My Spiritual Awakening Story (and first video!)

  • Опубліковано 22 лип 2023
  • This is the story of how I was forced into a spiritual awakening through an out-of-body experience. I definitely didn't ask for it! (or at least my ego didn't 😉). If you're on an awakening journey, you're not alone!
    Interested in an energy healing/spiritual counseling session? Contact me!
    Copyright Notice All of the information in this channel is covered by Trademark and Copyright Law. You do not have permission to use this content as your own. Catherine Glassman © 2023


  • @kathynicolini5468
    @kathynicolini5468 6 днів тому

    Thank you 😊 for being here and sharing your story and experience. I believe you. I’ve been on my Awakening journey since October 31,2016. I’m obsessed with Angels too. They’re always around me, guiding and protecting. I love them so much. I send you love and hugs ❤🙌🤗🙌❤️. Namaste 🙏

  • @mg4241
    @mg4241 21 годину тому


  • @sarastoddard577
    @sarastoddard577 6 днів тому

    I have heard my name I think three times. As of the wind was blowing by and saying my name! I was raised seventh day Adventist and had a goddess visit me in my dreams and also started to awaken around 21. I am 43 now it was very lonely. I can walk up to people and know things about them especially related to grief and unfinished childhood trauma. Thank you for your share!!! I want to hear more.

  • @DoctorKing05
    @DoctorKing05 8 днів тому

    Loved your story! Hilarious and so authentic.

  • @lisadellapenna4653
    @lisadellapenna4653 5 місяців тому +9

    Hi! I had a spontaneous Spiritual Awakening in Oct 2020. I have experienced Astral travel, hearing voices, (good and negative), and NO ONE believed me. It has been several lonely years. Thank you for your video!

    • @jimrich4192
      @jimrich4192 5 місяців тому +3

      I witnessed & directly spoke WITH my brother-in-law shortly after he crossed over (we dont die when our body dies) & many times afterward. I was extremely excited about those psychic events, BUT quickly discovered that most ppl either FEAR the psychic realm or just don't care! It's like talking about UFOs or Big Foot so lve stopped annoying others with my unwelcome interest in mystical stuff! each their own! I know what I know & have seen & SO WHAT??? 😂

    • @catherineglassman
      @catherineglassman  5 місяців тому +2

      You’re not alone! Thank you for the support! 🙏🏻

    • @catherineglassman
      @catherineglassman  5 місяців тому +1

      😂 truth!!!

    • @Mari2761
      @Mari2761 4 місяці тому +2

      You are definitely not alone. I also had a spiritual awakening and have experienced tons of things that no one would believe. It’s a lonely journey ❤

  • @GodHelpMe369
    @GodHelpMe369 4 місяці тому +3

    Develop emotional literacy and strengthen the mind-body connection
    by saying aloud or in your head what’s going on for you emotionally,
    throughout the day.
    I also like to say what I’m doing physically to help bring me into my body
    throughout the day i.e. Walking, Eating, Doing the Dishes, etc.
    If this sensation had a voice, what would it say?
    I imagine 2 hands in my mind's eye
    surrounding the sensation...
    Allow the hands to be with the sensation
    whether it expands or moves...
    When you are activated, ask yourself:
    what does this relationship, situation, etc. mean about me?
    What do I get out of believing I have to be nice?
    Repeat what comes up for you without over-thinking it.
    I typically repeat what comes up several times to make it conscious.
    For instance, “I get to be seen as good, I get to be seen as good…” for being nice.
    Once we are deep in the work,
    we will see that the reason we believe we have to do/be anything in life
    is for love, safety, or approval.
    You are constantly being re-born, re-created, re-generated, every moment.
    No belief is contained, held, or stored anywhere.
    It might cause a cascade that brings a symptom...
    Breathing patterns somewhere in the body,
    but the concepts, thoughts, and stories are constantly being re-created...
    You are generating it ALL,
    and this is unconscious.
    When you ‘uproot’ repression and suppression, you unveil Flow.
    You CAN change in an instant.
    Every morning you wake up, your life story is re-constructed.
    Do I have to wake up believing reality is the way I believed it was yesterday?
    When breathing is restricted,
    get curious about what is holding it back,
    when it is open,
    get curious about why that is...
    You are the Artist.
    Awareness of something alone IS enough!
    It untangles itself,
    the knots let go of You.
    Choose Freedom.
    Take responsibility for your own suffering.
    I AM SAFE.
    I AM LOVE.
    If we are feeling victimized,
    we are over-valuating what we don't have,
    and under-valuating what we do have!
    Be very mindful about not making your state of being
    contingent, upon anything outside of yourself - that is the key!

