How Bad Is Netflix's Lowest Rated Show? (The Witcher: Blood Origin)

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @yomin2162
    @yomin2162 Рік тому +1361

    Heard it somewhere: Blood Origin's plot is basically every newbie GM's first attempt at running a homebrew campaign. 7 adventurers of different classes going on an epic quest to stop an evil wizard from opening a portal to another dimension, running into side quests and wacky shenanigans along the way. You can't tell a more generic fantasy story if you tried.

    • @sidnusmagnus3144
      @sidnusmagnus3144 Рік тому +21

      And 3 on 4 of this GM has do better.

    • @MrMoros1
      @MrMoros1 Рік тому

      You might not find something more generic, but it says a LOT that am amateur GM can probably tell the story better than this literal shit-show maybe 7 out of 10 times.

    • @gottfriedosterbach3907
      @gottfriedosterbach3907 Рік тому +17

      The GM that cannot do better than this will be the GM rethinking whether the role is meant for them even if it is their first time.

    • @justinhammer3196
      @justinhammer3196 Рік тому +1

      Well... have you watched the Willow shiw on Disney+ ?

    • @MrMoros1
      @MrMoros1 Рік тому +9

      @@justinhammer3196 OHMYGOD! Please don't bring that dumpster fire up, we're losing faith in human creativity and storytelling as it is.

  • @thedukebelmondo
    @thedukebelmondo Рік тому +1

    Netflix just wanted a vessel for its own Game of Thrones and the Witcher had enough audience to work. The first season of The Witcher was already a mess, but some were deluded by the writers' talk about being loyal to the source material. At this point, anyone should be aware by now that if a studio is willing to turn a book or game into a show, rarely it is because they like the content, but because they see a huge money cow they can milk.

  • @easternlights3155
    @easternlights3155 11 місяців тому +1

    There are so many interesting ways to write elves. Tolkien's elves are otherworldly and wise people voluntarily leaving the world to return to their homeland. Ed Greenwood's elves are adaptible and patient, trying to restore their fallen kingdoms. The elves of Dragon Age are second-class citizens, a shadow of their former self who don't even remember what was lost. Sapkowski's elves are a people on borrowed time, technically surviving, but without a future.
    Blood Origin's elves are immature 21st century americans with pointy ears.

  • @wombatillo
    @wombatillo Рік тому +15

    That Avallac'h character was one of the most outrageous small things about the show to a fan of the games and books. He is not Avallac'h and this character somehow crystallizes fan hatred in the first few seconds he is on screen. He is just so egregious and on the nose screw-the-fans. He isn't even an elf in the Witcher universe.

    • @valuigi
      @valuigi Рік тому +4

      My guy looks like Linguini from Ratatouille XD

    • @zesky6654
      @zesky6654 Рік тому +1

      What do you mean? He's a dimension hoping immortal elf in the book.

    • @Carewolf
      @Carewolf Рік тому

      @@zesky6654 Well, he was eldar, which is a specific ancient type of elf. They didn't seem to care much about eldar or eldar blood in this show.

  • @olliecherpuzi5045
    @olliecherpuzi5045 Рік тому +114

    What’s insane to me is that it’s not even the Witcher. It’s just some dudes DND campaign.

  • @christophergroenewald5847
    @christophergroenewald5847 Рік тому +596

    Avalach and Eredin are pretty big names in the world of the witcher franchise.
    The former is one of the most powerful magic users in the entire franchise. A wise sage with questionable morality and a desperate need to protect the Elder Blood at all costs as it's not only sacred, but those that carry it are also decendant of his lover that he lost.
    The latter the the imposing king of the wild hunt. An elite cavalcade of riders that travel travel to the world of the witcher to take slaves to their world. With his world threaten, Eredin was desperate to use the Elder Blood to open a portal into the world of the witcher and conquer it.
    Netflix butchered both characters.

    • @shibbycakes1
      @shibbycakes1 Рік тому +57

      they made avallac’h some sniveling little coward with barely and control over magic, and while i personally felt that eredin’s storyline with the merchant dude added some humanity to a character that really needed it, bottom line they failed to make him the imposing conquerer he is.
      hissrich and her team deserve to lose their jobs.

    • @NymbusCumulo928
      @NymbusCumulo928 Рік тому +16

      @@shibbycakes1 they also made them gay lovers
      I can see why Henry bailed

    • @Olebull93
      @Olebull93 Рік тому +6

      According to Henry Cavill the shows writers resents the source material and openly mocks it.

    • @brennangum6236
      @brennangum6236 Рік тому

      @@Olebull93 Well I guess at least they give us something to resent and openly mock.

    • @user-qj9en1kp1m
      @user-qj9en1kp1m Рік тому +3

      I haven't read the books that feature Eredin or Avallac'h yet, but in the game they are tall, imposing, intimidating characters. I really have nothing against the actors portraying them but they are painfully miscast.

  • @GaudiaCertaminisGaming
    @GaudiaCertaminisGaming Рік тому +874

    It was the endless narration that amazed me. It was intrusive and basically an ongoing admission of defeat. They couldn’t tell the story any other way.

    • @shanetaylor761
      @shanetaylor761 Рік тому +17

      Well you cut as many episodes as they had to and this is what you get.

    • @into_play3226
      @into_play3226 Рік тому +47

      Even the narration was often just explaining obvious things.
      “And two became three.”

    • @TheMamaluigi300
      @TheMamaluigi300 Рік тому +33

      @@into_play3226Man, the narrator from Peppa Pig really branched out these days

    • @haroldb1856
      @haroldb1856 Рік тому +2

      Tell, don't show.

    • @Trowarr
      @Trowarr Рік тому +12

      Too much narration = could as well read a book with illustrations.

  • @anonview
    @anonview Рік тому +241

    Something that's often mentioned in writing seminars and boot camps: if the plot you want to tell is "simple," you have to make up for it in execution. Even a character buying tomatoes at the market stall can become an interesting scene with good dialogue and setup.

    • @StephenGillie
      @StephenGillie Рік тому +3

      Farscape literally did this - while getting (crackers) on a trade planet, they attract Peacekeeper attention and have to run - with a pallet of crackers and no other food, causing conflict over the relative lack of food.

    • @jesustyronechrist2330
      @jesustyronechrist2330 Рік тому +4

      Unironically the "Potion seller" meme is a great example of this.

