REACTION | DOCTOR WHO | 5x13 | The Big Bang

  • Опубліковано 2 лют 2025


  • @RetroRobotRadio
    @RetroRobotRadio 5 місяців тому +118

    If you listen to Rory sitting at the reception table, right when he remembers the doctor, Rory says "I was plastic?" It all came back to him. He lived 2000 years and knows it.

    • @paulflux5892
      @paulflux5892 5 місяців тому +25

      ..."He was a stripper at my stag do"...

    • @eolsunder
      @eolsunder 5 місяців тому +4

      yes but he isn't plastic now. The Doctor rebooted the universe. Rory remembers what happened, but he was rebooted and is normal now. Just like Amy's parents were rebooted and are here now when they weren't before and they remember each other. So, Rory WAS plastic, but he's human now he just remembers being plastic.

  • @TheFeltbegone
    @TheFeltbegone 5 місяців тому +36

    Think back to the first episode. Little Amy gives the Doctor an apple in her bedroom. She says "Mum carves faces on them so I'll like them." The apple was fresh. Amy lost her mother that night, did not remember, but knew something was wrong and asked Santa for help. It broke my heart when I realized.

  • @RegianOne
    @RegianOne 5 місяців тому +30

    And here it is.
    The entire story was mapped out before they started filming.
    That scene from Flesh and Stone when Amy had her eyes closed with his jacket on after he walked off without his jacket.
    When this episode first aired they thought it was a blooper, a continuity error.
    Turns out they didn't realise that Steven Moffat is a genius.

  • @coladict
    @coladict 5 місяців тому +55

    I think writing River Song is the most time-travel-y thing done in a time travel show ever, and I'm glad Steven Moffat did it. We're introduced to her with her death, and then we slowly grow to know and like her as we see her adventures in the order the Doctor experiences them, which is nearly the opposite of how she experienced them. With her story the time travel becomes more than transport to reach the setting of the plot.

    • @ziggythedrummer
      @ziggythedrummer 5 місяців тому +6

      Not really a spoiler, but when 12 (Peter Capaldi) meets River in "The Husbands of River Song", he says something along the lines of "the timelines are awfully complicated, some people need a flowchart!" 🤣

  • @stevebills5716
    @stevebills5716 5 місяців тому +18

    That line from Amy - Something old, something new, etc - always makes me want to stand and give Mr Moffat a standing ovation. Absolutely perfect.

    • @zakkrulez
      @zakkrulez 5 місяців тому +7

      I swear I literally did exactly that when this episode was first broadcast! It's a great example of the beautiful poetry of Moffat's writing.

  • @robertwareham8466
    @robertwareham8466 5 місяців тому +12

    When I first watched Flesh and Stone, I noticed the jacket was back on when the Doctor talks to Amelia in the spaceship forest and I assumed it was a continuity error. Moffatt you sly thing you! xD

  • @zakkrulez
    @zakkrulez 5 місяців тому +23

    The thing about this finale not "feeling as big" compared to previous finales is kind of my favourite thing about it - we get to focus on the characters and the plot, and that single, relentless stone dalek chasing them provides more than enough jeopardy to keep things feeling urgent. The problem with the series 1-4 finales was that RTD felt the need for each one to be bigger and more spectacular than the last, but you can't keep that up forever, so Moffat did the right thing in my opinion by giving us the big, bombastic penultimate episode but then subverting expectations with a much more focused and intimate finale. At time of broadcast this was by far my favourite finale (and series) so far.

    • @NicoleM_radiantbaby
      @NicoleM_radiantbaby 5 місяців тому +3

      THIS! Exactly the reasons I preferred it to the RTD finales as well. It was a smaller more intimate story at the end of the day. And I just love it for that!

  • @RetroRobotRadio
    @RetroRobotRadio 5 місяців тому +40

    Rory was at the London Blitz protecting Amy in the Pandorica, same time she and the Doctor were meeting Churchill and the Daleks, and Rose and the Doctor were meeting Captain Jack!

