@Heyward Shepherd it barely even works in the polar region which is where it works the most without spinning platforms. Just research why it barely works in the rotation of the earth before you criticize a video. Besides, this comment is a joke nerd.
Exactly what I was thinking. It's harder to understand the Coriolis force when thinking about the Earth spinning, but a simpler example like this makes all the difference
Hello. I am a earth science teacher in korea. I like your video so much that I want to use it for a video of my students' class. I ask politely, if this is ok. We look forward to your reply. Thank you so much for making a great video. I will promote this channel widely to my students. thank you~^^
I love these straight forward explanations of physics! Similar to the explanation of the special theory of relativity. Very cool (and nice work)! This is lecture room 26-100 right?(spent many a hour in the back right corner trying to keep up ;) )
@@johnthomas3953 in·er·tia a property of matter by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless that state is changed by an external force.
@@leviterandealso to learning From middle school mathematics to calculus the path is hard, but if you break it up to small steps each step is easy and straightforward
yes ..That's y when we(camera) move along with the guys the ball seems to have curved path (coriolis effect ) and when we are out of the rotating frame the ball seems to have straight path as it is (no coriolis effect).
Yes, it is an apparent force as a result of observers being on a rotating frame of reference. Viewed from a non-rotating frame of reference, the ball moves in a straight line after leaving the thrower because there is no real force acting on the ball.
so if you hoovered in the air in a helicopter, your intended destination will come to you if you are wanting to go east to west. say you want to go from Kenya, south Africa and fallow the equator to Brazil, you could just fly straight up and hoover. The rotation of the earth would bring your destination to you, do I have this right? if these guys threw the a tiny helicopter up in the air and it hovered long enough for them to make half a turn then the tiny helicopter would come back down after the half turn to land in the other guys lap. Hope I explained my question well enough to answer?
+Random Person Your analogy should be also true for the ball in the video with only a minor correction for circumferential velocity vs linear WRT time taken by ball to travel a distance equal to the diameter of the rotating circle defined by the two participants' circular movement, since the ball was moving at the speed of the ball holder before it left his hand.
Let us just consider your analogy. Imagine you are flying an RC copter that has a large amount of charge, so much that it can be powered for 4-5 hrs and a very long controlling range.Now take a scenario where you are flying the copter and somehow make it able to float in the air in one position for a few hours. Does that mean that your RC copter is traveling backwards and after a few hours it will land in some other place very far off from where you are just because it has no physical contact with earth? Definitely no! first thing to understand that everything in Earth including you,the vehicles, birds, ships, planes, the atmosphere, pretty much everything that is held towards the Earth by it's gravity is all part of the same system. Everything in and inside the system will experience the same effects
Gravity gets massively weaker with distance from inner core (commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Erdgvarp.png ) and so should the force propelling you at the same speed as a point on the earth's surface. The higher you are, the weaker you're being pulled by earth's gravity to stay in one place, so being high enough would allow you to hover in one place, wait and go down to a different one.
the point at which the ball is released is the point it continues in a linear trajectory. The trajectory isn't curved. The target has just. Nice away from it. If spinning fast enough on a larger wheel, couldn't the person throwing the ball could conceivably also catch it?
so please explain why hot air balloons, smoke, aircraft is in no way effected by the coriolis effect. one would think that the effect would be much more dramatic with a fast flying aircraft.
Aircraft are affected, the Coriolis effect is taken into account during navigation (as it is with launching missiles). For hot air balloons, the wind direction dominates over the Coriolis effect.
@@adamlea6339 obviously,you've never piloted an aircraft because you are totally full of crap. Coriolis is never taken onto account during aircraft flight, nor curvature. Sorry but your theorytale is absolutely BS.
I dont know if this channel is still used, but would it make a difference if they threw the ball straight up? So the person who should get the ball, just catch it out of the air when passing by?
Assume the observer in space is stationary wrt the earth, in its own frame of reference. When viewed from space, the balls will go in straight lines instead of on a curve. So when viewed from space, would you still see hurricanes swirling around please?
Here actually ball is on its straight path but the person moves away cos of rotation...so the path of ball should show straight instead of curved line.. Isn't it ?
