Man denied communion at Pope Benedict's Funeral.

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
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    / @thecatholicman


  • @alcarbo8613
    @alcarbo8613 Рік тому +150

    I can’t imagine Pope Benedict would approve of that

  • @Greywinggull
    @Greywinggull 4 місяці тому +28

    The man probably attends the TLM. Good for him. Kneeling and receiving the Eucharist on the tongue is the only reverent way to accept it, In my humble opinion.

    • @SaliseProductions
      @SaliseProductions 2 місяці тому +5

      It is the only way true way to honor and revere your literal creator, and not just sitting in our dirty and sinful hands

    • @moffitt_27
      @moffitt_27 2 місяці тому +3

      Your humble opinion is wrong. Receiving in the hand can be very reverent too. By opening your hands to Christ, you are showing Him that you are open to receiving Him not only in the Eucharist, but to live through you and shine His light.

    •  7 днів тому

      Or maybe was a great sinner and a hypocrite. But you just want to see that this priest must be a horrible sinner and that the lay is next Mother Teresa?

  • @luv4da80s
    @luv4da80s Рік тому +324

    Happened to me too. I was then admonished by the priest from the altar after mass. He didn't point me out in the crowd but it was clear who he was referencing. I was half a mind to confront him after mass but the spirit held me back and asked me to just pray for that priest.

    • @paddywhack9817
      @paddywhack9817 Рік тому +12

      What right has he to judge you?

    • @Kings0375
      @Kings0375 Рік тому +33

      I think the Spirit would have moved me to confront him and note that he's not following what the Church teaches.

    • @paddywhack9817
      @paddywhack9817 Рік тому +4

      @@Kings0375 they do far worse to be confronted 👀

    • @Dan.Dawson
      @Dan.Dawson Рік тому +10

      You should have calmly told him you will pray for him.

    • @HopeLaFleur1975
      @HopeLaFleur1975 Рік тому +5

      After unpleasant priests I too cannot look at them but have to refrain from getting angry at them!

  • @kietosie
    @kietosie Рік тому +250

    My heart sank when I witnessed that live. Let us take this as an opportunity to understand the value of this precious gift we are blessed to receive. We must now call upon the intercession of Pope BENEDICT XVI to help safeguard the TRUTHS of the Liturgy and the Eucharist. We are all unworthy to receive the Body of Christ, however, with God's grace we should approach in total reverence in humble thanksgiving to receive the greatest gift we could ever receive.

    • @AlainnCorcaigh
      @AlainnCorcaigh Рік тому +4

      its essentially cardboard

    • @antowngeorgemansour5632
      @antowngeorgemansour5632 Рік тому +4

      You are right indeed, but we also get close to recieve The Lord as sons and Daughters to The Almighty Father, as brethren to The Son Lord Jesus Christ, and as temples for The Giver of life The Holy Spirit.. So, let's not be shy, for we are the children of God.. We are family with Him, that's what He wants.

    • @kietosie
      @kietosie Рік тому +2

      @@antowngeorgemansour5632 AMEN, AMEN, AMEN... I will continue to kneel to receive my Blessed Lord and will not touch with my unworthy hands. The Church allows us to receive in the manner with which is appropriate for us. Let's pray that teaching does not change now.

    • @jgesselberty
      @jgesselberty Рік тому +5

      @@AlainnCorcaigh So, you use your hate to come here and denigrate our sacred Holy Eucharist. God forgive you.

    • @AlainnCorcaigh
      @AlainnCorcaigh Рік тому

      @@jgesselberty speaking the truth ain't hate

  • @tomzack9891
    @tomzack9891 Рік тому +27

    If memory serves, both Popes John Paul II & Benedict XVI refused to administer Holy Communion to those who tried to receive "in the hand'

    • @No-nj3oq
      @No-nj3oq Рік тому +2

      And the Fathers of the Church saw it as perfectly acceptable for over 8 centuries. This is a matter of praxis (which can change,) not dogma (which cannot.)

    • @TheRomanCatholicChurch
      @TheRomanCatholicChurch Рік тому +6

      That's false. They have given Holy Communion in the hand.
      Benedict XVI, Light of the World, 2010, p. 158: “I am not opposed in principle to communion in the hand; I have both administered and received communion in this way.”

  • @liamfoley9614
    @liamfoley9614 Рік тому +103

    There is at least one person in that clip who received on the tongue whilst standing so is it the kneeling thing that upset them? Communion in the hand is one of those things that has to stop.

    • @danielochoa5138
      @danielochoa5138 Рік тому +7

      The problem is the individual priest who denies comunion, it's not a general directive which was given

    • @katperson7332
      @katperson7332 Рік тому +7

      Did I see this right, but after being refused, did the man lean forward with his mouth to try to take the Host out of the priest’s hand or was he merely trying to kiss the Host?

    • @liamfoley9614
      @liamfoley9614 Рік тому +13

      @@danielochoa5138 there is a culture right now that encourages priests to refuse Holy Communion to those who kneel. The same culture would not refuse an unrepentant public sinner though. Don't talk about 'general directives' on the Liturgy because any such directives have been ignored over the last 60 years. This is Francischurch for you.

    • @ConstantiaVerted
      @ConstantiaVerted Рік тому +6

      @@katperson7332 It looked like he tried to grab it with his mouth to me, too!

    • @katperson7332
      @katperson7332 Рік тому

      @@ConstantiaVerted Yes it was hard to know exactly.

  • @Thedarkestacadamia
    @Thedarkestacadamia 4 місяці тому +16

    Return to communion on the tongue! This is the body of christ not candy!

    • @Bob3iy3
      @Bob3iy3 Місяць тому

      Covid wnd disease?

    • @Thedarkestacadamia
      @Thedarkestacadamia Місяць тому

      @@Bob3iy3 Priests were giving communion on the tongue during the black death, it won't hurt.

    • @Bob3iy3
      @Bob3iy3 Місяць тому

      During when thomism was invented THEN THE PRIEST OFFICIALY KNEW DISEASES

    • @Bob3iy3
      @Bob3iy3 Місяць тому

      My statement may be wrong

  • @sergiocd18
    @sergiocd18 Рік тому +6

    How is it possible? receiving communion in the mouth is the most appropriate because it is not deconsecrated, particles of the sacred body of Christ are not lost. Denying communion to a faithful who does everything right is scandalous. That priest has a lot to learn.

