This guy reminds me of my now-ex stepdad. Called me worthless, fat, ugly, piece of crap, every day, all day, I’d never amount to anything. The day I left for basic training he said, “when you fail, we won’t take you back.” I was 17. Mom eventually dumped him and I had a full and exciting career seeing the world and now am retired military with a pension and my own house. He was a used car salesman mooching off my mother. Projection is such a thing.
I have to laugh. My dad, after I had been living outside my parent's home for *several* years, made the statement, "While you're under my roof you will 'xyz'." I turned, looked at my mom and told her I'd see her later and drove back to my apartment. Mom said the look on his face was hysterical! She informed him that that attitude will never work again. 😂
My father asked me. "Why can't you be more like your older brother?" I asked him if he wanted me to smoke weed, drink up his beers, drop out of college, and crash my car. Meanwhile, I was clean, sober, a college graduate, and paid for and paid for my car insurance with a clean DMV record. Then, I asked him. "Why couldn't he be more like his older brother, Uncle Joseph?" My father was confused. "What? My brother Joseph is dead!" I gave him a cold stare. Then my mother busted out laughing and started clapping!
Bob is an absolute nightmare,not only did he verbally abuse Candace but her mother too. I am glad that all of his family got out from him and his dictatorship.
This man reminds me so much of my own father. He favored my brothers over my sister and me. Every time I tried to tell him of my hopes and dreams he'd tell me why I was wrong. He made fun of my weight (he was no lightweight at well over 300 pounds), called me lazy, never tried to help me with anything. After awhile I finally gave up trying to get along with him. The things he said affect me to this day, even 47 years after his death. And yet he had his good points. He took our family on wonderful vacations every year. When I couldn't get a ride all the way home from college during breaks he'd drive down and bring me the rest of the way home, then bring me back when break was over. Yeah, in spite of being able to see his good points, all I could feel when he died was a sense of relief. Dad, I wished things could've been different.
Don't feel too bad. He might have been your father but he was also cruel and disrespectful. I'd never verbally bash a child of mine over his or her weight. PS: the "father" in this story is not only cruel but sexist and I'm a guy. His words were just hateful. There was not a bit of "tough love" in those words considering that he so blatantly favored her sibling so much. He should be dumped into a time machine and sent back to 1905.
Another issue is that children will have different personalities. It's hard to treat each child the same as the others. I'm the third of six, the first two were "special." I had a H.S. teacher ask me if I was related to J and A (older siblings) and when I said yes, she responded with "I don't see it." I took that as a compliment.
My mom was old school and judged us by what was normal in her youth. The son was the important child. My sister and I did well for ourselves. She didn't see that we could earn well and still have children. My divorce was a embarrassment, but I considered a milestone, but my brother's divorce was okay since he was not happy with his marriage. I can relate to the daughter. Bob and my mom share an outdated point of view.
I don't know why some parents feel they have the right to compare one of their kids to their own siblings it never ends well all the parent gets is resentment and HOPEFULLY CANDICE will go NC with dad my parents always told me and my little brother that all we have to do is try our best and that they will always be there for us and my mom is helping me find employment through a program our State has called Vocational rehabilitation and I'm so happy she's helping me with that
My bio father came back from the service and walked away and agreed to a divorce when mom refused to leave school and quit her internship to be a housewife and have more kids. My mom was a registered medical technician and studied and trained for years for her career. Back then a tech drew blood, did the analysis and wrote the reports, and consulted with the Dr's. It took a 5 year degree in microbiology with additional training and certifications.
@@susanhansen1290 brava to your amazing mom. When my mom met my dad my mom was the Civilian Head Nurse at USAF Brookley Mobile. My Dad was a Senior Master Sgt. Dad went in 1935 and Retired 1969. 34 years Military and full Civilian Retirement in 1983. Mom was 69 when she passed away and Dad passed away in 02 agw 86 . I'm very proud to be their Son.
Alot of parents talk to their kid like this. I don’t see it as normal but I see it as very common. It’s a good way to drum up insecurity, guilt, and indebtedness that makes you vulnerable to their exploitation.
As someone who had some of my guardians genuinely believe that being your child’s first and most prolific bully is good parenting because it makes them stronger, I will say this: _I didn’t need to be strong. I needed to be _*_safe._*
@@ceceliamathews7190 There's a difference between being a bully like the dad in this story and doing what my Dad did, which was teach me how to ignore and/or respond against people who took shots at me.
@@ceceliamathews7190lmao yeah no bulling has been prove mo mater who's doing it it does nothing but cause harm not Build You Up not fix you any of the strength that you gain from such activities especially when it's so horrendous has family members doing it is Galls by someone's own pre-existing mental fortitude that's why some people take the unlive route. Yee fricken chicken
Yet there are so many 'fathers' out there that do and consider themselves great fathers. My father spent most of my life telling me I'd be better 'if only' I'd push myself away from the table (yeah I did and ended anorexic), find a better job, be more like my sister. I found a wonderful man who accepted me and we had 27 years together. My father then transfered some of it to my husband, who had a laryngectomy due to cancer. He refused at times to speak to him because he couldn't 'understand' my husband when he used his equipment to speak, although he would never admit he was losing his hearing. Even with the hearing aids he bought (off the internet) he still can't hear, and when he says speak up, he gets angry because we speak louder. And he wonders why I have very little to do with him while my sister, the perfect daughter, speaks with him daily. Sorry to sound bitter, but this story really hit close to home
@@sueboswell735 but you do realize that is not a good father, I had a excellent example of a father and used that example for myself with my four kid's
Bob is not a good father at all. He's not even good enough to be called a sperm donor. After both Samantha and Candice cut Bob out of their lives, Bob is still delusional and woman-hating, neither of which gets anywhere.