    • @boghag
      @boghag 5 місяців тому +7

      Well, yes and no. Rory was there in the timeline without stars. Churchill and the Daleks / Rose and Captain Jack were in a timeline where there are other stars and planets (Skaro and the Chula's homeworld at least).

    • @StarkRG
      @StarkRG 5 місяців тому +3

      Yeah, slightly different timeline. He certainly remembers it, but Jack wasn't there because Jack came from a non-existent future from a non-existent planet. The Daleks wouldn't have been there either because the Daleks never existed. Timey-wimey.

    • @obiwankenobi687
      @obiwankenobi687 5 місяців тому +1

      Not really, it was an alternative timeline. So those things never happened, Jack was never there, nine and rose were never there etc

  • @robvanriot
    @robvanriot 5 місяців тому +9

    When the Doctor tells the story by Young Amy's bedside he feels so ancient. You really get the sense of a man who's centuries old and tired. Matt Smith is so good at that despite being younger than anyone else who'd played the role up to this point.

  • @phtevenj
    @phtevenj 5 місяців тому +9

    i LOVE the callback to the angel episode with the doctor coming and talking to Amy.... its easy to see once you know but the fact that they put him there was pure great writing, but the past Doctor had lost his jacket to the angels, so the one telling her to remember, was always THIS future Doctor

  • @williamholtzclaw3029
    @williamholtzclaw3029 5 місяців тому +9

    "I don't want her joining one of those star cults, I just don't trust that Richard Dawkins" I can't believe I didn't catch that line until now

  • @glenns7252
    @glenns7252 5 місяців тому +32

    You said they did well with the casting, little Amelia is played by karen gillan's cousin, so resemblance is genetic

  • @coladict
    @coladict 5 місяців тому +38

    When watching Flesh and Stone you may have noticed the Doctor having his coat again when talking to Amy in the forest and thought it a production error, but here we see it's no error at all.
    Also when she asks him "what did you tell me?" he can't answer, because he hasn't told it to her yet and doesn't know what he will say.

    • @jeanine6328
      @jeanine6328 5 місяців тому +6

      At the time, I thought it was some editing error.

    • @phtevenj
      @phtevenj 5 місяців тому +3

      ack you worded it way better than i did... my excuse is im very stoned lol

    • @gregweatherup9596
      @gregweatherup9596 5 місяців тому +6

      It’s an important plot point disguised as a continuity error - Brilliant!

    • @grabtharshammer
      @grabtharshammer 5 місяців тому +1

      I didn't think it was that he couldn't answer, it was more that she just had to remember

  • @Jumpyman_thegamerYT
    @Jumpyman_thegamerYT 5 місяців тому +4

    22:53 The journal was River Song's, and it was the one she used to keep track of all the times she met the Doctor. It was blank only because the Doctor had been erased.

  • @anonymes2884
    @anonymes2884 5 місяців тому +6

    One of the reasons Moffat's era is my favourite of nuWho to date is that, like me, he _loves_ the time-travel element of the show - in some eras the TARDIS is basically just a way of getting from one adventure to another but for Moffat it's absolutely integral to the narrative, as we see here where rather than just paying lip service to the idea of a time-loop he fully leans into it and _shows_ us.
    (and the metaphor of series 5 hangs together really nicely IMO. Amy was 21 in 2010 so can be read as being born in 1989, when "Doctor Who" was cancelled - by series end young Amelia has grown up in a much darker world, without stars or a wider universe to look up at and dream i.e. a world without "Doctor Who". Amelia was 7 when 11 first landed but something wasn't _quite_ right so he left again - 1996 was when the US produced TV movie came out but... something wasn't quite right so "Doctor Who" went away again. During the "wilderness years", when the show was off the air, the Doctor "survived" mostly in books - including the Decalog anthologies in which Steven Moffat's first professional "Doctor Who" writing was published, a short-story called "Continuity Errors" which shares nothing _and_ everything with his run on the show - and in Big Finish audio plays i.e. _in words_ kept alive by the memory of fans, just like the story 11 plants in young Amelia's sleeping brain. Plus, he restarts his universe etc. So the subtext of S5 is "Doctor Who"'s death and rebirth - it could only have worked better if it'd been _the_ first series of nuWho rather than just _Steven Moffat's_ first series of nuWho but I still really enjoy that extra layer. Err, as evidenced by the above dissertation, sorry :)

  • @kemmdog4444
    @kemmdog4444 5 місяців тому +15

    “We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one.”

