As a Christian who loves academics, archaeology and history, these kinds of video is far more entertaining and exciting than any movie or series I could find on Netflix.
Hopefully y'all are paying attention to the litany of archeological evidence that has disproved story after story from the Bible. Those are legitimate studies as well
Unfortunately it's all fake like everything else the s3rp3nts seed present. Book of Revelation says the Terbernacle is in heaven. The devil comes to lie, steal and kill.
With virtually every turn of the archeologist’s spade, there is more and more evidence that the particulars, the people, the places, the details, the descriptions found in the Bible are in fact painstakingly accurate, meticulous, and true.
I ended up sitting next to Dr. Stripling on a flight, and after mentioning that I recognized him from a previous TV show, he was kind enough to take a few minutes from his laptop to speak with me for a bit. I have followed him on the Associates for Biblical Research newsletter ever since. He was even nice enough to respond to an email and remembered me from the flight. I felt very honored. A very nice man doing awesome work. Dig on, Dr.!
That made the hair standup on my arms. To be standing in the holy place and the most holy place. I cannot even imagine the awe and wonder those people are experiencing. To know that God's glory came down on that site during the offering of the sacrifice is beyond words.
With virtually every turn of the archeologist’s spade, there is more and more evidence that the particulars, the people, the places, the details, the descriptions found in the Bible are in fact painstakingly accurate, meticulous, and true.
Guys, Here is The Savior YaH The Heavenly FATHER (Genesis 1) HIMSELF was Who they Crucified/Pierced for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF” From the Ancient Egyptian Semitic: "Yad He Vav He" is what Moshe (Moses) wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3) Ancient Egyptian Semitic Direct Translation Yad - "Behold The Hand" He - "Behold the Breath" Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
As an ultra Orthodox woman who has lived in Israel for 33 years I am happy to see this video. The volunteers are so respectful. We study the chapters of our G-d's description, in great detail, of how He wants His House built. My granddaughter has the privilege of living in Shilo. My son has the privilege of living in the neighboring city of Eli, named after the High Priest.
So,your daughter live on stolen land...Shilo is a israeli settlement,on stolen land of Quaryut village,palestinians owners were expropriated by military force,then became the settlement of Shilo. Israeli arme seized the palestinians land and obliterated any others religion's findings from the area,which is primarily Christian and Muslim. This is how israel build their history,by erasing any other people ancient history. One day,you'll answer God for what you did and still do to palestinian people.
This information brings tears of reverence to my eyes especially after attending Community Bible Study where we studied "Moses: the Red Sea to the Jordan." We learned all the specifics of the building and furnishings of the Tabernacle! Glory to God 🙏 (7:40 into the video)
Jesus said to the apostles "I will make you fishers of men". Great for the fisherman, not so great for the fish. Stop being the fish! The church is milking you for money, and making you revile people you normally would get along with, about things that NOBODY CAN KNOW! Stop taking the bait.
I had the awesome and blessed opportunity to visit Shiloh last year. The level of peace I felt is is indescribable. If I ever go to Israel again, I would love to visit Shiloh again. Would also love the opportunity to do a dig in the area!
Being a biblical archaeologist sounds and looks like a fun gig, but i can only speak for myself when i say that i prefer the research over actual digging.
I am very attracted to the historical study of the biblical text. But I really appreciate the way that the archaeologist brings his work back to the love of God. This work has to be about bringing people to Christ. Thank you for your beautiful words.
@@stuartdavidson162 using that logic i completely agree. I don't remember what I was thinking specifically when I said that, but it wasn't proof of the Bible being a real historical book. I already do, because of my personal relationship with Jesus. Have a good day, and I hope you stay curious!
@@sackettfamily4685 I appreciate your respectful response. I'm not going to bring science and facts to to someone coming at a situation on a feeling and faith basis - there's no point. Although I find it odd as an atheist, I trust your faith gives power to your elbow and happiness so good on you :)
I was so blessed to visit this site in June this year, and our tour group heard Scott Stripling speak to us about his findings. I would love to visit again in a couple of years to see how it has progressed.
I named my cat Shiloh, n after 11.5 years she passed on. SUBSEQUENTLY, I had dreams of her being with the Lord God in heaven. He gave her favour as if she was his cat!! I saw at a distance in my dream she romping around with him. About 5 years before she passed on, I would talk to her about Jesus Christ. AND whenever I mentioned his name to her she would make a faint response. Amazing n I know she's in heaven now with all the other animals. I believe.❤
This is the best discovery---thank you for sharing. I have been to Shiloh, and have asked in my heart, where was the tabernacle? I am so pleased that you have excavated this site for these amazing finds. Shalom, Yeshua is King.
Everything fits "just like the bible says"-- wow, just wow! We can trust God's word completely. Praise Him. Modern archaeology is being used by Him. Wonderful.
