Why I Don't Attend SSPX



  • @patminthorn1904
    @patminthorn1904 Рік тому +248

    I bought a house one block from a SSPX chapel
    I’M 72 and getting ready to depart this world
    I love the Holy Mass
    I can walk to mass everyday
    My retirement plan
    I was in Novus Ordo (closed durning Covid)
    then Fraturnity -
    SSPX better fit for me
    I just want to go to HOLY MASS

    • @murphyfamily6927
      @murphyfamily6927 Рік тому +13

      Amen to that ❤

    • @jorge28624
      @jorge28624 Рік тому +17

      🙏one block away? such a blessing! I have to wait a month, check my wallet and drive 3 hours to arrive at the chaplet in Costa Rica

    • @marriedkiwi
      @marriedkiwi Рік тому +7

      truly you are blessed and may the holy mass and catholic confession bring you peace

    • @oliveri9407
      @oliveri9407 Рік тому +2

      But that isn’t technically a mass because they’re schismatic

    • @panolete
      @panolete Рік тому +6

      @@oliveri9407 yes, the Novus Ordo Mass is new (60 years) it could be schismatic.

  • @Torqueware
    @Torqueware Рік тому +219

    SSPX service I recently attended was the most beautiful service I've ever been to. And then I got angry. Why did my parents rob me of this? Of this beautiful service?
    In case you didn't notice, the church is dying - it's a sea of grey in every congregation I've ever been in (and I've worshipped in many large parishes across America).
    The average age in the LM is 14. The congregation is either a young child raised in a Catholic family, or filled with young men and women. The Latin Mass is what the youth is hungry for - our traditions before we changed to be more similar to protestants in how we worship.
    I know where I'm going to in the future. It's time to return to tradition.

    • @bumponalog5001
      @bumponalog5001 Рік тому +24

      Our local parish is nice enough, but the average age has to be about 60. Few kids to be seen, silence during quiet parts of Mass. Meanwhile the FSSP parish my family attends is full of kids of all ages. Every pew has literally three or more kids in it, including my own family's contribution of two handsome boys. The average she has to be 12 or so. It's nuts.

    • @zorob5
      @zorob5 Рік тому +7

      Try out a icksp spot if you have one near!

    • @christinemay859
      @christinemay859 Рік тому +9

      My parish in Australia if dominated by about 80 per cent Asian families, Indian Filipinos etc. I thank God for them.

    • @susanharms6777
      @susanharms6777 Рік тому +6

      T. Brah...I'm thinking h that your parents didn't have a choice. After V2 TLM didn't exist. I know. I grew up with the TLM from 1950 through V2. So you never had a chance and neither did your parents. I am fortunate that in my diocese (Toledo, OH), I can drive about 40 minutes to attend the TLM. It's got the ok from our bishop. And in my diocese.

    • @LUIS-ox1bv
      @LUIS-ox1bv Рік тому +22

      Many SSPX chapels have cry rooms, where mothers can take their crying children, but can still observe the Mass. Children, teens and young people are ubiquitous at SSPX prioriies.

  • @zodiacthriller6094
    @zodiacthriller6094 Рік тому +44

    My own experience with SSPX and FSSP has been that those who attend it are in line with church teaching and often defend Pope Francis when the media tries to push some falsehood about him, but simply find a closer spiritual connection in the traditional mass. I pray for the unity of the church and for the wellness of the SSPX

    • @soldier8304
      @soldier8304 Рік тому

      Not many can defend this, the worst pope in history

    • @MPFXT
      @MPFXT 8 місяців тому +6

      I find one of the most appealing aspects of the SSPX is that they offer the best resistance to Jorge Bergoglio.

    • @nickthescienceguy7911
      @nickthescienceguy7911 5 місяців тому

      ​@@MPFXTrepent of your heresy, sede

    • @marietta1335
      @marietta1335 5 місяців тому

      FSSP broke away from SSPX when Pope Paul VI excommunicated Lefebvre and declared SSPX schismatic. Pope JP II welcomed FSSP back into the Church and established the commission Ecclesia Dei to give FSSP a refuge.
      Popes JPII and Benedict maintained SSPX as schismatic, and it has no canonical standing with the Church.
      Therefore, FSSP and SSPX are not the same. FSSP is legit, but SSPX is not.

    • @Luke-ms5hn
      @Luke-ms5hn 4 місяці тому +2

      @@MPFXTthat’s pope Jorge Bergoglio to you

  • @4runner4summer
    @4runner4summer Рік тому +112

    Christ is King

  • @st2577
    @st2577 Рік тому +54

    The Pope gave the SSPX jurisdiction to give confessions and more !
    It’s been practicing the one true catholic faith , truth , Sacrificial Mass since before the Council of Trent , their carrying on the faith since and from the beginning . Nothings changed
    I’ve been attending a SSPX church for 15 years because I treasure the Latin Rite and I’ve been very challenged to grow in the true faith ; conversion ; aligned as I came from the novus ordo and never received the full catechism. There’s so much I was ignorant about the one true faith , my soul guided me here and I honor that voice of God as it’s good for me . I’m very grateful

    • @jeremysmith7176
      @jeremysmith7176 Рік тому +2

      Why did the Pope need to give the SSPX jurisdiction if they are in full communion?

    • @JesusFreek2112
      @JesusFreek2112 Рік тому +4

      He gave them faculties of Penance and Holy matrimony if approved by local Bishop, not jurisdiction. Sadly they don't have jurisdiction...yet.

    • @retro-orthodox
      @retro-orthodox Рік тому +1

      @@JesusFreek2112Don’t most of them forgo setting up relationships like that with their local bishop? I remember listening to a talk from an SSPX priest that said they wouldn’t listen to the decision made by their local bishop if they said no to either… which seems like they’re not really under them in any real way to begin with (even if one holds the position that the SSPX is correct).

    • @killianmiller6107
      @killianmiller6107 Рік тому

      How is that any different from the Eastern Orthodox who the Church also recognizes has valid sacraments of marriage and confession, yet are in schism due to their refusal of communion to the Pope?

    • @retro-orthodox
      @retro-orthodox Рік тому

      @@killianmiller6107 So obviously the schism is a matter of perspective (I’m Orthodox and see RCs as the ones in schism), but this is basically what always confuses me about SSPX apologists. It doesn’t seem to be a badge of honor or anything that grants official status within the Church for the ecumenist in chief to say “we recognize such-and-such sacraments that you do”.

  • @winducaswell4219
    @winducaswell4219 Рік тому +110

    What amazes me with FSSPX, they send their Priests to other cities, sometimes serving only one family. Didn’t know them until God sent one to our small city Christmas 2020. Had my first Christmas Mass in TLM in my friend’s basement, just the 5 of us. Now we have monthly Mass and have to rent a building. Archbishop Lefebvre actually introduced me to TLM through Return to Tradtion reading his book: Open Letter to Confused Catholic, I felt deceived by NO when I was listening to it. After that I search for TLM. When you ask, God answers. Thank you Lord for all Your graces🙏

    • @Leocomander
      @Leocomander Рік тому

      Yeah they also send all of their sexually accused priest to St.Mary’s Kansas and are under investigation by the state for numerous amounts of sexual abuse cases. The SSPX is putting on a facade be very very careful with them.

    • @marietta1335
      @marietta1335 4 місяці тому

      FSSPX is outside of the Catholic Church. It is not in union with the "One" holy Catholic Church; not in communion with us. They are not a part of any dioceses. That's probably why they held their Mass in your friend's basement. It's a lonely existence.

  • @ChuckyLarms
    @ChuckyLarms Рік тому +207

    I would never fault someone for attending an SSPX church if their other local parishes are forcing drag Queen story hour and tik tok dancing at the altar

    • @WestsidePredator
      @WestsidePredator Рік тому +20

      I get what you’re saying but the bar shouldn’t be so low! If your nearest Mass is a completely banal, de-sacralised Mass and seems to take ideas from Protestantism, or the preaching is implicitly lending towards heretical/false beliefs, then that counts too. It’s not just the “clown” Mass. it’s any Mass which does not appropriately worship the Blessed Sacrament, honour Tradition, and teach the orthodox doctrine of the Church.

    • @joelwren5718
      @joelwren5718 Рік тому +48

      The SSPX is not schismatic.

    • @joelwren5718
      @joelwren5718 Рік тому +29

      Pope Francis has given SSPX priests faculties.
      Schismatics do not have faculties.
      Can you please cite any authoritative statement by Pope John Pail II declaring the SSPX to be in schism?

    • @hamie7624
      @hamie7624 Рік тому +5

      @@joelwren5718 Pope Saint John Paul II made it clear in Ecclesia Dei that the SSPX is in Schism.

    • @joelwren5718
      @joelwren5718 Рік тому +18

      I’m no theologian, so I’d appreciate it if you could just cite the part where Pope John Paul II makes it clear the SSPX is in schism
      And then, tell me how Pope Francis can grant faculties to schismatics.

  • @thetraditionalthomist
    @thetraditionalthomist Рік тому +183

    Hi Mr. Holdsworth! Thank you for giving your thoughts and fair criticism. Though I land on the other side of this issue, I greatly admire the way that you have approached this issue. When you convey your thought process behind how you try and make decisions, it reminds me greatly of my own personal experience. I regularly attend both a Diocesan TLM for Sunday's and SSPX chapel for weekday mass, and therefore I have been pushed to sharpen my own understanding of this debate. Perhaps only one area that I would push back on what you said (in charity) is that I don't see where the SSPX denies something that has been stated by the Pope in an extraordinary matter (if what you mean by that is the pronouncements of the Extraordinary Magisterium). All of the pronouncements of the Extraordinary Magisterium (The Pope declaring Dogma alone, or an ecumenical council declaring one with him) the SSPX hold to. Is this what you meant by Extraordinary or Solemn? Forgive me if I am misunderstanding you. To my knowledge also, the SSPX does not deny any dogma from the Ordinary and Universal Magisterium (what has been taught in all places and in everytime by all bishops). Where the SSPX does not except is the issues of Ecumenism, religious liberty and Collegiality from Vatican 2. They would assert that these statements are part of the non-infallible authentic magisterium since you are hard-pressed to find their teaching in sacred tradition or scripture. They would also assert that this is not part of the universal and ordinary magisterium, since you cannot find these concepts in the tradition. While we should have a submission of intellect and will to the authentic magisterium, it is not a submission of Faith, since it is not infallible. They would assert that if these teaching are new doctrines (as the answers of the dubia on religious liberty from Pope John Paul II said) that they hold no weight since according to pastor aeternus of Vatican I, the Pope cannot create a new doctrine. On a practical level I think many would at least agree that Ecumenism especially has been a scandalous disaster (Assisi, Abrahamic family temple, etc.). Regarding the New Mass, I find their assertion correct that the Missal has been protestantized by men who did not have the tradition in mind. These are just some of my thoughts. Know I respect you greatly and consider you a brother in Christ! Have a fruitful lent!

    • @SedContraApologia
      @SedContraApologia Рік тому +4

      Check out my response.. I believe we collectively gave a very good treatment to the topic

    • @thetraditionalthomist
      @thetraditionalthomist Рік тому +7

      @@SedContraApologia Very good response!

    • @Christofascist_Hup
      @Christofascist_Hup Рік тому +20

      ​@@chasnikisher7006 ever since TC, Diocesan tlms can't do the traditional baptism rite. I'm not confident enough in my parenting skills that I feel I can spare them two exorcisms.

