this comment is nearly 5-months after this video was uploaded, but a couple of facts/factors to add now is that Jadatoys' pink variant of Chun Li was an SDCC exclusive and was $35 bucks. I wasn't at SDCC so I purchased both the Violent Ken exclusive ($40) and the pink Chun Li exclusive ($35) from Jada's NextLevel, and the shipping was $20 for both. So, the pink Chun Li (for those not getting it via SDCC attendance) with extra happy head was $45 ($35 + $10 shipping) $25 + $45 = $70 for Jadatoys blue & pink Chun Li compared to the $80 of this newer S.H.Figuarts version of Chun Li Still for those able to get a red Jadatoys variant of Chun Li from Target for $25, that could be another option to add into the 'value' mix. Unfortunately, to this point (September 2024), only the pink has that extra (8:34) head for Chun Li.
Aesthetically I prefer the figuarts. But for 1/3 the price I can live with Jada. Honestly I don't get SH figuarts prices. Why is this Chun-Li 80 bucks while Naruto and Vegeta are like 30? They come with about the same amount of stuff!
it's because they're more important and beloved characters and the sculpts are reused to make them accessible, chun li is cool and all but she's no vegeta, nor the main character of an entire anime, some vegetas are also 80 bucks, the cheaper ones have no accessories and are all reuse with new heads occasionally and new paint
As a fan and supporter of both brand (Jada & S.H.Figuarts) also this channel. I have to say I whole heartedly agree. Jada gives you a lot for the price point while competing with some of the “nicer” premium priced figs. Like you said “we can purchase two Jada Chun Li at $50” and still have enough to buy more Jada Street fighters.
Yeah, also helps that while the S.H. one looks nice, it has kind of a "standard anime" look, whereas the Jada one captures the SF2 select screen aesthetics better. I hope Jada keeps it up and maybe ventures beyond SFII, as I'd love to see them tackle characters like Juri, Menat, Ibuki or Q among others.
Value is value ,but I think it does not look nearly as nice as the figure arts. Maybe if you repaint it it would look better, but I don’t really like the look of the joints. Personally I buy one nice looking figure over 4 that don’t look as nice.
I like the SH head/face sculpts more but I prefer the body mold and paint job on the Jada more. Imo I feel like if you could swap the heads and put the SH head on the Jada body it would be a perfect Chun Li figure.
I got the original SHF Chun-li for $54 back in 2017, it's crazy how much the SHF price has gone up now. Also, isn't it supposed to be from Street Fighter 5? Cause this is essentially reissue of the SF5 Chun-Li but with additional faces and new paint. The Anime style face isn't accurate to neither SF5 nor SF6, lol. Maybe she's more accurate to the SF Alpha which has anime art style. Got the Jada Toys recently and she honestly looks better in term of face sculpt, proportion and works as a general Chun-Li in a SF display, imo. For $25 Jada knocked it out of the park.
I think JADA TOYS is doing a legendary run with this line; I already bought Ryu while Bison & Dhalsim are waiting in pre-order hell. I'm also gonna get Guile and some others. Having said that, I don't think they're quite there yet with female figures. I cannot justify the insane asking price of 80$ for SHF Chun-Li but I do think it's more aesthetically pleasing to my eyes and looks cooler doing her signature poses. I'm just glad I happen to have the original SHF, which was much cheaper back then. In 2024, I would also recommend getting the Jada Toys one at the current prices.
I have to just say right off the bat. I love Jada figures. I can say the price point and the quality they put into the figures is incredible. You get such a better figure considering the price of Jada toys. Value wise you can’t beat it. I’d even say quality wise to. How many poses was the more expensive figure able to hold without a stand ? That Jada figure holds and poses so well without stands. I know I’m sounding like a Jada Stan and I’ll fully admit I am. If you’re ok with spending import prices go for it, to those of you that don’t mind. If you’re looking for a great figure that isn’t going to make you feel you spend way too much Jada is the purchase to make. You won’t regret it. Great comparison Johnathan.
The fact that I can buy 2-3 more Jada Street fighter figures after I pay the $25 for Jada Chun Li makes me choose the Jada figure over a $80+SHF Chun Li. There is just not enough difference between the two to warrant the extra price point. Jada is doing a hell of a job on their SF2 line.
There's Nothing sad about admitting the lower cost figure is better... These toy companies have realize toy collecting has become an adult Hobby and with that came higher prices. A figure that is worth 20 with a low cost to make is now 50 to a 100 dollar's retail...where pretty much paying for name brands lol a lot of the lower cost figures are no different in quality to higher prices toys...neca etc has proven that to me just my opinion... Jada Toys would be my pick
Geez, is the re-release really $80 bucks? I remember getting OG Shf chun-li, along with Cammy, and R.Mika for all around $30 dollars. In terms of price and accessibility, jada certainly does win in that regard. But I'm not really a fan of the knee, and elbow joints on Jada, but for $25 you cannot really beat that, you can get three Jada SF figures for just the price of that SHF figure alone. Still kinda goofy how you can get DBZ, Naruto figures for around $5 dollars more than Jada, but some figures are really up there in price.
How does SHF Vegetta is said to be 6.3 and SHF Chun li is 5.7, yet they look the same height in the video? Or are those the product description heights?
I haven't watched the video yet, but just by the thumbnail - you got me re-thinking the entire SH Figuarts Street Fighter line I've purchased. The cheaper Chun Li has the superior sculpt!
