ASHKENAZI JEWS - WikiVidi Documentary

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • Ashkenazi Jews, also known as Ashkenazic Jews or simply Ashkenazim , are a Jewish diaspora population who coalesced as a distinct community in the Holy Roman Empire around the end of the first millennium. The traditional diaspora language of Ashkenazi Jews is Yiddish , with Hebrew used only as a sacred language until relatively recently. Throughout their time in Europe, Ashkenazim have made many important contributions to philosophy, scholarship, literature, art, music and science. Ashkenazim originate from the Jews who settled along the Rhine River, in Western Germany and in Northern France. There they became a distinct diaspora community with a unique way of life that adapted traditions from Babylon, The Land of Israel, and the Western Mediterranean to their new environment. The Ashkenazi religious rite developed in cities such as Mainz, Worms, and Troyes. The eminent French Rishon Rabbi Shlomo Itzhaki would have a significant impact on the Jewish religion. In the late Middle A...
    Shortcuts to chapters:
    00:03:16 Etymology
    00:05:57 History of Jews in Europe before the Ashkenazim
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    Licensed under Creative Commons.
    Wikipedia link: en.wikipedia.o...


  • @shainazion4073
    @shainazion4073 2 роки тому +8

    I would really want to hear what was said in the video, but cannot listen to computer generated voices. They use the wrong pronounciation, and have no emotion.

  • @bencordell1965
    @bencordell1965 2 роки тому +17

    Jews left Jerusalem with brown skin and came back with white skin

    • @sunnyreads1845
      @sunnyreads1845 Рік тому +1


    • @tagbarzeev8283
      @tagbarzeev8283 Рік тому +1

      Some Mizrahi Jews have brown skin yet Ashkenazi Jews and Mizrahi Jews are the same people.

    • @bencordell1965
      @bencordell1965 Рік тому +1

      @@tagbarzeev8283 nah

    • @bencordell1965
      @bencordell1965 Рік тому

      @@tagbarzeev8283 ashkenazi Jews are like sorny or panaphonics

    • @tagbarzeev8283
      @tagbarzeev8283 Рік тому +1

      @@bencordell1965 yes and it's Friday night and Shabbat. GUT SHABBES.

  • @colinoscopy4750
    @colinoscopy4750 4 роки тому +10

    Couldn't find a human narrator?

  • @relhage100
    @relhage100 Рік тому +5

    This video is missing the work of the Israeli geneticist Eran El Haik. His work confirms the Khazarian origin of the Ashkenazi Jews.

    • @tagbarzeev8283
      @tagbarzeev8283 Рік тому +1

      Eran Elhaik used Armenian and Georgian Dna as a substitute for Turkic dna and was severely chastised for his scientific methodology.

  • @russellstone1503
    @russellstone1503 2 роки тому +8

    They are not God's chosen people.

    • @shainazion4073
      @shainazion4073 2 роки тому

      That's not what God says.

    • @russellstone1503
      @russellstone1503 2 роки тому +2

      @@shainazion4073 Read Rev. 2:9, then look up King Bulan.

    • @shainazion4073
      @shainazion4073 2 роки тому

      @@russellstone1503 God didn't say Rev 2.9, and it was written about one small group of early Christians in Smyrna. And, there is no proof that King Bulan converted, or that more than King Bulan converted. They were Tengrists, there is no proof of any ties of yhe Jews of Europe coming fron the Khazars. It has been debunked by history, archeology, linguistics, and science (DNA).

    • @russellstone1503
      @russellstone1503 2 роки тому +1

      @@shainazion4073 Is the book of Revelation for prophecy ? You can Google this information, or question.

    • @russellstone1503
      @russellstone1503 2 роки тому +1

      @@shainazion4073 What color were the Egyptians ?

  • @richiedwards4953
    @richiedwards4953 4 роки тому +14

    this doc seems to have forgotten the baal worshiping they did before becoming Jewish????

    • @avoiceinthewilderness5766
      @avoiceinthewilderness5766 3 роки тому +4

      What did Yeshua have to say about these people both in the book of Revelation and John.
      In John they said to him, "We have never been slaves...." Stating that they were not in Egypt. Yeshua replied to them that they were children of the devil.
      In Revelation Yeshua said "Those who say they are Judean and are not but are of the synagogue of the devil...."

