(Part 2) UNGA Adopts Resolution on Furtherance of Remedy & Reparation for Aggression Against Ukraine

  • Опубліковано 13 лис 2022
  • Continuation of the The Eleventh Emergency Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly opened on 28 February 2022 at the United Nations headquarters. It addresses the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
    Eleventh Emergency Special Session
    Letter dated 28 February 2014 from the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/2014/136): draft resolution (A/ES-11/L.6) - Item 5
    The United Nations General Assembly approved today (14 Nov) a resolution calling on member states to create “an international register” to document claims of damage, loss, or injury to Ukrainians caused by Russia.
    The resolution was supported by 94 Member States, opposed by 14 against and 73 countries abstained.
    The document recognizes that Russia must be held accountable for violations of international law in or against Ukraine and "must bear the legal consequences of all of its internationally wrongful acts, including making reparation for the injury, including any damage, caused by such acts."
    It also reaffirms Ukraine’s sovereignty and calls again on Russia to “cease its use of force against Ukraine.”
    Introducing the resolution, the Permanent Representative from Ukraine, Sergiy Kyslytsya, said it was “a proclamation that Russia must be held accountable for his violations of international law in Ukraine.”
    According to Kyslytsya, “it is reaffirmation of the need of a concrete mechanism for reparations that will breathe life into these proclamations; it is a call for the member states to come together and build legitimate international infrastructure to deal with the consequences of Russian aggression against Ukraine.”
    The Permanent Representative also said that “a vote against this proposal will be a vote in favor of impunity and lawlessness.”
    Kyslytsya added, “A yes vote will mean that there is a faith in international law that the global architecture - so painstakingly built after the Second World War - will remain, and the United Nations can stand to watch over international peace and security. It is a signal of hope for justice and an important first step towards accountability.”
    The ambassador told Member States also that “the preconditions for any negotiations outlined by President Zelenskyy are clear.”
    According to him, they include “restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity, compensation for damage caused by the war, prosecution of war criminals.”
    Vasily Nebenzya, the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation, noted that “neither the General Assembly nor any other mechanism can annul sovereign immunity, which state assets have under international law.”
    Nebenzya said that “the countries which support a general assembly decision on it will become implicated in illegal expropriation of sovereign assets of a third country and implicated in yet another instance where the General Assembly is exceeding its authority in the interest of the West.”
    The ambassador also asked, “Do the countries of the developing world want to have anything to do with that initiative? We think that most of them think this is ludicrous or even insulting, that the Western countries decided to demand reparations rather than pay them out.”
    According to Nebenzya, the resolution is “an area where the theft and spending of sovereign assets is being put forward by various states which have a very rich record in looting the rest of the world.”
    --- شاهد هذا الفيديو باللغة العربية على موقعنا
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    Screenshot Credit: UN Photo/Loey Felipe


  • @Ahero0fAfrica-6789
    @Ahero0fAfrica-6789 Рік тому +8

    "People of different religions & cultures live side by side in almost every part of the world, and most of us have overlapping identities which unite us with very different groups. We can love what we are, without hating what -- and who -- we are not. We can thrive in our own tradition, even as we learn from others, and come to respect their teachings."
    ─ 🇺🇳 KOFI ANNAN
    Former Secretary-General of the United Nations

  • @hamdanikavousifar3632
    @hamdanikavousifar3632 Рік тому +3

    The United Nations must issue a replacement financing resolution for what America and NATO are doing in many countries if they can't just dissolve the United Nations

    • @tylerclayton6081
      @tylerclayton6081 Рік тому

      US protects countries and global shipping with it’s massive navy. And US gives $35 Billion dollars of economic and humanitarian aid EVERY YEAR to poor countries all over the world

    • @esmenhamaire6398
      @esmenhamaire6398 Рік тому

      NATO is not a nation-state. It is simply a mutual-defence organisation. Did you, perhaps mean "the west"?

  • @tedteddington6223
    @tedteddington6223 Рік тому

    I saw a comment in the LIVE chat - ''all you do is talk you people don't do anything''
    If only our Politicians would do the same.

  • @mariamsall6894
    @mariamsall6894 Рік тому +1

    Bonjour à Vous
    Ils ont modifié mon expression, ce sue j'avais évoqué c'était de 2014-2015 congrès EboDakar
    2016-2017 Documentaire Eau-Hygiène et Assainissement avec l'OOAS
    2017-2019 Reglement Sanitaire Internationale
    2019-2021 Initiation au plate-forme pour Santé Durable pour Tous d'ici 2030 "OHS Forum" en appui au ONE HEALTH.

