All You Wanna Do (TW! - at start) VENT

  • Опубліковано 4 тра 2023
  • I allow trauma dumping in the comments, please add TW (if they need it). all comments are held for review.
    I realized Ive only hinted in a few videos that i was groomed before i was a preteen but never got into too much detail.
    Song: • SIX the Musical (featu...
  • Фільми й анімація


  • @April_Animates_Stuff
    @April_Animates_Stuff Рік тому +781

    Oh, god. This is so disturbing. I hate that there are people like this in the world. So much respect to you for surviving it all.

    • @minhavidaretardada9228
      @minhavidaretardada9228 Рік тому +34

      I tricked one guy (he is older than me), I told him that I was 10y just to see where the thing was going, he asked if it was okay since he was older, it pissed me off, he even tried to blame me for lie my age. I flipped him off and blocked him

    @CANINETHEROPY Рік тому +657

    TW; ped0philia, manipulation, gr00ming
    I met this lady on an app when I was a 12 year old boy, and I went through a similar to thing to you. She guilt-tripped me into sending her pictures of myself, told me she would off herself (while sending me pictures of a gun she had) if I didn't, and complimented my privates despite me saying I didn't like it. I was (and still am) asexual, and it made me sick to my stomach. I'm sorry you had to go though something like this, and even worse; god awful parents who haven't gave a single thought about the feelings of others..

    • @kingkingwong3924
      @kingkingwong3924 Рік тому +50

      I'm sorry you to experience that, hope you feel better❤

  • @mermershangout4808
    @mermershangout4808 Рік тому +674

    I'm so sorry you went through this I can't imagine how painful and hard this must be. I wantn you to know nothing was your fault and you didn't deserve it, venting helps release a lot of hard and tough emotions and helps I'm sorry this all happened.

  • @kamikoSIOPAO_ARTS
    @kamikoSIOPAO_ARTS Рік тому +395

    God this hurts.. i know exactly how this feels
    When you thought that you were finally safe and genuinely loved after every fucked up relationship butnit ends up even worse
    Cause you built the trust already, but no it's all the same
    Just know that none of it was your fault.
    You're beautiful... and hopefully one day somekne will care for you and nurture you more than you deserve...

  • @KorpseKiKi
    @KorpseKiKi Рік тому +168

    I actually suffered a similar case of this. I felt so utterly violated and devastated I couldn’t sleep in my room for a week. I was so weak minded, and yet I still am up to this day. I am so sorry you went through those. I hate how these ppl can take advantage of you so easily and then these ppl get away with it. I rly hope one day they’ll get what’s coming to them

    • @yoursavior154
      @yoursavior154 Рік тому +11

      I'm so sorry, it's the worst when your place of comfort becomes unbearable for you. I pray that you become more strong-willed and know that it's truely possible!

  • @merteazy
    @merteazy 11 місяців тому +105

    i think not sugarcoating stuff like this is important. you did super well on how you chose to portray this stuff. its blatant so it doesn't get miscommunicated but still has some nice representative artsy part. very brave to put this out there.
    and so sorry that people get treated this way. im glad you were strong enough to get through it and vent.

  • @tkmax8156
    @tkmax8156 11 місяців тому +76

    TW for s3xual harassment, p3dophila, ins3st, and SA
    I’m sorry if I sound rude, but I can relate to this on a spiritual level. I was SA’d three times. (I just really need to vent this out).
    One time was by my cousin. I was around 8-9 and he was a teenager (he’s an adult now and has changed. But I still vaguely remember this.). We were both alone in a hotel room, waiting for my parents, siblings, cousins, aunt and uncle to get back from breakfast (since we weren’t hungry and assured them that they could go without us). While we were alone, he made some.. comments. Which I didn’t understand at the time. But the thing that really got me thinking was when he told me to lay on the bed, pull my pants and underwear down, put a rag over my eyes, and relax. Once I did, and I cannot make this up, he licked me on my swimsuit area. I felt disgusted and mortified, but couldn’t refuse or push him away, as I was just a kid. I laid in bed, still feeling disgusted by what he had done to me. He laid on top of me. And I didn’t understand fully that what he did to me was wrong. My family soon got back into the room and he got off me, but by then, my aunt had already seen him laying on top of me. Of course, he was scolded. My siblings and parents asked if I was alright and I just said “I’m okay”. My aunt and uncle apologized for his behavior. But I never told them what happened fully. I just played dumb and acted like he didn’t do anything to me. To this day, I still never told them. That memory still repeats in my mind.
    Second time, I don’t even know if I can call this SA, but I figured I’d just get this out. My second time was by an online friend I met on a roleplay server. I was about 12 at the time and he was 15. We were casually pretending to be roleplaying and messing around. But things got a bit weird as the roleplay began to turn erotic. I was confused on how this all drastically changed, but I quickly realized the pattern and blocked him. I never told anyone about this incident, either. Only a group chat I was in (who I knew I could trust).
    My third time was by a irl friend of mine. He was 9 and I was almost 13. We met at school, but all of a sudden, he stopped going to school. I hadn’t seen him in awhile before this, but he showed up at my house and asked if we could walk around the block and catch up on things. I agreed and so did my mom. So we began walking around the neighborhood I live in. We started talking, and he was still the same kind boy I knew him. But things suddenly changed as he asked if I liked him. Which I didn’t, since I knew I was a lesbian and didn’t see him that way. But he kept pushing it until it became sexual harassment. He started saying some rather inappropriate things that I’m not comfortable with saying here. He also began to touch my thighs, tried to touch my crotch, my butt, ect. The only place he didn’t touch me was my chest. I tried to tell him to stop and that I didn’t see him like that, but he ignored me. I was instantly uncomfortable with this and went home, and so did he. It took a few months after I had turned 13 for me to tell somebody (since I was scared I was gonna get blamed for it), but I eventually told one of my teachers. Who wrote it all down and told my mom and dad about it. When I got home from school, my mom took me into the dining room. My dad was cooking in the kitchen and they both asked who was it that did that to me. I told them it was my friend. That boy who my mom and dad thought was pretty nice. The two were in a state of shock for a moment before they told me I could’ve told them. I wanted to cry. I couldn’t believe I had kept that experience from my parents. But I remained calm. They didn’t call the police or anything. And I never saw him after that. I thought he had moved away, because his house was completely empty.
    Now that I’m 13, and looking back at this now, I find it sickening that someone would do that to a minor just for their fantasies and desires. Let alone another minor, who shouldn’t even be doing that kind of stuff at all.