  • @RetroRobotRadio
    @RetroRobotRadio 5 місяців тому +40

    Amy waited 12 years for the Doctor. Rory waited 2000 years for Amy!

  • @glenns7252
    @glenns7252 5 місяців тому +14

    The something borrowed something blue scene is one of my favorites from the 11th doctor. Btw did you notice the doctor doing the drunken giraffe dance

  • @DurgisFlak
    @DurgisFlak 5 місяців тому +38

    River- "Amy! And (what am I supposed to know at this point?) the plastic centurian..?"

  • @D-Rv8iv
    @D-Rv8iv 5 місяців тому +5

    The whole 2 parter is one of my favourite chunks of new who. A real cliffhanger and then a timey wimey complicated but simple resolution.

  • @soundgal_sine_qua_non
    @soundgal_sine_qua_non 5 місяців тому +3

    I love rewatching Series 5 knowing what I know about River from Series 6 on. Seeing River be so protective and supportive of her mom during Flesh and Stone/Time of the Angels is a particular highlight. Her making sure that Amy remembers the Doctor in this episode because River has to be conceived in the TARDIS on their wedding night is another 😂

  • @caitlin329
    @caitlin329 5 місяців тому +2

    The Angel two-parter was the first story they filmed, too. It's amazing how 'settled' and comfortable they feel in the roles, enough that the scene of the future Doctor talking to Amy absolutely works.

  • @scottredding7357
    @scottredding7357 5 місяців тому +27

    The museum video about the Lone Centurion was the best narrative trick in this show since the Doctor’s hologram in the series 1 finale.

  • @obiwankenobi687
    @obiwankenobi687 5 місяців тому +2

    2:30 - Richard Dawkins was actually in series 4 of Doctor Who. When the planets get stolen and we see the collection of news and tv footage of everyone reacting

  • @Dalekscientist
    @Dalekscientist 5 місяців тому +6

    7:24 the actress that played young Amy is Karen Gillian's cousin!

  • @Loulizabeth
    @Loulizabeth 5 місяців тому +8

    This is my favourite Tardis Team so I love the whole time we have with Amy and Rory and everything we learn during their time on the Tardis.

  • @LordLOC
    @LordLOC 5 місяців тому +5

    I'm sure other people have pointed it out, but "pretty decent with the casting" is pretty accurate since the little girl is actually Karen Gillian's cousin and she was cast because of how similar they look (and Karen looked just like the girl did when she was that age. And now that girl is Karen's age when they filmed this, and looks just like Karen lol - I think her name is Caitlin?).
    For me this is the best finale of all of New Who, except for Doomsday, because that one just destroys me every time I watch it. The writing is SO well done, and (mostly) keeps everything straight and not all wibbly woobly timey wimey. Mostly. But a special shout out has to go to Murray Gold. His music for this series was INCREDIBLE. The Doctor's theme, Amy's theme, even Rory's theme (which we don't technically get until 2/3 through the series/season I think) are all amazing pieces of work, and the overall music shift for this series with heavier use of percussion instruments and more strings was so nice. Just a really incredible set of tracks this guy created.

  • @endopoth7
    @endopoth7 5 місяців тому +3

    I think series 5 finale is my fav. The jumping back and forth through time. Also I think this is the only time we don’t have a physical enemy. We are fighting time. Or the deterioration of it. I also loved how she brought the Doctor back. She is the best companion.

  • @MeanJohnDean
    @MeanJohnDean 4 місяці тому +1

    That little. AMY is her actual niece.

  • @ThePonderer
    @ThePonderer 5 місяців тому +28

    7:25 “pretty decent with the casting” it helps that they’re literally cousins.

    • @thepandorica1660
      @thepandorica1660 5 місяців тому +4

      And Caitlin is currently as old as Karen was and now looks exactly like she did back then.