  • @Mari2761
    @Mari2761 4 місяці тому +2

    I also heard voices and thought I was going crazy at first. I would wear headsets and listen meditation music in order to fall asleep and not hear the voices. After a while the voices turned into guiding me through my journey and I still hear them but I am no longer scared of them.

    • @catherineglassman
      @catherineglassman  4 місяці тому

      It's so nice to have some celestial friends to help out on this crazy planet lol

  • @TheSelf918
    @TheSelf918 5 місяців тому +1

    One awakens when one is ready. Deep down, we are all a finite, limited manifestation of the infinite. You can call that infinite concept God, but the word God in the west has a lot of connotations. Many pictures God in a human body, a man's body. But any image you can conjure up in your mind can never come close to representing the infinite.
    But once you know that you are at one with the infinite, no matters what. You know that everything that has ever happened and everything that you ever do or think, is exactly what is supposed to happen. You and I, all of us, are part of a cosmic dance. God's dance. The dance of our true SELF.

  • @Aliens-Are-Our-Friends2027
    @Aliens-Are-Our-Friends2027 5 місяців тому +1

    self love and forgiveness is usually the key

  • @ishtarishaya
    @ishtarishaya 4 місяці тому +1

    Many Blessings from Portugal! The first job I remember wanting was Parapsychologist- ended up as a monk and meditation teacher.

    • @catherineglassman
      @catherineglassman  4 місяці тому

      I love that!! I guess the curious mystics have to start somewhere lol. Thanks for the comment! 🙏🏻

  • @FromABirdsEye
    @FromABirdsEye 29 днів тому

    I believe you. It happened to me, too.

  • @personaddi
    @personaddi 6 місяців тому +1

    Thank you for sharing

  • @jacobaryan2796
    @jacobaryan2796 5 місяців тому +1

    Hey 👋 you’re pretty much the first person I’m hearing talk about this in such realness. I went through psychosis for about a year and it was the most mind altering thing. Throughout the voices there was one like you explained felt almost collect consciousness or just higher self, and after going through many differnt learning and unlearning stages with that voice… I ended up out of it. I’m now trying to put the pieces all together and yes it’s making a lot of sense and I’m glad your sharing your story 🙏 Thankyou

    • @catherineglassman
      @catherineglassman  4 місяці тому

      I truly think that people who experience psychosis are one of the most psychically gift humans on the planet. I'm glad you've find a way to quiet it down, but I'm curious and excited to see where your gift takes you next. Keep me posted and thank you for your support! 🙏🏻

  • @atommachine
    @atommachine 5 місяців тому

    Your the New Normal. The System of Education is so dense and compressed and we are so Infinite in NRG . Great Share. Bless you , Bless us all.

    • @catherineglassman
      @catherineglassman  4 місяці тому

      Thank you for the support and BLESS US ALL! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @krissyleeplans
    @krissyleeplans 10 місяців тому +1

    Thank you for sharing your story 💕

  • @thesikad10
    @thesikad10 5 місяців тому

    Further more you are aware of the body and all your experiences. So the question is who or what is aware. It’s going backwards rather than going towards your experiences. It’s one awareness that is experiencing itself through infinite possibilities ( you me animals plants galaxies )

  • @LadySandy3200
    @LadySandy3200 5 місяців тому

    Ty so much

  • @becm4778
    @becm4778 4 місяці тому

    Thanks for sharing! Everyone's spiritual awakenings are so different so it's amazing to hear a different perspective. I feel like I had a spiritual awakening a number of years ago but cannot pinpoint any exact moment of it happening, more like a series of events that has led to a knowing and understanding of what this reality is. Know that you are never alone and the spiritual community on this side of youtube is here to support you. Sending love from Australia ❤

    • @catherineglassman
      @catherineglassman  3 місяці тому +1

      Australia's in the house! Its so interesting that there's a moment during your awakening process when you realize that you've been awakening all along through a series of events. Everything just comes together, so cool!

  • @mattplus09
    @mattplus09 10 місяців тому

    Good journey, Catherine :) Peace!

  • @Oogwayascents
    @Oogwayascents 5 місяців тому

    Thank you for sharing your story with all of us, it helps alot❤️

  • @gaberoffman
    @gaberoffman 5 місяців тому

    Thank you for sharing this. When I started having awakening experiences as a teenager in the late 80's in a small southern town, there weren't options for "research" so I'm very grateful that you have done what I have also considered doing of sharing your truth for the current generation. I can feel its authenticity and so much of it mirrors my own experiences including waking up inches from the ceiling.