    • @solartab
      @solartab 10 місяців тому +2

      Idc if i'm innocent but what is "inS3st"?

    • @solartab
      @solartab 10 місяців тому +3

      Being innocent just sucks

    • @chess-
      @chess- 10 місяців тому +9

      @@solartab “sexual relations between people classed as being too closely related to marry each other.”
      “the crime of having sexual intercourse with a parent, child, sibling, or grandchild.”
      from the dictionary.

    • @starrycat127
      @starrycat127 6 місяців тому +1

      2nd seems more like grooming/some type of pedophilia than sexual assault

    • @CevilDevil.
      @CevilDevil. 6 місяців тому

      @@solartabmiss typo of incest I’m guessing

  • @birdboy__
    @birdboy__ Рік тому +125

    God I can relate to thiss....
    I hate how difficult it is to get out of situations like this. They just keep pulling you back in,,

    • @FruitBat_Gay
      @FruitBat_Gay Рік тому

      Yeah how you keep trusting people and they just use you because you may happen to have a mature body and it fucking sucks-

  • @SoldiMoneyZz
    @SoldiMoneyZz Рік тому +77

    As a person who's been a victim of sexual assault + having send such pictures i relate to this alot. I'm very sorry you've been through this aswell and as a child you just don't know any better, you might think it was your fault i still think that too but we really didn't think any better yk? These things happen and the only thing we can do is toughen up, you will get through this mate we all are here for you

  • @killz.-
    @killz.- Рік тому +49

    God I'm so sorry that you had to go through this. No child or teen or ANYONE for that matter deserves to go through this. I can't believe that your own mother said that about you too- None of that was your fault. Men can be horrible, horrible people and have very little respect for others. I hope that you're in a safe place now

  • @AveragePolyPeps
    @AveragePolyPeps 4 місяці тому +12

    This needs to be talked about more. the age gaps, the dirty stuff, I went through very similar things at a younger age then you were and it still happens now. I understand how hard these situations are but I hope the best for you

  • @MochiJelly4877
    @MochiJelly4877 Рік тому +43

    I was groomed by someone a few years ago I won’t get into it at the moment but I feel ya and I’m sorry those thing happened to you. It shouldn’t have and it’s not your fault they were older than you and use you to do things you didn’t want to.

  • @user-td5kp4zi7q
    @user-td5kp4zi7q 3 місяці тому +5

    I’m so sorry that you had to go through this. Especially at such a young age! I hope that nobody ever has to deal with stuff like this even though there are always going to be creeps and pedo*****s. Stay safe, and remember that it’s not a crime to say no to creeps. :>

  • @Maxwell-yk8hz
    @Maxwell-yk8hz Рік тому +74

    Tw: Gr00ming, p3d0philia
    I understand how you feel. Currently dealing with the fact i was kinda.. Gr00med growing up. Just about wvery guy in my life has hurt me in some way. But i just wanna say, I'm proud that youre spreading your story to bring more attention to the fact that this kind of thing does happen. Thank you. Youre so brave, and a great role model.