    • @avoiceinthewilderness5766
      @avoiceinthewilderness5766 3 роки тому

      @Free Subs
      You might as well go ahead and take it a step further and go full on Talmudic Judaism.....
      Jesus is Yahwah.
      Unfortunately you are of the same cloth of people whom when Yeshua met said. "You pour of the scriptures thinking in them you have life, and all they do is point to me. And, I stand here before you and you don't even recognize me." You see the carnal mind loves religion. But the spirit of one that belongs to Yeshua calls out to Him. Who was in the beginning. All things were made by him, through him and for him and without him there was nothing made. You are basically a religious fanatic.

    • @avoiceinthewilderness5766
      @avoiceinthewilderness5766 3 роки тому

      @Free Subs
      You err in your understanding of scripture.
      There are many under a delusion that has gained strength over the last few years.
      That you don't know him who was, who is and is to come is very unfortunate.
      That somewhere along the way you came into this cult, for which I am sorry.
      It is from the evil one.

    • @avoiceinthewilderness5766
      @avoiceinthewilderness5766 3 роки тому

      @Free Subs
      I am not a Christian. And I am not part of any religion. I am by flesh Israeli.
      I am a follower of Yeshua.
      And you are part of a cult. Called the Hebrew movement I suppose.

    • @richiedwards4953
      @richiedwards4953 3 роки тому +1

      @Free Subs you really don't understand the belief in christ at all by what you say. Yeshua was a man. christ in him is the same Christ in everyone which has nothing to do with a man.

  • @tyronedoutherd6444
    @tyronedoutherd6444 8 місяців тому +2

    It's against the law for them to take a DNA test, I wonder why 😮

  • @scosoexterior9125
    @scosoexterior9125 5 років тому +9

    This just read the Wikipedia page

  • @joanstone6740
    @joanstone6740 2 роки тому +14

    Actually there's little to none DNA evidence of ashkenazy presence in Israel historically ,there are eastern Europeans the converted it seems

    • @carymnuhgibrilsamadalnasud1222
      @carymnuhgibrilsamadalnasud1222 2 роки тому +2

      they do have some middle eastern dna

    • @shainazion4073
      @shainazion4073 2 роки тому

      The Ashkenazi Jews have little to NO Eastern European DNA. If you actually looked at facts, rather than spread hate, and nonsense, you would know that. There are over 14 genetic studies that show the same or similar results.

    • @joanstone6740
      @joanstone6740 2 роки тому +3

      @@shainazion4073 you're talking about the sabbatean Jews aren't you? You're the only one talking about hate facts r facts and we have to stop suppressing them because of our personal wishes or beliefs

    • @shainazion4073
      @shainazion4073 2 роки тому +2

      @@joanstone6740 What is. Sabbataen Jew? The Sabbateans were a sect of Sephard Jews that followed Sabbatai Zevi. They have nothing to do with the Ashkenazi Jews.

    • @cnkis
      @cnkis 4 місяці тому +6

      I agree. I've had my DNA tested since I'm ashkenazi jew and it said I was 100% European. Explain that one. LOL. I'm polish.

  • @streetsweep9314
    @streetsweep9314 4 роки тому +9

    They seem to have spelling problems when describing all other ethnic groups and put forth false information about who they are and who others are

  • @blackfoxdelta7651
    @blackfoxdelta7651 4 роки тому +30

    Proud to be ashkenazi Jewish 😇👍🏾❤️😜

  • @craigjasper2274
    @craigjasper2274 4 роки тому +11

    And none of them were slaves in Egypt/Africa, neither were the ancestors. Go figure the lie

  • @matthewmann8969
    @matthewmann8969 4 роки тому +8

    Ashkenazi Jews often integrate with there own very well and do good in studies and looking up things

    • @azelkhntr4992
      @azelkhntr4992 4 місяці тому

      Inbreds then. They infiltrate and never assimilate. They attempt to take over the lands they flee to after being expelled from one after another.