While it's true that there are LOTS of bad and abusive bosses out there, it's also true that human resources and labor boards exist to keep a handle on them, and most bad bosses get fired, eventually. Sometimes, they get sued. Most abusers, who abuse their own families, try really hard to seem like THE BEST GUY IN THE WORLD, in public. Their co-workers, underlings, and even bosses, are convinced that they wouldn't hurt a fly, or if they did, that fly TOTALLY deserved it. That's how they operate. So that when their family members/victims come running into the street, naked, and screaming for help, because "He's trying to kill me!" they can easily convince the neighbors and police that "She's just a crazy woman! Can you believe I have to PUT UP with this sort of thing?!" and get her back under their thumb, denying her the help she needs. It's happened so many times! They abuse in private. They make sure that he scars aren't visible under the average outfit. A swimming suit, maybe, but the victims "can't swim," or "don't like to get wet," or something like that. And if a mark is ever visible, then they make sure that people SEE the victim "being a clutz," and falling down stairs or something like that. Of course, there is always the possibility that this guy is just an all-around asshole to everyone. But if that were the case, he probably wouldn't be all mooney-eyed about Samantha. And he probably wouldn't have been given that brilliant offer at that job. Yeah, my money's on the idea that he's a wonderful person, in public, and great and respectful and kind and helpful and GOOD to everyone except his wife and his scape-goat daughter.
@AuntLoopy123 It's cute that you think that. HR and the like are there to protect the CORPORATIONS not the employees. Their job is to protect the company.
I think this is the first time in a long time that there was a parent character that I wished was real so I could punch them in the face. What an absolutely horrible man who should have never been called a father or husband.
Bob has never ever been a father to Candice and with the way he has been treating her mother it is not hard to see why she wanted to divorce him. Even her sister turned her back on him.
My mum gave her all into raising me. She invested a lot of time and money into it. Now an adult, I owe her everything. I'm completely indebted to her, and I always will be. I don't live with her, yet it's my responsibility and duty to support her and pay her back for looking after me. After all, she was an amazing mum, and no matter how many times she tells me otherwise, I owe a LOT to her. Love you mum 💖
Have you heard Trump speak about Ivanka his oldest daughter? So so so gross. He sees them as the perfect projection of their own selves. They want to control their adult children and make them into an extension of themselves like a tool to be used. This dads a raging narcissist and should be in a nursing home
I just don't understand parents that believe their adult children need to pay them back for everything they did and spent on them when they were children. It is our choice as parents to have our kids, and with thst choice comes the responsibility to raise them. My husband and I would never dream to ask my adult children to pay me back for what it cost us to raise them!
I agree 100% I would never dream of asking my 28 year old daughter to pay me back even though she is living at home with me and her dad because the cost of living is so high. She helps us and we help her as we work as a team x
People need to understand that, if you raise your children well, and make sure they know they are LOVED and VALUED (as human beings, not as potential sources of parental income), then they will WANT to help you, when you are old and feeble, and they are young and strong. They will see the person who held them, as a child, and see that person struggling, and joyfully reach out to help and hold that person, BECAUSE THEY LOVE THEM. Love your children, and they will love you back. Hate your children, or look at them as expenses that need to be repaid, and they'll hate and desert you, and there goes all the money you spent on them. When it comes to families, love is the best investment there is.
Children do pay their parents back when they become independent adults who work earning their own money, paying for their own living expenses such as rent, bills, transportation, insurance, food, etc; and not relying on their parents for financial support. They might need a different type of support from their parents such as moral support, but they don’t need financial support.
My parents never ask me to pay them back but if they need help up at camp or when I'm home in winter my daughter and I will shovel drive way for my dad there a difference IMO between paying them back and being helpful and thankful
It's interesting how Bob thinks he still has the some kind of control near the end. Even when it's revealed that everyone's abandoned him, he thinks that there's still something tangible for him to grab.
It's a parents job and responsibility to raise their children to be respectful,productive people who can contribute to society and also love them and respect their choices with whatever occupation they choose to pursue. Thankfully, OP's choices were in her favor despite her father's verbal abuse. He had absolutely no confidence in her. WTF 😤. A parent should never expect their children to follow their footsteps.
Both of my parents expected my brother and me to follow our parents in their footsteps. My brother as a warehouse worker. And me as a secretary. I would have made a bad secretary. I instead worked as a factory worker. My dad also expected me to be married before I had hit 20 years of age. And to pop out kids before I turned 23 years old.
Correction. In Bob's POV, "A parents' GREATEST treasure is USING their own children and live through them to make THEMSELVES look like the greatest people in the eyes of others. Children are NOT meant to be used to live out YOUR dreams and lifestyles, they're to be loved, protected and supported throughout their lives, because that's something parents are supposed to do. Instead, Bob the Basher here thinks it's perfectly alright to not ONLY play favorites with the sister, but ALSO degrading, verbally assaulting and treating OP like crap as well, on top of being a controlling helicopter parent. The parents' actions and behaviors towards their kids will either get them the respect and love they give to their kids, or being disowned and hated because of their selfishness and entitlement.