  • @NightingaleAlt
    @NightingaleAlt Рік тому +342

    Why are studios having such issues with fantasy stories these days? Amazon and Netflix keep shitting the bed!

    • @haroldb1856
      @haroldb1856 Рік тому +142

      My theory is that there are very few people in the Hollywood hierarchy who grew up appreciating fantasy books and media, and the culture around it. The whole genre is foreign to them. Studio executives were the cool kids who focused on shallow popular culture, who didn't read books, who could never immerse themselves in a fantasy world. They mocked and bullied the people who cared about fantasy stories. They still do.

    • @ilove2learn783
      @ilove2learn783 Рік тому +3

      Because they want to force you to say "she" to the man with a penis.
      Because women are "strong" and "independent".
      And a lot of other lies that are just that - lies and have no scientific backup.

    • @stevewhite6241
      @stevewhite6241 Рік тому +19

      Only HOTD succeeded.

    • @MultiKeto
      @MultiKeto Рік тому +30

      hollywood actually sees people that like the material as a red flag.
      they hired people that don't like the witcher on purpose.

    • @thespanishinquisition4078
      @thespanishinquisition4078 Рік тому +1

      That is simple to answer, really. The reason is forced representation. And please do note I added the term FORCED for a reason. There's nothing wrong in theory with representing ethnic groups, cultures, etc... IN. THEORY. But in practice, it is really easy to screw up, specially with fantasy.
      Modern writers of the kind hired by Hollywood, Netflix or Amazon have an obsession to, in their own words: "REFLECT OUR MODERN REALITY." Forced Diversity is just one symptom of this mentality, where they simply MUST make every people in every place in every age have about the same ethnic composition as the bay area in california today.
      And you can say "race doesn't mean skill" or anything to that effect to justify the inclusion of actors of certain ethnicitied. But I'm sorry, no, that's bollocks. You wouldn't have a morbidly obese white man play a kunoichi in a period piece about the sengoku jidai even if he was the best damned actor you could possibly imagine. He just won't fit! Skill isn't enough. As racist as it may sound, ethnicity matters too.
      For example lets see the rings of power, and for this example lets take out the baggage of being LoTR, lets act as if Tolkien had nothing to do with it and RoP was purely its own thing with no books. And lets say we wanted to maximize diversity. Well, then Numenor would be our prime candidate, it is a very large very rich coastal city of a primarily mercantile seafaring culture, you would expect people from literally all over the place in there. Look at late medieval Cadiz for instance, it was a veritable melting pot for its age. Meanwhile, say, the Harfoots would probably all have the same ethnicity, because they are a completely isolationist rural landlocked culture. They don't breed with outsiders and are extremely unlikely to even interact with them, so they'll probably look extremely similar to each other. The elves would also likely be somewhat homogeneous, given how rare it is for them to marry with other peoples, while the humans in the southerlands are literally the result of a massive refugee wave from a continent spanning war, so they actually should look like USA or mexico in terms of diversity. And yet in the series it is the humans that are all british, and Numenor is relatively homogeneous, while elves and harfoots are both somehow multiethnic. That simply makes no sense. Hence why I say FORCED Representation. Inclusion can work, I'd love to see a good inclusive piece, but you need to be really good to make it work.
      And my point is way broader than skintone, that's just the most obvious visual indicator. Lets for a second talk politics... I swear I won't get political myself. See, I hope everyone has noticed, but... Most writers working for these circles are left wingers. And there's nothing wrong with being left wing. I am a left winger myself! BUT. If you're obsessed with "representing modern realities" you don't unmarry your writing from your politics. And a lesser known fact is: FANTASY IS AN INHERENTLY RIGHT WING LEANING GENRE.
      It is! I'm serious! Fantasy requires you accept certain tropes. Like feudalism, given its almost always set in the middle ages. Like racism, given the biological differences between elves, orks, dwarves, etc. are way more pronounced than those between any two given humans no matter how remote or isolated their culture. Etc, etc, etc. Fantasy depicts a world with at least some inherent right wing traits attached, and there's really nothing you can do about it. And if you, like me, can separate real world politics from fantasy worlds with bleeping dragons, then that's not gonna be an issue for you. But if you're like your average hollywood writer... That's gonna trigger you, deeply. And the fact most successful fantasy franchises have cis white straight old men as their authors just adds fuel to that in their eyes. It's literally everything they have sworn to take down, subvert, defeat, and dunk on rolled into a single genre.
      And so we see the other cardinal sin of these writers. Lack of respect. Note how even the press noted that writers were mocking the books and ranting about them even while adapting them during Blood Origin. I know we all have the mental image of the poor exploited writer being puppeted by megacorps, but that has long since stopped being reality. Oh don't get me wrong they're still paid scraps. But nepotism has long since taken hold, they don't just hire anyone, there's ingroups and actual discrimination at play here. That's why they are so heavily skewed in many demographic ways. Amongst other things as many pointed out they've by now actually come out and admited they consider liking the source material a red flag and pushes for sticking to the book are met with open derision and ostracism.
      And the issue with that kinda people is even when they're the literal bottom of the food chain, their ego is the size of jupiter. They don't think blood origin is bad, they think YOU are bad for not liking it. They'll never admit fantasy can be good despite being somewhat right wing, it either fits their view of the world, or is evil, period. And they sure as shit won't ever admit they screwed up.
      And when you have someone with no respect for the source material, open hatred for the genre, no self awareness and someone who on top of that discriminates against the target audience... Well that's gonna be a shit product innit.
      So why do they all suck? It's all the same people, with the same practices, in the same environment, and their view is antithetical to the genre. That's why.

  • @attila0323
    @attila0323 Рік тому +121

    - How did he escape?
    - By being off screen...of course.

  • @activatethesmile
    @activatethesmile Рік тому +580

    Just want to mention that I truly appreciate finding a review for this series that does not throw the word "woke" left and right every five minutes 😅

    • @scotiasweetie1647
      @scotiasweetie1647 Рік тому +37


    • @lorenzomeulli750
      @lorenzomeulli750 Рік тому

      I fucking wish we could have discussions about stuff like Blood Origin and Rings of Power as part of the fantasy genre and not as "TV series".
      It's so goddamn annoying to have these remnants of "ANTI SJW" bs still poisoning discussions.
      I fucking hated this thing (and stopped watching, fuck Netflix) and won't give a view to RoP 2e for the experience itself/writing and the role the play in the business model of these companies, I don't give a damn if some WASP dude is angry about it for his own political discourse.

