis Familiam Rōmānam.
    Sed post Familiam Rōmānam lēctum quid faciās? Quid legās? Quō tē vertās? Est liber nōminātus Lingua Latīna Per Sē Illūstrāta, Pars Secunda, Rōma Aeterna. Hic liber magnus est. In eō multae pāginae sunt. In eō nārrātur historia urbis Rōmae et historia imperiī Rōmānī. Sed liber hic difficilis est. Liber nimis difficilis est ut eum legās post Familiam Rōmānam. Hic liber simplex est et facilis. Hic liber difficilis est sī eum legis statim post hunc. Ergō quid legās inter Familiam Rōmānam et Rōmam Aeternam? Sunt aliquī librī ab eādem domū ēditōriā ēditī scīlicet ā Vīvāriō Novō quōs legere potes inter Familiam Rōmānam et Rōmam Aeternam.
    Quī sunt? Sermōnēs Rōmānī, Dē Bellō Gallicō, Amphitryō et Epitomē Historiae Sacrae. Hōs librōs legere potes post Familiam Rōmānam et ante Rōmam Aeternam.
    Ecce Amphitryō Plautī. In hōc librō continentur verba Plautī, ergō vērus textus, vērum scrīptum Rōmānum, sed mōre Ørbergī illūstrātum. Vidē: sunt explicātiōnēs in marginibus, sunt pictūrae in marginibus. Liber est ēditus mōre Ørbergī, mōre Linguae Latīnae Per Sē Illūstrātae. Ergō bonum est tālēs librōs legere, quia īnstrūctiō pāginārum est eadem, est similis. Ergō post Familiam Rōmānam et ante Rōmam Aeternam legere potes hunc librum Amphitryōnem Plautī. Nōn continētur tōta cōmoedia Plautīna in hōc librō sed pars tantum.
    Potes legere etiam Sermōnēs Rōmānōs. Sermōnēs Rōmānī est flōrilegium. Quid significat? In hōc librō nōn tantum ūnum, sed multōs auctōrēs inveniēs, nam flōrilegium est. Dum librum legēs, poteris flōrēs colligere, flōrēs legere et carpere, flōrilegium. In hōc librō scrīpta sunt Plautī, Phaedrī, Tacitī, Plīniī, et alia.
    Inter duōs librōs poteris etiam legere Dē Bellō Gallicō. Caesar Iūlius, Caesar ille scrīpsit commentariōs dē bellō Gallicō et est liber ā Vīvāriō Novō ēditus in quō partēs, in quō locī huius operis inveniuntur, mōre Ørbergiānō illūstrātī.
    Tandem ultimus liber ā Vīvāriō Novō ēditus quem legere poteris inter Familiam Rōmānam, post Familiam Rōmānam et ante Rōmam Aeternam, est hīc (1), Epitomē Historiae Sacrae. Hunc librum nōn Ørbergius scrīpsit, sed Carolus Franciscus Lhomond, quī fuit abbās Gallus, sed Acadēmīā Vīvārium Novum ēdidit in lūcem, pūblicāvit librum. Etiam Robertus Carfagni est auctor. In hōc librō inveniuntur historiae ex bibliā sacrā. Ergō historiae sacrae. Multae historiae simplicēs sunt et pēnsa et lūsūs. Et hic liber quoque īnstrūctus est mōre illīus seriēī Lingua Latīna Per Sē Illūstrāta.
    Bene. Post hōs librōs parātus, parāta es. Poteris Rōmam Aeternam incipere. Sed ut dīximus Rōma Aeterna liber longus est neque facilis. Ergō quōs librōs legere potes dum legis hunc? Quōs librōs legere potes dum legis Rōmam Aeternam? In sēde rētiālī illīus domūs ēditōriae Acadēmīae Vīvāriī Novī invenīre potes nōnnūllōs librōs quōs legere potes dum legis Rōmam Aeternam.
    Exemplī grātiā Artem Amātōriam Ovidiī, scīlicet locōs legere potes ex Arte Amātōriā sēlēctōs. Aenēidem Vergiliī, Aenēidem. Hīc sunt locī ex librō prīmō quārtōque Aenēidis in ūsum discipulōrum illūstrātī. Poteris etiam legere aliqua Būcolica Carmina Vergiliī. Ergō poteris legere Artem Amātōriam Ovidiī, Aenēida et Būcolica Vergiliī. Etiam locōs ex Dē Rērum Nātūrā Lucrētiī. Dein locōs ex illā Cēnā Trimalchiōnis Petrōniī et in fīne Rōmae Aeternae poteris legere librum dē Catilīnā. In hōc librō locī īnsunt Sallustiī et Cicerōnis.
    Ecce igitur librī quōs legere potes post Familiam Rōmānam et ante Rōmam Aeternam et aliī quōs legere potes dum Rōmam Aeternam legis. Unde tibi comparāre potes hōs librōs? Vidē nexūs vinculaque. Velim etiam grātiās agere Caspāriō. Caspārius Porton est magister linguae Latīnae et magister magistrōrum in Batāviā (The Netherlands) et ipse cōnfēcit hoc, hoc schēma pulcherrimum. In hōc schēmate continentur omnēs librī ā domū ēditōriā illā ēditī quōs legere potes dum legis Familiam Rōmānam, post Familiam Rōmānam, et dum legis Rōmam Aeternam.
    Suntne aliī librī quōs legere potes? Sunt, sed in hīs pelliculīs dīxī tantum dē librīs ab eā domū ēditōriā et mōre Lingua Latīna Per Sē Illūstrāta ēditīs. Meā sententiā bonum est, meā sententiā iuvat legere librōs eiusdem seriēī. Cum tīrō es, cum incipis discere linguam Latīnam, crēdō bonum esse nōn nimiōs sed paucōs librōs legere omnēsque eōdem modō parātōs. Dein aliī sunt, exemplī grātiā Pūgiō Brūtī illīus Daniēlis Pettersson, exemplī grātiā Ōra Maritima, aliīque, sed melius est paucōs librōs legere et bonōs quam multōs eōdem tempore.
    Fuitne tibi ūtilis haec pellicula? Sī fuit, dīvulgā eam et adnotā, commentārium scrībe, tē legere volō.
    (1) Irene says hīc, but she might have meant hic.