  • @raulsanz7120
    @raulsanz7120 5 років тому +10

    Quite interesting to relate "crusaders" with "ashkenazi jews"... I would never have thought that

    • @truthseeker1693
      @truthseeker1693 4 роки тому +4

      The catholic church got a guy named Loyala to start the Society of Jesus...
      AKA a Jesuit school to promote students into signing an oath that they would promote the catholic church and get the boot of the reformers off the church's throat for the churches false teachings! Some of these joined the CRUSADERS, not fully understanding the churches goals and errors!
      There's two popes! A "BLACK POPE, in name only...and the regular pope who answers to the Black pope to push the religion to becoming the one world religion but there's a couple other religions that oppose them and want the same! The Jews have now built a new temple in Jerusalem underneath the western wall but Islam and the pope want them to move it on top if the dome of the rock area! Look up Leeland Jones videos and watch everything on the temple he's put on you tube!

  • @Blackowl44
    @Blackowl44 3 роки тому +3

    Want to look deeper research the sabbatean frankist movement

  • @inamco
    @inamco 2 роки тому +5

    Lots of jews ask a simple question. how is Ashkenazi entitled to Palestinian land?

    • @carymnuhgibrilsamadalnasud1222
      @carymnuhgibrilsamadalnasud1222 2 роки тому +1

      they barely have Semitic DNA

    • @iamthatiam4496
      @iamthatiam4496 2 роки тому

      @@carymnuhgibrilsamadalnasud1222 clearly you are either lying or ignorant on Ashkenazi genetics. They have a significant amount of Levant genetic markers. Palestinians belong in Jordan, not Israel.

    • @shainazion4073
      @shainazion4073 2 роки тому +4

      Because they are the Judeans taken out of the land of Judea in the Second century by the Romans. What makes it Palestinian land? They never owned it, or governed it.

    • @shainazion4073
      @shainazion4073 2 роки тому +4

      @@carymnuhgibrilsamadalnasud1222 They are 60% to 80% Semetic DNA. That is not enough???

    • @inamco
      @inamco 2 роки тому

      @@shainazion4073 only Kings Before Division of Kingdom
      Saul: First King of Israel; son of Kish; father of Ish-Bosheth, Jonathan and Michal.
      Ish-Bosheth (or Eshbaal): King of Israel; son of Saul.
      David: King of Judah; later of Israel; son of Jesse; husband of Abigail, Ahinoam, Bathsheba, Michal, etc.; father of Absalom, Adonijah, Amnon, Solomon, Tamar, etc.
      Solomon: King of Israel and Judah; son of David; father of Rehoboam.
      Rehoboam: Son of Solomon; during his reign the kingdom was divided into Judah and Israel.. these are kings of Israel. Kings of Judah (Southern Kingdom)
      Rehoboam: First King.
      Abijah (or Abijam or Abia): Son of Rehoboam.
      Asa: Probably son of Abijah.
      Jehoshaphat: Son of Asa.
      Jehoram (or Joram): Son of Jehoshaphat; husband of Athaliah.
      Ahaziah: Son of Jehoram and Athaliah.
      Athaliah: Daughter of King Ahab of Israel and Jezebel; wife of Jehoram; only queen to occupy the throne of Judah.
      Joash (or Jehoash): Son of Ahaziah.
      Amaziah: Son of Joash.
      Uzziah (or Azariah): Son of Amaziah.
      Jotham: Regent, later King; son of Uzziah.
      Ahaz: Son of Jotham.
      Hezekiah: Son of Ahaz; husband of Hephzi-Bah.
      Manasseh: Son of Hezekiah and Hephzi-Bah.
      Amon: Son of Manasseh.
      Josiah (or Josias): Son of Amon.
      Jehoahaz (or Joahaz): Son of Josiah.
      Jehoiakim: Son of Josiah.
      Jehoiachin: Son of Jehoiakim.
      Zedekiah: Son of Josiah; kingdom overthrown by Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar.
      Kings of Israel (Northern Kingdom)
      Jeroboam I: Led secession of Israel.
      Nadab: Son of Jeroboam I.
      Baasha: Overthrew Nadab.
      Elah: Son of Baasha.
      Zimri: Overthrew Elah.
      Omri: Overthrew Zimri.
      Ahab: Son of Omri; husband of Jezebel.
      Ahaziah: Son of Ahab.
      Jehoram (or Joram): Son of Ahab.
      Jehu: Overthrew Jehoram.
      Jehoahaz (or Joahaz): Son of Jehu.
      Jehoash (or Joash): Son of Jehoahaz.
      Jeroboam Il: Son of Jehoash.
      Zechariah: Son of Jeroboam II.
      Shallum: Overthrew Zechariah.
      Menahem: Overthrew Shallum.
      Pekahiah: Son of Menahem.
      Pekah: Overthrew Pekahiah.
      Hoshea: Overthrew Pekah; kingdom overthrown by Assyrians under Sargon II. Remember, Lot of Israelis are not in agreemnet with Ashkenazi's claim. some Israelis don't even have hair in their pu$$.

