Instead of shouting "WHERE ARE THEY" he's shouting "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING" and in the last panel he shouts it once more as he reaches toward the fourth wall to grab and punch the writer and readers.
I don't know, Gwen Stacy sleeping with Norman Osbourne behind Peter Parker's is pretty inappropriate. The fact she got pregnant and...yeah. That was bad.
Exactly! Who the heck thought this was a good story to publish? Not only does it essentially ad more BS to Spider-man's life, it also paints a nasty picture in all our heads
I don't understand their take on black Lois lane, super man didn't avoid the question. He explains that skin color doesn't matter because he is an alien with metal for skin. Superman avoided the answering the marriage question in general because he has always avoided the idea of marrying Lois lane
How about that time when Ms. Marvel was raped and gave birth to her rapist? Or when Nightwing was raped? Or when they turned the Red Hood into a tentacle monster that ate people?
Tamaki742 We don't talk about those. Ever. Nightwing was tied down and raped by a female villain, but apparently, that's okay because he's a man. And then we have DC not giving a fuck about Jason Todd after the Under the Red Hood storyline and turning him into a monster and a psychopath, then someone got high and they decided to turn him into a tentacle monster who ate criminals (and Nightwing). People can complain about the New 52 all they want, but it saved Jason's character.
wait, Nightwing wasn't tied down was he? I thought she just took advantage of him while he was catatonic. Which y'know doesn't make it any better but it would mean there's another story where Nightwing gets raped that I wasn't aware of. And there's already too many of those considering the whole business with Mirage and him losing his virginity when he was 16 to an older woman who was just manipulating him and various other times he's gotten molested.
The thing about rape is that it's used sometimes as an act of humiliation, and to put the person down. It's one of the worse acts you can do to someone, often completely destroying their self-esteem and making them feel weaker.
You forgot the retelling of the back story of gwen Stacy where Norman Osborn got her pregnant because she was cheating on Parker with him? Yeah that one wasn't appropriate at all
Superman hemmed and hawed every time Lois asked him about marriage. It didn't happen any less when she was white. Supes wasn't hesitant to marry Lois because Lois was black at the time, he was just hesitant to marry Lois. So: no racism. The swimsuit issues show female and male characters in skimpy outfits (wait, don't all comics do that?). Both sexes. Gender neutral. So: no sexism. I'm not familiar with the Tigra story, but she's holding the child. So, was there *another* pregnancy, which ended in abortion? Drug stories... well I don't really expect them to do a story about a superhero who enjoys an occasion hit of ecstasy, and his sidekick who prefers weed. And his girlfriend is fond of acid. And it's all fine and dandy.
I honestly feel like the people behind the video were just fishing for *supposedly* controversial facts, but just twist everything around to fit their script. And with the Tigra story, the narrator says it's a sensitive issue that wasn't well dealt with, yet if you read those panels at 2:35 closely, both Hank Pym and Tigra have one of the most responsible and smartest conversation about raising this child like "anyone can birth a child, but if I raise the child to be disciplined and kind, that's when I've achieved something". How is that insensitive in any way?
Some context to the Arsenal thing. The dude had his arm torn off...somehow (the guy didn't really have super strength, after all), then lost his daughter to that same guy. Him going back to heroin to escape the pain isn't too far fetched. It should also be said that the Batman he fought there was his good friend and teammate Dick Grayson, not Bruce Wayne. Oh, and it was Francis Klum who assault Black Cat. He would later buy the Mysterio gear off of Kingpin and he was a pretty shit Mysterio at that. As for the buggering...this is Mr. Hyde we're talking about. Is it really that shocking? The only surprise was that he did it not because Griffith betrayed them to the Martians (the same ones from War of the Worlds), but because he hurt Mina Harper. THAT was something Hyde wouldn't allow.
I need help but I don't know why I doubt it could be worse. He attacked Dick with a dead cat while high off his tits. The only difference would be that Bruce wouldn't have hesitated to knock him out. Nothing either Batman could say would reach Roy at that point.
5:00 Well, it isn't just that the Invisible Man betrayed them. It's that he also violently assaulted Mina, which was the only person Hyde so far had shown any compassion or lack of hatred for. That is why he goes off the deep end.
Hey, if he killed him or beat him up and turned him in or "fixed" him, I'd be cool, but there are certain lines that should not be crossed and that is one of the biggest.
Those swimsuit issues were a great way for Marvel artists to show off their skill. A comic book character that could actually turn someone on... That says something...
@@jubsaddinger9004 They are bathing suits. Next you will be insisting that public pools are pornographic and everyone should be swimming in full deep sea diving gear or something.
While I agree with most of the ones on your list I disagree with the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Black Cat ones. What Hyde did stayed true to the nature of the character and demonstrated equal treatment for male and female characters, especially since the Invisible Man had raped several girls in a boarding school when he was first discovered. As for the Black Cat what's wrong with having something that happens to real people in real life all the time happen to fictional characters? It shows their humanity and makes them relatable.
85% of Extrodinary Gentalman's plot is rape. Also when John Constantine gets raped by a dog for a BDMS video to raise money for hillbillies is an oldie, but a classic.
I remember the Ultimate Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch incest storyline & that was weird but OK kinda. But I did not know that Wolverine might be their father and watched them have sex. What sicko wrote that? 5:15 Wow! He doesn't just rape him, he rapes him to death but then the victim was also a rapist so, I dunno. I always thought Dick Grayson getting raped by Tarantula was shocking but now I'm not so sure.
Shaun Clark congrats on having the 10millionth political comment on a video that has nothing to do with politics! Your prize you ask; why, your own paranoia and hate. Enjoy & spend it wisely!
You forgot the one were Superman was brain washed into filming a porno with Mr.Miracle's wife. Luckily Sups snapped out of it before any real harm was done.
It is, indeed, a strange concept. Pedophilia is no laughing matter nor is it acceptable. However within the context of the story, and as a plot device FOR storytelling in general, it's a perfectly valid way of creating tension or disdain for a villain. In Slade's case, he manipulated Terra by saving her from her village who had labeled her a witch and were about to lynch her. She developed something akin to Stockholm's Syndrome from it even though he wasn't exactly kind to her, she was willing to give her body to him and her life for his cause. Luckily, she met the Teen Titans, and more specifically Beast Boy. P.S. Beast Boy x Terra was like my favorite fantasy relationship when I was little and watching the Teen Titans animated series. They were so awesome. And since I don't read comics, her betrayal was a huge shock to me. Now though, I'm more of a BB and Raven fan =D
Soji Adeleke Seriously. WhatCulture needs to do its homework. She CONSIDERED it, but in the end had the baby. It was discovered that the Pym Skrull's DNA was so altered, it may as well have been the real Hank Pym. That's why the baby was useless to Osborn.