  • @thet1375
    @thet1375 Рік тому +90

    Same thing happened me at midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. I went to a Eucharistic minister and he refused to give me Holy Communion on the tongue, saying to me 'take IT in the hand' I was so annoyed and upset afterwards. I felt I had no option.

    • @maz3215
      @maz3215 Рік тому +14

      Neither bishops nor priests have any authority to deny the faithful the reception of Communion on the tongue. We are to take our Lord reverently on our knees. Redemptionis Sacramentum, a 2004 Instruction of the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments guarantees the right of Catholics to receive Holy Communion on the tongue.
      When you say Eucharistic minister do you mean the priest (who are the only ones who rightly can be called Eucharistic ministers) or a parishioner assisting the priest in distributing communion? A priest has consecrated hands & should be the only one distributing communion. Receiving Holy Communion while standing and on the hand is Satan's doing (& has even been revealed as so to exorcists by some of the possessed). Also I'll relate this story I heard a few years back by a Catholic mystic, she related that a woman who was distributing Communion had recently died and inspired many other women to do likewise. Before the burial, the coffin was opened so that family and friends could say goodbye. He opened the coffin again for a brief moment so that he could see the deceased; the priest agreed, and in the presence of two other witnesses, he lifted the lid of the coffin and looked inside. This little group saw something that had not been visible a moment earlier: the woman's hands turned pitch black. For her and for others it was a sign that confirmed that unconsecrated hands cannot distribute the Lord Jesus in Communion.
      I used to go to Novus Ordo Masses & take communion in the hand, after I realised communion in the hand was wrong, I had communion on the tongue but still standing, (I didn't kneel as I thought the whole congregation would think I thought of myself as saintly & was putting on a show of humility). I realise now that I should have kneeled & ignored the voice telling me that. I started studying Catholic faith more throughly especially since early 2020, in books & seeing many articles & video's online & realised there was so much I didn't know & was not taught properly & I went to a Catholic school. In 2020 at a Novus Ordo mass when people feared covid & were masked up the priest received complaints because I took communion on the tongue at mass. I made up my mind that I would never take communion in the hand again & went to see the priest next mass who actually gave me communion after mass on the tongue while kneeling in the side chapel. I think he feared complaints going to bishop & didn't want other parishioners to know. It turned out though that through refusal to take communion in hand, it lead me to the Traditional Latin mass & unknown to me the same priest was also doing latin mass where everyone kneeled & took communion on the tongue which I found out after having communion on my knees on the tongue in the side chapel.
      My advice would be to try & find a traditional latin mass to go to & also never take communion again in the hand. Pray the Lord to guide you where to go so you can take him reverently on the knees & tongue like you desired to do.

    • @willowseljan6701
      @willowseljan6701 Рік тому

      Covid is still around you know it is spread by spite in the mouth, they have probably been told not too put it in the mouth anymore to try and protect themselves and others.

    • @liamfoley9614
      @liamfoley9614 Рік тому

      The mistake is going to a church that thinks it needs Eucharistic Ministers

    • @thet1375
      @thet1375 Рік тому +2

      @Hold Fast Yes I am referring to an extraordinary Eucharistic minister.

    • @HopeLaFleur1975
      @HopeLaFleur1975 Рік тому

      Seems like it's becoming common..

  • @christophan1
    @christophan1 Рік тому +29

    I too wanted to receive Communion through the mouth, a priest told me "no", so I said to myself that the most important thing is to receive the body of Christ; after all, it does not matter whether it is through the mouth or in the hands ... it cannot be more important than Christ - peace be between us, not war

    • @chimkamsokizito3991
      @chimkamsokizito3991 Рік тому +8

      Only Consecrated hands are allowed to touch the Sacred body and blood of Christ. Look up what Church Fathers have said about things like this.

    • @chimkamsokizito3991
      @chimkamsokizito3991 Рік тому +1

      @@christophan1 a Catholic must be faithful to tradition. Such doctrines don't just change to the extent of receiving Christ on non-consecrated hands, for Christ changeth not. I suggest you follow the normal method of reception of Holy Communion. (On the tongue and while kneeling)

    • @chimkamsokizito3991
      @chimkamsokizito3991 Рік тому +1

      @@christophan1 how do you know Christ did not put the sacred host in the mouth of his apostles?
      See John 13:26.
      However, even if Christ gave His disciples His body on their hands, they are Priests. Christ made his disciples Priests.
      We (non-clergy) should not compare ourselves with the apostles for they are Priests, allowed to touch the Sacred host. Whereas, we are not. Us doing so (touching the body of Christ) would be sacrilege.

    • @DrOman5596
      @DrOman5596 Рік тому

      ​@@chimkamsokizito3991 Communion being reserved for consecrated hands is not a doctrine. There is no official Church teaching on the manner of reception. At best, you have the personal opinions of some Fathers and doctors, but these are not binding. How someone receives the Eucharist is therefore a matter of discipline, and it's fully within the prerogative of the Church to change it.
      You tell christian b to look up what the Church Fathers have said. Have you done this yourself? If so, what do you make of the many quotes which show that communion in the hand was practiced with their approval? See just a few of them below. Clearly there's no consensus among the Fathers, and the Church practiced communion in the hand for centuries.
      Finally, using John 13:26 to prove your point is a big stretch. Even if there were any way to definitively prove that Jesus dipping the morsel meant that he gave communion to Judas on the tongue, that would only prove that Jesus gave it to Judas in that way. What about the other apostles?
      St Cyril of Jerusalem: “Approaching, therefore, come not with your wrists extended or your fingers open, but make your left hand a throne for your right, which is on the eve of receiving the King. And having hollowed your palm, receive the body of Christ, saying after it amen. Then after you have with carefulness hallow your eyes by the touch of the Holy Body, partake of it, being careful lest you should lose any of it, for what you lose is a loss to you as if of your own members.”
      St. Augustine: "I refer to a man who lived with you, whose birthday you were wont to celebrate with such large assemblies, with whom you joined in the kiss of peace in the sacraments, in whose hands you placed the Eucharist, to whom in turn you extended your hands to receive it from his ministering..."
      Theodore of Mopsuestia: “To receive the Sacrament which is given, a person stretches out his right hand, and under it he places the left hand. In this he shows a great fear, and since the hand that is stretched out holds a higher rank, it is the one that is extended for receiving the body of the King, and the other hand bears and brings its sister hand, while not thinking that it is playing the role of a servant, as it is equal with it in honour, on account of the bread of the King, which is also borne by it.