  • @yusofedgardochico3952
    @yusofedgardochico3952 3 місяці тому +2


    • @kenlukwesa5929
      @kenlukwesa5929 2 місяці тому

      They're because they speak Hebrew and no else in the world

  • @yodorob
    @yodorob Місяць тому

    As a Canadian (and Ashkenazi Jew) watching this video, I'm wondering what a *Canadian* flag is doing in multiple clips of this video. Yes, Ashkenazi Jews (just like many other immigrant groups) settled in Canada like in the US, Argentina, the UK, France, South Africa, Brazil, Australia, etc., and yet a. I don't see flags from any of these other countries, and b. a Canadian flag is inappropriate for earlier, exclusively European phases of Ashkenazi history. And, what is an *Egyptian* flag doing in this video if this is about the Ashkenazi (and not Sephardi or Mizrahi) Jews??!!
    My only possibility is that these flags were automatically generated, without any real human input.

  • @szkola-inwestowania-walen
    @szkola-inwestowania-walen 4 роки тому +3

    So you mean they didn't come from Russia and are not actually Khazars?

    • @georgyzhukov6409
      @georgyzhukov6409 3 роки тому +9

      dont listen to this kazar lie. ashkenazi jews have origins to middle east. They only migrated to eastern europe after they were exiled.

    • @Blackowl44
      @Blackowl44 3 роки тому +2

      @@georgyzhukov6409 Middle East didn’t exist fool

    • @georgyzhukov6409
      @georgyzhukov6409 3 роки тому +7

      @@Blackowl44 i mean the region idiot

    • @raptorxxl1904
      @raptorxxl1904 3 роки тому +2

      @@Blackowl44 You are 100% right, this Khazar "Zhukov" is an idiot.

    • @carymnuhgibrilsamadalnasud1222
      @carymnuhgibrilsamadalnasud1222 2 роки тому