    • @MatW1lson
      @MatW1lson 10 місяців тому +1

      Euge! Gratias! Hoc ego laetus accipio. 🎉

    • @SaturaLanx
      @SaturaLanx  10 місяців тому +1

      Plurimas gratias!!

  • @sandroluisdesousa4979
    @sandroluisdesousa4979 10 місяців тому +2

    Tuae peliculae sunt semper nimis utilis, Irene! Gratias plurimas!😃

  • @dinobravo852
    @dinobravo852 10 місяців тому +3

    Ciao Irene, dovresti creare un corso per Roma Aeterna...credo que sarebbe un'ottima idea!

    • @SaturaLanx
      @SaturaLanx  10 місяців тому +4

      Potrebbe esserci presto qualche novità al riguardo... se non sei già iscritto alla mia newsletter, ti consiglio di farlo ( per ricevere aggiornamenti!

  • @DavidAmster
    @DavidAmster 10 місяців тому +3

    Maximas gratias tibi! Valde utilis est :)

  • @Pink--Black
    @Pink--Black 10 місяців тому +3

    If you haven't read 'Fabulae Syrae' yet (which is meant to be read while doing Familia Romana), I strongly recommend to begin with that. Also, probably a lot more efficient than any of the Ørberg-style books mentioned here is a comic called 'Asterix', as translated into Latin by Rubricastellanus (Asterix Gallus, Asterix apud Gothos, Asterix gladiator, etc.). For the more advanced I heartily recommend Nutting's 'Ad Alpes', a quite entertaining textbook featuring adapted original texts (a bit like Roma Aeterna, but much less boring and far easier), which having been written in 1927 is now in the public domain and can be readily found online. 💜🖤

    • @SaturaLanx
      @SaturaLanx  10 місяців тому

      Salve, thanks for your insight! May I ask why you consider "Asterix" to be a lot more efficient than these books?

    • @Pink--Black
      @Pink--Black 10 місяців тому

      ​@@SaturaLanx: Ørberg-style books are great because they contain only Latin and illustrate new words in the margins. This effect is multiplied in Latin-only comic books like Asterix, where illustrations take the center stage to the point that one might almost understand what is happening without even reading the Latin. As far as comprehensible input goes, this should be the gold standard.
      Furthermore, the format of a comic leaves not much room for text, which means that there are lots and lots of short and easy to understand Latin sentences. These short sentences are often illustrated by the drawings, making them even easier to understand.
      As a bonus point, the register is colloquial and informal, which is rare in Latin text books but absolutely necessary for anyone who wants to become fluent (in any language, fluency flows from being able to understand, process, and use the most basic and everyday language items, which by their very commonality offer the most repetition and therefore the best chances to get 'acquired').
      Last but not least, they are comics, which means that they are originally meant to be compelling and fun. After being comprehensible, perhaps the most important characteristic of good input for second language acquisition is that it is compelling. Enjoying what you read makes you read more, but beyond that it seems that the brain just makes new connections more easily when it is being fed with what it is actually hungering for. It may be a more edifying to read Caesar or Cicero, but when you're learning a language it's in fact a much better strategy to aim for gratifying and entertaining than for elevating and instructive. If I may perhaps overstate my point a little, I'd say that Caesar and Cicero should be read by those who know Latin, not by those who are learning it. This is certainly true in any case for those learning basic or intermediate Latin, who are after all the people we are talking about here. 💜🖤