Alternative ending for 2023: Samantha doesnt marry a doctor but instead lives with her girlfriend and their dogs. The other sister makes a fortune, retires early and goes travelling in a camper van. Mum becomes a yoga instructor and joins a commune in the dessert. 😂😂😂😂😂
Or marry a man like millennia before. Lesbianism isn’t progress or modern🙄. It’s just lesbianism. Heterosexual marriage isn’t ‘old fashioned’ either. 🙄
Their father ends up owing the wrong people money and was found dead in a ditch. Obvious signs of foul play, violence and telltale signs of busted out cheeks. Despite the divorce filing, was never finalized which meant their mother was still legally his wife at the time of his death and therefore inherited everything. His family felt infinitesimally sorry for him as he may have been a delusional wannabe dictator but even he did not deserve to die the way he did.
Good evening, everyone. I am sorry, but kids do not owe their parents anything. It's awesome if the kids help but it's not owed. Parental abuse is horrible. Bob is demented. As for mom, he will still have to pay alimony and she is also entitled to his pension and in the USA his social security. Only an idiot quits before retirement.
I loved my parents deeply and they were good to me, but I was one of six kids. My dad had two full time jobs and mom worked also I raised myself to be the person I am today.
Bob should be proud that Samantha because she's willing to support her husband who doesn't bring financial support like how he intended her to do for him
Another thought I had was that Samantha does marry a doctor but one who only works so many months at the hospital for money, just enough to pay for his modest living expenses and a little savings. The rest of the year he is volunteering his services with some organization such as Doctors Without Borders, which is what Samantha liked about him in the first place.
Take it from this story: narcissism doesn't build you a good life, it builds you down and causes you to wallow in a life of misery. Bob's suffering is so immense that even Jacob Marley feels less weighed down..
Twist ending, they set up an acid trap, and he ends up looking like DC's Two-Face on both sides, then they repeatedly ask who the ugly one is, taking a swing with a shovel to the face every time he fails to answer, or gets it wrong, making him uglier every time.
They had to stop that where my man worked. His ex wife came in looking for him. They pointed out that he was with me. We were at the hospital getting an ultrasound of our daughter. They told her that he was with his wife. She bellowed that SHE was his wife. No, by then she had been his ex-wife for about a lil over a year. After that, they stopped doing that as in the info bit.
I'm glad OP, her mom & her sister escaped this worthless man, he's lucky they didn't take a restraining order out on him especially since they could use his texts as evidence since he claimed he'd drag Samantha home. Would have been funny if he was forced to get help from his elderly parents & they are rightfully outraged by how he treated his family. Also would have been funny if Samantha did show up at the house one last time, he starts scolding her(whining) then she suddenly slaps him. He's in shock & then it's Samantha's turn to go off on him, ranting about how she hates how he's treated her mom & sister differently from her, how she hates how he's behaved & how she hates what he thought of her. He's forced to accept Candice was right about Samantha being a nurse cause she cares about people. I kinda want to imagine him being miserable while seeing(when he's able to see the news or something) that Candice's company has been raising & doing great. Maybe also hearing that the guy Samantha married is getting some attention thanks to him working on his music. At some point he manages to see the four(maybe five if Candice finds someone at that point) being happy together & clearly caring about each other, the dad is finally forced to see Candice was right about everything & no one cares he's gone because he's a terrible person. He probably won't be happy about it & try to deny shit but he know that everyone is happier without him & he'll never get help/support from them again with it being his own fault.
"The most likely place you would find them" Oh honey if he'd asked me I would have said they were just chilling in there because they couldn't take his attitude...
Everytime the parent demands the kids owe them for raising them and have to pay back the money, I always wish they ask if they do that to their own parents?
Let's be honest the dad was jealous of his daughter she was more successful than him. That's what got him upset and made him lash out. I bet he couldn't even succeed even if he tried.
When I was growing up my family had a neighbor like that with her two sons. She dotted on the older son and planned his life out for him including who he was going to marry and where they would live. The younger son had to move out as soon as he finished high school and turned 18. I’m not sure of the order of how each event happened but I will just list them. #1: After living on his own for some time the younger son met a woman, got married and had a family with her. Mother is outraged that he had the nerve to marry a woman who was a different race from himself. #2: Bride mother had picked out to be her older’s sons wife had the audacity to marry a man who was not her son. #3: After some years have passed mother finds her older son a new bride to marry. This is a mail order bride and unlike the first bride mother had selected for him, this one is willing to marry him and do whatever his mother tells her to do. At this point the older son tells his mother that he is homosexual and is interested in men rather than women. This was back in the late 1980s or early 1990s and is even a bigger scandal than her younger son marrying a woman who was a different race. She tried to get her younger son and his family to come back and live in the house she had purchased for her older son and the bride she selected for him, only younger son rejects her offer. As for this neighbor woman years before I was even born she had called the police and other authorities on my parents and tried to get them to force my parents to put their oldest child, who was born with a disability, into an institution. Needless to say my family had nothing to do with this woman.
Whatever happened to loving your children equally?😒 Be happy that they are productive human beings as long as they're not harming others and themselves.
Backstory: when this story finished, He cried his eyes out on how he had to act out talking to his daughter for the sake of this story…. He every now and then apologizes to her how he acted the scenes…. He hated doing that scene😂
The wife needs to divorce her nasty husband and move out of the house with both of her daughters. He only wants support from the family. She doesn't owe him rent money. Dad hasn't achieved much if he can't pay his own bills.
Firstly what on earth is her employer doing breaking confidentiality by discussing her with a third party? 2nd no the farher does not have a right to know about his adult daughters work life. So many boundaries crossed here.