  • @almightypandora
    @almightypandora Рік тому +56

    TW: SA, gr00ming and ped0philia
    God this is so relatable. Back when I was 11 I was also groomed online. This one guy kept commenting hearts on my videos and always did comment when no one else would and I loved it. He was 19-20 btw. He messaged me one day and we went back and forth messaging each other. One day he asked “bf and gf?” And like the fucking idiot kid I was, I said yes, because for once I felt loved. Afterwards, he got so much weirder though, asking me for ya know n*des and I got so uncomfortable that I found out how to block his account and so I did.
    Second time was when I was 13 soon to be 14 in a couple months. Online again. This person was 26. She was really nice and really sweet. Always sent me things and gifts which again, I loved as it made me feel special. We never were officially together, but we acted like a couple. She always always acted like we were together though and pressured me into things I didn’t want to, and to send her sexual pictures and stuff. I quickly got out of the situation with the help of two of my online friends and sometimes I miss her, but then I remind myself the trauma she gave me and that turns my thought process back around :,)

    • @edencanflyy
      @edencanflyy  Рік тому +13


    • @almightypandora
      @almightypandora Рік тому +10

      @@edencanflyy 🫂

    • @starrycat127
      @starrycat127 6 місяців тому +2

      as someone whos also been groomed, ive learned that we dont miss the person themself. we miss the fantasy and version of them we had in our head, once you fully get over the person, youll see how they truly were and how bad the things they did to a ful extent.

  • @Uzii000
    @Uzii000 Рік тому +19

    im so sorry what you went through it must be very hard for you. I hope you are feeling better after making this. You are strong

  • @Ada-ZRoach
    @Ada-ZRoach Рік тому +20

    I’m so sorry about this, a good person shouldn’t deserve this, your trust broken, toxic relationships… you shouldn’t deserve this at all, this must be hard on your life causing stress and trust issues, do be the fish..
    New sub hope that’s better ❤

    • @Ada-ZRoach
      @Ada-ZRoach Рік тому +2


    • @Ada-ZRoach
      @Ada-ZRoach Рік тому +3

      Also my little sister was being hit on by someone way older than her, they’d say “ wow your so pretty” “ I wish you were here” stuff like that, that I comforted her and helped her get them to stool it still traumatized me when I was walking with my sister while we were out and some guy driver behind us and said wow some fine ladies there, and he was like 60…

    @STARS_SHIMMERS Рік тому +13

    i relate too much to this video. im sorry that this happened, you didn’t deserve any of that hell. you deserved better.

  • @Flint_the_fur
    @Flint_the_fur 3 місяці тому +5

    I just had to deal with a really similar thing, luckily the police stepped in before it got worse. Im sorry you had to go through that tho and i hope youre at least a little better no

  • @skylar2011
    @skylar2011 10 місяців тому +6

    I’m so sorry you have had to go through all of this. As someone who has been though things like this multiple times I understand completely how you feel and I hope you get through this

  • @SandwichGodAllMighty
    @SandwichGodAllMighty 4 місяці тому +6

    This is horrible.
    I was touched by my grandfather and visually raped by my neighbor.
    I told my parents who didn’t care.
    This is disgusting and you showed it in such a beautiful way.

  • @velvetclaw33
    @velvetclaw33 Рік тому +130

    TW!: Gr00ming, mentions of s3xual abus3/trauma, Abus3 in General, p3d0philia, z00philia, cursing, S3lf harm, Su1c1d3
    I unfortunately relate a lot to this video and a lot of the other vids you've made in the past as well, but it does at least help me heal a little to know that I'm not alone in what I've experienced, your videos always make me feel less alone and make me feel a little closer each day to coming out with my own story
    When I was only 14 my family member who I looked up to more than anything invited me to a furry p0rn server that was meant for only adults. I was introduced to f3ral p0rn there as well as ch1ld p0rn and was groomed for a very long time into thinking that gross stuff was normal and ok (I no longer do luckily), and there is where I met my gr00mer, and the worst person to ever enter my life. He was 16-17 (can't remember which) while I was only 14 when we got together. He constantly guilt tripped me into doing f3ral p0rn artwork/RP's with him and would get angry or emotionless with me when I didn't want to, and since I was an impressionable autistic kid I nearly always did what he asked me to. He constantly threatened me with Su1c1d3 and s3lf harm whenever I tried to leave him and he's actually one of the main reasons I myself started to s3lf harm (I no longer do, 3 1/2 years clean). He sent a hacker after me and my friends at one point which terrified me, he tricked me with an alternate account and so much more. He basically taught me not to say no to s3xual advances
    I left him when me and my current bf became friends and he really helped me to stay away from my ex, and to heal. Eventually I went full no contact with my ex and my bf started to help me really heal and learn that saying no is ok if I don't want to do something sexual, and currently I'm doing a lot better with that
    My bf has helped me heal in so many ways and I seriously appreciate him a lot
    To everyone out there, if you're going through a similar situation, you can get through this. You can leave that horrible person you're with and heal, it may take a long time, but I believe in you, and know that you're never alone, there are so many people that feel your pain. Also know that it is NEVER your fault for someone else treating you horribly/gr00ming you, that responsibility is solely on the abus3rs shoulders
    Stay safe out there everyone ❤️‍🩹

    • @edencanflyy
      @edencanflyy  Рік тому +34


    • @FruitBat_Gay
      @FruitBat_Gay Рік тому +1

      I don’t know what to say, but please know your not alone, and sadly I fully understand what you’ve gone through and all I gotta say is it gets better I swear

    • @tiredtherianz
      @tiredtherianz 8 місяців тому +4

      I hate the people out there like that. I hope you never have to go through anything like that ever again