    • @chimkamsokizito3991
      @chimkamsokizito3991 Рік тому

      @@DrOman5596 Firstly, I hope you know the definition of a doctrine, not dogma.
      Secondly, the apostles of Christ were Priests, and whether or not they received the Holy Eucharist on their tongues/hands, they could be allowed to do so.
      Thirdly, observe that these people whom you quoted were born in a very early period according to history, and some things needed to be straightened out, which was why Catholic Church Councils started.
      In my opinion, from their dates of birth, it was not as if they knew the truth about reception of Holy Communion and refused to follow. Church Councils came up and addressed this matter. Here are the following:
      Statements from Popes, Saints and Church Councils:
      St. Sixtus 1 (circa 115): "The Sacred Vessels are not to be handled by others than those consecrated to the Lord."
      St. Basil the Great, Doctor of the Church (330-379): "The right to receive Holy Communion in the hand is permitted only in times of persecution." St. Basil the Great considered Communion in the hand so irregular that he did not hesitate to consider it a grave fault.
      (Note that these Saints you made reference to could probably have been unable to hear about this teaching of St. Basil because it wasn't a council but evidently one man's teaching from a probable distant place, possibly without means to disperse it)
      The Council of Saragossa (380): Excommunicated anyone who dared continue receiving Holy Communion by hand. This was confirmed by the Synod of Toledo.
      The Synod of Rouen (650): Condemned Communion in the hand to halt widespread abuses that occurred from this practice, and as a safeguard against sacrilege.
      6th Ecumenical Council, at Constantinople (680-681): Forbade the faithful to take the Sacred Host in their hand,
      threatening transgressors with excommunication.
      St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274): "Out of reverence towards this Sacrament [the Holy Eucharist], nothing touches it, but what is consecrated; hence the corporal and the chalice are consecrated, and likewise the priest's hands, for touching this Sacrament." (Summa Theologica, Part III, Q. 82, Art. 3, Rep. Obj. 8.)
      The Council of Trent (1545-1565): "The fact that only the priest gives Holy Communion with his consecrated hands is an Apostolic Tradition."
      Pope Paul VI (1963-1978): "This method [on the tongue] must be retained." (Memoriale Domini)
      Pope John Paul II: "To touch the sacred species and to distribute them with their own hands is a privilege of the ordained." (Dominicae Cenae, 11)
      Still think it's not a doctrine?

  • @amelia2710
    @amelia2710 Рік тому +38

    Notice that (on camera) he was the only one kneeling while receiving. I think it was the combo, because many others received on the tongue. This is how I take communion while going to NO masses, and it has happened to me too with some priests.

  • @tonytony7315
    @tonytony7315 Рік тому +15

    Note that further up the line other priests were offering communion on the tongue,
    there may be more to the story than what the video shows.

    • @b.komskaikru
      @b.komskaikru 7 місяців тому

      Doesn't delete what this priest did.

    • @karlheven8328
      @karlheven8328 7 місяців тому

      ​​@@b.komskaikruIt looks like the person was acting weird as if he was trying to catch it out of the hand of the priest. ? ?

    • @b.komskaikru
      @b.komskaikru 7 місяців тому +1

      @@karlheven8328 Yes. Cause he didn't give it to him

    • @AS-yz2iz
      @AS-yz2iz 7 місяців тому


    • @AS-yz2iz
      @AS-yz2iz 7 місяців тому

      ​@b.komskaikru There are legitimate reasons why a person can, and should, be denied Holy Communion.

  • @poppyde7314
    @poppyde7314 Рік тому +56

    Outrageous! I watched it live and was shocked he was denied the Lord!

    • @aaronterris3222
      @aaronterris3222 Рік тому +1

      The consecrated host may be received either on the tongue or in the hand, at the discretion of each communicant. . . . The priest raises the host slightly and shows it to each, saying, Corpus Christi (the body of Christ). The communicant replies Amen and receives the sacrament either on the tongue or, where this is allowed and if the communicant so chooses, in the hand. (160-161 General Instruction of the Roman Mass)

    • @thebeliever8561
      @thebeliever8561 Рік тому +3

      Obviously, as seen in the video, he is not ready to receive the Lord.
      The priest recognized it early enough.

    • @_sonicfive
      @_sonicfive Рік тому

      What do you mean the Lord?
      Where are you getting that from. ?

    • @pauljomento8357
      @pauljomento8357 Рік тому

      @@_sonicfive I don't understand either. It's a piece of bread, not the gospel.

    • @Wilantonjakov
      @Wilantonjakov Рік тому +2

      John 6: Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen I say unto you: Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you.
      Matthew 26:26: And whilst they were at supper, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and broke: and gave to his disciples, and said: Take ye, and eat. This is my body.
      Luke 22:17: And taking bread, he gave thanks, and brake; and gave to them, saying: This is my body, which is given for you. Do this for a commemoration of me.
      In like manner the chalice also, after he had supped, saying: This is the chalice, the new testament in my blood, which shall be shed for you.
      Our Lord did not state "This is a symbol of...", actually he made it very clear, and so it is clear throughout Holy Scripture, that the Eucharist is not symbolic but literal.

  • @benedictchinweuba5820
    @benedictchinweuba5820 Рік тому +65

    I saw that live and I felt horrible for that man. I wanted to scream at this priest! So, so wrong for that priest to deny the man communion like that.
    That is not something the late Pope Benedict would have wanted!

    • @benedictchinweuba5820
      @benedictchinweuba5820 Рік тому +10

      @Preborn Pope If this is what you really think about people kneeling to receive our Eucharistic Lord, then SHAME ON YOU!

    • @ilcondottierocartografo6770
      @ilcondottierocartografo6770 Рік тому +1

      @Preborn Pope What on earth are you on about, this is heretical

    • @No-nj3oq
      @No-nj3oq Рік тому +1

      If you bothered to read the Fathers on the Eucharist (most 'trad' virtue signallers online don't read anything at all) you would know reception on the hand in the first 8 centuries of the Church was accepted and never looked down upon as 'inferior' to recieving on the tongue.
      It is acceptable to think communing on the Tongue is the better praxis, but it is heretical to condemn the Fathers of the first 8 centuries and say communing on the hand is heresy... but of course, trad virtue signallers don't actually care what the Church says.