This was more than twice the length it needed to be. His voice REALLY got on my nerves, too. Incessant droning on and on. It just wasn't necessary. I've noticed these stories have gradually gone from 20 minutes to nearly 30 and now to 40 minutes or longer. I don't have time to listen to stories this long.
Wait... he was retired but wasn't receiving his pension until 62? So in other words he just quit his job and bummed off his daughter's rent money? What a hypocrite. How does that even happen? Did he seriously have some lame ass retirement plan this whole time?
With the way Bob treated the women in his life he deserves to have them walk out on him. They get to live their lives free of his rude and hatefulness while he reaps what he sowed.
Ummm as an adult your children make their own choice. Dear old dad needs to take a step back. It is her life not his. I am a parent of 4. It can be hard to let go, but in the end it is the daughters choice.
Sadly there are parents that say horrible things to their kids. ATTENTION PARENTS...if you bring a child into the world then YOU are responsible for supporting them. After they grow yhey don't OWE YOU ANYTHING get that thru your thick skulls. Hard eye roll
Good old abusive Dad, will finally love his “ugly “ daughter if she becomes his slave and pays him for the opportunity. What daughter wouldn’t jump at such a proposal? He deserves a life of loneliness because he didn’t appreciate his family.
Wow‼️We have a total of 25+ kids, grands, great's.. We never interfere on daily personal matters after they turned 18. We, stay in our Lane and out of grown folks business.🙏💞
I cannot understand how no one knows how to clean a house. Growing up you would see your mother or someone cleaning, so why do people need to learn how to do it
It's amazing how this guy keeps trying to pass off his abusive parenting as preparing for the real world. "Ugly" seems to be the word that keeps coming out of his mouth. I'm curious how this guy got married in the first place if this is the abusive mindset he's got.
So many stories with adult children age 25 - 30, complaining when parent ask them to move out, no matter the reason they should be give n a few months, but move out. What is wrong is short time given to move.
This guy reminds me of my now-ex stepdad. Called me worthless, fat, ugly, piece of crap, every day, all day, I’d never amount to anything. The day I left for basic training he said, “when you fail, we won’t take you back.” I was 17. Mom eventually dumped him and I had a full and exciting career seeing the world and now am retired military with a pension and my own house. He was a used car salesman mooching off my mother. Projection is such a thing.
I have to laugh. My dad, after I had been living outside my parent's home for *several* years, made the statement, "While you're under my roof you will 'xyz'." I turned, looked at my mom and told her I'd see her later and drove back to my apartment. Mom said the look on his face was hysterical! She informed him that that attitude will never work again. 😂
My father asked me. "Why can't you be more like your older brother?" I asked him if he wanted me to smoke weed, drink up his beers, drop out of college, and crash my car. Meanwhile, I was clean, sober, a college graduate, and paid for and paid for my car insurance with a clean DMV record. Then, I asked him. "Why couldn't he be more like his older brother, Uncle Joseph?" My father was confused. "What? My brother Joseph is dead!" I gave him a cold stare. Then my mother busted out laughing and started clapping!
@@paulleckner8235Dang! That's awesome!
Well done😅
@@princessmarthajandio Thank you! Truth hit him like a ton of bricks!
@@princessmarthajandio Thank you. Sometimes the one who hurts you overplays their hand.
Bob is an absolute nightmare,not only did he verbally abuse Candace but her mother too. I am glad that all of his family got out from him and his dictatorship.
This man reminds me so much of my own father. He favored my brothers over my sister and me. Every time I tried to tell him of my hopes and dreams he'd tell me why I was wrong. He made fun of my weight (he was no lightweight at well over 300 pounds), called me lazy, never tried to help me with anything. After awhile I finally gave up trying to get along with him. The things he said affect me to this day, even 47 years after his death. And yet he had his good points. He took our family on wonderful vacations every year. When I couldn't get a ride all the way home from college during breaks he'd drive down and bring me the rest of the way home, then bring me back when break was over. Yeah, in spite of being able to see his good points, all I could feel when he died was a sense of relief. Dad, I wished things could've been different.
So very sadxx
Don't feel too bad. He might have been your father but he was also cruel and disrespectful. I'd never verbally bash a child of mine over his or her weight.
PS: the "father" in this story is not only cruel but sexist and I'm a guy. His words were just hateful. There was not a bit of "tough love" in those words considering that he so blatantly favored her sibling so much. He should be dumped into a time machine and sent back to 1905.
Moral: If you want to have a happy family, treat all your children with the same amount of respect.
Another issue is that children will have different personalities. It's hard to treat each child the same as the others.
I'm the third of six, the first two were "special."
I had a H.S. teacher ask me if I was related to J and A (older siblings) and when I said yes, she responded with "I don't see it."
I took that as a compliment.
@@corinnefogarty7880 lol that is the absolute best thing I read. I had to smile. Of course it’s a compliment and I’m glad you took it as that.
My mom was old school and judged us by what was normal in her youth. The son was the important child. My sister and I did well for ourselves. She didn't see that we could earn well and still have children. My divorce was a embarrassment, but I considered a milestone, but my brother's divorce was okay since he was not happy with his marriage. I can relate to the daughter. Bob and my mom share an outdated point of view.
Correction, treat everyone with respect they deserve.