  • @Siamesecat177
    @Siamesecat177 Рік тому +27

    when i was watching your videos i felt those moments that are really bad in life and i felt how hard it was with your parents who were almost abusive, but i almost got mad at this thing but seriously how hard has your life been with so many ventures, And why was it so BAD seriously bro

    • @edencanflyy
      @edencanflyy  Рік тому +18

      No clue. I just existed and men were like "it's free realestate >:)" /hj
      But really, it's a combination of traumatized parents who shouldnt have been parents who let people do whatever to their kids and then get mad at the child for being traumatized by said events. I had undiagnosed and unmanageable BPD up till I was 19 (2020). My parents were abusive, they blamed me for being assaulted by my brother at 3, told me I was faking my mental illness all my life and my mom has multiple times has told me to commit not alive throughout my teens then gaslit me that it never happened. I didn't believe it myself until my little brother confirmed she did it on many occasions in front of him and it traumatized him too much to be honest with our parents. Like I said, idk but I got PTSD and BPD from it and it lead me to being groomed and abused a lot as a kid.

    • @edencanflyy
      @edencanflyy  Рік тому +9

      @@Siamesecat177 if it did, thats what those people want, some days i feel like the only thing that keeps me going is that i live out of spite. if im not alive, things could be twisted and no one would never know my side and i couldnt defend myself against it. but yeah, anyone reading this, stay strong, there is hope. /gen

  • @amberestie6605
    @amberestie6605 Рік тому +10

    I am glad when people speak on these things and I hope it helps you heal and feel like you aren't alone.
    I was a young adult but still basically set into a trap by a family friend. Guilt tripped, threatened, forced to do a few things I just did not want to do. Things I still look back on in shame and horror. Isolated from family and friends when I was only seeking a deep connection after my mother's passing. My friends ended up saving me and he ended up passing away from COVID. An unnatural part of me is a bit sad and another unnatural part happy. This Icey cold, claustrophobic, suffocating, dark encapsulating feeling I don't wish on anybody and I pray people become more aware of it and how to escape it.
    Have courage. Don't stay. Ask for help.

  • @GhoulishCinnamon
    @GhoulishCinnamon Рік тому +5

    I am so so so sorry for what you went through. I’ve had similar experiences throughout my lifetime and I understand how utterly disgusting it can make someone feel. Please just never forget that you are NOT defined by all that shit and I really do hope that you can recover from a traumatic event like this.

  • @CryingFerret
    @CryingFerret Рік тому +5

    I’m sorry you went through this. No one should ever have to suffer that type of thing. I hope things are getting better for you now, you deserve greater things in this life.

  • @CloudPanther8
    @CloudPanther8 Рік тому +9

    I hate when people are like this, you can’t even trust one person.

    @D3MONBUNNI Рік тому +90

    it’s awful that you got in trouble when your mom found out about you and brown, i’m sorry you had to go through all of this

  • @roxxthegaedeercat
    @roxxthegaedeercat 11 місяців тому +2

    This is honestly so terrible and I emphasize with you. Went through similar experiences and it completely destroyed me more time then I can count. I wish you so much luck and love (true unconditional love) through your journey if you've healed from it yet or not.

  • @zuazz
    @zuazz Рік тому +3

    I feel this on so many levels… I’m so so SO sorry you went through all of this. Sending lots of love and blessings, I really hope you heal and find somebody who will love you for real, not someone who wants to exploit you.

    • @kingkingwong3924
      @kingkingwong3924 5 місяців тому +1

      The fact that your pfp of Angel matches what your talking abt lolz, but still feel better soon Eden we’re here 4 u

  • @LolBito
    @LolBito 11 місяців тому +29

    Being a girl is so freaking hard 😢

    • @NepetaLeijonOfficial
      @NepetaLeijonOfficial 10 місяців тому +15

      if you basically do anything nowadays ur sexualized 😕😕

    • @jaymart04
      @jaymart04 8 місяців тому +6

      @@NepetaLeijonOfficialon god

    • @rach-cv552
      @rach-cv552 6 місяців тому +4

      I really underestimated how hard it really is...
      I get made into s_x jokes more often than you'd think, and getting my name cute-sified (like, Rachy or Rachie).
      I thought that phase of my life was over, until, well, a certain person...

  • @woof_iiiu
    @woof_iiiu Рік тому +14

    What you've gone through was horrible! I'm so sorry you had to bear all of that, you never deserved any of it,,,even though I may not fully understand what youve been through It must be scarring and horrible :( I'm really proud of you for staying strong amidst this and that you're able to express yourself through this, it takes a lot to be open about this, you're a very brave and amazing person! God bless you, I hope everything goes alright, have a nice day!