How about that run of New/Young X-Men in which nearly all of the newly introduced students die horribly? After M-Day, the students that lost their powers are being shipped back home and then the entire bus is blown up with an RPG. Or how about a now powerless Wallflower just getting sniped in the head for no reason? Or Mercury getting captured by the Purifiers and skinned alive to make the War Wolves? It got so bad the surviving kids started taking bets on which of them would die next, and that was right before they all got sent to actual Hell and Pixie had her soul ripped out and turned into a magic dagger. God, I hate that run.
Waaaaaitaminute. Hyde brutalises Griffin (The Invisible Man) because of what he did (assault/rape) to Mina: the only person he actually cared about. Hyde flat out says it has nothing to do with Griffin betraying him: "That's not why I'm cross. I'm cross because your treatment of Miss Murray was.....uncivil. Get on the floor."
Well, no, they didn't eat him. He ordered Nemo and that driver to find him some food. But he left the Invisible man broken and dying slowly, so when he finally died his blood turned visible... Now, if he'd ripped enough out of him to prepare such a dinner, no way would he be still alive...? So his blood was dripping through the ceiling but due to the miraculous/alchemical Invisible serum didn't appear till the life force finally passed... Nemo was freaked out, not just at the barbarity, but people on his end of the world are serious on their taboos especially dietary and he likely ended up at least eating a piece of food with a drop of blood or two on it. Aside from that, while brutal it was certainly justified!
I noticed in the Hank wife beater one you used a panel with Peter and MJ not hank and Janet. Also it's notable that the story, which tainted Hank's character forevermore, was supposed to be an accident. As I understand it Hank was supposed to just have been flailing his arms, as people do when emotional, and turning around and his hands accidentally struck Jan. Unfortunately the artist misinterpreted the situation and Hank suffers for it even now.
I don't know why, but I always like the stories where _Black Cat_ and _Spider-Man_ sort of "team up". You never quite know what she is thinking, but, at the same time, she always seems able to take care of things on her end. Plus, her physical appearance always reminds me of a Lab Partner I had, for one whole summer, back when I was in college. Her name was Jackie, and, to put herself through college, she worked as a stripper. Jackie did very well for herself. Jackie now owns skyscraper hotels in Miami, and was once even a _Miss Hawaiian Tropics_ suntan lotion model. NBC Television even tried to get her to be in a reality TV series, too.
MUC, gave a sly nod to it. Actors of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch played a married couple in Godzilla. Of course they made sure it can't happen in the MCU after A:AOU
@Danzan my only point is the people who defend homosexuality because it's between consenting adults are hypocritical for being against incest between consenting adults. Personally I think both sexual lifestyles are weird and gross, but I don't care what people do as long as they don't impose their lifestyle on me. Thing is i can tolerate incest people because at least they don't have incest pride parades and sue people who don't agree with their lifestyle to force them to bake cakes..unlike the homosexuals. Also unless I knew a couple was brother and sister they would look like a normal couple. homosexuals can't say that since it's obvious it's abnormal
The thing with the Dr Jekyll section, is that it wasn’t Dr Jekyll, it was Mr Hyde. I felt the shocking scene was supposed to show just how shocking Mr Hyde was. And the reactions of the other characters to his actions showed they were appalled. It felt like the presenter referred to him as Dr Jekyll to support their point, but whether you approve of the scene’s inclusion or not, it was a disingenuous change to make when describing the scene.
In the case of Mr. Hyde buggering the Invisible man to death, inappropriate does not mean bad. And what he did was VERY appropriate given the circumstances that led up to the act, was very in keeping with his character, and frankly it would've been illogical and inappropriate had he NOT done what he did. AND it was both disturbing and deeply, darkly funny at the same time. For me, one of my all-time favorite Alan Moore scenes from one his all-time best series.
Seriously... this is nothing, did you even do your research propperly? How about the time: *- basically every time Bendis retcons/changes something* - Superman and Big Barda were brainwashed into doing hardcore porn - Cpt. America being turned into a henchman for Hydra - Nightwing got raped... at least twice, by different women (Mirrage, Tarantula) - Aunt May had a affair with Doc Ock... and yes that's *OLD* May, not young and sexy May - Batman got raped by Talia; aka Damian's Birth Story - Ms. Marvel got basically brainwashed and raped just to give birth to her rapist, just to fall in love with him and go to another dimension with him... *WHILE THE AVENGERS WHERE ACTUALLY GRATULATING HER ON THAT* - Batman had sex with Black Canary in the rain... while being surrounded by *BURNING GANGSTERS/THE CORPSES OF THEM* - The Elongated Man's wife got raped by Doctor Light *ON THE WATCHTOWER ITSELF* - DC's Heroes brainwashing villains and other heroes to their liking - pre Flash Point Jason Todd turning into a tentacle monster, eating a guy and seemingly turning back without any aftereffects *OR* explanations - Prof. X having the hots for Jean Grey, when she was *JUST* a teenager and the only thing stopping him from going after her, wasn't his morals, his role as her guardian or anything... *NOOO*... it was him being in a wheelchair - or the time Spider-Man admitted he got molested by a priest *SMH*
Batman and Black Canary having sexual intercourse? Now that is interesting…Wait there were a bunch of burning human corpses around them? Now that's spicy!…purely joking of course…
Black panther had sex with storm when she was 12 and he was 19 Yeah he had saved her from some white supremacist while she was on her pilgrimage to Kenya and she decided to thank him by giving him her virginity... when she was 12...
If you're referencing "All-Batman and Robin", be fair. He also had Roaches and Batshit to choose from, so a full-course buffet really... still can't believe Miller was so convinced that "All-Suck Not-Batman and Robin" was so good, he called it the prequel to Dark Knight Returns. OTH: That treatment might explain, why Robin became The Joker in the Sequel. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Phan Tran - and then when I think Tony, Cap, and Betty were discussing it Betty mentioned how this wasn't the first time and cited other examples. In the Ultimates he was a real POS
One thing I remember about Tigris is sometimes she'd be just clothed in her natural fur coat. When the Game Grumps saw her like that in a fighting game they called her a crazy naked cat lady.
So, I enjoyed the video, that being your section about Hank Pym you show a clip of Peter Parker hitting his wife during The Clone Saga, instead of Hank hitting Jan. I know you guys often will show comic images that don't actually come from the story you're currently discussing, but that instance was just a little bit more misleading.
I didn't watch the video yet, but I am going to take a stab in the dark and bet that they did NOT provide the context that Hank Pym was considered (according to the story) to have been mentally unstable when he did it, and also that he was kicked out of the Avengers for doing it (which makes the story really quite appropriate when you think about it). Am I right?
Jeph Loeb is the man responsible for ruining Mark Millar's "riske" take on Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. Like the "science" behind the Force, it was something that worked well when hinted at but never confirmed - but alas it was confirmed and well yeah - ultimates 3 was a trainwreck, damn you Loeb
Dude... Jeph's son past away around the time he wrote the Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum. He was about to quit the comic industry altogether to mourn, when we pushed him back to continue writing. That is on us, not him.