  • @chilltarts
    @chilltarts 5 років тому +17

    Propaganda piece painting the ashkenazis as authentic Israelite Jews, but it does touch upon the Babylonian origin of their Talmudic religious text, so that’s something I guess.
    They don’t focus enough on the fact that the Ashkenazi’s are Khazarian in origin, from the Asiatic/Russian mountain region, and 100% non-Semitic. As children of Gomar they are not descendants of Shem, and therefore, not biblical Israelites who were promised a homeland In Palestine and the Arabian Peninsula, now rebranded as the Middle East. (But ask yourself, after looking st a map, why is Egypt classified apart from the rest of the Horn of Africa and why is Israel often not included in the term “Middle East”? Propaganda and rebranding meant to confuse.)
    The video also didn’t go enough into detail that Ashkenazi Jews follow the Babylonian TALMUD not the Israelites Torah and WHY there were uprisings against these people in every land they settled. Every one. This is because their “religious text” is racist, elitist, and offensive to moral decency, such as the rule that having sex with a girl child under the age of 3 is permissible and no worse than “poking a finger in the eye” because her virginity will return again and again. Not to mention it is full of rhetoric that relates the rest of us cattle whose only purpose is to serve them. Look into it yourself, don’t take my word for it. Look up the holiday of Purim while your at it, and how it was historically “celebrated” as a mockery of Christ’s crucifixion. Moving on-
    Ashkenazi “Jew’s” were marginalized throughout history because of their ties to child sacrifice, their hatred of Christ, the Messiah they rejected, and their abuse of the financial and buissness rules in every community in which they resided. Look into WHY they ended up in Germany and what happened there that allowed Hitler to move crowds into a rage against Ashkenazi Jews in their neighborhoods and towns.
    Side note: Real Israelites who accepted their Messiah were called Christians after being expelled from the Synagogues. It was the Jewish leaders called Pharisees who rejected Christ because they had adopted Babylonian pagan ideas which they were teaching as the “oral law” that became the basis of their religious text called the Talmud. Jesus called them out on these perversions of the true teachings and warned against this synagogue of Satan and their “man made laws.” This threat to the Pharisees power is why the religious leaders hated him so badly and conspired with Rome to have him eliminated. Research and See for yourself.
    Another side note: The original Israelites were brown in skin color, as is evidenced by the paintings found in Egypt depicting the Israelites captivity, as well as numerous paintings and artifacts found throughout Saudi Arabia and Africa. The truth was white-washed and hidden from “current history” (unless you were lucky enough to not grow up receiving an American/European “education” -cough cough, indoctrination, cough cough). Just ask yourself, why does the “European version” of history only talk about the people of Arabian Peninsula and Africa in terms of the 16th century to the present? Why does it not cover the cradle of civilian prior to colonialism, or discuss how Africa was culturally advanced and the destination for those Europeans who wanted to learn the latest science, medicinal, and technological advancements in the centuries prior to the European colonization? Why does this version of history not discuss the fact Africa was the hot spot for gold and wealth in antiquity and this is why the Europeans sought to gain control of their lands. And if you’ve never seen the maps of Africa which show Jerusalem , Agag, Ammon, Babylon and other biblically documented lands all on the Horn of Africa, then you should.
    The lands we call the Middle East and Africa today was a rebranding propaganda mission organized after WW2 to disguise the real location of the biblical lands and the authentic Israelites.
    Don’t take my word for any of this. Research it yourself. Inform yourself and then decide if modern day Israel that was established in 1948 is a fulfillment of God’s work. Research where Zionism came from, what the sign of the “star of david” really means and where it came from.l and represents. Research how Solomon fell away from the true religion and were Kabbalah was born. While there, research thenBabylonian religion and the Kabbalah and Talmudic Judaism.
    And last, food for thought, 1948 is coincidently the same year Apartheid ripped apart what was left of Africa- restricting Africans to shanty towns and 2nd class citizenship, while the White class lived well with armed guards and off the back of their black “servants.” Funny how slavery ended in America (now look up WHO owned the majority of Slave ships that transported their victims across the Middle Passage) and a watered down version started up in the real biblical lands the same year fake Is-Ra-El was established. Why am I calling Israel Is-Ra-El. Look that up too.
    It’s all been a LIE and we have all been deceived for far too long. Start fighting back by informing yourself with the TRUTH. And stay away from “wiki”, google, Facebook, and snopes. Their all tools of the propaganda machine trying to censor those who speak the truth.
    Truth is not bigotry and a descendant of Gomar who converted to Babylonian Talmudism can not claim themselves the victim of “anti-Semitism”. Just saying.

    • @smayday1376
      @smayday1376 4 роки тому


    • @kyumazu1926
      @kyumazu1926 4 роки тому

      Yoo they can't fight this back

    • @beklerken1
      @beklerken1 4 роки тому +1

      I mean, if there is one race of Israelites, then they are all from the same area and thats the middle east, from the Arab bloodline, no matter how much they deny it. But if you say the Ashkenazi moved very early in the piece to Europe and assimilated, (they never do) we can understand, but they still have the undeniable Mid eastern features. You are absolutely right my friend, we have been deceived in everything and continuing to be deceived since year dot. There is one truth that we can all agree on though, Jewish population was never desired by any nation,empire, state etc right throughout our history, roaming the world nationless until the British gave them Israel on a platter in 1948, that was promised by them in the Denmark conference 1899,recorded in the minutes, "you will have a state in 50 years"... I wont say Adolf, but now comprehend why Spain expelled them during the inquisition....