I seen the Jada toys Chun Li numerous times at target and the face isn’t nearly as good as SH. I have Fei Long from Jada and it’s good for the price but the quality isn’t superior to SH. Proportions are on the shorter side too but still good for the price. I do think most of the sculpts on the SH street fighter line were trash tho.
@@sebastian8040 I've had the SH FIGUARTS Chun Li for a few years now, and I've never really liked the face. It feels too small in comparison to the body, and it doesn't look like Chun Li... It just looks like a random anime girl. This one looks like it has more personality and feels better scaled in my opinion.
I’ve got and reviewed the Jada Toys action figure myself and I have to say the Jada Toys version wins out based on all you get for the cost. I expect more for 80 bucks. Great review.
You should compare those with the NECA (is it NECA?) and the Play Kai Arts Chun li figure. Although be careful with the Play Kai Arts when posing it, it might break. My Jun Kazama Play Kai Arts figure's arm broke off when trying to move it (it seemed very fragile). Also, I like the NECA one.
I have a couple final fantasy figures from the play arts Kai line. They are large and the joints get loose over time. It’s a real bummer considering how expensive they are
Wait for atleast 3 mos. My Jada Toys Chunli is breaking apart: chipping paint, lose joints on knees and ankles, hair and buns ungluing from the head. And, this has happened the same on my Ryu and Ken.
I think I'm going to mix and match the Jada and SH figures. For example, I think in most cases I'll get the Jada, but the early looks at the Jada Vega and Blanka figures don't look nearly as good as the SH figures.
Jada wins by being better value and having a face that actually adheres to the source material (but then again, SHF has always done deliberately anime-esque faces when figures aren't based on anime artstyle). Also interestingly, this is older SHF. This Chun Li is a repaint of the original that came out a while ago, back when Bandai was slow at putting out figures and actually took the time to engineer hem decently well. If this figure came out in 2023 or 2024, the price would've been higher, and the figure would've probably fallen apart the second you touched it.
jada keeps on taking home the gold! i support them all the way, and i stopped buying hot wheels and now i buy jada die cast. jada also imports a die cast line called majorette, and i buy those cars too. if i had to get a street fighter figuarts it would be the chun over the ryu.
I've been wanting to buy the Ryu & Ken Jada Toy figures, but after watching your review I will be getting them both along with Chung-Li! They look pretty dope to have!
Great video/review & in this current climate the Jada toys figure is so much more value & not even losing any quality. I have Ryu figure also & may get Cammy as well. But will eventually have them sounding off against my Super7 Ultimates Bruce Lee in a display
I honestly think that it's better for any Street Fighter or any action figure collector to get only the Jada Toys versions because they are more cheaper than the SHF and at least you do get accessories from Jada, I myself don't know where to display these so cool SF figures but great review
Jada's figures fit size wise perfectly with the figuarts so for someone like me that already bought a bunch of figuarts SF's it means I can fill in gaps, especially the most egregious one - Figuarts has never completed the 4 Shadaloo kings! so I can't wait to eventually get Balrog. I think it's great with Jada we have options to fill our rosters. I just hope Jada move on to doing Alpha/Zero and SF3 so we can FINALLY get figures of characters that have not had them. I'm screaming out for a Alpha 3 Karin, a figure of Guy, Rolento and Maki. I also wouldn't mind Yun and Yang. When a company gives up and another tries you always go back to Ryu, Chun li etc ..
Me quedo con Jada Toys porque es barato y tienen a todos los personajes a punto de completarse . Mientras que S.H. Figuarts tienen años y no completó nada 😂
Personally I find the Figuarts figure just looks better overall, but I'm not so sure if it justifies the huge price difference. It would be a no-brainer if the price gap was a bit smaller though.
@@NostalgiaUnboxed I think I'm leaning more towards that opinion. However for this specific instance, I think I would just opt out in buying either of them. Yes the Jada version is far better in terms of value, but ultimately I'm not sure if it's worth buying if I won't enjoy looking at it.
Between Shf, Jada Toys and Storm Collectibles I personally think Shf is the best. Jada Toys and Storm Collectibles ones have wide heads and maybe too thick thighs but not much muscle definition. And I kinda like the metallic paint job.
Very interesting! The Storm designs seem ok, but they are expensive (so is SHF), but if they are anything like the Reptile figure then I will hate them
The problem with the Player 2 variants is the last few have been convention exclusive and around 60 bucks, Violent Ken is now 90 bucks every wheres. I have both Chun li's because i forgot i had pre ordered her last year lol i like both figures, BUT i agree Jada is doing the lords work for us State side peeps.
It will be interesting to see her release. The Player 2 Ryu was not expensive, so I would not confuse "Player 2" variants with "Evil" and "Violent" exclusives
There's only been one convention exclusive figure and that was Evil Ryu. And it was actually pretty easy to get as Jada sold it on their site and there were plenty of international sellers that carried the figure. The player 2 Ryu is exclusive to the PaulMart Store and is also easy to get and is sold for retail. Violent Ken has been leaked as a con exclusive, but isn't actually announced yet. So idk what you mean about it going for 90.
Jada is definitely blowing figuarts out of the water. Even if you take into consideration what the figuarts does better it still doesn't justify the price difference. My favorite thing about the Jada figures is how accurate the character designs look. They are all heavily based off original SF2 art and have what I consider the definitive look for each character.