    • @j.rileyindependentproductions
      @j.rileyindependentproductions 5 місяців тому +2

      @@thepandorica1660 Well, almost.

    • @seanstirling2685
      @seanstirling2685 5 місяців тому

      ​@@thepandorica1660 the creep always has to point this out

  • @StarkRG
    @StarkRG 5 місяців тому +4

    Rory is my all-time favourite companion. At the beginning of Matt Smith's era, I thought it was gonna be Amy because she was hot and goofy (I now prefer Gillan's portrayal of Nebula over Amy, like, by a lot). Rory, though, he's awkward and lacks confidence, but he has a massive abundance of resolve. When he decides a thing needs to be done, and he has the ability to get it done, that thing gets done.

  • @ziggythedrummer
    @ziggythedrummer 5 місяців тому +8

    The casting of Amy/Amelia - Caitlin Blackwood (young Amelia) is Karen Gillan's cousin.
    When River's true origins were revealed half-way through season 6, I totally lost it.

  • @TheWyldKarde
    @TheWyldKarde 5 місяців тому +5

    River Song made a freakin' Dalek beg for mercy. Absolutely badass.

    • @zakkrulez
      @zakkrulez 5 місяців тому +2

      That moment is awesome but my pedantic brain just can't help being a bit annoyed by it - River specifically says she has to shoot the dalek straight down its eyestalk to kill it, so instead of begging for mercy whilst still looking at her, why doesn't the dalek just turn away?! 🤣

  • @obiwankenobi687
    @obiwankenobi687 5 місяців тому +3

    25:36 this piece of music is two pieces moving in opposite directions over the top of each other. A bit like river and the doctor

  • @gestaltdude
    @gestaltdude 5 місяців тому +6

    Rory is very much in a tie for the title Most Developed Companion with Martha. Though he's much like Mickey, he went from bumbling stooge to indispensable cog in no time. These seasons would have been very different without him.

  • @MrDarkwing78
    @MrDarkwing78 5 місяців тому +11

    I knew the story of the boy who waited would break you.

  • @ItsCrossbow
    @ItsCrossbow 5 місяців тому +7

    Loved this episode and the fact Rory waited 2000 years to protect his gf what an awesome guy and the doctor and his fez was awesome 😂 and his bad dancing haha. This was the episode i started to love Matt as the doctor and become my favourite doctor

  • @marthajones13
    @marthajones13 5 місяців тому +5

    “I feel like Series 6 is going to be intense” you couldn’t have been more right 😭. Series 6 has always been my fave season though so many people don’t like it for a number of reasons. The sheer ambition and scale of that series outweighs any of the other issues I have with it, personally. It also has my fave tardis team/dynamic so…yeah that takes it for me. Series 5 is brilliant too though.

  • @10thdoctor15
    @10thdoctor15 5 місяців тому +4

    We don't find out how/why the TARDIS explodes until much later in 11's run

  • @charliechar__
    @charliechar__ 5 місяців тому +8

    Nestene is the race that controls the autons. If you remember, that big blob of plastic in a vat on the very first episode was one of the nestene, so being a "nestene duplicate" pretty much makes him an auton. In fact, we already saw that on Rose when the auton plastic trash can ate Mickey and spat a (very low quality) copy!

  • @jonasfermefors
    @jonasfermefors 5 місяців тому +7

    Richard Dawkins is a scientist who - in our universe - has written a lot of books about evolution and against religion.

    • @Jayveemon
      @Jayveemon 5 місяців тому +4

      And was married Lala Ward who played the Time Lady Companion Romana's 2nd incarnation with the 4th Doctor from 1992-2016

    • @jonasfermefors
      @jonasfermefors 5 місяців тому +2

      @@Jayveemon 🤣That was a fun fact I didn't know!

    • @carlosyoung1629
      @carlosyoung1629 5 місяців тому +1

      I'm sure we all remember his appearance in Journeys End too?