    • @danielkilpatrick3525
      @danielkilpatrick3525 Рік тому +23

      Very well put God bless U for defending Archbishop Lefebvre and the SSPX

    • @thetraditionalthomist
      @thetraditionalthomist Рік тому +42

      @@chasnikisher7006 My simple response is that the PCED does not say that they are in formal schism, and a lay person can go to have his Sunday obligation filled, while at the same time donate to them. I find it hard that you can go to a chapel with no sin or canonical penalty, while at the same time being schismatic.
      "Q: Do lay Catholics who frequent Society of St. Pius X chapels, either more less frequently, incur any sin or canonical delict by doing so, if done solely out of devotion to the Church's Latin liturgical tradition and not to separate one's self from communion with one's diocesan Ordinary or local pastor?
      PCED: "Catholics who frequent the chapels of the Society of St. Pius X do not incur any sin or canonical delict by doing so."
      Q: Can one fulfill his Sunday Obligation at a Chapel of the SSPX?
      PCED: "In the strict sense you may fulfill your Sunday obligation by attending a Mass celebrated by a priest of the Society of St. Pius X. If your primary reason for attending were to manifest your desire to separate yourself from communion with the Roman Pontiff and those in communion with him, it would be a sin. If your intention is simply to participate in a Mass according to the 1962 Missal for the sake of devotion, this would not be a sin.”
      His Eminence
      Darío Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos
      President, Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei (PCED)
      Palazzo del Sant'Uffizio
      00120 VATICAN CITY
      Monday of Holy Week
      Anno Domini 2008

  • @MacheteMambi
    @MacheteMambi Рік тому +13

    ABP MARCELLE LEFEBVRE and Holy Priests of the SSPX thru the grace of God, saved Holy Mother The Church and her Traditions, Teachings and Liturgy.

  • @minorityvoice9253
    @minorityvoice9253 Рік тому +67

    I go to an SSPX chapel because there is no other option for true orthodoxy and reverence where I am. Either the liturgy is lax and casual or the music is trying to be a praise and worship Big Box Prot service. I am always challeneged to go deeper by the homilies. And always informed that it is not us and them but us as carholics and that if you beleive we have a true treasure of the traditional mass then it is our responsibility to live a deeper spiritual faithful and charitable life. Thats the reason I go to the SSPX.

    • @charlieclubers
      @charlieclubers Рік тому +9

      What if someone said the exact same thing as you but about a sede chapel? I imagine you would not be supportive of them attending said chapel. It seems then that regardless of orthodoxy or reverence, we ought only attend a chapel that is in union with Rome. Are you sure that your SSPX chapel is in union with Rome?

    • @therese_paula
      @therese_paula Рік тому +3

      ​@@charlieclubers Amen

    • @agrailag
      @agrailag Рік тому

      @@charlieclubers sede are heretics, SSPX not. Thats it

    • @Torqueware
      @Torqueware Рік тому +21

      ​@@charlieclubersif the SSPX isn't in union with Rome why does Pope Francis acknowledge their sacraments?

    • @tanksgt
      @tanksgt Рік тому +2

      @@charlieclubers Yes

  • @dj-mv7lx
    @dj-mv7lx Рік тому +41

    I'm at home with the SSPX but, Our Lord gave us 4 marks to identify his church. One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic. Where these 4 marks are, there is the Church. It really is that simple.

    • @gustavo_jose2
      @gustavo_jose2 Рік тому +2

      it really is the argument the protestants and orthodox also use

    • @gustavo_jose2
      @gustavo_jose2 Рік тому +2

      "why do you need all that Papal jurisdiction after all? You are the true guardian of the Tradition. You just have to believe it, and thats not that hard considering all the mess nowadays, amiright!?" Signed:

    • @charliecaruana4424
      @charliecaruana4424 Рік тому +2

      The SSPX has also fallen into doctrinal error in some more subtle ways.
      Many of them and those who attend are very well meaning, no doubt. But, the SSPX and it’s positions are in schism. But, the people who attend May or may not be depending on how far they buy into the SSPX positions about the Novus Ordo, collegiality, Vatican II, the new way of giving the Sacraments in the Roman Rite, etc.
      That’s why many are excusable for going because of all the confusion and turmoil in the Church and many people don’t know the issues with the SSPX.
      However, once one knows, one has to switch to a canonically established Mass and church. Like the FSSP, the ICKSP, diocesan, etc. make good friends, grow the community, grow in charity and prayer, etc.

    • @MaterDolorasa
      @MaterDolorasa 4 місяці тому

      Can you you tell me more about the?

  • @maryvz345
    @maryvz345 Рік тому +28

    I am 73,able to attend FSSP....I go for the Mass, nothing else and if every Latin Mass parish is shut down, I will go to nearest SSPX.....worship alone is my goal. It says nothing about my thoughts of papal authority or the chair of Peter. If that is the only traditional Mass to attend, I figure if it’s schismatic or not, is on someone else. I just want to worship in a right and just manner. And Novus Ordo does not do that despite all of the very good priests. But thank you for this discussion, and I have no idea what kind of Mass Brian attends. God bless all.

  • @jenniferific
    @jenniferific Рік тому +70

    As an Edmonton SSPX member..... I go to the SSPX not because the FSSP isn't good. It's very good there. I will attend both. But there is a quality at the SSPX that the FSSP stops short of. The FSSP are limited in what they are permitted to say and do. They are vulnerable to being cancelled right now by Traditionis Custodes. I have personally heard errors preached from the pulpit by previous FSSP priests here. The spiritual direction in confession is different
    However, I have always said that every person who comes to SSPX needs to do their own reading and make their own prudential judgement.

    • @murphyfamily6927
      @murphyfamily6927 Рік тому +6

      Hello from the Calgary Priory! Come visit us if you haven't already!

    • @clintufford5181
      @clintufford5181 Рік тому +15

      Same in Idaho. The Society holds the line for Catholicism, respectfully.

    • @murphyfamily6927
      @murphyfamily6927 Рік тому +5

      I agree, the "experience" in the confessional is a little different. As a quick aside - for those of you who have never attended a TLM in a space that was designed for the TLM, I would argue the experience of the Mass is VERY different. It's incredible how needing to adapt the the Novus Ordo "space" for the TLM affects the Mass. *Not* having permanent altar rails, a high altar with a central Tabernacle or being confronted by 1970's style "religious artwork" on a weekly basis (to name a few) was a *way* bigger deal than I anticipated. That's just my opinion.
      In all, I love the Priests of the FSSP Edmonton and I'm happy they're here.

    • @patty378
      @patty378 Рік тому +4

      I thought SSPX is not in full communion with the Catholic Church and therefore we should not attend unless there is no mass near us except SSPX. Is there something I'm missing?

    • @credidimuscaritati
      @credidimuscaritati Рік тому +7

      This should answer your question on whether one may attend an SSPX chapel at any time (so, whether or not there is another Mass near you)?
      "Q: Do lay Catholics who frequent Society of St. Pius X chapels, **either more less frequently**, incur any sin or canonical delict by doing so, if done solely out of devotion to the Church's Latin liturgical tradition and not to separate one's self from communion with one's diocesan Ordinary or local pastor?
      PCED: "Catholics who frequent the chapels of the Society of St. Pius X do not incur any sin or canonical delict by doing so."
      Q: Can one fulfill his Sunday Obligation at a Chapel of the SSPX?
      PCED: "In the strict sense you may fulfill your Sunday obligation by attending a Mass celebrated by a priest of the Society of St. Pius X. If your primary reason for attending were to manifest your desire to separate yourself from communion with the Roman Pontiff and those in communion with him, it would be a sin. If your intention is simply to participate in a Mass according to the 1962 Missal for the sake of devotion, this would not be a sin.”
      His Eminence
      Darío Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos
      President, Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei (PCED)
      Palazzo del Sant'Uffizio
      00120 VATICAN CITY
      Monday of Holy Week
      Anno Domini 2008
      I hope this helps! 🌹

  • @stephanilance289
    @stephanilance289 Рік тому +80

    I am newly reformed to the Catholic faith... what brought me to the true faith was a longing for roots, and for tradition. I was baptized in a very beautiful 1890's church with a wonderful young priest. Father Brian intermingled the N.O along with the TLM... he had reverence for both, but unfortunately he was called away to a different parish location and the next priest we had was not reverent at all to the Holy Eucharist, he treated it as if he was handing out Girl Scout cookies. How we treat the Eucharist matters. That's why it did not take me long to find and be drawn to a consistent Traditional Latin Mass at a reverent SSPX... I THANK GOD FOR THE SSPX

    • @chommie5350
      @chommie5350 Рік тому

      Agree with you 100% ....priests today wanna be clowns and comedians.....looking more for popularity than holiness .

    • @jimnewl
      @jimnewl Рік тому +5

      Why is the priest's disposition so important to you? It's your disposition that matters. You don't get personal brownie points for Father Wonderful's virtues, nor are you held responsible for Father Frivolous' vices. Look inward. Concentrate on perfecting your own soul. That's how saints are made.

    • @Kitiwake
      @Kitiwake Рік тому +2

      ​​​@@jimnewl a very good reply.
      Plus I would add that we have a Sunday obligation to fulfill breach of which is a serious sin and which cannot be completed at an SSPX if regular mass is available.

    • @pascendi88
      @pascendi88 Рік тому +11

      @@Kitiwake the PCED in 2008 through Cardinal Hoyos clearly said that one can fulfill Sunday obligation at an SSPX chapel. If you know better please provide a Church document that says otherwise.

    • @AMDG_-nk2dp
      @AMDG_-nk2dp Рік тому +6

      @@pascendi88 and honestly, if things keep continuing the way it's headed, with the current pope, the remnant faithful will be relegated to an "underground" church that will be the true Mass. Michael Matt has always inferred this and spoken to it, for many years. Especially now, under the current circumstances. Vivo Cristo Rey. +

  • @ethanml33
    @ethanml33 Рік тому +68

    I think you hit the nail in the head. As a life long Protestant I have slowly and slowly been convinced more and more of the catholic faith and I think looking back one of the hardest roadblocks is getting over my pride and realizing I was wrong in the past. It’s taken 10 years of being married to a catholic and probably 5 years of reading about these issues to chip away at my resistance

    • @RickW-HGWT
      @RickW-HGWT Рік тому +1

      Find a good traditional or Eastern Rite parish to help, God bless

    • @MikePasqqsaPekiM
      @MikePasqqsaPekiM Рік тому +8

      Been there, done that, brother. It’s not sunshine and rainbows on the other side of the Tiber, but you’ll be in communion with Christ and His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. There’s no shame in that, unless we care more about what people think than God.
      1 Samuel 16:7

    • @Sigmareich
      @Sigmareich Рік тому +11

      Raised prot my whole life, and after a few years of research, and RCIA, was just confirmed during this Easter

    • @JohnFromAccounting
      @JohnFromAccounting Рік тому

      You will need to renew your marriage once you convert, because Catholics cannot validly marry non-Catholics.

    • @padraicbrown6718
      @padraicbrown6718 Рік тому +2

      @@Sigmareich Welcome home!

  • @BellosdemiAlma
    @BellosdemiAlma Рік тому +30

    I can only contribute that the sspx has a presence in many more countries than all the others do not even consider. Like mine. For mass in Latin there are only sspx, 2 or 3 diocesan priests in the whole country, and some sedevacantes (that don't count for me) My country is huge Argentina. And the sspx communities are growing. But here there is no interest from other congregations (which are usually in North America and Europe) But the sspx evangelizes in all continents. My children are happy at their Mass. the quiet mass and "where is Jesus" as they told me. And you know, we pray for everyone

  • @dorianlelong
    @dorianlelong Рік тому +10

    Mr. Holdsworth, to be consistent with your position, you would have to follow the errors of Pope Francis in his fight against sacred Tradtition. You would have to think that the elimination of the Latin Mass is good, that communion in the hand is good, that allowing the Synodal process in Germany is good, that choosing heretical and scandalous men for episocpal sees is good, etc.. One has to distinguish between the human element in the papacy and that which is conformity with that which has been passed down to us from the Apostles.