I don't know why some parents feel they have the right to compare one of their kids to their own siblings it never ends well all the parent gets is resentment and HOPEFULLY CANDICE will go NC with dad my parents always told me and my little brother that all we have to do is try our best and that they will always be there for us and my mom is helping me find employment through a program our State has called Vocational rehabilitation and I'm so happy she's helping me with that
What kind of parent talks to their children like this? I feel blessed for the father I had
You were very blessed❤
Bravo, I agree my Da was my hero. And my Ma was my Champion.
My bio father came back from the service and walked away and agreed to a divorce when mom refused to leave school and quit her internship to be a housewife and have more kids. My mom was a registered medical technician and studied and trained for years for her career. Back then a tech drew blood, did the analysis and wrote the reports, and consulted with the Dr's. It took a 5 year degree in microbiology with additional training and certifications.
@@susanhansen1290 brava to your amazing mom. When my mom met my dad my mom was the Civilian Head Nurse at USAF Brookley Mobile. My Dad was a Senior Master Sgt. Dad went in 1935 and Retired 1969. 34 years Military and full Civilian Retirement in 1983. Mom was 69 when she passed away and Dad passed away in 02 agw 86 . I'm very proud to be their Son.
Alot of parents talk to their kid like this. I don’t see it as normal but I see it as very common. It’s a good way to drum up insecurity, guilt, and indebtedness that makes you vulnerable to their exploitation.
As someone who had some of my guardians genuinely believe that being your child’s first and most prolific bully is good parenting because it makes them stronger, I will say this:
_I didn’t need to be strong. I needed to be _*_safe._*
Being strong, often keeps you safe‼️👍💞
@@ceceliamathews7190 There's a difference between being a bully like the dad in this story and doing what my Dad did, which was teach me how to ignore and/or respond against people who took shots at me.
@@ceceliamathews7190lmao yeah no bulling has been prove mo mater who's doing it it does nothing but cause harm not Build You Up not fix you any of the strength that you gain from such activities especially when it's so horrendous has family members doing it is Galls by someone's own pre-existing mental fortitude that's why some people take the unlive route. Yee fricken chicken
A good father would never talk to his daughter in this manner
Yet there are so many 'fathers' out there that do and consider themselves great fathers. My father spent most of my life telling me I'd be better 'if only' I'd push myself away from the table (yeah I did and ended anorexic), find a better job, be more like my sister. I found a wonderful man who accepted me and we had 27 years together. My father then transfered some of it to my husband, who had a laryngectomy due to cancer. He refused at times to speak to him because he couldn't 'understand' my husband when he used his equipment to speak, although he would never admit he was losing his hearing. Even with the hearing aids he bought (off the internet) he still can't hear, and when he says speak up, he gets angry because we speak louder. And he wonders why I have very little to do with him while my sister, the perfect daughter, speaks with him daily. Sorry to sound bitter, but this story really hit close to home
@@sueboswell735 but you do realize that is not a good father, I had a excellent example of a father and used that example for myself with my four kid's
Good thing he is a terrible father (can't use that term ) terrible sperm donor. Yep that's better!
Bob is not a good father at all.
He's not even good enough to be called a sperm donor.
After both Samantha and Candice cut Bob out of their lives, Bob is still delusional and woman-hating, neither of which gets anywhere.
Bob likes ragging so much now that everyone is gone he'll need to do it to himself in the mirror
Him: Listen to your father if you want practical advice!
Me: I'll let you know when I find him.
That guy seems like such an asshole. Candice, Samantha and her mother did the right thing by abandoning him. He got what he deserved.
If Bob treats his own family this poorly, can you imagine working for this guy?!😨
While it's true that there are LOTS of bad and abusive bosses out there, it's also true that human resources and labor boards exist to keep a handle on them, and most bad bosses get fired, eventually. Sometimes, they get sued.
Most abusers, who abuse their own families, try really hard to seem like THE BEST GUY IN THE WORLD, in public. Their co-workers, underlings, and even bosses, are convinced that they wouldn't hurt a fly, or if they did, that fly TOTALLY deserved it.
That's how they operate. So that when their family members/victims come running into the street, naked, and screaming for help, because "He's trying to kill me!" they can easily convince the neighbors and police that "She's just a crazy woman! Can you believe I have to PUT UP with this sort of thing?!" and get her back under their thumb, denying her the help she needs. It's happened so many times!
They abuse in private. They make sure that he scars aren't visible under the average outfit. A swimming suit, maybe, but the victims "can't swim," or "don't like to get wet," or something like that. And if a mark is ever visible, then they make sure that people SEE the victim "being a clutz," and falling down stairs or something like that.
Of course, there is always the possibility that this guy is just an all-around asshole to everyone. But if that were the case, he probably wouldn't be all mooney-eyed about Samantha. And he probably wouldn't have been given that brilliant offer at that job.
Yeah, my money's on the idea that he's a wonderful person, in public, and great and respectful and kind and helpful and GOOD to everyone except his wife and his scape-goat daughter.
@@AuntLoopy123 Been there
@AuntLoopy123 It's cute that you think that. HR and the like are there to protect the CORPORATIONS not the employees. Their job is to protect the company.
Auntloopy, someone in my family was married to someone like that! She got away eventually.
I think this is the first time in a long time that there was a parent character that I wished was real so I could punch them in the face. What an absolutely horrible man who should have never been called a father or husband.
Ha ha ha 😂 😅😅😅😅😅 me too!
Bob has never ever been a father to Candice and with the way he has been treating her mother it is not hard to see why she wanted to divorce him. Even her sister turned her back on him.