  • @noahsikes2519
    @noahsikes2519 5 місяців тому +1

    7:30 at this point you probably definitely know this by now but the reason young Amy looks so much like regular Amy because that is Aaron Gillans real life cousin

  • @asterix7842
    @asterix7842 5 місяців тому +3

    This is my favorite two parter and one of favorite season finales (along with season 6). I love the scene where Amy remembers the Doctor. The Matt Smith/Steven Moffat era is the best period of Doctor Who, and I think season six is the best one, so you’ll probably hate it 😂. Still, I can’t wait to see your reactions.

  • @hallyhop
    @hallyhop 5 місяців тому +2

    Rory is the literal best

  • @railfan711
    @railfan711 5 місяців тому +3

    This is a very emotional episode for me, especially when she brings back the Doctor.

  • @NicoleM_radiantbaby
    @NicoleM_radiantbaby 5 місяців тому +1

    I always love that when Amelia is thirsty later on when she's with grown up Amy, Rory, and the Doctor, the Doctor goes back and literally steals the drink from her young self for her to drink -- LOL!

  • @ghostpants7930
    @ghostpants7930 5 місяців тому +5

    fun fact(you probably already know this but oh well): Little Amelia is played by Karen Gillan's cousin Caitlin Blackwood

  • @shabadoo25
    @shabadoo25 5 місяців тому +11

    Little Amelia is Karen Gillian's niece or cousin or something.

    • @ItsCrossbow
      @ItsCrossbow 5 місяців тому +6

      It’s her cousin but they hadn’t met till they filmed doctor who in 2010

  • @bluesnake4626
    @bluesnake4626 5 місяців тому +2

    The Ponds in the TARDIS with the Doctor. Finally

  • @noahrobin1941
    @noahrobin1941 5 місяців тому +1

    Something I never clocked before: At the museum, Amy and Amelia are wearing clothes using more or less the same color palette.

  • @penguinsrcool3871
    @penguinsrcool3871 5 місяців тому +2

    I love this happy ending! 😊

  • @Raymail-tj4cf
    @Raymail-tj4cf 5 місяців тому +2

    I case you didn’t know. The young Amelia is played by Karen’s cousin. They do resemble each other.

  • @IDidntSetAHandle
    @IDidntSetAHandle 5 місяців тому +3

    13:30 - Which head?

  • @JulieAiken
    @JulieAiken 5 місяців тому +2

    There have been a LOT of amazing Doctors in the reboot, and I'm loving Ncuti! Actually, I loved them all! But Christopher Eccleston owns me. Without him, there would be no New Who -- he was perfect and I adore his Doctor! My ranking of all Doctors is #1 Tom Baker (he was my first) and #2 Eccleston. After that they start to get jumbled for me, but I truly have loved them all! Great reaction, and onward!

  • @bradleythebodycount29
    @bradleythebodycount29 5 місяців тому +1

    So the weeping angels episode I mentioned his jacket in the chat and this episode is why 😂

  • @mixofreak
    @mixofreak 5 місяців тому +1

    I *always* tear up at "Something old..."

  • @shaunjp2211
    @shaunjp2211 5 місяців тому +5

    Something borrowed Something old Something new....
    Doctor you're late for my wedding
    I love Amy and the 11th Dr the best !!

  • @misshuntress821
    @misshuntress821 4 місяці тому +1

    Rory is such husband material. 2000 years?? He is the STANDARD

    • @BritanyBinges
      @BritanyBinges  4 місяці тому +5

      Agreed!!! If it's not an "I would stand guard over you for two thousand years" kind of love, I don't want it. Lol

  • @kenmercer8112
    @kenmercer8112 5 місяців тому +1

    everything's fine.
    3:55 love it!
    it was a fun finally.

  • @donaldb1
    @donaldb1 5 місяців тому +2

    I think the first part of the finale is pretty good, in the same sort of manner as Davies finales, i.e. it's big, it's massive, it's the end of the world/universe/existence as we know it and everybody's invited. But part 2 takes that Moffat left turn, it's timey-wimey and complicated, perhaps not fully thought out (but Davies is perhaps not any better in that respect) but it's exciting and new and that's why I really like this and part 2 in particular.

  • @SomeGuy4245-f1v
    @SomeGuy4245-f1v 5 місяців тому +2

    The next season is pretty much about River, and also the ones responsible for blowing up the TARDIS.

