my wife and i have been in south east asia for like 2 months.. talking to people all over the social economic spectrum.. alot of em are like wtf is going on in your country.. why are you trying to fight so much when you cant even fix your own house..
I lived in Thailand for a few years in the 80s. As luck would have it I knew the head of the US consulate over that time. Ed Werly or something like that. In any case I'm glad to hear that many appear to have finally ignored the US lies and propaganda spread on their/US media.. What the US did to Thailand through the 70-90s is just another In a long list of crimes against humanity!
As as an old man I perpetually muse about all the wondrous things that might have been accomplished if America had not spent so much time, money and effort towards destructive pursuits, and had, instead applied them to mutually-beneficial, life-enhancing endeavors. The deaths and material wastage that American Government has been responsible for since the end of WWII is shocking and shameful. It is a direct refutation of all the noble ideals that America purports to stand for. The national cognitive dissonance that is required for such hypocrisy to prevail is as disturbing as our current geo-political lunacy. Israel and Gaza are festering wounds created by small-minded men, not by wise diplomats or concerned citizens like Dr. Sachs and Nate Hagens.
@@ziggyfrnds Thank you, friend. I gave them a break because I did not think I was adding value to the world, highlighting problems without (offering) solutions. Appreciate your comment.
Once again, the sincere search for truth and wisdom, whether it concerns geo-political anxieties or ecological conundrums, that the Great Simplification continually represents is a an oasis of sanity amidst a growingly disconcerting world. Dr. Sachs is a brilliant, benign and well-informed expert in the fields of economics and geopolitics. I am thrilled and grateful that you have chosen to feature him. I hope that you will have him back soon and often.
I agree with Prof. Sachs and I consider myself a 72 year old patriot. The empire building has only made America more dysfunctional and more corrupt, not the thing for a functional republic. critical about the U.S. geopolitical misguided ambitions does not one a hater. Perhaps you need to research some of the things he’s talking about as your blind defense seems to put you in a “see no criticism, hear no criticism, speak no criticism” bubble of reality. His criticism is well informed over a 35+ yrs in geopolitics I don’t think that’s what’s doing. He’s on a time limited show discussing broad scope issues so that limits the depth and detail of the various issues in the discussion. I’ve been follows prof Sachs for years Xi when you add up the things he has discussed you get a more complete picture of the depth & richness of the information he’s discussing. He’s a brilliant thinker and analyst of events and their history. Criticism is not about hate it’s about observations/analysis of things. In the case of the U.S. it is well deserved. Google the Full Spectrum Dominance doctrine originally written by Zionist Paul Wolferitz, then later expanded on by the Zionist neo-cons of early 90s Washington. This doctrine has been in place and followed since Clinton and every president since (congress was bought up by Zionist neo-cons/ AIPAC) all these wars the U.S. has been manipulated into by Zionist Israel (who now have full control of our U.S. government). The coming WW3 is part 3 of the Zionist global expansion that started with WW1. Zionist are the new world order globalist and “Full Spectrum Dominance” is the Zionist doctrine. The world’s conflicts/wars are between Zionist globalists and the non-Zionists world. Google: Al Jazeera article: Zelenski wants to turn Ukraine into a giant Israel. He has signed I’ve a half trillion $$ contract with BLACKROCK (world biggest richest organization led by all Zionists loyal to Zionist Israel). Look up Israel’s ambition of not just the Greater Israel ambition but also to turn Europe/Eastern Europe/Russia into a modern day Zionist Bolshevik world. They already taken over the U.S. and couple nations in South America. “Full Spectrum Dominance” a Zionist global plantation where they own/ control and claim possession of the entire earth, resources, governments, goals of eradicating (genocide) large swaths of humanity. Russia/ China/ Iran and now nations in Africa that are breaking free of colonization. both wars were manipulated by and instigated by Anglo-Euro Zionist (Russia/Bolsheviks, Belgium, France, Great Britain and Serbia) had lined up against Austria-Hungary and Germany (non-Zionist states) Germany being the biggest target (its size and industrial wealth). Hitler rose to power because he promised to reclaim Germany’s greatness and stop the taking over by euro-Anglo Zionists who were pillaging Germany of all its wealth and power to govern itself. WW2 was to stop Hitler from stopping the “Zionization” of Europe/Russia (eastern USSR/ Bolshevik Zionists) Exactly what’s happening today (WW3) of turning Ukraine (then with ambitions to turn other regional state nations into Zionist governments) the greater New Khazaria Zionist empire that includes the greater Israel Middle East (which IDF uniforms already have a shoulder patch outlining this. All three of these WWs go back to the Talmud teachings that (Zionist) Jews are entitled to own the earth and non-Jew people are slaves to serve their interests. Full Spectrum Dominance” is about that and it was written by Nazi-Zionists Paul Wolferitz who was involved along with other Zionists in 9/11, Iraq invasion, Syria Lebanon, Egypt’s color revolution, now instigating Iran. The Zionists neo-cons (VP Biden/Nuland) instigated orchestrated organized funded Ukraine’s color revolution coup and installing a cooperative puppets government, which led to Zelenski (Zionist Jew). They’re hoping the U.S. proxy wars (Ukraine/Russia, Israel/Iran, coming China/Taiwan) are all aimed if weakening any serious challengers from their “Full Spectrum Dominance” doctrine
im 60 years old and i never heard any man more peace loving than this man, God bless hope to see you in heaven you are my hero, thank you you are an angel and a true warrior for peace, what a great american
The difference between Prof Jeffrey Sachs and Prof John Mearsheimer is that Prof Sachs love humanity and peace for the world....certainly no such crappy stuff like " offensive realism" and rejoicing in it. One could almost touch the fire of outrage that Prof Sachs talks about the blatant and the horrendous acts committed by the US government these past 80 years. God bless the good Professor! May he be in good health and continue to warn us of the danger ahead.
@@iwanagohome326 I think that’s harsh on Mearsheimer. I think he just believes that that’s what great powers always do, not that he rejoices in it. History would tend to support his view unfortunately.
- John Mearsheimer's point of view: Evil never disciplines itself, imperialism and militarism never discipline itself, and the infinite desires of evil will inevitably lead to war. - Jeffrey Sachs's point of view: When evil realizes that it may have to pay an unbearable price (nuclear war), evil will have to start to discipline itself. First of all, stop emphasizing freedom, give up those evil desires that you are unable to realize, and do self-management and self-adjustment. - Mao Zedong's point of view (1953): "The U.S. imperialists are very arrogant. Wherever it can be unreasonable, it must be unreasonable. When it begins to abide by morality and justice, it must have been forced to do it."
That’s an unfair comment. Professor Mearsheimer has always said that he approaches great power rivalry with pragmatism but he’s never said that he approves of this rivalry. He has countless times denounced war and has shown compassion for those who have needlessly fallen or for those who suffer.
Jeff Sachs has intimate knowledge of our geopolitical world by virtue of direct contact with world leaders and movers and shakers. He has a unique vantage point that we all should take seriously and benefit from. He also speaks clearly and plainly about modern history's complex international matters. GREAT get Nate. You gotta get him on again to explain the actual history in the run up to the Ukraine war debacle.
Why put this guy on ? He is a nutcase. For the last 10 years he has lost it. He is still going around saying that the west promised Gorbachev that NATO would not expand east and this has been thoroughly been debunked. He is now spouting garbage on top of garbage. Edit , I just listened more to this video and he said it , he repeated the garbage I just mentioned. The meeting with Gorbachev was about East Germany unifying with West Germany and the NATO equipment and West German infrastructure was not to expand other than into East Germany. That is it. But France and other countries NATO equipment could expand into Poland etc. They also didn't want the West German NATO to expand eastward past East Germany, ie if Germany regained any land it lost in WW2 , that the West German NATO would not expand. During this meeting , no one could imagine that the Soviet Union would collapse so the expansion of NATO eastward was a non topic. Where would NATO expand to except the whole Soviet Union. Jeffrey Sachs has got a screw loose. On top of all said, nothing ever got put into writing and it could have. The Soviets were anal about putting everything into writing and this "NATO not expanding" was in a note and these notes were more or less ideas being floated around in a large discussion.
Yes, I read the Nuclear War book and The Israel Lobby. Overshoot is also a must-read, as are The Club of Rome publications. I read books to better understand the preconditions and context of current events and global challenges. Nate has good guests.
Thank you for having this podcast. I have realized the decline of this country for years. This information has been coming out since the 2020 election. I hear with my own ears the lies that are so obvious to any who research these destructive events. I’m 79 years old, and have witnessed the destruction of our country because of selfish and greedy political actions. I pray for the awakening of the soul of America. Our immigrants also deserve an opportunity to thrive and live free. God Bless the People of the United States of America. Thanks 😎
Soon to be 81, and deeply resonate with your comment. I was born in a vastly different country of which I was proud to say that I was an American. I don’t say that any longer. All I can do is weep for what has been lost.