@Alchemica Blackwood Yes, I prefer to believe in a God... But I wonder, how God was created or who created him? How long has He be existing? Forever? Why did it take Him the eternity before to come up with earth and human being? Maybe we are the 10000000th version of his attempts to create intelligent (hum hum) beings, just like in the Matrix. Yes, it makes perfect sense to believe in a God..... NOT
It is not the Coriolis force that makes the ball can not reach the opposite guy; Should the ball have thrown at a certain angle ahead of the opposite guy, the ball will would be caught easily. It is all about RELATIVE VELOCITY
Gentlemen, Very interesting demonstration. Unfortunately you are demonstrating conservation of angular momentum, NOT Coriolis effect. Coriolis effect has no ability to alter the course of any physical event and cannot be demonstrated by viewing two entirely different events, a non-rotating and then a rotating merry go round for instance, from the same frame of reference. To demonstrate Coriolis effect have the participants throw and catch the ball on a non rotating merry go round while photographing the event from the frame of reference of a rotating overhead video camera. In the resulting video you will notice that the path of the ball appears to curve very nicely but is ALWAYS caught. You will also find it always follows track A.....Z over the merry go round no matter how fast the camera is rotated. If the video is taken and viewed in the same camera rotation rates you will always find events occur in the same amount of elapsed time. Try it! Coriolis effect is NOT the same as conservation of angular momentum.
In rotating reference frame ball is subjected to Coriolis force, that only exists in rotating frame. In rest frame there is no force acting after the ball is being thrown out of hand.
you're only seeing the effect relative to the spinning thing, if you look closer and try to avoid looking at the spinning base, you see the ball move straight as you would expect relative to the floor
i am assuming by reality you mean in ground frame , so yes from the ground frame its moving in a straight line but in a rotatory frame (it feels) like some force is acting on it that is termed as coriolis force
So if a batter is facing south, and the pitcher throws the ball 100 mph from 60’ 6” away, does it curve to the batter’s right? What about a bullet at a target 1000 feet away? Same scenarios: if they are on the east west axis, no movement at all?
They do account for it. We calculate travel trajectories in the northern hemisphere to arc across near the pole because the circumfrence of the earth is more narrow based on the planets rotational axis. You do the exact opposite in the southern hemisphere, where you fly closer to the southern pole when making a flight plan. You also have to calculate for the change in rotational speed among the latitudinal axis of the earth. 0 at poles, 1000mph at equator. Snipers also have to account for this when shooting long distances. You also have to consider how your speed is relative only to the motion of other objects. We are moving at the same speed as the planet. So, we feel motionless at a comfortable 1G. If we were to rapidly decelerate you'd notice immediately. If you were able to remain fixed in space you would see everything drift away. If you can imagine being in space and observing the earth and mars from a "fixed" position, you'd be traveling at two completely different speeds simultaneously (depending on which object you hold as your "true" reference point). Get it? You can't be fixed in space no matter what you do because everything else is always going to be moving. SO, how do you tell whether you are moving or they are? If you drop a bowling ball into a void it's not really moving at all. It remains eternally stationary until another object emerges in the void.
Where's your evidence pilots account for this when landing and even navigating across a spinning ball? There isn't any! Quote - If you drop a bowling ball into a void it's not really moving at all. It remains eternally stationary until another object emerges in the void. Where's your evidence for this statement as well? You haven't got any! It's all bullshit!
Evidence? I'm telling you, as a pilot, we absolutely have to calculate the coriolis effect when writing out flight plans in order to avoid disaster. I guess you could just read some text books or try it yourself. I'm not really sure what you're trying to argue about... This is entirely self evident. Why are you being so combative about what pilots learn in school? Obviously there's a mountain of 'evidence'... But you're saying that there is no evidence. I'm not sure that's possible considering that you're using the internet right now.
Med Otaku You can tell me whatever you want. Your words are untrustworthy because you are a human being and humans lie, deceive and cheat, more so when money is involved. As far as I am concerned pilots do not take into account the Coriolis effect. They fly as if they have full control over the aircraft over a flat motionless earth. The only atmospheric conditions that affect any plane in flight is the weather. One doesn't need to be a pilot to work that one out.
What?... There is no 'as far as i'm concerned'. These are mathematical factors which have to be accounted for in flight. Your initial sentence reveals a fallacy. You admit that humans lie. Therefore we should believe what you are saying. I can tell you that I am not lying. I haven't lied and I have no reason to lie. I'm not sure what else to tell you.
cibertaino because to see this effect on the earth you need to launch the ball to someone kilometers apart from you. The earth rotates once a day, not multiple times per minute like in this demonstration.
Because the Coriolis force on Earth is very weak, and can only be observed acting on motions of at least tens to hundreds of miles, so to observe the Earth's Coriolis effect using two people throwing and catching a ball, they would need to be positioned about a hundred miles apart and be able to throw the ball so fast, it would travel that distance before it hit the ground. This is why geostrphic balance applies in the mid-latitudes and on weather systems hundreds of miles in size, but it isn't significant for sea breezes.