The Jada Toys is the best value for money, but I really enjoy the new SH Figuarts version because it is shiny and has that more silk aesthetic to the outfit. Plus we haven’t gotten a victory face for Chun-Li…until the upcoming Jada Player 2 release. One more point towards the SH Figuarts release is is if you grew up with The Street Fighter: The Animated Movie or you were a fan of the Alpha Series or Capcom Vs. , then you may prefer the more anime style. I still think the Jada Chun-Li is the better overall figure especially since the butterfly joints on the Figuarts one don’t really add that much added range and it feels sturdy, like you don’t worry about a figure when it costs $25 as opposed to when it cost $80. Also the only Chun-Li to have a peace sign hand to my knowledge was the NECA figure from 2012 and that’s a rough one. The face was pure nightmare fuel.
@@NostalgiaUnboxed Another way one could describe the NECA Street Fighter line would be like those carved apple headed puppets from Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood. They made ~8 figures and they’re worth collecting for the novelty.
Yeah, Jada wins this round. However, I think a showdown between SHF Ryu vs Jada Ryu will be a close match. SHF Ryu looks really nice aesthetically, imo, but I’m having a hard time shelling out $80 for that one.
@@NostalgiaUnboxed I wanna see usaji fighting the street fighter people!!! Got everything so far but chun li…. Might have to order if it’s not in target this week!
why is so hard for some people to pronounce Ryû? Jada toys has better legs, but other than that, figuarts is better (well, THAT price) Of course, Chun Lis is 2/3 legs, so...
It`s really funny. People complain about SHF because of the price. But, they are willing to pay another $25 for the new pink Chun-Lui just to get the faces. That`s hilarious.🤣
It’s not just new faces. You get a whole other P2 body plus new effects. Even if both figures equaled the Figuarts version in price, the Jada versions at least give you two figures plus accessories.
where's the humor? you get two chun-lis, two effect figures, more hands, and more faces than the shf AND you barely even go over half the price of the shf!
There are parts of the world where the price difference is much less (Jada costs more like $25 while Figuarts cost less like $50). The comparison would be much more appropriate if you at least mentioned it.
I guess you can also complain about not getting $25 worth of McDonald's after ordering it from Uber eats 😂😂😂 You don't need to search anywhere really to know that this Bandai Chun Li is not sold for $80 elsewhere. That's why you don't feel like you got $80 worth of Chun Li from Bandai, it's because Bandai didn't make one.
The Jada Toys SF figures finally hit Canada and I grabbed Ken to go with my Ryu. They seem decent, I would have rather had a dragon punch was Ken instead of the fireball and a flight stand
I love both versions of Chun-Li. I love Jada Toys Chun-Li a little more. Not just bc of the $25.00 price point. This is what I think of when I think of Chun-Li. Yes I do wish Jada Toys Chun-Li came with the extra heads including a battle damaged head and hands. I'm happy with the one I bought from Jada Toys.
The one thing I’m surprised folks don’t point out with import figs like SH Figs, Mafex, Storm Collect, Figma, etc. is their durability. The price itself is already high so you’d hope the figs would last. But if you’re unlucky or too rough when playing with these “action” figures then either the paint or joints may wear or break during posing. Jada seems more durable due to having the fig in blue plastic. Hasbro from my experience may fall short in terms of sculpt, articulation, or paint detail but rarely in all three in any given fig. And when posing my Renew Your Vows Spider-Man I feel more comfortable getting more playful with it than my Mafex reissue 185 Spider-Man. Great Review Nostalgia Unboxed. If you ever get the chance to compare Jada, SH Figs, and Storm Collectibles with their Street Fighter line that’d be awesome. It would help us fig fiends weigh our options when on a budget.
The key with imports is to buy from sites like AmiAmi so you can pay closer to their actual cost. But premium figures aren’t toys, so they have to be treated differently. Hasbro makes basic plastic figures for all ages. Unfortunately, you just have to decide what’s worth it to you
I'm all in the Jada Street Fighter figures (just found Bison locally) but I'm a sucker for Chun-Li so I had to get the Figuart as well... Though I won't be getting anymore unless they re-release Cammy.
Jada's chunli something just not fit. Maybe the articulations, the body design... Looks just as cheap as they are. SH Figuarts is almost perfect, the legs design is great, theres some type of texturing or modeling that simulates how muscles are behind the skin, and this is fantastic. in Cammy figure is even better noticed this effect. And te joints is so much better in shf. All poses seemes weird in jada figure. I'd stick with SHF anytime.
The one thing that makes me all in for Jada SF is the company is committed to giving the fans everyone listed on the back of their figure’s box. Those are the USF2 characters which is pretty much all the original 17 SF2 characters plus Evil Ryu and Violent Ken and p2 variants. No other company besides SOTA has even attempted something like that. They usually only do the Alisters and then start doing paint variants or even do figures from different SF games. Basically they go all over the place. Look how slow Storm and Figuarts are with SF and how long they’ve had the license. Jada is not perfect either and have their fair share of troubles, but at least they’ve shown protos and released figures that are already half the USF2 roster which to me is a good sign. Plus I give them a pass since SF is their first foray into action figure production. No other company has outright said they would complete the SF2 17 characters. Depending on your taste, Figuarts and Storm Collectibles may make a better product but they are expensive for most people. One can argue those companies are better than Jada, but Jada is cheaper and no one in their right mind will say these Jada figures are crap. Sure I’ll buy a Storm or Figuarts SF figure if they are my absolute favorite SF characters. But I’m going with Jada if I want to get the iconic 17 SF2 characters. Oh and they also said that they will complete all the USF2 characters BEFORE doing other SF characters from other SF games. That is important to me as it shows they have a real focus and goal in mind to get the original 17 made first and not start mixing in other SF game characters. I actually want other SF characters later after the 17 are made. In fact I will buy all SF characters Jada can make. Just get the 17 finished first.