  • @SedContraApologia
    @SedContraApologia Рік тому +33

    08:00 This is where the conversation keeps getting lost.
    I would love to ask Brian, what is the Roman pontiff judging, determining, enforcing or speaking that the SSPX denies or rejects?
    This is where I think it keeps getting murky is that Brian is overly emphasizing this unknown command of the Roman Pontiff, which is unclear and never specified and then juxtaposes and compares that with the SSPX rejecting that same unknown vague command.
    Also, I think its really important to know that the SSPX does not make one say a creed, a pledge or some oath upon walking into a chapel. You can go as a lay person and leave and never come back which is a big deal in terms of the commitment or marriage between people and the Society. The SSPX is the priests and not the laypeople that support them. I am not advocating people go to the SSPX I am simply saying it is very gray.
    With that said I really don’t know what the SSPX is somehow disobeying that has been clearly demonstrated by Rome. Much of the situation is unclear but what is clear is this:
    In 2015, the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, at the request of Cardinal Poli, with the consent and approval of Rome, formally incardinated the SSPX under Argentinian law with the following legal declaration submitted and registered with the Argentinian Ministry of Religion: " that said fraternity finds its character as a public legal person accredited WITHIN THE ROMAN APOSTOLIC CATHOLIC CHURCH, in accordance with the norms of the Code of Canon Law", the emphasis is theirs, not mine.
    The CDF also appointed Bishop Fellay as a canonical judge in a Vatican trial of an SSPX priest which imposed penalties on said priest through the structures of the SSPX** Meaning that the Vatican recognizes the SSPX as being subject to its canonical adjudication and capable of administering canonical penalties on behalf of the Holy See.
    His Holiness Pope Francis in 2016 has granted faculties to the SSPX to hear confessions and conduct marriages, and ordain priests licitly, meaning that they have an approved public ministry of the Church, at least in part.
    In 2009 Pope Benedict XVI lifted the excommunications of the four Bishops. If one is not out of communion I am unsure how they are not in communion. In deploying the law of the excluded middle this becomes explicitly obvious.
    Before someone screams and cries, yes it is true the PCED does have mixed letters going back and forth in responses with lay people and with different angles being engaged, no doubt these get confusing but we know for a fact a letter from the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei in 2003 says point blank that,
    "1. In the strict sense you may fulfill your Sunday obligation by attending a Mass celebrated by a priest of the Society of St. Pius X.”
    His second question was “Is it a sin for me to attend a Pius X Mass” and we responded stating:
    “2. We have already told you that we cannot recommend your attendance at such a Mass and have explained the reason why. If your primary reason for attending were to manifest your desire to separate yourself from communion with the Roman Pontiff and those in communion with him, it would be a sin. If your intention is simply to participate in a Mass according to the 1962 Missal for the sake of devotion, this would not be a sin.”
    His third question was: “Is it a sin for me to contribute to the Sunday collection at a Pius X Mass,” to which we responded:
    “3. It would seem that a modest contribution to the collection at Mass could be justified.”
    Pope Francis accepted the resignation of Mons. Vitus Huonder, 77, from his position as bishop of Chur, Switzerland, on May 20, 2019. He appointed Bishop Pierre Bürcher, 73, as apostolic administrator of the diocese, waiting for the appointment of a successor. Bishop Huonder retired to the Sancta Maria Institute of Wangs, belonging to the Society of Priests of St. Pius X to live out his retirement alongside these priests.
    This next quote is related to the actual relationship with how Rome understands the SSPX. "As far as your question is concerned, I would like to point out immediately that the Dicastery for ecumenism is not concerned with the Society of St Pius X. The situation of the members of that Society is an internal affair of the Catholic Church. The Society of St Pius X is not another Church or Ecclesial Community in the sense that this Dicastery uses those terms. Certainly, the Mass and the sacraments administered by the priests of the Society of St Pius X are valid." - Cardinal Edward Cassidy, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity
    Lastly, the SSPX has never denied the authority of the Pope or the Hierarchy and vigorously resists sedevacantism and mentions the Pope and local Bishop in the Canon of the Mass. This action is noted as an objective criteria to knowing if one is in communion by author John Monaco in a recent article titled “What does it mean to be in communion today?” He states, “Remaining with the previous example, let’s ask again: is there any objective criteria that determines if one is in communion with the Catholic Church? Certainly, recognition of papal power and authority is a major aspect of it. For example, this is what primarily separates a Ukrainian Orthodox bishop from a Ukrainian Greek Catholic one-they share the same liturgies, the same feasts, many of the same saints; and yet, the mere acknowledgement of Catholic teaching on the papacy is enough to transition the former into the latter. When the Ukrainian Orthodox Archbishop Ihor Isichenko recently entered into full communion with the Catholic Church, he did not need to be re-ordained, have to re-do his seminary training, or even change the majority of his ritual worship. Those who received him into the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church presumably did not ask his thoughts on the Filioque or on divorce and remarriage, both additional issues that are said to separate Orthodox from Catholics.”
    I don't encourage people to go to the SSPX but I can say if everyday Catholics can extend immense and insane levels of charity in seeing the other side of our actual separated brethren, please don't throw stones at those who the Church herself calls faithful,
    "I had also granted that those *faithful* who, for various reasons, attend churches officiated by the priests of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X, can validly and licitly receive the sacramental absolution of their sins." - Pope Francis

    • @emmagoldman6616
      @emmagoldman6616 Рік тому +5

      thank you Sanctus

    • @thetraditionalthomist
      @thetraditionalthomist Рік тому +6

      Very good response with footnote!

    • @SedContraApologia
      @SedContraApologia Рік тому +4

      @@thetraditionalthomist So small world, you and I had a class together I think you may have withdrawn from.
      I also think I remember you from the Confirmations in San Antonio!
      Also, we both have written for 1Peter5!

    • @LUIS-ox1bv
      @LUIS-ox1bv Рік тому +5

      Thank you for your well informed, well balanced, and intelligent post.

    • @murphyfamily6927
      @murphyfamily6927 Рік тому +2

      Thank you. This is a lesson in charity.

  • @rubenmartinez4346
    @rubenmartinez4346 Рік тому +81

    Main reason I go to the SSPX chapel and also my kids attend their academy is because of my kids. There is no way I’m letting my kids into a NO mass so they can lose the faith. Plus I have grown to love the Church more than ever!

    • @Torqueware
      @Torqueware Рік тому +20

      ​@@Roman-Labrador surely it would be a sin if it's disobedience to the Church. But Rome has stated that people attending the SSPX LM do not commit a sin by doing so.

    • @Jerds
      @Jerds Рік тому +8

      Correlation doesn’t equal causation. I know a lot of very good and holy people at novus ordo parishes. Claiming that the novus ordo will somehow endanger your faith is a wild thing to claim. This kind of mentality is the exact problem with trads. Look what happened to Steve Skojec. You can never go wrong with embracing the church and her teachings. You can, however, go wrong by rejecting things officially promulgated by the church.

    • @batmaninc2793
      @batmaninc2793 Рік тому +4

      You do know there are TLMs that are in full communion with Rome without any room for ambiguity.

    • @rubenmartinez4346
      @rubenmartinez4346 Рік тому +8

      @@Jerds the fact that they do communion on the hands is more than enough for me.

    • @rubenmartinez4346
      @rubenmartinez4346 Рік тому +8

      @@batmaninc2793 so how much in communion is the SSPX with Rome? About 70%? 80%? 99%??

  • @tony_0088
    @tony_0088 Рік тому +63

    I live in Germany, and went from mass to mass jumping from one place to the next because of the open support to their heretical sinod, and because the mass speech sounds like social political activism. Of course if in your case you have found a traditional comunity to live your faith, then you don't feel compelled to assist to a sspx mass. I'm seriously considering attending to it, and as far as I know, it is allowed by the Church. For some people, going to the sspx has nothing to do with disobedience to the Church, but rather about finding a place where toxic ideologies are left out.

    • @marriedkiwi
      @marriedkiwi Рік тому +5

      don't delay- go! I wanted 30 years with silly scruples over it

    • @louel83
      @louel83 Рік тому +6

      I'm in the same boat. I want to convert. I don't want all the drama and politics. I don't want to be critical of the pope. At the same time, I live in the Netherlands and the novus ordo in my town is so cringe. I really wish it wasn't, but it is.
      As I am a mother 2 with a third on the way I really have to take the decision I take seriously. I haven't been going to church for 3 months now, because I'm in such an impasse.
      I keep praying for guidance.

    • @tony_0088
      @tony_0088 Рік тому

      @Jason I agree with you that protecting the unborn is a duty every Catholic has, and though it is a topic being pushed polliticaly, it is above all a core moral issue, and as such no Catholic can remain unconcerned. Sadly you'll rarely hear about the sanctity of a human life in the womb from a German priest, instead, you'll see most masses speeches be very worldly and revolve around: climate change, mother earth, viruses, pandemics, inclusion - particularly towards ppl suffering sexual dysphoria (but not an inclusion based on human respect, but a counterfeit inclusion which basically asks for the tolerance of sin), also a false tolerance tainted by modern toxic feminism is also preached with the suggestion women should be priests - directly contradicting Catholic theology. Also the ukranian war, Putin, the needy in africa, ecumenism with other religions ( never asking for repentance, conversion, or evagelization of course; just focusing on peace). It sounds very similar to the speech of a political party of the left. On top of this some churches have pictures of hungry ppl as if it were an ngo (of course we need to be charitable and help the needy, but don't turn our holy Churches into photo studios), bizarre modern art, bilboards for salsa courses at the entrace of the Church, the flag of the sexual perversity, etc.
      Apart from that, you"ll never hear anything about: growing in sanctity, practice of prayer, practice of penance, the supernatural realities of heaven/hell/purgatory, the need for conversion, the need to evangelize and bring catholic truths and lights to others, growing in virtues, saving the soul, etc. You'll never see a single person kneelig and/or taking comunion on the mouth, or praying the rosary. It is extremely similar to a fake protestant "church".

    • @tony_0088
      @tony_0088 Рік тому +3

      @@louel83 Hey, sorry for the super late comment. I just wanted to mention that I find very corageous of you as a mother of 3, to try to offer to your children a solid Catholic education (especially in the country where you live where traditional catholicism is probably not very well received by a local church probably dominated by modernists). I'll pray to God to help you find a suitable solution to your situation.

    • @JohnFromAccounting
      @JohnFromAccounting Рік тому +2

      Hope you have a stronger spiritual life with the SSPX.

  • @AMDG_-nk2dp
    @AMDG_-nk2dp Рік тому +56

    Remember, though, during covid the only Catholic Church that held Mass, in some areas, was an sspx chapel. And in some cities without a nearby ICKSP Church or an FSSP Church, if an sspx chapel is available, that would be the church to attend. Especially if you want to be spiritually fed. And to attend the true Mass. 🌞

    • @Climbing_Carmel_TODC
      @Climbing_Carmel_TODC Рік тому +13

      Yes! The SSPX priests in my area visited every family, which covered a vast distance, with the Sacraments during the lockdowns. We even had Holy Communion on Easter Sunday, and two Masses in our home. They refused to stop being priests!

    • @Kitiwake
      @Kitiwake Рік тому

      What a terrible thing to write. Shocking.
      The post Vatican 2 mass is a true mass.

    • @RickW-HGWT
      @RickW-HGWT Рік тому +5

      ​@@Kitiwake Look at a mass from 1965 then one from 1975, the loss of reverence is obvious, a "reverent " NO has to ape the TLM for it to be reverent.

    • @soniapetricca5355
      @soniapetricca5355 Рік тому

      Yes, during COVID it was clear who the goats were and the real shepherds. All the NO parishes were goats here going along with Satan’s plan and shutting down churches. Absolutely diabolical.

    • @user-ks3qr5fk6m
      @user-ks3qr5fk6m Рік тому +1

      I attended a Byzantine parish during this time that never closed :) There was an SSPX nearby as well but it was important for me to attend a parish that submitted to the Pope not just recognized him as the Pope.