This actually disproves the coriolis effect and proves that we are not spinning. If this was the case and the Earth was actually spinning then when someone threw the football above the equator or below the equator or threw a baseball a long distance above the equator or below the equator the ball would have a curving effect to some extent. But it never does. Where you throw a football or where you throw a baseball no matter how far you throw it it never bends as in this demonstration. Its because they've forced a spin, that now the balls they are throwing curve due to the spins force. But when we throw it without a forced spin on the Earth they never curve do they? Even bullets never curve when you shoot them out of a gun either, the corriolis effect is NEVER taken into account by long range snipers but they should if there is a coriolis effect and the Earth was truly spinning.
The Army and Navy used to publish Coriolis correction charts for long-distance artillery before the advent of GPS. Note the shells and the balls in this video are not curving, they are traveling in a straight line. You have missed the whole point of the video about reference frames.
I see it in a more complex way than what you think i do. The princible is the same as in he goes in one direction the ball goes the other. On a road you go one way the spit goes the other. If i threw a ball out the window of a car and it was heavy enough it would travel in an arc the same as what this experiment shows. You take that concept and think ok so if i threw the ball and i was sat on a round about in the park the same thing will happen albeit in a different fashion because you are rotating rather than traveling in a straight line. Simple analogy i know but i cant think of many things that spin that make sense. I under stand the effect enough to be able to sit on one of those and throw a piece of paper in the bin so as far im concerned i am familiar with the concept lol.
imafackinjunglist if you threw a ball out of a window it would arc back because of air friction on the ball, slowing it down. if you threw a ball out your window in space it would travel in the straight line. the Coriolis effect only happens on things that are rotating. the point that objects that dont have forces acting on them will always travel in a straight line, but to people on a rotating reference frame, it will seem like they curve due to some mysterious force caused by Coriolis acceleration
The Coriolis force is known as a fictitious force because it only appears in non-intertial, rotational frames of reference. Though the ball indeed does retain a linear trajectory, in a rotating frame it appears to exhibit a curved trajectory, explained by the existence of the coriolis force in such a frame.
There is a component of the Earth's rotation that is perpendicular to the surface and is proportional to the sine of the latitude. The Coriolis effect is maximum at the poles and decreses to zero at the equator (because at the equator you are standing perpendicular to the axis of rotation).
The Coriolis acceleration or effect will be different when applied on Earth compared to that of inside of a spinning space station, as mass of a ball is affected by the gravity plus the magnetic North and South poles and that's why you see the thrown balls curving off course when thrown but it's actually not curving off but it's going exactly where it was thrown to exactly on the other side of where it was thrown from, but in the vacuum of space there is no gravitational pull other than the force applied if your standing on the inner outer surface of the rotated object. On the surface of Earth or even at 30,000 ft in the air the gravitational pull is the same on any object but in space inside of a rotating station creating the gravity is only effective on the walking surface and when you launch or throw an object like a ball towards the central axis there is lesser gravity pulling it downwards depending on the mass of an object and once it leaves the surface the gravity gets lesser and lesser as it gets higher towards the axis and after it passes the center axis it would speed up towards the opposite surface without the Coriolis effect. ( At least this is my theory/hypothesis )
I asked a sniper how he adjusts his firing solutions for the coriolis effect and the curve of the earth and he just laughed.... he said they only say that stuff for the movies.... I only have shot out to 1450yds and have yet to see the effects of earth spin or earth curvature....?
@EditzZarc , call out to Jesus. He will give you understanding and peace . He wants a personal relationship with you. When you do He will give you discernment. God bless you.
Very simple, the ball travels the same distance in the same period of time, but the other person is not there because it moves in the direction of rotation.
You do understand that if you sit on this rotating platform that you are now moving? We know you are moving, we can see it. You can see it too, you can also feel it. To stay on, you are resisting centrifugal force because you are on a circular path. If you fell off you would fall backwards away from the axis and you would tumble in the direction you were travelling. So, back on board, someone passes you a ball and you hold it in your hands. The ball is moving. You don't really see it because you are holding it. We can see it, we can see you and it on the moving platform. The ball has momentum because it is moving and is subject to centrifugal force too but you're holding it. Could you sit the ball on your level palm? No. It would roll away from the axis while continuing to roll in the direction it was travelling. If you release the ball with force in the direction of the axis it will travel towards the axis veering in the direction it is already travelling. We all know that with enough force you could get the other guy in the face every time! You overcome this "Coriolis Effect" by throwing the ball on a wildly arcing trajectory and put a lot more effort into catching it.