We are not allowed to expose what the criminals we supposedly voted for, are doing. Meanwhile they are allowed to watch our every move. Maybe that's the only "power" we will ever have. We might as well be Cattle, while calling the situation "democracy". Getting rid of AIPAC would change all this. Vote for a (bullet proof) Jill Stein.
One of the things that woke me up to imperialism/neoliberalism in modern world was "Dr. Shock and Mr. Aid," a critical study of none other than Jeffrey Sachs! I support the redemption arc, now he's one of the only institutionally prestigious voices who makes any sense in 2024...
Much of that stuff stems from the US's so called left's legendary and notorious apathy and total disinterest and total illiteracy in economics. The US left is highly prone to conspiracy theory in the domain of economics because it's a subject they have zero understanding of, and no interest in. Especially macro. IMO it demonstrates that at a fundamental level, they aren't much different from the right. The so called American left doesn't even understand the difference between monetary policy aka macroeconomics aka what Jeff does and fiscal policy aka what the "shock doctrine" was. They have little to do with each other directly, beyond the indirect implications of trade policy.
Aye. I won't forget that his "recover plans" in Russia were neo-liberal asset stripping and a fire sale. But I bet much appreciate his voice for peace.
@@GabrielHellborne Wrong. Another genius that doesn't know the difference between fiscal and monetary policy. The things you described are not even in the domain of economics Jeffery works in. Do you even understand what macroeconomics is? Of course you don't. I'd bet you could name the judged on American idol though, couldn't you?
keeping the country and the world on a permanent war footing is good business. Just ask Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Ratheon, Carlysle group etc. This was a great interview, thanks Nate !!!
@@jennybleasdale1815Every airline of any country that purchase Boeing planes is an accomplice of the USA's international wars of terror and intimidations
Up above, someone spoke of supporting Sachs' 'redemption arc'. The redemption arc, that's very well described and politely said. For those who have come late to Sachs' 'arc', he was a leader of the Harvard Boys in the late 80s and 90s who aimed to transform Russia's economy into a neoliberal heaven with privatized everything. Sachs special contribution was 'shock therapy'. The disaster that followed turned a sympathetic business community against the US version of neoliberal capitalism. And it crushed the average person's trust in the western model, which contributed to the rise of Putin. Obviously Sachs has seen the error of his ways. And I'm glad to see his new 'arc' because he still (somehow) has an international voice, and he's now telling an essential story that needs to be told. Yes, the essential story is the subject of the talk, that the US state department is deeply responsible for the great nuclear danger that we are in now. I liked the talk very much, I just thought his story should not be forgotten.
You are a Naomi Klein fan. I read the same viewpoint in her writings. Sachs has addressed this but is kind to Klein. He says - in effect - "Naomi and I disagree on some things."
sachs defend his invovlment and soemhow all are at fault but him. he is pro chinise now and contrarian whcih are in fact paid well whcih is thing he llikes.
Prof. Sachs wasn't involved in that. His work was to try to get financial aid, that is loans, to remedy the catastrophic financial situation the USSR was right before and after it's dissolution.
@@mave2207 lolz....No he was invovled and made thigns 100 times worse.he now cooperte for chinise ,use his sotry playng dumb for millions of lives he destroyed.
@@TacticalMayo WAR IS A RACKET - by General Smedley Butler War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.
The alternative is unthinkable, but then, there are a lot of people who don’t think or won’t think or can’t think. That’s what got us here… a dozy nation who has not held its self-serving leaders’ feet to the fire, has not invested care or attention to hold deceitful and corrupt leadership accountable, and sent them packing. Do it now!
Living as I now do in London, I'd say Nate was being kind to the US by saying it's reputation was a 'bit tarnished'. It's becoming positively repulsive. Whatever 'soft power' it had, it's thrown away over the past three decades. To continue saying 'Don't look up!', will lead to utter disaster. The US loves to say its actions are 'sending a message', to whoever. But the US is being sent lots of messages from others - which it's either unaware of, or simply shrugs and dismisses. Also, much of the world is finding ways of dispensing with the 'indispensable nation'.
Hats off for the bravery and wisdom of Dr. Sachs. In the times when media is made to zombie the soul, his bravery and clarity deserves a Nobel Peace Prize.
Nuclear risks and the concept of the 'end of empire' are deeply intertwined in the current geopolitical landscape. The potential for nuclear conflict remains one of the most pressing existential threats, and as global power structures shift, the dynamics that once defined empires are evolving in unpredictable ways. The era of traditional empires, marked by territorial conquests and overt dominance, has given way to new forms of competition-economic, technological, and ideological where power is wielded through strategic alliances, military posturing, and control over critical resources. The end of empire, in this context, is not just about the decline of individual nations or states but a transformation in the way power is distributed and exercised on the global stage. The rise of multipolarity, characterized by the emergence of new powers such as China and a more assertive Russia, challenges the unipolar world order that the U.S. maintained post-Cold War. This shift introduces complexities where traditional alliances are tested, and nuclear arsenals continue to act as powerful deterrents. Nuclear risks amplify these complexities, as the stakes are no longer just about regional conflicts or military superiority but about the very survival of humanity. The potential for miscalculation or accidental escalation makes managing these risks essential. In an era where empires are more likely to crumble not through warfare but through economic stagnation, internal strife, or strategic missteps, the nuclear question looms large. It compels world leaders to prioritize diplomacy and arms control agreements to prevent a catastrophic breakdown of order. The end of empire, therefore, could signify a shift toward more cooperative forms of power-sharing, where mutual interests in security, sustainability, and economic stability are prioritized over dominance. It challenges us to envision a world where leadership is less about imposing will and more about finding common ground to ensure peace and mitigate the risks of nuclear confrontation. Ultimately, addressing nuclear risks in the age of shifting empires requires global cooperation and a commitment to shared responsibility. The future of international relations and the survival of civilizations may hinge on whether nations can move beyond power struggles and focus on building a framework that promotes stability, reduces nuclear stockpiles, and prevents the catastrophic consequences of a potential nuclear conflict.
Americans always say they're above international laws and that their constitution is their highest law. Peace isn't valuable to them and they're free to war whenever they like. Feelings about these things are the highest authority for such people. They like saying no to cooperation.
Yes the US extradites suspects from all over the world especially those exposing so called secrets. But yet the US does not reciprocate or conform to international laws. There appears no incentive to actually reveal truth and be transparent.
Excellent interview. It's so refreshing to hear the discourse of "thinking people" in a period when so many are willfully oblivious to our precarious existence.
@@TacticalMayo When you come to understand that thermal nuclear war means the end of life on this planet, then you wont care about his political leaning, his sexual preference, his nationality, or what he had for breakfast. But for what it's worth, that is not what he said.
I had never thought as much(as today) at how significant the CIA affects domestic and international policy. It comes from a lack of comfort and constant paranoia toward foreign powers so when the option could be on the table to get along, we invest in military. Unless our president can actually command the full system at his disposal the CIA will really run foreign policy from the standpoint of legacy paranoias.
Thanks Nate, I like Jeff and subscribe to most of his views regarding nuclear war and the need for global institutions. I do however believe that he is a bit too optimistic regarding the current global climate crisis and excessive population crisis we are experiencing. I think the world’s carrying capacity for humans is definitely not 9-10 billion. I believe it is a lot less to maintain a viable ecosystem. Thanks for having him on this platform
Depends on the lifestyle. 10 billion with US lifestyle could not happen, but with some decent compromise I think it's doable. Also, population will not stabilise, it will decrease after, if developing countries reach birth rates of developed ones.
I agree. That was the one point in the interview where I thought he was maybe not that well-informed. Nate let it go, though. That's probably a good host dynamic.
G'day Nate First-time listener to your program and found you as a consequence of me being a huge follower of Prof Jeffrey Sachs. Prof Sachs has irrufutable life experience and respect the vast majority of U.S. political elite can only fantasise having. Prof Sachs has seen the inner-working of the discusting U.S. political system, which I have come to heed. Looking forward to your near future interviews with Prof Sachs. Regards
Professor Sachs if anyone is interested he has a free to study course if you don't feel the need for an accreditation certificate on the subject of Sustainability on one of the major mooc providers. It's a fabulous course, he's a marvellous academic. ❤
11:15 Hm. I live in Lithuania. This year we commemorated 20 years since joining NATO. A documentary was shown about the negotiations. It was explicitly said there that US didn't want Baltic States to join, but they were ultimately convinced. From our point of view, it made complete sense to have security guarantees after 50 years of occupation (and many more years in the deeper past).
My common complaint is that the 3 major nuclear power nations have the worst political systems. Military power and investment in weaponry takes money from peaceful endeavors. But in 2000 there was both ample interest in increasing global trade as well as reducing terrorism. Although fighting terrorism created cooperation channels, it was used in USA and Russia to reduce freedoms and increase surveillance. What are the major differences between previous Lithuania and later Lithuania?
@@jamesmedina2062 As with the other NATO states they would have had to spend a fortune on upgrading their military equipment to NATO specs, to the benefit of the MIC.
