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    INSTA: / tombutdark
    BIRD: / anonbirdd
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  • @f1shdude
    @f1shdude Місяць тому +1165

    Tom the type of dude to take the first sip of his morning coffee close his eyes and nod and say "you own this day"

  • @fineapplejuice0622
    @fineapplejuice0622 Місяць тому +620

    "Fashion only works if youre a thin white woman" was such an out of left field comment you can palpably feel the projection

    • @LuvTonique
      @LuvTonique Місяць тому +32

      I love how the response didn't even need words, just a gesture of "Fucking....... DUH????"

    • @avavavaa
      @avavavaa Місяць тому +55

      She already has 2 out of 3 of those qualities and she could choose to be thinner, but it’s much easier to complain.

    • @middleofnowhere1313
      @middleofnowhere1313 Місяць тому

      Clearly, anyone who is not white doesn't need or wear clothes, particularly not ones that look good? Like WHAT? lol

    • @LuvTonique
      @LuvTonique Місяць тому +14

      @@avavavaa I find it fascinatingly weird, myself.
      I find it super hard to eat a ton of food, especially fatty food or junk food, I can't stand it. The more I eat the more sick I feel and I hate it.
      When I make some eggs, bacon and toast and make a little bacon egg toast sandwich for breakfast, I'm like "God this is good and good for me and cheap and super easy to make"
      And then I see these people eating an entire large pizza and a milkshake for every meal of the day and I'm like "How do you even have the energy or drive to eat that much???"

    • @ziziorens348
      @ziziorens348 Місяць тому +6

      ​@@LuvToniquepeople's hunger drive is very mysterious in how it's so wildly different. But it also can be trained - the more you eat, the more you'd want to eat, and vice versa.

  • @theoldhermit2601
    @theoldhermit2601 Місяць тому +385

    Im underweight due to chemotherapy, and i hate how often "body positivity" turns into enabling bad health practices. I dont love myself any less for being underweight, but despite body image issues, i have to accept and acknowledge my weight is unhealthy, and i spend every day eating more along with exercise (so it doesnt turn into fat) to slowly gain weight
    And even then, most body positive people would look at me, automatically call me privileged and say "you could never understand what its like to be judged for your weight" which is funny. Because i still get comments from people not knowing im on chemotherapy, saying "eat a burger" or "youre so thin you're gonna get blown away by a wind gust" and i dont call them bigoted and privileged! I work to better my health and image despite the cards i was dealt.
    And then there are many women who are only overweight because of their own volition and lack of self control, who say i dont understand what its like, lmao

    • @pio3061
      @pio3061 Місяць тому +15

      Victim Olympics

    • @Skoopyghost
      @Skoopyghost Місяць тому +17

      I hate that there isn't a balance view. Abs look good, but most ahletes have reasonable body fat and abs are control starvation, but also being really obese is unhealthy. I have to choose between the good looking person with no personality, and the obese person with awful personality.

    • @EdwardoLover
      @EdwardoLover Місяць тому +12

      I recently lost 150+ pounds and have completely lost my appetite. I was super skinny until after I graduated high school. I got loads of "eat a cheeseburger" comments in highschool and I get them now. A cashier at walmart recently asked me if I needed help carrying a 2L of pop and a bag of chips with my "skinny chicken arms" (obviously not since I carried them from the back of the store to the front). There's 2 forms of an*rexia, one that is body image based and one that is just because you don't feel like eating and it can be caused by lots of stuff. It can easily turn into the other form. Every time someone makes fun of my body, it has the opposite effect, I lose interest in eating for the day. I would never eat again if I could, I eat cause I'll die if I don't. There's a weird culture of it being okay to skinny shame but not fat shame when neither one are particularly healthy.

    • @R0bert714
      @R0bert714 Місяць тому +21

      Hope you can beat whatever you're going through.

    • @StrykeSZN
      @StrykeSZN Місяць тому +1

      ok bro but that’s not ur fault. overeating is.

  • @bboy766m8
    @bboy766m8 Місяць тому +421

    I used to be fat, and 100% agree with you Tom, YOU CANNOT BE FAT. It's like worst debuff imaginable for regular people that aren't already afflicted with something that affects how they live. I'm 100 times happier now that I've developed a healthier lifestyle. People have a lot of respect for you when they see that you take good care of yourself.

    • @drink.juice.
      @drink.juice. Місяць тому +11


    • @hardcorexbl
      @hardcorexbl Місяць тому +23

      So true. I'll never hit the Magic BMI but I'm down 50 pounds and feel like going full Silverback.

    • @VoicefulRiver
      @VoicefulRiver Місяць тому +13

      Same here, 200lbs overall. The time when I was obese I was not in a happy period of my life, I "Got used to it" but once you've lost all the weight? You realize how terrible you actually felt. And yes, people treat you better, just the reality.