    • @beklerken1
      @beklerken1 3 роки тому

      @freecitizen01 NA Dont hold me on it but I thought they went back all the way to the tartaric (tartars) tribes of the kagan (kaan) living nomadically with shaman beliefs around the Hazal sea/Crimea/Ural mountains region until they were told to choose a religion to create unity or be on their own exposed to the enemy from the east asian tribes(mongols?) and they chose judaism.

    • @beklerken1
      @beklerken1 3 роки тому

      i cant agree with you more mate. Everything that is taught in the mainstream is not the entire truth, you must research independently with an open mind also. You are spot on with the holy lands also, its not israel, its in the syria/turkey border or old mesopotamia region between the euphrates and the tigris rivers where they found the bible of st. barnabas only a few years ago.
      as for the ashkanazis, Dont hold me on it but I thought they went back all the way to the turcic/tartaric (tartars) tribes of the kagan (kaan) living nomadically with shaman style beliefs around the Hazal sea/north west Crimea/Ural mountains region until they were told to choose a religion to create unity or be on their own exposed to the enemy from the east asian tribes(mongols?) and they chose judaism from the main 3 faiths but never really embraced it and it was more a formality to join them. Im thinking they were kaballistic then i reckon, because there is not much info we can find on them.

  • @monieyahuivriymyisrael5932
    @monieyahuivriymyisrael5932 4 роки тому +10

    I wanna know when was these people ever slaves and shipped all over the world are they still in the land of their captivity, are they cursed and does the curse of Deuteronomy 68: 15-34 talking about you? answer that

    • @lebohangklaas2036
      @lebohangklaas2036 3 роки тому +3

      i knew that those who are being vocal of being israelites and jews wont answer you,and i think i know why...they know that they are khazars and ashkenazi and they dont like who they really are!

    • @SupaBloom
      @SupaBloom 3 роки тому +2

      @@lebohangklaas2036 Assuming you're "black Hebrew Israelites", it seems you are the ones who don't like who you really are. you don't like the fact you originated from west Africa and want to feel special so u claim to be the true "god's chosen people" from the bible. Stop with the self hatred and culture thieving.

    • @van678
      @van678 3 роки тому +4

      @@SupaBloom Rev 3:9 tells who Ashkenazi and khazer they are lol.

    • @beng2729
      @beng2729 3 роки тому +2

      When they gave out ignorance you guys took a double portion.

    • @tagbarzeev3571
      @tagbarzeev3571 2 роки тому

      @@van678 Where in Revelations does it mention Ashkenazi Jews or Khazars a Turkic people?

  • @APEX-qv7rm
    @APEX-qv7rm 5 років тому +13

    Cult + Mafia = Evil

  • @talltanndn
    @talltanndn 3 роки тому +6

    Lol...eastern europeans.....who think they are hebrew
    some are even more fanatic about judaism....than real hebrews.....

    • @unidentifiedbeing8149
      @unidentifiedbeing8149 3 роки тому +1

      What? Why you gotta be an Anti-Semite?

    • @talltanndn
      @talltanndn 2 роки тому

      They gotta be semite.....not imposters

    • @dennys82
      @dennys82 2 роки тому +2

      The wolves among us...just look now, what is going on in Ukraine and find the real why factor. You will start from 8 years ago...but if you dig deeper, you will end about 12.000 years ago.

    • @talltanndn
      @talltanndn 2 роки тому +1

      @@dennys82 this is all by design....
      1 phake gew faction against another

    • @shainazion4073
      @shainazion4073 2 роки тому

      The Ashkenazi Jews have no Eastern European DNA. Try Again!!

  • @delorisd81
    @delorisd81 2 роки тому +2

    Fake history

  • @subhashisroy2244
    @subhashisroy2244 2 роки тому +2

    It has been given to know by one of geneticist of international reputation ( Dr. J. M. Bamshed ) that DNA of Bengali Brahmins matches to a great extent to Ashkenazi Jews. It is more to add to my surprise that, the symbol of the just opposite equilateral triangle is also a holy and sacred symbol of Hindus. I intrigue why those matching took place where people were settling at so much distant places.