@@jamesmedina2062 Wasn’t sure when I posted my previous comment but a quick check confirmed that they now have a U.S. military base. Another outpost of empire.
And now you are part of EUSSR, you have less sovereignity under Brussels than you had under Moscow. You are part of western version of Warsaw pact and you have western version of Red army bases in your country. With DCA in place, you do not have any say what US military does in your country, just like you were not able to control red army. You just went from being a client state of the east to the client state of the west. Only 13 years of "sovereignity" and even then, you were mostly controlled by foreign handlers. And no, the situation in Finland is now just as bad. But we were a pretty sovereign state for 70 years.
Looking at the aggression the Baltic states have shown to Russis always escalating The possibility of war it's no surprise Russia did not trust the Baltic states with their Fascist inclination.
Finkelstein ? Dunno... I agree with him in spirit, but he is very disrespectful towards his oponents, especially in a debate. On the issue of Palestine, two people I respect the most are Rashid Khalidi and Gideon Levy.
Would Nate and his guests be able to produce and host The Great Simplification podcasts from inside Russia or China? How about inside another NATO country besides the US?
Key issueS💡 1."It's Not 'anti-American'... it's Anti-M.I.C." 2. "It is Not costly to be PEACEful !"🗽 3. "Is a matter for the American People, Not for a few people in the 'Security (State')" !!!🧐 and (for those too bize🙃) starting at min. 33:...
I am missing reflections on what this "America first" stance means for the rest of the world. The US has gone into agreements in the past, such as the "Budapest Memorandum", where they guaranteed that Ukraine is protected if they give away their nuclear warheads. The Ukrainians were so naive to believe the guarantees (and I don't mean this in a derogatory way, I think they believed that they contribute to a better world, against all "game theory"), and to be fair, it's not only the Russians that betrayed them, but also those Americans and Europeans than now lament about peace without considering the consequences (Putin is NOT a poor little man that has been driven into a corner by the almighty west; much of this is due to his doing. Riding with this gaslighting victim-mentality - of Putin - and thereby facilitating it, is called "flying monkey" in psychology). This peace talk sounds like a pretense, to all eastern Europeans, plausible deniability to be able to pull out without having to admit that they don't give a flying F about anybody other than the US, and especially not some "province" in Europe. Any peace-talks hinge on the willingness of Putin and his pals to end this; and have to be seen in the grander scheme that has been outlined by Putin in several public speeches (and obviously also the secret agenda on "our" side). As I don't know this person, I can't judge whether they are simply naive about the consequences of their words and claims, or (as a professor) do know about all of it and are extremely dishonest (and in fact a shill; because let's be honest, if you hear so often that you're a shill that you have to publicly announce you're none, maybe you need to think about your stance, not about how wrong everybody except you is). Now punishing Ukraine - by wanting not to help any more than in a way that extends this unnecessarily, or not at all - after they contributed to the goal he supposedly has, leads me to a certain conclusion though. Btw: Nice Samovar you got there, Евгений.
Great Video!!!!!!!!!! I would love to see a part 2 too of this great talk!! And see and hear Jeffreys answers on the questions you mentioned!! Good work, keep on going!!!
Thanks Nate once again you have a great guest on your show. I clicked on this video as fast as I saw it not waiting for a time when I knew I could watch the entire thing for sure.
I really appreciate this conversation because I'm very interested in geopolitics as I am in the ecosystem and resources. I hope you do a talk that is able to go deeper. Jeff Sachs is a courageous and brilliant man, and I would like to hear his responses to issues you've researched and discussed about peak oil, resource depletion etc. The combination of geopolitics, peak oil and resource depletion is so important and if anyone knows of any other podcast that intelligently focuses on this, please reply!
Nate finally gets to the crux of the matter at 47:00. The US is NOT going to get out of this mess because it would require reducing the 200,000 kcal/day to a reasonable level. This in itself would collapse the US economy. And most Americans will go right along with collapse rather than a simpler lifestyle.
#54&9 Harris-Walz promised Minority 'Equity' Reparations combined with Fed ' Easy Al' fintech bloat-fest will serve to INCREASE the energy burnrate. Then by flying 18,000,000 3W Net Zero aliens into US energy culture, *illegals are increasing CO2 by 45 MEGATONS a year.* There won't be a Green Hemp Eet Zee Vegan Redemption. AI alone will increase the energy demand by ~43% by 2030. So what?
@@SSoF-07y08z LOL Even the thin ones consumer too much. It sounds even worse if you convert to kilojoules. Then the affluent Amerikans are consuming 837,000 kj/day/ca. We cut our per capita energy consumption in half by moving to France. It's cheaper too! We were land poor in the US so we did like other farmers and cashed out our sweat equity and moved to a cheaper place.
I think Jeffrey Sachs has as much or more to learn from Nate than Nate has to learn from Mr. Sachs. I literally almost choked on my gum when he glossed over limits to growth and material constraints as if these were some sort of stupid childish ideas. I found his presentation to be intriguing and there was quite a bit of internal logic to it, but I found that it kind of put me to sleep intellectually. They were just too many easy answers for what are some of the most wicked problems we have ever faced. I had just earlier today listened to a two hour discussion from Dr. William Rees. These two world views and understanding of reality are not completely opposed but are not even in the same neighborhood. I do appreciate Mr Sachs’ drive to make the world a better place, his inclination toward cooperation rather than conflict. If we could just get him to go through the Online course, reality 101, I think it would be amazing accomplishment. If we could just convert all the neoliberal economists to environmental economics perhaps we don’t have to convince everybody in the world that there are limits to growth, but if somehow we could overturn the economics departments where this religion of endless growth is taught, perhaps that would be helpful
Dang! The naiveté of Nate blew my mind. I'm a big fan of Nate. Nate, here are some names to augment your knowledge; Kishore Mahbubani, George Yeo, Shahid Bolsen (Middle Nation), Peter Chang, research associate at Malaysia-China Friendship Association... there are many more. None of it propaganda. All of it academic, first person experiential. Thank you for bringing Jeffrey Sachs onto your program. Some 12 yrs ago I took his class on Sustainability at Columbia. A profound learning experience. Have followed Professor Sachs ever since. Best wishes.
In 1987, my parents flew to England for a vacation. They met people from all over the world, the United Statians wearing Canadian flag lapel pins, because they said the United Statians were not so welcome there.
Nate, could you organize a 4 way debate on the topic of Ukraine with Timothy Snyder and Stephen Kotkin on one side and Jeffrey Sachs and John Mearsheimer on another ? They have enough interviews, so their position is clear. The interesting thing would be to see those positions challenged. I think the truth lies somewhere in between.
I think you are an idiot if you think someone from the Hoover intuition is going to tell you the truth about anything. Carry on admiring charlatans and paid liars. Also I highly doubt either of guys would enter a venue where their absurd counter factual ideologically held views can be challenged. They're not really into that. They're into their elite echo chambers. JM on other hand lives for having his views challenged. I think it's self-evident that if you don't understand how US foreign policy works by now then you are never going to get there. Nothing about the Ukraine situation is any different from any of other foreign policy fiascos of the US in the last half century plus.
Yes the truth lies somewhere between Kotkim and Snyder that is. Funny you mention Mearsheimer because he was the fist person I thought about when i heard this one. baffling, I do wonder how they keep any cred in their careers 🤯
@@Bultish All 4 of them are intelligent and well spoken. When you listen to them alone, their points make sense, in one way or another. That's why I want to see their postions being challenged.
Thank you for this wonderful discussion. At 78 I have a bit more wisdom than in 1965 when my friends started going to Vietnam and never coming back. ❤America seems to be a country of adult kindergarteners who must control everything and everyone and take all the money for themselves. End of story. Until we start growing loving children who grow up that way we won’t have a functional world.🌈🇺🇸🐾🐾🎵🎶🙏😇🤠💚
He might want to read Vaclav Smil . Namibia killed 83 elephants to feed people and reduce conflict, what did he say about carrying capacity and biodiversity? Most think biodiversity is fulfilled as long as there are a few hundred of a species is still roaming about, in 1500, there were more than 25 million African elephants, but by 1900 that number had dropped to about 10 million. By 1979, the population had fallen to 1.3 million, and by the mid-1990s, it was below 300,000. Today, there are approximately 415,000 African elephants left in the world. I do appreciate what he says about peace, no war, no nuclear.
errr … who’s your neighbours ? america invaded korea, vietnam, cambodia, iraq twice, afghanistan, most of south america, syria, yugoslavia, libya and certain african countries …. are any of these the USA’s neighbours ? the death toll over 70 years is over 6 million - ain’t that genocide ?
Surprised at Jeffrey Sachs statement that our planet could support 10.5 billion people. The Earth had already surpassed its carrying capacity for humans even before reaching one billion.
There are very few people, and even fewer leaders, who are open to even considering what is good and right for the earth beyond her ability to support as many humans as possible. Ecological overshoot is the #1 blind spot.