  • @trinitybernhardt9944
    @trinitybernhardt9944 5 місяців тому +2

    It is true that I never expected the Doctor to truly disappear, I mean that is a problem with any titular character in danger, but the way this ending was tied into past episodes so much made it bigger than the actual events. I thought the writing was brilliant. That made this episode and season a favorite. Not the favorite. I am a 10 girlie. I definitely appreciate every Doctor for some reason or other though.

  • @kennethiain
    @kennethiain 2 місяці тому

    Hi Britany, it's been a while since I commented, but I wanted to comment at the very least on this, as I'm catching up with your reactions! I think with this series finale, compared with the previous ones, Moffat might be more predictable, however, for me, what I really liked was the way -- and I think he said this himself -- he wrote himself into a corner, and had to find a way to write himself back out. In RTD's era, the first part (or parts for series 3 and 4) of the finale set things up, but there were still things added on top of that within the second part. I think this led RTD to be written into a corner, but rather than write himself out of it as Moffat, I think, tries to, he would instead employ something that made you suspend your belief (beyond what you were already suspending, perhaps), such as Rose Tyler as the Bad Wolf, in order to solve it. There was nothing in this second part that, I feel, that did that -- or if it did, it didn't do it a noticeable extent like RTD did. The closest thing I can think of was the use of memory to bring characters back, but even that was written into the show in earlier episodes, such as The Doctor-Amy scene in the Angels' 2-parter -- so it doesn't feel as much as an afterthought, or a get-out-of-jail card to me, if that makes sense. Your perspective at the end of this episode about how you perceive things in comparison to others, is such a refreshing take to hear. Doctor Who can be such a polarising series where people like this, or don't like that, and if you fall out of those opinions people are like: WHAT?! So I'm glad you're open to other people's opinions on the show, and the series, but you're not beholden to it as fact! I know I often write long comments, and have my own opinions, but I like that this is a place I can do that! As always, I appreciated your reaction to this, and I'm so glad to be back with you on your journey once again!

  • @LightLMN
    @LightLMN 5 місяців тому +1

    14:13 That open sarcophagus (and the two moving ones in the Pandorica room) has bothered me for years! I think you might be the first reactor I've watched to notice it!

  • @bradleythebodycount29
    @bradleythebodycount29 5 місяців тому +2

    The little girl is Karen's (Amy) niece or cousin so casting was easy 🤣

  • @stuartarmstrong5190
    @stuartarmstrong5190 5 місяців тому +7

    No-one writes time travel, and all its paradoxes, like Steven Moffat. This is wibbly wobbly timey wimey at its best for me.

  • @thomasoa
    @thomasoa 5 місяців тому +3

    This is a good episode. I really like it. But it is also the beginning of a descent by Moffat where he seems to decide the story doesn't have to really make sense, as long as the emotional payoffs make sense.

    • @dupersuper1938
      @dupersuper1938 5 місяців тому +4

      What about it doesn't make sense?

  • @ronfehr7899
    @ronfehr7899 5 місяців тому +2

    Think about it. If the universe hadn't been rebooted, the following seasons of Doctor Who would never have happened.

  • @JustB3NJI
    @JustB3NJI 5 місяців тому +1

    When you finish Who I bet you will look back on this finale as one of the best. I was not hot on when it first came out...Now it's probably my 2nd fav.

  • @10thdoctor15
    @10thdoctor15 5 місяців тому +1

    If you like seeing how things are done, I think you'd like Jonathan Creek with Alan Davies.

  • @daveangel2991
    @daveangel2991 5 місяців тому

    Lol at asking a Dalek to chill!

  • @darynvoss7883
    @darynvoss7883 5 місяців тому +4

    Do you remember that scene from Flesh and Stone?

  • @auntvesuvi3872
    @auntvesuvi3872 5 місяців тому +1

    Thanks, Britany! ⏳ So much greatness around the corner.