    • @havranj
      @havranj 10 місяців тому

      Thanks for the tip. Ad Alpes are available on both Internet archive and latin wikisource (I wanted put few links in Irene's previous video about wikisource, but youtube kept deleting my comments because of the links). Also five Asterix comics are available for free at Internet archive (so I assume these are public domain as well), just search for "RUBRICASTELLANUS".

    • @havranj
      @havranj 9 місяців тому +1

      @@Pink--Black Also some Asterix comics are probably public domain, since they can be found at Internet Archive

  • @jeandeboishault6380
    @jeandeboishault6380 10 місяців тому +10

    Grātiās tibi ! Haec pellicula mihī ūtilis erit. (J'espère que c'est correct, je débute.)

    • @SaturaLanx
      @SaturaLanx  10 місяців тому +3

      Optime scripsisti!

  • @patricktuorto
    @patricktuorto 10 місяців тому +1

    Gratias tibi ago doctissima magistra, propter Orbergum currum ante equo ponebam. Gravitatem didiscendum capitulis grammatis mihi perditum erat sed necesse mihi erat ab hoc errore vertere et in succum et sanguine Latinum discere Orbergi verto.
    Nunc fere ego in pontem sto inter has provincias librorum! "Roma Aeterna" modum digitalum habeo sed non tam paratus sum legere, fortasse haec libra emo. Gratias!

  • @defensorgentium2047
    @defensorgentium2047 10 місяців тому +1

    Gratias ago tibi pro consiliis tuis, Irene: valde diligo libros latine scriptos legere.
    Possumne facile hos libros quos nobis ostendisti emere?
    Usque ad hodie tantum "familiam romanam" et "fabulas Syrae" legi, sed domi mihi est etiam liber "Roma aeterna".

    • @SaturaLanx
      @SaturaLanx  10 місяців тому +1

      Salve! Potes eos facile emere sive per Amazones, sive ex paginis quorum nexus in pelliculae descriptione perscripsi.

  • @antivirusantivirus3139
    @antivirusantivirus3139 10 місяців тому +1

    Salve Irene. Bona Magistra et femina pulchra tu. Amo.

  • @munchped
    @munchped 10 місяців тому

    I’ve heard Irene use the word “pellicula” more than once, but I don’t understand it. The dictionaries say “skin, hide”. How does that apply here?

    • @SaturaLanx
      @SaturaLanx  10 місяців тому

      Salve! We currently use that word for "video" (originally "video tape").

  • @bene4tr
    @bene4tr 9 місяців тому

    Estne liber nominatus 'Roma Novissima' ?

    • @SaturaLanx
      @SaturaLanx  9 місяців тому

      Numquam de tali libro audivi, sed fieri potest...

  • @felixarquer7732
    @felixarquer7732 9 місяців тому

    Quam difficile est Origines Pictae?

    • @SaturaLanx
      @SaturaLanx  9 місяців тому

      Mihi videtur aptus esse iis qui omnino vel paene perfecerunt "Familiam Romanam":

    • @felixarquer7732
      @felixarquer7732 9 місяців тому

      @@SaturaLanx I'm game, gratias.

  • @iberius9937
    @iberius9937 10 місяців тому +2

    Flōrilegium....quam pulchrum verbum est!

    • @SaturaLanx
      @SaturaLanx  10 місяців тому


    • @astreamaiden
      @astreamaiden 9 місяців тому

      In Portuguese we have “Florilégio”

  • @levinanji9649
    @levinanji9649 10 місяців тому

    Rogatum habeo,...quomodo dicitur haec verba in latinā linguā " I agree with you"

    • @SaturaLanx
      @SaturaLanx  10 місяців тому +1

      Salve! "Consentio tibi / tecum", "assentior tibi", "tecum sto", "in sententiam tuam pedibus eo", etc. 🙂