  • @LeilaIndo
    @LeilaIndo Рік тому +5

    Watching this… I am just so sorry. especially at 11… being groomed and manipulated like that is terrible. I am really sorry.. ❤

  • @Sundrown630
    @Sundrown630 Рік тому +3

    Im so so so sorry... This must have been so heartbreaking and terrible for you. I hope your better... And if not i pray you get better! ❤

  • @goopiiegoofy
    @goopiiegoofy 10 місяців тому

    im so sorry ive been through a similar thing at 13 its horrible. the trauma sticks with you but your so brave for venting about this

  • @Ashlyn998
    @Ashlyn998 7 місяців тому +1

    sending all the love i can 💛 it breaks my heart to know this is how the world is sometimes. I really hope you can move on from this and become a stronger person and a better you. I have had my own SH and SA stuff and it's so hard not to put myself down over it or compare to someone else's story. In nearly every case it's "what happened to me wasn't as bad as this" which isn't a good thing. I'm trying to get better with that but I think I need professional help for that (among many other reasons, im not doing so well mentally)
    also, i just wanna say i really loved the drawings. they're very expressive and cool and similar to how i'd wanna be able to portray things some day whenever i can actually draw. the whole video in general just captured my heart and you did a good job with it.

  • @blue_cookie1
    @blue_cookie1 Місяць тому

    Omgs I’m so sry, I can’t really relate to this but it must have been so hard. I can see from the other comments that many others have gone through this, hope u feel better soon.

  • @plainsz
    @plainsz Рік тому +4

    gosh ur so relatable.. absolutely love this

  • @honeythekittydog
    @honeythekittydog Рік тому +10

    Although I love this song, I’m so sorry you had to go through this. I hope you get better. I feel so awful that people out there are evil like this. I hope you feel and get better ❤️‍🩹.

  • @colurpixels7833
    @colurpixels7833 Рік тому +16

    I've been through this and therapy helps. Just stick in there. It has been hard to explain to my family why I am different but then they make me feel bad for even saying anything bc they make it about them or make the situation sound "not as bad." Its horrible what ppl can do and now I have to live with fear and emotional damage from selfish people who only knew how to touch. I am so glad I have my fiancee now. He has been helping me through the trauma since we met.

  • @ThisThing333
    @ThisThing333 11 місяців тому +5

    Lots of support here❤
    It’s so disgusting how people do this to kids who don’t know that this can f**k up both their lives 😕
    I hope for your later life you can live like it never happened, more so I know you can and I’m just trying to manifest it for you

  • @dusty-zr4o3
    @dusty-zr4o3 7 місяців тому +1

    I really hope you got out of those situations safe !! And we are really proud of you

  • @ani_.0
    @ani_.0 4 місяці тому

    i hate how much i relate to this at 14. Im genuinely so sorry for everything that happened, you deserved so much better and it sucks that people like that exist. Ik i dont know you at all but i care about you so much and im so proud of you for surviving all of that :)

  • @akumuthemoongod1963
    @akumuthemoongod1963 6 місяців тому +5

    I…I went through something similar…and getting over the trauma is terrifying…it is never easy…I’m so sorry this happened to you…and I hope you are in a better place with better people..
    People can be so sick…my ex and I knew each other since we were young teens….and he was so manipulative…and so suicidal…I was always afraid of escalating things…he insulted my friends and isolated me from my best friend because he was another male…he asked for the same thing…over and over every day even when he knew I was not ok with it…he begged..he pleaded….and he got angry if I ever said no….
    Again I’m so sorry this happened to you…

  • @LocalDumby0211
    @LocalDumby0211 Рік тому +3

    I’m so sorry you went through that, you don’t deserve any of that, hope everything is better now.

  • @profezzionale
    @profezzionale Рік тому +43

    i relate to the first part a LOT.
    (TW: pedophilia, grooming, s3xual)
    when i was only about 8 i was on discord. i got a friend request from this guy! he was about 21. i accepted because i wanted a friend
    but then before i knew it he was like "send nudes?" and i was like "what are those?" and he sent me one.
    of course i was like: okay, whats wrong with this? and i sent nudes. he would tell me how pretty i am and how much he wanted to have sexual intercourse with me. i was happy when he said he might fly down to where i am (i told him where i lived) but he wasn't allowed to because his family found out. he blocked me and i never knew why and thought it was my fault. timeskip a few years later and i finally know what happened to me

    • @GeckoGacha
      @GeckoGacha Рік тому +5

      Holy shit, im so sorry you had to go through that

    • @Ginger-freck
      @Ginger-freck 5 місяців тому

      Holy- wow.. at least you realize what happened because some people had something like but actually never know what is was about and that scary-

  • @Luna_ShadowGamer
    @Luna_ShadowGamer Рік тому +20

    Oh *sh-t*, there’s not enough words to describe how difficult that must have been to deal with that.
    Vent: Ok so, My two best friends (both girls) who I will call A and L, they both have a boyfriend. L’s boyfriend is quite annoying, and almost everyone thinks that L should dump him. A’s boyfriend on the other hand is a perfect match for her, and most of the time tells L when her boyfriend, for example, takes her stuff from her. You’d have to see it for yourself. Anyway, L still somehow likes him.
    Now, this isn’t the reason why I want L and her boyfriend to break up, I just don’t think L deserves that. I have likes L for about a year now, and the problem is that L is straight, still with her boyfriend, and I’m 1000% not her type (because im a girl). I’ve been wanting to tell her and the rest of my for a while, but I haven’t gotten the courage to.
    Im still trying to stop liking her but it’s just hard to, she’s been my best friend for years and I don’t want her to stay in a relationship like that or mess it up by telling her that I like her.