  • @natanku1
    @natanku1 Рік тому +27

    The truth is that if it weren’t for the SSPX the Latin Mass would have completely disappeared after V2. There would be no FSSP or other societies “fully in union” celebrating the TLM. I’m ambivalent about the SSPX but we do attend it once a month or so. Other Sundays we go to TLM at a parish church. Problem is the only option for TLM may be SSPX soon. Then folks will have to make even more hard choices. Does the pope have the authority to cancel the TLM everywhere? No, even the pope doesn’t have the authority to do this because the Mass of the Ages is eternal as stated by Pope Benedict XVI.

    • @atrifle8364
      @atrifle8364 Рік тому +2

      You could condescend to sit next to me, a lowly and unimportant NO attendee, if the TLM disappeared. I guess though that's a bridge too far for the love of Christ.

    • @RickW-HGWT
      @RickW-HGWT Рік тому

      Look up the Ruthenian option this may be where we are headed, the Roman church tried to force thier Eastern Rites brethren to fallow thier dictates. The result is many went Orthodox , with the church losing , not gaining souls. With,the social,media of today the SSPX and other groups would grow quickly and without fear from the heiarachy.

    • @JohnFromAccounting
      @JohnFromAccounting Рік тому

      This is a fact. Literally every Latin Mass society and community traces to Lefebvre and his SSPX seminary.

    • @bruno-bnvm
      @bruno-bnvm Рік тому +1

      ​@@atrifle8364He never talked about you. Are you willing to learn Latin the language of the church and love the tradition of the church? You don't have time for Christ church traditions?

    • @andrewburch3694
      @andrewburch3694 10 місяців тому

      I've heard the claim that the SSPX saved the TLM from many people, but I'm not convinced. Both the Agatha Christie Indult and Quattuor Abhinc Annos preceded the consecrations of the four SSPX bishops.

  • @kathleenflaherty9109
    @kathleenflaherty9109 Рік тому +15

    I commend your primary reasoning for not attending the SSPX, which is satisfaction with your current TLM community. That is great! I’ve been in Tradition, attending the SSPX for about 20 years, so before it was “a thing”. The SSPX responds to the needs of the faithful worldwide. They don’t go through bishop approval and they own their churches separate from the diocese. In the synodal church of Pope Francis who knows what will be allowed and not allowed in various dioceses. Just as before 2007 with Benedict’s liberation of the old mass, the SSPX might be traditionalist only option.

  • @gloriadeipatre
    @gloriadeipatre 2 місяці тому +2

    I am 20 plus year SSPX. In the 2nd Gulf War right before it was about to commense, an SSPX Priest traveled 800 miles to hear a young soldier's confession.
    There is a zeal in the SSPX that is not often replicated.

  • @LMC444111
    @LMC444111 Рік тому +6

    No 'church friends' or 'awesome community' could ever be enough for me to attend the Novus Ordo again. To me, that's a very Protestant way of thinking.

    • @markpugner9716
      @markpugner9716 Рік тому

      If it's "I won't go _there_ because I have community _here"_ *and* allowing that community to be the deciding thing, not doctrine or practice, then I agree. But I don't think that's the his core reasoning.

  • @lomaszaza7142
    @lomaszaza7142 Рік тому +13

    Hey Brain, for you who began saying we need to develop the art of persuasión but failed to give a very weak reason for declining to join sspx is lamentable. You gave two main reason: a) bcos you don't want to, b) bcos of sense of community you have.
    To be honest, those reasons comes down to good feeling and voluntism without strong reason.
    In short, we expected stronger reason bcos one way or another the future of the Catholic Church belongs to that Unchanging Truth where the Living Tradition is its custody.

    • @killianmiller6107
      @killianmiller6107 Рік тому +1

      Really though, it’s a very honest thing to realize you don’t believe something because you don’t want to believe it. Brian mentioned that his own conversion to Catholicism involved reasoning that overwhelmed his aversion, but SSPX doesn’t have reason to overwhelm his aversion to it. Brian did later give a strong reason to think SSPX was wrong, primarily their refusal of submission to the Pope.

  • @donm-tv8cm
    @donm-tv8cm Рік тому +17

    Man, can I relate to your conversion journey! I started out actually HATING the Catholic Church my entire life. But as with you, there attained a point where I became convinced that the theological truths were undeniable. The moment I stopped hating the Church, YES, I immediately started admiring it, and the rest is history.
    I did not spend a lifetime coming around to the Catholic Church and to fellowship with Rome, just to cast it off casually for something novel like the SSPX. I DO absolutely think that the Pope's anti-TLM mentality is wrong and bad for the Church. But I'm not jumping ship over it. My attitude is: Jesus cares passionately for his Church, and if something is harming it, even from within, he will deal with it. And I pray towards that end.

    • @atrifle8364
      @atrifle8364 Рік тому +3

      Read the comments. Listen to our host waffle in his faith to his truths for community and people he his sympathetic with. I didn't agree with the Pope's anti-TLM stance until a few months ago. But I see the long term fruits. It's this video.
      People are loving Mass before God and using words like "community" to cover over what amounts to some pride about their fellow pewsitters and the clergy. Yes, there are valid criticisms of clergy and pewsitters. Nursing them to point of being able to walk away from the one true faith is counterproductive. Even if Pope Francis is wrong or ham handed, he might be very well correct here.

    • @francikeen
      @francikeen Рік тому +1

      There is circumstantial evidence that Francis is not a valid pope, for three canonical reasons.

    • @donm-tv8cm
      @donm-tv8cm Рік тому +1

      @@francikeen I am not interested in circumstantial evidence. Opposing a pope is no small deal. And splitting/leaving the Church is even more dire. This is one where we have to pray to God that He will handle it.

    • @francikeen
      @francikeen Рік тому +1

      @@donm-tv8cm I don't care what you are interested in. I am not concerned with your opinion of BerGOGlio. Criminals can be convicted with circumstantial evidence. Anti-popes are not rare. It is dishonest to pretend that they are. I have not left the church. Bergoglio excommunicated himself with his heresies.
      The saints say that is possible. You can pray that God will fix the church. I pray too. But it helps me to understand Catholic dogma, and BergGOGlio, in light of his invalid status. That's how he can contradict himself and Catholic doctrines.

    • @donm-tv8cm
      @donm-tv8cm Рік тому

      @@francikeen well then you're one of those rash rad trads I've been warned about. And as such I'm not interested in your point-of-view either.

  • @henrybn14ar
    @henrybn14ar Рік тому +48

    My local Catholic parish has turned from a community to a war zone in the past two years, beginning with the sacking of an excellent priest. However, the divisions were bubbling away below the surface for years.

    • @pablomedrano2362
      @pablomedrano2362 Рік тому +18

      Something similar happened at my parish , before this priest there was a sex abuser accusation , then God after than evil happened blessed us with a traditional and reverent priest 3 years later now he was getting constant letters of complaints to the bishop and I feel I could be wrong but he was being censored I believe . It just got too much for him I suppose and he got up and left the ministry . I can’t really judge him must suck getting in trouble for doing your Job . People want to get their ears tickled and when someone speaks out against homosexuality , abortion or contraceptives the people complain . Please pray for him and our parish

    • @berniepeng
      @berniepeng Рік тому

      I know a young women, separated from her husband due to abuse, she's very "cathodic" and pretty much worships Priests. a very "effeminate" priest who is obviously gay, groomed her, and her family, and took her son on a 1 week ski trip to St. Louis Ski Resort. This priest is also very progressive, puts on the "orthodox" persona when with this women, but is very progressive. This is SICK, this happened in 2006 or 7, and this boy has serious confusion with his sexual orientation. NOBODY can tell me that this priest is not a predator, So much talk of stopping this, but in FACT it has INcREASED!

    • @francikeen
      @francikeen Рік тому +1

      @@berniepeng The boy's sexual orientation would also be adversely affected by his abusive father. Sexually abusive clergy are more likely to prey on vulnerable boys. The father is the most wicked in this scenario. The priest, who sounds gay, is taking advantage of the chaos wreaked by the husband and father. You should report this gay priest to the bishop *and warn the boy's mother.*

    • @JamesMartinelli-jr9mh
      @JamesMartinelli-jr9mh Місяць тому

      Our priest ( Jesuit ) gave a homily that was Catholic. People got offended and walked out and later complained. He was moved 300 miles away.

  • @mikemorales4855
    @mikemorales4855 Рік тому +38

    I wondered why such effort was made to make saints of so many recent popes in so short a time. I have come to realize that Vatican II was a failure because it tried to do too many things all at once. Vatican II tried to modernize the church, make the church more accessible to the people, simplify and demystify the Mass and clarify church teachings. As a result of all these efforts the church leaders made the real presence of the Lord in the Mass a side show. I am distressed and dismayed that the leadership of the church is so intent on destroying what 1% of the church is doing in the form of the SSPX and Fraternal Order of Saint Peter. Meanwhile the Church has all but abandoned the Church in China, allowed the German bishops to create a new schematic church and left the rest of us bewildered and sad for the future.

    • @Kitiwake
      @Kitiwake Рік тому +2

      The real reason is that Vatican 2 knew that world population was about to increase radically in developing countries and this is where the future church will mostly be.
      Introducing Latin Mass to generally illiterate parts of the world at that time would been have to much.
      Imo, Vatican 2, which was also the largest ever conclave, to be an outstanding success and vocal TLM supporters to lack aspects humility and obedience in that approach.
      Therefore I do what the church says. If there's something questionable I usually find it's some inaccurate vocal minority or media sensationalism and not church teaching.

    • @dave_ecclectic
      @dave_ecclectic Рік тому

      Why shouldn't the Church allow the Germans to be schismatic? (like the Church _allows_ anyone to be schismatic) The SSPX is and you're not complaining about them?
      BTW the SSPX is nowhere near 1%
      More like .000084%
      To the 99.999916% of Catholics Vatican II was not a failure as it was a valid council.

    • @2anthranilicacid
      @2anthranilicacid Рік тому

      @@Kitiwake introducing a Latin Mass to illiterate people doesn't work? That's quite new to me.

    • @ClingToAntiquity
      @ClingToAntiquity Рік тому +6

      ​@@Kitiwake I respectfully disagree with your statement about the introduction of the TLM to the illiterate parts of the world. Although the Mass to a Catholic is essential, it is only part of the mission of evangelization. The NO did not exist when the Catholic missionaries went out throughout the world evangelizing.
      Today, Catholics do not understand the TLM (and it is not just the Latin) because we were never taught it. A lot of Catholics go to the NO Mass to listen to a good homily and receive Communion. Notice the focus on the "me" here. I want to hear a good homily and I want to receive Communion. We forget that the Mass is primarily a sacrifice. The NO teaches that the Mass is a memorial celebration which explains why the priest faces the congregation. One may argue that these things (changes between TLM and No) don't matter. But they do matter. Remember: Lex orandi, lex credendi.

    • @Trenttrumps
      @Trenttrumps 5 місяців тому

      You might be interested in two books:
      1. The Plot to Destroy the Church
      2. The New Montinian Church

  • @hludvig_tradicionalista
    @hludvig_tradicionalista Рік тому +6

    I usually love your videos but your argument about obedience is unfortunately flawed. Obedience is conditional upon the Pope being in agreement with the magisterium and not abusing his authority. I am.not an SSPX member I am merely an academic in comparative religions.

    • @RickW-HGWT
      @RickW-HGWT Рік тому +1

      They will often throw out the " he was chosen by the Holy Spirit " card as if that gaurentees his personal holiness, Christ himself chose judas who rejected that Holy Spirit, like bergolio appears to be.

    • @hludvig_tradicionalista
      @hludvig_tradicionalista Рік тому +4

      @@RickW-HGWT exactly! God can chose someone but what they do with that grace is a completely different thing. Catholicism is NOT Popery and too many V2 Catholics forget that.