    • @flynnlea
      @flynnlea Рік тому +114

      Yeah the show was just badly written. There’s plenty of “woke” shows out there that are amazing. Good Omens for example. Honestly the part of the show that i enjoyed the most was with the dwarf avenging her girlfriend. It was actually interesting and i wanted to figure out what was going on with her. Just a shame that she had nothing to do with the actual story lol. As soon as she joined up with the rest of them with no character justification it became boring and predictable again. I hate when people blame a show’s downfall on “woke” stuff when it’s just lazy writers shoving in boring characters to meet diversity quotas required by corporate executives

    • @sue8412
      @sue8412 Рік тому +61

      @@flynnlea so true. So many amazing stories were considered ‘woke’ in their day, and having diversity isn’t bad. But it IS bad when they shoehorn it in, change characters to gain some inclusion tokens, and make it their only traits and ignore storytelling. It’s annoying that Hollywood seems to only make ‘woke’ stories by taking an existing, beloved classic and completely butchering it. Can’t they just make some original, ‘diverse’ characters and genuine stories and not offend literally everyone along the way? Probably not, cuz of all the out-of-touch, ‘well-intentioned’, holier-than-thou people in Hollywood.

    • @ijwd424
      @ijwd424 Рік тому +59

      This. As soon as I watch a review that throws in the word "woke" 100 times in just the first few minutes, I check out. A lot of youtubers parrot the same tiring agenda for 30 minutes while not even talking about the show itself. Yeah the show is "woke" but what exactly is wrong with it? Is it badly written? Are the actors garbage? Is the dialogue trash? What about the timeline?
      If you want to film a 25 minute rant, call it a rant and not an actual review

  • @olldcast99
    @olldcast99 Рік тому +16

    It's so suprsing and so refreshing to see someone who isn't extremely negative sensational rant about media. Already gained my sub

  • @AKATenn
    @AKATenn Рік тому +702

    20% isn't that much better than 13%... honestly I think it got that low score because what happened in the Witcher is becoming a pattern, and people are getting sick of show writers ignoring and deleting history and lore and existing culture in pre-existing material to insert their own modern day narrative and still calling it that pre-existing material, when it's not... if they would have called the show anything but a pre-existing franchise, it might have gotten 20% instead of 13%

    • @APhillaTHun
      @APhillaTHun Рік тому +7

      Spot on.

    • @TheDman182
      @TheDman182 Рік тому +6

      Seriously couldn’t have said it better

    • @TheTalesOfMasculus
      @TheTalesOfMasculus Рік тому

      I agree as well. I would love to know if you think my story has potential. Please let me know what you think of The Tales Of Masculus!

    • @ninebrains4769
      @ninebrains4769 Рік тому +7

      No, I’m very glad the writers of the Boys did it.

    • @userAsiral
      @userAsiral Рік тому +5

      @@ninebrains4769 Yeah true , with the boys is a another story , but then again the original comics were just about someone's pure hatred (who made em) of superheroes-

  • @user-qj9en1kp1m
    @user-qj9en1kp1m Рік тому +117

    This show is all over the place and I legit feel sorry for the actors and many other people who worked on this show. So many lines, moments miss the mark and instead of being dramatic or poignant they come off as forced, cringey or funny. One of the most unintentionally funny moments was when the Empress dies and asks her people to remember her. This, I assume was supposed to be a "she did bad things for the right reasons, she was misguided but had good intentions and as she is dying she hopes that people will see the good in her" moment, bittersweet and earned. But because of the pacing of the show it comes off really silly, because she was Empress for like a week before she died. She might have been Empress for 5 years, but since we can't really tell how much time has passed,it is just confusing. The elves whom she has been talking to probably don't even know who she is supposed to be.

    • @gabriellebeauchemin9953
      @gabriellebeauchemin9953 Рік тому +1

      I actually viewed it in a totally different way. I saw it as her attempting at being brave and noble, but I felt that at least for her arc the show had outlined it decently well enough to show how even though her dreams were based in something that she felt was real and tangible, she was still a spoiled princess whose 'history' was uninformed and unrealistic. I felt like her death was actually kind of cathartic because it took the oomph out of the way that colonial powers are often portrayed in pieces like this. Her story deserved an end so devoid of power and triumph, and though I agree with many of the other criticisms, it felt good to see her be shown as such a true withering coward at the very end.

    • @user-qj9en1kp1m
      @user-qj9en1kp1m Рік тому +2

      @@gabriellebeauchemin9953 It is one way of looking at it. It is open to interpretation but most story archs in this show are all over the place. Some moments come out of nowhere or are logically flawed. Like how the two mages are confident that merging Fjall with the monster heart will work as if they do this every day, though their conversation also implies that the only time they tried something similar it did not work. And Fjall, the proto-witcher defeats the monster in the end by throwing a big blade at it a tad harder, even though when it first attacked it was shown that the monster was impervious to arrows and most people who tried to use their swords were evaporated in a second.
      I feel sorry for the actors because they are trying and they deserved a better story.

  • @sweaspurdoddd5466
    @sweaspurdoddd5466 Рік тому +91

    They added Eredin and Avallac'h just so they can loosely tie it into the main show. Which is not only lazy, but doesn't make sense in the context of the source material at all. Literally why is Avallac'h a little wimp?

    • @ffmmain8673
      @ffmmain8673 Рік тому

      Because they hate men and are LGBT people that write the scripts

    • @zesky6654
      @zesky6654 Рік тому

      Because the story is happening hundreds of years in the past. Avallac'h is basically a child in this series.

    • @ffmmain8673
      @ffmmain8673 Рік тому

      @@zesky6654 no its because they hate men and make men look weak and insecure

    • @dovalayn
      @dovalayn Рік тому +13

      @@zesky6654 hes not even from the same race of elves as the rest of the cast and shouldn’t be there, and neither should eredin

  • @MrJaldal
    @MrJaldal Рік тому +38

    I really feel bad for Liam, he is gonna get shit for this, no matter how good he might be at it. Poor choice to take this role...

  • @waterwaveybaby
    @waterwaveybaby Рік тому +84

    That swearing thing has become so jarring when it’s done purely for the sake of being edgy

    • @scotiasweetie1647
      @scotiasweetie1647 Рік тому +4

      It was so desperate and weird in BO. It genuinely feels more like a parody.