My mum gave her all into raising me. She invested a lot of time and money into it. Now an adult, I owe her everything. I'm completely indebted to her, and I always will be. I don't live with her, yet it's my responsibility and duty to support her and pay her back for looking after me.
After all, she was an amazing mum, and no matter how many times she tells me otherwise, I owe a LOT to her. Love you mum 💖
How this father talks about his daughter Samantha is really creepy.
Super creepy
Have you heard Trump speak about Ivanka his oldest daughter? So so so gross. He sees them as the perfect projection of their own selves. They want to control their adult children and make them into an extension of themselves like a tool to be used. This dads a raging narcissist and should be in a nursing home
All dads stories about his daughter are actual projections about what he wants from Op
Never in my life have i seen someone so delusional it makes me laugh😂😂
Same 😂😂
Man, this father was a piece of work. 😂 ending was well served.
Regardless of reality, or internet stories. This dad is the craziest, nuttiest, and nastiest so called human I have ever heard of.
sadly, I have encounter fathers like that :(
Gotta love an evil villain
I just don't understand parents that believe their adult children need to pay them back for everything they did and spent on them when they were children. It is our choice as parents to have our kids, and with thst choice comes the responsibility to raise them. My husband and I would never dream to ask my adult children to pay me back for what it cost us to raise them!
I agree 100% I would never dream of asking my 28 year old daughter to pay me back even though she is living at home with me and her dad because the cost of living is so high. She helps us and we help her as we work as a team x
People need to understand that, if you raise your children well, and make sure they know they are LOVED and VALUED (as human beings, not as potential sources of parental income), then they will WANT to help you, when you are old and feeble, and they are young and strong. They will see the person who held them, as a child, and see that person struggling, and joyfully reach out to help and hold that person, BECAUSE THEY LOVE THEM.
Love your children, and they will love you back. Hate your children, or look at them as expenses that need to be repaid, and they'll hate and desert you, and there goes all the money you spent on them.
When it comes to families, love is the best investment there is.
Give back to the parents because you love them not that you owe them.
Children do pay their parents back when they become independent adults who work earning their own money, paying for their own living expenses such as rent, bills, transportation, insurance, food, etc; and not relying on their parents for financial support. They might need a different type of support from their parents such as moral support, but they don’t need financial support.
My parents never ask me to pay them back but if they need help up at camp or when I'm home in winter my daughter and I will shovel drive way for my dad there a difference IMO between paying them back and being helpful and thankful
It's interesting how Bob thinks he still has the some kind of control near the end. Even when it's revealed that everyone's abandoned him, he thinks that there's still something tangible for him to grab.
Him: it's not right giving people like you false hope.
Me: sounds like you need to talk to every successful business owner EVER!
"They're setting you up for failure!?" Listening to her dad is what is setting her up for failure.
It's a parents job and responsibility to raise their children to be respectful,productive people who can contribute to society and also love them and respect their choices with whatever occupation they choose to pursue. Thankfully, OP's choices were in her favor despite her father's verbal abuse. He had absolutely no confidence in her. WTF 😤. A parent should never expect their children to follow their footsteps.
Both of my parents expected my brother and me to follow our parents in their footsteps. My brother as a warehouse worker. And me as a secretary. I would have made a bad secretary. I instead worked as a factory worker.
My dad also expected me to be married before I had hit 20 years of age. And to pop out kids before I turned 23 years old.
Correction. In Bob's POV, "A parents' GREATEST treasure is USING their own children and live through them to make THEMSELVES look like the greatest people in the eyes of others.
Children are NOT meant to be used to live out YOUR dreams and lifestyles, they're to be loved, protected and supported throughout their lives, because that's something parents are supposed to do.
Instead, Bob the Basher here thinks it's perfectly alright to not ONLY play favorites with the sister, but ALSO degrading, verbally assaulting and treating OP like crap as well, on top of being a controlling helicopter parent.
The parents' actions and behaviors towards their kids will either get them the respect and love they give to their kids, or being disowned and hated because of their selfishness and entitlement.
Alternative ending for 2023: Samantha doesnt marry a doctor but instead lives with her girlfriend and their dogs. The other sister makes a fortune, retires early and goes travelling in a camper van. Mum becomes a yoga instructor and joins a commune in the dessert. 😂😂😂😂😂
Silly, her girlfriend IS the doctor; a vet for all the dogs.
Or marry a man like millennia before. Lesbianism isn’t progress or modern🙄. It’s just lesbianism. Heterosexual marriage isn’t ‘old fashioned’ either. 🙄
Their father ends up owing the wrong people money and was found dead in a ditch. Obvious signs of foul play, violence and telltale signs of busted out cheeks.
Despite the divorce filing, was never finalized which meant their mother was still legally his wife at the time of his death and therefore inherited everything. His family felt infinitesimally sorry for him as he may have been a delusional wannabe dictator but even he did not deserve to die the way he did.
Commune in the desert sounds like the beginning of a horror story and not a happy ending
Or, Samantha marries a woman doctor, and they live with their cats.
Good evening, everyone. I am sorry, but kids do not owe their parents anything. It's awesome if the kids help but it's not owed. Parental abuse is horrible. Bob is demented. As for mom, he will still have to pay alimony and she is also entitled to his pension and in the USA his social security. Only an idiot quits before retirement.
This belongs on the AirTexts channel, seein' as how Bob is an airhead.
I wish companies wouldn't tell friends and family about their employees. Adults have rights.
They don't in the US , so this story like many others is based on a foreign country.