  • @Voorvenkraaf2
    @Voorvenkraaf2 Рік тому

    there are lots of guys talking to themselves while riding motorbikes on the Cendrawasih Highway, Sawangan District, Depok City, West Java Province, Indonesia.

  • @huethanhvonguyen1990
    @huethanhvonguyen1990 Рік тому +1

    That is the truth.thanks

  • @ravindertalwar553
    @ravindertalwar553 Рік тому +1

    Almighty God bless you always 🙏🙏

  • @dekapwt5618
    @dekapwt5618 Рік тому

    Peace, Stability & Negotiating Table

  • @AbdulGani-ji9hd
    @AbdulGani-ji9hd Рік тому +2


  • @MuhammadImran-cq8kf
    @MuhammadImran-cq8kf Рік тому +1

    What about Kashmir ???? 900000 army there from what ????

  • @mariamsall6894
    @mariamsall6894 Рік тому +1

    Je continue, les complocistes sont plus nombreux et sont des responsables, démocrate et représentants des ONG et même les organismes dont je me suis confiée.. je suis désolée, c'est le développement de mon Institution et mon pays qui m'a tombé dans les mains de mes ennemis. Un problème de famille ne doit pas être confondu à celui du service. Dommage.

  • @SM19MonzoMY-EuroUSAeia
    @SM19MonzoMY-EuroUSAeia Рік тому

  • @JerryAlatalo
    @JerryAlatalo Рік тому

    Solution for stopping the tragic, unnecessary warring in Ukraine?
    All parties must sign the mutually-agreeable peace treaty, then live in peace forever..
    You're welcome.

  • @dkerucfjudtbh1678
    @dkerucfjudtbh1678 Рік тому

    กราฟรวบรวมประเทศทั่วโลก 232 ประเทศทั่วโลกปี 2022
    ผู้ค้นพบหลักฐานกราฟการประเมินผลคือ คุณกิตติเดช ทองผอม..." คุณพระกิตติเดช กิตติปัญโญ..."
    กราฟรวบรวมอยู่ในเพจคือ Thailand youth Delegates to the United Nations..."
    UN เผย 15 พ.ย 65 ประชากรโลกแตะ 8,000 ล้านคน

  • @jennywren2696
    @jennywren2696 Рік тому

    Nice to hear a Jamaican voice

  • @captainkirk7676
    @captainkirk7676 Рік тому +8

    United Nations, just like everyone else you don't actually DO ANYTHING to help the people of the world. SHAME ON YOU!

  • @toyotagaz
    @toyotagaz Рік тому

    Oh wow
    On that note, lets start demanding reparations for all the other non European countries that have been ravaged by wars in the last 30 years

  • @vthilton
    @vthilton Рік тому

    Sharing will save the world

  • @mariamsall6894
    @mariamsall6894 Рік тому

    Je continue, excusez du dérangement, Same ne fait pas de ce qui m'a été désignée, c'est un héritage du défunt mari et appartient ses héritiers cela ne m'intéresse pas. Mes partenaires m'ont donné le nom du quartier qui est Sotuba lieu de l'Amérique. Le dossier est là depuis le 17 septembre 2021 à présent n'ont pas été officialisé. Ils ont deinformer l'investigation en disant que je le mérite pas car je suis "gawa"

  • @gatoslokosforever
    @gatoslokosforever Рік тому +11

    So USA will start paying out reparations to Mexico and the UK to Argentina? Otherwise this is clownish.

    • @esmenhamaire6398
      @esmenhamaire6398 Рік тому

      The Falklands were and are, under international law, British , so it was the Argentinians breaking international law. Granted, if one goes back over a century ago, things were more debatable, but Galtieri started the war on the pretext that the British were supressing a population of Argentinians, which was entirely untrue. It's generally the case that the agressor pays reparations to the attacked party., not the other way around.
      Whilst I have little sympathy for the 18th and 19th century British habit of , essentially, stealing large swathes of the rest of the planet, nevertheless one has to take into account the current extant situation, and how far in the past the disputed events took place. For instance, Kaliningrad oblast, Sakhalin and the Kuril islands. In both cases, the original population is no longer in situ. Would it serve any kind of justice to uproot the Russians who are there now, and grant those territories back to Germany and Japan respectively? I would argue not, it'd be more likely to cause further problems. The disputed islands in the Kurils are a different matter - it seems pretty clear to me that those are and should be Japanese territory. Similarly, wit the Falklands; like it or not, the ppulation is and always has been British, and they are evidently hapy to remain British. Forcing a change upon them would be unjst. If they wre happy to become a part of Argentina, I'd have no problem with their doing so.