    • @carymnuhgibrilsamadalnasud1222
      @carymnuhgibrilsamadalnasud1222 2 роки тому


    • @Nobody-yq9fk
      @Nobody-yq9fk 2 роки тому

      The Brahmins of India aren’t the original black ancient Dravidians that are in the bottom of India being oppressed. These are the Indians who came from Central Asia called Scythians. Ashkenazi “Jews” are from the same stock in Central Asia. They went everywhere around the world corrupting everything they see.

    • @AnthonyMoore-po4ep
      @AnthonyMoore-po4ep 11 місяців тому +1

      Maybe because of being aryan

  • @041375lalo
    @041375lalo 2 роки тому +4

    Whatever they've stole everything , meaning everything

  • @markscheinfeld3020
    @markscheinfeld3020 2 роки тому +1

    Don't believe everything you read, or what is read to you.

  • @stephanieduncan9143
    @stephanieduncan9143 4 роки тому +3

    👴👵👨👦👶🤔🤔fake Jew

    • @Nomad1992-Israel
      @Nomad1992-Israel 2 роки тому

      You got it sista! I’m fake! He’s fake! Faking my to the top baby!

    • @annecohen8927
      @annecohen8927 Рік тому

      There’s nothing to fake about. Except when they attack other Jews.

  • @RockinDbop1
    @RockinDbop1 2 роки тому

    lazy. a disgrace to other history channels who actually try.

  • @esterherschkovich6499
    @esterherschkovich6499 4 роки тому +2


  • @MariaRodriguez-zs3wd
    @MariaRodriguez-zs3wd Рік тому +1

    Ashkennazi Jewish and totally believe in Jesus Christ 🙏

  • @silversoup4805
    @silversoup4805 3 роки тому +3

    Cool so I'm special

  • @Nonyabuisness67788
    @Nonyabuisness67788 4 роки тому +2

    All I wanna know is if askhanavi Jews have any Asian ancestry

    • @Nonyabuisness67788
      @Nonyabuisness67788 4 роки тому

      free citizen01 Ohh

    • @Nonyabuisness67788
      @Nonyabuisness67788 4 роки тому +1

      free citizen01 that makes so much sense thx

    • @89jval
      @89jval 4 роки тому +2

      Yes Genghis Khan

    • @georgyzhukov6409
      @georgyzhukov6409 3 роки тому +7

      no they have middle eastern ancestory. they only migrated to eastern europe because they were forced out of israel by the romans to southern and western europe and then the french and english caused them to flee to eastern europe

    • @tagbarzeev4850
      @tagbarzeev4850 3 роки тому +7

      @@Nonyabuisness67788 The Ashkenazi Jews are the descendants of the Jews of The Diaspora of 70a.d which brought jews to various parts of the Roman empire.

  • @katherinehansen5887
    @katherinehansen5887 4 роки тому +2

    Yet I’m also related to Wilhelm Von Katzenelnbogen II

  • @truthseeker1693
    @truthseeker1693 3 роки тому +18

    They don't believe in Jesus yet we give them millions every year through their lobbyist !

    • @Illumnia548
      @Illumnia548 3 роки тому +12

      Why they should believe in Jesus?

    • @unidentifiedbeing8149
      @unidentifiedbeing8149 3 роки тому +9

      So? The same with Muslims and we give them Billions of dollars.

    • @youtubedeletestomanyaccoun4247
      @youtubedeletestomanyaccoun4247 3 роки тому +6

      Egypt is a country almost entirely of Muslims who also don’t believe Jesus is gods son yet I don’t see you saying anything....even atheist Albania or Athiest Japan or mostly athiest South Korea....I can find many countries that aren’t Christian dominant that get us Military aid....the real question is that not discriminatory to only give money to Christian majority countries ?

    • @youtubedeletestomanyaccoun4247
      @youtubedeletestomanyaccoun4247 3 роки тому +2

      @@Illumnia548 apparently only Christians are entitled to American tax payer money

    • @alexiswinter6948
      @alexiswinter6948 3 роки тому

      . Xtian churches need to be taxed, now that they're a political party.