With virtually every turn of the archeologist’s spade, there is more and more evidence that the particulars, the people, the places, the details, the descriptions found in the Bible are in fact painstakingly accurate, meticulous, and true.
Complete nonsense. It's why believers can't be trusted to do scientific work that tries to prove or disprove their faith. Their mind is already made up, and any evidence will always be in their favor because they can't go against their preconceived beliefs.
Yayyyyy 💃🙏❤️ I love when proof of Truth comes out for the deceived, non-believing community. True followers of Christ don't need proof, but it sure is awesome to "go back in time" to something so profound to us and our lives ❤
I think our beliefs are built on God’s word …I know you say we “don’t need it” but I think 💯 we do…otherwise our faith is nothing more then a Buddhist or Muslim…etc. we have God’s word and many many archeological, historical, manuscript evidence that completely supports it all! therefore God requires but a mustard seed of faith! And I think that is more Directed to what He did for us on the cross! God bless! Checkout other discoveries like Sodom and Gomorrah, the real Mount Sinai in Arabia….so much evidence that men are without excuse on that great day when He returns! Cya
Seriously, a pile of animal bones from ritual sacrifice proves literally nothing about the Being to whom the sacrifices were made. There is nothing goose bump worthy about these "finds". You people and your hyperbole...smh.
@@emdee8840: Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs Testament of Levi 1:14 14 & by Thee & Judah shall the Lord appear among men, saving every race of men. Testament of Judah 4:21-27 21 & a man shall arise from my seed, like the sun of Righteousness, 22 Walking with the sons of men in Meekness & Righteousness; 23 & no sin shall be found in Him. 24 & the Heavens shall be opened unto Him, to pour out the Spirit, even the Blessing of the Holy Father; & He shall pour out the Spirit of Grace upon you; 25 & ye shall be unto Him Sons in Truth, & ye shall walk in "HIS COMMANDMENTS" FIRST & LAST. 26 Then shall the sceptre of my kingdom shine forth; & from your root shall arise a stem; & from it shall grow a Rod of Righteousness to the gentiles, to judge & to "SAVE ALL" that call upon the Lord. 27 & after these things shall ABRAHAM & ISAAC & JACOB arise unto Life; & I & my brethren shall be Chiefs of the Tribes of ISRAEL: Testament of Dan 2:10-13 10 & there shall arise unto you from the tribe of Judah & of Levi the "Salvation of the Lord"; & He shall make war against Beliar. 11 & execute an everlasting vengeance on our enemies; & the captivity shall He take from Beliar the souls of the saints, & turn disobedient hearts unto the Lord, & give to them that call upon Him eternal peace. 12 & the saints shall rest in Eden, & in the New Jerusalem shall the righteous rejoice, & it shall be unto the glory of God for ever. 13 & no longer shall Jerusalem endure desolation, nor Israel be led captive; for the Lord shall be in the midst of it [LIVING AMONGST MEN], & the Holy One of Israel shall Reign over it in Humility & in Poverty; & he who believeth on Him shall Reign amongst men in Truth. Testament of Naphtali 1:32 32 & the Lord shall scatter them upon the face of all the earth, until the compassion of the Lord shall come, a man working Righteousness & working Mercy unto all them that are afar off, & to them that are near. Testament of Naphtali 2:24-25 24 Do ye also, therefore, charge your children that they be united to Levi & to Judah; for through Them shall "SALVATION arise unto ISRAEL", & in Them shall Jacob be Blessed. 25 For through Their Tribes shall God appear dwelling among men on earth, to "SAVE" the race of ISRAEL, & to gather together the Righteous from amongst the gentiles. Testament of Gad 2:17 17 Do ye also therefore tell these things to your children, that they honour Judah & Levi, for from Them shall the Lord raise up "SALVATION" to Israel. Testament of Asher 1:40-41 40 Until the Most High shall visit the earth, coming Himself as man, with men eating & drinking, & breaking the head of the dragon in the water. 41 He shall "SAVE ISRAEL" & all the gentiles, God speaking in the person of man. Testament of Joseph 2:77 77 Do ye therefore, my children, observe the Commandments of the Lord, & honour Levi & Judah; for from Them shall arise unto you the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the World, one who "SAVETH" all the gentiles & Israel.
What was the "proof of truth"? Finding Bronze Age archaeological sites in Israel? Was anyone looking for proof of that? You should wind your neck in before you embarrass the believing community, smh.