    • @ilcondottierocartografo6770
      @ilcondottierocartografo6770 Рік тому +2

      @@No-nj3oq Okay, and? I already know. I'm replying to this heretic that is saying communing on the mouth and kneeling is offensive to God, and saying that the Saints are not canonized because of that, that's just absurd, why don't you reply to that person instead?

    • @taraelizabethdensley9475
      @taraelizabethdensley9475 Рік тому +2

      I'm not a Christian, but even i felt sad for that man, shame on that priest

  • @waleska1963
    @waleska1963 Рік тому +4

    I had moved to another city so I was in search for a Catholic Church. I visited one and it really didn’t put that fire in me for me to continue going. So I visited another and I loved it. It was a beautiful church I loved the priests everyone was to themselves but friendly BUT I wear my church veil and I was getting funny looks I felt uncomfortable there PLUS they have Eucharist minister’s distributing it and I didn’t feel comfortable receiving from them. Even if I have to wait an hour to receive from the priest I would and not to mention they place the Eucharist on the hand and standing 🤦‍♀️ SO I found a very humble church where I wear my veil every time like a lot of the woman that worship there plus the priest administers the Eucharist to us kneeling and on the tongue with a young man holding a gold plate underneath our mouth just in case it falls. I’m very old school and this is how it was when I was a little girl. I love my new church Mary Queen of Peace. God bless you all!

  • @qwer8907
    @qwer8907 Рік тому +10

    happened on holidays around 8 yrs ago i told the priest shame on him and looked him straight in the eye i got communion on the tongue from another priest i made it my business to report that evil priest after mass i was never back down to these evil men

    • @sotiriosnovatsis4529
      @sotiriosnovatsis4529 Рік тому +1

      That’s not what I would call “evil”. Refusing someone communion for a silly reason is in very poor taste and should be rectified, but that is not evil. Murder, rape, burning down someone’s home, stealing their life’s savings…those are examples of evil.

    • @qwer8907
      @qwer8907 Рік тому +2

      @@sotiriosnovatsis4529 been denied Holy Communion the body of Christ by a man who took vows to become a priest maybe u were never denied holy communion by a priest or do not care

    • @JohnWalterGates
      @JohnWalterGates Місяць тому

      @@sotiriosnovatsis4529 Look, as far as I know, only public mortal sinners are denied communion.

  • @cezart.1883
    @cezart.1883 Рік тому +3

    This “priest” should be ashamed of himself…

  • @xtreme_survival7879
    @xtreme_survival7879 Рік тому +6

    That is disgusting! A man has the reverence and decency to go on his knees to receive our Lord on the tongue as opposed to his dirty hands and that so-called Priest denied him! What an evil man that is not worth being called a Priest. God Bless the man... DUES VULT!!!

    • @jimmycarrollgodblesspoland5521
      @jimmycarrollgodblesspoland5521 Рік тому +2

      I dont believe those Priests believe that they are giving to the faithful the Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we must pray for them

    • @mariorizkallah5383
      @mariorizkallah5383 Рік тому

      @@jimmycarrollgodblesspoland5521 they actually arent which is sad. They only give the faithful the body and not the blood. As per the council of trent it is anathema for the laity to receive the body and blood. Going against Christ’s teaching.

  • @aaronblackbeard2356
    @aaronblackbeard2356 Рік тому +3

    Catholics should come out and condemn this act

  • @deepapv1374
    @deepapv1374 Рік тому +1

    Obey the Church and the Priest who is under the Catholic Church.
    "Disobedience" was the first sin done by Mankind. If you don't obey the Priest, it means you are against Jesus who himself is the Eternal Priest.
    Obedience is what Jesus Christ expected from the lay man.
    How disappointed the Priest would have felt, only Jesus know the heart of this Priest.
    He rejected Jesus, Priest was ready and Jesus was ready..
    In earlier Church, when Holy Communion was not in this present form people received through their hands..
    Obey!! Obey... !!! Obey the Catholic Church and it's rules, it will be for Good.

  • @yoyo8303
    @yoyo8303 17 днів тому

    No man should bow down in front of another. We are human sinners

  • @annafarago2271
    @annafarago2271 Рік тому +4

    Heartbreaking to see. Thank goodness our parish give communion on the tongue, if the person wishes, whether receiving it kneeling or standing. In fact our parish priest once stated, we should be kneeling when receiving the Body of Christ.

  • @rainai8202
    @rainai8202 Рік тому +2


  • @alessandrocendamo462
    @alessandrocendamo462 Рік тому +2

    He asked him to take in to the hand and the guy refused.
    The priest called him back but the guy went away
    If you think you can only receive the communion the way you wanted or instead is better to run away that's your fault. Your sin of pride evidencing itself. He wasn't denied the communion, he refused it.

    • @octans8
      @octans8 7 місяців тому +1

      "Each of the faithful always has the right to receive Holy Communion on the tongue." Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum, 92.

  • @Piter_Play
    @Piter_Play Рік тому +3

    Same thing happened to me in 2021 when I went to the franciscans for the Mass. And the priest said after the Communion, that they deliver Body of Christ only on hand, and if somebody wants to receive on tongue they invite them to sacristy after mass...

    • @Fasolislithuan
      @Fasolislithuan Рік тому +1

      That's hypocrisy. If is allowed in the mouth why hiding it?

  • @macardenas2954
    @macardenas2954 Рік тому +6

    this was so sad to watch! praying for this priest he needs our prayers. Poor thing.

  • @CJohn33
    @CJohn33 Рік тому +1

    He got a blessing and did not even know it.

    • @CJohn33
      @CJohn33 Рік тому +1

      Only the Orthodox have the body and blood of Christ.

  • @plinadasilva351
    @plinadasilva351 Рік тому +23

    So heart breaking - would've happened to me too. 😥💔🙏

    • @nordoh5696
      @nordoh5696 Рік тому

      not to me as I am bold in the faith and if you are trying to save your soul say it and say you are trying to save his too. We must push onward and forward.

  • @antinorum9820
    @antinorum9820 Рік тому +2

    This Is the result of the leading of Bergoglio.

  • @ritaking8827
    @ritaking8827 Рік тому +31


  • @Joss1245
    @Joss1245 Рік тому +4

    I think the problem here is that he knelt?

