21:39 That is a very odd challenge, pastor Tim. How about Psa 51 off the top of one's head? (since due to parallelism a clean heart and a new spirit are equivalent, you might as well call that a new heart). I can also think of plenty of passages in the Prophets that speak of the same tone, asking God for repentance (i.e. turning). The prayer itself is not wrong--the error lies in the fact that it is commonly omitted that it is the sinner's duty to get a new heart Eze 18:31 (now does God command something impossible? Yes--would not be the first time He's done it!) and that his inability to do so does not make him a victim, but a culprit. So while one side of the error seeks to generate a new heart out of their own fallen free will, the other side is content to deny all guilt and impugn God's justice since He commands it knowing that He alone can give a new heart. And so you see that the same proud spirit is behind both Arminianism and "Hypercalvinism"; they both agree that God has no right to demand from the creature what is His sole prerogative to give. These are not two opposite ends of the error spectrum in my opinion, they are actually on the same end, with true biblical Calvinism (which acknowledges God's justice regardless of what He sovereignly decides to decree) as their real opposite.
Can I ask something? How can we know for certain that Calvinism is the correct interpretation of Scripture and Arminianism is incorrect? Calvinists and Arminians read the same verses but they interpret them differently so how do we know which interpretation is the correct one?
Calvinism and Arminianism are not systems of interpretation. They are not hermeneutical systems, they are theological systems. Bible Interpretation (Hermeneutics) ends/results/produces theological systems, and then the theological systems become the lenses through which you continue to build up your Theology. Both Calvinist and Arminians are called to examine their hermeneutical assumptions and make sure that their theological conclusions align to the whole of Scripture. This is the role of the local church, not the internet. Ultimately, correct interpretation of the Bible happens through illumination of the Holy Spirit and not through a hermeneutical system, even though as humans who use their minds, we must do proper hermeneutics. The Heart through the Mind in the context of the local church.
Also, if it’s true that people ultimately are not in control of their own sinfulness (because they’re enslaved to sin), then logically, doesn’t that mean that people are being sent to Hell for something that they ultimately have absolutely no control over?
Sin is not an entity that subdues innocent people, and make them sin against their will. Sin is the result of the sinful nature of sinners. When the Apostle and the LORD Jesus use the term "slave of sin" are not giving sin personhood, but rather, they are speaking of the nature of humans that is manisted in their will, always incline to sin. We sin because we are sinners, and nothing can clean us from that apart from the LORD Jesus Christ.
Yes. If mankind was destined to either heaven or hell before the foundation of the world - before they could do any good or evil - then they cannot be accountable to God. Their fate was decided in advance and they have no choice in the matter. Calvinism is not biblically logical.
@@Ancient-Paths My heart longs for Arminianism, but my brain says Calvinism…based on Eph 1 and Romans 9….. however somewhere in second Peter or maybe 2 Timothy, God says that he doesn’t want anyone to go to hell. Honestly I think God let’s man make their choice but God already knew beforehand that who would be for God and who would be for themselves
@@jfast787 I myself am not a Calvinist or an Arminian - I see neither doctrine in Scripture. Because I so respected the teachings of old Calvinists (Spurgeon) and new (including Pastor Conway), I felt I should be a Calvinist too, but agonised and struggled to believe their doctrines. I pleaded with God to show me the truth as I thought I was wrong in my rejection of Calvinism. I believe that is when He showed me that the T.U.L.I.P. doctrines are unbiblical. Yes, as you say, God clearly says that He wants ALL men to be saved (1 Tim. 2:4: 2; Peter 3:9). Why then are all men not saved? It is not because God has not chosen them - but because they have free will - and have chosen to rebel against God and refuse His gift of salvation. So you are correct. You believe, as I always have, that God allows man to choose freely to believe in Him or not. He obviously knows beforehand those who will choose to follow Him (and He calls those the elect). However, that is NOT Calvinism - but it is biblical. The 5 Points of Calvinism (as Pastor Tim says) state that [1] Man is so depraved that he is completely unable to respond and come to the Father on his own; [2] God has chosen some (before the foundation of the world) to be elect (saved) and some to be damned - for no obvious reason - not based on their own free will choices; [3] Christ died only for the sins of the elect; [4] God's grace is only applied to those He has chosen to save, and they cannot resist His calling; [5] the 'elect' can never lose their salvation. Since you need to believe ALL FIVE points of the T.U.L.I.P. doctrine to be to be a Calvinist (one follows logically on from another) - it would appear that you are not a Calvinist. We cannot believe that all mankind is free to come to Christ for salvation (as Scripture says) but also believe that God has only chosen a select few to receive salvation - before they were born and able to do anything good or evil. I believe Calvinism has made Christians fearful of rejecting the sovereignty of God. They feel that if they lean too far towards man's own free will - they are rejecting God's sovereignty. However, all Christians believe in the sovereignty of God - but not in the sense that He controls everything we do and think. If man does not have the precious gift of free will - how can God righteously judge him on the Last Day? Man must be accountable for what he does in this life. Pastor Tim tries (unsuccessfully I feel) to merge the two together. I am a simple soul and like to keep things simple - so this is what I believe - but if you want a deeper understanding of these doctrines Leighton Flowers and Mike Winger provide a more comprehensive viewpoint - yet in an easy to understand way. Leighton does an in depth teaching on Romans 9 and Ephesians 1 that really makes sense. At the end of the day - it is God who reveals the truth. The Lord bless you.