this comment is nearly 5-months after this video was uploaded, but a couple of facts/factors to add now is that Jadatoys' pink variant of Chun Li was an SDCC exclusive and was $35 bucks. I wasn't at SDCC so I purchased both the Violent Ken exclusive ($40) and the pink Chun Li exclusive ($35) from Jada's NextLevel, and the shipping was $20 for both. So, the pink Chun Li (for those not getting it via SDCC attendance) with extra happy head was $45 ($35 + $10 shipping)
$25 + $45 = $70 for Jadatoys blue & pink Chun Li
compared to the $80 of this newer S.H.Figuarts version of Chun Li
Still for those able to get a red Jadatoys variant of Chun Li from Target for $25, that could be another option to add into the 'value' mix. Unfortunately, to this point (September 2024), only the pink has that extra (8:34) head for Chun Li.
@@lareh5501 dang! Thanks for the much needed info! This is great
Anyone in here remember Glenn Web? This right here reminds me of him. R.I.P to a legend🙏. Great review and Chanel cheers!!!
Thank you
Glenn Web was just the best action figure reviewer and also a master of customizing.
Aesthetically I prefer the figuarts. But for 1/3 the price I can live with Jada.
Honestly I don't get SH figuarts prices. Why is this Chun-Li 80 bucks while Naruto and Vegeta are like 30? They come with about the same amount of stuff!
The prices are all over. The new Naruto with the soft good is way overpriced
@@NostalgiaUnboxed exactly lol, idk why ppl are defending these bandits ( bandai )
@@syafiqazizi6746 There to biase to bandie and hype them up
it's because they're more important and beloved characters and the sculpts are reused to make them accessible, chun li is cool and all but she's no vegeta, nor the main character of an entire anime, some vegetas are also 80 bucks, the cheaper ones have no accessories and are all reuse with new heads occasionally and new paint
As a fan and supporter of both brand (Jada & S.H.Figuarts) also this channel. I have to say I whole heartedly agree. Jada gives you a lot for the price point while competing with some of the “nicer” premium priced figs. Like you said “we can purchase two Jada Chun Li at $50” and still have enough to buy more Jada Street fighters.
It’s really crazy!
Yeah, also helps that while the S.H. one looks nice, it has kind of a "standard anime" look, whereas the Jada one captures the SF2 select screen aesthetics better. I hope Jada keeps it up and maybe ventures beyond SFII, as I'd love to see them tackle characters like Juri, Menat, Ibuki or Q among others.
Jada is easily the fastest rising action figure company I've ever seen. Love thier stuff.
You could say the same for Valaverse, love both though.
I went with the SHF cuz I like it more aesthetically but you can't go wrong with the Jada
Very true
SHF Chun Li looks more cute and I'm a whore for SHF so I'm biased.
J Hernandez, Robo, Damazing and now you. Direct, honest and no BS reviews is what i like. Keep it up, please.
Thank you
Value is value ,but I think it does not look nearly as nice as the figure arts. Maybe if you repaint it it would look better, but I don’t really like the look of the joints. Personally I buy one nice looking figure over 4 that don’t look as nice.
fair enough
function > aesthetic
I like the SH head/face sculpts more but I prefer the body mold and paint job on the Jada more. Imo I feel like if you could swap the heads and put the SH head on the Jada body it would be a perfect Chun Li figure.
Would be interesting combo
I got the original SHF Chun-li for $54 back in 2017, it's crazy how much the SHF price has gone up now. Also, isn't it supposed to be from Street Fighter 5? Cause this is essentially reissue of the SF5 Chun-Li but with additional faces and new paint. The Anime style face isn't accurate to neither SF5 nor SF6, lol. Maybe she's more accurate to the SF Alpha which has anime art style.
Got the Jada Toys recently and she honestly looks better in term of face sculpt, proportion and works as a general Chun-Li in a SF display, imo. For $25 Jada knocked it out of the park.
They really do. The website claims it’s SF6, but that’s obviously just a marketing move
I think JADA TOYS is doing a legendary run with this line; I already bought Ryu while Bison & Dhalsim are waiting in pre-order hell. I'm also gonna get Guile and some others. Having said that, I don't think they're quite there yet with female figures. I cannot justify the insane asking price of 80$ for SHF Chun-Li but I do think it's more aesthetically pleasing to my eyes and looks cooler doing her signature poses. I'm just glad I happen to have the original SHF, which was much cheaper back then. In 2024, I would also recommend getting the Jada Toys one at the current prices.