  • @Mark_E_M
    @Mark_E_M 5 місяців тому +2

    NOOOOO!!!! You cut out the "One more time!" line!!! 😢😢

  • @leeci33
    @leeci33 5 місяців тому +2

    Hmmm…. I would have more fun traveling with 11. But I think 10 and 12 would risk everything to save my life. (Spoilers)

  • @CrankyGrandma
    @CrankyGrandma 5 місяців тому +4

    The “shut up dad” bothered me. Nasty. Dad didn’t deserve that. How about “wait Dad!”

  • @IsiahBradley
    @IsiahBradley 5 місяців тому

    P.S. This story is why I'm so mad at #RTD 2.0's sloppiness! So where was #Sutekh this whole time--at lunch?!? LOL!!!! It's the first time I thought of during Season 1/14/40's two-part finale (which I enjoyed, but still....)!!!!

  • @phantomsidious2934
    @phantomsidious2934 5 місяців тому +2

    "we still need to know how the tardis blew up" oh boy....we find out who's responsible, but how or even the logic of it happening...hell no! Moffats finale's, resolve stuff quickly and move on the the next arc

    • @LadyDoomsinger
      @LadyDoomsinger 5 місяців тому

      I think Moffat has a real talent for writing big, epic, intricate, mystical, fantastical stories. Not so good at actually wrapping up his stories with a satisfying conclusion.

    • @arch1017
      @arch1017 5 місяців тому +2

      The Silence have time engines (as seen in Day of the Moon) and a malfunctioning one of those in The Lodger throws the Tardis (and Amy) into the time vortex and almost destroys it.
      I think The Silence weaponised a time engine to draw the Tardis to Amy's time, and blow it up - and that's how they did it.

    • @arch1017
      @arch1017 5 місяців тому +7

      ​@@LadyDoomsinger Down to personal taste, I guess. Personally, I'll take any of Moffat's finales over RTD's or Chibnall's.

    • @phantomsidious2934
      @phantomsidious2934 5 місяців тому +1

      ​@@arch1017really? Is that explained for the audience outright in the show or is it just fan assumption?

    • @arch1017
      @arch1017 5 місяців тому +1

      @@phantomsidious2934 My personal theory. The pieces are all there, and they fit, so why not?
      I know other people think that River did it without realising (due to the brainwashing), as she was in the Tardis at the time. Both work.

  • @suntannedduck2388
    @suntannedduck2388 5 місяців тому

    No stars, the stars are going out. XD Rory and being plastic the legendary Roman who waited. The Fez, Pandorica, so much good stuff and of course Doctor in Angel episode that Amy can't see but hears. So much comes together it's great.
    The Pandorica is so well used here it's great. The museum yes so good of using the props. The DNA imprint right.
    So human, so plastic. XD Swappable many parts as a auton clearly. Who knows. Need another arm, good to go.
    A dream, then parents then the wedding, lot to take in for sure. XD Ah yep scared yep. XD Ah the Doctor appearing.
    River making her impact when she needs to.
    Great Doctor dancing, Mr Pond. Hmm Eiver over time.what will she reveal next season.
    She is tricky. Yes to all hmm.
    Such a good finale. Confusing then the pieces.
    We of course don't loose characters that easily anymore its all predictable for sure. Not just on rewatches but first time your like yeah it's of course they still stick around or not die.
    The plans working, what pieces fit is great we don't always see them yes. Showing helps then telling and whatever the Doctor is thinking.
    The angel episode moment felt like how Rose's Dad comment in parting od the ways, Satellite 5 and the long game bur different. Those fair call backs that do a good job with series story lines and really call back well to fair moments to pick from.
    Whilw you have seen the rest yeah on Patteon to S14, but yeah like with Rose it's good they expand on the family, other details. Amy/Rory get a lot of good details, River as well the more she is around.
    They make the most of it for sure in S6-7. They are really good series and Moffat does a really good job with it.

  • @kevinrodriguez5288
    @kevinrodriguez5288 4 місяці тому

    Whem Matt Smith left the show, it broke my heart...

  • @darthvader9710
    @darthvader9710 5 місяців тому

    Does she not have socials?

    • @BritanyBinges
      @BritanyBinges  5 місяців тому +1

      I technically have a TikTok account, but I rarely post anything. I'm not big into social media and spend most of my time on the Discord for the channel instead. I'll Occasionally post personal updates in a Community post on here and will likely do more of that in the future.