Firstly, I have to say that I believe that Pastor Tim is getting confused between Calvinism and Hyper-Calvinism. Calvinism is simply a belief in the 5 points of the T.U.L.I.P. doctrine (or petals as I like to call them). You cannot be a Calvinist unless you believe these 5-points. Hyper-Calvinism is simply a belief in the 5-points of Calvinism without evangelism and prayer for evangelism. If God is sovereign and the elect WILL be saved whatever happens (basic belief) - then evangelism can become unimportant or superfluous for the Hyper-Calvinist. This has arisen because of the unbiblical doctrines of "Unconditional Election" and "Limited Atonement." If you believe in universal atonement (as the Bible teaches) and that Jesus died for ALL men - then you long to preach the gospel to as many of the ALL as possible. You will not be fearful of giving the gospel to the reprobate or interfering with God's sovereign election. God indeed calls all men to Himself. Why? So they can choose to respond or not. Mankind has free will and has throughout the Bible and Church history been free to resist God - starting with Adam and Eve. All mankind are "dead in sin" - but this does not mean they are completely unable to respond to God (as the Calvinist says). Cain chose willingly to resist God whilst Abel chose to obey Him. Cain was not so dead as to be unable to respond to God. He carefully considered what God said to him - but chose to disobey. If you are a Calvinist you have to believe that God made him disobey - but you cannot prove this. Scripture is replete with verses such as "Choose this day whom you will serve." Why say this if mankind are unable to respond to God with a desire for repentance, unable to choose to serve God? Why does God continually offer man choices? In fact, if man does not have free will (if God controls his will as Pastor Tim said) how can he be accountable to God on the Last Day? Pastor Tim rightly says that man is responsible. But how can he be when he was chosen before the foundation of the world (before he had done any good or evil) to be either a reprobate or one of the elect? If God tells me on the Last Day that (although I think I am a Christian) He has actually chosen me for hell - then I will have a legal case against Him. I cannot be judged for something I was not told about and have no way of altering. If I am responsible - then it is because I have a choice in the matter. Pastor Tim asks many questions on seemingly contradictory issues, such as "if the doctrine of reprobation is true how can God be love?" The only answer the Calvinist has to such questions is - "God is sovereign" - therefore do not question it. No, that is not good enough for the sincere enquirer. Non-Calvinists also believe God is sovereign. The Calvinist doctrines are a mass of contradictory beliefs. There is an answer to all these so-called contradictory statements - and the answer is to abandon Calvinism and believe the Bible. If God says Jesus died for all - then He died for all. If the Bible says I must choose whom I will serve - then I am able to choose whom I will serve of my own free will. If you simply believe the Bible there will be no tensions and no arguments. N.B.... The statements that Pastor Tim condemns the Hyper-Calvinist for believing (and causing them to refrain from evangelism) - are simply the BASIC 5-point Calvinist doctrines - no more no less. Saying that man is so dead in sin that he cannot respond to the gospel, and that if he is not one of the elect he cannot come to Christ - is not some strange Hyper-Calvinist teaching - it is the simple basic T.U.L.I.P. 5-point Calvinist doctrine. Listen to this teaching again - it starts with Pastor giving the basic 5-points of Calvinism - which he and every Calvinist believes. Then at the end he repeats many of these points - saying they are Hyper-Calvinist beliefs - causing them to refrain from evangelism. I am sure others like myself are confused with Pastor's seemingly contradictory statements. The Bible is so clear about these issues - that the invention of the convoluted 5 Points of Calvinism have to be believed by faith, since they are contrary to biblical doctrine. Calvinism is not taught in Scripture - in fact, such teaching is illogical and irrational. That is why Pastor Tim got angry with it when considering evangelism. These doctrines are arguing with his own logical thought processes. Pastor Tim truthfully states that many Reformed churches are dead and joyless. This can be because so many Calvinists were Cessationists. Things are changing - and pastors like Tim are now charismatic - praise God. I now hope that he is truly questioning the basics of his Calvinist beliefs.