  • @deutscheseele
    @deutscheseele Рік тому +23

    It's your choice/your problem. I made the choice to attend a sspx chapel years ago, and it's the best choice I've ever done. God bless the sspx!

  • @christopherlarsen7788
    @christopherlarsen7788 Рік тому +28

    Amen. As a child and young adult in the Church, I don't recall clergy posturing alongside social ideologies and identities, or even speaking to politics. Mass was a place of serenity to reflect, meditate, and renew my conviction. I cannot attend Mass today without recoiling. Much of it appears (or feels) like virtual signaling by clergy...perhaps out of shame of the many Church scandals?

    • @thelastbrobo7826
      @thelastbrobo7826 Рік тому +2

      Yes! Cringe worthy virtue signaling and "the current thing" posturing.

    • @tompalm64
      @tompalm64 Рік тому +8

      It’s true especially at the Prayer of the Faithful at the Novis Ordo. Depending on the parish you attend it often sounds like the pastor wrote them while watching CNN or PBS. Virtue signaling for sure . You should consider going a TLM either at the diocesan level or FFSP or even SSPX ( if that’s all that’s available) there is none of that nonsense in the Traditional Latin Mass. It is God centered. At the TLM ; It’s the Mass that matters. 🙏💕✝️. Pray about it.

    • @kevinkelly2162
      @kevinkelly2162 Рік тому +3

      Pssst Don't mention the scandals. Talk loudly about anything else. Point out that there are similar things happening in schools. And please don't mention shame, our church is now for the shameless.

    • @Kitiwake
      @Kitiwake Рік тому +1

      In my childhood they would occasionally criticize politics or some other social event.

    • @atrifle8364
      @atrifle8364 Рік тому

      It was there, because we are fallen. Children don't remember or understand.

  • @joelwren5718
    @joelwren5718 Рік тому +19

    I live in a small town where a Protestantized Novus Ordo Mass is two minutes away.
    An SSPX Traditional Latin Mass is 45 minutes away.
    And an FSSP TLM is 90 minutes away.
    I attend the SSPX Chapel.

    • @Alexcrack-bn5uy
      @Alexcrack-bn5uy Рік тому +1

      Try FSSP

    • @joelwren5718
      @joelwren5718 Рік тому +4

      They are 90 minutes away.
      The SSPX Is 45 minutes away.

    • @NoSoupForYouu
      @NoSoupForYouu Рік тому +4

      My SSPX is 1hour and 30 away and I go there every sunday

    • @liamodalaigh3201
      @liamodalaigh3201 6 місяців тому

      why the need to tell people how far you must travel ? TLM folks always mention this

    • @Mutasis_Mutandis
      @Mutasis_Mutandis 2 місяці тому

      @@liamodalaigh3201. Personally, I find it impressive. The fact that someone would remain loyal to their faith by making said sacrifice.

  • @MacheteMambi
    @MacheteMambi Рік тому +6

    Come April, Brian may find that the FSSP will be suppressed and shut down. Brian may find himself with 2 option. Go to novus order modernist sect or stay with the Catholic Church in the SSPX

    • @amyschlegel1180
      @amyschlegel1180 3 місяці тому

      No, but Francis did not shut down the FSSP churches! Brian was obedient and faithful, and God is rewarding him! God always rewards obedience!

    • @MacheteMambi
      @MacheteMambi 3 місяці тому +1

      @amyschlegel1180 He won't shut them down because 1) Would be logistical nightmare 2) Would cause scandal shutting down Churches that are packed with families while novus order churches are empty. 3) FSSP and even more so the SSPX are providing more vocations than any other order in the globe. Notwithstanding above, note that leftist like operating in secret and are not open about their true intentions until such time as they know they have full power and control. Prior to that they play with the minds of the weak and uninformed. With the useful idiots as Lenin said. Also, FSSP have been humiliated and forced to give novus order and or participate in those illicit masses. That's another characteristic of the Modernist. Forced indoctrination. SAINT ROBERT BELLARMINE has many good thoughts on Papal obedience. We follow as long as it's not heresy or goes against Deposit of the Faith and Magisterium. You can't mess with Sacred Tradition as that is of the highest order plus changing the liturgy to the new Lutherian novus order violates QUO PRIMUM - Papal Mandate. POPE PIUS V

  • @cdron23
    @cdron23 Рік тому +3

    Nice for you, as you have a FSSP church to go to. For those many of us who don't, your reasoning leaves us in the dust. Most Catholics have only the choice of NO or maybe SSPX.

  • @Mark36896
    @Mark36896 Рік тому +24

    I converted to the Catholic faith twenty four years ago. I went to the Novus Ordo fourteen years, and sensed something was terribly wrong; my faith was vanishing. I found a good spiritual director and he directed me to the TLM. It saved my life. My Latin Mass priest retired back East and, and so I came to rely on the SSPX. I love the Mass, and I’m not going back to the NO for Sunday Mass, no way, no how. I will attend an NO for weekday Mass.

    • @cardboardcapeii4286
      @cardboardcapeii4286 Рік тому +5

      go to tlm daily mass why are you going to NO weekday mass

    • @mariobaratti2985
      @mariobaratti2985 Рік тому +6

      if your faith was vanishing because of NO Mass, something bigger was there. Maybe a need to go deeper in prayer or in study regarding your faith. We shouldn't be prey of our emotions or estethical pleasure, that's a horrible place to found oneself spirituality

    • @juliansoto2651
      @juliansoto2651 Рік тому

      You are going to a schismatic church that no longer follows the Apostolic succession. There are groups that still preserve the Traditional form of Mass and are in full communion with Rome, like the FSSP. As a Catholic there's absolutely no reason to attend a SSPX ceremony.

    • @joelobe187
      @joelobe187 10 місяців тому

      mark, wake up fully. Don't ride two horses. No dounle speak, double tslk. Repent sincerely ere its too late.

  • @SeamasOg
    @SeamasOg Рік тому +4

    "...to refuse to submit to the Supreme Pontiff?" I refuse to submit to idol worship! Permit me to say that does not make me schismatic, regardless of what the Holy Father wants! It is a misunderstanding of the nature of the Catholic Church and of the Papacy to say that any disobedience of the Pontiff makes one schismatic.

  • @lizmonard
    @lizmonard Рік тому +7

    I’m so happy you became catholic, and I’m very grateful I get to hear your talks.

  • @alanbrott3159
    @alanbrott3159 Рік тому +8

    I think it is funny because I also tell people that I didn’t want to become catholic but that I had to when I came to the conclusion of the Catholic Church being true. My wife’s also a convert and says the same thing.
    Again you’ve done well. I may not agree but your charity makes it where I go ah yes we don’t agree but we’re brothers. I have a lot of respect for your approach, your content, your faith, and you as a man. Keep up the good fight.

  • @apisDei
    @apisDei Рік тому +5

    Excellent explanation and I agree. I attend the SSPX and could never go back but I completely understand that for you it wouldn't make sense right now to leave your lovely community for something you're not 100% sure about.

  • @petermolloy8710
    @petermolloy8710 Рік тому +5

    I'm a Catholic Brian and I have reservations about the SSPX too but I have even bigger reservations about the present Pontiff. I don't believe he's doctrinally sound and he has an inclination to make statements that he has no authority to make,for example declaring that Catholics were morally obliged to get vaccinated against Covid,which is utter nonsense and not within his remit anyway. Furthermore he tends to bash the trads but says little or nothing about the carry on in Germany

  • @johnschmitt4341
    @johnschmitt4341 5 місяців тому +1

    I studied Catholic theology under a very modernist professor who I still respect to some degree. But my education left me confused for over a decade after graduation. The professor regularly badmouthed Archbishop Levebre and the SSPX. After having found an FSSP adjacent Latin Mass Community three years ago, I finally found myself at rest and home. I have visited an SSPX chapel a couple of times, I appreciated the service but did not feel compelled to get fully involved in the community. Don't know why, but it seemed a bit off, though obviously way more orthodox than the NO parish just around my block that is too friendly with the synodal path (in Germany). I also read Levebre's Letter to confused Catholics. I found him to be a truly Holy Priest, who deeply cared for the salvation of souls. Essentialy I had to unlearn most of what I had learned at university (same goes for my other subject English Literature with a HEAVY emphasis on feminist, post-colonial and marxist critique).

  • @pl8154
    @pl8154 Рік тому +14

    Bergoglio already denied he was the Vicar of Christ. He rejected that title in 2020.

  • @frankrosenbloom
    @frankrosenbloom 6 місяців тому

    Brian, excellent discussion and I completely agree with your position. Some months ago you had Father Longnecker on your show. My wife and I, both converts 40 years ago, are members of his parish and attend his church, Our Lady of the Rosary, in Greenville, South Carolina. One of the reasons we moved out of the Pacific Northwest was because of the difficulty in finding a good church. We are blessed in Greenville to have a great faith community. We have several very traditional churches here, one of which still offers the TLM, and three others that do the NO very well. The best of these is at Our Lady of the Rosary with Father Longnecker. While it is true that I prefer the TLM to most celebrations of the NO, if it is possible for you or some of your followers please attend the high mass at Our Lady of the Rosary at 10:30 AM on Sundays and see whether you believe then that it is possible that if the Novus Ordo Mass is done correctly it can be amazing. Despite my differences with our current Pope, he is the pope. In holding on to tradition by going to an SSPX church do we not then drop another tradition of following the pope of Rome? The Pope and councils do have the authority to adjust liturgy. The fact is that the TLM as is celebrated today is not exactly the way it was celebrated 500 years ago and that is not exactly as it was celebrated 1000 years ago. If you read the description of the mass by Saint Justin Martyr From the second century, you will see the TLM and the Novus Ordo both would satisfy the requirements. The tradition we sometimes want to hang on to is the tradition we are used to. But we were not around 1000 years ago and we were not around 1900 years ago. There were many variations. But one thing that was around was the bishop of Rome. Mass is not about feeling good. The holy mysteries are meant to bring us to the Eucharist and to life in Christ. While I completely agree that many churches employ forms of the mass that are unholy and even sacrilegious, the Novus Ordo can be done properly. Our church is one such place. We are not the authority, and any time we begin to believe that we are we fall further from tradition than we think.

  • @kieranjohnson2501
    @kieranjohnson2501 Рік тому +7

    Just because you agree with the SSPX position it doesn’t mean you then have to start attending a SSPX mass. I believe the SSPX are valid but I’m happy with my Dominican rite Latin Mass ☺️. If I were travelling and stumbled upon an SSPX church I would then attend

  • @heathsavage4852
    @heathsavage4852 Рік тому +4

    Thank you for addressing this in such an open-hearted manner. I feel better informed.

  • @bedrosnersesyan6975
    @bedrosnersesyan6975 Рік тому +6

    If one has the luxury of living in a populated area so you can go "New Order parish- shopping", praise God. I live in a rural place. If I told you here what I've heard and seen here, you wouldn't believe it. I'd go to SSPX in a second. Even Orthodox over this. As it is, I have connected w four Trads here and we drive 103 miles to the nearest FSSP mass. Have mercy and get outside yourself...

  • @Momof15plus
    @Momof15plus Рік тому +17

    It's not that difficult to understand. Faith, Hope and Charity are more important than obedience. Archbishop Levebvre had the grace to see what would happen to the Church when the changes to the liturgy were made. Because he saw it before so many others doesn't make his actions wrong back then.
    He was correct when he said the masterstroke of Satan would be to sow disobedience through obedience.
    Thank God for Archbishop Levebvre whose only crime was to pass on what he received.