    • @kingkingwong3924
      @kingkingwong3924 Рік тому +2

      I relate, I had girl crushes too, I really don't know what advice to give you thou, take care of your mental health especially if you decide to confess❤

  • @kaylovemimi
    @kaylovemimi 5 місяців тому +1

    Omg!! I’m so sorry you had to go through this, the people who did those things to you deserve to rot in hell. I’m pretty young and I’ve been groomed once and I’ve gone through some S/A by my peers, but nothing this extreme. I’m so sorry you have to deal with this everyday and I really hope things get better for you!!! ❤❤

  • @Gr0ssM0ss
    @Gr0ssM0ss Рік тому +7

    God all of this is awful, can’t believe you went through all of this. I hope you’re doing better now and that you cut contact with all of these horrible people :((

  • @Sqwirrel_Bonez
    @Sqwirrel_Bonez Рік тому +8

    Cw/Tw: Grooming, not that explicit, sorta mental breakdown
    I just got out of my 5th(?) grooming situation and this hits home
    I dont know how this keeps happening to me
    I dont know what i did to deserve it
    I cant just tell my family because they’ll guilt me into believing its my fault
    I cant tell my friends because theyll make jokes about it and belittle me
    I need help
    Im spiraling into a depressive rut and i know it will probably lead to me just getting into another toxic relationship with some sick, mentally deranged adult who’ll make me feel more like a piece of shit than before

  • @kemahz1893
    @kemahz1893 Рік тому +15

    I'm so sorry you had to go through this all I want to do is wrap you up in a blanket Drop you off in nice warm comfortable bed with a bunch of pillows and give you a bunch of your favorite foods and just binge watch comedy movies. Or something like that because you never deserved that you are an amazing person. I can already tell by that, you deserve better. Also if you need somebody to talk to you can talk to me if you want anytime anywhere I'll be here.❤

  • @slamano8719
    @slamano8719 Рік тому +2

    I'm so, so sorry you had to go through all of this, dude. I hope you have better people around you nowadays :/

  • @V_Val2004
    @V_Val2004 Рік тому +8

    I sadly relate to this but it was only one person I hope you get better Eden ❤

  • @jaymart04
    @jaymart04 8 місяців тому +1

    its so disgusting what people do,im honestly so sorry that you have gone through such trauma,i wish i could honestly just give you the biggest hug ever,you never deserved it.

  • @nerdz6849
    @nerdz6849 4 місяці тому

    I'm so sorry you went through this what they did to you doesn't devalue you as a person it doesn't make you less beautiful and it most certainly doesn't mean you deserve less respect you deserve to be loved and supported and i hope today in the present you're getting the help and support you need from friends family and loved ones I hope you're doing yhe things you love with the people you love you deserve to be happy ❤

  • @Ieattoesthesimp
    @Ieattoesthesimp 6 місяців тому +1

    Ik this is so random but I love how you drew everyone as cats lol. Also I’m so sorry this happened

  • @AngelCnderDreamer
    @AngelCnderDreamer Рік тому +1

    I'm so sorry you had to go through so much shit, I can only imagine what you must've of gone through. Also that just awful your mom just didn't take your side and assumed the worst... that shouldn't have happened. You deserve better then this, and I want you to know it isn't your fault people are just fucked up in their heads.
    I hope your life gets better and find someone decent and not all of that. You really do deserve it. :c

  • @UrAverageHamSammy
    @UrAverageHamSammy Рік тому +1

    I’m so sorry you had to go through that

    @FUNKYFREZH 5 місяців тому +3

    The way i immediately understood exactly what this feels like. I was talked into sending when i was 7 and my mother still blamed me. 🙁

  • @celestal_studisw7074
    @celestal_studisw7074 Рік тому +3

    Oh my,... i am so so *SO* sorry you had too go through this you did not deserve any of it and you are a strong person and I rlly hope your ok 😢
    And I can sorta relate with your pain but again you did nit deserve that and you need too know that
    And reading and seeing yours and other people's storys and thinkg of my own it just makes me sick too my stomach how disgusting and twisted our fellow human beings can be

  • @prehistoricorchid3455
    @prehistoricorchid3455 11 місяців тому

    Terribly sad how much I relate. I'm so sorry your went through this

  • @peekoeuphoria
    @peekoeuphoria 5 місяців тому +4

    Recently was groomed by someone i trusted dearly online, two days ago
    This is about my 4th time being groomed .
    And whenever I get these bad thoughts about my groomers I always watch this video and it helps me calm down and make me feel that I’m not alone and that grooming is a serious situation itself
    Every groomed person in this comment section deserves better honestly ☹️💙

    • @stanmarshspetcat
      @stanmarshspetcat 5 місяців тому

      i'm very sorry you had to go through that and i hope you get treated better in the future

  • @Harrow567
    @Harrow567 4 місяці тому

    I feel so bad for you no one deserves to go through that❤

  • @idunnowhattoputhere05
    @idunnowhattoputhere05 Рік тому

    Happened to me too no way :o (Joking abt trauma is my coping mechanism)
    But seriously, I'm so sorry that happened to you, no one deserves this bs. I promise you that one day you really will (if you haven't already) find someone who REALLY cares.