    • @gatoslokosforever
      @gatoslokosforever Рік тому

      @@esmenhamaire6398 clownish

  • @alexfoxpoker
    @alexfoxpoker Рік тому

    IMHO. UN troops should be sent to Ukraine💙💛

  • @ate410
    @ate410 Рік тому +3

    how dare kenya is to say that,,,,,,,,,,a dog barks to the master he feeds it

    • @heatherc2939
      @heatherc2939 Рік тому +1

      You should be proud of Kenyan Ambassador. You deserve reperations.

  • @olusegunjuba5142
    @olusegunjuba5142 Рік тому

    It start from somewhere. An must come to a country or persons thinking that because they have the might, then they can hold the whole to a ransom. It should not be. Russia must pay for its wrong doings.

    • @toyotagaz
      @toyotagaz Рік тому

      Other non European countries should also be allowed to demand reparations right?

  • @Voorvenkraaf2
    @Voorvenkraaf2 Рік тому

    A man from Pengasinan village, Sawangan sub-district, Depok city, West Java province, Indonesia with a girl from Asinan village, Sawangan sub-district, Depok city, West Java province, Indonesia pretended to have sex because he did not see her in person.

  • @luispadrao3989
    @luispadrao3989 Рік тому

    feliz natal e ano novo mesmo que esse tal papai noel criado nunca chegue no dia e nem no ano todo na nossas casas, na nossa mesa (ceia) e em nossas vidas e o mundo continua a mesma fome e miséria.

  • @soewin9784
    @soewin9784 Рік тому +10

    Russia must pay reparation to Ukraine for war damages and war crimes.

    • @guturguu4799
      @guturguu4799 Рік тому

      Also Israel should pay to Palestine. .and give their lands back

    • @gatoslokosforever
      @gatoslokosforever Рік тому

      And USA to Mexico, and UK to Argentina. NATO to Syria, Lybia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Vietnam, Corea, Japan, Nicaragua, Chile, Colombia, etc

  • @bizulohorung4099
    @bizulohorung4099 Рік тому

    Help NEPAL

  • @olusegunjuba5142
    @olusegunjuba5142 Рік тому +1

    People should think before they act. There's no justification for violating the territorial integrity of another country. Next time, Russia or any nation would think twice before attacking another country.

  • @janklaas6885
    @janklaas6885 Рік тому +1


  • @jarrodyuki7081
    @jarrodyuki7081 Рік тому

    un is enfj.

  • @cynthiajones4332
    @cynthiajones4332 Рік тому

    This is important if u die today will u go to heaven? Have u lied, stolen used God's name as a curse word (O-M-G)? Still think your good? According to God's law, you're guilty. But wait, God loves you, he made a way out. God so loved the world that he gave his son (Jesus death on the cross) that whoever believes in him will not die but have everlasting life. John 3:16 Please think about it. Repent/believe before it's too late. Luv you

  • @JackyDOS
    @JackyDOS Рік тому

    Well, but in my opinion it is not enough. We need also to think about, what all that bombs and burning gas did to our climate. How many volcanos emites a war like the Russian Shelling to nearly everything what Ukraine is? And there is evidence near to the EU-Boarder that Russia burned tons of gas only into the air, because of hybrid war.

  • @dekapwt5618
    @dekapwt5618 Рік тому +1

    Ukraine Understand

  • @David_Lo_Pan
    @David_Lo_Pan Рік тому

    *China should pay for their culpability as well.*

  • @heatherc2939
    @heatherc2939 Рік тому +3

    So proud of both Albania and Kenya, and all who aligned themselves with Ukraine. Reperations now!
    Qatar : FIFA
    UAE, GULF States: REALLY??

  • @olusegunjuba5142
    @olusegunjuba5142 Рік тому

    Thank God for those countries that stand for the right. The position taken by every country is on record.

  • @sambasivaraonimmagadda7705
    @sambasivaraonimmagadda7705 Рік тому

    It's sad that 74 countries abstained from voting. 12 countries other than the invading Russia voted against the resolution. All these 13 countries are dictatorships or kingdoms where there are no laws.
    It's simple that a big country invaded a small neighboring country. The invasion is going on for more than 8 months. Even smaller countries are fearing to exercise their vote. What message they are sending. Some countries are raising the rising the issues of food prices increase and oil price rise. True they are issues that are faced by whole world. But the invasion is being faced by Ukraine alone. All countries need to try to pressurize Russia to stop the invasion which will address all the problems they are raising.

    • @gatoslokosforever
      @gatoslokosforever Рік тому

      USA is the great satan of earth

    • @toyotagaz
      @toyotagaz Рік тому

      On that note
      Can other non European countries demand reparations?