    • @tonyalongi4409
      @tonyalongi4409 Рік тому

      What you said (or rather, what Archbishop Lefebvre said) makes absolutely no sense. It's like saying Christ expels demons through the power of demons. How can you do the work of Satan by being obedient to the See of Peter, against whom the Gates of Hell will not prevail? And lest we forget, it was God Himself who in the Bible insisted on obedience, not sacrifice.
      Archbishop Lefebvre didn't pass on the faith, because faith implies trust that God will always be with His Church. Clearly, Archbishop Lefebvre no longer believed that, if he was going around claiming that the See of Rome was occupied by antichrists.

    • @Momof15plus
      @Momof15plus Рік тому +2

      @@tonyalongi4409 You might ask St Paul why he resisted Peter to his face.

    • @Momof15plus
      @Momof15plus Рік тому +2

      @@tonyalongi4409 Do you believe what the church teachers about not having to obey authority when asked to do something wrong?

  • @dianaf.s.1345
    @dianaf.s.1345 Рік тому +11

    I’m with you Brian. I stayed with our diocesan Latin mass for the past decades, because I too believe in the authority of the Pope and cannot agree with their separation from the jurisdiction of the Church. We now have a diocesan Latin mass community after many years of prayers. Miracles happen when you trust God. 🙏🏻

    • @RickW-HGWT
      @RickW-HGWT Рік тому

      What would you do if bergolio ended the TLM or your bishop ended it ?. Your community or as I call mine my parish family would be devastated because of the wim of a tyrant, look at his betrayal of our Chinese brethren to the ccp for evidence of his moral imbecility.

  • @XtoDoubt25
    @XtoDoubt25 Рік тому +16

    I must say I agree with the vast majority of what you said. I don't attend an SSPX chapel (luckily there's an excellent Diocesan TLM close by) but I am incredibly sympathetic to their position. I look at their faith and reverence and contrast that with some parishes I've been to and just cannot believe these people are doing something wrong. Something irregular perhaps, but not wrong, not evil.
    From my reading of it, the argument for or against the SSPX is legalistic and they are being held to a standard of absolute perfection. Those who argue against them never give them or Archbishop Lefebvre the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he and his seminarians were being treated unfairly by Rome. Maybe at least some of his and other traditionalists' criticisms of the New Mass are valid. And there are people who hold the SSPX to this standard who are willing to give the benefit of the doubt to Orthodox, Protestants, and sometimes even Muslims. Yet, their Catholic brethren, who believe the old way of worship shows God more of the respect he is due, are thrown under the bus.

    • @soniapetricca5355
      @soniapetricca5355 Рік тому +1

      Excellent points. I’ve said similar things that the SSPX is put under this microscope while there are heretical things being done or said in NO parishes. What a double-standard. I attend the SSPX 40 mins away even tho I have NO parishes nearby because i cannot abide to see things like communion in hand, extraordinary ministers, altar girls, etc. Plus, the NO feels is so Protestant in its form. The SSPX has been a spiritual oasis in a desert for us. Eternally grateful for the graces of their presence.

    • @XtoDoubt25
      @XtoDoubt25 Рік тому +1

      @@soniapetricca5355 I ended up at my local NO parish on Easter. They had EO's but hey I get it. The parish was packed for Easter, one priest is sick, and the other is abroad renewing his Visa. It truly was an extraordinary situation. HOWEVER, none of the EO's properly cleaned their hands after ministering. They just wiped their hands on their pants. I was not happy and talked to the priest about it.

  • @bengoolie5197
    @bengoolie5197 Рік тому +7

    A good article written a while back by Padre Peregrino titled "The SSPX is Not Schismatic" points out that in traditional papal encyclicals, a "schismatic community" is a Christian community adhering to valid sacraments but without recognizing the primacy of place of Rome or the importance of the papacy." The SSPX has always recognized the papacy and the primacy of Rome. And in 2009, Pope Benedict XVI lifted the excommunication of the SSPX which was imposed in 1988.

    • @jeremysmith7176
      @jeremysmith7176 Рік тому +2

      The excommunications being lifted is not sufficient to say there is no schism. The excommunications have also been lifted on the Orthodox.

    • @dianaf.s.1345
      @dianaf.s.1345 Рік тому +3

      The SSPX recognizes the Pope but is not obedient to his authority

    • @bengoolie5197
      @bengoolie5197 Рік тому

      @@jeremysmith7176 Padre Peregrino addresses that in the same article when he says that the Eastern Orthodox have valid sacraments, but do not recognize the primacy of place of Rome. You have not refuted Padre Peregrino's statement about the traditional encyclicals describing a schismatic community as not recognizing the primacy of place of Rome or the importance of the papacy, and that the SSPX does recognize the papacy and the primacy of Rome. Please give your opinion on that.

    • @bengoolie5197
      @bengoolie5197 Рік тому +1

      @@dianaf.s.1345 The Jesuits recognized JPII and Benedict XVI, but were rarely, if ever, obedient to their authority, and the Jesuits are certainly not in schism.

    • @2righthands816
      @2righthands816 Рік тому +1

      @@bengoolie5197 Some so called "Old Catholics" _recognise_ the primacy of Rome but so what? It's not a true recognition if you're not obedient. SSPX are basically doing the same, they're saying "we recognise Pope Fracis as the head of the Church but we're only going to listen to him when we agree with him".

  • @monicamohan4720
    @monicamohan4720 Рік тому +8

    The TLM is where I finally fell in love with Jesus. It was not the "bells and whistles ". Quite the opposite. I was not used to that type of Mass. However, again, I finally have that unity with Christ. I can be at a TLM where I know on one, but I feel a unity with them that I never felt with those that I knew at the NO. True unity is in Christ - a unity that surpasses that of just having a community.

  • @abmrose
    @abmrose Рік тому +3

    For simply the matter of faithful Catholics attending a SSPX Mass, Fr. Zuhlsdorf has a very brief and very helpful article on the matter.

  • @johnsteiner2960
    @johnsteiner2960 Рік тому +3

    You know why I don't attend a SSPX Chapel? Because the closest SSPX is 6 hours away from me or else I probably would attend one, instead my diocese offers irreverent hokey NO Masses and the TLM which my family was attending Sundays at 330pm was canceled and my son was an altar server there, which is very upsetting but oh the NO is just as good right? I'm sorry but most NO Masses are embarrassing.

  • @viktorkassem716
    @viktorkassem716 Рік тому +4

    I mean I live in germany. The Synodal Way made many churches (basically all in my vicinity) in germany basically heretical (or at least schismatic). So I am kinda forced to attend at the local SSPX chapel. Why do I have to convert in this time? XD
    I am very satisfied with how the whole worship of the SSPX is centered around Jesus. In the other churches in my vicinity this is only to a far lesser extend. Many people criticising the SSPX have the luxury of an already conservative/traditional church which most attendants of the SSPX just don't have.

    • @derechoplano
      @derechoplano Рік тому

      Right. Attending a traditional church in my country means getting on a plan and going to a different country. The only traditional mass is the SSPX.

  • @JesusFreek2112
    @JesusFreek2112 Рік тому +49

    When Pope Francis dismantles all Ecclesia Dei orders, and you lose you FSSP Church...will your faith be harmed? Because that is the reason SSPX did what it did...Novus Ordo harms Catholic Faith. Will you then go to a Novus Order parish? What was Holy yesterday, is Holy today, and Holy for alltime

    • @Desert-Father
      @Desert-Father 9 місяців тому

      "When" clearly your faith in Christ promise has been shaken. The defiance of Econe is unjustified.

    • @dorcaswalker1867
      @dorcaswalker1867 9 місяців тому +2

      Those in those groups do not have the true Roman Catholic faith and are outside the church for being schismatic

    • @orangemanbad
      @orangemanbad 8 місяців тому +7

      @@dorcaswalker1867FSSP is not lol. They’re in full communion under the local bishops.

    • @javaman8895
      @javaman8895 8 місяців тому +2

      My faith will be fine because it’s in Christ and His Church, not in an ideology

    • @ljones436
      @ljones436 7 місяців тому

      Or a liturgy.

  • @aloyalcatholic5785
    @aloyalcatholic5785 Рік тому +5

    I'm an sspx partisan. I don't agree with you that the pope isn't also ultimately accountable to Tradition with a capital T. That being said, it's hard to be mad at you. God bless you Bryan

  • @hectthorno584
    @hectthorno584 Рік тому +2

    I am French living in Paris. If I have to travel to Germany, I will look to SSPX churches. I'd rather go to SSPX mass than stop going to church.

    @PCBAPPR Рік тому +5

    Good discussion and defense of your position - very well articulated!

  • @WhiterunMenace
    @WhiterunMenace Рік тому +1

    My local Diocese has lost over 100 parishes in my area since the 80s. Yet the SSPX continues to grow and become stronger. God is working through the SSPX. The youth do not want modernism. The Novus Ordo Parishes in my area look WORSE than Baptist Churches. Let that sink in for a moment. God Bless the SSPX! And too the boomers who vigorously attack us, your spirit of Vatican ll will leave with you. The Youth are bringing back tradition. And there is nothing you can do to stop us!

  • @murphyfamily6927
    @murphyfamily6927 Рік тому +7

    Just a question: if you are a TLM only Catholic, and, God Forbid, your local diocesan TLM and/or FSSP priests have been ejected from your Diocese, leaving ONLY the chapels of the local SSPX, would you go back to your local Novus Ordo... or would you attend the Masses of the SSPX?

  • @juliemeluch5280
    @juliemeluch5280 Рік тому +2

    Thank you for your honest answer. This is so true. In my family, myself and some sibling go to SSPX chapels and some only go to fraternity or diocesan LMT and we all find common ground and spiritual fruit in your answer.

  • @paxsemper9714
    @paxsemper9714 Рік тому +8

    I was born a cradle Catholic in 1973. I remembered seeing missionary Priests from European countries coming to my country to evangelize to our pagan people.
    Mass in those days means, Priest and faithful faced the Altar - not the other way round. Modernism came late to our country. Responses and hymns were in Latin back then - and English was not our 1st language !
    Then, in the 1980s , slowly, we saw the changes - tabernacles moved to the side of the Church then, now it is located at a separate building at the back of the church! Ancestor plaques were placed in front of the center altar with 2 red candles lit, and 5 mandarin oranges in a plate in front of the lit red candles - this is during the Chinese New Year Mass for the chinese congregation! There is even Lion Dances too ! What the heck??!!
    Muslims and Taoists were having joyful time laughing at Catholics here every year during Chinese New Year. Novus Ordo Priests dressed in Red Vestments and lifted lit joss sticks to mimick ancenstor veneration! Now, this is Novus Ordo Mass.
    Thanks God, my family and I discovered Traditional Latin Mass Chapels in my country - and Mass were celebrated by Priests from the Society of Saint Pius X.
    Our family and friends have since left the Novus Ordo Churches and never look back.
    Sad to say many Catholic youths from Novus Ordo parishes have either joined Protestant churches , became agnostics and many have left the faith to convert to Islam.
    While in our TLM community here, the attendances have been bursting to the seams!
    Thank God for SSPX ❤. If their works are not from God; it would have quickly lost it's virtue years ago and disbanded; when it was started by the late His Excellency Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.
    Look how TLM have flourished all over the world now!
    Reading Church history and the persecutions, numerous heresies and schisms faced by Church Fathers have opened my eyes! Also, if you have never attended not even one TLM celebrated by SSPS priest, you don't have any idea what is going on during Mass!
    I am not hating those who goes to Novus Ordo Churches. I just sympathise them because they do not realise the Mass they attend is the same Mass the Protestants i.e. Anglicans and Lutherans were having. Look up the Missals. I am not making this up.
    Despite what your opinion is, you are certainly entitled to it. I have mine and i am happy that i am discovering back what i have been robbed off since 1980s.
    The Novus Ordo Mass is not helping the Catholic to feel reverent about attending Mass - the proof that many dozed off during Mass, people browsing through facebook or Tiktok videos, wearing short pants etc.
    If we (TLM faithfuls) are wrong; then, the Saints were definitely wrong because we worshipped the same way they did 😊.