I loved my parents deeply and they were good to me, but I was one of six kids. My dad had two full time jobs and mom worked also
I raised myself to be the person I am today.
Your parents' example of working to stay independent and their lack of time for you were major contributing factors.
Bob should be proud that Samantha because she's willing to support her husband who doesn't bring financial support like how he intended her to do for him
Another thought I had was that Samantha does marry a doctor but one who only works so many months at the hospital for money, just enough to pay for his modest living expenses and a little savings. The rest of the year he is volunteering his services with some organization such as Doctors Without Borders, which is what Samantha liked about him in the first place.
I'm wondering if she didn't marry the guy out of spite for her dad
"Tell her to come home and treat me like the king that I am!"
Okay, off to the guillotine, you go.
Hateful dad can do the housework himself or hire a maid.
The fact that Bob keeps mentioning how beautiful Samantha is…ehhh…it’s making me feel a little weird… 😰
Makes you wonder if Bob had ever tried something nasty with Samantha? But the ladies of the family basically handed Bob his arse on a Silver Platter.
I know. So creepy
Take it from this story: narcissism doesn't build you a good life, it builds you down and causes you to wallow in a life of misery. Bob's suffering is so immense that even Jacob Marley feels less weighed down..
Nice reference to A Christmas Carol.
Good analogy 👍🏽
Twist ending, they set up an acid trap, and he ends up looking like DC's Two-Face on both sides, then they repeatedly ask who the ugly one is, taking a swing with a shovel to the face every time he fails to answer, or gets it wrong, making him uglier every time.
Bob better remember she isn't his daughter when she's super successful in spite of his attempts to derail her.
No company would gove out personal info on an employee. That includes their progress and employment status.
Not legally
They had to stop that where my man worked. His ex wife came in looking for him. They pointed out that he was with me. We were at the hospital getting an ultrasound of our daughter. They told her that he was with his wife. She bellowed that SHE was his wife. No, by then she had been his ex-wife for about a lil over a year. After that, they stopped doing that as in the info bit.
The one that seems to have no appealing characteristics is Dad here.
Bob you need a straight jacket and a hobby 😂😂
Bob " tell your mother to come back and treat me like the king that I am"
"mate you've been dethroned"
I'm glad OP, her mom & her sister escaped this worthless man, he's lucky they didn't take a restraining order out on him especially since they could use his texts as evidence since he claimed he'd drag Samantha home.
Would have been funny if he was forced to get help from his elderly parents & they are rightfully outraged by how he treated his family. Also would have been funny if Samantha did show up at the house one last time, he starts scolding her(whining) then she suddenly slaps him. He's in shock & then it's Samantha's turn to go off on him, ranting about how she hates how he's treated her mom & sister differently from her, how she hates how he's behaved & how she hates what he thought of her. He's forced to accept Candice was right about Samantha being a nurse cause she cares about people.
I kinda want to imagine him being miserable while seeing(when he's able to see the news or something) that Candice's company has been raising & doing great. Maybe also hearing that the guy Samantha married is getting some attention thanks to him working on his music. At some point he manages to see the four(maybe five if Candice finds someone at that point) being happy together & clearly caring about each other, the dad is finally forced to see Candice was right about everything & no one cares he's gone because he's a terrible person. He probably won't be happy about it & try to deny shit but he know that everyone is happier without him & he'll never get help/support from them again with it being his own fault.
Good for Samantha for choosing a good man for himself and his dreams and not his wallet or position as her father demands.
"The most likely place you would find them" Oh honey if he'd asked me I would have said they were just chilling in there because they couldn't take his attitude...
Everytime the parent demands the kids owe them for raising them and have to pay back the money, I always wish they ask if they do that to their own parents?
Checkbox for a Happy Family: Love all children unconditionally; Respect comes both ways; And no one-sided argument/judgement. Proven IRL.
Let's be honest the dad was jealous of his daughter she was more successful than him. That's what got him upset and made him lash out. I bet he couldn't even succeed even if he tried.
It literally breaks my heart that they're are parents like Candices dad who hate one child and love the other. 😢💔
When I was growing up my family had a neighbor like that with her two sons. She dotted on the older son and planned his life out for him including who he was going to marry and where they would live. The younger son had to move out as soon as he finished high school and turned 18. I’m not sure of the order of how each event happened but I will just list them. #1: After living on his own for some time the younger son met a woman, got married and had a family with her. Mother is outraged that he had the nerve to marry a woman who was a different race from himself. #2: Bride mother had picked out to be her older’s sons wife had the audacity to marry a man who was not her son. #3: After some years have passed mother finds her older son a new bride to marry. This is a mail order bride and unlike the first bride mother had selected for him, this one is willing to marry him and do whatever his mother tells her to do. At this point the older son tells his mother that he is homosexual and is interested in men rather than women. This was back in the late 1980s or early 1990s and is even a bigger scandal than her younger son marrying a woman who was a different race. She tried to get her younger son and his family to come back and live in the house she had purchased for her older son and the bride she selected for him, only younger son rejects her offer. As for this neighbor woman years before I was even born she had called the police and other authorities on my parents and tried to get them to force my parents to put their oldest child, who was born with a disability, into an institution. Needless to say my family had nothing to do with this woman.
Whatever happened to loving your children equally?😒
Be happy that they are productive human beings as long as they're not harming others and themselves.