    • @Dilligff
      @Dilligff Рік тому +6

      I'm a fan of Tarantino who actually understands how to use swearing in the context of character, situation and/or setting and makes it sound natural. This, however, comes off as a seven year old who's learned a new swear word and is trying to impress their friends.

    • @onceyouseeityoucantunseeit1126
      @onceyouseeityoucantunseeit1126 Рік тому +2

      even more for everyone non-american as swearing on television is very common.

  • @The_Other_Dan
    @The_Other_Dan Рік тому +58

    Hahahaha Love that you included Viva La Dirt League's "Witcher Logic" footage in this.

    • @Ingridfire
      @Ingridfire Рік тому +3

      I was gonna comment the same!! No one would tell the difference anyway 🤣🤣🤣

    • @abrahamacevedo5302
      @abrahamacevedo5302 Рік тому +3

      Came to the comments looking for this XD

  • @AG-vb6vv
    @AG-vb6vv Рік тому +98

    The elves were basically humans with pointy ears, how terrible can you be in world building when you have a great source material to draw from/adapt?

  • @NgaBalkan
    @NgaBalkan Рік тому +153

    They could have waited with blood origin until Regis was introduced in the Witcher show, making Regis tell the story instead. Because of the obvious reason that he and his kind came through the conjunction..
    They could have also told the love story about ciris ancestors - also told a bit in first episode in Witcher 2
    Two fantastic ideas here already served on silver platter
    But what do I know, I’m just a toxic Witcher fan

    • @varthaner4617
      @varthaner4617 Рік тому +21

      The show was doomed as soon as some corpo decided the premise. In the books Conjunction of Spheres just happened. It's not exactly one throwaway line, but close. Same with creation of Witchers - because of CoS there were alot monsters, that means a niche formed, and creation of witchers filled it. Sapkowski invested no effort whatsoever fleshing those out.
      If people involved had even shred of competence, they would have chosen another story to be a prequel. The fall of Kaer Moren had potential close to GoT's best, or if they wanted less action and more talk, the story of Lara Doren and how exactly she ended up eloping and dying in a ditch (~). If they wanted something epic and expensive, they could go with first invasion and have Vilgerfortz and Lodge as MCs, or show first contact between elves and humans, the friendship that led to betrayal and war.
      It's like they thought GoT S8 was the best thing ever and decided to emulate it.

    • @dillontharp1602
      @dillontharp1602 Рік тому +2

      That would’ve been great😢

    • @NgaBalkan
      @NgaBalkan Рік тому

      @@varthaner4617 so many great options and lost opportunities.. it’s saddening

    • @flynnlea
      @flynnlea Рік тому +8

      @@varthaner4617 if they’d chosen to cover Lara Dorren’s story they would have been able to introduce Avallach as well, which achieves the same goal. They could even have introduced Eredin at the same time if they moved a couple of minor things around, explain why he wants the elder blood (which connects back to the main series really well bc they teased the wild hunt at the end of season 2). They could even have used the conjunction of the spheres as a starting off point instead of a finale, which would introduce it as an important event for people watching the show that don’t know the books or games but without fucking the lore up entirely with monoliths and shit. They could have set up the existence of the Aen Elle and Aen Seidhe by saying that the conjunction was the reason they were split apart (i know that’s not book accurate, but i think that simplifying it for the show would probably work well). Then after that they could jump forwards in time to Lara, Avallach and Lod. They would even still get to introduce Ithlinne and the prophecy.

    • @ls9660
      @ls9660 Рік тому +8

      I don't want the Netflix version to even get to Regis. I DONT WANT TO SEE HOW THEY BUTCHER MY BOY

  • @channelsofash
    @channelsofash Рік тому +132

    Honestly this feels like right way to do criticism. Yes you couldn't give it high praise but you went about it in a reasonable rational way of explaining how it failed in the mechanics rather than the angry rants I see too often where people seem to be pushing an agenda rather providing a fair review.

    • @pramabanerjee2767
      @pramabanerjee2767 Рік тому +1

      You are absolutely correct...

    • @EJD339
      @EJD339 Рік тому +5

      Thank you. Tbh, I thought people were overreacting because people always do that because they think it’s like some political agenda. But then I saw the show and it sucked but some of peoples reason why it sucked were silly to me.

    • @jaceksudol8301
      @jaceksudol8301 Рік тому +4

      it's the show that's pushes agenda. People get angry when something they like (Witcher, it's world and lore) is butchered by arrogant showrunners and talentless, lazy writers. Anger isn't conductive for methodical disection of this abomination, true, and yet it is completly justified. Author of this flick is calm and criticises the show on techincal merit only, not adressing the assasination of original characters and desecration of original world, because, as he admits he is very Normie, a guy whose whole knowlage of the Witcher comprises of two seasons of the Netflix show, in itself a travesty of source material and woke agenda driven crap. He is simply not invested in the Witcher universe so he sees no sin, and feels no anger. Good for him, but that doesn't make Netflix's treatment of Witcher any better.
      If you still don't get it imagine a show that takes something you love, some sort of book or previously well told story that you really like and twists it to the point that what's left doesn't bear any resamblance to the source. You know the original and all you can see is a brutaly disfigured caricature of it still bearing falsely the proud name of the character, or strory you liked but it is not it. Would you be pleased?

    • @channelsofash
      @channelsofash Рік тому

      @@jaceksudol8301 source material is nice. I've got boxes and boxes of comic books to say yea I can get into source material as much as any fan.
      But ultimately change is good if it's done well. TMNT 2012 changes things up but those changes give a chance to tell some interesting new stories instead of retread the good old stuff.
      Left, right, I just want to be entertained when it comes down to it. I could care less who the producer voted last election as long as the end production is a great bit of entertainment.

    • @Michal235
      @Michal235 Рік тому +1

      @@channelsofash what do you mean by pushing an agenda? These angry ranters are saying that pushing an agenda by Netflix is one of the reasons they butchered the show, it's not an agenda. If it is then you are just pushing an agenda that the angry ranters are just pushing an agenda that Netflix is just pushing its agenda. Don't misuse this word. Although I agree that just angrily attacking this shitshow (even if it's fully justified) isn't interesting to watch at all. As a person with solid books knowledge I expect the youtuber to have it too and actively refer to the source material instead of just laughing.

  • @tygressblade
    @tygressblade Рік тому +239

    I tried watching the first episode and I was left dumbfounded at how this script made it to production.
    You had a stellar cast who was left putting this together the best that they could.
    This just solidifies my thought that Cavill was exactly right to separate himself from this.