  • @MyImmaculateQueen
    @MyImmaculateQueen Рік тому +4

    The hirelings like to punish any show of reverence for Jesus truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. I've noticed the laity have more reverence than the priests, monks and nuns.

  • @michellea9857
    @michellea9857 Рік тому +5

    Does anyone know the name of the priest? Even if nothing is done it would be good to make our complaints known to him.

    • @AS-yz2iz
      @AS-yz2iz 7 місяців тому

      Complaints about what?

  • @clockwatch5222
    @clockwatch5222 Рік тому +3

    I was once publicly humiliated by a Priest at Knock Shrine for kneeling to receive the Holy Host on the tongue.
    I didn't get to receive Jesus. I left in tears.
    I've since kept my back up Spiritual Communion for times I'm not allowed to receive the Holy Eucharist on the tongue.
    Sad, but this is the times we're in.

    • @am3986
      @am3986 Рік тому

      Give up your PRIDE as that means nothing. Receiving communion should take precedence than that. Get over yourself! All these distractions and mind games serve only the great deceiver who is having a ball with this. There are sanitary and health protocols which must be followed no matter how holy you think you are.

    • @littleblue995
      @littleblue995 Рік тому +1

      That's terrible, i'm sorry to hear it. Can I ask when that was? Ireland is under so much darkness right now.

    • @clockwatch5222
      @clockwatch5222 Рік тому +1

      @@littleblue995 Thanks for the support. That happened almost 10 years ago.
      During the Pandemic we were not allowed to attend any Church. They were locked here in the West of Ireland. One Church in Athlone, which does Latin Mass, was raided by the Irish police, because it dared to open its doors for confession and Mass.
      I have recently gone back to Knock Shrine, which I love as Our Blessed Virgin Mary appeared there. I can now get confession and receive on the tongue, kneeling down. So far no Priest has stopped me. That's a big win .
      Pray for Ireland. All is not lost. God bless. 🍀🇮🇪🍀

    • @littleblue995
      @littleblue995 Рік тому +1

      @@clockwatch5222 thanks for letting me know. I’m actually Irish myself, but I don’t remember the pandemic from ten years ago. That being said, I didn’t know the Lord Jesus back then either so I wasn’t practicing my faith. But He has lifted me out from the mire since. God is good. He’s looking after you too! Take care

  • @johnbradley1528
    @johnbradley1528 Рік тому +5

    I did notice the priest further up who gave a man communion on the tongue while standing.

    • @thecatholicman
      @thecatholicman  Рік тому +1

      I saw that, its in the video.

    • @johnbradley1528
      @johnbradley1528 Рік тому +2

      It’s just that one man who is singled out for kneeling. Perhaps it comes at the discretion of the Priest how someone receives communion.

    • @cathka3429
      @cathka3429 Рік тому

      Creating a mountain out of a something you can't prove.... By the way receiving communion on the tongue is permitted again, therefor the priest is to be asked

    • @cathka3429
      @cathka3429 Рік тому

      Why do we search for the errors so much

    • @geraldineparker883
      @geraldineparker883 Рік тому

      i have never been refused holy commion

  • @mystical_dog0315
    @mystical_dog0315 Рік тому

    The body of Christ is food for the sick, not a reward for the righteous alone.

  • @Simply_Sadie
    @Simply_Sadie Рік тому

    I wouldn't assume that he was refused because he was kneeling. I've never been turned away for kneeling. Words were exchanged. The Priest may have asked him if he was Catholic and he wasn't. It saddens me to see so much judgment in this comment section. In this case, I trust the Priest's judgment. Peace be with you.

  • @laurieottman6905
    @laurieottman6905 Рік тому

    Oh, But vengeance is “MINE” says the Lord! A gentleman is not only denied the right to receive the Holy EUCHARIST the Way it’s meant to be Received but, on top of that, he is humiliated for trying to follow through with God’s will! But, it’s ok for pedophiles to be hiding behind Vestments right, No, “WRONG!!!” Unbelievable! Not to mention “SACRILEGIOUS!!!” May the Lord have Mercy on all your Souls when your time comes!!!

  • @ronaldtrunk7944
    @ronaldtrunk7944 Рік тому +1

    i wonder if the man has to go to confession to confess that he kneeled

  • @frankianthony155
    @frankianthony155 Рік тому +1

    A Priest cannot deny the Eucharist on the tongue. That Priest is wrong and now needs to go to confession 😠

  • @PrezidentHughes
    @PrezidentHughes Рік тому +3

    He nearly bit the priest's hand off! 😧

    • @millamaya
      @millamaya Рік тому

      That's what the priest deserves. He is sinning by giving Jesus in the hands to people. Jesus should only be received on the tongue and kneeling down.

    • @Hat-Kid
      @Hat-Kid 10 місяців тому

      @@millamaya what? I've gotten in my hands my entire life. They said that was okay.

  • @beeg1229
    @beeg1229 Рік тому

    Dirty hands recieving our lord 😠. How dare he refuse in the tongue .

  • @djmotise
    @djmotise Рік тому

    That is one of the sickest things I've ever seen. Imagine. He looked very devout too. Removed his hat, knelt down and prepared to receive on the tongue, which is completely normal and ubiquitous. Why on earth did the priest do that? Evil.

  • @chaoflaka8132
    @chaoflaka8132 Рік тому +1

    So being raised in the Catholic Church, I know that Catholics have the choice to either take the communion or politely deny it when approaching the priest. The people who don’t want to have communion would instead place both their hands in the center of the chest when approaching to let the priest know that they don’t want (or is yet to receive if they haven’t had the first communion ceremony) to receive communion, wanting to be blessed instead.
    The priest would bless them by placing his hand on their head and then they can go back to their seat.
    Although here, I have no exact clue what this guy was doing, but I don’t that’s the appropriate way to deny communion.

    • @TriremeBoy
      @TriremeBoy Рік тому

      Traditionally speeking its an offence to God to get the communion by hands. Only the priest are allowed to held it

  • @crispminer
    @crispminer Рік тому


  • @MysteryMan2U
    @MysteryMan2U Рік тому +5

    Not only did the priest refuse the Holy Eucharist to one in Holy reverence, he slapped the man’s face with it. Did this priest to appear to be reverent when handling our Lord and Savior?

