I agree they should ditch the batteries and go full USB. Here's an idea. So they should have the base USB powered and the lights switch on when the feet make contact with it. There would be a small cable running through each of the bulb joints so the arms and legs (or mostly the arms for repulsor hands) light up. Also if they didn't chose to do the head sculpt within the helmeted head, they shouldn't have included a head sculpt at all. We never see his face revealed while wearing that armor.
I can't pull the legs down to do articulation, i feel afraid to put so much pressure on it. Only one arm is easy for me to pull out for thr articulation
I just got this today and love it! Thanks for making the video
It’s so good!!!
AMAZING figure .
Head sculpt is incredible. ❤
Great review my friend.
Thank you BC!
great review joey congrats great pick up cant wait to get this Mark 2
Thank you friend!!
@ no problem Joey
I agree they should ditch the batteries and go full USB. Here's an idea. So they should have the base USB powered and the lights switch on when the feet make contact with it. There would be a small cable running through each of the bulb joints so the arms and legs (or mostly the arms for repulsor hands) light up. Also if they didn't chose to do the head sculpt within the helmeted head, they shouldn't have included a head sculpt at all. We never see his face revealed while wearing that armor.
You have to film a room tour! 👌🏼
Oh man I need to do one so bad ! It will be coming up as soon as I get these moducases
I need to get that done! I will q-1 2025
I can't pull the legs down to do articulation, i feel afraid to put so much pressure on it.
Only one arm is easy for me to pull out for thr articulation