@@Have_a_good_day_dude Go watch the videos of the finding of the chariot wheels under the sea bed, which matched exactly those of the era during which Pharaoh's army pursued the Israelites across the red sea, and were very distinctive of that time. Go see where the plains of Sodom and Gomorrah were hit with fire and sulphur by God, to see evidences of a sudden catastrophic event, and to see the evidence in the rocks of sulphur and fire; go to see Noah's Ark on the mountain of Ararat, the exact dimensions God gave to Noah, and made of Gopher wood, pitched inside and out, the pens (in three tiers,) where animals were, with the frozen droppings of many wild animals... just go look and weigh these things with sn open mind. Do you believe Julius Caesar was genuine historical character? Did you know that there is far more historical evidence for Jesus Christ than he. Pliny and other Roman leaders of his days on earth, were concerned about him and wrote back and forth to each other. Josephesus, a famous Jewish historian of the time, talked much about Jesus..and many other records. Do your own sincere research. You will be pleasantly surprised to find you are not simply a biological "accident," but rather are made with purpose by a caring Creator.
I Love these diggings Always interested me.. it's History, an the People that walked back then,, an understanding the Fulfillment in Christ to Fulfill all the Law, and The Prophets !! Amazing,,Blessings to you all !!
Somehow ancient artifacts from another culture should show the world how real God is to skeptics? What about artifacts from other cultures that believed in other gods? Or maybe you don't have a problem with belief in other gods?
How does this prove anything about God? It's a confirmation of a location said in a book, from there to say everything else is the book is true because of geological locations being referenced... Quite the stretch.
If you really wanted to get involved with archaeology its easy, just go to your local museum and offer to help as a volunteer. If you like it enroll in college and look for work. Depending where you live, depends on how much archaeology goes on. Living in England most towns have ancient history and museums with archaeologists digging up things, most rely on volunteers to help, because they don't get the funding to employ more qualified archaeologists than are needed for the complicated work, which is below the topsoil. But volunteers who have a natural ability are often asked to stick around and help with the 'good stuff ' . That's how I started, most just expect to be able to dig Roman layers but don't want to bother learning the less exciting stuff, taking levels, filling out forms describing the type of soil etc, or scale drawing sections of a trench. Me , I new nothing, I watched a bunch digging the field opposite my house and got chatting, it turned out to be late Celtic burial, I thought they were winding me up at first, hearing dates of around 10ad etc , in my ignorance i assumed nothing survived that long. Anyway, after a few weeks helping i was hooked. Before that my life was buying and selling old cars mbikes and riding around with mates on mbikes I knew nothing about history let alone archaeology. But i remember excavating my first Roman pot like it was yesterday ( was 1989) . I moved from London to StAlbans, as well as volunteering I brought myself a metal detector, and started finding Roman coins,among other things. London is old but so built up and spread out you don't see anything old , like when I moved to StAlbans ( verulamium in Roman times) 3rd city boudicca destroyed. Before I moved nobody who knew me including myself would have ever guessed I would get into history. Anyway I digress, That's how I got involved, helping and getting coins I found identified by the local museum.
I love it when God reveals His work whether it's this site or when a sea creature is discovered for the first time even though it has been there all along. God is great. Jesus is King.
@@richardmesser1091 Whether you like it or not, it is GOD'S word. And... what do you care, you probably don't believe in Him anyway. Otherwise you would have known that you have to capitalize God. Have a nice day.
@@iloveyoursnottyattitude6137 If you are a Christian you should be ashamed of this comment. If you are not a Christian I would not have expected otherwise.
Awesome ! Great work with team spirit ! While the present excavation reveals the Truth in the Bible,there are other findings that prove so,being the source of Enlightenment that overshadows all forms of darkness ! 🙏❤️🌹
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
@thecircumcisedheartofricha7344 Yes, because Judaism worships the Creator and Him Alone, just as He Commanded, they are His son, His Priestly People, His High Holy Ones who will inherit the Kingdom forever and to all Eternity, to whom Gd will make the Nations serve and go by their Leadership, the wealth of the Nations will be given to them and the Nations who refuse shall Perish, just as it says in Scripture. As Jeremiah prophesied, the Gentiles will come to see that they have inherited only Lies,Emptiness in which there is nothing of any avail!
I've never had doubt however, this is so heartwarming to me in hopes of it helping the doubters!! 🙏 Praise God!! ✝️ I would love to be a part of this blessing! ❤
Maybe they stayed at this location for a longer time and built a sturdier base to which the mobile tabernacle was fastened? I'm not knowledgeable on the subject but just a thought that came to mind.
As a Christian who loves academics, archaeology and history, these kinds of video is far more entertaining and exciting than any movie or series I could find on Netflix.
I agree.
You ain’t kidding 💯🙏
I agree
Hopefully y'all are paying attention to the litany of archeological evidence that has disproved story after story from the Bible. Those are legitimate studies as well
Unfortunately it's all fake like everything else the s3rp3nts seed present. Book of Revelation says the Terbernacle is in heaven.
The devil comes to lie, steal and kill.
So proud of our team working on-site and throughout the year on Shiloh!
With virtually every turn of the archeologist’s spade, there is more and more evidence that the particulars, the people, the places, the details, the descriptions found in the Bible are in fact painstakingly accurate, meticulous, and true.
