The Secret Footballer - Dave Kitson? (Part1)

  • Опубліковано 11 сер 2012
  • In his 10th August column in the Guardian ( ) TSF states:
    "Antonio Valencia once blocked a clearance of mine and I swear it was like being hit by a car. That's what I remember thinking as several fans helped me out of the stand and back on the pitch."
    Several commenters have mentioned Dave Kitson as a possible candidate. Is this incident from Stoke vs. Man Utd 2009 the one referred to?
    He's writing a book, but it's a big secret:


  • @ingrogies1
    @ingrogies1 11 років тому +8

    I reckon it's Kitson. Years ago he did a piece for Four Four Two talking about how he came through the ranks and didn't fit in with the lads. He also had a few paragraphs about Scholes where he practically describes word for word how he played against him at Old Trafford.

  • @SpamSmiler
    @SpamSmiler 10 років тому +7

    It's Kitson alright. Search for 'Dave Kitson fell out with manager'. You'll found news articles about when he fell out with Tony Pulis, just like the The Secret Footballer did. Plus as a LFC fan, I remember hearing he was a Reds fan when he was at Reading.

  • @ingrogies1
    @ingrogies1 10 років тому +5

    It's Kitson! Certain stories are open to exaggeration, that happens in all autobios. Kitson said in an interview that he holidayed in Denmark many times as a kid. He came up through the leagues in his late teen/ early twenties. £30,000 a week is more than enough to bring your mates away. He is in his 30's and is currently drifting down the leagues now. On the right of this page there is a link to Dave Kitson Raising Awareness. He talks about a his move to Stoke effecting his personal life

  • @lorcanfox
    @lorcanfox 11 років тому +3

    "On 9 January 2008, Kitson was stopped by police whilst driving late at night near his home in Shinfield, Berkshire, and was charged with failing to provide a breath sample." that does NOT sound like our man, who says he is a dedicated family man who hardly ever goes out drinking - let alone late at night on his own. i guess the question is how reliable are his assertions and claims throughout the book?

  • @harryahwoodrow651
    @harryahwoodrow651 6 років тому +3

    I go to school with Dave Kitson son and he is a good friend to me !!!!!!!!

  • @M0jibake
    @M0jibake 11 років тому +3

    Certainly looks like it's Kitson to me. That article mentions he's writing a book (even if not the Secret Footballer book, he says he loves writing), and he is described as a wine connoisseur (again something he talks about a fair bit in the book: he says something like his ideal life would be "living in a villa in Ibiza, writing and pouring fine wines down his neck").
    I wouldn't be surprised if some TSF columns are written by other people, though, and of course events and names would be altered

  • @daveoaktowers
    @daveoaktowers 11 років тому +1

    I thought it was Kitson through his description of Portsmouth Youth Teams pantomime while Portsmouth was in administration in December 2011. Also he took a few weeks leave to finish off writing a book he had been working on...

  • @SallyCinnamon16
    @SallyCinnamon16 11 років тому +12

    It's a collection of different footballers, throwing in different stories.

  • @guyree1
    @guyree1 11 років тому +1

    getting 'knocked into the stands' is so obviously dramatic licence, and can be ignored. But a hard block? yes, most definitely. Kitson it is!!

  • @Cookatron
    @Cookatron 10 років тому +10

  • @steveshyne3271
    @steveshyne3271 11 років тому

    very pressing evidence i was scanning youtube for a Valencia shoulder or bodycheck after reading that piece, but this looks very much like the description given the impact of Valencia's challenge

  • @b0rt776

    my friend now trains with him

  • @robbiesantiago91
    @robbiesantiago91 11 років тому +1


  • @metamorphiclouds
    @metamorphiclouds 11 років тому

    Could be metaphorically as well. The crowd's "encouragement" "raised him up"...

  • @Plolov
    @Plolov  11 років тому

    It is sooooo Kitson...see link added to the description.

  • @iluvjumblies
    @iluvjumblies 11 років тому

    Good spotting Plolov

  • @Plolov
    @Plolov  11 років тому +2

    Think you're taking that part a bit literally. How often does a player end up in the crowd? It's dramatic license.

  • @Magin1985
    @Magin1985 11 років тому


  • @Plolov
    @Plolov  11 років тому

    The fact that he hasn't won much is not incompatible with what's been written by TSF.
    He was captain at Portsmouth for some matches.

  • @MrFrankster25
    @MrFrankster25 11 років тому

    I think it's both Kitson and Danny Murphy