Yeah, I do think they are gonna start showing us some ever better designs as they continue the line. I’m confident Cammy will be the better option
Glad I purchased the Jada Toys Chun-Li first over the SH Figuarts version. Great review as always 👍🏿
Thank you
I have to just say right off the bat. I love Jada figures. I can say the price point and the quality they put into the figures is incredible. You get such a better figure considering the price of Jada toys. Value wise you can’t beat it. I’d even say quality wise to. How many poses was the more expensive figure able to hold without a stand ? That Jada figure holds and poses so well without stands. I know I’m sounding like a Jada Stan and I’ll fully admit I am. If you’re ok with spending import prices go for it, to those of you that don’t mind. If you’re looking for a great figure that isn’t going to make you feel you spend way too much Jada is the purchase to make. You won’t regret it. Great comparison Johnathan.
Thank you!
The fact that I can buy 2-3 more Jada Street fighter figures after I pay the $25 for Jada Chun Li makes me choose the Jada figure over a $80+SHF Chun Li. There is just not enough difference between the two to warrant the extra price point.
Jada is doing a hell of a job on their SF2 line.
I think this definitely proves Jada is doing it right
There's Nothing sad about admitting the lower cost figure is better... These toy companies have realize toy collecting has become an adult Hobby and with that came higher prices. A figure that is worth 20 with a low cost to make is now 50 to a 100 dollar's retail...where pretty much paying for name brands lol a lot of the lower cost figures are no different in quality to higher prices toys...neca etc has proven that to me just my opinion... Jada Toys would be my pick
NECA is certainly a standout
This was such a good comparison video. I just bought the jada chun li from Target, and it was worth the price!!!
Thank you and enjoy it!
Great review. I actually just picked up the JT Chun-Li a week or so ago. Amazon has it on sale for $23. It's a really cool figure.
Awesome! and thank you
You always have the best poses. It must be the artist in you.
@@grouchydude3448 much appreciated!
I'm not gonna lie you are my new figure unboxing channel and I'm happy I switched to you cause you cover everything I want
That’s great, thank you!
@@NostalgiaUnboxed Johnny 16 bit video games was the rage back in the day! I think I'm a couple years older than you! LOL!🎮🕹👾
@@SuperMarioBrosIII 40 in June
@@NostalgiaUnboxed Happy Birthday my friend!🎂🥳🎉👍
Jada’s Street Fighter and Mega Man figures have been very impressive and I’m a big fan already.
Great and even better prices
Another great review, Jonathan! Gotta check out Ryu next!
Thank you! Ryu is sitting next to me haha
Where did u buy the S H figuarts Chun li?? Cuz I’m buying that
Link is in the description
For your buck, the Jada Toys figure is really good.
But to be honest, the SHF's appearance to me at least is more appealing
a bit,. yeah
Hi, M.Bison figuarts vs M.Bidon Jada Toys
I have the version of Figuarts, and i love It, but i think next time i wanna buy the Arcade edition 😅
Very nice
The Jaida SF figures are basically smaller Storm Collectibles in ROM and sculpt.
Would love to compare those!
Geez, is the re-release really $80 bucks? I remember getting OG Shf chun-li, along with Cammy, and R.Mika for all around $30 dollars.
In terms of price and accessibility, jada certainly does win in that regard.
But I'm not really a fan of the knee, and elbow joints on Jada, but for $25 you cannot really beat that, you can get three Jada SF figures for just the price of that SHF figure alone.
Still kinda goofy how you can get DBZ, Naruto figures for around $5 dollars more than Jada, but some figures are really up there in price.
Prices are always wild with SHF. If you can order from places like Amiami then you can often save some money
I like the look of the cheaper one more.
Can’t beat it
Not a fan of the Jada toys head sculpt. That’s the main reason I got the shf
Certainly different!
How does SHF Vegetta is said to be 6.3 and SHF Chun li is 5.7, yet they look the same height in the video? Or are those the product description heights?
top of his hair lol
I haven't watched the video yet, but just by the thumbnail - you got me re-thinking the entire SH Figuarts Street Fighter line I've purchased. The cheaper Chun Li has the superior sculpt!
Price difference is wild
"superior sculpt" 🤣
@@flancognac2997 I have the SH Figuarts Chun Li, and the Jada looks better to me.
I seen the Jada toys Chun Li numerous times at target and the face isn’t nearly as good as SH. I have Fei Long from Jada and it’s good for the price but the quality isn’t superior to SH. Proportions are on the shorter side too but still good for the price. I do think most of the sculpts on the SH street fighter line were trash tho.
@@sebastian8040 I've had the SH FIGUARTS Chun Li for a few years now, and I've never really liked the face. It feels too small in comparison to the body, and it doesn't look like Chun Li... It just looks like a random anime girl. This one looks like it has more personality and feels better scaled in my opinion.
I have both. The SHF figure is a better figure, but the Jada figure is also great. I am all in on the Jada Street Fighter line.
And with those prices they make it easy to be all in
I’ve got and reviewed the Jada Toys action figure myself and I have to say the Jada Toys version wins out based on all you get for the cost. I expect more for 80 bucks. Great review.
It's really hard to beat!
Very true. The only hard thing about Jada Toys Street Fighter line is finding wave 2 in the wild right now :)
@@Nerdmazing_Toy_Reviews man, always a struggle with these!
Jada toys looks better. Storm collectibles is the way to go for street fighter figures. Figuarts look off to me
So expensive as well
You should compare those with the NECA (is it NECA?) and the Play Kai Arts Chun li figure. Although be careful with the Play Kai Arts when posing it, it might break. My Jun Kazama Play Kai Arts figure's arm broke off when trying to move it (it seemed very fragile). Also, I like the NECA one.