    • @janetyoung536
      @janetyoung536 Рік тому

      the whole Vatican II mess just did not happen in a vaccum in 1962. The ground work was layed futher back in the late 1900's through the 20' until 1962 when till all columinated in the signing and implamentation of the documents and the wheels hit the road in the mide 60s until the 1980s. Little by little using the boiled frog method.

    • @martamariotto1181
      @martamariotto1181 Рік тому +1

      He's handling a piece of starch. Wake the hell out of that SPELL you are in!

    • @dumbfatguy1911
      @dumbfatguy1911 Рік тому +2

      @@martamariotto1181 “And as they were eating, he took bread, and blessed, and broke it, and gave it to them, and said, 'Take; this is my body. ' And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, and they all drank of it. And he said to them, 'This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many'.”
      On top of this, all of the apostles administered Eucharist teaching that it was indeed the Lord. Why do Protestants, who came 1500 years after the apostles spread the Word of Christ, think they know the truth?

  • @Kitiwake
    @Kitiwake Рік тому

    He wasn't refused. The priest saw something wrong and hesitated.
    The man tried to bite the holy eucharist out of the priests hand.
    How sacrilegious.
    He was probably not even a Catholic.

  • @luisramrod9121
    @luisramrod9121 Рік тому

    This is why I left the faith.

    • @amyschlegel1180
      @amyschlegel1180 5 місяців тому +1

      Terrible reason! You threw with most precious thing you will ever have!

  • @Tyr-not-mars
    @Tyr-not-mars 7 місяців тому

    "Ad Ore" ( Latin : to mean of the mouth) from which comes the word " adoration"

  • @preciousiheanachor6709
    @preciousiheanachor6709 Рік тому

    Please as Christians we shouldn't argue.
    The man wasn't denied Our Lord, he personally refused to take Our Lord in his hand.
    It would have been best to communicate with the priest that you won't like to take the communion in your hand than just leave or try to force them.
    We must understand that these priests don't act on their own accord. They have been instructed to do so and won't like to disobey their superior.
    I always love to receive the Lord in my tongue but if a priest offers it in my hand, I'll politely refuse and leave than force him.
    May the peace of the Lord be with you all.

  • @GardenerTobak
    @GardenerTobak Рік тому

    If we kneel before the Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament, when He is placed before us for Adoration - where we cannot even touch Him, in such a Sacred space - why WOULDN'T we want to kneel before the Lord when we receive Him in the Most Holy Eucharist? This is the SAME Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is truly Present in the Eucharist... and this is the True Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ... and I personally feel I MUST kneel before Him, to receive Him, just as I would rightly kneel before Him in prayer, for Adoration.
    We should always be respectful and kind when bringing this up... but it is definitely worth posing this very question, especially with priests, in the hope of opening a dialogue which will cause others to really give thought to this. It is highly appropriate that we should ALWAYS kneel before the True Presence of the Lord.

  • @cimmerian7130
    @cimmerian7130 4 місяці тому

    Shameful, diabolical contempt of the Eucharist, Christ's sheep, and canon law.

  • @johannachristinaodriscoll4236
    @johannachristinaodriscoll4236 Рік тому +5

    This is a disgrace. This Priest should be reprimanded for such a disrespectful attitude. We don’t need a person like him giving the most Precious Body Blood Soul and Divinity Of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Faithful Catholics. Viva Cristo Rey

  • @jceezee1084
    @jceezee1084 Рік тому +1

    This is an abomination. It is utterly sacrilegious. These people have been standing all day, walking around, touching barriers, the ground, using portable toilets, etc. To demand that they touch the body of Christ with their hands is simply blasphemous. I commend the man for not accepting communion in the hand and walking away. Unlike many of the priests, nuns, etc that same day, people who should know better and set an example.

  • @ck3311
    @ck3311 Рік тому

    You should listen to Don Minutella of Radio Domina Nostra. He is an Italian priest who was excommunicated by Pope Francis for opposing the 'modern' version of the Catholic mass. Please listen to his sermons ✝🙏🏻❤ !

  • @caw7007
    @caw7007 Рік тому

    Unbelievable. What has happened to holy men and women??

  • @danielconte1547
    @danielconte1547 Рік тому

    I understand the desire to show respect for the Eucharist, but I don't think trying to bite it out of the priest's hand is more respectful than receiving in the hand.

  • @Robertabuzek
    @Robertabuzek 4 місяці тому +1

    Szatan zadomowił się w watykanie

  • @jmdsservantofgod8405
    @jmdsservantofgod8405 Рік тому +1

    Jesus is the Way……. he rubbed mud on the eyes of a man he would give sight to…..Oh no Jesus! Not Mud!

  • @ArmenChakmakian
    @ArmenChakmakian Рік тому

    Would it be wrong to call that priest a sacrilegious fool?

  • @sunshinemajaw6499
    @sunshinemajaw6499 Рік тому

    Your heart first.

  • @CatholicEvangelism
    @CatholicEvangelism Рік тому +2

    Spread the Gospel, Jesus loves you ❤️

  • @alexandrosmiki
    @alexandrosmiki Рік тому +1

    În Orthodox church u recive blood and body of Christ direct în your mouth from the potir.

  • @hatedphrase7937
    @hatedphrase7937 Рік тому

    That man didnt say "Amen" when the priest said "The Body of Christ".
    Look at the expression of the priest and the movement of his mouth.

  • @kasimirokaz3775
    @kasimirokaz3775 Рік тому

    To the back of the line he goes as he didn't have his fast pass.

  • @MatthewThomas-ye1ei
    @MatthewThomas-ye1ei 3 місяці тому

    you can see plenty of people receive on the tongue behind him. Maybe this man did something else unusual that made the priest hesitate? It all happened fast and the priest looked confused about whatever happened.

  • @christiane934
    @christiane934 Рік тому +1

    Why did the priest this? I can not understand. I this a new rule of the vatican? Or only a personal opinion of this poor priest. Really sad.

  • @johnhiggins1542
    @johnhiggins1542 Рік тому

    The church has lost its way in so many ways....

  • @laurieottman6905
    @laurieottman6905 Рік тому

    And, it “IS” a Mortal “SIN” to “RECEIVE” the Holy “EUCHARIST” in one’s “HANDS” thus Says the Lord!

  • @danguard8543
    @danguard8543 Рік тому

    What are the chances this man was Excommunicated or not in Communion with Rome?