    • @jamgUNoh
      @jamgUNoh Місяць тому +3

      Same, when i was overweight i woke up feeling awful until i went back to my normal bmi, tada no more sleep apnea

    • @agentorange3774
      @agentorange3774 Місяць тому +6

      I’ll never understand how relentless coping and needing constant affirmation to maintain a fragile illusion is easier than actually putting in the work and getting tangible real life results/benefits.

  • @toastedbabybuns1000
    @toastedbabybuns1000 Місяць тому +65

    I'm a 4 months post-partum new mom. I gained upwards of 70 pounds in my pregnancy to the point I was pre-diabetic. I've been able to shave off about 35 pounds so far, have another 30 or so to go. It always frustrates me when people say diets are impossible and expensive. We've been SAVING so much money now that we cook exclusively at home. And if I, a breast-feeding mom who can't restrict calories lower than 1800 ( for the sake my milk supply) can do it, so can 95% of people.

    • @QueenOfPessimism
      @QueenOfPessimism Місяць тому

      What diet are you on? I’m about 7 weeks postpartum and i want to loose a few pounds. I only ever gained about 10-15lbs (baby boy was a iugr baby but he’s good and chunky now!) and lost all that and am back to my original weight. I’d like to loose more and I barely eat much other than salads and lots of noodles.

    • @toastedbabybuns1000
      @toastedbabybuns1000 Місяць тому +1

      @@QueenOfPessimism I'm not on any particular diet other than a calorie deficit, I still eat all the stuff I like just less of it lol. I'd first check out a calorie deficit calculator (google Calorie Calculator, Ytube won't let me add links). Most doctors advise breastfeeding moms to not go over 1800 calories because they need to keep up their milk supply, but this usually accounts for women who live average to active lives. I live a very sedentary life, so I started my calorie restriction at 1800 calories. First day of my diet, I didn't make any changes to my meals but I carefully counted how many calories they were- I was surprised how many calories were hiding in simple things like cooking oil/sauces/dressings etc. So I started to cut out things that were super calorie dense but not super filling (like peanut butter) and replacing it with alternatives. I'm a fiend for juice, so I replaced it with things like the 5 calorie Gatorade water flavored packets you get from Walmart. I started getting low calorie bread/cheese/milk/sugar etc. I tried recipes that swapped out other ingredients (like butter to greek yogurt in brownies) and saved calories that way. However, it's important to not be so restrictive that you completely cut out the things you love. If you do that, you'll crash and burn yourself out. Instead, work them into your diet. Like if I'm reaalllly craving a chocolate bar, I'll eat a little less for lunch or dinner, etc. Also, what really helps with the diet is getting as much sleep as you can, and keeping up your water intake before meals. I know that's going to be difficult as a new mom lol, so take things slow. You're only 7 weeks PP, your milk supply is still being established for the next few months or even years, so I wouldn't stress out too much about a diet for right now. Once you've gone to your next PP checkup (6-8 weeks PP depending) ask your doctor if you're cleared for dieting and exercise. If you're not loosing weight even though you're eating less, it could be that your metabolism has slowed, and you need to slowly get it back to normal. In that case, you'd actually want to eat at a slight increase, while also working out. Buy a home treadmill (there are cheap ones on amazon that fit right under a desk), or just walk around the block, and do exercises to help the pelvic floor (look up diastasis recti workouts on Ytube). I wouldn't do strength training just yet only 7 weeks PP, but later a few months on, building muscle will boost your metabolism. Eat as much protein as you can (it fills you up AND the body expends more energy breaking it down). Also look into intermittent fasting. You fast for a few hours, then eat in a small window- this has helped me feel very full during diets, but I wouldn't do it at 7 weeks PP, since your milk supply is still being established. I'd wait until at least 2 months. Anyways, long response lol. Above all, remember that you just did an amazing thing and your body is in a weak, recovering state. Don't stress about the diet too much, it may throw your hormones out of wack and cause the pounds to stay on longer!

    • @kcunlimitedeats
      @kcunlimitedeats Місяць тому

      I am poor. I have to eat at home. There isn't much else to do but eat at home.

    • @ChieFFawm
      @ChieFFawm Місяць тому

      Bad ass

  • @protoman1214
    @protoman1214 Місяць тому +170

    Its wild this popped up in my feed. Just yesterday, my obese sister told me "your gut is bigger then mine" and she was dead serious.
    She is 5'2", 240lbs. I am 6'0", 210. I just recently gained weight, I have a small belly and she body shamed me.
    It really hit me how insanely delusional that is. She has absolutely bought into all the fat influencer bull online.

    • @londonlaraee
      @londonlaraee Місяць тому +9

      wtf lol

    • @umiushi4752
      @umiushi4752 Місяць тому +23

      My sister constantly shames me for eating and says, "You don't need all that," and she's 290lbs at 5'2

    • @avavavaa
      @avavavaa Місяць тому +6

      I don’t understand how that even happens. Obviously you have to continuously eat more than you need, but does she not exercise? Move around at all? Like do these people not have any type of daily routine or job that requires them to get outside the house? Americans are amazing, in a bad way.