  • @Lyanna250
    @Lyanna250 28 днів тому

    I've watched every episode of Doctor who and this will always be the worst episode. It's the Steven Moffat trope of making it seem like there's lots of things happening in this episode but in reality there's nothing happen and there are no stakes. The crack does nothing. Rory is erased from existence but Amy remembers very quickly. The doctor is erased from existence but he's remembered very quickly. You can't remember what never existed. It's complete nonsense. The entire series 5 arc of the crack was awful because in reality nothing really happens. Rory dies, no he's fine. The Tardis blows up, no it's fine. The doctor is erased from existence but it's fine.

  • @glenns7252
    @glenns7252 4 місяці тому

    I hope everything is ok you haven't posted for a month, and i wasn't aware of any break you were taking, i hope everything is okay with you?

    • @BritanyBinges
      @BritanyBinges  4 місяці тому +1

      Thanks! I have posted a few different updates on the Community tab in the channel. Whenever there are breaks or channel updates, they'll be posted there.
      There will be a new reaction posted on Saturday.

    • @glenns7252
      @glenns7252 4 місяці тому

      @@BritanyBinges ok, glad to hear its just a break, i understand you need to schedule breaks to avoid burnout, so i support any break you take its well deserved

    • @BritanyBinges
      @BritanyBinges  4 місяці тому

      Thanks! This one wasn't really to avoid burnout. We made a cross-country move that took up a lot of our time for a few weeks and I've had multiple things happen since the move that has caused delays (needing to replace all of my recording and editing equipment because both of my computers broke during the move and a death in the family just to name a few).

    • @glenns7252
      @glenns7252 4 місяці тому

      @@BritanyBinges im sorry to hear that, you can win lately, i hope things are better and you settle in, and everything works out

  • @bananasaregood8655
    @bananasaregood8655 5 місяців тому +2

    Honestly i would say this is the last GREAT series of modern who, from series 6 onwards it goes downhill, still decent of course, but yeh...not as good. Especially form Let's kill hitler is when the show nose dives in quality for me. What did you think?

  • @Joey15811
    @Joey15811 5 місяців тому

    I still hated amy until after her entire era

  • @Joey15811
    @Joey15811 5 місяців тому

    When this first aired i hated it. Over time its grown on me but compared to part 1 it is underwhelming.

  • @IsiahBradley
    @IsiahBradley 5 місяців тому

    THANKS for this, @BritanyBinges!!!!
    So much behind...[IN DAVID TENNANT 10TH DOCTOR VOICE]...and much ahead!!! :)
    #DoctorWho #DoctorWhoTheBigBang #DoctorWho5x13 #MattSmith #KarenGillan #ArthurDarvill #BritanyBinges #BBC #TheEleventhDoctor

  • @somedudeontwitterstalkedme3829
    @somedudeontwitterstalkedme3829 5 місяців тому +1

    give it an hour before you read
    Meant to be looked back upon later, because it was something we all did at the time, nothing real of note is given away,
    if someone disagrees let me know and I can edit before anyone who has not see past this episode reads it.... because ..... Spoilers.... even ones of future feelings is not cool, so just let me know
    I want you to remember this moment, Doctor Who gave you a finale that you admit had suspense in how it was delivered, but because it gave you a happier ending, it was predictable...... remember you said that, for when future things occur. You cannot say things out loud with this show, it will hear you and punish you accordingly.

    • @godmagnus
      @godmagnus 5 місяців тому +1

      Geronime? Are you Hermione's brother?

  • @somedudeontwitterstalkedme3829
    @somedudeontwitterstalkedme3829 5 місяців тому +2

    Not stupid at all, there was a cinematic universe that the same things were stated about those 2.
    The Doctor faced all of his greatest enemies, with a thread that was set up in 4X8 with the reading of River's diary, with an opening showcasing some memorable people from past episodes, the return of Rory Williams and the remembering of Amelia Pond all culminating in the defeat of the Doctor and the end of the Universe.
    Explaining it, in no way could compete with that.