Backstory: when this story finished, He cried his eyes out on how he had to act out talking to his daughter for the sake of this story…. He every now and then apologizes to her how he acted the scenes…. He hated doing that scene😂
I think I'd get me a lawyer and sue the company for handing out my personal information like that.
The wife needs to divorce her nasty husband and move out of the house with both of her daughters. He only wants support from the family. She doesn't owe him rent money. Dad hasn't achieved much if he can't pay his own bills.
Firstly what on earth is her employer doing breaking confidentiality by discussing her with a third party? 2nd no the farher does not have a right to know about his adult daughters work life. So many boundaries crossed here.
Both of my parents remind me of this father but they are worse than him sadly
I’m so sorry that your parents are like that.
This was more than twice the length it needed to be. His voice REALLY got on my nerves, too. Incessant droning on and on. It just wasn't necessary. I've noticed these stories have gradually gone from 20 minutes to nearly 30 and now to 40 minutes or longer. I don't have time to listen to stories this long.
I really enjoyed watching the rainbow lorikeets while the reading was going thankyou for both 😊😊😊
Dad ONLY wants MONEY !!! & is JEALOUS !!!
He sees his daughters as trophies to show off and not individual human beings.
Wait... he was retired but wasn't receiving his pension until 62? So in other words he just quit his job and bummed off his daughter's rent money? What a hypocrite. How does that even happen? Did he seriously have some lame ass retirement plan this whole time?
Parents may encourage, but kids ultimately make their own decisions.
Bob is freaking out because he can't control her.
That's the sound of a man desperately doing to money for his security. Hint: try it at double speed!
spilled water 😂
there’s a reason it’s spilled milk- annoying to clean and a big mess. water is a breeze to clean up.
It's the delusional for me 😂😂😅😅 damn Bob it didn't end well for you 😅😅
With the way Bob treated the women in his life he deserves to have them walk out on him. They get to live their lives free of his rude and hatefulness while he reaps what he sowed.
Wow, just wow! I thought my dad was the worst.
Ummm as an adult your children make their own choice. Dear old dad needs to take a step back. It is her life not his. I am a parent of 4. It can be hard to let go, but in the end it is the daughters choice.
Cutting off her dad is helping him be prepared for how the world treats the elderly. He should thank her
Loved in the end that bastard father was alone and destitute. He had a Karma smack down.
This has to be the longest story by far
I wouldn't block his number. I'd enjoy reading every one of those messages begging for help. I'd leave them on read, but oh, boy, I'd READ them!
Im betting Samantha is either gay or dating a guy in a garage band or something.
Bob sounds like my dad did. "You'll never amount to anything" " You have no common sense"
Mine too
Sadly there are parents that say horrible things to their kids.
ATTENTION PARENTS...if you bring a child into the world then YOU are responsible for supporting them. After they grow yhey don't OWE YOU ANYTHING get that thru your thick skulls.
Hard eye roll
Good old abusive Dad, will finally love his “ugly “ daughter if she becomes his slave and pays him for the opportunity. What daughter wouldn’t jump at such a proposal? He deserves a life of loneliness because he didn’t appreciate his family.
These stories were 20minutes long . Now they are 45 minutes. They are getting too long and drawn out . Put them back to 20 minutes please
Wow‼️We have a total of 25+ kids, grands, great's.. We never interfere on daily personal matters after they turned 18. We, stay in our Lane and out of grown folks business.🙏💞
Bob mybe the father but he is never the "dad".
My daughter has referred to that person as the sperm donor.
@@corinnefogarty7880 fitting
Lose tonnes of money due to gambling, what to do ?
Big brain moment...
Daddy is a narcissist. Were I his child, I'd cut ties pronto.
Candice needs to move out of the family home and stop helping pay the family expenses.
She did move out. If you had listened to it. He demanded to know where she was living in order to drag her mom home.
He is not worthy of the title "Father"
Scumbag however? he fits that perfectly.
The dad has a major martyr complex
Bob there sounds like he's lusting after Samantha.
This one reminds me exactly of what my parents think of me and I've lived my life exactly how I want to
I cannot understand how no one knows how to clean a house. Growing up you would see your mother or someone cleaning, so why do people need to learn how to do it
Children all grow up and get their own life, even parents did. It is her life, butt out unless invited in.
Um. Why was she still living in her parents house with that creep?
The classic Man without a country story.
Have a wonderful evening everyone 👋🤗
From Louisiana 🐊
@@stephaniereece5757 Enjoy the rest of your Saturday 👋🤗
Good evenin' from Tennessee
@@jonborchardt5548 Good evening 👋 Hope you are having a Saturday 🤗
It's amazing how this guy keeps trying to pass off his abusive parenting as preparing for the real world. "Ugly" seems to be the word that keeps coming out of his mouth. I'm curious how this guy got married in the first place if this is the abusive mindset he's got.
So many stories with adult children age 25 - 30, complaining when parent ask them to move out, no matter the reason they should be give n a few months, but move out. What is wrong is short time given to move.
and it goes on and on and on and on
This isn't fatherhood, this is pure nepotism.
I think it's despotism, not nepotism, but you're right, definitely NOT fatherhood!
The way he talks so disrespectfully about his wife, I wonder why he married her to begin with!
The dad sounded like he had a nice childhood does he?
Candice please stick to your guns and don't back down no matter what
Mom can also get part of his soc. Sec. For the years as a housewife.
it makes me wonder why Bob married his wife if he considers her ugly and useless.
Excuse me what happened to confidentiality. I’d have been furious if this was done to me. He had absolutely no right to contact were she worked.