    • @protoman1214
      @protoman1214 Місяць тому +10

      @umiushi4752 my sister used to weight 280. She has lost some weight and convinced herself she is an athlete all of a sudden.
      it's even funnier because she said this to me on a hike where I had to constantly stop and wait for her to catch up since she kept running out of breath

    • @protoman1214
      @protoman1214 Місяць тому +1

      @avavavaa she is a "powerlifter". I put that in quotations because she is not very good at it. I think she was drawn to the sport because they have a culture always bulking

  • @HurricaneSparky
    @HurricaneSparky Місяць тому +47

    My best friend has been 300+ most of her adult life, and has had sleep apnea since she was 13-14. It progressively got worse, and she ignored me for pretty much all of her 20s telling her to go to a doctor and get it checked/get a sleep study done. And then she developed Congestive Heart Failure at 26, and is now completely disabled because of it. She can't even stand up in the kitchen long enough to cook anymore, and that was her passion. I literally could not approach the topic of her weight at all until this happened, since she'd throw it in my face as fatphobic, and she is still circling the drain after getting CPAP, so that she can sleep properly. She eventually got a sleep study post-CHF, and she was found to stop breathing for as much as 86% of the time she was out. A car accident while she was ~315 fucked up her spine badly cause of the extra weight she carries, and she peaked at 405-410 lbs at 5'8".
    Obesity is disgusting for a bunch of reasons, but the most important is that it's fucking dangerous, and so is food addiction. She is dying in the exact same way as my dad, as he developed diabetes and congestive heart failure while I was a pre-teen, since he didn't give a fuck about his health. The only difference is he was in his late 40s and never took care of himself, so several heart attacks, and then a stroke did him in. All of this self destruction is unreal to watch, and it's like seeing a drug addict deteriorating.

    • @omega3fatass61
      @omega3fatass61 Місяць тому

      it legitimately does the same dopamine mechanism as hard drugs in the brain

    • @resplndnt
      @resplndnt Місяць тому

      When my best friend was diagnosed with sleep apnea, along with her many other health problems, I encouraged her to eat better and get exercise to strengthen the muscles around areas where she has pain because if those areas are strengthened. Plus I think if she had a better diet she’d have less issues with gastritis.

  • @dyslexicbatnam1350
    @dyslexicbatnam1350 Місяць тому +57

    I used to be 220 pounds senior year of high school, and now I'm down to 160 a few years later. I literally feel like a feather floating around everywhere, it takes zero effort or energy to lift myself up or do anything physical. Losing weight is literally like losing an anchor off of your torso, it opens up the entire world for you to take on.

    • @flameguy3416
      @flameguy3416 Місяць тому +1

      Put some muscle on batnam. If you can easily get lifted up by Marcelo then that's a problem

    • @dyslexicbatnam1350
      @dyslexicbatnam1350 Місяць тому +6

      @@flameguy3416 Yeah I do need to bulk up a bit more. I'm skinny but not frail, I work as a janitor. I should start lifting weights regularly though.

    • @ToyInsanity
      @ToyInsanity Місяць тому

      Hail boognish

    • @volkskrieg8735
      @volkskrieg8735 Місяць тому

      Good work man keep it up.

    • @dogeboithedoomslayer
      @dogeboithedoomslayer Місяць тому

      STOP BEING POSITIVE❗️❗️‼️❗️❗️😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

  • @Syddrick
    @Syddrick Місяць тому +147

    Tom dark is slowly beating the haircut allegations.

    • @SilverTriforce25
      @SilverTriforce25 Місяць тому +1

      False, he will never beat the allegations his hair will just grow

  • @Barb0nius
    @Barb0nius Місяць тому +81

    This conversation is pretty close to me, as I am a medically diagnosed fat fuck. I work out but I eat too much and I tend to just eat whatever I feel like in the moment.
    I firmly believe people should not feel good about being obese; it is no different from having an addiction, except one is socially acceptable and the other isn't. We shouldn't treat people as lesser beings for being fat but we also shouldn't encourage them to be fat. We should be encouraging them to live a healthier lifestyle and supporting them in their attempts to do so. Alot of people just need somebody who can actually hold them accountable for the things that will make them healthier.

    • @Barb0nius
      @Barb0nius Місяць тому +16

      UA-cam told me that my comment wasn't respectful for calling myself fat. Wild.

    • @liamp6491
      @liamp6491 Місяць тому +5

      You got it bro, working out is most of the challenge

    • @liamp6491
      @liamp6491 Місяць тому +7

      ​@@Barb0niusdude UA-cam and insta are getting out of hands with the auto mod

    • @Tisbilly
      @Tisbilly Місяць тому +5

      DUDE YES. Weight loss is all about a combination of motivation and strategy. I've been a fat fuck forever (I lost 20lbs recently tho) and I've found that walking and running kills my binging urges

    • @TipstoaBetterLife
      @TipstoaBetterLife Місяць тому +4

      Eat slower and fasting helps as well. I found eating slower made me eat less, which in turn made me lose weight. It takes the body 15-20 minutes for the brain to send a signal to the stomach that "feel full". I started fasting as well and it has helped a lot. I just do pull ups, sit ups, and push ups. I used to weigh 220 and now I'm 155.