Based on unsustainable lifestyles 10.5 billion might seem unrealistic. But it's a perfectly plausible number if we gave up these lifestyles m manufactured to support consumerism in the interest of enriching and empowering a few at the expense of the many!
Too much power makes people believe they are wise. They forget about the principles involved and begin to experiment. Disaster always follows because the system is complex.
Tristan Harris, in an AI context, said this: "There is a saying that with great power comes great responsibility. Well, in reality, with great power comes no responsibility." It applies here perfectly.
@@jamesmedina2062 Experiment with social dynamics. The ability to implement social change will create a large amount of bad policies. There are many more ways to be disordered than ordered. There are many more ways to be unethical than ethical. There are many more ways to be foolish than wise. There are many more ways to be incompetent than competent.
I bought a Geiger counter today. Fortunately it's pretty uneventful. I had radiation and they told me that I have to stay away from radiation. So I will. Wish I never did it in the first place.
In reading Poland 1939, a war history of Germany’s invasion of Poland, opening WWII, one learns just how despicable Hitler and Stalin were. The cocktail of reality regarding the USSR is messy, just as the cocktails of Western motivations. People die to oligarchy, that’s the high order bit of foreign relations.
I am 76-years old today, so I've lived through a lot of crises, from the assassination of JFK and RFK, to the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, to the peace demonstrations of the 1960's. *But at no time were we EVER as close to nuclear annihilation as we are right now.* So let me take you down Memory Lane for a moment, just to remark on how the warmongers and neocons have labeled those who were against war and stood up for peace, often at the risk of their own lives. In the 1950's, we were called "Peaceniks," a take off on the term, "Beatniks," a group of young visionaries who rejected mainstream American culture and held to more artistic pursuits. Then in the 1960's came the "Hippies," those who also abhorred war of any kind. Which brings us to today, where anyone who is against war, especially atomic war, is labeled either "Anti-American," or "a Conspiracy Theorist." These terms, used to denigrate anyone that questions the violent means the government employs for no other reason but their own, unfortunately still exist today. The only thing that has changed is the verbiage, but the sentiment remains the same: "WAR IS NOT HEALTHY FOR ANY LIVING THING."
Although Dr. Sachs understands more about the proximate drivers of the current conflicts than just about anyone else, I don't think he has a good handle on the ultimate causes because of his background in neoclassical economics.
No MAD!!! ( Mutually Assured Destruction for our younger viewers) We are 90 seconds to Midnight!! Humanity Better get a grip!!I am 62 years old and I am damned if I am going out this way!! 😮😮😮
Quite so, the current, Cold War II situation is worse than Cold War I and the Cuban missile crisis. We seem to be sleepwalking into disaster, with the US approving the use of, Long range Cruise missiles inside Russia. We need all the voices of reason & peace possible, amidst all this madness...
For the USA IT IS imperative that no Eurasian challenger emerges capable of dominating Eurasia and thus of also challenging America - Zbignew Brzezinski
Professor Sachs is such a brilliant person. He is both knowledgeable and intellectually honest. He has many optimistic approaches to solving complicated issue and relationships on a global level! Great interview by the way!
Nate Hagens and Jeffrey Sachs are at their best. This interview should be seen by absolutely everyone. There is only one planet, and we are risking it entirely.
36: Orwellian is the right idea, but the wrong reference. In 1984 books are banned, in Huxley's Brave New World information is abundant but people have been put off reading. I think Huxley got it right. The strange thing about our modernity is that IT that was supposed to facilitate communication and the dissemination of information has had the opposite effect. We communicate less, and have given up on meaningful reading.
My mother's city was liberated by the US army. She was there on the street, with hundreds of thousands of others waving at them. None were forced to do so. Many women kissed and even pashed the soldiers. Soldiers threw lollies and chocolate to the crowd who hadn't seen such luxury in four years. My mother's cousin was 'liberated' from his POW camp in east Germany by the Russian army. They replaced the German guards and proceeded to steal at gun point the few possessions the prisoners had been able to keep, like watches. They killed and raped German civilians in plain view of the POWs. The Poles and the Ukrainians are petrified of the Russians. The US did not engineer their desire to join the camp of Western so-called democracies. The Ukrainian struggle has nothing to do with American designs.
Living in the past,it's 2024.There is no more red army.The USA stole California Arizona new Mexico, Nevada,parts of don't hear the present government of Mexico crying 😭 about it
It's a lie. The Red army was meet with flowers too. The difference is that Nazis didn't kill 27 mln people including 17 mln civilians in USA. And USA saved these Nazis in their country. Read something about raped women in the Western Germany and stop this propaganda about the Red Army.At least the rapes were forbidden in the Red Army unlike in the German army where soldiers were allowed to do whatever they wanted.
The Red army was meet with flowers too. The difference is that Nazis didn't kill 27 mln people including 17 mln civilians in the USA like they done in the USSR. And USA saved these Nazis in their country. Read something about raped women in the Western Germany and stop this propaganda about the Red Army. At least the rapes were forbidden in the Red Army unlike in the German army where soldiers were allowed to do whatever they wanted in the USSR.
my wife and i have been in south east asia for like 2 months.. talking to people all over the social economic spectrum.. alot of em are like wtf is going on in your country.. why are you trying to fight so much when you cant even fix your own house..
I lived in Thailand for a few years in the 80s. As luck would have it I knew the head of the US consulate over that time. Ed Werly or something like that. In any case I'm glad to hear that many appear to have finally ignored the US lies and propaganda spread on their/US media.. What the US did to Thailand through the 70-90s is just another In a long list of crimes against humanity!
Because we want global conquest FIRST!
YES China China China..USA sucks..we looking to better leadership from China👍👍👍
As comrade Stalin once stated
- Foreign policy is a question of utmost importance for internal politics
Not a mentally ill and corrupted politician whose own sons are also criminals
As as an old man I perpetually muse about all the wondrous things that might have been accomplished if America had not spent so much time, money and effort towards destructive pursuits, and had, instead applied them to mutually-beneficial, life-enhancing endeavors. The deaths and material wastage that American Government has been responsible for since the end of WWII is shocking and shameful. It is a direct refutation of all the noble ideals that America purports to stand for. The national cognitive dissonance that is required for such hypocrisy to prevail is as disturbing as our current geo-political lunacy. Israel and Gaza are festering wounds created by small-minded men, not by wise diplomats or concerned citizens like Dr. Sachs and Nate Hagens.
Well said Sir.
If you are wondering what that could have looked like look at China now.
History of Israel/Palestine goes much deeper than that.
@@heidi22209very well said i concur.
Talk about the Vatican !
Prof. Sachs is a wise, prudent man.
ask russians in 90s.
There in the world satanists read Shakespeare who all through out history spread corruption
This was excellent. Well done getting Sachs on, Nate. Don't sweat the backlash.
You can't
Oi mate are you still alive? 😅 Where's your interviews? Jk mate, have a good one I really enjoyed your interviews while you were doing them
@@ziggyfrnds Thank you, friend. I gave them a break because I did not think I was adding value to the world, highlighting problems without (offering) solutions. Appreciate your comment.
Once again, the sincere search for truth and wisdom, whether it concerns geo-political anxieties or ecological conundrums, that the Great Simplification continually represents is a an oasis of sanity amidst a growingly disconcerting world. Dr. Sachs is a brilliant, benign and well-informed expert in the fields of economics and geopolitics. I am thrilled and grateful that you have chosen to feature him. I hope that you will have him back soon and often. There is no hate in this video. Both Jeffrey and Nate wants the best for the American people.
I agree with Prof. Sachs and I consider myself a 72 year old patriot. The empire building has only made America more dysfunctional and more corrupt, not the thing for a functional republic. critical about the U.S. geopolitical misguided ambitions does not one a hater.
Perhaps you need to research some of the things he’s talking about as your blind defense seems to put you in a “see no criticism, hear no criticism, speak no criticism” bubble of reality.
His criticism is well informed over a 35+ yrs in geopolitics I don’t think that’s what’s doing. He’s on a time limited show discussing broad scope issues so that limits the depth and detail of the various issues in the discussion. I’ve been follows prof Sachs for years Xi when you add up the things he has discussed you get a more complete picture of the depth & richness of the information he’s discussing. He’s a brilliant thinker and analyst of events and their history. Criticism is not about hate it’s about observations/analysis of things. In the case of the U.S. it is well deserved. Google the Full Spectrum Dominance doctrine originally written by Zionist Paul Wolferitz, then later expanded on by the Zionist neo-cons of early 90s Washington. This doctrine has been in place and followed since Clinton and every president since (congress was bought up by Zionist neo-cons/ AIPAC) all these wars the U.S. has been manipulated into by Zionist Israel (who now have full control of our U.S. government).
The coming WW3 is part 3 of the Zionist global expansion that started with WW1. Zionist are the new world order globalist and “Full Spectrum Dominance” is the Zionist doctrine.
The world’s conflicts/wars are between Zionist globalists and the non-Zionists world.