    • @RickReasonnz
      @RickReasonnz Рік тому +7

      I did like the cast. I think they did the best they could do... but that's about all you can give it.

    • @evobe
      @evobe Рік тому +10

      you can't tell me these scripts weren't written by ChatGPT or something like that

    • @tygressblade
      @tygressblade Рік тому

      @@evobe It shows that it was.

    • @brennangum6236
      @brennangum6236 Рік тому +1

      Ill tell you how... The writer and producer are very woke and tick a bunch of boxes. Their level of competence, talent, and vision don't matter. Netflix and Amazon both have this issue of not actually looking for quality showrunners and in return 95% of the stuff they put out suck. It's why I cancelled Netflix lol.

    • @tygressblade
      @tygressblade Рік тому

      @@brennangum6236 Don’t let them off easy by blaming their political beliefs. They suck as writers. If you suck at storytelling then you suck at storytelling.

  • @litneyloxan
    @litneyloxan Рік тому +14

    Netflix will only order a 2nd season if it gets squid games huge and that’s such a big problem they have as a network. They’ll cancel every actual good show that only has one season to replace it over and over until they find their new diamond jewel. They ruin almost everything they touch and I can’t wait until they’re forced to choose consumers over their share holders.

  • @9Nikko8
    @9Nikko8 Рік тому +11

    If Netflix keeps doing this, HBO will be in no need to spend any more money on advertising

  • @KudoYoung
    @KudoYoung Рік тому +44

    My issue is that 1,200 years separate the two series'. Even set in a fictional land, its hard to argue that society/civilization has not changed much in terms of technology/life.

    • @adronius147
      @adronius147 Рік тому +5

      Not at all. Technological advancement is not inevitable, it's perfectly plausible that a society would stay stagnant for extended periods of time, even thousands of years, if nothing stimulated it to innovate. There have been much longer periods on Earth since the birth of civilization that saw little to no change in the way people lived. It's only a very recent development that people look to the future with expectations of progress and significant change.

  • @jdranetz
    @jdranetz Рік тому +24

    The princess turned empress had a bedroom that looked like it was missing a flat screen TV.

  • @llamacj
    @llamacj Рік тому +21

    Blood Origin was entertaining if only because of the excellent cast who did their best. The actress playing the dwarf really stood out.

  • @jimmoriarty6964
    @jimmoriarty6964 Рік тому +27

    Rings of Power: I'm the most butchered adaptation ever
    Blood origins: Hold my beer..

  • @pembrookalcantara411
    @pembrookalcantara411 Рік тому +33

    the fact that merwin (or whatever her name was lmao) is always clothed in iris van herpen rlly irked me too, it kinda ruins the suspension of reality by linking the characters to modern brands and putting them in modern clothing

    • @swe3tpeach
      @swe3tpeach Рік тому +1

      Thank you!!!!! I thought the very same thing when watching!

    • @christicat221b
      @christicat221b Рік тому +5

      I enjoyed it, but thats just because I'm a mega fan of iris van herpen. But you are definitely right about it breaking immersion.

    • @MissMisnomer_
      @MissMisnomer_ Рік тому +3

      Yeah, as much as I love Iris and all of her designs, it really takes ya right out of the story any time she comes on screen. That being said, if they had actually committed and made ALL of the elves/people of the capitol wear similar avant-garde clothing, with interesting textures/structure/and fabric choice, then she wouldn't have felt out of place at all and would have helped make the elves feel like they had their own unique cultural style. As it stands now, they all look like humans because they all dress like humans.

  • @FlowerGirlMy
    @FlowerGirlMy Рік тому +6

    That makeup and some costumes looks like parody itself 😂

  • @CactusJack60
    @CactusJack60 Рік тому +37

    Honestly this is one of the most seemingly unbiased review about the witcher blood origin I have seen.

  • @ellenripley4837
    @ellenripley4837 Рік тому +15

    Avalach is such an interesting character in the books and even in the 3rd game. The writers ruined him to be honest.

  • @cubancucumber
    @cubancucumber Рік тому +36

    I feel so bad for all of the actors in both Shows. Genuine talent. Horrid casting and hard to work with scripts.

  • @Naveen-tx8be
    @Naveen-tx8be Рік тому +11

    Thank you for being one of the very few reviewers on here that actually had criticisms on the writing and storytelling without resorting to misogyny, racism, and queer-antagonism. Like, I KNOW there’s more to why this season was hot garbage than just “woman bad” or “non-white ppl bad”. The writing itself is the problem, and this video stopped me from having to sit through 4 hrs of pure suffering in order to find out for myself.

    • @pramabanerjee2767
      @pramabanerjee2767 Рік тому +2

      I agree... Sometimes it's really difficult to judge if the show is actually bad... Or people are just racist...

  • @Yoyocreative
    @Yoyocreative Рік тому +23

    It kinda depends on who's watching it 😅 a friend of mine watched it and loved it! But she was looking for a cliche fantasy movie/mini-series and this is exactly that. I (who played the games a lot and loves learning about the lore) was very much disappointed. I just hoped the series to feel more like a Witcher story, instead of a random fantasy story. If you told me this was a game of thrones spin-off, I'd believe you 🤣 (no hate on GoT aside from season 8!).

    • @carlosnunez6217
      @carlosnunez6217 Рік тому +3

      And I watched it while doing 100 pages of reading for my upper div course and I loved it. I mean, I was only JUST paying enough attention and had no concept of the pacing because of that, but I liked it!

    • @Yoyocreative
      @Yoyocreative Рік тому +3

      @@carlosnunez6217 ooh yeah! It's perfect for background noise! Even if you missed a bit here and there, you can still follow the story 🤭 good luck on your course/study!

  • @mrgray5576
    @mrgray5576 Рік тому +7

    It was soooooo damn bad.

  • @inkibusss
    @inkibusss Рік тому +3

    The Witcher Blood Origins lore is like a house.
    The creators went to the foundation of the house, said "This is no good, we have to tear this all out!" They then proceed to tear out the foundation of the house while expecting the house to stay where it is.

  • @phoenixdown5987
    @phoenixdown5987 Рік тому +8

    Yes! Viva la Dirt League! Anyway, found the Michael Cera comparison to NETFLIX Avallac'h hilarious but that's an example where your unfamiliarity with the material shines through. The deep fans LOATHE that casting. We loathe Avallac'h's inclusion here at all. This whole series was a big, steaming dump on the lore. I'm ignoring all things Netflix where the Witcher is concerned.