***** Simply put it is just a moving target, obviously the faster and smaller a target the harder to hit The Coriolis effect is merely about frames of reference which complicate simple physics. I wasn't referring to a point target, I was referring to the demonstration above - real world physics. The gun example was to point out that it would be impossible for the shooter to miss due to Coriolis effect, the two subjects would not survive the spin needed to affect a bullet. Demonstrations like this are misleading as there are people that believe Coriolis is a real force as opposed to a frame of reference observation.
is this not centrifugal force? - and not the cariolis effect (that which causes water to flow clock wise or anti-clockwise down the plug hole depending on the hemisphere)
I can see what your coming from, and both forces are similar in a way. Both "forces" aren't real forces, they're just dependent on your inertial frame of reference. It's like the Coriolis effect is a "special" type of centrifugal force.
get a bigger rotating plank, have someone sit in the middle and throw tennis balls at one another and you have a good example of how rotating storms like how Hurricanes work.
"I swear mom, I am doing science"
@Heyward Shepherd What the hell are you talking about
@Heyward Shepherd it barely even works in the polar region which is where it works the most without spinning platforms. Just research why it barely works in the rotation of the earth before you criticize a video.
Besides, this comment is a joke nerd.
That's why they are wearing science coats, err I mean lab coats
Ur not funny bro
“The difference between screwing around and science is writing it down.”
― Adam Savage
Totally makes sense now. Having a moving, visual representation really helps. Cheers boys :)
knucklescapricorn31 absolutely true
The best and the simplest ways to explain the effect :) ty
No shit. It’s entirely dependent of reference frames. 😂
Great demonstration using both fixed and rotating frame camera. Just amazing.
Actually it wasn’t
You have to. That’s the whole point
Finally a demonstration that doesn’t involve weather. I think I get it now
Exactly what I was thinking. It's harder to understand the Coriolis force when thinking about the Earth spinning, but a simpler example like this makes all the difference
Best ever explanation for coriolis force..... And no words were needed!!! Thanks so much for the demonstration!!
i watched this video in class with my classmates and we found it sooooo informative thank you for this information 👌👌
Every explanation of Coriolis effect is unique in its class.
Hello. I am a earth science teacher in korea.
I like your video so much that I want to use it for a video of my students' class.
I ask politely, if this is ok.
We look forward to your reply.
Thank you so much for making a great video.
I will promote this channel widely to my students.
thank you~^^
bro use it, I assure you, the owner of the video will be proud
Yes, you can use our content. I am the co owner of this channel
Thank you❤️
From Sri Lanka 🇱🇰😍
MIT and they could not figure out how to work the sound ??
you don't need sound to get the point across
The frame of reference made it clear.
Great demonstration!
Oh man... This is totally good! 😸👍
(Especially for the sceptical)
Am i the only one who screamed "Wilsoooon" at 1:40?
not any more...
Yeah you're the only one
No, so did i... lol
I love these straight forward explanations of physics! Similar to the explanation of the special theory of relativity. Very cool (and nice work)! This is lecture room 26-100 right?(spent many a hour in the back right corner trying to keep up ;) )
Proves inertia and the lack of physical coordination of physics grads.
Inertia?? This demonstration has nothing to do with inertia!
@@johnthomas3953 in·er·tia a property of matter by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless that state is changed by an external force.
@@PaulBennettPrescott Those guys aren't proving that they need to apply force to make the ball move..
Engineers: how much money can this make me
Physicists: cool
High-level physics at MIT. :)
do not underestimate the power of the big simple obvious.. they are usually the key to breakthrus :D
@@leviterandealso to learning
From middle school mathematics to calculus the path is hard, but if you break it up to small steps each step is easy and straightforward
good video. I am big no.1 fan of this video.
is the ball which is used at 1:41 an easter egg of "Cast Away"?
great demonstration.very eloquent :) thank you
قال الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام : " اللهم إني أعوذ بك من زوال نعمتك وتحوِّل عافيتك وفجاءة نقمتك وجميع سخطك" . رواه مسلم
Question for anyone: Is the ball moving relatively straight once it leaves the throwers hand and the position of the throwers/catchers are moving?
yes ..That's y when we(camera) move along with the guys the ball seems to have curved path (coriolis effect ) and when we are out of the rotating frame the ball seems to have straight path as it is (no coriolis effect).
Whats would happen if they threw the ball a little harder?
Suppose that the rotating platform were much larger and the ball was rolled rather than thrown. How would that affect its path?
Yes it would, just the same. This demonstration however, is showing centrifugal force, not the Coriolis effect.
Nice explanation 👌👌
So, it is correct to call it an “effect” . It is only an apparent force, just like centrifugal “force”.