Google: Al Jazeera article:
Zelenski wants to turn Ukraine into a giant Israel. He has signed I’ve a half trillion $$ contract with BLACKROCK (world biggest richest organization led by all Zionists loyal to Zionist Israel). Look up Israel’s ambition of not just the Greater Israel ambition but also to turn Europe/Eastern Europe/Russia into a modern day Zionist Bolshevik world. They already taken over the U.S. and couple nations in South America.
“Full Spectrum Dominance” a Zionist global plantation where they own/ control and claim possession of the entire earth, resources, governments, goals of eradicating (genocide) large swaths of humanity.
Russia/ China/ Iran and now nations in Africa that are breaking free of colonization. both wars were manipulated by and instigated by Anglo-Euro Zionist (Russia/Bolsheviks, Belgium, France, Great Britain and Serbia) had lined up against Austria-Hungary and Germany (non-Zionist states) Germany being the biggest target (its size and industrial wealth).
Hitler rose to power because he promised to reclaim Germany’s greatness and stop the taking over by euro-Anglo Zionists who were pillaging Germany of all its wealth and power to govern itself. WW2 was to stop Hitler from stopping the “Zionization” of Europe/Russia (eastern USSR/ Bolshevik Zionists)
Exactly what’s happening today (WW3) of turning Ukraine (then with ambitions to turn other regional state nations into Zionist governments) the greater New Khazaria Zionist empire that includes the greater Israel Middle East (which IDF uniforms already have a shoulder patch outlining this.
All three of these WWs go back to the Talmud teachings that (Zionist) Jews are entitled to own the earth and non-Jew people are slaves to serve their interests.
Full Spectrum Dominance” is about that and it was written by Nazi-Zionists Paul Wolferitz who was involved along with other Zionists in 9/11, Iraq invasion, Syria Lebanon, Egypt’s color revolution, now instigating Iran.
The Zionists neo-cons (VP Biden/Nuland) instigated orchestrated organized funded Ukraine’s color revolution coup and installing a cooperative puppets government, which led to Zelenski (Zionist Jew).
They’re hoping the U.S. proxy wars (Ukraine/Russia, Israel/Iran, coming China/Taiwan) are all aimed if weakening any serious challengers from their “Full Spectrum Dominance” doctrine
im 60 years old and i never heard any man more peace loving than this man, God bless hope to see you in heaven you are my hero, thank you you are an angel and a true warrior for peace, what a great american
The difference between Prof Jeffrey Sachs and Prof John Mearsheimer is that Prof Sachs love humanity and peace for the world....certainly no such crappy stuff like " offensive realism" and rejoicing in it. One could almost touch the fire of outrage that Prof Sachs talks about the blatant and the horrendous acts committed by the US government these past 80 years. God bless the good Professor! May he be in good health and continue to warn us of the danger ahead.
@@iwanagohome326 I think that’s harsh on Mearsheimer. I think he just believes that that’s what great powers always do, not that he rejoices in it. History would tend to support his view unfortunately.
@@tonyclayton6975Spot on.
- John Mearsheimer's point of view: Evil never disciplines itself, imperialism and militarism never discipline itself, and the infinite desires of evil will inevitably lead to war.
- Jeffrey Sachs's point of view: When evil realizes that it may have to pay an unbearable price (nuclear war), evil will have to start to discipline itself. First of all, stop emphasizing freedom, give up those evil desires that you are unable to realize, and do self-management and self-adjustment.
- Mao Zedong's point of view (1953): "The U.S. imperialists are very arrogant. Wherever it can be unreasonable, it must be unreasonable. When it begins to abide by morality and justice, it must have been forced to do it."
That’s an unfair comment. Professor Mearsheimer has always said that he approaches great power rivalry with pragmatism but he’s never said that he approves of this rivalry. He has countless times denounced war and has shown compassion for those who have needlessly fallen or for those who suffer.
Jeff Sachs has intimate knowledge of our geopolitical world by virtue of direct contact with world leaders and movers and shakers. He has a unique vantage point that we all should take seriously and benefit from. He also speaks clearly and plainly about modern history's complex international matters.
GREAT get Nate. You gotta get him on again to explain the actual history in the run up to the Ukraine war debacle.
We don't agree with Jeffrey Sachs at all in the west
@@TacticalMayo What a strange comment, there are plenty in the west who agree with him.
@@antonyjh1234he’s a bot who doesn’t know me ch.
@@TacticalMayoWho’s we?
@@TacticalMayoMr. Sachs is 💯 correct
Blessed are the peacemakers..... Prof Jeffrey Sachs, you are one.
Beautifully put! 🙏🏾👏🏽
Our elites are called billionaires. Their elites are called oligarchs.
Watching this now. THRILLED that you snagged a Jeffrey Sachs interview!!!
It is disappointing: The USA does not back up the UN with the genocide & Israel gets exception from any nuclear regulation.
will we ever learn who gave him the samovar ? ♥
@@CarolPrice4p He's well-traveled, maybe he just bought it
Why put this guy on ? He is a nutcase. For the last 10 years he has lost it. He is still going around saying that the west promised Gorbachev that NATO would not expand east and this has been thoroughly been debunked. He is now spouting garbage on top of garbage.
Edit , I just listened more to this video and he said it , he repeated the garbage I just mentioned. The meeting with Gorbachev was about East Germany unifying with West Germany and the NATO equipment and West German infrastructure was not to expand other than into East Germany. That is it. But France and other countries NATO equipment could expand into Poland etc. They also didn't want the West German NATO to expand eastward past East Germany, ie if Germany regained any land it lost in WW2 , that the West German NATO would not expand. During this meeting , no one could imagine that the Soviet Union would collapse so the expansion of NATO eastward was a non topic. Where would NATO expand to except the whole Soviet Union.
Jeffrey Sachs has got a screw loose.
On top of all said, nothing ever got put into writing and it could have. The Soviets were anal about putting everything into writing and this "NATO not expanding" was in a note and these notes were more or less ideas being floated around in a large discussion.
Bold move. Going beyond and against all the endless media (and US government) propaganda.
Yes, I read the Nuclear War book and The Israel Lobby. Overshoot is also a must-read, as are The Club of Rome publications. I read books to better understand the preconditions and context of current events and global challenges. Nate has good guests.
I will show you the way so you do not have to dig:
Those who control Eurasia control the World
@@geoeconomics5629 Excellent reference and quote. Indeed. The Great Game.
what a noble human you are and i appreciate you
Thank you for having this podcast. I have realized the decline of this country for years. This information has been coming out since the 2020 election. I hear with my own ears the lies that are so obvious to any who research these destructive events. I’m 79 years old, and have witnessed the destruction of our country because of selfish and greedy political actions. I pray for the awakening of the soul of America. Our immigrants also deserve an opportunity to thrive and live free. God Bless the People of the United States of America. Thanks 😎
Soon to be 81, and deeply resonate with your comment. I was born in a vastly different country of which I was proud to say that I was an American. I don’t say that any longer. All I can do is weep for what has been lost.
Julian was released upon admittance that journalism is a criminal offence under US espionage act. Thank-you Stella for redemption.
We are not allowed to expose what the criminals we supposedly voted for, are doing.
Meanwhile they are allowed to watch our every move. Maybe that's the only "power" we will ever have. We might as well be Cattle, while calling the situation "democracy".
Getting rid of AIPAC would change all this. Vote for a (bullet proof) Jill Stein.
One of the things that woke me up to imperialism/neoliberalism in modern world was "Dr. Shock and Mr. Aid," a critical study of none other than Jeffrey Sachs! I support the redemption arc, now he's one of the only institutionally prestigious voices who makes any sense in 2024...
Much of that stuff stems from the US's so called left's legendary and notorious apathy and total disinterest and total illiteracy in economics. The US left is highly prone to conspiracy theory in the domain of economics because it's a subject they have zero understanding of, and no interest in. Especially macro. IMO it demonstrates that at a fundamental level, they aren't much different from the right. The so called American left doesn't even understand the difference between monetary policy aka macroeconomics aka what Jeff does and fiscal policy aka what the "shock doctrine" was. They have little to do with each other directly, beyond the indirect implications of trade policy.
Aye. I won't forget that his "recover plans" in Russia were neo-liberal asset stripping and a fire sale. But I bet much appreciate his voice for peace.
@@GabrielHellborne Wrong. Another genius that doesn't know the difference between fiscal and monetary policy. The things you described are not even in the domain of economics Jeffery works in. Do you even understand what macroeconomics is? Of course you don't. I'd bet you could name the judged on American idol though, couldn't you?
@@TimJohnson-x1o Do you honestly expect any answer besides "fuck off" after you approach me like this?
So that's how you became a tankie?
keeping the country and the world on a permanent war footing is good business. Just ask Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Ratheon, Carlysle group etc. This was a great interview, thanks Nate !!!
@@mpetry912 and General Dynamics
the so called military industrial complex is 20 places down the list of companies like apple, google etc etc..