  • @MikePasqqsaPekiM
    @MikePasqqsaPekiM Рік тому +1

    *standing ovation*
    Seriously. As a once-reluctant Protestant, you hit multiple nails on the head. Bravo, brother. So well-put. Bravo.

  • @AprendeMovimiento
    @AprendeMovimiento Рік тому +6

    It's important to understand that you may be giving the pope the status of infalibility in areas in which he is not infalible. He is infalible as a doctor and in respect to morals, he is not infalible in his judgement, or in his personal advices. Plus it seems that something that you are not understanding is that the pope didn't excommunicate anybody, if anything the good bishops and archbishop excommunicated himself if what is said of him is true. But if is not true then there was no excommunication, and there was no true schism. It's ok if you are not persuaded, you don't have to be, there is no salvation outside of the Church, meaning that you can be outside of the sspx as long as you are inside the Church, and if you are inside of the sspx you are still inside of the Church so no problem with either position, I got married in the SSPX with the aproval of the local Archbishop, so we are clearly inside the church and thus I am fine with being in the SSPX, Plus in Chile you don't have other options, you don't have other traditional parishes, so in a sense you are not in the sspx also because you have other options that some (like me and my family) don't have.

  • @s216674
    @s216674 Рік тому +1

    You worked to approach this in a reasonable and fair manner. That is appreciated by many, as you can see in the comments section here.
    One thing of note, is that various Church officials in the Vatican have said, on a number of occasions, that the SSPX is not schismatic. As such, your opinion on the matter, if you are really intending to submit to the authority of the Church as you claim you are, is not really the issue.
    How on Earth could the Pope give universal faculties to SSPX Priests to hear confessions if they are schismatic or if going to them is a schismatic act? This makes no sense at all.
    It's also worth noting that Bishop Fellay has stated that throughout the years, even before the Francis pontificate, they sent things to Rome about how they handled various canonical matters, such as annulments, etc. and were always told by Rome that they had handled things appropriately. This is not the action of a group who is outside of the Church. They would not go out of their way to have their processes reviewed in that way, nor would they be told that they did things properly. I suppose that +Fellay could be lying about that, but one would think that various persons in Rome who dislike the SSPX would be very quick to jump in a public lie by an SSPX bishop if that were the case.
    Cardinal Hoyos was the head of Ecclesia Dei, which as you know is the group responsible for dealing with the various traditionalist communities in the Church. He has been asked repeatedly if the SSPX was in schism, and he has always replied that they are not. There are a number of quotes out there that you can look up.
    You also have the Case of the Hawaii 6. The Bishop of Hawaii hated the SSPX, and when some of the local laity had their children Confirmed by an SSPX bishop, he excommunicated them. They appealed to Rome, when Ratzinger was the Prefect of the CDF, and the Excommunications were overturned. This was BEFORE he later lifted the Excommunications against the SSPX bishops. This is searchable if you want more details. How can they be in schism or can going to them be a schismatic act when this action occurred even prior to the excommunications being lifted.
    There are a great number of things which could be said or arguments which could be made. The bottom line is that factual information is out there for those who wish to find it.

  • @gcummings88
    @gcummings88 Рік тому +22

    It seems that the reason for going to a SSPX church seem deeper and more substantial than the reasons not to go.

    • @hamie7624
      @hamie7624 Рік тому +15

      I mean, the fact that it doesn't fulfill your Sunday obligation is pretty good reason not to go.

    • @rubenmartinez4346
      @rubenmartinez4346 Рік тому +12

      I mean the fact that it DOES fulfill your Sunday obligation. Facts.

    • @4runner4summer
      @4runner4summer Рік тому +6

      @@hamie7624 exactly

    • @rubenmartinez4346
      @rubenmartinez4346 Рік тому +3

      Even Catholic Answers agrees.

    • @zorob5
      @zorob5 Рік тому +6

      ​@Hamie762 why would Francis give then valid confession if going on Sunday is invalid at sspx?

  • @BorisMarques14.88
    @BorisMarques14.88 5 місяців тому +1

    I was an atheist and converted due to the FSSPX, my personal path and reasons led me to them, im going to marry now in the Fsspx, however there are some things to clarify, the priest warns us that the marriage is not going to be Canonically licit with the Church, but i believe it will be licit before God, the fraternity also never speaks badly of the Pope or the Novis Ordus, i never heard the FSSPX say anything against the Church, never, the homilies are always about the Bible and the catolic tradition, i stay with the Fsspx for the same reasons you dont join them, i feel at home here, God brougth me here.
    Some days ago i went to Fatima santuary for confession, there were waiting lines and electronic devices indicating to wich room to confess you can go, theres noting wrong with this but the church feels more and more worldly and less transcendent, its not just the mass, its everything, i dont have that feeling with the Fsspx.

  • @sarahbrown2789
    @sarahbrown2789 Рік тому +4

    I've noticed a lot of former-protestant converts to the Catholic Church love the NO Mass. Why is that? My guess is because the NO Mass copies the Anglican service in a lot of the verbiage. Every protestant family member I have who's been to a NO Mass agrees that the NO is very protestant in feel. I was raised a Catholic and am looking for a deeper relationship with the Lord and a much more reverent way to worship Him. The closest TLM to me is over an hour away. The closest SSPX is 20 minutes. I attend the SSPX.

    • @tonyalongi4409
      @tonyalongi4409 Рік тому

      Considering that both the Lutheran and Anglican services were essentially identical to the Roman liturgy (albeit rendered in the vernacular) at the time of their separation from the Church, trying to ascertain who is leeching off of whose liturgy is an exercise akin to trying to determine whether the chicken or the egg came first.

  • @francikeen
    @francikeen Рік тому +2

    I lived closer to the FSSP parish. But if I lived closer to the SSPX chapel, I would attend there. *We would not have the FSSP without the SSPX.*

    • @JohnFromAccounting
      @JohnFromAccounting Рік тому

      Ironically, the SSPX hardly ever criticises the Pope, but the FSSP does frequently. I think there is a time to criticise the Pope, but certainly the SSPX cannot be accused of being against the Pope more than the other societies.

  • @gazdela6951
    @gazdela6951 Рік тому +3

    So very contradictory & erroneous in conclusion beyond your initial sense of belonging and lack of motivation.
    I don't worship at the SSPX but I do worship in communion with them as Catholic. It's raison d'etre is solid, canonical, & providential. It requires no conversion or leap of faith and/or intellect.

  • @MaxwellValdaris
    @MaxwellValdaris Рік тому +1

    SSPX showed me and made me to love the church

  • @standupstathentes6842
    @standupstathentes6842 Рік тому +9

    Brian. You bossed this ten thousand percent. Well done sir, you are a Christian and a Saint on The Way. Amen. May He Keep You In His Peace. Amen.

  • @IsabellaKathryn
    @IsabellaKathryn 2 місяці тому +1

    My personal experience with the FSSPX is that they are very theologically sound. I’m a 15 year old convert so I can’t drive. I rely on atheist parents to take me to mass. Sometimes SSPX is the only option, BUT it was the most beautiful Mass I’ve ever been to and the priest’ homily is always theologically sound. At my local parish the priests want to get in politics and joke around, whereas the SSPX just fits me better. I have nothing against the NO Mass. I just know the TLM helps me in my faith and the SSPX is the only TLM near me. I 100% believe that Francis is the Pope and have absolutely no schismatic intentions. Again I’m a (almost) 15 year old, but I do study college theology with a theologian so I do know some stuff lol.

  • @AMDG_-nk2dp
    @AMDG_-nk2dp Рік тому +3

    If you are attending a novus ordo Mass, and you do not believe that you are being spiritually fed, that it might be jeopardizing your soul, you might be endangering the state of your soul, especially if you are aware that the TLM is more beneficial for your soul

  • @KG-np9vz
    @KG-np9vz 4 місяці тому

    It becomes less of an intellectual argument when Catholics suggest that the Mass they attend is their ‘personal preference’.
    The SSPX adheres to the traditions of the Church based solely on Catholic principles. This is what makes them different than the ICSK and FSSP, although they all celebrate the TLM. This does not suggest that attending a TLM outside of the SSPX is sinful or wrong, but they clearly operate under different principles.
    The SSPX has the means to help the Catholic Church out of this crisis. God has a plan for every crisis & the restoration will be proportionate to the crisis.
    God bless you & yours, Brian!

  • @mariepaukowits1709
    @mariepaukowits1709 Рік тому +3

    I agree for myself also. I’m happy with my tlm at my diocesan church. But I’m open to it for the future with the sspx when they take away our diocesan tlm. It might very well happen.

  • @flightattendantangela7248
    @flightattendantangela7248 9 місяців тому +1

    I attend an SSPV Chapel. I left for awhile and went to SSPX. I can’t do The New Mass. I returned to SSPV, because SSPX was too modern for me. I’m not a Sede, but I prefer the mass codified by Saint Pius V and Traditional Catholic Doctrine. I believe in Th Papacy! SSPV believes in the Papacy. SSPX believes in The Papacy, but they are no more a part of The Holy See than SSPV. PRAY FOR THE CHURCH. PRAY FOR FRANCIS, THE BISHOP OF ROME, as he calls himself.

  • @PrometheanKitchen96
    @PrometheanKitchen96 Рік тому +7

    I go to an SSPX Church in Toronto because in Canada we don't exactly have the abundant of traditional Latin mass that the US or France has and the closest FSSP Parish to me is 4 hours away in Ottawa?

  • @thereasonableman2424
    @thereasonableman2424 Рік тому +2

    I don't understand your point about going against something solemly defined. None of the post-conciliar Popes have solemnly defined anything though, at all. Post conciliar Popes hate to actually use their God-given authority, which is why, for example, Francis attacks the TLM in such a roundabout way as traditionis custodes. If the Post-VII hierarchy actually wanted to use their authority, there wouldn't even be any space of doubt whether SSPX is schismatic or not.
    In fact, you could argue that Ecclesia Dei institutes that celebrate the pre-55 Holy week are more disobedient than the SSPX, because they are rejecting a legimitate reform by a legitimate Pope to satisfy their own will of doing the more beautiful liturgy.

  • @robertsanchez7797
    @robertsanchez7797 Рік тому +3

    The positions of Pope Benedict and Pope Francis on the TLM are largely opposite. It would seem that one was largely correct and the other largely wrong.....so in such matters a Pope can be wrong. I believe Pope Benedict was on the right side of tradition and doctrine.

  • @nonfecittaliter4361
    @nonfecittaliter4361 Рік тому +1

    "Jesus said therefore unto the twelve, Would ye also go away?" (John 6:67)

  • @charlesxavier8632
    @charlesxavier8632 Рік тому +7

    Appreciate talking to Kennedy! You mention following the pope when he gives an order. I am curious what your thoughts are if the order contradicts previous orders? I think that is the angle SSPX has but I am not sure either. Even Cardinal Roche says the church has changed. It either has or has not, and by definition it cannot... such a confusing time lol

  • @5000okok
    @5000okok Рік тому +2

    I think you overestimate the role of the pope. Besides ex cathedra teachings it is not clear how infailable his authority is. I think, that now the church is more pope centered than ever before and that isnt good.
    Yes we should consider everything the pope teaches as important, but if he clearly does bad things like restricting the latin mass while letting the german bishops do what they want, we should not obey it when this could damage our faith.
    I mean at some point this hyper papal position just becomes a cope with people trying to justify anything the pope ever says. In my opinion this is a very dangerous position to hold because at some point the pope will say something indefensable and people won't buy the mental gymnastics.