Yes, it is an apparent force as a result of observers being on a rotating frame of reference. Viewed from a non-rotating frame of reference, the ball moves in a straight line after leaving the thrower because there is no real force acting on the ball.
and that my friends is why using rotation to create artificial gravity in free fall is impractical
so if you hoovered in the air in a helicopter, your intended destination will come to you if you are wanting to go east to west. say you want to go from Kenya, south Africa and fallow the equator to Brazil, you could just fly straight up and hoover. The rotation of the earth would bring your destination to you, do I have this right? if these guys threw the a tiny helicopter up in the air and it hovered long enough for them to make half a turn then the tiny helicopter would come back down after the half turn to land in the other guys lap. Hope I explained my question well enough to answer?
I asked the same exact question... planes shouldn't even be able to land if the earth is spinning. this is some creepy shit.
+Random Person Your analogy should be also true for the ball in the video with only a minor correction for circumferential velocity vs linear WRT time taken by ball to travel a distance equal to the diameter of the rotating circle defined by the two participants' circular movement, since the ball was moving at the speed of the ball holder before it left his hand.
your destination isnt coming to you because you are also rotating backward
Let us just consider your analogy. Imagine you are flying an RC copter that has a large amount of charge, so much that it can be powered for 4-5 hrs and a very long controlling range.Now take a scenario where you are flying the copter and somehow make it able to float in the air in one position for a few hours. Does that mean that your RC copter is traveling backwards and after a few hours it will land in some other place very far off from where you are just because it has no physical contact with earth? Definitely no! first thing to understand that everything in Earth including you,the vehicles, birds, ships, planes, the atmosphere, pretty much everything that is held towards the Earth by it's gravity is all part of the same system. Everything in and inside the system will experience the same effects
Gravity gets massively weaker with distance from inner core (commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Erdgvarp.png ) and so should the force propelling you at the same speed as a point on the earth's surface. The higher you are, the weaker you're being pulled by earth's gravity to stay in one place, so being high enough would allow you to hover in one place, wait and go down to a different one.
what will happen when aeroplane would hover ,will it leave behind the place at which it is ? plz reply
the point at which the ball is released is the point it continues in a linear trajectory. The trajectory isn't curved. The target has just. Nice away from it. If spinning fast enough on a larger wheel, couldn't the person throwing the ball could conceivably also catch it?
I think you didn't observed the effect in the first demonstration.The ball change the spinnig when cross the equator.
Many trajectories simultaniously to consider except perhaps the observers speed of sight.
This is why your puke on the tilt-a-whirl always hits the people next to you
so please explain why hot air balloons, smoke, aircraft is in no way effected by the coriolis effect. one would think that the effect would be much more dramatic with a fast flying aircraft.
They are affected, but not noticeably to the naked eye.
Aircraft are affected, the Coriolis effect is taken into account during navigation (as it is with launching missiles). For hot air balloons, the wind direction dominates over the Coriolis effect.
@@adamlea6339 obviously,you've never piloted an aircraft because you are totally full of crap. Coriolis is never taken onto account during aircraft flight, nor curvature. Sorry but your theorytale is absolutely BS.
I dont know if this channel is still used, but would it make a difference if they threw the ball straight up? So the person who should get the ball, just catch it out of the air when passing by?
Best visual representation
Ohh at first I thought there was a force being generated from the throwing, causing the spinning on whatever they are sitting on
Assume the observer in space is stationary wrt the earth, in its own frame of reference.
When viewed from space, the balls will go in straight lines instead of on a curve.
So when viewed from space, would you still see hurricanes swirling around please?
Why is it silent ?
Because the microphone is turned off ;-) (until 2:40)
Here actually ball is on its straight path but the person moves away cos of rotation...so the path of ball should show straight instead of curved line..
Isn't it ?
@Alchemica Blackwood dude stop embarrassing yourself.
@Alchemica Blackwood compared to some bullshit theory that god exists
@Alchemica Blackwood
Yes, I prefer to believe in a God... But I wonder, how God was created or who created him? How long has He be existing? Forever? Why did it take Him the eternity before to come up with earth and human being? Maybe we are the 10000000th version of his attempts to create intelligent (hum hum) beings, just like in the Matrix. Yes, it makes perfect sense to believe in a God.....
@Alchemica Blackwood Start reading more that'll cure you of stupidity.
@Alchemica Blackwood do you know that the earth's rotation is slowing down as time passes?
so this effect is picky? don't apply to an airplane on a rotating earth? or maybe the simple answer is earth is stationary.
It does apply to any moving objects in a rotating frame, so to planes on the Earth too.
It does apply to planes because it changes wind currents, which pilots take into account.
Just how much would it affect an airplane when it’s rotating once per 24 hours? Yeah, not much.
a great demo
Isn't this due to rotational acceleration? I don't understand how it relates to the Coriolis effect.
I studied so much today!
thank you so much! it helped me a lot to understand the effect!