I have a couple final fantasy figures from the play arts Kai line. They are large and the joints get loose over time. It’s a real bummer considering how expensive they are
Wait for atleast 3 mos. My Jada Toys Chunli is breaking apart: chipping paint, lose joints on knees and ankles, hair and buns ungluing from the head. And, this has happened the same on my Ryu and Ken.
I have had this Jada for at least that long with zero issues. This isn't a comment thing
Ive had mine for a while now lost count of the months and have non of those issues.
My only gripe with the Jada Chun-Li, is the slightly oversized fists
Which would be accurate to the series, they get even bigger as the series progresses.
It seems right to me
Manga style
Agreed. I think the Jada toys is just better value. Also, I feel like Jada toys is more robust and can actually be played with by a child.
I think I'm going to mix and match the Jada and SH figures. For example, I think in most cases I'll get the Jada, but the early looks at the Jada Vega and Blanka figures don't look nearly as good as the SH figures.
And SHF never finished the line
@@NostalgiaUnboxed Yeah, that's true. If nothing else, I'm glad we're going to (hopefully) get a complete Street Fighter line for the first time.
I paused at the "tight little setup" joke, faced palmed, and question the meaning of life.
Meaning of life is to just have fun and not be so serious
outfit 2 ? did they do the other one ?
as shown in the video
Dang it, neither one has a peace sign hand :(
The other Jada one is the key
I'm about to buy the SHF too, I love my Jada but think the SHF looks better
Very interesting
Jada wins by being better value and having a face that actually adheres to the source material (but then again, SHF has always done deliberately anime-esque faces when figures aren't based on anime artstyle).
Also interestingly, this is older SHF. This Chun Li is a repaint of the original that came out a while ago, back when Bandai was slow at putting out figures and actually took the time to engineer hem decently well. If this figure came out in 2023 or 2024, the price would've been higher, and the figure would've probably fallen apart the second you touched it.
I mean, I would consider $80 for SHF on the higher end
Yesterday I said to myself that I wished someone would compare these two directly. NU just understands what people want. 🤘
Haha! And Ryu will be compared soon
Order SHFiguarts Chun-Li:
Order Jada Toys Chun-Li:
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jada keeps on taking home the gold! i support them all the way, and i stopped buying hot wheels and now i buy jada die cast. jada also imports a die cast line called majorette, and i buy those cars too. if i had to get a street fighter figuarts it would be the chun over the ryu.
I’ll be doing a Ryu comparison soon!
They are both Mommy. W content!
Oh my lol
the only thing I like about the SHF Chunli is the face plates
For sure!
I've been wanting to buy the Ryu & Ken Jada Toy figures, but after watching your review I will be getting them both along with Chung-Li! They look pretty dope to have!
You can’t beat them
Great video/review & in this current climate the Jada toys figure is so much more value & not even losing any quality. I have Ryu figure also & may get Cammy as well. But will eventually have them sounding off against my Super7 Ultimates Bruce Lee in a display
Sounds awesome!
I just like the breast and buns on the sh figuarts a bit more sir 😂
Oh my
You should see the new chun li from Yamaguchi I preordered ordered it can’t wait for it look amazing been waiting for a chun li sf6 figure
I honestly think that it's better for any Street Fighter or any action figure collector to get only the Jada Toys versions because they are more cheaper than the SHF and at least you do get accessories from Jada, I myself don't know where to display these so cool SF figures but great review
Cheaper isn’t always better, but today it is
If you have some X Men ML'S, think X Men VS Street Fighter
Jada's figures fit size wise perfectly with the figuarts so for someone like me that already bought a bunch of figuarts SF's it means I can fill in gaps, especially the most egregious one - Figuarts has never completed the 4 Shadaloo kings! so I can't wait to eventually get Balrog.
I think it's great with Jada we have options to fill our rosters. I just hope Jada move on to doing Alpha/Zero and SF3 so we can FINALLY get figures of characters that have not had them.
I'm screaming out for a Alpha 3 Karin, a figure of Guy, Rolento and Maki. I also wouldn't mind Yun and Yang.
When a company gives up and another tries you always go back to Ryu, Chun li etc ..
Yeah, having an incomplete line is always annoying, especially when your favorite character doesn’t get made
I found that SHF tends to have smaller hands than other brands for some franchises. But the articulation is great, only sometimes can be flimsy.
Very true
I think her fireball was only in SF2 Turbo “hyper fighting”.
That’s probably it! They seem to have added it for their latest release that includes the additional head
Me quedo con Jada Toys porque es barato y tienen a todos los personajes a punto de completarse . Mientras que S.H. Figuarts tienen años y no completó nada 😂
Hard to beat Jada!
The Jada really moves better too
I don’t know about that, but it definitely feels tougher
I love the SH version, but dang that price difference 😵 the only thing that bothers me is the face of the JT version 😅
It's not perfect but worthy for the price
Personally I find the Figuarts figure just looks better overall, but I'm not so sure if it justifies the huge price difference. It would be a no-brainer if the price gap was a bit smaller though.
The gap is just too much
@@NostalgiaUnboxed I think I'm leaning more towards that opinion. However for this specific instance, I think I would just opt out in buying either of them. Yes the Jada version is far better in terms of value, but ultimately I'm not sure if it's worth buying if I won't enjoy looking at it.
Jada Toys Chun Lee face sculpt is actually Jackie Chan face sculpt.