- Some exile from Apokolips mind-tricked Superman into doing porn with Barda - Superman making out with some alien chick right at the tombstone of his recently deceased wife Lois Lane and their unborn child There are quite a few more, I think there's a UA-cam video about some crazy Superman storylines.
Well, Hank Pym was "suffering" of a multiple personality disorder when he hit Wasp, and when he did, he did it as Yellowjacket which wasn't his "real persona." While the theme is not something you want to read on comics, you can't exactly hate on Pym for hitting her when he wasn't himself.
3:52 coming from somebody who is dated outside his race that is actually a very big thing to consider especially when it's involving black and white people. Even if you to do see past are the skin colored that doesn't mean that your family friends and co-workers will. Even if they support you that is still a very big topic and issue of two cultures mixing. Superman is not racist for considering this especially since he's coming from a Southern Country family and the year the comic was made
Um.. The obvious no.1. Green Lantern: Kyle Rayner's girlfriend gets stuffed in a refrigerator by Major Force. - This changed comics as the "Women in refrigerators" movement got many creators wondering why girlfriends and wives kept getting brutally murdered in DC and Marvel creations.
yes mortal women can die Easly in a comic of super heros and villans point being it led to SJW marvel and Champions and a conversation about fixing a food truck!
Hank Pym only hit Janet _once_. Which in real life is one too many, but bear in mind that they live in a universe where both women and men regularly take part in vigilante violence. EDITED TO ADD: And it was an accident, and he immediately apologized, and he never did it again.
A suggestion and a comment. Suggestion: The Teen Titans did a story-line where Jesse Quick had an affair with her mom's (Liberty Belle) younger fiance (Jesse knew the guy was engaged to her mom when she had the affair). The fiance was murdered and found in Jesse's bed making Jesse a suspect. Jesse didn't kill the guy but the investigation revealed Jesse's betrayal to her mom. That is a pretty sick thing for a daughter to do to her mom. The comment: I agree that the swimsuit issues shouldn't be on the list. It's just artwork and not as bad as stories like the Lois Lane going black or the Black Cat, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen stories. You should replace it with the Jesse Quick/Liberty Belle one! :)
Please actually read the black cat and league of extraordinary gentlemen issues this dude is being scummy and leaving a lot of important information out just for a fucking list.
I'm not a major comic fan but watching this it seems like comics get them selves in trouble when they try to tackle social issues, maybe the best thing would be for them to just focus on the super heroes and leave the rest alone. Luis going black was clearly well intentioned and asking super if he could still love her with black skin probably says more about the times than anything else, and although now may seem racist, it was at a time when there were far more issues with racial cohesion than today, I think when you put it in the correct context of the times and consider what it was trying to say , it's not racist and was making a good argument it's just sad that the argument had to be made in the first place.
Locking yourself away doesn't cure addiction. Locking away is for de-tox. People trying to kick the habit isolate themselves away from the world so they don't go get their fix. See the scene in trainspotting. rehab centers are just really expensive isolation rooms to detox then do group projects and meeting with psychiatrists to try to get to the root of why you got addicted in the first place and how to not do it again, to varying degrees of success.
That comic was awesome. Batman asking Alfred to not let him out no matter what. Alfred crying next to the door while Bruce detoxes. One of the best comics I've read.
1:45 okay that whole Hank slapping Wasp thing is a pain in the neck. Wasp was actually trying to emotionally manipulate Hank during this time. Taking advantage of him while he was vulnerable to stay with and marry her despite how many times he said he's not ready for marriage given they're superhero work and he'd just been kicked out of the avengers. The whole slapping thing in the original was supposed to be an accident Hank throwing up his hand in frustration and accidentally catching Wasp in the face. The comic artist couldn't animate that so he just drew Pym straight up Bitch slapping wasp across the room. But everyone including the comic writers like to forget about Wasp trying to manipulate her significant other and trying to rope him into being completely emotionally dependant on her despite knowing Hank has had several mental breakdowns caused by the stress he's put under. The end result is that wasp is just an 'innocent' victim and Hank gets retconed as always being a wife beating asshole who abuses a woman who doesn't have the sense to leave him. It's a sickening double standard
You put the swimsuit issues in here but not Hydra Cap, Spider-Man selling his marriage to the devil, Gwen cheating on Peter? Show some skin and everyone loses their minds.
Even though I think the swimsuit one would be barely inappropriate (especially with some of the uniforms they wear to begin with) why would any of the options you gave be inappropriate other then not liking the stories?
He actual names a TON of other stuff besides the swimsuit issues, sounds like you're just nitpicking, that's what contributed to male comic geeks being seen as pervs. Don't regress
Dugon you do realise that Hyde is also a cruel violent psychopath, so Hyde butt raping someone for revenge is quite in character? Its two monsters fighting - expect lots of collateral damage
Sins Past. I don't have a problem with the idea of the story in and of itself, but they show you Norman Osborn's sexy time face. I cringe as a part of my soul dies at the very thought..
Nasty though it was, I got the feeling the extremity of Hyde's - ahem - treatment of the Invisible Man was less about his betrayal, than it was about what he had done to Mina.
I liked The Evil that Men Do, I don't care what anyone says, I think they explored the relationship between peter and the black cat wonderfully in it. Also, it proved normal villains can be just as vile or worse than super villains. I'm sticking to it. And I loved Dodson's art
If this is the story I'm thinking it's not quite like that. The "son" was actually son of Immortus calling himself Marcus IIRC. Apparently Marcus snatched Carol from normal world to his home, then somehow mindraped Carol, then de-aged himself to fetal stage and got into Carol's womb and returned Carol to normal world where he accelerated the pregnancy and after being born accelerated his growth so he quickly reached adulthood. He then tricked other Avengers into thinking Carol wanted to go with him to his world (the mind-rape making Carol act OOC). Sadly back in his world he could not stop the accelerated aging and was soon reduced to dust, releasing Carol from his control.
Well the Watchmen story comes to mind, you know, the one about the psychotic flame-throwing Spectre rapist, the thumb-breaking, peadophile murdering vigilante, the naked irradiated guy with a blue dong that's always hanging out, and the world's smartest man who also happens to be a terrorist. Or the DC comic Vigilante, you know, the one about the psychologically damaged anti hero that has his family murdered by a mobster, and then goes on to murder cops, has fits of rage that often end in putting a big old bullet in criminal's faces, fights Batman, and ultimately has a psychological breakdown and blows his own freaking head off.
Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver have had a thing for each other long before the ultimates. It's just that the ultimates since it was marketed to adults and had an age warning was able to be in your face about it. Its just like the antman wasp thing where events were reference far more than they were shown but in the ultimates it went full on brutal and the wasp almost died.