@@mpetry912 general dynamics
@@jennybleasdale1815Every airline of any country that purchase Boeing planes is an accomplice of the USA's international wars of terror and intimidations
I’ve never seen your podcast before, I’m here for Jeff, but I’m amazed by how many times he has to say the same things over and OVER AGAIN!!
Mantra-like repetition so it penetrates our sub-conscience
He's so nice he says things twice😂
Up above, someone spoke of supporting Sachs' 'redemption arc'. The redemption arc, that's very well described and politely said. For those who have come late to Sachs' 'arc', he was a leader of the Harvard Boys in the late 80s and 90s who aimed to transform Russia's economy into a neoliberal heaven with privatized everything. Sachs special contribution was 'shock therapy'. The disaster that followed turned a sympathetic business community against the US version of neoliberal capitalism. And it crushed the average person's trust in the western model, which contributed to the rise of Putin. Obviously Sachs has seen the error of his ways. And I'm glad to see his new 'arc' because he still (somehow) has an international voice, and he's now telling an essential story that needs to be told. Yes, the essential story is the subject of the talk, that the US state department is deeply responsible for the great nuclear danger that we are in now. I liked the talk very much, I just thought his story should not be forgotten.
You are a Naomi Klein fan. I read the same viewpoint in her writings. Sachs has addressed this but is kind to Klein. He says - in effect - "Naomi and I disagree on some things."
sachs defend his invovlment and soemhow all are at fault but him.
he is pro chinise now and contrarian whcih are in fact paid well whcih is thing he llikes.
Prof. Sachs wasn't involved in that. His work was to try to get financial aid, that is loans, to remedy the catastrophic financial situation the USSR was right before and after it's dissolution.
lolz....No he was invovled and made thigns 100 times worse.he now cooperte for chinise ,use his sotry playng dumb for millions of lives he destroyed.
Having Jeffrey Sachs on your Podcast, was my reason to subscribe to your Channel.
❤❤Good Work Brother❤❤ Peace is the only option for Humanity
That's not an option at all.
@@TacticalMayo WAR IS A RACKET - by General Smedley Butler
War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.
@@TacticalMayo exactly, thats just hippie-talk
The alternative is unthinkable, but then, there are a lot of people who don’t think or won’t think or can’t think. That’s what got us here… a dozy nation who has not held its self-serving leaders’ feet to the fire, has not invested care or attention to hold deceitful and corrupt leadership accountable, and sent them packing. Do it now!
Thank you Nate (Dr Hagens). Thank you Dr Sachs.
Living as I now do in London, I'd say Nate was being kind to the US by saying it's reputation was a 'bit tarnished'. It's becoming positively repulsive. Whatever 'soft power' it had, it's thrown away over the past three decades. To continue saying 'Don't look up!', will lead to utter disaster. The US loves to say its actions are 'sending a message', to whoever. But the US is being sent lots of messages from others - which it's either unaware of, or simply shrugs and dismisses. Also, much of the world is finding ways of dispensing with the 'indispensable nation'.
Refreshing to hear assessments based on facts and meaningful experience. Thanks for this interview with Dr Sachs.
It's mostly leftist jargon.
You don’t listen well do you?
Hats off for the bravery and wisdom of Dr. Sachs. In the times when media is made to zombie the soul, his bravery and clarity deserves a Nobel Peace Prize.
Nuclear risks and the concept of the 'end of empire' are deeply intertwined in the current geopolitical landscape. The potential for nuclear conflict remains one of the most pressing existential threats, and as global power structures shift, the dynamics that once defined empires are evolving in unpredictable ways. The era of traditional empires, marked by territorial conquests and overt dominance, has given way to new forms of competition-economic, technological, and ideological where power is wielded through strategic alliances, military posturing, and control over critical resources.
The end of empire, in this context, is not just about the decline of individual nations or states but a transformation in the way power is distributed and exercised on the global stage. The rise of multipolarity, characterized by the emergence of new powers such as China and a more assertive Russia, challenges the unipolar world order that the U.S. maintained post-Cold War. This shift introduces complexities where traditional alliances are tested, and nuclear arsenals continue to act as powerful deterrents.
Nuclear risks amplify these complexities, as the stakes are no longer just about regional conflicts or military superiority but about the very survival of humanity. The potential for miscalculation or accidental escalation makes managing these risks essential. In an era where empires are more likely to crumble not through warfare but through economic stagnation, internal strife, or strategic missteps, the nuclear question looms large. It compels world leaders to prioritize diplomacy and arms control agreements to prevent a catastrophic breakdown of order.
The end of empire, therefore, could signify a shift toward more cooperative forms of power-sharing, where mutual interests in security, sustainability, and economic stability are prioritized over dominance. It challenges us to envision a world where leadership is less about imposing will and more about finding common ground to ensure peace and mitigate the risks of nuclear confrontation.
Ultimately, addressing nuclear risks in the age of shifting empires requires global cooperation and a commitment to shared responsibility. The future of international relations and the survival of civilizations may hinge on whether nations can move beyond power struggles and focus on building a framework that promotes stability, reduces nuclear stockpiles, and prevents the catastrophic consequences of a potential nuclear conflict.
Americans always say they're above international laws and that their constitution is their highest law. Peace isn't valuable to them and they're free to war whenever they like. Feelings about these things are the highest authority for such people. They like saying no to cooperation.
Yes the US extradites suspects from all over the world especially those exposing so called secrets. But yet the US does not reciprocate or conform to international laws. There appears no incentive to actually reveal truth and be transparent.
We don't have public debate But We do have JEFFREY SACHS 😊🙏🏻✌👍
Thank you Professor Sach! For peace!
at what cost?
Thank you for your excellent work.
The people in charge should be mature and seasoned, remembering the past and learning from it.
Excellent interview. It's so refreshing to hear the discourse of "thinking people" in a period when so many are willfully oblivious to our precarious existence.
He's a leftist. He's never was with the US. He said so
@@TacticalMayo When you come to understand that thermal nuclear war means the end of life on this planet, then you wont care about his political leaning, his sexual preference, his nationality, or what he had for breakfast. But for what it's worth, that is not what he said.
I had never thought as much(as today) at how significant the CIA affects domestic and international policy. It comes from a lack of comfort and constant paranoia toward foreign powers so when the option could be on the table to get along, we invest in military. Unless our president can actually command the full system at his disposal the CIA will really run foreign policy from the standpoint of legacy paranoias.
@@9squares no, not at all
The only thing he's thinking about is how much he's going to get paid by the Kremlin for spewing this nonsense.
This is one of the most important interviews you've done. Great job.
Thanks Nate, I like Jeff and subscribe to most of his views regarding nuclear war and the need for global institutions. I do however believe that he is a bit too optimistic regarding the current global climate crisis and excessive population crisis we are experiencing. I think the world’s carrying capacity for humans is definitely not 9-10 billion. I believe it is a lot less to maintain a viable ecosystem. Thanks for having him on this platform
As long as those world government bodies do not include WEF and WHO, at least in current form.
Depends on the lifestyle. 10 billion with US lifestyle could not happen, but with some decent compromise I think it's doable. Also, population will not stabilise, it will decrease after, if developing countries reach birth rates of developed ones.
I agree. That was the one point in the interview where I thought he was maybe not that well-informed. Nate let it go, though. That's probably a good host dynamic.
G'day Nate
First-time listener to your program and found you as a consequence of me being a huge follower of Prof Jeffrey Sachs.
Prof Sachs has irrufutable life experience and respect the vast majority of U.S. political elite can only fantasise having.
Prof Sachs has seen the inner-working of the discusting U.S. political system, which I have come to heed.
Looking forward to your near future interviews with Prof Sachs.
your work is great Nate 🌏☮
Sachs has true moral courage, he is very brave, doesn’t dance around issues or double talk.
Professor Sachs if anyone is interested he has a free to study course if you don't feel the need for an accreditation certificate on the subject of Sustainability on one of the major mooc providers. It's a fabulous course, he's a marvellous academic. ❤
Thank you for the info! If you provide us with a link, plenty of us will be thankful 🙏
@@mezigue31 YT spam detection doesn't like links. Lately, they started deleting comments with even links to YT videos.
@@Hexanitrobenzene this platform is hell…
@@maddywilcox9012 i found it on EDX « How to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals! »
Thanks for info. How to enrol?.
what a conversation this is! Hitler, Malthus, Darwin, Catholic Church quoted within a few minutes….Talk about circumspection!! Awesome!
Thanks jeff for your services
11:15 Hm. I live in Lithuania. This year we commemorated 20 years since joining NATO. A documentary was shown about the negotiations. It was explicitly said there that US didn't want Baltic States to join, but they were ultimately convinced.
From our point of view, it made complete sense to have security guarantees after 50 years of occupation (and many more years in the deeper past).
