29:28 Wrong vehicle parking cost. As of December 25, 2024, the exchange rate from Ghanaian Cedis (GHS) to US Dollars (USD) is approximately 1 GHS = 0.0683 USD. Therefore, 5,000 GHS is equivalent to about 341.5 USD.
In a country, upholding law and order and avoiding the compartmentalization of business into restricted markets are fundamental to achieving prosperity. Without law and order, street gangs impose barriers to entry for new businesses, creating monopolies and driving up the prices of goods and services. Similarly, restricting business operations solely to specific markets fosters corruption, benefiting only politicians and large foreign corporations. Road corridors should provide customers with access to businesses, while sidewalks should be designated for pedestrians to ensure easy access to shops. Shops, in turn, should serve as spaces where merchants conduct their operations. The establishment of shop premises should be straightforward, with activities regulated by authorities to streamline the process of setting up businesses. This approach ensures that the best businesses with competitive prices thrive, while less efficient enterprises naturally exit the market. The resulting savings for customers would stimulate market growth, enhance educational opportunities, and foster overall societal development.
these sort of occurrences will only foster dis-trust,why can’t the authorities provide markets for the vendors and charge a small fee for a booth in the market
Build more markets is probably the answer.
Conflicted, thumps up for news coverage or thumbs down for whats happening
Wrong vehicle parking cost.
As of December 25, 2024, the exchange rate from Ghanaian Cedis (GHS) to US Dollars (USD) is approximately 1 GHS = 0.0683 USD. Therefore, 5,000 GHS is equivalent to about 341.5 USD.
In a country, upholding law and order and avoiding the compartmentalization of business into restricted markets are fundamental to achieving prosperity.
Without law and order, street gangs impose barriers to entry for new businesses, creating monopolies and driving up the prices of goods and services. Similarly, restricting business operations solely to specific markets fosters corruption, benefiting only politicians and large foreign corporations.
Road corridors should provide customers with access to businesses, while sidewalks should be designated for pedestrians to ensure easy access to shops. Shops, in turn, should serve as spaces where merchants conduct their operations. The establishment of shop premises should be straightforward, with activities regulated by authorities to streamline the process of setting up businesses.
This approach ensures that the best businesses with competitive prices thrive, while less efficient enterprises naturally exit the market. The resulting savings for customers would stimulate market growth, enhance educational opportunities, and foster overall societal development.
Give it away to people in need
bet in the eyes of these poor vendors having the military involve adds a touch of oppression to how these operations are carried out..
these sort of occurrences will only foster dis-trust,why can’t the authorities provide markets for the vendors and charge a small fee for a booth in the market