@@Brucev7As they have to be, Scripture is divinely inspired.
Shalom.. I'm from sabah north borneo, malaysia. and I really love archeology, I'm born christian. How to join your team? I want to work with you
How do we get involved in volunteering?
I ended up sitting next to Dr. Stripling on a flight, and after mentioning that I recognized him from a previous TV show, he was kind enough to take a few minutes from his laptop to speak with me for a bit.
I have followed him on the Associates for Biblical Research newsletter ever since.
He was even nice enough to respond to an email and remembered me from the flight.
I felt very honored.
A very nice man doing awesome work.
Dig on, Dr.!
Too cool!
Wow! You met him on a plane and he was a nice gentleman? That does it for me... the Bible is true!!
Bahahahha.. it is true you just need to be average and you get heeped with compliments..
That made the hair standup on my arms. To be standing in the holy place and the most holy place. I cannot even imagine the awe and wonder those people are experiencing. To know that God's glory came down on that site during the offering of the sacrifice is beyond words.
@user-he9ys9vw6p This is Israel, not Africa.
I hope they took their shoes off.
Absolutely. The tangible presence, joy of God in my heart is beyond words.....
@@bradmac4985 Amen! Joy unspeakable and full of glory!
@@ClansmanKwhy, is your god offended by shoes?
I love it, " God's ego is not bruised." He doesn't mind when we ask questions. He knows that is the way to grow in wisdom.
Yeah. God's easily bruised ego is pretty apparent through scripture. So much wisdom.
@@iloveyoursnottyattitude6137wow bro you left a bunch of comments on this channel alone, who hurt you 😢
@@Jojo.255 😆😁
So amazing. God is letting us uncover more and more evidence for the history of the Bible!
With virtually every turn of the archeologist’s spade, there is more and more evidence that the particulars, the people, the places, the details, the descriptions found in the Bible are in fact painstakingly accurate, meticulous, and true.
Guys, Here is The Savior
YaH The Heavenly FATHER (Genesis 1) HIMSELF was Who they Crucified/Pierced for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
From the Ancient Egyptian Semitic:
"Yad He Vav He" is what Moshe (Moses) wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
Ancient Egyptian Semitic Direct Translation
Yad - "Behold The Hand"
He - "Behold the Breath"
Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
His Holy Name is YaH, not “God”, as in HalleluYAH “Praise ye YaH”
No way! God let you americans be governed by satan. That's it!
@@Praise___YaH you R totally confused!
The word God isn't a name but a title as in EL or Elohim ! YHWH EL Elyon = YHWH God Most High. Genesis 14:22.
As an ultra Orthodox woman who has lived in Israel for 33 years I am happy to see this video. The volunteers are so respectful. We study the chapters of our G-d's description, in great detail, of how He wants His House built. My granddaughter has the privilege of living in Shilo. My son has the privilege of living in the neighboring city of Eli, named after the High Priest.
Without accepting Jesus as your saviour there’s no point in religion. Judaism is a dead end!jesus is the only way.
So,your daughter live on stolen land...Shilo is a israeli settlement,on stolen land of Quaryut village,palestinians owners were expropriated by military force,then became the settlement of Shilo.
Israeli arme seized the palestinians land and obliterated any others religion's findings from the area,which is primarily Christian and Muslim.
This is how israel build their history,by erasing any other people ancient history.
One day,you'll answer God for what you did and still do to palestinian people.
This information brings tears of reverence to my eyes especially after attending Community Bible Study where we studied "Moses: the Red Sea to the Jordan." We learned all the specifics of the building and furnishings of the Tabernacle! Glory to God 🙏 (7:40 into the video)
Hello how are you doing?
Jesus said to the apostles "I will make you fishers of men". Great for the fisherman, not so great for the fish. Stop being the fish! The church is milking you for money, and making you revile people you normally would get along with, about things that NOBODY CAN KNOW! Stop taking the bait.
@@andrewromanik find yourself a Bible believing church.
@@andrewromanikman shut up. You don’t know anybody’s lives lol. What church? There’s many churches. They are not unified.
@@marcellakramer5871 🤣😂😂 you hypocrites don't believe the bible
I had the awesome and blessed opportunity to visit Shiloh last year. The level of peace I felt is is indescribable. If I ever go to Israel again, I would love to visit Shiloh again. Would also love the opportunity to do a dig in the area!
That peace is yours ever day every second, connect! He is within you, now!
You won't find salvation there.
@@snbforever never said I would lol just a peaceful feeling 😊
Man I wish I could have a job like his. Digging up history in Bible lands sounds fun too
Notice Bible land is in the Middle East, his chosen people.
Archaeological digs do need volunteers. My uncle told me about these opportunities. It is possible.