It's not curving. The thrower throw the ball to straight line. Both are changing their position. So it's seems like curving.
It is not the Coriolis force that makes the ball can not reach the opposite guy; Should the ball have thrown at a certain angle ahead of the opposite guy, the ball will would be caught easily. It is all about RELATIVE VELOCITY
Gentlemen, Very interesting demonstration. Unfortunately you are demonstrating conservation of angular momentum, NOT Coriolis effect. Coriolis effect has no ability to alter the course of any physical event and cannot be demonstrated by viewing two entirely different events, a non-rotating and then a rotating merry go round for instance, from the same frame of reference.
To demonstrate Coriolis effect have the participants throw and catch the ball on a non rotating merry go round while photographing the event from the frame of reference of a rotating overhead video camera. In the resulting video you will notice that the path of the ball appears to curve very nicely but is ALWAYS caught. You will also find it always follows track A.....Z over the merry go round no matter how fast the camera is rotated. If the video is taken and viewed in the same camera rotation rates you will always find events occur in the same amount of elapsed time. Try it!
Coriolis effect is NOT the same as conservation of angular momentum.
Pora puka
@@gollavillihari2516 that is telugu. gotcha buddy
Great illustration! (even though most engineers can't really throw)
So, the effect is that if I throw a ball at a location where someone was, but is no longer, it’s called the whatever effect?
I like this experiment soooo much!!!
Always aim for where your target is *going to be* not at where they *are* 😂
"Oh yeah, just put the audio back in the blooper reel"
I think I want to try it, too.
0:37 mit and they don't even know difference between ground and ceiling? Camera is obviously mounted above them, not below them.
U know what is the meaning of mount
Camera is mounted TO the ground, not IN the ground, if you want to learn physics you have to learn how to read properly
Well isn’t because the person who was meant to catch the ball just basically moved away from where the ball was meant to go?????
realy in a best way explained
who or what is actually subject to a force in this video?
Object in ballistic flight, thrown/launched from surface of Earth.
In rotating reference frame ball is subjected to Coriolis force, that only exists in rotating frame. In rest frame there is no force acting after the ball is being thrown out of hand.
I watch it for school
So it simply spin away
But, sorry, why if the camera is an inertial system we see the effect?
you're only seeing the effect relative to the spinning thing, if you look closer and try to avoid looking at the spinning base, you see the ball move straight as you would expect relative to the floor
So in reality is the ball moving in a straight line or curving?
In a straight line
There is no such thing as "reality":) There are only different reference frames and no one is more "real" than others.
i am assuming by reality you mean in ground frame , so yes from the ground frame its moving in a straight line
but in a rotatory frame (it feels) like some force is acting on it that is termed as coriolis force
the ball moves in a straight line but the catcher wasn't able to catch the ball because obviously, he was moving
Yes, in ground reference frame. But from catcher's point of view the ball indeed follows the curved path.
So if a batter is facing south, and the pitcher throws the ball 100 mph from 60’ 6” away, does it curve to the batter’s right? What about a bullet at a target 1000 feet away? Same scenarios: if they are on the east west axis, no movement at all?
Isn't that just the angular momentum of the ball?
The ball has no angular momentum, it's flying straight.
So what is corolis??
It's the Don's last name.
The only time physicists will touch balls I guess
How do planes land on a north south 1000 mile per hour moving ball without adjusting for coriolis effect
They do account for it. We calculate travel trajectories in the northern hemisphere to arc across near the pole because the circumfrence of the earth is more narrow based on the planets rotational axis. You do the exact opposite in the southern hemisphere, where you fly closer to the southern pole when making a flight plan. You also have to calculate for the change in rotational speed among the latitudinal axis of the earth. 0 at poles, 1000mph at equator. Snipers also have to account for this when shooting long distances.
You also have to consider how your speed is relative only to the motion of other objects. We are moving at the same speed as the planet. So, we feel motionless at a comfortable 1G. If we were to rapidly decelerate you'd notice immediately. If you were able to remain fixed in space you would see everything drift away. If you can imagine being in space and observing the earth and mars from a "fixed" position, you'd be traveling at two completely different speeds simultaneously (depending on which object you hold as your "true" reference point). Get it? You can't be fixed in space no matter what you do because everything else is always going to be moving. SO, how do you tell whether you are moving or they are?
If you drop a bowling ball into a void it's not really moving at all. It remains eternally stationary until another object emerges in the void.
Where's your evidence pilots account for this when landing and even navigating across a spinning ball? There isn't any!
Quote - If you drop a bowling ball into a void it's not really moving at all. It remains eternally stationary until another object emerges in the void.
Where's your evidence for this statement as well? You haven't got any!