21:39 That is a very odd challenge, pastor Tim. How about Psa 51 off the top of one's head? (since due to parallelism a clean heart and a new spirit are equivalent, you might as well call that a new heart). I can also think of plenty of passages in the Prophets that speak of the same tone, asking God for repentance (i.e. turning).
The prayer itself is not wrong--the error lies in the fact that it is commonly omitted that it is the sinner's duty to get a new heart Eze 18:31 (now does God command something impossible? Yes--would not be the first time He's done it!) and that his inability to do so does not make him a victim, but a culprit. So while one side of the error seeks to generate a new heart out of their own fallen free will, the other side is content to deny all guilt and impugn God's justice since He commands it knowing that He alone can give a new heart. And so you see that the same proud spirit is behind both Arminianism and "Hypercalvinism"; they both agree that God has no right to demand from the creature what is His sole prerogative to give. These are not two opposite ends of the error spectrum in my opinion, they are actually on the same end, with true biblical Calvinism (which acknowledges God's justice regardless of what He sovereignly decides to decree) as their real opposite.
Can I ask something? How can we know for certain that Calvinism is the correct interpretation of Scripture and Arminianism is incorrect? Calvinists and Arminians read the same verses but they interpret them differently so how do we know which interpretation is the correct one?
Calvinism and Arminianism are not systems of interpretation. They are not hermeneutical systems, they are theological systems. Bible Interpretation (Hermeneutics) ends/results/produces theological systems, and then the theological systems become the lenses through which you continue to build up your Theology. Both Calvinist and Arminians are called to examine their hermeneutical assumptions and make sure that their theological conclusions align to the whole of Scripture. This is the role of the local church, not the internet.
Ultimately, correct interpretation of the Bible happens through illumination of the Holy Spirit and not through a hermeneutical system, even though as humans who use their minds, we must do proper hermeneutics. The Heart through the Mind in the context of the local church.
Also, if it’s true that people ultimately are not in control of their own sinfulness (because they’re enslaved to sin), then logically, doesn’t that mean that people are being sent to Hell for something that they ultimately have absolutely no control over?
Sin is not an entity that subdues innocent people, and make them sin against their will. Sin is the result of the sinful nature of sinners. When the Apostle and the LORD Jesus use the term "slave of sin" are not giving sin personhood, but rather, they are speaking of the nature of humans that is manisted in their will, always incline to sin. We sin because we are sinners, and nothing can clean us from that apart from the LORD Jesus Christ.
Yes. If mankind was destined to either heaven or hell before the foundation of the world - before they could do any good or evil - then they cannot be accountable to God. Their fate was decided in advance and they have no choice in the matter. Calvinism is not biblically logical.
@@EstudiaLaPalabra But people didn’t choose to be slaves of sin. They were born that way so they ultimately didn’t have any choice in the matter.
@@Ancient-Paths My heart longs for Arminianism, but my brain says Calvinism…based on Eph 1 and Romans 9….. however somewhere in second Peter or maybe 2 Timothy, God says that he doesn’t want anyone to go to hell. Honestly I think God let’s man make their choice but God already knew beforehand that who would be for God and who would be for themselves
@@jfast787 I myself am not a Calvinist or an Arminian - I see neither doctrine in Scripture. Because I so respected the teachings of old Calvinists (Spurgeon) and new (including Pastor Conway), I felt I should be a Calvinist too, but agonised and struggled to believe their doctrines. I pleaded with God to show me the truth as I thought I was wrong in my rejection of Calvinism. I believe that is when He showed me that the T.U.L.I.P. doctrines are unbiblical.
Yes, as you say, God clearly says that He wants ALL men to be saved (1 Tim. 2:4: 2; Peter 3:9). Why then are all men not saved? It is not because God has not chosen them - but because they have free will - and have chosen to rebel against God and refuse His gift of salvation. So you are correct. You believe, as I always have, that God allows man to choose freely to believe in Him or not. He obviously knows beforehand those who will choose to follow Him (and He calls those the elect). However, that is NOT Calvinism - but it is biblical.
The 5 Points of Calvinism (as Pastor Tim says) state that [1] Man is so depraved that he is completely unable to respond and come to the Father on his own; [2] God has chosen some (before the foundation of the world) to be elect (saved) and some to be damned - for no obvious reason - not based on their own free will choices; [3] Christ died only for the sins of the elect; [4] God's grace is only applied to those He has chosen to save, and they cannot resist His calling; [5] the 'elect' can never lose their salvation.
Since you need to believe ALL FIVE points of the T.U.L.I.P. doctrine to be to be a Calvinist (one follows logically on from another) - it would appear that you are not a Calvinist. We cannot believe that all mankind is free to come to Christ for salvation (as Scripture says) but also believe that God has only chosen a select few to receive salvation - before they were born and able to do anything good or evil.