  • @mateo.32344
    @mateo.32344 Місяць тому +292

    tom you’re my favorite diapermaxxing black lesbian icon

    • @JamesCarbon42
      @JamesCarbon42 Місяць тому +4

      why ad black

    • @venomsnake42069
      @venomsnake42069 Місяць тому +29

      @@JamesCarbon42 well he is 99% african american so it would not make much sense to call him white

    • @JonHop1
      @JonHop1 Місяць тому +6

      @@JamesCarbon42 why not?

    • @NicoEdgy
      @NicoEdgy Місяць тому +18

      @@JamesCarbon42 Because he identifies as black

    • @jackchop1576
      @jackchop1576 Місяць тому

      @@JamesCarbon42a wigger simping for black people but not woke enough to cry on behalf of lesbians?

  • @jackcarver4687
    @jackcarver4687 Місяць тому +112

    Tom the type of guy to be a chubby chaser

    • @BarelyDere
      @BarelyDere Місяць тому

      Tom secretly has a siccness for the thiccness.

    • @flameguy3416
      @flameguy3416 Місяць тому +4

      A feeder ❤❤❤

    • @Pluto-cw2kh
      @Pluto-cw2kh Місяць тому

      @@flameguy3416 😧

  • @MaxiemumKarnage
    @MaxiemumKarnage Місяць тому +6

    5:00 bro isn't even that big but the absolute soylord saying he's on roids must've been the greatest compliment imaginable

  • @valekofastora1027
    @valekofastora1027 Місяць тому +120

    Obesity is already accepted. What they want is the obese privilege to call you out for having personal physical preferences.

    • @Skullet
      @Skullet Місяць тому +2

      Yup, 100% this.

    • @boosqueezy2418
      @boosqueezy2418 Місяць тому +1


    • @dredgewalker
      @dredgewalker Місяць тому

      I'm okay with it cause they'll be kicking the bucket soon anyway. Let them unalive themselves with their obesity.

  • @timmer919hep
    @timmer919hep Місяць тому +69

    "The social media industry"
    That made me want to throw up

    • @DJ-wl5qo
      @DJ-wl5qo Місяць тому +6

      Welp, that’s a phrase I never wanted to hear.
      Off to [redacted] myself

    • @neo1711
      @neo1711 Місяць тому +2

      Anything that is big enough can be labeled as an industry. Why do you pretend to be surprised?

    • @timmer919hep
      @timmer919hep Місяць тому +2

      @@neo1711 so that you'd make a comment

  • @Thischickagain
    @Thischickagain Місяць тому +6

    As somebody that went from 2XL to Size XS in women's clothes, the only excuses are the one you make. I had 2 people I loved die from being murdered back to back (10 months apart) and I started eating to cope. It took me years to realize they wouldn't want me destroying myself over something that was out of my control. One of those murders isn't solved and it left a hole in my heart that still exists but I know my papa would want me to live a long healthy life and never want me to torture myself over him and that helped me overcome it. RIP to my papa and my best friend/brother Justyn ❤

    • @cohock
      @cohock 22 дні тому +1

      rest in peace to them both. im glad youre doing better now and im sure they would be proud of you.

  • @Grodis420
    @Grodis420 Місяць тому +15

    i really hate how they complain they arent found attractive cuz of their weight. they can change that many of them have really good faces, actually unattractive people cant do anything unless surgery

  • @iforgotmyrealname4620
    @iforgotmyrealname4620 Місяць тому +20

    Twitter adding "fatphobic" to toms track record.

  • @OrbSlorberry69
    @OrbSlorberry69 Місяць тому +31

    pyrocynical roleplay at the start

    • @flameguy3416
      @flameguy3416 Місяць тому

      Pyrocynical is gay. Homosexual and men loving.

  • @clairesimmons6042
    @clairesimmons6042 Місяць тому +9

    Bro tossed in the stock footage of grilled vegetables has me hungry lol. Vegetables are underrated and everyone needs to incorporate more into their diet.

    • @HakuFreak19
      @HakuFreak19 Місяць тому

      I'm obese (according to my doctor) I'm 169.4 lbs 5'6 female 31 years old, and have a more muscular body or an athlete body (my doctor and some people told me.) That's why I'm more on the heavy side. I love eating small tomatoes, raw broccoli, and avocado. Ever since I was small I have loved eating vegetables, the only one I won't eat is eggplant. Just Can't stand the aftertaste. Even when I tried it in that Italian food that is made with eggplant, cheese, and sauce all over it. I ate it all cause it was good but that weird taste afterwards. I don't eat my veggies with ranch or any dressings. But if I do get a salad I'll have the dressing on the side and put a little bit on it, not the whole thing or a lot. It just masks the flavor for me.