It's all bullshit!
Evidence? I'm telling you, as a pilot, we absolutely have to calculate the coriolis effect when writing out flight plans in order to avoid disaster. I guess you could just read some text books or try it yourself. I'm not really sure what you're trying to argue about... This is entirely self evident. Why are you being so combative about what pilots learn in school? Obviously there's a mountain of 'evidence'... But you're saying that there is no evidence. I'm not sure that's possible considering that you're using the internet right now.
Med Otaku
You can tell me whatever you want. Your words are untrustworthy because you are a human being and humans lie, deceive and cheat, more so when money is involved. As far as I am concerned pilots do not take into account the Coriolis effect. They fly as if they have full control over the aircraft over a flat motionless earth. The only atmospheric conditions that affect any plane in flight is the weather.
One doesn't need to be a pilot to work that one out.
What?... There is no 'as far as i'm concerned'. These are mathematical factors which have to be accounted for in flight. Your initial sentence reveals a fallacy. You admit that humans lie. Therefore we should believe what you are saying. I can tell you that I am not lying. I haven't lied and I have no reason to lie. I'm not sure what else to tell you.
I'm here because Nicholas Irving! :)
Why doesnt the coriolis effect, effect air travel?
It does, but air currents affect airplanes more. It does affects artillery shells and has been to be taken into account for over a century.
Why do they need a rotating platform to demonstrate this effect if the earth is already spinning?
cibertaino because to see this effect on the earth you need to launch the ball to someone kilometers apart from you. The earth rotates once a day, not multiple times per minute like in this demonstration.
Because the Coriolis force on Earth is very weak, and can only be observed acting on motions of at least tens to hundreds of miles, so to observe the Earth's Coriolis effect using two people throwing and catching a ball, they would need to be positioned about a hundred miles apart and be able to throw the ball so fast, it would travel that distance before it hit the ground. This is why geostrphic balance applies in the mid-latitudes and on weather systems hundreds of miles in size, but it isn't significant for sea breezes.
Not the ball that is in an ark,its the observer moving out of frame
I wonder why i do not see the tangential speed of the ball at 0:45.
I think it is enough large to be seen. Like 0.6m/s
Oh now i do see it!!!!!!!!! You are right, really thank for replying!!!
This actually disproves the coriolis effect and proves that we are not spinning. If this was the case and the Earth was actually spinning then when someone threw the football above the equator or below the equator or threw a baseball a long distance above the equator or below the equator the ball would have a curving effect to some extent. But it never does. Where you throw a football or where you throw a baseball no matter how far you throw it it never bends as in this demonstration. Its because they've forced a spin, that now the balls they are throwing curve due to the spins force. But when we throw it without a forced spin on the Earth they never curve do they? Even bullets never curve when you shoot them out of a gun either, the corriolis effect is NEVER taken into account by long range snipers but they should if there is a coriolis effect and the Earth was truly spinning.
The Army and Navy used to publish Coriolis correction charts for long-distance artillery before the advent of GPS. Note the shells and the balls in this video are not curving, they are traveling in a straight line. You have missed the whole point of the video about reference frames.
They could of just said its exactly the same effect as when you spit out of a car window doing 60.
Its like you gota be fuckin stupid if you need to make one of those to explain the concept to somebody.
imafackinjunglist It's not at all the same effect as spitting out of a car. If that's how you see it, then this has truly gone over your head.
I see it in a more complex way than what you think i do. The princible is the same as in he goes in one direction the ball goes the other. On a road you go one way the spit goes the other. If i threw a ball out the window of a car and it was heavy enough it would travel in an arc the same as what this experiment shows. You take that concept and think ok so if i threw the ball and i was sat on a round about in the park the same thing will happen albeit in a different fashion because you are rotating rather than traveling in a straight line. Simple analogy i know but i cant think of many things that spin that make sense. I under stand the effect enough to be able to sit on one of those and throw a piece of paper in the bin so as far im concerned i am familiar with the concept lol.
imafackinjunglist if you threw a ball out of a window it would arc back because of air friction on the ball, slowing it down. if you threw a ball out your window in space it would travel in the straight line. the Coriolis effect only happens on things that are rotating. the point that objects that dont have forces acting on them will always travel in a straight line, but to people on a rotating reference frame, it will seem like they curve due to some mysterious force caused by Coriolis acceleration
mikestoneadfjgs So its not just the rotation moving the guy out the way of a straight throw?
Interesting demonstration of Coriolis Effect. I posted some videos on my channel explaining it with details and some others phenomena related to it
Maybe it's too small a distance but the ball doesn't have a curved trajectory. It's merely going where the catcher was situated (but then he moved)
Exactly: " the ball doesn't have a curved trajectory", but in the rotating referential, it does. That's the point.