I believe Calvinism has made Christians fearful of rejecting the sovereignty of God. They feel that if they lean too far towards man's own free will - they are rejecting God's sovereignty. However, all Christians believe in the sovereignty of God - but not in the sense that He controls everything we do and think. If man does not have the precious gift of free will - how can God righteously judge him on the Last Day? Man must be accountable for what he does in this life. Pastor Tim tries (unsuccessfully I feel) to merge the two together.
I am a simple soul and like to keep things simple - so this is what I believe - but if you want a deeper understanding of these doctrines Leighton Flowers and Mike Winger provide a more comprehensive viewpoint - yet in an easy to understand way. Leighton does an in depth teaching on Romans 9 and Ephesians 1 that really makes sense. At the end of the day - it is God who reveals the truth. The Lord bless you.
Firstly, I have to say that I believe that Pastor Tim is getting confused between Calvinism and Hyper-Calvinism. Calvinism is simply a belief in the 5 points of the T.U.L.I.P. doctrine (or petals as I like to call them). You cannot be a Calvinist unless you believe these 5-points. Hyper-Calvinism is simply a belief in the 5-points of Calvinism without evangelism and prayer for evangelism. If God is sovereign and the elect WILL be saved whatever happens (basic belief) - then evangelism can become unimportant or superfluous for the Hyper-Calvinist.
This has arisen because of the unbiblical doctrines of "Unconditional Election" and "Limited Atonement." If you believe in universal atonement (as the Bible teaches) and that Jesus died for ALL men - then you long to preach the gospel to as many of the ALL as possible. You will not be fearful of giving the gospel to the reprobate or interfering with God's sovereign election.
God indeed calls all men to Himself. Why? So they can choose to respond or not. Mankind has free will and has throughout the Bible and Church history been free to resist God - starting with Adam and Eve. All mankind are "dead in sin" - but this does not mean they are completely unable to respond to God (as the Calvinist says). Cain chose willingly to resist God whilst Abel chose to obey Him. Cain was not so dead as to be unable to respond to God. He carefully considered what God said to him - but chose to disobey. If you are a Calvinist you have to believe that God made him disobey - but you cannot prove this. Scripture is replete with verses such as "Choose this day whom you will serve." Why say this if mankind are unable to respond to God with a desire for repentance, unable to choose to serve God? Why does God continually offer man choices? In fact, if man does not have free will (if God controls his will as Pastor Tim said) how can he be accountable to God on the Last Day? Pastor Tim rightly says that man is responsible. But how can he be when he was chosen before the foundation of the world (before he had done any good or evil) to be either a reprobate or one of the elect? If God tells me on the Last Day that (although I think I am a Christian) He has actually chosen me for hell - then I will have a legal case against Him. I cannot be judged for something I was not told about and have no way of altering. If I am responsible - then it is because I have a choice in the matter.
Pastor Tim asks many questions on seemingly contradictory issues, such as "if the doctrine of
reprobation is true how can God be love?" The only answer the Calvinist has to such questions is - "God is sovereign" - therefore do not question it. No, that is not good enough for the sincere enquirer. Non-Calvinists also believe God is sovereign. The Calvinist doctrines are a mass of contradictory beliefs. There is an answer to all these so-called contradictory statements - and the answer is to abandon Calvinism and believe the Bible. If God says Jesus died for all - then He died for all. If the Bible says I must choose whom I will serve - then I am able to choose whom I will serve of my own free will. If you simply believe the Bible there will be no tensions and no arguments.
N.B.... The statements that Pastor Tim condemns the Hyper-Calvinist for believing (and causing them to refrain from evangelism) - are simply the BASIC 5-point Calvinist doctrines - no more no less. Saying that man is so dead in sin that he cannot respond to the gospel, and that if he is not one of the elect he cannot come to Christ - is not some strange Hyper-Calvinist teaching - it is the simple basic T.U.L.I.P. 5-point Calvinist doctrine. Listen to this teaching again - it starts with Pastor giving the basic 5-points of Calvinism - which he and every Calvinist believes. Then at the end he repeats many of these points - saying they are Hyper-Calvinist beliefs - causing them to refrain from evangelism. I am sure others like myself are confused with Pastor's seemingly contradictory statements.
The Bible is so clear about these issues - that the invention of the convoluted 5 Points of Calvinism have to be believed by faith, since they are contrary to biblical doctrine. Calvinism is not taught in Scripture - in fact, such teaching is illogical and irrational. That is why Pastor Tim got angry with it when considering evangelism. These doctrines are arguing with his own logical thought processes.
Pastor Tim truthfully states that many Reformed churches are dead and joyless. This can be because so many Calvinists were Cessationists. Things are changing - and pastors like Tim are now charismatic - praise God. I now hope that he is truly questioning the basics of his Calvinist beliefs.
Please translate into Japanese. I don't understand what you're saying.