  • @venti2569
    @venti2569 3 місяці тому +2

    Im so genuinely sorry you went through that it mustve been so hard especially with your parents punishing you for it when it wasnt your fault its so disgusting that people do this often and not see how its bad the blue one gained your trust as a friend and backstabbed you that was probably horrible i suck at writing things like this but i just wanted to apologize for all that happened to you

  • @Stevie40o
    @Stevie40o 11 місяців тому +2

    I feel your anguish.........., This is so sad man, i'm so sorry ='(

    • @Stevie40o
      @Stevie40o 11 місяців тому +1

      I feel so bad really, I'm crying, why life is so cruel..... (sometimes)

  • @RasheedaParker-qn9ec
    @RasheedaParker-qn9ec 11 місяців тому

    😢 I’m so sorry that happened to you!!

  • @sydneyanderson5467
    @sydneyanderson5467 Рік тому +1

    I’m so sorry you had go through this 🫂🫂

  • @user-ez8gi9cv1s
    @user-ez8gi9cv1s 5 місяців тому +1

    Ok this is the third venting video I’ve seen. I hope one day we can spread more awareness so that humanity can get rid of this problem. Also I hope this creator is doing well now and doesn’t have to deal with this anymore.

  • @Mythical-Blackstar
    @Mythical-Blackstar Рік тому

    I unfortunately have never been through a situation like this. So I can’t understand what or how you or many others feel, but I hope you get better.

  • @milolinastars5052
    @milolinastars5052 Рік тому +5

    Sending love to all the people in this comment section, i hope y'all recover well 💛

  • @babyfonic793
    @babyfonic793 11 місяців тому

    I went through something similar very young around 7oe so i dont like going into detail or talk about online but i just hope you are in a better place now

    @RA1NBOWS0DA Рік тому +1

    I understand you, this is what i personally went trough as well and it{s so shitty...just know you can get trhough it and find someone who actually values you, it might be hard, but im sure there is someone.
    We are all here for you as well!

  • @user-td5kp4zi7q
    @user-td5kp4zi7q 4 місяці тому +1

    I hate that people think that it’s ok to manipulate people it is so not cool, I’m sorry to anyone who had to go through this kind of thing. 😢

  • @s0ggybreadsticks
    @s0ggybreadsticks Рік тому

    i am so sorry this happened to you and that was really unfair that you got in trouble i hope you can move on and live healthy from that i hope your doing ok too❤😊

  • @ruthbennett7838
    @ruthbennett7838 8 місяців тому

    I'm so sorry you had to go through thatI hate that people like that are in the world.

  • @xPeachTeax
    @xPeachTeax Рік тому +1

    I understand how this may be as I've been in similar situations, way too many times. To add salt to injury my mom said it was the way I dressed too haha.
    I got groomed not only by people online but when I was younger, by family. It cringes me to say that but I had family exploit me. I won't go into detail, but I will say this unlocked memories and I'm so so sorry this happened to you. It never should have and I am so sorry

  • @KillmepleazeTTnTT
    @KillmepleazeTTnTT 4 місяці тому +4

    Im 13 and ive been dealing with this since 8, i was sexually abused by someone who i thought was my friend, my boyfriend is sexualy abusive and ive been groomed and groped by men older then 15 (15 youngest that i didnt know and 47 oldest) i deal with this on a regular basis.

    • @skittlezz9705
      @skittlezz9705 4 місяці тому +6

      Jesus christ, is there anyway you can go to the police or tell someone? That's disgusting

  • @PotatoTheShorts987
    @PotatoTheShorts987 4 місяці тому

    I've fortunately never been groomed before, but my heart goes out to those who have. I've known people who have been SA victims and the reality of it is genuinely really upsetting to me. I've been in relationships where I've been used before, but I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like to have your autonomy taken away so severely and to be manipulated in such a way. I hope that there is justice for everyone who has had to go through this kind of thing someday.

  • @EveleeR
    @EveleeR 6 місяців тому +1

    felt that, pretty similar things also happened to me 💀 Idk I feel like parents need to keep a closer eye/warn kids more about this stuff and not blame them if it does happen.. Cause that's the last thing a kid going through this needs.

  • @pokerstudios
    @pokerstudios Рік тому +4

    Im so sorry this happened to you. Nobody should ever have to go through this EVER. I will never let anyone use me ever again. Worst experience ever...

  • @Lavenderfrostt
    @Lavenderfrostt 10 місяців тому +5

    I went through something extremely similar when I was a child, nowadays I feel like I can't keep a relationship unless I'm sexual and it's painful...