    • @catherineglassman
      @catherineglassman  5 місяців тому

      I really do appreciate the support, thank you. It’s terrifying to put yourself out there, but that changes when you start to find your community. It’s never too late to get on UA-cam or Tik Tok and share your experiences! The world needs a guiding light right now 🙏🏻

  • @Mari2761
    @Mari2761 4 місяці тому

    Thank you so much for telling your story. It sure sounds a lot like mine ❤

    • @catherineglassman
      @catherineglassman  4 місяці тому

      Thank you for the support! I'm looking forward to hearing yours!

  • @SoniaVerardoBeautyBlog
    @SoniaVerardoBeautyBlog 4 місяці тому

    Hello Catherine! I'm so glad I came across your channel! Thank you for sharing your story. I've been going through the spiritual awakening since 2021., and I started feeling the first physical symptoms at the end of 2019. I only last year in may realized that I'm going through spiritual awakening. For two whole years I actually thought I was dying! 2023.was the year when I finally understood what was going on, but also I had hard time accepting it and believing that this is actually what is going on. I was also raised in catholic religion but very early on I lost my faith and also completely detached from Catholic Church. I lived my life knowing that there must be "something" out there, but I didn't really care as I thought it's impossible to know what that "thing" was anyway. I never meditated. I started meditating last year after I've experienced the most scary vertigo situation that came out of the blue and lasted for months! As no doctor knew how to help me, I thought I might just take a chance at trying to help myself, before I completely abandon myself in despair. Shortly afterwards I also started having some mystical experiences during my sleep (feeling the energy buzzing in my entire body like it's electric, feeling the voices like on radio stations changing),also sleep paralysis-but I've been having that one on and off since I was very young! I have tinnitus since December 2019., non stop. Sometimes it's very loud, sometimes it's only a background sound. I got the gift of light language (art, spoken and hand mudras) and so much more...I´m still going through all these, it's a process...The worst thing for me are the physical symptoms...I´m always very scared that this time it might be an actual illness, but at the same time I'm sick and tired of continuous visits at the doctors, trying to figure out what's wrong.I´m learning how to embrace this journey and how to have more faith and belief in myself and in my instincts, how to trust myself more. I'm sure your videos will be interesting guidelines on my path.
    Sending love from Croatia!❤

    • @catherineglassman
      @catherineglassman  4 місяці тому +1

      Wow that is incredible! It sounds like your frequency is rising so rapidly that your body can’t keep up! The tinnitus is definitely a sign of that. Congratulations on the awakening and I can’t wait to see your transformation! (because I have a feeling it’s going to be a good one ☺️). Thank you for watching and for the comment 🙏🏻.

  • @jeremyvinskus6808
    @jeremyvinskus6808 5 місяців тому

    You literally described what I went through growing up lol. Be ready, I went through all of that in my teenage years and twenties... And now just over a year ago at 38 years old, I had an intense Kundalini awakening.
    Nowadays the Kundalini is super active in me 24/7 literally rewiring my brain. And the strange phenomena I experienced throughout my life has now intensified so much that my life nowadays is like pure magic. It's so amazing and magical, but at the same time extremely isolating because people just think I'm crazy when I share my experiences. There's very few I've been able to open up and relate to.
    I just share this to let you know that there's more to look forward to, and it's beyond what you can imagine now. Thank you for sharing and good luck to you, with love and light🙏

    • @catherineglassman
      @catherineglassman  4 місяці тому

      Hey thank you I appreciate that 🙏🏻. I really love that its a magical experience for you now. Can't expect anything less at this point!

  • @Cocoblklove
    @Cocoblklove 4 місяці тому

    Ha! Everything that happened to you happened to me as well. Also past lives I’m assuming were myself. That’s how i resonated with it when i did have those quick visions. Thank you for sharing 🫶🏾

    • @catherineglassman
      @catherineglassman  3 місяці тому

      Amazing! I have the quick visions too and its wild lol. Thanks for sharing!

  • @darrylsimms39
    @darrylsimms39 5 місяців тому

    Thank you for sharing your story 🙏. I had an out of body experience 3 years ago and hope to share my story one day because I know it will help people struggling through the aftermath to know things get better. Much better! Love your energy and your authenticity. God bless.

    • @catherineglassman
      @catherineglassman  5 місяців тому

      Thank you for the support, it’s very much appreciated! 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @NM-kt4ht
    @NM-kt4ht 4 місяці тому

    I believe friend.

  • @Letsawaketogether
    @Letsawaketogether 6 місяців тому

    I am so sorry to hear you were abused at home, which supposed to be your sanctuary. Stay blessed. But who’s to say that’s exactly needed to for you to wake up.