Being a biblical archaeologist sounds and looks like a fun gig, but i can only speak for myself when i say that i prefer the research over actual digging.
Amazing! How awesome for these volunteers to be a part of it. Thank you for bringing this history to life again.
I am very attracted to the historical study of the biblical text. But I really appreciate the way that the archaeologist brings his work back to the love of God. This work has to be about bringing people to Christ. Thank you for your beautiful words.
Why and how?
I needed this to wake up to! Thank you Father for your grace and understanding of my life.
Finding a place mentioned in The Bilbe does not make The Bible real. Spiderman comics mention New York - Doesn't make Spiderman real :D
@@stuartdavidson162 using that logic i completely agree. I don't remember what I was thinking specifically when I said that, but it wasn't proof of the Bible being a real historical book. I already do, because of my personal relationship with Jesus.
Have a good day, and I hope you stay curious!
@@sackettfamily4685 I appreciate your respectful response. I'm not going to bring science and facts to to someone coming at a situation on a feeling and faith basis - there's no point. Although I find it odd as an atheist, I trust your faith gives power to your elbow and happiness so good on you :)
I could do that all day long!! I would Love to brush away sands of time and find the valuable historical places and things. I’d love that job
TYJ! God continues to prove his truth everyday for those who are willing to open their eyes and witness his Glory.
What makes you say that?
I was so blessed to visit this site in June this year, and our tour group heard Scott Stripling speak to us about his findings. I would love to visit again in a couple of years to see how it has progressed.
Please come over here to rediscover the Biblical Lands of Samaria and Judea.
We would all be even more blessed if churches paid taxes
@@sandyago4735atheist are more concerned about the churches than actual church goers. How sad 😂😂😂
@@sandyago4735we would be blessed without you spouting atheist nonsense all over the internet
@@XRPDaddy888Hocus Pocus
I was there 7 years ago and I found Shiloh to be the most significant place in Israel.
I named my cat Shiloh, n after 11.5 years she passed on. SUBSEQUENTLY, I had dreams of her being with the Lord God in heaven. He gave her favour as if she was his cat!! I saw at a distance in my dream she romping around with him.
About 5 years before she passed on, I would talk to her about Jesus Christ. AND whenever I mentioned his name to her she would make a faint response. Amazing n I know she's in heaven now with all the other animals. I believe.❤
It's a beautiful, peaceful spot for sure.
Why is that? I'm just curious specifically what about Shiloh seemed the most significant place in Israel?
You were blessed😊 9:08
Because of the Holy of Holies..
This is the best discovery---thank you for sharing. I have been to Shiloh, and have asked in my heart, where was the tabernacle? I am so pleased that you have excavated this site for these amazing finds. Shalom, Yeshua is King.
Truly amazing! ❤ praise Jesus for showing us the truth in 2023 and beyond!
Archaeologist are just amazing. Such history that is found is fantastic. God bless everyone.
Wow I love archiaology. So fascinating
Everything fits "just like the bible says"-- wow, just wow! We can trust God's word completely. Praise Him. Modern archaeology is being used by Him. Wonderful.
With virtually every turn of the archeologist’s spade, there is more and more evidence that the particulars, the people, the places, the details, the descriptions found in the Bible are in fact painstakingly accurate, meticulous, and true.
Complete nonsense. It's why believers can't be trusted to do scientific work that tries to prove or disprove their faith. Their mind is already made up, and any evidence will always be in their favor because they can't go against their preconceived beliefs.
You are all welcome to visit here and rediscover the Biblical Lands of Samaria and Judea. The Heartland of the Jewish People.
Sure,,next they ll find NOAHS ARK...
😂 😂
@@antoniorobert44 or Jesus' Cross 🤣🤣🤣
Dr. Scott really has a great sense of excitement. I love watching him on videos.
Amen brother preach the truth about the word of God.
Imagine building a huge site for God where Hocus & Pocus stand side by side.
Yayyyyy 💃🙏❤️ I love when proof of Truth comes out for the deceived, non-believing community. True followers of Christ don't need proof, but it sure is awesome to "go back in time" to something so profound to us and our lives ❤
I think our beliefs are built on God’s word …I know you say we “don’t need it” but I think 💯 we do…otherwise our faith is nothing more then a Buddhist or Muslim…etc. we have God’s word and many many archeological, historical, manuscript evidence that completely supports it all! therefore God requires but a mustard seed of faith! And I think that is more Directed to what He did for us on the cross!
God bless!
Checkout other discoveries like Sodom and Gomorrah, the real Mount Sinai in Arabia….so much evidence that men are without excuse on that great day when He returns!
As Jeremiah prophesied, the Gentiles will come to see that they have inherited only Lies, Emptiness in which there is nothing of any avail!
Seriously, a pile of animal bones from ritual sacrifice proves literally nothing about the Being to whom the sacrifices were made. There is nothing goose bump worthy about these "finds". You people and your hyperbole...smh.
Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs
Testament of Levi 1:14
14 & by Thee & Judah shall the Lord appear among men, saving every race of men.
Testament of Judah 4:21-27
21 & a man shall arise from my seed, like the sun of Righteousness,
22 Walking with the sons of men in Meekness & Righteousness;
23 & no sin shall be found in Him.
24 & the Heavens shall be opened unto Him, to pour out the Spirit, even the Blessing of the Holy Father; & He shall pour out the Spirit of Grace upon you;
25 & ye shall be unto Him Sons in Truth, & ye shall walk in "HIS COMMANDMENTS" FIRST & LAST.
26 Then shall the sceptre of my kingdom shine forth; & from your root shall arise a stem; & from it shall grow a Rod of Righteousness to the gentiles, to judge & to "SAVE ALL" that call upon the Lord.
27 & after these things shall ABRAHAM & ISAAC & JACOB arise unto Life; & I & my brethren shall be Chiefs of the Tribes of ISRAEL:
Testament of Dan 2:10-13
10 & there shall arise unto you from the tribe of Judah & of Levi the "Salvation of the Lord"; & He shall make war against Beliar.
11 & execute an everlasting vengeance on our enemies; & the captivity shall He take from Beliar the souls of the saints, & turn disobedient hearts unto the Lord, & give to them that call upon Him eternal peace.
12 & the saints shall rest in Eden, & in the New Jerusalem shall the righteous rejoice, & it shall be unto the glory of God for ever.
13 & no longer shall Jerusalem endure desolation, nor Israel be led captive; for the Lord shall be in the midst of it [LIVING AMONGST MEN], & the Holy One of Israel shall Reign over it in Humility & in Poverty; & he who believeth on Him shall Reign amongst men in Truth.
Testament of Naphtali 1:32
32 & the Lord shall scatter them upon the face of all the earth, until the compassion of the Lord shall come, a man working Righteousness & working Mercy unto all them that are afar off, & to them that are near.
Testament of Naphtali 2:24-25
24 Do ye also, therefore, charge your children that they be united to Levi & to Judah; for through Them shall "SALVATION arise unto ISRAEL", & in Them shall Jacob be Blessed.
25 For through Their Tribes shall God appear dwelling among men on earth, to "SAVE" the race of ISRAEL, & to gather together the Righteous from amongst the gentiles.
Testament of Gad 2:17
17 Do ye also therefore tell these things to your children, that they honour Judah & Levi, for from Them shall the Lord raise up "SALVATION" to Israel.
Testament of Asher 1:40-41
40 Until the Most High shall visit the earth, coming Himself as man, with men eating & drinking, & breaking the head of the dragon in the water.
41 He shall "SAVE ISRAEL" & all the gentiles, God speaking in the person of man.
Testament of Joseph 2:77
77 Do ye therefore, my children, observe the Commandments of the Lord, & honour Levi & Judah; for from Them shall arise unto you the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the World, one who "SAVETH" all the gentiles & Israel.
What was the "proof of truth"? Finding Bronze Age archaeological sites in Israel? Was anyone looking for proof of that? You should wind your neck in before you embarrass the believing community, smh.
What joy I see. Thank God for people like this who bring the evidence of God and His Word to life❤
Yo chill don’t be so salty that you have no purpose in life
@@Have_a_good_day_dudeSays the fool blinded by his own presupposions.
@@Have_a_good_day_dude I have plenty of evidence of His existence and I sure don’t need to see to believe.
@@Have_a_good_day_dude Go watch the videos of the finding of the chariot wheels under the sea bed, which matched exactly those of the era during which Pharaoh's army pursued the Israelites across the red sea, and were very distinctive of that time. Go see where the plains of Sodom and Gomorrah were hit with fire and sulphur by God, to see evidences of a sudden catastrophic event, and to see the evidence in the rocks of sulphur and fire; go to see Noah's Ark on the mountain of Ararat, the exact dimensions God gave to Noah, and made of Gopher wood, pitched inside and out, the pens (in three tiers,) where animals were, with the frozen droppings of many wild animals... just go look and weigh these things with sn open mind. Do you believe Julius Caesar was genuine historical character? Did you know that there is far more historical evidence for Jesus Christ than he. Pliny and other Roman leaders of his days on earth, were concerned about him and wrote back and forth to each other. Josephesus, a famous Jewish historian of the time, talked much about Jesus..and many other records. Do your own sincere research. You will be pleasantly surprised to find you are not simply a biological "accident," but rather are made with purpose by a caring Creator.
@@lfemmecoure Amen! God bless you!!
Love this for reasons too numerous to count 🙏🏽
So exciting! I can just picture how these finds impact all those at the site, bringing reality to the Bible!