  • @R0sie.
    @R0sie. Рік тому +7

    I had a friend who groomed me into dating and doing inappropriate role plays when I was around 14-15 she lied about being younger than me so when all the things she did were revealed she would look innocent she wrecked a lot of my friendships with others and turned her fans against me even a UA-camr who was a legal adult took her side even though she was clearly in the wrong and a bad person I never would've gotten out of that relationship with her if it hadn't been for two of her ex friends who I also knew they had access to horrible things she had been saying behind my back together my friends and I exposed her so she wouldn't keep throwing dirt on me and for the most part it worked and I cut all contact with her the friends who helped me no longer really talk to me but I'm still grateful for the lengths they went to just to help me I want you to know that even though the pain and memories won't ever disappear you can find strength as time passes you're very brave and strong and you will get through the down of life ❤

  • @tailsgottagofast
    @tailsgottagofast Рік тому +7

    they are all the same Basterds I was stupid to think they were not, even my friend to ehh I'm sorry you as well went through this, this fliping sucks, just hell

  • @Milkbird_
    @Milkbird_ 4 місяці тому


  • @FlameThe_CatLover
    @FlameThe_CatLover 5 місяців тому

    It happened 3 times?! Wow, what sickos, I'm so sorry that happened, and hopefully you're ok now, stay safe ❤
    Edit: I now realize this happened a lot more than 3 times, you deserve everything Eden

  • @wilczko-arbuz8718
    @wilczko-arbuz8718 11 місяців тому

    I feel so bad for u,u didnt deserve what happaned to u,no one does and i hope u never get harmed again.I feel very sorry for u and wish u the best in the future.

  • @feathers4furrs554
    @feathers4furrs554 Рік тому +5

    I'm sorry that happened.

  • @PeixeAzule-gm1jv
    @PeixeAzule-gm1jv 11 місяців тому

    I’m sorry it went terribly for you though mine only lasted a month

  • @MDEMCosmoViolin
    @MDEMCosmoViolin 14 днів тому

    I relate to this song a lot as well. God bless you, I hope you are okay.

  • @derrekhulet2662
    @derrekhulet2662 6 місяців тому +2

    I’m conflicted about saving this one because watching that made me physically ill, but I also have mad respect for you on surviving that. I don’t even understand how some people have such… corrupted lives. Part of me wants to share this burden, but another part knows that won’t help.
    Wow. I need… something. I need to help, but all I have is my voice. And blue wasn’t actually help either. I am sorry.

  • @Wall-eandthederp
    @Wall-eandthederp Рік тому +5

    I really do wish the best. I hope your doing better.

  • @tacocat7431
    @tacocat7431 5 місяців тому

    I have now watched three of these vent videos with this song, all with a similar story and cycle. It's terrible, but just remember you, and your feelings are valid, and you are stronger than you think.

  • @queenwolf9051
    @queenwolf9051 Рік тому +1

    I feel so sorry for you and I hope nothing like that ever happens to me or to you (again)

  • @melaniewilliams6969
    @melaniewilliams6969 10 місяців тому

    Oh my goodness, I am so sorry that happened to you, there are so many disgusting predators like that out here, and you did not deserve to be targeted by one of them, and nothing about this was your fault okay? The only person who is in the wrong is the person who did this to you in the first place, I’m so sorry that you went through something like this, and I hope things are better

  • @Swifti_Fizzixx
    @Swifti_Fizzixx Рік тому +11

    I’m so sorry you went through all that. I had to deal with the same thing, and ur videos are very comforting to know that I’m not the only one who went through that.
    I was only 14, and he was 20. It went on for 5 years until I finally blocked him for good. We met on Facebook and had the same interests (mlp) and I guess back then there was a lot of bronies who would go for the children who liked mlp. He abused me for 5 years, manipulated me, bullied me, used me for n*des and money, basically he was a horrible person. He was the reason I went into a children’s mental hospital for harming myself. And a lot of people defended him when I tried coming out about my grooming. His friends/family defended him when he was literally the one who was the pedophile. I’m 20 now, and I’m a lot more happier now. But it still hurts the trauma he caused me. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, I hope whoever goes through that has a good healing journey 💕

  • @Sheisalemon8333
    @Sheisalemon8333 Рік тому +4

    I hope you are feeling better

  • @scorching_cactuss
    @scorching_cactuss Рік тому +1

    what the actual fuck..thats disgusting.
    i am so SO sorry you went through this. you do NOT deserve this type of treatment. im actually so sorry

  • @pxiwony
    @pxiwony Рік тому +3

    (TW pedophilia, incest, SA) when I was 5 - 8 My mom would usally drop me and my little brothers at my cousin house with her and her older brother so she could go to work every time when my other cousin would be busy with my little brothers her brother would drag me to his room and lock his door and put me on his lap and put his hands all over me like underneath my clothes and more both of my cousins were teenagers at the time it stopped after I moved out of state
    when i turned 12 I had a history teacher who was known for being a pedophile but I was the one to say he wasn't because he was nice to me and would say sweet words until he started to act weird he would sit really close to me and touch my thighs and asked what candy I will give him for Halloween I felt really uncomfortable as the entire class laughed at it he only did it to me he was also nice to another girl but he would just joke and laugh he preyed on the quiet girls I barely talk and he would usually always call on me no matter what and every time when i said I was fine and didn't need help with my work he wouldn't listen

  • @rubyemberstorm4901
    @rubyemberstorm4901 Рік тому

    I wish the world treated you better, I’m so sorry this happened, I stand by you from a distance