OK, I just started seeing my do that today. Mine got off balance but I took the agitator apart and it’s still fully intact. There’s no rust on it. So, I can’t figure out where the pieces are coming from. I have a GE king high capacity washer with the small little agitator.
@@ribs316I had a guy on the phone telling me that it was available, but an hour later he called and said he only had the whole assembly, tub and all for: $480.00. I told him the exact machine is on sale, brand new, at Home Depot for $9.00 more. I couldn't find my way back here to delete that message. Sorry about that.... I'm gonna let mine run until it doesn't run anymore (it finally stopped shedding metal shards) 😂 Good Luck!
@@The_Jedi tried looking at an exploded parts view for my Whirlpool model # LSQ9549PW1 and I'm not seeing that bottom metal dome part below the agitator.
I’m glad you got a new one.
OK, I just started seeing my do that today. Mine got off balance but I took the agitator apart and it’s still fully intact. There’s no rust on it. So, I can’t figure out where the pieces are coming from. I have a GE king high capacity washer with the small little agitator.
Oh no!!! Glad you're getting a new one!
This shit just started in mine. I wonder if a front loader would be a better choice of replacement
I don’t like front loaders because the front seal will eventually leak
So my landlord is telling me this is normal and that cleaning it should solve the issue…
I started seeing a piece or two randomly on my 20 yrs old Whirlpool 😢
I'm currently having the same problem. Is this fixable?
Unfortunately not, it’s gone for good man
@@ComputerGuyAndywhat part did you order for it? thanks
@@ribs316I had a guy on the phone telling me that it was available, but an hour later he called and said he only had the whole assembly, tub and all for: $480.00. I told him the exact machine is on sale, brand new, at Home Depot for $9.00 more. I couldn't find my way back here to delete that message. Sorry about that.... I'm gonna let mine run until it doesn't run anymore (it finally stopped shedding metal shards) 😂 Good Luck!
@@The_Jedi why can't you just replace that bottom metal part that's rusted?
@@The_Jedi tried looking at an exploded parts view for my Whirlpool model # LSQ9549PW1 and I'm not seeing that bottom metal dome part below the agitator.