Between Shf, Jada Toys and Storm Collectibles I personally think Shf is the best. Jada Toys and Storm Collectibles ones have wide heads and maybe too thick thighs but not much muscle definition. And I kinda like the metallic paint job.
Very interesting! The Storm designs seem ok, but they are expensive (so is SHF), but if they are anything like the Reptile figure then I will hate them
The SHF face isn't accurate, the Storm Chun-Li is the most faithful representation to the game, imo.
There is also a red version Chun li. So three chun li 75$ and still not equals to S.H. Figuarts!!
It's wild!
obviously the SH Figuarts is the only one that looks like Chun Li
Is that obvious?
@@NostalgiaUnboxed Of course, just look at the faces
The problem with the Player 2 variants is the last few have been convention exclusive and around 60 bucks, Violent Ken is now 90 bucks every wheres. I have both Chun li's because i forgot i had pre ordered her last year lol i like both figures, BUT i agree Jada is doing the lords work for us State side peeps.
It will be interesting to see her release. The Player 2 Ryu was not expensive, so I would not confuse "Player 2" variants with "Evil" and "Violent" exclusives
There's only been one convention exclusive figure and that was Evil Ryu. And it was actually pretty easy to get as Jada sold it on their site and there were plenty of international sellers that carried the figure.
The player 2 Ryu is exclusive to the PaulMart Store and is also easy to get and is sold for retail.
Violent Ken has been leaked as a con exclusive, but isn't actually announced yet. So idk what you mean about it going for 90.
Jada is definitely blowing figuarts out of the water. Even if you take into consideration what the figuarts does better it still doesn't justify the price difference.
My favorite thing about the Jada figures is how accurate the character designs look. They are all heavily based off original SF2 art and have what I consider the definitive look for each character.
Can’t beat it
The Jada Toys is the best value for money, but I really enjoy the new SH Figuarts version because it is shiny and has that more silk aesthetic to the outfit. Plus we haven’t gotten a victory face for Chun-Li…until the upcoming Jada Player 2 release. One more point towards the SH Figuarts release is is if you grew up with The Street Fighter: The Animated Movie or you were a fan of the Alpha Series or Capcom Vs. , then you may prefer the more anime style. I still think the Jada Chun-Li is the better overall figure especially since the butterfly joints on the Figuarts one don’t really add that much added range and it feels sturdy, like you don’t worry about a figure when it costs $25 as opposed to when it cost $80.
Also the only Chun-Li to have a peace sign hand to my knowledge was the NECA figure from 2012 and that’s a rough one. The face was pure nightmare fuel.
Haha, nightmare fuel. The Jada one always feels much more durable
@@NostalgiaUnboxed Another way one could describe the NECA Street Fighter line would be like those carved apple headed puppets from Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood. They made ~8 figures and they’re worth collecting for the novelty.
Yeah, Jada wins this round. However, I think a showdown between SHF Ryu vs Jada Ryu will be a close match. SHF Ryu looks really nice aesthetically, imo, but I’m having a hard time shelling out $80 for that one.
I think so, too. It is sitting here waiting to be reviewed
When they going to restock chun li? I’ve only ever seen her once in Target and grabbed fei long whom I’ve now seen several times since
Order from the link in my video
@@NostalgiaUnboxed I wanna see usaji fighting the street fighter people!!! Got everything so far but chun li…. Might have to order if it’s not in target this week!
why is so hard for some people to pronounce Ryû?
Jada toys has better legs, but other than that, figuarts is better (well, THAT price)
Of course, Chun Lis is 2/3 legs, so...
Probably because there are two ways it’s pronounced with English speakers and then the right way which is how it’s said in Japan
Two Chun-Li figures, three heads, and at least six hands for $50... VS $80 SH Figuarts, which doesn't even have the victory hand. Easy choice
Bro just summoned sypherpk
No clue what this means
That’s wild
It`s really funny. People complain about SHF because of the price. But, they are willing to pay another $25 for the new pink Chun-Lui just to get the faces. That`s hilarious.🤣
Is it hilarious? Because it’s still cheaper to do that and I’m a huge fan of SHF.
It’s not just new faces. You get a whole other P2 body plus new effects. Even if both figures equaled the Figuarts version in price, the Jada versions at least give you two figures plus accessories.
where's the humor? you get two chun-lis, two effect figures, more hands, and more faces than the shf AND you barely even go over half the price of the shf!
Shf could've done so much better if they made a new sculpt instead of rereleasing an old figure with a different paint job and a new face.
Lots of companies do this, but SHF does it most it seems
i got both.. cuz um its chun li
One more point, the SHF misses the depth in the screaming portrait, compared to Jada
Why is it $80? is the real question.
Buying imports on U.S. websites is a bad idea. We gotta stick to things like AmiAmi
There are parts of the world where the price difference is much less (Jada costs more like $25 while Figuarts cost less like $50). The comparison would be much more appropriate if you at least mentioned it.
Oh, I should have priced the entire world 😂😂 stupid. Don’t waste your time watching the internet, you’ll be real upset all the time
Even if this is true, how in the hell is he supposed to know how much these things are priced in all parts of the world?
I guess you can also complain about not getting $25 worth of McDonald's after ordering it from Uber eats 😂😂😂
You don't need to search anywhere really to know that this Bandai Chun Li is not sold for $80 elsewhere.
That's why you don't feel like you got $80 worth of Chun Li from Bandai, it's because Bandai didn't make one.