Z Go the storyline is called something like 'Spiderman doom' and it's in the future, doc oc comes back to life and starts waving around Mary Jane's body and spidey goes on this massive thing about how his 'blood and body' are radio-active due to the spider bite and being with him gave her cancer and she died from it
"Batman then shows up and beats the shit out of him."
This should be how every inappropriate/misguided comic book plot should end.
That is how EVERY comic book plot should end :)
Instead of shouting "WHERE ARE THEY" he's shouting "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING" and in the last panel he shouts it once more as he reaches toward the fourth wall to grab and punch the writer and readers.
Just plain everything should end like that
**Quicksliver and Scarlet Witch storyline appears**
**Batman prepares a whole lot of weapons**
Jewel Mine unerrated comment
I don't know, Gwen Stacy sleeping with Norman Osbourne behind Peter Parker's is pretty inappropriate. The fact she got pregnant and...yeah. That was bad.
I haven't followed comics in years. This storyline was really bad though.
It was not really her, it was a clone
Ninja StrongHeart The proper Gwen is extremely smart too and a better character, it was just a retarded storyline. SpiderGwen sucks anyway
Exactly! Who the heck thought this was a good story to publish? Not only does it essentially ad more BS to Spider-man's life, it also paints a nasty picture in all our heads
I don't understand why people complain about tigra wearing a bikini when cheetah over at dc doesn't even wear clothes half the time.
You guys are idiots
They also redesigned Poison Ivy to be a perpetually naked pansexual. Also, she's green now, because reasons.
@@luminusprime green bitches are the best
@@He-who-wakes damn right
And there was the time that Nightwing was raped and it was never mentioned again and not handled well at ALL.
And in batman v robin ita mentioned he was raped by a woman and its played as laugh. He even said it wasnt all baf
No mention of how Peter Parker basically casually talks about how he was raped by an older man and it's never brought up again?
BJGvideos That never happends .
@@user-ck5tu5ed3c Marvel just loves fucking with spidey, and now literally.
Wtf???????? Jesus Christ what in God's Name are these stories?
@@portiz6283 drugs are a hell of a drug, mein
Isnt it by his babysitter or something?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how traumatized were you upon finding out the person in the thumbnail was Aunt May?
2, not really. Aunt May was pretty hot in her heyday.
Tyburn109 I suppose you're right. #NoRegrets
Boba Fett kinda odd that she & Mary Jane both referred to their interests as tiger
TJ Frye It's the same catchphrase, too. In fact, I initially thought it was MJ.
Boba Fett yea I did too... that's y I thought it was weird
When you said "Lois Lane goes black and then goes back," I thought of something other than the storyline where she changed skin color...
I don't know how to respond to this comment...
DerpyDevilSpawn you just did ;)
I'm sorry
Gabriel Mambo lol what story would that be?
^The story of Halle Berry , oh wait so Catwoman?
Wrong. When Superman was confronted by Black Lois his response was basically "I'm an alien. Who am I to judge"
Well, here's the original page, you be the judge.
hey. well figures whatculture wouldnt do any research at all thanks for the scan
For an older comic I thought that was a very powerful story.
Well, hmmm he is kryptonian. True that.
They need to leave Spider-Man alone. HE'S THE FUN GUY FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!
Sonic 1216 Spiderverse sucks
@@sambarrie7776 The people who put there hard work into that movie: am I a ducking joke to you
@@sceptile7581 i think he's talking abt the comic book spiderverse
@@Spiderwing2047 Oh
The way he says "the corpse of a cat was his daughter, as you do" is so funny to me
Not even a bucket of rocks is that stupid!
I don't understand their take on black Lois lane, super man didn't avoid the question. He explains that skin color doesn't matter because he is an alien with metal for skin. Superman avoided the answering the marriage question in general because he has always avoided the idea of marrying Lois lane
Yeah well that doesn't make a good controversial story, does it.
Actually this was taken from a book where the author used tanning lotion to turn his skin darker. The book is called “Black Like Me”.
Well, I guess Culture didn't get his facts straight
I still laughed like hell when the 'racist' lights started ringing
@@alanb8884 One thing related with race all media :no, it is a racist nazi 😵😵
How about that time when Ms. Marvel was raped and gave birth to her rapist? Or when Nightwing was raped? Or when they turned the Red Hood into a tentacle monster that ate people?
Tamaki742 We don't talk about those. Ever. Nightwing was tied down and raped by a female villain, but apparently, that's okay because he's a man. And then we have DC not giving a fuck about Jason Todd after the Under the Red Hood storyline and turning him into a monster and a psychopath, then someone got high and they decided to turn him into a tentacle monster who ate criminals (and Nightwing). People can complain about the New 52 all they want, but it saved Jason's character.
Oh jeez
wait, Nightwing wasn't tied down was he? I thought she just took advantage of him while he was catatonic. Which y'know doesn't make it any better but it would mean there's another story where Nightwing gets raped that I wasn't aware of. And there's already too many of those considering the whole business with Mirage and him losing his virginity when he was 16 to an older woman who was just manipulating him and various other times he's gotten molested.
I'm with Cap. I don't get why Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch feel like having "fun".
I’m with Cap too. I don’t get why Wasp was ok with it
If AOC can do it then y not them
@@rpopopopopop2240 Who also no
Isn’t there a real phenomenon of attraction by siblings who were raised apart and didn’t know they were related?
I love how characters being drawn in swimsuits somehow tops that absolute destruction of the the character of Aunt May and the mythos of Spiderman
The thing about rape is that it's used sometimes as an act of humiliation, and to put the person down. It's one of the worse acts you can do to someone, often completely destroying their self-esteem and making them feel weaker.
What app can ah download it from
You forgot the retelling of the back story of gwen Stacy where Norman Osborn got her pregnant because she was cheating on Parker with him? Yeah that one wasn't appropriate at all
I hate that one so much
Sins Past you mean?
brady_boy 26 They had that on worst Spiderman stories
it deserved #1 in this list too.
I guess the inappropriate part is the fact that Gwen Stacy's dead, but they tried to like sully her character like this.
_"Superman 'ums and ahs for QUITE a while..."_
Hahaha omg I cant breath 😅
In 2020 that has an entirely new meaning
*Listening about Spidey radioactive soup*
My mom: why are you laughing so hard???
I read that like she had an attitude,n was ready to beat u if u didn't tell her.
Most stupid funny still surviving
Thayra M. ......
Superman hemmed and hawed every time Lois asked him about marriage. It didn't happen any less when she was white. Supes wasn't hesitant to marry Lois because Lois was black at the time, he was just hesitant to marry Lois. So: no racism.
The swimsuit issues show female and male characters in skimpy outfits (wait, don't all comics do that?). Both sexes. Gender neutral. So: no sexism.
I'm not familiar with the Tigra story, but she's holding the child. So, was there *another* pregnancy, which ended in abortion?