    • @catherineglassman
      @catherineglassman  6 місяців тому

      Thank you for the support! I do believe that everything happens for a reason, and some of the most powerful healers in the world did not escape their suffering. 🙏🏻 God bless!

  • @alexaylett-mcmillan8554
    @alexaylett-mcmillan8554 2 місяці тому

    Hi catherine, I really enjoyed hearing your story! What was the name of the meditation book that you had?

    • @catherineglassman
      @catherineglassman  2 місяці тому

      Hi there and thank you for the support! 🙏🏻. The name of the book is called Chakra Meditations by Swami Saradananda. Hopefully it has the same effect for you as it did for me!

  • @thesikad10
    @thesikad10 5 місяців тому

    Thank you for sharing your experiences. Very similar especially the sleep paralysis for years. Since then I have gone deep into the subject. Notice experiences come and go but there’s something that’s never changed. Just for conversation we can call it awareness. Mind is designed to lean towards experiences but you the awareness is primary before the mind. Awareness is attribute-less. Without it there’s no experiences. Somethings that come and go like experiences is not true and is just a dream. Awakening means waking up from the dream of separation( me and the world outside ) realising your true nature which has no face no gender no colour Or dimensions. There are a number of experiments you can do to see this. Yes these experiences are beautiful. Please don’t stop till you have realised your true nature where you ( impersonal) are the creator of all the experiences. Hope this helps
    Love and regards

    • @catherineglassman
      @catherineglassman  5 місяців тому

      Beautifully said 🙏🏻. Thank you for the support!

    • @thesikad10
      @thesikad10 5 місяців тому

    • @thesikad10
      @thesikad10 5 місяців тому

      And there r plenty of others too like David Bingham on UA-cam where u can see someone having the shift during the conversation. Wishing you the very best and Merry Christmas

  • @mikeconnell2021
    @mikeconnell2021 6 місяців тому

    Thank you for sharing your experience! I see a lot of similarities between people like you becoming aware, and people that are talking about v2k and Gangstalking. I’m wondering if one phenomenon causes or contributes to the other. It takes a lot of courage, I appreciate you going public with it. Thanks again!

    • @catherineglassman
      @catherineglassman  6 місяців тому

      I’m not familiar with v2k or gangstalking, but I’m interested. Thank you for sharing and for your support! 🙏🏻

  • @mariarts3809
    @mariarts3809 7 місяців тому

    Thank you for sharing 🌻. Did you ever get insight into the sleep paralysis that you were experiencing?

    • @catherineglassman
      @catherineglassman  7 місяців тому

      Hi there! From what I’ve experienced, they were dark energies that were around my body either while I was astral projecting or coming back to my body. A lot of white light, weekly smudging, and help from Archangel Michael did the trick! Haven’t had that happen in years 🙏🏻🙌🏼. Intentionally setting an invisibility cloak prior to projecting is also very helpful.

    • @mariarts3809
      @mariarts3809 7 місяців тому

      Great. Thank you🌻

  • @tomhall3175
    @tomhall3175 4 місяці тому

    Hi Great video. My name is Tom. Last tue. I was not asleep but not awake . I felt this suttle energy. Raidiate from my lower back all the way up to the back of my head. It would be like a pulsing movment, but also it was as wide as my back and wide as my head as it moved up. About a year ago i had the same experience but more noticable. I was in the wake and sleep stage. So the first time i wasnt sure if it was real the first time. I know all about the kundalini, and have been in the prosses to try awaken my mother kunalini for some time now. I have had diferent visions when meditating . One thing that is always there is different peoples images come floating in to my vision with my eyes closed, some are human ,but most are human like. Any idea why i see these things ........Thanks.

    • @catherineglassman
      @catherineglassman  4 місяці тому

      Hey! This actually sounds like astral projection. I often see random faces and images of real events, but they never make sense. I've learned that I'm either astral projecting or remote viewing. Check out my astral projection how to video!

  • @jocelin6509
    @jocelin6509 3 місяці тому

    does spiritual awakening only means when you experience some form of psychic events eg hearing voices? Or could it also mean awakening to a more conscious and intentional life? the midst of shedding the old and creating the new 🤔

    • @catherineglassman
      @catherineglassman  3 місяці тому +2

      Oh 100% shedding the old! I think many people who awaken also wake up to their psychic abilities because everyone is psychic whether they realize it or not. But the psychic stuff is more metaphysical, the living a more conscious THAT is spiritual ✨

    • @jocelin6509
      @jocelin6509 2 місяці тому

      @@catherineglassman thank you for your reply ☺

  • @ubuntuber1619
    @ubuntuber1619 8 днів тому

    omg so wannabe vegan