@@NostalgiaUnboxed now I understand why sometimes you have to post vent posts. This is a ridiculous response to your video.
The Two Chun-Li's coming soon to a theater near you!🎥🎬🎎🥋
Chun-Li can do the splits wheres the censor Johnny LOL!🤬🤔🙄🙆
The Chun li from Street Fighter 6 sh figuart is just a Recolor blue metallic of Street Fighter 5 Chun li
The Jada Toys SF figures finally hit Canada and I grabbed Ken to go with my Ryu. They seem decent, I would have rather had a dragon punch was Ken instead of the fireball and a flight stand
Totally agree. They’ll probably make a player 2 version with it
I found my way here 'cause someone in a facebook group shared your video
I like what i see 👀
Oh that’s great! Thank you
i like sh figuart look like anime i buy sh figuart and thank you for this video
You’re welcome
Jada version is the auntie chunli version.
I love both versions of Chun-Li. I love Jada Toys Chun-Li a little more. Not just bc of the $25.00 price point. This is what I think of when I think of Chun-Li. Yes I do wish Jada Toys Chun-Li came with the extra heads including a battle damaged head and hands. I'm happy with the one I bought from Jada Toys.
Hard to beat
Definitely want the player 2 chun li that is teased just really like the color and faces.
Yeah. And that extra smiling head is to match the blue one. So they really loaded it down
@@NostalgiaUnboxed for sure
80 bucks for SH is a RIDICULOUS price - anyone who pays that much for a 5 inch figure has more money than sense...
Yeah, people should just spend $80 on 3 basic characters, right?
@@NostalgiaUnboxed AND still have 5 bucks change 🤣
SH figuarts is much nicer imo, face is more accurate to Chun-Li's capcom artwork.
I think it depends on which version of the art you’re referencing though
$25 Jada, all day.
Great price
this background is not of supernintendo
I know. That’s why I said it wasn’t
Jada Toys com certeza.
Ela está fazendo um ótimo trabalho e com preço imbatível.
Well, atleast Shf chun Li is Cute and Hot ❤😅
@@kusoteitoku1010 lol
The one thing I’m surprised folks don’t point out with import figs like SH Figs, Mafex, Storm Collect, Figma, etc. is their durability.
The price itself is already high so you’d hope the figs would last. But if you’re unlucky or too rough when playing with these “action” figures then either the paint or joints may wear or break during posing.
Jada seems more durable due to having the fig in blue plastic.
Hasbro from my experience may fall short in terms of sculpt, articulation, or paint detail but rarely in all three in any given fig. And when posing my Renew Your Vows Spider-Man I feel more comfortable getting more playful with it than my Mafex reissue 185 Spider-Man.
Great Review Nostalgia Unboxed. If you ever get the chance to compare Jada, SH Figs, and Storm Collectibles with their Street Fighter line that’d be awesome. It would help us fig fiends weigh our options when on a budget.
The key with imports is to buy from sites like AmiAmi so you can pay closer to their actual cost. But premium figures aren’t toys, so they have to be treated differently. Hasbro makes basic plastic figures for all ages. Unfortunately, you just have to decide what’s worth it to you
Jada Chun can't kick to the front, doesn't do front split at all, does SHF can?
I'm all in the Jada Street Fighter figures (just found Bison locally) but I'm a sucker for Chun-Li so I had to get the Figuart as well... Though I won't be getting anymore unless they re-release Cammy.
Ok, well, let's have a conversation about Cammy... 😂
oh nice that player 2 chun li is going to come with an extra smiling head that you can use for the original release
Yes! Great value
Jada's chunli something just not fit. Maybe the articulations, the body design... Looks just as cheap as they are. SH Figuarts is almost perfect, the legs design is great, theres some type of texturing or modeling that simulates how muscles are behind the skin, and this is fantastic. in Cammy figure is even better noticed this effect. And te joints is so much better in shf. All poses seemes weird in jada figure. I'd stick with SHF anytime.
lol alrighty
The one thing that makes me all in for Jada SF is the company is committed to giving the fans everyone listed on the back of their figure’s box. Those are the USF2 characters which is pretty much all the original 17 SF2 characters plus Evil Ryu and Violent Ken and p2 variants. No other company besides SOTA has even attempted something like that. They usually only do the Alisters and then start doing paint variants or even do figures from different SF games. Basically they go all over the place. Look how slow Storm and Figuarts are with SF and how long they’ve had the license. Jada is not perfect either and have their fair share of troubles, but at least they’ve shown protos and released figures that are already half the USF2 roster which to me is a good sign. Plus I give them a pass since SF is their first foray into action figure production.
No other company has outright said they would complete the SF2 17 characters. Depending on your taste, Figuarts and Storm Collectibles may make a better product but they are expensive for most people. One can argue those companies are better than Jada, but Jada is cheaper and no one in their right mind will say these Jada figures are crap.
Sure I’ll buy a Storm or Figuarts SF figure if they are my absolute favorite SF characters. But I’m going with Jada if I want to get the iconic 17 SF2 characters.
Oh and they also said that they will complete all the USF2 characters BEFORE doing other SF characters from other SF games. That is important to me as it shows they have a real focus and goal in mind to get the original 17 made first and not start mixing in other SF game characters. I actually want other SF characters later after the 17 are made. In fact I will buy all SF characters Jada can make. Just get the 17 finished first.
This is absolutely it! They are here for the fans