Drug stories... well I don't really expect them to do a story about a superhero who enjoys an occasion hit of ecstasy, and his sidekick who prefers weed. And his girlfriend is fond of acid. And it's all fine and dandy.
I honestly feel like the people behind the video were just fishing for *supposedly* controversial facts, but just twist everything around to fit their script. And with the Tigra story, the narrator says it's a sensitive issue that wasn't well dealt with, yet if you read those panels at 2:35 closely, both Hank Pym and Tigra have one of the most responsible and smartest conversation about raising this child like "anyone can birth a child, but if I raise the child to be disciplined and kind, that's when I've achieved something". How is that insensitive in any way?
You didn’t mention the story where superman admitted he was planning to nail his teenage cousin
REALLY?! 😳😳😳
God’s Nation this was a few years before the Avengers dropped the classic “Really? You were date raped? I’m so happy for your pregnancy”
Alain Gloster Oh ok 👍🏽
A comic about my sex life would be inappropriate....*boring*.
Heil Jewbacca Anyway, how is your sex life?
Rightbackich This comment is tearing me apart
Some context to the Arsenal thing. The dude had his arm torn off...somehow (the guy didn't really have super strength, after all), then lost his daughter to that same guy. Him going back to heroin to escape the pain isn't too far fetched. It should also be said that the Batman he fought there was his good friend and teammate Dick Grayson, not Bruce Wayne.
Oh, and it was Francis Klum who assault Black Cat. He would later buy the Mysterio gear off of Kingpin and he was a pretty shit Mysterio at that.
As for the buggering...this is Mr. Hyde we're talking about. Is it really that shocking? The only surprise was that he did it not because Griffith betrayed them to the Martians (the same ones from War of the Worlds), but because he hurt Mina Harper. THAT was something Hyde wouldn't allow.
Makes sense that it was dick, if it was Bruce it would be a hell of a lot worse for Roy.
I need help but I don't know why I doubt it could be worse. He attacked Dick with a dead cat while high off his tits. The only difference would be that Bruce wouldn't have hesitated to knock him out. Nothing either Batman could say would reach Roy at that point.
Cry for Justice was so fucking bad. Goddamn it DC.
Everyone that wanted to be Mysterio was terrible at it.
@@GabePuratekuta Daniel Beckhart wasn't too bad when he had Maguire Beck's help.
5:00 Well, it isn't just that the Invisible Man betrayed them. It's that he also violently assaulted Mina, which was the only person Hyde so far had shown any compassion or lack of hatred for. That is why he goes off the deep end.
Hey, if he killed him or beat him up and turned him in or "fixed" him, I'd be cool, but there are certain lines that should not be crossed and that is one of the biggest.
Willie Oelkers
Yeah, I would say it went a bit to far.
Those swimsuit issues were a great way for Marvel artists to show off their skill. A comic book character that could actually turn someone on...
That says something...
Hentai? Hentai.
Hentai? Hentai hentai
Yeah comics writers can " show off their skill" by drawing comics that were porn for teenage boys when internet wasn't a thing.
@@jubsaddinger9004 They are bathing suits. Next you will be insisting that public pools are pornographic and everyone should be swimming in full deep sea diving gear or something.
But we should all be wearing deep sea diving gear, like 24/7
“ Jesus Christ Hank keep it in your pants”
While I agree with most of the ones on your list I disagree with the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Black Cat ones. What Hyde did stayed true to the nature of the character and demonstrated equal treatment for male and female characters, especially since the Invisible Man had raped several girls in a boarding school when he was first discovered. As for the Black Cat what's wrong with having something that happens to real people in real life all the time happen to fictional characters? It shows their humanity and makes them relatable.
We should all R*pe the r*pists \0/
Wohoo! Go Hyde, go!
raping a rapist still makes you a rapist
The Aunt May sex thing was an issue, until Marisa Tomei. (mike drop)
that’s messed up what did mike do to you
Still, having sex with Peter's dad, then giving him away? I know she's hot now, but Jesus Christ man, that's still fucked up.
@DejaVoodooDoll Marvel writers really need some therapy then. And need to be tested on how they handle children.
DejaVoodooDoll We don’t talk about that.....
85% of Extrodinary Gentalman's plot is rape. Also when John Constantine gets raped by a dog for a BDMS video to raise money for hillbillies is an oldie, but a classic.
"that's-that's his own kids.... that are doing the incest.... in the woods...and hes watching them"
I remember the Ultimate Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch incest storyline & that was weird but OK kinda. But I did not know that Wolverine might be their father and watched them have sex. What sicko wrote that?
5:15 Wow! He doesn't just rape him, he rapes him to death but then the victim was also a rapist so, I dunno.
I always thought Dick Grayson getting raped by Tarantula was shocking but now I'm not so sure.
Quickblood1 I
Shaun Clark congrats on having the 10millionth political comment on a video that has nothing to do with politics! Your prize you ask; why, your own paranoia and hate. Enjoy & spend it wisely!
Shaun Clark dude PLEASE shut the fuck up.
Quickblood1 I actually was horrified also because quicksilver and scarlet are legit siblings
Raping people to death isn't exactly ethical no matter how bad they are.
You forgot the one were Superman was brain washed into filming a porno with Mr.Miracle's wife. Luckily Sups snapped out of it before any real harm was done.
Or WAS there some harm?
teen titans Judas contract. 15 year old girl with a 50 year old man.
You referring to slade and terra fucking? No worse than trigon more or less raping (tricking her from who he really was) ravens mom.
Well the fact they made a movie about it is still kind of weird, of the great comics out there they choose that one.
what's the name of the movie? gotta see that (it's an animated one right?)
It is, indeed, a strange concept. Pedophilia is no laughing matter nor is it acceptable. However within the context of the story, and as a plot device FOR storytelling in general, it's a perfectly valid way of creating tension or disdain for a villain. In Slade's case, he manipulated Terra by saving her from her village who had labeled her a witch and were about to lynch her. She developed something akin to Stockholm's Syndrome from it even though he wasn't exactly kind to her, she was willing to give her body to him and her life for his cause.
Luckily, she met the Teen Titans, and more specifically Beast Boy.
P.S. Beast Boy x Terra was like my favorite fantasy relationship when I was little and watching the Teen Titans animated series. They were so awesome. And since I don't read comics, her betrayal was a huge shock to me. Now though, I'm more of a BB and Raven fan =D
Mudkip Katana
Same as you with the ship
Wait, Tigra got an abortion? Then who was that kid she was holding
Soji Adeleke Seriously. WhatCulture needs to do its homework. She CONSIDERED it, but in the end had the baby. It was discovered that the Pym Skrull's DNA was so altered, it may as well have been the real Hank Pym. That's why the baby was useless to Osborn.
Osborn ! You son of a bitch ! 😠
Why Hank? he's married to Wasp. why would Tigra go after a married man?
demetric taylor That a joke? They haven't been married for years. Probably due to him abusing her and such.