My common complaint is that the 3 major nuclear power nations have the worst political systems. Military power and investment in weaponry takes money from peaceful endeavors. But in 2000 there was both ample interest in increasing global trade as well as reducing terrorism. Although fighting terrorism created cooperation channels, it was used in USA and Russia to reduce freedoms and increase surveillance. What are the major differences between previous Lithuania and later Lithuania?
@@jamesmedina2062 As with the other NATO states they would have had to spend a fortune on upgrading their military equipment to NATO specs, to the benefit of the MIC.
@@jamesmedina2062 Wasn’t sure when I posted my previous comment but a quick check confirmed that they now have a U.S. military base. Another outpost of empire.
And now you are part of EUSSR, you have less sovereignity under Brussels than you had under Moscow. You are part of western version of Warsaw pact and you have western version of Red army bases in your country.
With DCA in place, you do not have any say what US military does in your country, just like you were not able to control red army.
You just went from being a client state of the east to the client state of the west. Only 13 years of "sovereignity" and even then, you were mostly controlled by foreign handlers.
And no, the situation in Finland is now just as bad. But we were a pretty sovereign state for 70 years.
Looking at the aggression the Baltic states have shown to Russis always escalating The possibility of war it's no surprise Russia did not trust the Baltic states with their Fascist inclination.
Thanks Nate, for having Sachs on. Norman Finkelstein would be great also.
Finkelstein ? Dunno... I agree with him in spirit, but he is very disrespectful towards his oponents, especially in a debate.
On the issue of Palestine, two people I respect the most are Rashid Khalidi and Gideon Levy.
@Hexanitrobenzene are you a manifest ugly destiny type? Hope you saw the presidential debate and thought the same about both candidates.
Would Nate and his guests be able to produce and host The Great Simplification podcasts from inside Russia or China? How about inside another NATO country besides the US?
Wonderful and timely discussion…. Thank you!
Fascinating and eye opening. Thanks again, Nate.
Brilliant work getting this incredible truth speaker on. Nice one Nate keep it up!
Key issueS💡
1."It's Not 'anti-American'... it's Anti-M.I.C."
2. "It is Not costly to be PEACEful !"🗽
3. "Is a matter for the American People, Not for a few people in the 'Security (State')" !!!🧐
and (for those too bize🙃) starting at min. 33:...
We don't see it like that in the United States. Jeffrey Sachs is a traitor.
I am missing reflections on what this "America first" stance means for the rest of the world. The US has gone into agreements in the past, such as the "Budapest Memorandum", where they guaranteed that Ukraine is protected if they give away their nuclear warheads. The Ukrainians were so naive to believe the guarantees (and I don't mean this in a derogatory way, I think they believed that they contribute to a better world, against all "game theory"), and to be fair, it's not only the Russians that betrayed them, but also those Americans and Europeans than now lament about peace without considering the consequences (Putin is NOT a poor little man that has been driven into a corner by the almighty west; much of this is due to his doing. Riding with this gaslighting victim-mentality - of Putin - and thereby facilitating it, is called "flying monkey" in psychology). This peace talk sounds like a pretense, to all eastern Europeans, plausible deniability to be able to pull out without having to admit that they don't give a flying F about anybody other than the US, and especially not some "province" in Europe. Any peace-talks hinge on the willingness of Putin and his pals to end this; and have to be seen in the grander scheme that has been outlined by Putin in several public speeches (and obviously also the secret agenda on "our" side).
As I don't know this person, I can't judge whether they are simply naive about the consequences of their words and claims, or (as a professor) do know about all of it and are extremely dishonest (and in fact a shill; because let's be honest, if you hear so often that you're a shill that you have to publicly announce you're none, maybe you need to think about your stance, not about how wrong everybody except you is). Now punishing Ukraine - by wanting not to help any more than in a way that extends this unnecessarily, or not at all - after they contributed to the goal he supposedly has, leads me to a certain conclusion though.
Btw: Nice Samovar you got there, Евгений.
No, it's anti-American and we're against it
Looking forward to this talk. Thanks for bringing on another great guest.
Great Video!!!!!!!!!!
I would love to see a part 2 too of this great talk!! And see and hear Jeffreys answers on the questions you mentioned!! Good work, keep on going!!!
The race is on, will we reset our selves before nature does it for us?
Yyyooo.... 🧠💣💥
We are part of nature, so it's the same thing.
@@original_poster 🧠💣💥
@@original_poster True
Thanks Nate once again you have a great guest on your show. I clicked on this video as fast as I saw it not waiting for a time when I knew I could watch the entire thing for sure.
I really appreciate this conversation because I'm very interested in geopolitics as I am in the ecosystem and resources. I hope you do a talk that is able to go deeper. Jeff Sachs is a courageous and brilliant man, and I would like to hear his responses to issues you've researched and discussed about peak oil, resource depletion etc. The combination of geopolitics, peak oil and resource depletion is so important and if anyone knows of any other podcast that intelligently focuses on this, please reply!
Nate finally gets to the crux of the matter at 47:00. The US is NOT going to get out of this mess because it would require reducing the 200,000 kcal/day to a reasonable level. This in itself would collapse the US economy. And most Americans will go right along with collapse rather than a simpler lifestyle.
So WW3 it is.
#54&9 Harris-Walz promised Minority 'Equity' Reparations combined with Fed ' Easy Al' fintech bloat-fest will serve to INCREASE the energy burnrate. Then by flying 18,000,000 3W Net Zero aliens into US energy culture, *illegals are increasing CO2 by 45 MEGATONS a year.* There won't be a Green Hemp Eet Zee Vegan Redemption. AI alone will increase the energy demand by ~43% by 2030.
So what?
Are you saying Americans are fat?…consuming too many calories?
@@SSoF-07y08z LOL Even the thin ones consumer too much. It sounds even worse if you convert to kilojoules. Then the affluent Amerikans are consuming 837,000 kj/day/ca. We cut our per capita energy consumption in half by moving to France. It's cheaper too! We were land poor in the US so we did like other farmers and cashed out our sweat equity and moved to a cheaper place.
Bravo Nate! I asked and you came through. Excellent podcast. I can’t wait for part two. (If we’re still around)
We won't be
@@TacticalMayo probably not. Insanity rules.
@@davehendricks4824 no this is just a classic case of Thucydide's trap that's all.
Thanks for SHOW and always great for People to hear Truth 🙏❤️
Everybody is so sick of war. The great majority in the world wants nothing but peace...thank you Mr. Sachs. We want Peace ✌️
Great geusts lately.
Thanks for one of the best and most underrated programs on this entire platform.
Such an excellent interview of Professor Jeffrey Sachs!!! Thanks a lot ! With the truth, we will have Peace ! ✌️
I think Jeffrey Sachs has as much or more to learn from Nate than Nate has to learn from Mr. Sachs. I literally almost choked on my gum when he glossed over limits to growth and material constraints as if these were some sort of stupid childish ideas. I found his presentation to be intriguing and there was quite a bit of internal logic to it, but I found that it kind of put me to sleep intellectually. They were just too many easy answers for what are some of the most wicked problems we have ever faced. I had just earlier today listened to a two hour discussion from Dr. William Rees. These two world views and understanding of reality are not completely opposed but are not even in the same neighborhood. I do appreciate Mr Sachs’ drive to make the world a better place, his inclination toward cooperation rather than conflict. If we could just get him to go through the Online course, reality 101, I think it would be amazing accomplishment. If we could just convert all the neoliberal economists to environmental economics perhaps we don’t have to convince everybody in the world that there are limits to growth, but if somehow we could overturn the economics departments where this religion of endless growth is taught, perhaps that would be helpful
Exactly this. Very different perspectives, but both want peace.
@@MilesTheTrainKid16 glad you’re more informed than Mr. Sachs.
If you don’t understand MIC and American hegemony none of that matters.
Sad as it is to say, EVERY human government has ALWAYS had special interests ahead of nations and peoples.
All the good ceeds that has done sachs matured in russian war.
Dang! The naiveté of Nate blew my mind. I'm a big fan of Nate. Nate, here are some names to augment your knowledge; Kishore Mahbubani, George Yeo, Shahid Bolsen (Middle Nation), Peter Chang, research associate at Malaysia-China Friendship Association... there are many more. None of it propaganda. All of it academic, first person experiential. Thank you for bringing Jeffrey Sachs onto your program. Some 12 yrs ago I took his class on Sustainability at Columbia. A profound learning experience. Have followed Professor Sachs ever since. Best wishes.
Thank you Nate, you've listened to many of us who've wanted to listen to Jeffrey Sachs on your channel.
The power broker himself - Jeffrey Sachs. The hammer for all the worlds nails
In 1987, my parents flew to England for a vacation. They met people from all over the world, the United Statians wearing Canadian flag lapel pins, because they said the United Statians were not so welcome there.
Excellent conversation. Thank you very much for that.
totally agree with all that Sachs says. thanks Nate for sharing his wisdom.
Nate, could you organize a 4 way debate on the topic of Ukraine with Timothy Snyder and Stephen Kotkin on one side and Jeffrey Sachs and John Mearsheimer on another ? They have enough interviews, so their position is clear. The interesting thing would be to see those positions challenged.