  • @theolebrave1713
    @theolebrave1713 Місяць тому +2

    my sister used to be a bit over weight. not obese by any means but she was in a bad spot with her health due to hormone complications. her mental health was really bad and we were all just really worried for her. my concern for her grew as when she left school she seemed to buy into a lot of the "fat acceptance" movement and i was happy to make her know that she would be loved by us no matter what she looked like but i was worried that it was becoming a pathology, and ultimately these view points didnt make her any less depressed.
    She started taking care of her diet and begun exercising though, and 2 years on she has ENTIRELY transformed. she is training to become a personal trainer and when i think about her journey from depressed and over weight to where she is now... It's like I have my energetic, funny, inspiring younger sister back and it fills my entire families lives with joy to see her enter her early 20's with hope and health. Guys she's living proof that your health just is important and no amount of mental gymnastics is a substitute for taking care of yourself.

  • @joediditde
    @joediditde Місяць тому +16

    08:30 Tom is always doing a public service when he tells you THAT MCDONALDS IS GAH DAMN EXPENSIVE.
    Because EVERYBODY always claims eating healthy is expensive. ITS NOT.
    Fast food is always more expensive because it's served. The supermarket is the cheapest way of purchasing food.
    You can buy multiple pounds of potatos for a couple of dollars and they are WAYYYYY more healthy than fries.

    • @milkymarauder
      @milkymarauder Місяць тому +1

      For real. I meal prep my work lunches for maybe an hour every Sunday, its like $20 tops for 5 full meals. Meanwhile 1 bag of slop at McDonald's is ~$12

    • @joediditde
      @joediditde Місяць тому +1

      @@milkymarauder i also meal prep every week at least for 2-3 days of food
      its mostly frozen vegetables and lentils
      all that is dirt cheap. i can get 750g of frozen vegetables for 1.30€ right now.
      You can get a kilo of lentils for like 3-5€ if you buy a big pack.
      And that 12$ Mcdonalds makes you crave more bullshyt.

  • @reiddutchess9955
    @reiddutchess9955 Місяць тому +33

    You need to make a video about Aubrey Gordan. She has openly said that body fat has no bearing on physical health.

  • @colebacca1369
    @colebacca1369 Місяць тому +8

    Yeah we’re gonna need a Turkey Tom/Orange Peanut collab, please and thank you

  • @boococoon1252
    @boococoon1252 Місяць тому +6

    orangepeanut x turkey tom collab needed

  • @alexbryda
    @alexbryda Місяць тому +5

    her thighs got thighs.

  • @Ataraxia95
    @Ataraxia95 Місяць тому +8

    I'm fat. 340 at 6ft but by I know its all my decisions. I'm (legally) blind not stupid. It's so annoying when other fat people say its completely out of their control, its not.

  • @CharlemagneTheG
    @CharlemagneTheG Місяць тому +5

    It’s really unfortunate that this type of movement of glorifying obesity is popular. The US is gonna suffer and loose many lives in the coming decades to diabetes, heart disease, and other ailments. I just hope that schools will teach students more about cooking healthy meals and creating good food habits, that’s what this country needs.

  • @endtimesninja1235
    @endtimesninja1235 Місяць тому +10

    EthanIsOnline doesn't realize hes a lolcow which is so lolcow of EthanIsOnline

  • @Moshm4n
    @Moshm4n Місяць тому +13

    Years and years ago, I was 387-lbs being 6'3. Now I'm in the 190's. It took me a few years of altering my lifestyle bit-by-bit and I came out the other end not only a visibly different person, but a different person in every aspect. And yeah, the world I'm in now is completely different than the world I was in then. Dating is night-and-day different. It's not even close. I'm not even mad. People like those who are attractive. I'm no different. Aside from that, I can sleep properly, I can exert myself physically for hours. I haven't taken a nap in years. All of my gut issues are healed, and my blood panels are coming back with great numbers. Why tf would I trade all of that back so I can eat a few extra chalupas everyday?

  • @raffgodfrey
    @raffgodfrey Місяць тому +6

    How are you putting out so many fire videos these days. Big respect for all the work!

  • @jackbruno4748
    @jackbruno4748 Місяць тому +4

    I feel like the fact that people can't control themselves is unattractive too me specifically. I slimmed down myself because I wasted so much money on food that could of gone to my car loan and paid it off sooner but I didn't because I had that money for food. It just feels selfish.

  • @moonasha
    @moonasha Місяць тому +3

    "I don't have the money to eat healthy" is one of the most insane things ever, like do these people not even think about what they're saying? If you eat 2 burgers and you're fat, eat 1 burger. Wow! Magic! Amazing!

  • @ThaNarc
    @ThaNarc Місяць тому +3

    The issue isn't that they are eating bad food. The issue is that they are over eating.You can lose weight by only eating fast food.