Exactly. If you had read any modern Marvel comics you'd know they aren't married right now.
How about that run of New/Young X-Men in which nearly all of the newly introduced students die horribly? After M-Day, the students that lost their powers are being shipped back home and then the entire bus is blown up with an RPG. Or how about a now powerless Wallflower just getting sniped in the head for no reason? Or Mercury getting captured by the Purifiers and skinned alive to make the War Wolves? It got so bad the surviving kids started taking bets on which of them would die next, and that was right before they all got sent to actual Hell and Pixie had her soul ripped out and turned into a magic dagger.
God, I hate that run.
That sounds like a total shit show
Jesus Christ
Not really inappropriate, just dark. I see nothing wrong here
Jeeeebus! 😲
Waaaaaitaminute. Hyde brutalises Griffin (The Invisible Man) because of what he did (assault/rape) to Mina: the only person he actually cared about. Hyde flat out says it has nothing to do with Griffin betraying him: "That's not why I'm cross. I'm cross because your treatment of Miss Murray was.....uncivil. Get on the floor."
collectedcurios Then he literally eats The Invisible Man for dinner. What the Hell is wrong with Alan Moore?
Well, no, they didn't eat him. He ordered Nemo and that driver to find him some food. But he left the Invisible man broken and dying slowly, so when he finally died his blood turned visible... Now, if he'd ripped enough out of him to prepare such a dinner, no way would he be still alive...? So his blood was dripping through the ceiling but due to the miraculous/alchemical Invisible serum didn't appear till the life force finally passed... Nemo was freaked out, not just at the barbarity, but people on his end of the world are serious on their taboos especially dietary and he likely ended up at least eating a piece of food with a drop of blood or two on it. Aside from that, while brutal it was certainly justified!
"Freshly spun mushroom soup" Love you, Jules
I noticed in the Hank wife beater one you used a panel with Peter and MJ not hank and Janet. Also it's notable that the story, which tainted Hank's character forevermore, was supposed to be an accident. As I understand it Hank was supposed to just have been flailing his arms, as people do when emotional, and turning around and his hands accidentally struck Jan. Unfortunately the artist misinterpreted the situation and Hank suffers for it even now.
I don't know why, but I always like the stories where _Black Cat_ and _Spider-Man_ sort of "team up". You never quite know what she is thinking, but, at the same time, she always seems able to take care of things on her end. Plus, her physical appearance always reminds me of a Lab Partner I had, for one whole summer, back when I was in college. Her name was Jackie, and, to put herself through college, she worked as a stripper. Jackie did very well for herself. Jackie now owns skyscraper hotels in Miami, and was once even a _Miss Hawaiian Tropics_ suntan lotion model. NBC Television even tried to get her to be in a reality TV series, too.
4:38 I laughed so hard
commenting before watching...
calling the Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch incest relationship in the Ultimate Universe.
The Nightly Trend
congratulations, you win.
which i find funny because I'm sure who ever made this video has no issue with homosexuality in comics.
weiberfeind homosexuality right now is accepted thing
Incest is not
Especially between freaking twins
MUC, gave a sly nod to it. Actors of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch played a married couple in Godzilla. Of course they made sure it can't happen in the MCU after A:AOU
@Danzan my only point is the people who defend homosexuality because it's between consenting adults are hypocritical for being against incest between consenting adults.
Personally I think both sexual lifestyles are weird and gross, but I don't care what people do as long as they don't impose their lifestyle on me. Thing is i can tolerate incest people because at least they don't have incest pride parades and sue people who don't agree with their lifestyle to force them to bake cakes..unlike the homosexuals.
Also unless I knew a couple was brother and sister they would look like a normal couple. homosexuals can't say that since it's obvious it's abnormal
I love how everyone always disses Hank Pym but doesnt recognize that Peter Parker has hit Mary Jane before
Yeah, this vid even shows a pic of it by mistake...
Eli Acevedo she deserved it
Why would a pregnant woman concerned for her husband deserve to be hit?
Those swimsuit issues had amazing art by incredible artists.
japan didn't invent waifu ;D
Jason scott cambell and micheal turner with turner passing they were the best.
But it has titties so What Culture needs to virtue signal
Yeah... and people used to read Penthouse for the articles...
The thing with the Dr Jekyll section, is that it wasn’t Dr Jekyll, it was Mr Hyde. I felt the shocking scene was supposed to show just how shocking Mr Hyde was. And the reactions of the other characters to his actions showed they were appalled. It felt like the presenter referred to him as Dr Jekyll to support their point, but whether you approve of the scene’s inclusion or not, it was a disingenuous change to make when describing the scene.
In the case of Mr. Hyde buggering the Invisible man to death, inappropriate does not mean bad. And what he did was VERY appropriate given the circumstances that led up to the act, was very in keeping with his character, and frankly it would've been illogical and inappropriate had he NOT done what he did. AND it was both disturbing and deeply, darkly funny at the same time. For me, one of my all-time favorite Alan Moore scenes from one his all-time best series.
Inappropriate comic story lines? The introduction to Damien Wayne...
blank man?!
Jargon Madjin fuck that little shit
Oh yeah....
Jargon Madjin Oh yeah the time when Batman fucking Batman got raped
this looks familiar.....
Official Life Facts he uses the video Spider-Man video around 1:46
GM 91: Ur a waste of space and air!
greenman 91 1. U do realise that just makes u sound gay, right?!
2. I support LGBT rights, though!
ChanceBaylor Condoms pertect agaist STDs/STIs w/e they call them now!
DRAGONDXZ Why're u pointing out that it makes him sound gay if u support the lgbt community? Comes off as u having a problem with it.
this is nothing, did you even do your research propperly?
How about the time:
*- basically every time Bendis retcons/changes something*
- Superman and Big Barda were brainwashed into doing hardcore porn
- Cpt. America being turned into a henchman for Hydra
- Nightwing got raped... at least twice, by different women (Mirrage, Tarantula)
- Aunt May had a affair with Doc Ock... and yes that's *OLD* May, not young and sexy May
- Batman got raped by Talia; aka Damian's Birth Story
- Ms. Marvel got basically brainwashed and raped just to give birth to her rapist, just to fall in love with him and go to another dimension with him... *WHILE THE AVENGERS WHERE ACTUALLY GRATULATING HER ON THAT*
- Batman had sex with Black Canary in the rain... while being surrounded by *BURNING GANGSTERS/THE CORPSES OF THEM*
- The Elongated Man's wife got raped by Doctor Light *ON THE WATCHTOWER ITSELF*
- DC's Heroes brainwashing villains and other heroes to their liking
- pre Flash Point Jason Todd turning into a tentacle monster, eating a guy and seemingly turning back without any aftereffects *OR* explanations
- Prof. X having the hots for Jean Grey, when she was *JUST* a teenager
and the only thing stopping him from going after her, wasn't his morals, his role as her guardian or anything...