  • @dorog2205
    @dorog2205 Рік тому +6

    Honestly after watching the series and listening to what people had to say about Netflix and the Witcher franchise in general I feel like they treated this as some kind of "Hail Mary" type of situation. Where they hoped the "extra lore" would add to the franchise, without realizing they were digging an even deeper grave for themselves.
    There is absolutely no saving for something you do not respect, and it looked like they had no respect for Blood Origins, The Witcher, and their source material.

  • @SonjaPond
    @SonjaPond Рік тому +19

    Thank you for your measured review! I agree that this show was NOT good, but it was far from the worst thing I’ve seen on Netflix. I have also seen many reviewers shit on the show for being “woke” which, in my opinion, had nothing to do with its failure as a show.

  • @rodU65
    @rodU65 Рік тому +5

    I feel sorry for Michelle Yeoh, she is so good actress and deserves a real global hit.

  • @christicat221b
    @christicat221b Рік тому +11

    I enjoyed the show but you definitely brought up a lot of good points and reminded me of a couple things that had bother me watching it.

  • @fallenwarlock2418
    @fallenwarlock2418 Рік тому +22

    It’s so good to watch a review that doesn’t act like the showrunner personally unalived the reviewer’s family and actually analyzes the show

    • @brennangum6236
      @brennangum6236 Рік тому

      Yeah but in this case it really does suck that we have a showrunner who doesn't even like the source material making witcher shows. These are characters we love and are intrigued by. Why does a talentless hack who doesn't love these characters get to make the tv shows which tell their stories? It just sucks. Be better if there was no show at all. At least then theres still the possibility of getting a good show rather than the certainty we are going to get crap.

  • @GoingHamAllTheWay
    @GoingHamAllTheWay Рік тому +7

    If the writers don’t like the source material why are they the ones writing it? Shouldn’t that be part of the interview?!?

  • @SM-cs2my
    @SM-cs2my Рік тому +6

    this video is refreshing. i have no prior history with the witcher ip, just the first 2 seasons which i've reasonably enjoyed, but i stopped after 2 episodes because i felt it was just sloppy and inefficient in its storytelling. i was disappointed, because i really wanted to like it, or at least be entertained by it for a few hours. i appreciate this analysis for its focus on the technical aspects of what went wrong, such as the writing and pacing, *not* on any nonsense like "wokeness" or whatever people like to whine about instead of thinking critically. the show is bad because the writers weren't good at writing, not because there are black people in it.

  • @paradopx8618
    @paradopx8618 Рік тому +5

    This looks like someone filmed a larp session

  • @franklinfernandes5593
    @franklinfernandes5593 Рік тому +11

    "My uninformed enjoyment " is one of my new phrases

  • @spacehamsterZH
    @spacehamsterZH Рік тому +18

    Great job critiquing this show without sounding like everyone else who hated it. If that's what you were going for (and your closing comments seem to imply that) - resounding success here.

  • @jdranetz
    @jdranetz Рік тому +36

    Needed to be a comedy action show, like Xena. What made Willow more watchable that either Witcher:Blood Origin or Rings of Power was that it didn't take itself too seriously, at least in it's second half.

    • @mariosblago94
      @mariosblago94 Рік тому +5

      WILLOW is not good though, barely watchable. the acting is pretty bad

    • @jdranetz
      @jdranetz Рік тому +1

      @@mariosblago94 At least better than Blood Origin, which isn't saying much.

  • @gottfriedosterbach3907
    @gottfriedosterbach3907 Рік тому +2

    To be fair, the use of the f word is minimal compared to a fan when watching the episode.

  • @nalcarya
    @nalcarya Рік тому +8

    The Book of Amun-Ra line broke me 🤣

  • @onceyouseeityoucantunseeit1126
    @onceyouseeityoucantunseeit1126 Рік тому +11

    It‘s nice to hear a constructive review from a non-witcher-superfan. I understand their frustrations but their reasoning is sometimes just as bad as the storytelling in Blood origin.
    ps. That smiling Geralt in the end really awakes feelings of madness inside my stomach. dont do that again haha

  • @nathaliemlromer
    @nathaliemlromer Рік тому +5

    Biggest problem all shows have in recent years is their desire to do 6-10 episodes as a season (sometimes it's 13) whereas something like Star Trek TNG had 26 episodes. A longer season means a company can do more world building. Seeing as the world build has to happen visually and NOT through telling it (aka "show vs tell") this was what made this series and also, ironically, the last part of The Witcher lacking. It's a disservice to the creator of the franchise really.

  • @DrakonSanguis
    @DrakonSanguis Рік тому +8

    "How Bad Is it?" -Yes.

  • @NoctLightCloud
    @NoctLightCloud Рік тому +3

    imagine Netflix's The Witcher and Amazon's RoP were as good as Game of Thrones S1~4 and HOTD. Oh man....😔

  • @anplusdre
    @anplusdre Рік тому +9

    " I am done being a coward, but the Coward is not done with me " , Dear Netflix, hire me. This philosophy writing is easy.

    • @vanyadolly
      @vanyadolly Рік тому

      Clearly they hired the Sphinx from Mystery Men

  • @ChrisSchaffer
    @ChrisSchaffer Рік тому +5

    I had low expectations for Blood Origin.... and those low hopes were scuttled far out to sea, and that was a big bummer...
    That said, thank you for giving credit to the actors, despite the show lacking, the performances show that everyone on set was putting in the effort. The little mannerisms that each person brought to their character was wonderful even if I don't remember a single character's name.

  • @TrolkinKing
    @TrolkinKing Рік тому +6

    Basically, a bad DM in D&D who is not good with story creation, then decides to go from homebrew to created story, back to homebrew.

  • @Clara-y7x
    @Clara-y7x Рік тому +7

    I mean 20% is pretty fair rating for a someone who is only rating the show as a standalone show without any knowledge from the witcher lore in the books, but if we include the butchering, the massive changes, the rewriting and the amount of disrespect of the witcher lore and characters, 13% should actually be even lower.
    1) In the books, the first witcher was a "human" (not elf) who was created by "human mages" (not elves), he was created many years "after" the conjunction of the sphere events (not before), as the reason of creating the witchers in the first place, is to fight the monsters that came out from the conjunction of the sphere events.
    2) They Completely butchered Eredin and Avalach character, they both are from a completely different world, where they are called the Aen Elle elves, while the elves in Geralt's world are called the Aen Seidhe elves.