What an amazing sight. Praise the Lord! }
The Bible is real! It was written bu his followers followers, followers, followers, followers!
Some reality at least.
This is amazing! I've wanted to go to Shiloh for years. It's such a special place as it was the first place God revealed Himself to the Israelites 😊
If u don’t want to believe that’s up to you but don’t put other people down for no reason
Yes He did! Pls read 1 Samuel 3 v 21
us Israelites know the true promise land is America.
@@thatsme2571 Finding a place mentioned in The Bilbe does not make The Bible real. Spiderman comics mention New York - Doesn't make Spiderman real :D
Neat. I look forward to seeing what else they find over the coming months.
Fantastic, will be making this, love its originality, thankyou
I Love these diggings Always interested me.. it's History, an the People that walked back then,, an understanding the Fulfillment in Christ to Fulfill all the Law, and The Prophets !! Amazing,,Blessings to you all !!
What he said was so powerful 8:30 to 9:31
This is phenomenal, it is great and amazing what these workers and volunteers are doing. PTL and keep researching to show to others how real God is.
Somehow ancient artifacts from another culture should show the world how real God is to skeptics? What about artifacts from other cultures that believed in other gods? Or maybe you don't have a problem with belief in other gods?
How does this prove anything about God? It's a confirmation of a location said in a book, from there to say everything else is the book is true because of geological locations being referenced... Quite the stretch.
He has to be the most jacked archaeologist I've ever seen....... That being said, I would love to be able to do what they do. Keep up the great work!
He obviously never skips leg day! 😄
If you really wanted to get involved with archaeology its easy, just go to your local museum and offer to help as a volunteer.
If you like it enroll in college and look for work.
Depending where you live, depends on how much archaeology goes on.
Living in England most towns have ancient history and museums with archaeologists digging up things, most rely on volunteers to help, because they don't get the funding to employ more qualified archaeologists than are needed for the complicated work, which is below the topsoil.
But volunteers who have a natural ability are often asked to stick around and help with the 'good stuff ' .
That's how I started, most just expect to be able to dig Roman layers but don't want to bother learning the less exciting stuff, taking levels, filling out forms describing the type of soil etc, or scale drawing sections of a trench.
Me , I new nothing, I watched a bunch digging the field opposite my house and got chatting, it turned out to be late Celtic burial, I thought they were winding me up at first, hearing dates of around 10ad etc , in my ignorance i assumed nothing survived that long.
Anyway, after a few weeks helping i was hooked.
Before that my life was buying and selling old cars mbikes and riding around with mates on mbikes
I knew nothing about history let alone archaeology.
But i remember excavating my first Roman pot like it was yesterday ( was 1989) .
I moved from London to StAlbans, as well as volunteering I brought myself a metal detector, and started finding Roman coins,among other things.
London is old but so built up and spread out you don't see anything old , like when I moved to StAlbans ( verulamium in Roman times) 3rd city boudicca destroyed.
Before I moved nobody who knew me including myself would have ever guessed I would get into history.
Anyway I digress,
That's how I got involved, helping and getting coins I found identified by the local museum.
I love it when God reveals His work whether it's this site or when a sea creature is discovered for the first time even though it has been there all along. God is great. Jesus is King.
Do the other gods not reveal their work too?
Wow amazing stuff! Thank you for this interview
That is AWESOME! I am glad you are finding proof for the non believers.
You consider historical artifacts proof for what? God? Like finding Greek artifacts is proof for Zeus. But who knows?
Hallelujah to God the most high, bless you all and love others
I love listening to Dr. Stripling. His work is fascinating!
Amazing what people can believe through faith
This is wonderful, we all need to see this it says there is HOPE for us
This is awesome, love my Bible history! God is revealing he lives!
My toes are curling, my eyes are crying, my mouth is😂 smiling and my skin is all goosebumps! Praise God!
Orgasmic, yes, ecstasy!
Really enjoyed this.
This is a very informative segment. Really piques interest. Thank You.
Many thanks for bringing this video to us.
Wow. I really want to visit this archeological place.
You are welcome to visit here and rediscover the Biblical Lands of Samaria and Judea. The Heartland of the Jewish People.
Come soon Lord Jesus, come soon....We love you Lord Jesus.
God's Word proves itself !!
Only mans words, god never wrote anything
@@richardmesser1091 Whether you like it or not, it is GOD'S word.
And... what do you care, you probably don't believe in Him anyway. Otherwise you would have known that you have to capitalize God. Have a nice day.
@@franswells It's still man's word as man wrote it whether or not those men were actually inspired by the holy spirit or God himself.
@@iloveyoursnottyattitude6137 If you are a Christian you should be ashamed of this comment. If you are not a Christian I would not have expected otherwise.
@@franswells Do you deny men of God wrote scripture?
So good! This is wonderful to see!
This is wonderful...good learning experience..
Enjoyed watching and listening .