  • @ayabongajiyane6382
    @ayabongajiyane6382 Рік тому +3

    This is just so heartbreaking and disheartening 💔😭
    That priest is an agent of Satan ‼️
    All the man ever done was to show respect and reverence for our blessed lord 😢
    The priest enjoys it when people hold our blessed lord with their unclean hands 🤔

    • @andrewcarey5359
      @andrewcarey5359 Рік тому

      Agree. That priest has no rights to refuse that man Communion.

    • @sotiriosnovatsis4529
      @sotiriosnovatsis4529 Рік тому +2

      @@andrewcarey5359 I agree with that, but that does not make the priest an “agent of Satan”.

    • @andrewcarey5359
      @andrewcarey5359 Рік тому

      @@sotiriosnovatsis4529 yup got that right. No reason to refuse someone to give them communion only time they can do that is if they’re a democratic supporter.

  • @michaeledwards1172
    @michaeledwards1172 Рік тому

    Maybe I'm looking for the wrong thing - but where in this video is someone denied Communion? I noticed one or two early on had the priest place it directly into their mouth, and then several people in a queue had it placed into their hands - but I didn't see anyone denied.
    I'm not a Catholic, so I don't know the rules - but are there times when it is proper for a priest to deny someone Communion?

  • @benmarleor
    @benmarleor Рік тому

    Communion by the hand is a trick by the devil. He will do anything to lessen the glory and majesty of Christ.

  • @christophan1
    @christophan1 Рік тому +1

    Moi aussi j'ai voulu communier par la bouche, un prêtre m’a dit " non" alors je me suis dit l'essentiel est de recevoir le corps du Christ ; après qu'importe que ce soit par la bouche ou dans les mains ... on ne peut pas y prêter plus d'importance que le Christ - la paix soit entre nous, pas la guerre

  • @sherlockholmes2591
    @sherlockholmes2591 6 місяців тому

    All the Protestants thinking we are simply entitled to the Eucharist. You love your Bible, I strongly suggest reading Psalm 51 v16-17 again. The Eucharist is a sacrament. A sacrament requires a personal sacrifice and only a priest can do that not a Pasteur.

  • @tazziiiee
    @tazziiiee Рік тому

    I don't understand what happened? Were they denied the eucharistic because they were homeless, or were they denied it because they kneeled instead of receiving it standing?

    • @vincent_trento
      @vincent_trento Рік тому

      Only in hands. Satan triumph.

    • @tazziiiee
      @tazziiiee Рік тому

      @@vincent_trento why so??

    • @vincent_trento
      @vincent_trento Рік тому

      @@tazziiiee The Eucharist was always in the mouth, due to respect for God. The Eucharist in the hand is disrespectful to God. Satan is happy.

  • @Yestopeace365
    @Yestopeace365 Рік тому

    Anyone who has received communion knows how to receive it with Humility and Grace. This person looked like he quickly tried to bite the host or priest's hand from above, not receive from below where the Priest places it on your tongue after saying "Amen." If he truly wanted to receive and was even faking being Catholic, he could have observed others or stayed to receive as we are taught. The Priest could tell in an instance.

  • @brandonbeacham86
    @brandonbeacham86 Рік тому

    I'm not Catholic. They won't let me receive communion. Not offended.

  • @TheINFJChannel
    @TheINFJChannel Рік тому

    K this is how I saw it. The priests are placing the sacrament into the hands not directly into the mouth. The guy who was "denied" tried to slop it out of the priests hand so the priest instinctively pulled back like we all would. Then the guy got embarrassed and left. That's it. That's all that happened. Y'all reaching too far on this one.

  • @nickkiely7098
    @nickkiely7098 Рік тому +2

    Also happened to me on the feast of the immaculate conception. St ignatius stampford Hill London. So disappointing as elderly jesuit priest from the old school, waited until last going up.

  • @grainneconroy2193
    @grainneconroy2193 Рік тому

    One receives Holy Communion. The man appears to reach forward and attempt to take the Sacred Host. It is then the priests reacts.

    • @charliegeorge.
      @charliegeorge. Рік тому

      Maybe the priest had told him only in the hand which forced his reaction?

  • @menofvirtue6238
    @menofvirtue6238 Рік тому

    I know I may get attacked for this but the truth must be said. This is why I don't belong to novous ordo church, I belong to the Catholic church.

  • @Yourhealthandspirtiualguide
    @Yourhealthandspirtiualguide 3 місяці тому

    Why the catholics do not explaine, why they denied to receive the holy eucharist while knelling?

  • @som2479
    @som2479 Рік тому +2

    He knelt! Will they ever learn?

  • @NikolasFilice
    @NikolasFilice Рік тому

    was not denied. - the man rejected Christ as the priest tried to give Christ to the man. please remember that what we receive (christ) is more important then haw we receive him. for that moment the man could have received christ in the different posture.

  • @luisvaldez1955
    @luisvaldez1955 Рік тому +2

    that was not a denial at all. Priest asked for him to receive it in his hands, the follower, denied. Many people in the comments condemning the priest, but it is not up to us to decide how we are going to receive Jesus, it is horrible he left the priest and the Eucharist behind when he didn't get his way.

    • @vymell2379
      @vymell2379 7 місяців тому

      Your father comes to visit your house. You go to greet him with a handshake or a hug or whatever and welcome him into the house respectfully, but your uncle steps in front of you and says ''Hold on, fella! Sit down and make no eye contact with your dad, and when he says hello make sure you just nod your head in his general direction. So, you know, acknowledge him... but make sure he knows it's not respectful''.
      Of course, you're going to say 'well, it's not up to me to decide how to greet my father or whether I should give him any courtesy'. Of course.
      What absolute nonsense 😂😂😂
      Sorry for laughing, but really, your comment is so silly to me.
      Also, I just realised you're a genius. That's the perfect cop out for basically any bad behaviour....'welp it's not up to me how I'm going to behave'. A toddler can work out the philosophical gaps in that one 🤭

  • @calypsowarrior9226
    @calypsowarrior9226 8 місяців тому

    What a disgusting abuse of power

  • @fosterparent7477
    @fosterparent7477 Рік тому +14

    If anyone needs an example how we can be fooled into disrespecting God on a massive scale, taking Him in the hand is it.

    • @maureensullivan8898
      @maureensullivan8898 Рік тому +2


    • @林柔安-w9j
      @林柔安-w9j Рік тому +1


    • @fosterparent7477
      @fosterparent7477 Рік тому +1

      @prebornpope just doing my part to point this out. Sorry for hitting a nerve with you.