  • @MrWobblin
    @MrWobblin Місяць тому +4

    I used to be a hefty boi. used to weigh almost 500 pounds. lost a ton of weight once i cut the bad foods/sugar out of my life and started walking more. currently sitting at 160ish and feeling great lol

  • @neil_boss2191
    @neil_boss2191 Місяць тому +22

    This pisses me off , as someone who is fat , I at one point was 250 which is fat but for context I was more confident at that weight as most of it was muscle I still had my belly but I had my diabetes under control I had my weight under control I was so happy and then shit happened and I let myself go and now I’m at 350(this was 2 years ago that I was 250) and I’ve been that weight for a bit and I’m done but seeing other fat people say how it’s okay being fat in the sense that bettering myself is fat phobic grinds my gears being happy at any size but also be aware of the stipulation of that size if I’m fat there are opportunities I might not get and I don’t want that for myself even I’m trying to start taking walks because I don’t need to be shredded I don’t need to be the most athletic person but I am trying to go back to how I was and if I become less then 250 some day great if I plateau at 250 also good unless there is more health problems happiness is my priority and I try to share that with people , thank you for coming to my fed talk

    • @fungdark8270
      @fungdark8270 Місяць тому

      Yeah, I’ll accept that fatphobia is a term, and real, but I WONT accept that everything the makes obese people uncomfortable is hate speech.
      If we don’t put ourselves in opposition to the things we want to change in ourselves, we accept them, and we continue down the path of destruction.
      We must be able to criticize ourselves and others, in a constructive way

  • @rogueturtle
    @rogueturtle Місяць тому +26

    Turkey Tom is the type of guy to sell children lasagna to cure his back pain

  • @soulie2001
    @soulie2001 Місяць тому +4

    I went from being fat, to being thin, to being fat again. I plan to choose to be thin again. Its a choice.

    • @beelzefluff
      @beelzefluff 2 години тому

      Noooo that's all genetics!!! 😭

  • @BallMuncher024
    @BallMuncher024 Місяць тому +2

    “Why she look like that one girl from the diary of a wimpy kid movies”💀

  • @nickrose3167
    @nickrose3167 Місяць тому +4

    i swear i saw ethanisonline working at a shitty bar in LA, and hilariously enough was getting yelled at by a woman with blue hair.

  • @cletusmcfetus
    @cletusmcfetus Місяць тому +8

    Lmao they had the big girl ahead of those chicks who are miles ahead of her 😂

  • @ghuruzilla
    @ghuruzilla Місяць тому +5

    Thanks Tom, my heart flutters to know you want to touch my flabs.

  • @SSLLF
    @SSLLF Місяць тому +2

    I’m 5’3, last year this time I was 280lbs today I am 139lbs. I would never want to be obese ever again my life was miserable

  • @donnykafkaesquianis7518
    @donnykafkaesquianis7518 Місяць тому +3

    Ey yo an Orangepeanut camio on the Tomdark Channel, crazy!

  • @sailornibiru626
    @sailornibiru626 Місяць тому +3

    I am a bro, I used to push about 300lbs and then I finally decided to get ahead of it. I'm dieting and exercising and now I'm 220 which is awesome. I lost all this weight and now all of a sudden it's cool to be fat.

  • @LightninHawk-Gaming
    @LightninHawk-Gaming Місяць тому +2

    I'm personally overweight and I hate the way I am. The fact that people are enabling this shitty way of living and say being unhealthy is cool and ok. Sure body positivity is cool but there's a difference between body positivity and enabling unhealthy living

  • @Knee_Boy64
    @Knee_Boy64 Місяць тому +7

    I get that eating healthy can be expensive if you're eating like only Whole Foods groceries, but if you're poor go to Aldi. Buy some chicken breasts, frozen veggies, rice, and fruit. I bet it will cost less than 2 McDonald's orders for a week's worth of food for a single person. I save so much more money eating groceries from Aldi than I do eating fast food. It's delusional to even consider fast food the more affordable option.

    • @kcunlimitedeats
      @kcunlimitedeats Місяць тому

      The food pantries always have apples, onions and potatoes. You can make some stuff out of that to eat for a while.

  • @BrettJ2010
    @BrettJ2010 Місяць тому +2

    As a 320 pound man, I agree. This bullshit is out of control.

  • @joesteel3459
    @joesteel3459 Місяць тому +1

    Eating less is always cheaper, there’s no way anyone can use an argument based on the expense of food as an excuse.

  • @grandmyotismon
    @grandmyotismon Місяць тому +4

    I agree but the smoker calling the kettle black to be fair tom

    • @GorpaDorpOrp
      @GorpaDorpOrp Місяць тому

      Indulging in a cigarette once in a while isn't nearly the same thing. True me, I pretend to be a doctor on the Internet.

