AI cannot interpret reality.

  • Опубліковано 5 тра 2024
  • Maria Santacaterina


  • @j.dietrich
    @j.dietrich 21 день тому +43

    Sentences that start with the words "AI cannot..." tend to have a very short shelf-life these days.

  • @TylerMatthewHarris
    @TylerMatthewHarris 21 день тому +17

    I’m sick of hearing from these kinds of people

  • @laalbujhakkar
    @laalbujhakkar 14 днів тому +10

    A Cat has NO language but it understands reality. WHAT ARE YOU ON ABOUT?

  • @Bvic3
    @Bvic3 21 день тому +20

    AI can't interpret reality ... next sentence ... nuances of human emotion.

  • @laalbujhakkar
    @laalbujhakkar 14 днів тому +2

    I as a human cannot fly, that's because I don't have a beak.

  • @BrianPeiris
    @BrianPeiris 21 день тому +3

    Not a fan of Maria's blanket statements. Bold claims require bold evidence.

  • @ikjon23
    @ikjon23 21 день тому +3

    It can def anticipate. Just set some parameters around characteristics of anything humans would usually anticipate in any given environment...go from there. Pretty easy honestly

  • @korhanalparslan8730
    @korhanalparslan8730 День тому +1

    Be careful, I think it was the philosopher Justin Bieber who famously said Never Say Never

  • @Giuserox
    @Giuserox 21 день тому +4

    That's dump as fuck... Everything is math and can be calculated from emotion to sarcasm, let it a decade and AI will be much more efficient...

  • @gabriellucero3540
    @gabriellucero3540 21 день тому +3

    Dog or cat

  • @sevdeawesome7861
    @sevdeawesome7861 14 днів тому

    Is she referring to CURRENT AI or a potential future ai?

  • @jgonsalk
    @jgonsalk 2 години тому

    A bit of a yawn. I would like her to describe why LLMs don't have this rather than simply stating that it is the case. For example, what is moral reasoning? Is it possible that an LLM can simulate moral reasoning that is as good as a person's moral reasoning? And does that even matter? The psychologist Jonathan Haidt did a lot of work that showed that moral reasoning is post-hoc rationalisation and less important than our moral intuition.

  • @vijayakamble-academics3948
    @vijayakamble-academics3948 21 день тому +1

    Super Agree😂

  • @BrianPeiris
    @BrianPeiris 21 день тому

    @MachineLearningStreetTalk I've come around to agreeing with your stance on LLMs' lack of reasoning and understanding. Mostly thanks to professor Subbarao Kambhampati. Would be great to have him as a guest to add some scientific and technical backing to these arguments.

  • @kennethmark6088
    @kennethmark6088 14 днів тому

    ...yeah and human are full of biases too. Maybe that's why AI "can't interpret reality", because reality is full of nuances which humans judge poorly.

  • @ewfq2
    @ewfq2 14 днів тому

    Such a weird strawman in which the lacking capabilities of AI has already been pre-defined to accentuate those seemingly 'uniquely' human capabilities.

  • @freebird7369
    @freebird7369 14 днів тому +1

    GPT 4 Omni

  • @frankjamesbonarrigo7162
    @frankjamesbonarrigo7162 21 день тому

    Even if you were right, it won’t be long now, people are just afraid of it

  • @japanimated9683
    @japanimated9683 21 день тому

    Yet, being the keyword. Once quantum computing surpasses the neurons and synapses connections of the human brain who knows what the possibilities would be then.

  • @ins344
    @ins344 21 день тому

    Yes, it is limited in interpreting the nuances in human speech right now. All LLMs currently use text inputs, even those that have speech recognition. But that will change & it will become more intelligent. It will have the ability to look for subtle visual & auditory cues to anticipate the user's needs.