    • @fosterparent7477
      @fosterparent7477 Рік тому

      @prebornpope I never said anything about hating anyone. That’s your problem.

    • @No-nj3oq
      @No-nj3oq Рік тому +3

      I guess St Augustine is disrespecting God on a massive scale? He says this in Book 2, Chapter 23, Article 53 of his work "Answering Petilian the Donatist," which is available for free online on New Advent.
      "To this we may add, that I refer to a man who lived with you, *whose birthday you were wont to celebrate with such large assemblies, with whom you joined in the kiss of peace in the sacraments, in whose hands you placed the Eucharist, to whom in turn you extended your hands to receive it from his ministering,* whose ears, when they were deaf amid the groanings of all Africa, you dared not offend by free speech; for paying to whom, even indirectly, a most witty compliment, by saying that in the Count he had a god for his companion, some one of your party was extolled to the skies."
      Maybe read the Fathers before you start condemning others of disrespecting God? Traditional virtue signallers have no place in the Church. If you actually care about Church Tradition, read it.

  • @pantasdiwa1622
    @pantasdiwa1622 Рік тому

    He was not denied, the priest was about to give him the host but the man insisted that it be fed to him instead of receiving it in his hands. The man walked away. The priest actually looks stunned that the man would rather walk away than receive the body with his hands

    • @thecatholicman
      @thecatholicman  Рік тому +2

      Because reception on the tongue is the norm of the Roman Rite. It’s not the exception, it’s the norm

    • @pantasdiwa1622
      @pantasdiwa1622 Рік тому +3

      And that's enough reason to refuse the body of Christ? It may not be the norm but it's still a valid way of receiving. His refusal then is more about pride rather than about norms.

    • @AxeKiller6754
      @AxeKiller6754 11 місяців тому

      Was he Polish???

  • @__seeker__
    @__seeker__ Рік тому

    I don’t get it. Why didn’t that priest give him the sacrament? (I’m not a Catholic).

  • @finncollins5696
    @finncollins5696 Рік тому

    that's why our Lady in Fatima asked specially to pray for the priests.....

  • @Roybwatchin
    @Roybwatchin 8 місяців тому +1

    Dude went after that wafer like a cat chasing a mouse. Dayuum

  • @lesolei65
    @lesolei65 Рік тому +3

    In the Church where I am going to attend the Sunday Mass, every one is taking the Communion on the hand. Sometimes I am afraid to take the communion but I'm thankful that until now it didn't happen to me. But my question, what should I do if the Priest will not allow me to take the communion on the tounge? What should I do?

    • @林柔安-w9j
      @林柔安-w9j Рік тому +6

      Talk to the priest before the Mass to explain your belief that only consecrated hands can touch the Sacred Host. Before going, pray the Magnificat.

    • @lesolei65
      @lesolei65 Рік тому

      @@林柔安-w9j Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.

    • @lesolei65
      @lesolei65 Рік тому

      @Hold Fast Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it

    • @ThomasPrior-wv6zn
      @ThomasPrior-wv6zn Рік тому


    • @maz3215
      @maz3215 Рік тому

      Have you thought about seeing if there are any traditional latin masses being said in your diocese? That's what I go to & everyone there takes communion on the tongue while kneeling.

  • @juliantotriwijaya9208
    @juliantotriwijaya9208 10 місяців тому

    I'm not a catholic, so the weirdest thing to me is the fact all of them in some way ate it right away instead of holding on to it/wait to break it and eat it together with a tiny cup of wine. I guess giving thousands of people wine was asking too much so everyone just eat it on the spot?
    Edit: I just rewatch it and none of them break even the bread in two. It's like the whole bread breaking during group prayer and wine drinking just got skiped.

    • @PallasAthene12
      @PallasAthene12 9 місяців тому

      Normally in mass, the priest does a symbolic break breaking and wine drinking at the altar before they distribute it to the congregation. The congregation participates in the prayers for that to it's done 'together'. Then the priest will hand out the communion to each person with the words 'the body/blood of christ' and they eat/drink it straight away. Then the mass continues afterwards.

  • @tigercortez6318
    @tigercortez6318 Рік тому

    How their he try to receive communion on his knees with faith respect and adoration like if he was receiving god!

  • @virgilcain6139
    @virgilcain6139 Рік тому


  • @lessthandust
    @lessthandust Рік тому

    we orthodox christians dont have this kind of problems with holy communion

  • @RealBobEvans
    @RealBobEvans Рік тому

    How do you reconcile having to take sacraments for salvation when the Holy Bible plainly teaches that we are saved by grace through faith alone apart from any works of our own?
    “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” - Ephesians 2:8-9
    “He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.” - 1 John 5:12-13
    In John 6, the Lord Jesus Christ is contrasting physical bread with spiritual bread. He says “Your fathers did eat manna (physical bread) in the wilderness, and are dead. This is the bread which cometh down from heaven (spiritual bread), that a man may eat thereof, and not die.” Eating the Eucharist (physical bread) does not save you. Only receiving Jesus Christ (spiritual bread) by faith as your Saviour saves you (John 1:12-13). Jesus goes on to say “It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life” (John 6:63). Jesus says he is speaking about the spiritual words, not about some fleshy piece of bread that you have to keep eating repeatedly.
    This is the same concept we find in John 4 when Jesus talks about living water. Jesus tells the woman at the well “Whosoever drinketh of this water (physical water) shall thirst again: But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him (spiritual water) shall never thirst” (John 4:13-14).
    Again, in John 10:9 Jesus says “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” This does not mean that Jesus Christ is a literal, physical door. This means that he is the spiritual doorway to Heaven. Believe on him and be saved.
    “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” - John 3:36
    “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” - Romans 10:13

  • @byzantinephilosopher
    @byzantinephilosopher Рік тому

    In the Orthodox Church it is an honour to receive Communion while kneeling. To handle the Body of the Lord while not being a Priest, Bishop, or other clergyman is blasphemy.

  • @dellachiesa8035
    @dellachiesa8035 Рік тому

    Great that you've brought it. I saw it and was really shocked but of course we know it's coz he wanted to receive Our Lord reverently on his knees and on the tongue. I'm sure Pope Benedict XVI was very sad. Especially because he encouraged receiving on the tongue and reverence for the Eucharist.