    • @grandmyotismon
      @grandmyotismon Місяць тому

      @@GorpaDorpOrp then help me with getting my eyes back facing forward after rolling at at the facileness of your reply that's missing the point. XD

  • @Thabrickman
    @Thabrickman Місяць тому +1

    Merch is actually sick it’s not just some random UA-camrs name in big letters actual effort

  • @nightmare2846
    @nightmare2846 21 день тому +1

    as someone who lost 70+ pounds after coping with fat acceptance I watched on tiktok, it is 10000% a choice to be fat. lol. never going back to that

  • @hotterguy4454
    @hotterguy4454 Місяць тому +78

    00:20 pyro and tom find common ground at last

    • @lanceanthony198
      @lanceanthony198 Місяць тому +4

      Pyro should’ve never beat the degen allegations

    • @willow990
      @willow990 Місяць тому

      ​@@lanceanthony198he didn't everyone know he a freak, ye just beat the pedo allegations

  • @Greezy_DZ
    @Greezy_DZ Місяць тому +2

    I am in m early 30's and I am now realizing how much your metabolism changes with age so I am staying away from sugar especially juice and exercising increasingly more each week not that I am fat by any means but I just want to be healthy, even if you aren't fat good diet and exercise does wonders for not just your physical health but your mental health too. Better late than never right

  • @TrapJacksYT
    @TrapJacksYT Місяць тому +3


  • @YeminahAlt
    @YeminahAlt Місяць тому +191

    "I have had it up to here with obese people" 🔥🔥
    I got a top comment on a TomDark video 😲

  • @drink.juice.
    @drink.juice. Місяць тому

    why is this so fire

  • @Die-perwadd
    @Die-perwadd Місяць тому +2

    As someone who was very thin since the age of 13 to 19, I thought I could never gain weight. Well I started taking psychiatric medication and gained 30lbs. So even as someone who claimed to have a fast metabolism, I still was able to gain 30lb. Which had nothing to do with my metabolism, the medication made me hungry and crave food (which either of those rarely happened for me before the medication). Now I want to lose weight and the medication might make it harder for me but you can 99% help your weight. It’s about will power

  • @TheFakeyCakeMaker
    @TheFakeyCakeMaker Місяць тому

    Love the new music.

  • @kyeromero
    @kyeromero Місяць тому

    Hey tom, i completely agree with you 1000%. Oh my god these people.

  • @danksidoodles
    @danksidoodles Місяць тому +1

    Blair’s white vid just telling yt all the fat influencers that are “dead” kills me 😂

  • @jackchop1576
    @jackchop1576 Місяць тому +1

    Haylee with the gunt rotating back and forth on that panel like she's a washing machine wash cycle.

  • @FearlessSpecialist
    @FearlessSpecialist Місяць тому

    Not kidding Tom, was watching this during my lunch break at work. A chicken bacon Caesar wrap, and a Reeses Fastbreak. I just held the candy bar feeling guilty that I'm shoving this trash in my fat face. Bullying works. Bullying will heal the world.

  • @MexicanGokuz
    @MexicanGokuz Місяць тому

    Yo that intro is crazy 🤣🤣

  • @abigailhuerta9350
    @abigailhuerta9350 Місяць тому +1

    I’ve seen drastic changes from people who are severely obese and they completely changed their life around.

  • @despicabledogs_
    @despicabledogs_ Місяць тому

    Tom’s hair growing back W. Now we find out who gave him that haircut and shame them. They must be stopped!

  • @Astrourney
    @Astrourney Місяць тому +2

    tom is one of my favorite plus size influencers

  • @hazybubblegum
    @hazybubblegum Місяць тому +1

    Do people not realize there is a reason why especially runway models are super thin.They're not suppose to add any shape to the clothes, they're basically suppose to be walking clothing racks. If you saw rihanna walking down the runway in a dress you'd associate that dress with her body type and decide it's not for you, if you don't have her body type. Which explains why so many have their faces and hair so unreconizable or hidden. Its also why victoria secret models despite being thin arent fashion model skinny. Modeling underwear on someone whos suppose to be a walking clothing rack doesnt give enough shape so they dont look as good. People need to stop projecting their insecurities on the models and view the fashion because thats what its suppose to be about.

  • @aeonstar293
    @aeonstar293 Місяць тому +5

    Orangepeanut ❤

  • @anthonylarajr8892
    @anthonylarajr8892 Місяць тому +4

    Shreck is love , shreck is life

  • @justdrewtheultramagaspoonc5043
    @justdrewtheultramagaspoonc5043 Місяць тому +2

    I watch Tom Dark to make fun of random people I don't care about.

    • @kcunlimitedeats
      @kcunlimitedeats Місяць тому

      So I don't have to watch their content myself.