    • @nokturnallex2160
      @nokturnallex2160 Рік тому +1

      I'm not even a huge Witcher fan and even I knew this shit, it's like common knowledge from just casually playing the game. The fact they have people creating a show who either don't give a shit about the source material or actively dislike it shows you why everyone in charge this IP shouldn't be in charge of this IP.

  • @buchstaben-suppe
    @buchstaben-suppe Рік тому +3

    10:27 it’s amazing to me how in a single clip you where able to show how bad the narration was in the story. in the clip the narrator talked about the protagonists ending up being hunted but saying this was completely unnecessary since you saw the guy holding up a wanted poster of himself. you could’ve cut out the narration completely and you would’ve still gotten the same amount of information by just watching attentively. it’s so stupid

  • @Marzcell
    @Marzcell Рік тому +17

    It astonishes me that shows like this get green lit for a second season and great shows like inside job get canceled with so much hype for the next season. I will never understand how out of touch these people are

    • @veronicamaine3813
      @veronicamaine3813 Рік тому +4

      I’m bitter over 1899.

    • @hendrickziegler8487
      @hendrickziegler8487 Рік тому

      yeah, it really is a pity :/
      If I had to guess, they are actually not aiming for the most bingeworthy shows. If customers binge the show, then Netflix needs to deliver more. If one or two hours a day are consumed, Netflix can keep its customers with way lower need of show resupply. Maybe they have some stupid algorithm that is designed to delete shows that are too good. Like the opposite of HBO

    • @richardgroenendijk1378
      @richardgroenendijk1378 Рік тому +1

      Wait, inside job got canceled? Its second season was just released right?

  • @kissanvillasukka6005
    @kissanvillasukka6005 Рік тому +46

    Hey, just wanted to say I really appreciate your style of honest reviews.
    Found your channel through the Rings of Power video and it felt really refreshing to hear such a comprehensive review, highlighting both the good and the bad sides of the show. Keep it up!

  • @mordecaigunter6096
    @mordecaigunter6096 Рік тому +5

    imagine if they had just reintroduced Gandalf after he was captured and he escaped sauruman and their just like “yeah hes here now no biggie”

  • @mjm3091
    @mjm3091 Рік тому +6

    Imagine people actually just adapting the story that fandom was hyped for in the first place. Like those books give enough to make multiple episodes series of just good quality plot. And then you can go full artistic freedom on actual fighting, casting, scenes, scenography, clothes and monsters.

  • @NeoMorphUK
    @NeoMorphUK Рік тому +4

    When you mentioned parody and showed Epic NPC Man… I lolled like crazy. Those guys are. EPIC! 😂

  • @taffed
    @taffed Рік тому +3

    They directly asked for all that hate when they put ‘Witcher’ in the title. If they called it ‘Stupid generic fantasy’ no one would’ve hated it, as no one would’ve watched it.

  • @BryanBagehi
    @BryanBagehi Рік тому +5

    This is par for the course for Netflix originals. Sink a ton of money into random things, then have each episode half-ass written by a different person they found on Fiverr. The scripts aren't just bad, they seem like they were purposefully written poorly by writers who are angry with the producer/director.

    • @charlesg5085
      @charlesg5085 Рік тому +1

      I agree. I am shocked at how bad this writing is. This feels like our culture rotting to me. I remember when every netflix original was great. Now, they are actually difficult to watch. Why are they doing this?

  • @markuss4133
    @markuss4133 Рік тому +7

    Thanks for your last words in the video. Got you my subscription. Those guys feel like fox news to me

  • @leddmask
    @leddmask Рік тому +5

    I appreciate the all time low reference

  • @codsamanta
    @codsamanta Рік тому +10

    I liked the casting quite a lot in this show. This could've been amazing, had these people had something proper to work with. I do sincerely hope they find better work after this. I hate it when I see very promising actors whose career sort of ends because of a role they gave their all for in a poorly written show or movie. 😔

  • @bloodrunsclear
    @bloodrunsclear Рік тому +2

    This is just a bad show. Politics aside the writing is wooden, the acting bland, the plot is a tangled mess that goes nowhere, and it has zero connection to The Witcher show or books or games in any meaningful way…

  • @whateverisavailabley
    @whateverisavailabley Рік тому +2

    The main issue I have with it is, it didn't need to be made it doesn't add anything to anything..

  • @getcrunk117
    @getcrunk117 Рік тому +9

    Eradin is supposed to be a intimidating figure and in the show he is anything but

  • @Hawk7886
    @Hawk7886 Рік тому +2

    Well kudos for you for going in blind, but seriously: Play through Witcher 3! It's amazing, and a good start to the books.

  • @sabidu09
    @sabidu09 Рік тому +4

    Honestly I wanted the empress to win! All 7 heroes bored me and had no personality, plus win after win wasn’t something believable

  • @Nicolesid1
    @Nicolesid1 Рік тому +6

    What I'm hearing is. Netflix realized, for once, something was popular and wanted to gain from that but since they have thrown money at so much only to cancel it one season in they decided you know we said 6 episodes but we can do it in 4 🤦🏻‍♀️

  • @sephie44
    @sephie44 Рік тому +3

    I got whiplash from how quickly the Witcher shows all fell apart.

  • @JonDoe..
    @JonDoe.. Рік тому +5

    Sometimes you just have to do a Batwoman and can everything. Anyone at Netflix with taste should have known this was gonna be a dumpster fire with no redeemable features. A modern tale of bad writing is the only purpose this show serves now.

  • @Tantemify
    @Tantemify Рік тому +3

    the director for the blood origin series must be feeling very sad now.

  • @jdranetz
    @jdranetz Рік тому +4

    I am now encouraged to watch all the NPC Man by Viva La Dirt League parodies of the Witcher.

  • @WhimsyGalore
    @WhimsyGalore Рік тому +2

    The non-dragon, but very dragon like monster had lazers ::rolling eyes:: that turned people into "mist" I'm going to guess for production cost reasons. If you can't afford to do the special effect, then just don't the make the production.

  • @kevinjones4001
    @kevinjones4001 Рік тому +3

    It wasn’t great but I felt like the actors were all in. The writing was the weakest part. Story was pretty cookie cutter. Costumes and cast were good.
    Was not the worst Netflix show ever. It wasn’t worse than the movie Bright.