I think the truth lies somewhere in between.
@@Hexanitrobenzene CFR and NED are part of the problem. Why not just get Cheney on?
I think you are an idiot if you think someone from the Hoover intuition is going to tell you the truth about anything. Carry on admiring charlatans and paid liars. Also I highly doubt either of guys would enter a venue where their absurd counter factual ideologically held views can be challenged. They're not really into that. They're into their elite echo chambers. JM on other hand lives for having his views challenged. I think it's self-evident that if you don't understand how US foreign policy works by now then you are never going to get there. Nothing about the Ukraine situation is any different from any of other foreign policy fiascos of the US in the last half century plus.
Yes the truth lies somewhere between Kotkim and Snyder that is. Funny you mention Mearsheimer because he was the fist person I thought about when i heard this one. baffling, I do wonder how they keep any cred in their careers 🤯
Sorry, I don't know what abbreviations "CFR" and "NED" mean.
All 4 of them are intelligent and well spoken. When you listen to them alone, their points make sense, in one way or another. That's why I want to see their postions being challenged.
Thank you for this wonderful discussion. At 78 I have a bit more wisdom than in 1965 when my friends started going to Vietnam and never coming back. ❤America seems to be a country of adult kindergarteners who must control everything and everyone and take all the money for themselves. End of story. Until we start growing loving children who grow up that way we won’t have a functional world.🌈🇺🇸🐾🐾🎵🎶🙏😇🤠💚
He might want to read Vaclav Smil . Namibia killed 83 elephants to feed people and reduce conflict, what did he say about carrying capacity and biodiversity? Most think biodiversity is fulfilled as long as there are a few hundred of a species is still roaming about, in 1500, there were more than 25 million African elephants, but by 1900 that number had dropped to about 10 million. By 1979, the population had fallen to 1.3 million, and by the mid-1990s, it was below 300,000. Today, there are approximately 415,000 African elephants left in the world. I do appreciate what he says about peace, no war, no nuclear.
Here's a good way to avoid war: Don't invade your neighbors!
Just like real life interaction, don't get in each other's face all the time.
errr … who’s your neighbours ? america invaded korea, vietnam, cambodia, iraq twice, afghanistan, most of south america, syria, yugoslavia, libya and certain african countries …. are any of these the USA’s neighbours ?
the death toll over 70 years is over 6 million - ain’t that genocide ?
If it were as simple!!
Thank you for your wonderful program with Prof Sach. Thank you.
Surprised at Jeffrey Sachs statement that our planet could support 10.5 billion people. The Earth had already surpassed its carrying capacity for humans even before reaching one billion.
There are very few people, and even fewer leaders, who are open to even considering what is good and right for the earth beyond her ability to support as many humans as possible.
Ecological overshoot is the #1 blind spot.
My thought when I heard that was, “c’mon man”.
10 billion has been the accepted number for a long time
Based on unsustainable lifestyles 10.5 billion might seem unrealistic. But it's a perfectly plausible number if we gave up these lifestyles m manufactured to support consumerism in the interest of enriching and empowering a few at the expense of the many!
I too am completely anti war too. congratulations that you are. How do we stop the danger of war!!!!
Too much power makes people believe they are wise.
They forget about the principles involved and begin to experiment.
Disaster always follows because the system is complex.
Well said
Tristan Harris, in an AI context, said this:
"There is a saying that with great power comes great responsibility. Well, in reality, with great power comes no responsibility."
It applies here perfectly.
What do you mean they begin to experiment? Experiment with what?
Experiment with social dynamics.
The ability to implement social change will create a large amount of bad policies.
There are many more ways to be disordered than ordered. There are many more ways to be unethical than ethical. There are many more ways to be foolish than wise. There are many more ways to be incompetent than competent.
@@RickDelmonico Ok I get you.
I bought a Geiger counter today. Fortunately it's pretty uneventful. I had radiation and they told me that I have to stay away from radiation. So I will. Wish I never did it in the first place.
In reading Poland 1939, a war history of Germany’s invasion of Poland, opening WWII, one learns just how despicable Hitler and Stalin were. The cocktail of reality regarding the USSR is messy, just as the cocktails of Western motivations. People die to oligarchy, that’s the high order bit of foreign relations.
Who remembers the good ol days when 'M.A.D' was a thing?
Good enlightening talks analysis 🎉🎉🎉
I am 76-years old today, so I've lived through a lot of crises, from the assassination of JFK and RFK, to the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, to the peace demonstrations of the 1960's. *But at no time were we EVER as close to nuclear annihilation as we are right now.* So let me take you down Memory Lane for a moment, just to remark on how the warmongers and neocons have labeled those who were against war and stood up for peace, often at the risk of their own lives.
In the 1950's, we were called "Peaceniks," a take off on the term, "Beatniks," a group of young visionaries who rejected mainstream American culture and held to more artistic pursuits. Then in the 1960's came the "Hippies," those who also abhorred war of any kind. Which brings us to today, where anyone who is against war, especially atomic war, is labeled either "Anti-American," or "a Conspiracy Theorist." These terms, used to denigrate anyone that questions the violent means the government employs for no other reason but their own, unfortunately still exist today. The only thing that has changed is the verbiage, but the sentiment remains the same: "WAR IS NOT HEALTHY FOR ANY LIVING THING."
Prof. Sachs is a national treasure of humanity , not of the US
Accidental nuclear holocaust: yup. That’s the #1 risk. Couldn’t agree more.
I'm glad you finally interviewed jeffrey sacks. You should interview douglas mcgregor.
Thank you Sir!
Although Dr. Sachs understands more about the proximate drivers of the current conflicts than just about anyone else, I don't think he has a good handle on the ultimate causes because of his background in neoclassical economics.
And that is taking him at his word.
No MAD!!! ( Mutually Assured Destruction for our younger viewers) We are 90 seconds to Midnight!! Humanity Better get a grip!!I am 62 years old and I am damned if I am going out this way!! 😮😮😮
We were closer than that in May and in September.
Quite so, the current, Cold War II situation is worse than Cold War I and the Cuban missile crisis. We seem to be sleepwalking into disaster, with the US approving the use of, Long range Cruise missiles inside Russia. We need all the voices of reason & peace possible, amidst all this madness...
Slouching Towards Bethlehem.
Excellent guest
For the USA
IT IS imperative that no Eurasian challenger emerges capable of dominating Eurasia and thus of also challenging America
Zbignew Brzezinski
I think i speak for many when i say most people in this world are fed up but powerless and demoralised by oligarchy politics.
Professor Sachs is such a brilliant person. He is both knowledgeable and intellectually honest. He has many optimistic approaches to solving complicated issue and relationships on a global level! Great interview by the way!
Nate Hagens and Jeffrey Sachs are at their best. This interview should be seen by absolutely everyone. There is only one planet, and we are risking it entirely.
Good pick, Nate. As Charles de Gaul once stated, "Politics is too important a matter to be left to politicians".
36: Orwellian is the right idea, but the wrong reference. In 1984 books are banned, in Huxley's Brave New World information is abundant but people have been put off reading. I think Huxley got it right. The strange thing about our modernity is that IT that was supposed to facilitate communication and the dissemination of information has had the opposite effect. We communicate less, and have given up on meaningful reading.
My mother's city was liberated by the US army. She was there on the street, with hundreds of thousands of others waving at them. None were forced to do so. Many women kissed and even pashed the soldiers. Soldiers threw lollies and chocolate to the crowd who hadn't seen such luxury in four years. My mother's cousin was 'liberated' from his POW camp in east Germany by the Russian army. They replaced the German guards and proceeded to steal at gun point the few possessions the prisoners had been able to keep, like watches. They killed and raped German civilians in plain view of the POWs. The Poles and the Ukrainians are petrified of the Russians. The US did not engineer their desire to join the camp of Western so-called democracies. The Ukrainian struggle has nothing to do with American designs.
Living in the past,it's 2024.There is no more red army.The USA stole California Arizona new Mexico, Nevada,parts of don't hear the present government of Mexico crying 😭 about it
It's a lie. The Red army was meet with flowers too. The difference is that Nazis didn't kill 27 mln people including 17 mln civilians in USA. And USA saved these Nazis in their country. Read something about raped women in the Western Germany and stop this propaganda about the Red Army.At least the rapes were forbidden in the Red Army unlike in the German army where soldiers were allowed to do whatever they wanted.
The Red army was meet with flowers too. The difference is that Nazis didn't kill 27 mln people including 17 mln civilians in the USA like they done in the USSR. And USA saved these Nazis in their country. Read something about raped women in the Western Germany and stop this propaganda about the Red Army. At least the rapes were forbidden in the Red Army unlike in the German army where soldiers were allowed to do whatever they wanted in the USSR.
I would suggest reading "The quiet American" without looking at the preface, introduction or commentary etc. Then check when it was published.
Another round with Prof Sachs would be great!
Full spectrum also covers economic dominance.