  • @yashayah2115
    @yashayah2115 4 роки тому +15

    These Kazars are Jephath brothers of Gomer Germans they are not ethnic Jews. Questioning why German brothers tried to purge them off the earth. Has to be Political move because of not accepting other views.
    The actual Hebrews did the same to other ethnic groups taking land and possessions from other tribes.
    Seems to me divide and conquer is a powerful theme for any people.
    Adopting the language and culture of the indigenous can define one as that ethnicity?

    • @karentucker2161
      @karentucker2161 4 роки тому +5

      Read about Noah Jephath is Noah's son and his brothers were Ham and Shem...all had the same mom and dad who were how can you say they were fake and weren't real Jews? Read the Bible and study it out. Do a word study on what the names mean too because I have and learned a lot.

    • @colinoscopy4750
      @colinoscopy4750 4 роки тому +3


    • @georgyzhukov6409
      @georgyzhukov6409 3 роки тому +9

      you are a moron ashkenazi jews are semites that originated from israel. They were exiled to europe by the romans. semites and japethites were white. hamites were black

    • @van678
      @van678 3 роки тому +4

      @@georgyzhukov6409 lol

    • @goheine
      @goheine 3 роки тому +5

      @@georgyzhukov6409 According to 23andme the Ashkenazi Jews are mixed with Central European, Eastern European and Middle Eastern ethnicities.

  • @TheEzekiel300
    @TheEzekiel300 2 роки тому +1

    Genesis 9:27 God shall PATHAH(DECEIVE) ✔️Japheth, And he shall ✔️dwell in the tents of ✔️Shem; And ✔️Canaan shall be his servant ✔️Zechariah 9:6-8
    6 And a ✔️bastard shall ✔️dwell in Ashdod( city in modern day Israel), and I will cut off the pride of the ✔️Philistines(Palestine).
    ✔️Genesis 49:10
    10 The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, ✔️until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the ✔️gathering of the people be.
    ✔️Amos 1:8 And I will cut off the ✔️inhabitant from ✔️Ashdod( city in modern day Israel), and him that holdeth the sceptre from ✔️Ashkelon,( city in modern day Israel), and I will turn mine hand against ✔️Ekron: and the remnant of the ✔️Philistines(Palestine) shall perish, saith the Lord GOD.
    ✔️Isaiah 11:11-12
    11 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from ✔️ETHIOPIA/Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea.

    • @shainazion4073
      @shainazion4073 2 роки тому

      Stop your nonsense!!! You know nothing about the scriptures, Gentile, go play your video games!!

    • @shainazion4073
      @shainazion4073 2 роки тому

      Again babling and babling, repeating verses that have no context to anything discussed.

    • @TheEzekiel300
      @TheEzekiel300 2 роки тому

      @@shainazion4073 This isn't babling. It is right on point. Just like when God said Ashkenazi comes from Japheth Gentiles. ✔Genesis 10:2-5 2 The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras.3 And the sons of Gomer; ✔Ashkenaz .5 By these were the isles of the ✔Gentiles Luke 21:24 ✔Jerusalem shall be✔ trodden down of the ✔Gentiles

    • @isaaclosh8082
      @isaaclosh8082 Рік тому

      That’s a conspiracy theory that BHI supports but it’s false. Ashkenazi Jews are not descendents of Ashkenaz they are descendants of Shem through Abraham like all other Jews .The term Ashkenazi Jews comes from the fact that the land of Germany is called Ashkenaz because it was Ashkenaz’s descendants that settled it. The group of Israelites that left Rome after the Roman Empire fell migrated slowly north to the land of Ashkenaz, Germany and settled there branching out across Europe and Russia in the centuries that followed. Ashkenazi came form 4 Israelite mothers while in Rome. Genetic studies show this. Ashkenazi Jews share genetic dna markers in common with safardic Jews and Ethiopian Jews showing their common ancestry from Israel and the Middle East.

    • @TheEzekiel300
      @TheEzekiel300 Рік тому

      @@isaaclosh8082 Yes they are Ashkenazi. The Palestine prophecy verse proves it. Ashdod is a city in Israel and Ashkenazis dwell there.

  • @PC-lu3zf
    @PC-lu3zf 9 місяців тому

    Great documentary I’m Jewish