The Coriolis force is known as a fictitious force because it only appears in non-intertial, rotational frames of reference. Though the ball indeed does retain a linear trajectory, in a rotating frame it appears to exhibit a curved trajectory, explained by the existence of the coriolis force in such a frame.
much helps. Thanks~ 👍😎👍
Would it be more correct to have one person in the middle and one on the arms. This is more like throwing balls through the earth.
nice, so ¿how its explain the movement of the earth?
There is a component of the Earth's rotation that is perpendicular to the surface and is proportional to the sine of the latitude. The Coriolis effect is maximum at the poles and decreses to zero at the equator (because at the equator you are standing perpendicular to the axis of rotation).
한규쌤 잘생겼어요
Coriolis acceleration of ball = 2*(velociy of ball)*(angular velociy of the frame)
It is traveling straight you have to lead target.
The Coriolis acceleration or effect will be different when applied on Earth compared to that of inside of a spinning space station, as mass of a ball is affected by the gravity plus the magnetic North and South poles and that's why you see the thrown balls curving off course when thrown but it's actually not curving off but it's going exactly where it was thrown to exactly on the other side of where it was thrown from, but in the vacuum of space there is no gravitational pull other than the force applied if your standing on the inner outer surface of the rotated object. On the surface of Earth or even at 30,000 ft in the air the gravitational pull is the same on any object but in space inside of a rotating station creating the gravity is only effective on the walking surface and when you launch or throw an object like a ball towards the central axis there is lesser gravity pulling it downwards depending on the mass of an object and once it leaves the surface the gravity gets lesser and lesser as it gets higher towards the axis and after it passes the center axis it would speed up towards the opposite surface without the Coriolis effect. ( At least this is my theory/hypothesis )
simple and wonderful
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare brought me here.
So the objective of this game is the player who hit the opponent's head wins!
I asked a sniper how he adjusts his firing solutions for the coriolis effect and the curve of the earth and he just laughed.... he said they only say that stuff for the movies.... I only have shot out to 1450yds and have yet to see the effects of earth spin or earth curvature....?
It does.
It does because it changes wind currents, which pilots take into account.
The Beautiful Earth is fixed and stationary. God bless you.
@EditzZarc , call out to Jesus. He will give you understanding and peace . He wants a personal relationship with you. When you do He will give you discernment. God bless you.
Awesome !!!
And this is probably why MIT is the best
Suppose there is wind ,then what?
The wind follows the Coriolis effect. That's how you get hurricanes
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Very simple, the ball travels the same distance in the same period of time, but the other person is not there because it moves in the direction of rotation.
“Science Nerds at play”
You do understand that if you sit on this rotating platform that you are now moving? We know you are moving, we can see it. You can see it too, you can also feel it. To stay on, you are resisting centrifugal force because you are on a circular path. If you fell off you would fall backwards away from the axis and you would tumble in the direction you were travelling. So, back on board, someone passes you a ball and you hold it in your hands. The ball is moving. You don't really see it because you are holding it. We can see it, we can see you and it on the moving platform. The ball has momentum because it is moving and is subject to centrifugal force too but you're holding it. Could you sit the ball on your level palm? No. It would roll away from the axis while continuing to roll in the direction it was travelling. If you release the ball with force in the direction of the axis it will travel towards the axis veering in the direction it is already travelling. We all know that with enough force you could get the other guy in the face every time! You overcome this "Coriolis Effect" by throwing the ball on a wildly arcing trajectory and put a lot more effort into catching it.
So, would you sit on one side while the person on the other points a gun at you and fires?
Simply put it is just a moving target, obviously the faster and smaller a target the harder to hit The Coriolis effect is merely about frames of reference which complicate simple physics. I wasn't referring to a point target, I was referring to the demonstration above - real world physics. The gun example was to point out that it would be impossible for the shooter to miss due to Coriolis effect, the two subjects would not survive the spin needed to affect a bullet. Demonstrations like this are misleading as there are people that believe Coriolis is a real force as opposed to a frame of reference observation.
I'm sorry, I didn't realise that you think Coriolis is a real force. Good luck.
is this not centrifugal force? - and not the cariolis effect (that which causes water to flow clock wise or anti-clockwise down the plug hole depending on the hemisphere)
I can see what your coming from, and both forces are similar in a way. Both "forces" aren't real forces, they're just dependent on your inertial frame of reference. It's like the Coriolis effect is a "special" type of centrifugal force.
get a bigger rotating plank, have someone sit in the middle and throw tennis balls at one another and you have a good example of how rotating storms like how Hurricanes work.
Works here but not due to the earth's rotation