  • @gandalfolorin-kl3pj
    @gandalfolorin-kl3pj Рік тому +3

    Brian, The Holy See does not hold the SSPX to be in schism. If you are following what the pope says in this matter, that is the judgment you should attend to. Meantime, since the SSPX has been accorded ordinary jurisdiction for confession and marriage, that means that the rest of the sacraments in their chapels and churches are also licit. But as you should know, the test of schism is whether or not a priest or bishop names the pope in the Canon of the Mass. This the Society has always done since its founding in 1970. Disobedience is NOT schism. We are not permitted to obey the pope when his orders undermine the faith.
    Pope Francis has attempted in Traditionis Custodes to do away with the Mass of All Time, sometime called Tridentine. But no pope has this kind of omnipotence. And at no previous age in the Church was this kind of authority ever claimed by Rome. The pope has the authority which is handed down to him in order to preserve and pass on Tradition--not to destroy it. He cannot by his nod make the Novus Ordo the lex orandi of the Roman Rite when it was invented in the late 1960s. It has no roots in Apostolic Tradition and its imposition on the Church has destroyed the faith of millions as exemplified in the radical drop in all recorded statistics: Mass attendance, baptisms, marriages, vocations to the priesthood and the religious life, etc. In fact, Pope Francis' comparison of what he tries to do in TC to what St. Pius V did in Quo Primum (which codified the Tridentine Mass) is exactly opposite from the reality of the two documents. St. Pius V commanded that the Roman Mass was to be observed everywhere since it had come down from the Apostles, unchanged in essence since at least the time of St. Gregory the Great or earlier. That sainted pope suppressed any new rites newer than 200 years. This is the opposite of what the current pope decrees when he commands that the ancient Mass is suppressed (except in very limited cases, to be phased out gradually) and that the NO is the only recognized lex orandi of the Catholic Church. This statement of his is contrary to history and fact and cannot be the basis of any valid law.
    We do not judge the pope himself. That is for the cardinals to do. If the college of cardinals refuses as a body to do its duty, we laity do not have the right to make that judgment. This is the essence of sedevacantism. What we laity do have the right to do is to protect our faith and hand it down to our offspring without change. This is our obligation. We are obliged to "hold fast to the traditions," we assist at the Society's Masses and rely on them for the totality of Catholic life. This is available also in certain diocesan settings, in the FSSP, the IKSP, and elsewhere--but for how long? The indications are that this pope has every intention to suppress every TLM and the Traditional sacraments everywhere. Whoever adheres to the letter of this law will believe that they can no longer have the TLM. So then, we are to believe that the pope has the power to change Tradition? This is beyond his authority.
    Brian, you have a strong faith. Stay close to Our Lady and she will guide you aright. Study Church history and the documents of the popes that form the Ordinary Magisterium before the last Council. You will find that we all have much to learn about our holy faith. We must all be grateful for the grace of being Catholic and ask always for an increase of faith so that we may stand the test. I will pray for you. May Our Lady protect and guide you. www.catholicapologetics.info/apologetics/defense/index.htm

    • @CarlosDiaz-jw3xf
      @CarlosDiaz-jw3xf Рік тому +1

      True Popes can not err on matters of faith or morals. Bergoglio is not the Pope.

    • @gandalfolorin-kl3pj
      @gandalfolorin-kl3pj Рік тому

      ​@@CarlosDiaz-jw3xf Popes cannot err when they teach explicitly on faith or morals and intend to bind the entire Church to this teaching. But not everything any pope does can fall into this narrow category. Therefore a pope can indeed err without losing the papacy, and this is sufficiently proven by history. Neither are we laity to judge the person of the supreme pontiff, since only the college of cardinals are competent to do so. The idea that we can have a Church for years and years without a pope is Protestant, not Catholic.

  • @domEastCoast
    @domEastCoast 4 місяці тому

    I went to my first SSPX Mass last Sunday as I found my local parish slipping more into protestant style worship....they literally get the kids up into the steps to the altar, back to the tabernacle to SING the Our Father as if we were round the campfire.
    So I went looking for the TLM and found an SSPX chapel nearby. Within 10mins of arriving early one of the congregation introduced himself and asked what brought be there and within 10 minutes of this first interaction red flags were screaming from this guy.....talking about international Jewish conspiracy, being openly right wing.....not conservative catholic.....but outright right wing....citing groups such as British Resistance, National Front, holocaust denial, within 30 mins I'd had enough as he claimed Hitler was trying to save Europe....the guy who ordered the mass murder of catholic priests.
    What got me was how open and freely he shared these views with me, a total stranger. And that other members of the congregation were walking by greeting him by name.
    The mass itself was truly wonderful, but this guy.....and the fact people there must know his politics and accept it.....makes me worry about what is being taught or who makes up the congregation

  • @dtdecena
    @dtdecena Рік тому +3

    We stayed in the Church not because we are simply amazed by the form of the liturgy or because we like the priests. Just imagine how was the Church in the middle ages when there were 3 popes at same time competing each other or a pope having children and mistresses. We stayed in the Church because of the Truth, the essence of her teaching, because of Christ. Reform should be done inside, not outside.

  • @philcortens5214
    @philcortens5214 Рік тому +2

    Distinctions must be made, Brian. Calling disobedience per se a schismatic act makes no distinction between a good or evil command. The pope's power is not unlimited. He doesn't have the authority to diminish the faith, which the new rites manifestly do. If you're not convinced by Kennedy's arguments the only reason is (as you said) that you don't want to, not for any substantive reason. Go or don't go to the SSPX, but please stop repeating the canards. It's bearing false witness.

  • @david_porthouse
    @david_porthouse Рік тому +3

    Once a church has been desecrated by the blessing of a homosexual union, SSPX might be all that’s left.

  • @judishaw2742
    @judishaw2742 Рік тому +2

    Brian. I have been struggling with the same questions. My question has been this: how can a pope "disobey" previous popes? (I am being sincere.) I sometimes feel like I don't even know how "catholic" the Catholic Church is anymore. But I love, love the Mass of the Ages. And SSPX does not sound schismatic to me.

    • @tonyalongi4409
      @tonyalongi4409 Рік тому

      I'd offer that Popes cannot bind their successors on anything short of dogma, considering that they all share an equal level of authority. Indeed, Popes adjust or even reverse pastoral, prudential, disciplinary, and governing policies of their predecessors all the time. Look at St. Padre Pio, and how he was treated, for example.

    • @SS-wt7kc
      @SS-wt7kc Рік тому

      The channel Reason and Theology is very good at explaining the ins and outs of the papal magisterium.

  • @jorge28624
    @jorge28624 Рік тому +4

    8:25 I have a hard time reconciling that very fact about the Church and what people are allowed to do to the Holy Mass at my local church, which to be honest, just looks like a Lutheran mass with valid consecration. There is something to the SSPX if the Pope and others persecute it so much, especially now with Pope Francis putting numerous restrictions and denying the concept of Collegiality to tightly control the access to the Holy Mass according to the 1962 Missale Romanum. He, however, don't persecute that much the Bishops despite what's happening in there.

    • @leshademag
      @leshademag Рік тому +2

      Your asking the right question why is it that sspx is so persecuted... ask our Lady and she will show you. For what I find in the sspx is merely what is simply called Roman Catholic and Apostolic. I hope you can see for yourself. Check the SSPX podcast for your questions. God bless.

  • @TheGenoveva7
    @TheGenoveva7 2 місяці тому

    You don’t have to. Nobody is forcing you. I love going to the SSPX.
    I want to attend the traditional mass by the SSPX for the next of my life God willing.

  • @JustianR
    @JustianR Рік тому +3

    Thank you for how you handled this topic. I agree with almost everything you're saying. I just wanted to give a little comment on that schismatic part because I see myself in a critical situation.
    Furthermore, I'm in my late twenties, haven't been baptized yet but am extremely certain that I will join the Catholic Church.
    All the Priest and Bishops in my State are part of the modernistic movement, ”The Synodal Path “. Every time I visit the Church, I hear them teaching heretics and preaching that we need to change the traditional catholic thinking immediately. Even Christian fundamental thinking. That the church visitors even put an Amen behind that, makes me even more confused. In some ways, I think this is more Schismatic than a community, that tries to reform the Church back to its roots in a sincere manner.
    The only choice I got is SSPX.

    • @thisgirl5933
      @thisgirl5933 9 місяців тому

      I'd suggest do RCIA, don't delay, and figure our the details after.

  • @rmglabog
    @rmglabog 6 місяців тому +2

    I noticed this guy - he says a lot, but he's not saying anything at all.
    There's no substance or clear argument of everything that is being said.

  • @verum-in-omnibus1035
    @verum-in-omnibus1035 Рік тому +8

    Let’s hope your bishop doesn’t suppress your FSSP community. Because they’re coming for all of us, Brian. All faithful communities are targeted by this pontificate.
    You may change your tune then.

    • @murphyfamily6927
      @murphyfamily6927 Рік тому +1

      It kind of comes down to that, dosen't it? I really hope that doesn't happen because we attend his FSSP parish when we're in that part of town 😅 (the SSPX in that area dosen't have a weekly Sunday mass yet).

  • @paisley293
    @paisley293 Рік тому +2

    I hope and pray it will never happen...but.. if P. Francis orders that the Latin Mass never be said again, by any institute or fraterniy, then what will the Ecclesia Dei communities do?... disobey his orders, as did Abp. Lefebvre?...

    • @JdAskins99
      @JdAskins99 Рік тому

      In that hypothetical, then it would obedience to Pope would be warranted. Jesus speaks to all people, and no language should be barred from use at Mass. Even dead languages should at least have the option of use.

  • @albertito77
    @albertito77 Рік тому +3

    The SSPX isn’t and never was an alternate “church”. And, with respect Brian, I think that’s how you’re approaching this question. You’re begging the question that the Society are outside the Church. You’re begging the question that a Papal order to abandon the TLM and report to mass at an awful NO is a valid order. Both of these questions were addressed by Kennedy and you don’t do fairly to him not to.
    I also wonder what you would do if your FSSP parish was shut down by papal decree? _Now_ the question is should you abandon your beautiful canonical TLM for canonical irregularity. And honestly who _would_ do that??? But if your choices are clown masses (or extremely banal NOs) and the Society then they question might play out differently.

    • @RickW-HGWT
      @RickW-HGWT Рік тому +1

      Amen ! The society during the pandemic fought for our rights in the courts and the public square, the NO church still wonders why their numbers are cratering. The society whatever it's problems has the courage of its convictions, the NO for the most part does not seem too.

  • @atrifle8364
    @atrifle8364 Рік тому +1

    This response sounds like leaving Catholicism if your community wasn't good is on the table. That the love of community is in direct competition with love of Christ and the truth.
    Another difficulty is listening to a clear definition of schism and then be unable to apply it.
    What is "cosplaying" as a bishop? There are bishops who fail at at being good bishops. Judas was a bishop, too. We will have those bishops until the end of time.
    And the most difficult question the ending raises: Is there love for the stained bride of Christ, because for all her flaws, she has truth? Or is it merely love for a particular Mass with the "right" people?

  • @lukebrown5395
    @lukebrown5395 Рік тому +8

    I have an unhealthy obsession with TLM. Never been, but I love it.

    • @winducaswell4219
      @winducaswell4219 Рік тому +2

      Why is it unhealthy? I have very healthy obsession with TLM. Quit NO in the middle of the plandemic, confirmed by Traditionis Custodis, and drown in His grace. Glory be to God for His mercy

    • @MegaVega2007
      @MegaVega2007 Рік тому

      @@winducaswell4219 TLM is amazing. but NO is also amazing. any mass where Jesus is is amazing. not all NO masses are irreverent. just don't act like you're too good for Novus Ordo, which is the problem I see with many trads online.

  • @louel83
    @louel83 Рік тому +1

    I agree with you 100%. Where I live though, there seems to be no reverent novus ordo. I keep hoping to find one. I went to the sspx for a few months and the liturgy was amazing. I don't want to be in chism though, so I stopped attending. I haven't been going to church for months now. Still praying, and asking for guidance.
    I really don't know if there is a suitable option for me here. And still I want to convert to Catholicism. This is all so sad.