  • @janrautenstrauch4729
    @janrautenstrauch4729 Рік тому +2

    Did not watch it since the first season of TW immensly disappointed me. To me it almost felt on par with Percy Jackson in terms of source-material-butchering. The only thing that worked in the show was Henry Cavell as Geralt. So i got no interest in seeing, in which other ways Netflix can torment the franchise. Hearing TW:BO has low ratings just confirms my impression.

  • @JoelleFaery
    @JoelleFaery Рік тому +2

    I watched 1 and half episodes and came here. You basically made points for everything I was thinking so far. It really felt like they were doing too much and nothing at all at the same time. They gave me absolutely no reason to be invested in the story or the characters. I also think they were like "oh everyone loved Henry Cavill's f bomb so let's capitalize on that" and completely missing the reasons why people loved that moment in the original series. Similarly, It felt like they were trying to make a game of thrones type of cast, but failed to understand why the GOT characters are so beloved and why big moments in GOT really had an impact on the audience. I'm only 3 books into the witcher series, but I love them and this just didn't give me the same feelings the books or the original show did.

  • @TheCameron4life
    @TheCameron4life Рік тому +2

    You don't know anything about the lore? That's fine, neither do the writers. They quite literally pulled Blood Origin out of there ass. It's funny really, because everyone realized the departure from the source material was causing the initial series to suck, and then they decided to gamble everything on going even further by developing an entire plot which had no source material at all. Ballsy move.

  • @magister343
    @magister343 Рік тому +2

    These are nothing like elves from the books.
    Elves may have pointy ears, but that is the leas significant difference from humans.
    Elves have much larger and usually more colorful eyes, which may be inherited by humans with some elven ancestry.
    Pureblood elves have very different teeth. They do not have incisors, bicuspids, canines, premolar, or molars. All of their teeth are the exact same size and shape, smaller than human teeth and more numerous. Their mouths look more like dolphins than humans.
    Elves may live for thousands of years without appearing to age, but elven women are only fertile for a few decades during their youth. Elven menopause is not much later than human menopause. Elven women don't have regular monthly menstrual cycles like humans but go into heat more like dogs. Human male pheromones are known to cause an elven woman to go into heat prematurely, causing them to prefer sex with humans over sex with other elves in order to get pregnant. Elven men can impregnate women later in life, but their fertility decreases greatly with age too. Elves don't really consider their children to be adults capable of making their own life decisions until after they are too old to be fertile. The elders are very protective of the fertile youth and do not allow them to take up ay risky professions like being soldiers or mages. Older elves are more gender egalitarian than humans, but they would never let an elven girl still capable of bearing children rule a kingdom, fight in battles, study magic, etc. The great tragedy in elven history was not the arrival of humans per se but that after it was clear that the humans were not leaving that the elders failed to keep their own youth under control. There was an uprising of young elves impatient to fight the humans, who started a war without the support of the more cautious elders and who died en mass. Not enough young elves survived to maintain a stable population. Fertile pureblood elves are now very rare. Most young elves have human blood.
    Elves did build palaces and religious shrines but never built any fortifications until after humans arrived. They never had high population density. Despite high levels of some technologies, they remained a hunter-gatherer society without knowledge of intensive agriculture.

  • @a_grape_in_space1016
    @a_grape_in_space1016 Рік тому +2

    "Lark" was so annoying I was actively rooting for anyone else but her, almost no characters were well written, there was some "class warfare" ideas allegedly but we never actually saw anything concrete, the dialogue was poor, no chemistry between characters, it just goes on.

  • @ripwednesdayadams
    @ripwednesdayadams Рік тому +2

    netflix cancels practically every good show they have put out lately but had no problem throwing money at this mess. this is why i never watch netflix anymore.
    it’s also a mystery how they managed to nab amazing talent like michelle yeoh and minnie driver and do them so dirty.

  • @jayrocket196
    @jayrocket196 Рік тому +2

    That Michael Cera bit was on point!😂

  • @carlosnunez6217
    @carlosnunez6217 Рік тому +3

    I just assumed that I missed the inciting incident because I was doing homework at the same time :O this is all making a lot more sense now

  • @writerinprogress
    @writerinprogress Рік тому +2

    The Viva La Dirt League clips while you were saying about how the show feels like a parody was **chef's kiss.**
    Yeah, I noped out as soon as I saw the horrible, fourth-wall-breaking 'framing device' set up between Jaskier and Minnie Driver's character. I HATE what they've done to Jaskier in general, both in The Witcher and this show - they've turned him into a cross between the Donkey to Geralt's Shrek and some Random Modern-Day Dude who's accidentally been dropped into a medieval fantasy world and is still trying to adjust.

  • @Alucard45000
    @Alucard45000 Рік тому +2

    I hope Netflix pulls the plug on the witcher soon.. So the witch can't ruin it anymore than she already have.

  • @EJD339
    @EJD339 Рік тому +2

    Tbh I thought Witcher season 1 was pretty bad so this show just feels slightly worse. I loved the games though.

  • @Lotsielots
    @Lotsielots Рік тому +2

    It's pronounced more Ka-vull like full, not Ka-vill or Ka-veale like ill or seal. Just saying.

  • @SanaaJadeCruz
    @SanaaJadeCruz Рік тому +5

    1:02 I wasn't ready for that drag 😭 😫 😆😆

  • @jarigustafsson7620
    @jarigustafsson7620 Рік тому +2

    It could be any generic fantasy show that was made in 2022.
    Not really a Witcher story.

  • @jooooooeee
    @jooooooeee Рік тому +2

    Unnecessary F bombs make it feel like a 12 year old wrote the dialogue.

  • @patrickmccafferty984
    @patrickmccafferty984 Рік тому +7

    It was not that bad. It was silly and the script was kind of stilted but I found it entertaining.

  • @harrylong2796
    @harrylong2796 Рік тому +2

    Henry Cavill knows how to swear becuase he is British americans just don't get it

  • @ChoirFan1
    @ChoirFan1 Рік тому +4

    I watched the whole thing 😖 hoping it was actually leading somewhere. But at every turn, I was asking “why did they do that”…none of the “plot” turns made sense. At the end, I still had no idea what it was actually about…I think, though can’t be sure, it was trying to be an explanation as to how Cyri came to have Elder Blood….?