*NOOO*... it was him being in a wheelchair
- or the time Spider-Man admitted he got molested by a priest
Batman and Black Canary having sexual intercourse? Now that is interesting…Wait there were a bunch of burning human corpses around them? Now that's spicy!…purely joking of course…
Does where good one, also what was the comic/s where nightwing got raped I heard a lot of it but my friends don't know the name of it
Black panther had sex with storm when she was 12 and he was 19
Yeah he had saved her from some white supremacist while she was on her pilgrimage to Kenya and she decided to thank him by giving him her virginity... when she was 12...
Doctor Swood You forgot about the one where Batman is abusive to Dick Grayson and feeds him rats !
If you're referencing "All-Batman and Robin", be fair.
He also had Roaches and Batshit to choose from, so a full-course buffet really...
still can't believe Miller was so convinced that "All-Suck Not-Batman and Robin" was so good, he called it the prequel to Dark Knight Returns.
OTH: That treatment might explain, why Robin became The Joker in the Sequel.
Wolverine told She-hulk he didn't want Juggernaut's "Sloppy Seconds"
Ok I was reading the evil that men do when my mind just told me to put it down and take a break from it...
Now I know why
Why can't rape be in comics when it happens In really life? That's just as scummy ya scumbag.
Hank Pym only hit Janet once out of stress of staying an Avenger if i'm not mistaken. Ultimate Hank Pym on the other hand....
What did he do?
marvel ftw dc overrated he beat her, then she turn to warp to hide then he command ants to attack her
Phan Tran - and then when I think Tony, Cap, and Betty were discussing it Betty mentioned how this wasn't the first time and cited other examples. In the Ultimates he was a real POS
marvel ftw dc overrated sir this is the comment police.please pull over n change ur the meantime,I'm going to write u a C summons.
I'm shocked you didn't mention how Peter Parker was molested
One thing I remember about Tigris is sometimes she'd be just clothed in her natural fur coat.
When the Game Grumps saw her like that in a fighting game they called her a crazy naked cat lady.
I think I have the 4:47 comic series. It was pretty interesting & then that that part I remember laughing hysterically
"Is just like life in Leeds" LMAO!!!
So, I enjoyed the video, that being your section about Hank Pym you show a clip of Peter Parker hitting his wife during The Clone Saga, instead of Hank hitting Jan. I know you guys often will show comic images that don't actually come from the story you're currently discussing, but that instance was just a little bit more misleading.
I didn't watch the video yet, but I am going to take a stab in the dark and bet that they did NOT provide the context that Hank Pym was considered (according to the story) to have been mentally unstable when he did it, and also that he was kicked out of the Avengers for doing it (which makes the story really quite appropriate when you think about it).
Am I right?
Actually, they do mention that he had a mental breakdown.
Well color me surprised.
Jeph Loeb is the man responsible for ruining Mark Millar's "riske" take on Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. Like the "science" behind the Force, it was something that worked well when hinted at but never confirmed - but alas it was confirmed and well yeah - ultimates 3 was a trainwreck, damn you Loeb
Crimelord m
Dude... Jeph's son past away around the time he wrote the Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum. He was about to quit the comic industry altogether to mourn, when we pushed him back to continue writing. That is on us, not him.
- Some exile from Apokolips mind-tricked Superman into doing porn with Barda
- Superman making out with some alien chick right at the tombstone of his recently deceased wife Lois Lane and their unborn child
There are quite a few more, I think there's a UA-cam video about some crazy Superman storylines.
1:00 in, artwork does not look like the Ultimate series. Who's the artist?
"My names Arsenal look at m'trucker hyat"
In the bit about Hank Pym beating Janet.... you actually used an image of Peter Parker hitting Mary Jane during the Clone Saga....
"Arsenal" is not a good name for a superhero.
His nickname is "Arse".
Well, Hank Pym was "suffering" of a multiple personality disorder when he hit Wasp, and when he did, he did it as Yellowjacket which wasn't his "real persona." While the theme is not something you want to read on comics, you can't exactly hate on Pym for hitting her when he wasn't himself.
3:52 coming from somebody who is dated outside his race that is actually a very big thing to consider especially when it's involving black and white people. Even if you to do see past are the skin colored that doesn't mean that your family friends and co-workers will. Even if they support you that is still a very big topic and issue of two cultures mixing.
Superman is not racist for considering this especially since he's coming from a Southern Country family and the year the comic was made
Wasn’t the hank hits Janet panel a editorial mistake though?
Um.. The obvious no.1. Green Lantern: Kyle Rayner's girlfriend gets stuffed in a refrigerator by Major Force. - This changed comics as the "Women in refrigerators" movement got many creators wondering why girlfriends and wives kept getting brutally murdered in DC and Marvel creations.
gentblue 😂😂😂
gentblue or when he was roofied by a fat man named Beuno Excalientae
Roofied and raped
yes mortal women can die Easly in a comic of super heros and villans point being it led to SJW marvel and Champions and a conversation about fixing a food truck!
Because if the hero had a happy background they probably wouldn't be off superheroing.
Hank Pym only hit Janet _once_. Which in real life is one too many, but
bear in mind that they live in a universe where both women and men
regularly take part in vigilante violence.
EDITED TO ADD: And it was an accident, and he immediately apologized,
and he never did it again.
tigra reminds me a lot of cheetah
I'd do 'em both.
who is vixen?
A black superhero who has animal powers and appeared as a premier skin for cheetah in the game injustice
Marcus Pangilinan Injustice 2
Hansa marvel has a tendency to copy copy DC
The Invisible Man: **Rapes Mina**
Hyde: AND THEN I F R E A K E D it.
A suggestion and a comment. Suggestion: The Teen Titans did a story-line where Jesse Quick had an affair with her mom's (Liberty Belle) younger fiance (Jesse knew the guy was engaged to her mom when she had the affair). The fiance was murdered and found in Jesse's bed making Jesse a suspect. Jesse didn't kill the guy but the investigation revealed Jesse's betrayal to her mom. That is a pretty sick thing for a daughter to do to her mom.
The comment: I agree that the swimsuit issues shouldn't be on the list. It's just artwork and not as bad as stories like the Lois Lane going black or the Black Cat, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen stories. You should replace it with the Jesse Quick/Liberty Belle one! :)
Please actually read the black cat and league of extraordinary gentlemen issues this dude is being scummy and leaving a lot of important information out just for a fucking list.
I'm not a major comic fan but watching this it seems like comics get them selves in trouble when they try to tackle social issues, maybe the best thing would be for them to just focus on the super heroes and leave the rest alone.
Luis going black was clearly well intentioned and asking super if he could still love her with black skin probably says more about the times than anything else, and although now may seem racist, it was at a time when there were far more issues with racial cohesion than today, I think when you put it in the correct context of the times and consider what it was trying to say , it's not racist and was making a good argument it's just sad that the argument had to be made in the first place.
its like any medium some story's tackle social issues and others don't
When Batman was a drug addict and he had to stay in a room for a whole month
I actually have that original issue 😂
gametime x3 Is that when he was addicted to Venom?
that story annoyed me. staying in a room for a month cures addicts? then Thor should put Tony in the room with no doors to cure his alcoholism.