Blessings sir and your team 🙏
Great work and video.
Amen 🙏 thank you for your work & Joy of the Lord as you do so ❤
I had the privilege of visiting this site in April 2023. I was in awe! If we don’t praise Him, the very rocks will cry out!
God’s Word is amazing!!!
Which god, there have been thousands of them, all of them suspiciously invisible in 2023. Weird that, huh?
So is the Koran.
Awesome ! Great work with team spirit ! While the present
excavation reveals the Truth in
the Bible,there are other findings that prove so,being the source of Enlightenment that overshadows all forms of darkness ! 🙏❤️🌹
Awesome!!! God’s Word IS truth!!! ❤
An amazing video! Keep doing a project like this! Bible and God is real!
I heard him discuss this discovery and others with Alisa Childers! So very cool! Love seeing it. Thank you!
WOW! Just WOW!
Outstanding find
Trabajo e investigación IMPORTANTE
Bless Israel, Bless these workers, and let us get ready for the 2nd coming!
How many times we gonna discover the ark?
Wow you can see the holiness when their feet are shown in the place where the ark was.
Holy dirt?
I just cried guys. I always know he existed
Is this archaeology or a court case?
The tabernacle (משכן) was a tent. It did not have rock walls. It had boards covered in gold for walls, the 2 rooms divided by a curtain(veil)etc.
I've heard that at that time tents were often set on/over walls.
Could also be mikvaot (ritual baths) due to need for constant ritual purification of the body and utensils used by the priests.
Been there. All glory to God who is forever to be praised!
Amazing wow❤❤
Wow so amazing! God is so good!
Keep up the great work guys. This is amazing stuff. God bless you all!
I really get what he says about awe. That's exactly what this story inspires.
Praise the Lord 🛐💓
God bless them❤
Thank you, Jesus! 🙏❤️🙏
Hallelujah, Hallelujah bless The Lord oh my soul.
It feels like im there feeling the grace. So mind blowing and awesome to find and reveal such a site.
Finding a place mentioned in The Bilbe does not make The Bible real. Spiderman comics mention New York - Doesn't make Spiderman real :D
@@stuartdavidson162 cool :D
WoW this is so amazing and awesome
A lot of fun archaeology coming out. Keep it up.
And a good amount dealing with the ark of the covenant, which I find fascinating.
Please keep updates of digs at this site coming! My heart just beats faster every time I see an update. Diane
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
And you shall say to Pharaoh, 'So said the Lord, "My firstborn son is Israel."
Exodus 4:22
@@paulawallace8784lowercase son for starters
@thecircumcisedheartofricha7344 Yes, because Judaism worships the Creator and Him Alone, just as He Commanded, they are His son, His Priestly People, His High Holy Ones who will inherit the Kingdom forever and to all Eternity, to whom Gd will make the Nations serve and go by their Leadership, the wealth of the Nations will be given to them and the Nations who refuse shall Perish, just as it says in Scripture.
As Jeremiah prophesied, the Gentiles will come to see that they have inherited only Lies,Emptiness in which there is nothing of any avail!
God is speaking
Proving Jesus lived and that the Bible was written does not prove the existence of god
To who? You?
WOW I love this!!!
Great work!
Wonderful discovery!! 🎉🎉❤❤🙏🙏
Good work God bless you all
That was so incredible!!! I dreamed of being an archeologist when I was young! How do I volunteer!??
Typically with a university degree unfortunately
You can bring them water. Just buy a ticket and head over there.
Look into the digs at the old city of David, I think they have programs there where they allow volunteers to go and dig.
You are welcome to visit here and rediscover the Biblical Lands of Samaria and Judea. The Heartland of the Jewish People.
I love it. Thank you.
Glory Hallelujah 🙏💯. The rock's are praising The Lord 🙏🥰💯.
Just reinforces my faith. Do I need a sign ? No, a sound of the trump ! Hallelujah, Glory to the Lamb. Praise God.
This is absolutely incredible 🥺❤️
It must be so satisfying to have the world of the Bible s history at your fingertips😮
It helps as we teach our children the scriptures to not refer to them as “stories” because it is facts of history.
Just like Greek myths are facts of history and not stories?
Very up lifting what they are doing !!!!
I've never had doubt however, this is so heartwarming to me in hopes of it helping the doubters!! 🙏 Praise God!! ✝️
I would love to be a part of this blessing! ❤
How will this help doubters?
Thank you for spreading this news. ✝️
I thought that the sanctuary was a moveable tent up until the time of Solomon's temple.
Maybe they stayed at this location for a longer time and built a sturdier base to which the mobile tabernacle was fastened? I'm not knowledgeable on the subject but just a thought that came to mind.
You thought correctly! David even pointed out to us (before Solomon built the temple) that it was still a tent at that time.
Amazing evidence😮❤❤