  • @Taniniver
    @Taniniver Місяць тому +2

    Merch was sold out before this video even dropped 😐

  • @josecezar7903
    @josecezar7903 Місяць тому


  • @SimpleFlips
    @SimpleFlips Місяць тому +1

    11:20 he's talking about me thanks tom you a real one

  • @lucho6883
    @lucho6883 23 дні тому

    The video title went full force

  • @ellenmiller7165
    @ellenmiller7165 Місяць тому +2

    I used to mix up Ethan what's-his-name and the Dolittle or whatever guy too. They've always just kind of been the same person to me

  • @chi3043
    @chi3043 15 днів тому +1

    I live a healthy lifestyle, working out, eating well but I have hormonal conditions and a stocky build making it so I’ll never be skinny. While I’m not as large as most people I see online I’m still in the obese category and have been unable to lose weight despite my efforts and ridiculed for not fitting a norm

  • @m4ye104
    @m4ye104 Місяць тому +3

    4:47 it's my boy 🥜

  • @hxlleyscomet
    @hxlleyscomet Місяць тому

    I've been fat my whole life bc my parents never taught me self control. I had to teach myself at 16 and then educate myself on nutrition. I've lost around 20-30 lbs (i dont weigh myself often out of fear of an eating disorder developing lol) within the last couple months. Tom helped motivate me to change my lifestyle 4-5 months ago & im never going back

  • @iwantadivorce73
    @iwantadivorce73 Місяць тому

    watched this from the fat farm, i’m planning my escape rn

  • @bruhmomento9282
    @bruhmomento9282 Місяць тому +16

    you always make me come with joy!!

    • @beavergoat22
      @beavergoat22 Місяць тому

      Real 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @epat9397
    @epat9397 23 дні тому

    Finally something we can agree on.

  • @SuperVirgin64
    @SuperVirgin64 Місяць тому +1

    That intro got me bricked up

  • @x.0.x.
    @x.0.x. Місяць тому


  • @shippou
    @shippou Місяць тому

    I’ve been 300 plus pounds and I have lost A hundred plus pounds. I have also gained it back. I’ve been in the single digits and biggest is a size 20. I can say I was insecure at either weight. However physically I felt better when I was smaller. While everyone’s health is very different, being a healthy weight for your own body will not exasperate other conditions that can be made worse from being overweight. I currently back on my weight loss journey again and it’s hard work. I think the hardest thing for me is holding myself accountable for my weight. It’s a mental battle, anyone of their journey, you got this. Just take it a day at a time

  • @donny3747
    @donny3747 Місяць тому

    New editor has taken over and it shows lol.

  • @vibingwithchaos5349
    @vibingwithchaos5349 Місяць тому

    Oh, great, Tom. You just summoned Pyrocynical. Hope you're happy

  • @Child_Dog
    @Child_Dog Місяць тому +1

    Fucking hell, yet another video I'm innocently watching where Peethan pops up unexpectedly.

  • @adventuretaco7140
    @adventuretaco7140 Місяць тому

    Tom!!! My favorite low key Mexican.

  • @Sydo.Fitooo
    @Sydo.Fitooo Місяць тому

    Tom for president

  • @Aracdegannon
    @Aracdegannon Місяць тому

    that ad hit hard,my moms dead....

  • @accountname9872
    @accountname9872 Місяць тому +2

    Guys.... shes a 10.
    10 miles wide
    10 tons
    10 blue whales
    10 mins of cardio from death
    10 big mac deep
    10 african villages
    10 different time zones
    10 moons
    Okay that should be enough
    10 football teams weight
    10 earthquakes a step
    10 pieces of bacon from clogged arteies
    10 times the average weight
    10 times the size of a hippo

  • @Tomy_Yon
    @Tomy_Yon Місяць тому +1

    I have diabetes because I'm overweight. I bought a hometrainer, and I am using it daily because I don't feel healthy. That's not opinion.

    @DABBERDOOBERactual Місяць тому

    2:03 HOLY GYAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTT tom, is that a new haircut?

  • @jacstackz
    @jacstackz Місяць тому +1

    5:53 if use to always think they were the same person too for the longest time lol. it’s kind of crazy how similar they are in looks & personally.

    • @No1.Cheese
      @No1.Cheese Місяць тому

      It's because they have no personality and just argue whatever is trendy in triggered spaces at the time. They're like a couple stale communion wafers

  • @imcrow6674
    @imcrow6674 Місяць тому

    i remember a point in time when fat was considered ugly and thin was considered optimal for looking your best
    where o where did we go so wrong

  • @KonekoPurrrfection
    @KonekoPurrrfection Місяць тому

    The first few seconds in all I could think was... We've got a feeder here, feeder alert!! But him on a list!!

  • @resplndnt
    @resplndnt Місяць тому

    Ryan beard had a very nuanced video on body acceptance vs body positivity

  • @ragingmoderate6791
    @ragingmoderate6791 Місяць тому +1

    December of 2020, i weighed close to 370 pounds. I now weigh about 215-220. It absolutely was a choice. Then i chose to change the way i eat and to exercise more. I will be under 200 pounds by July and this is the least i have weighed since i was like 24.

  • @drewbakka5265
    @drewbakka5265 Місяць тому +2

    If she got 100 reasons to reject me I can ignore jabba the hut