Locking yourself away doesn't cure addiction. Locking away is for de-tox. People trying to kick the habit isolate themselves away from the world so they don't go get their fix. See the scene in trainspotting. rehab centers are just really expensive isolation rooms to detox then do group projects and meeting with psychiatrists to try to get to the root of why you got addicted in the first place and how to not do it again, to varying degrees of success.
That comic was awesome. Batman asking Alfred to not let him out no matter what. Alfred crying next to the door while Bruce detoxes. One of the best comics I've read.
1:45 okay that whole Hank slapping Wasp thing is a pain in the neck. Wasp was actually trying to emotionally manipulate Hank during this time. Taking advantage of him while he was vulnerable to stay with and marry her despite how many times he said he's not ready for marriage given they're superhero work and he'd just been kicked out of the avengers.
The whole slapping thing in the original was supposed to be an accident Hank throwing up his hand in frustration and accidentally catching Wasp in the face. The comic artist couldn't animate that so he just drew Pym straight up Bitch slapping wasp across the room.
But everyone including the comic writers like to forget about Wasp trying to manipulate her significant other and trying to rope him into being completely emotionally dependant on her despite knowing Hank has had several mental breakdowns caused by the stress he's put under.
The end result is that wasp is just an 'innocent' victim and Hank gets retconed as always being a wife beating asshole who abuses a woman who doesn't have the sense to leave him. It's a sickening double standard
brownwingedangel he still beat her
L flare no he didn't that was from a retcon that writers use to justify Wasp as the victim of their relationship.
Aunt May was a knocker.
I think the most inappropriate thing about this video is the handling of the comic book at 1:26!
Yo I'm crying here lmao lol
Dr. Jekyl: "If you betray me I will f&*k you -- literally"
When he says Arsenal he means Green Arrows sidekick not the football team
Well duh this is an American comic we are not that much into soccer.
You put the swimsuit issues in here but not Hydra Cap, Spider-Man selling his marriage to the devil, Gwen cheating on Peter? Show some skin and everyone loses their minds.
AtticWarrior cartoon skin too
Hydra Cap was a cool twist but New Empire sucked.
Yeah! Wheres the aunt may in a swim suit picture?!
Even though I think the swimsuit one would be barely inappropriate (especially with some of the uniforms they wear to begin with) why would any of the options you gave be inappropriate other then not liking the stories?
He actual names a TON of other stuff besides the swimsuit issues, sounds like you're just nitpicking, that's what contributed to male comic geeks being seen as pervs. Don't regress
This is not my usual youtube thing.... well done and entertaining regardless.
My favorite WTF in comics is in the old man logan line with hulk and shehulk having kids.(and it only being a maybe consensual)
soooo, according to the comments on the hyde/invisible rape, raping a man to death is fine cause the invisible man was mean to a lady?!
If by mean you mean rape, and by lady you mean several dozen women, then yes.
Dugon man It's not OK. At all. I don't care what he did, nothing justifies rape.
Dugon man It's not okay but the dude kinda had it coming since he was a serial rapist.
Dugon you do realise that Hyde is also a cruel violent psychopath, so Hyde butt raping someone for revenge is quite in character?
Its two monsters fighting - expect lots of collateral damage
KoroWheke Also expect the end result to be bloody, VERY bloody
Sins Past. I don't have a problem with the idea of the story in and of itself, but they show you Norman Osborn's sexy time face. I cringe as a part of my soul dies at the very thought..
Shots fucking fired at Leeds.
5:05 what did you expect, it is the league of extraordinary gentlemen
Nasty though it was, I got the feeling the extremity of Hyde's - ahem - treatment of the Invisible Man was less about his betrayal, than it was about what he had done to Mina.
"inappropriate" in the title, it must be a jules video
I liked The Evil that Men Do, I don't care what anyone says, I think they explored the relationship between peter and the black cat wonderfully in it. Also, it proved normal villains can be just as vile or worse than super villains. I'm sticking to it. And I loved Dodson's art
"his man milk is irradiated" lmaooooooo
When he says “that’s right, this fucking goof” I can’t stop laughing because of how he says it and the picture at 6:02
6:05 why did you have to do me like that.
Wait. you bring up the swimsuit issues and not show The Punisher in all his glory!?
I believe there was a storyline where, Ms.Marvel (Carol Danvers) wound up falling in love with and had gotten pregnant by, her son from the future.
If this is the story I'm thinking it's not quite like that. The "son" was actually son of Immortus calling himself Marcus IIRC.
Apparently Marcus snatched Carol from normal world to his home, then somehow mindraped Carol, then de-aged himself to fetal stage and got into Carol's womb and returned Carol to normal world where he accelerated the pregnancy and after being born accelerated his growth so he quickly reached adulthood. He then tricked other Avengers into thinking Carol wanted to go with him to his world (the mind-rape making Carol act OOC).
Sadly back in his world he could not stop the accelerated aging and was soon reduced to dust, releasing Carol from his control.
Thank you for the clarification! Greatly appreciated! 🙂
They had turned me into a rapist! .....or so I've heard. :(
How dare they
Well the Watchmen story comes to mind, you know, the one about the psychotic flame-throwing Spectre rapist, the thumb-breaking, peadophile murdering vigilante, the naked irradiated guy with a blue dong that's always hanging out, and the world's smartest man who also happens to be a terrorist. Or the DC comic Vigilante, you know, the one about the psychologically damaged anti hero that has his family murdered by a mobster, and then goes on to murder cops, has fits of rage that often end in putting a big old bullet in criminal's faces, fights Batman, and ultimately has a psychological breakdown and blows his own freaking head off.
Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver have had a thing for each other long before the ultimates. It's just that the ultimates since it was marketed to adults and had an age warning was able to be in your face about it. Its just like the antman wasp thing where events were reference far more than they were shown but in the ultimates it went full on brutal and the wasp almost died.
Gotta love those old comics.
6:14 oliver queen was rich as heck dude
Z Go nah it's Mary Jane
This toxic sperm sounds more like a banner problem than a Peter
Z Go the storyline is called something like 'Spiderman doom' and it's in the future, doc oc comes back to life and starts waving around Mary Jane's body and spidey goes on this massive thing about how his 'blood and body' are radio-active due to the spider bite and being with him gave her cancer and she died from it
Z Go it's a shit story
Trevor Stillson The book is called Spider-Man: Reign (not to be confused with Dark Reign).
Why, during the Hank Pym segment, is there inexplicably a page showing Peter Parker smacking the shit out of Mary Jane? 1:43
At 1:45 is a Spider-Man comic while he’s in a scuffle with himself