Renegade, do you think having power and avoiding the reactionaries and inactive f8rces in the interim, a good portion required for the people could be done.
Alula, dormant, power is instrument, to suppress the public like Getachew and Tsadekan group or on the Democrat side power for public service and welfare development
Alula, where is the fundraising money that was collected before the war against Tigrai? It was half million dollars you collected. You are the enemy of Tigrai than fascist Aby Ahmed
What an articulated & great performance from Alula.
Keep it up.
*ተጋሩ ዕንተ ለቢሞም ናይ ውሽጢ ጸገሞም አወንዚፎም ሓድነት ክገብሩ አሎዎም *
** ምስ መንግስቲ ኢትዮጲያን ዐብይን ጊዜያዊ ሰላም ምግባር ናይ ግድን'ዩ
** ተጋሩ ናይ ግድን ምስ ደላይ ፍትሒ ኤርትራውያን ( ብርጌድ ንሓመዱ ) ብሓባር ናይ ምትሕግጋዝ ክገብሩ አለዎም ነዚ ዲክታቶር ሸይጣን አዲ ሓሎ ንምጭፍላቅ ።
** ተጋሩ ሎሚ 🇪🇷 ዕንተሃጊዝኩም - ንህና ውን ደጀን ንኾነኩም ጽባሕ ውን መሓገዝናኩም ።
** ካልዕ ኣማራጺ ንክሌቴና የሎን **✅✅✅
Agree 👍
agree with you 👍💛❤️💙💙💪
Alula l am agree with you 👌❤️💛💊💪💙💙
Now he is paid 65000 birr monthly from Getachew
ኣሉላ ሓሳዊ ቅድሚ ኩናት ትግራይ ምጅምባሩ ፕሮፖጋንዳ ክነፍሕ ከሎ ኩናት ንህዝቢ ትግራይ ባህላዊ ጸወታ ዩ ይብል ኔሩ:: ሕጂ ክኣ ሕብሩ ይቕይር ኣሎ ድሮ ተሰጉጉ ዩ ካብ ነት ወትክ ሕዉሓት
Bravo tedie hawena
አዝዩ መሳጢ መግለጺ የቐንየልና አሉላ
ገና ህወሓት እማ ምስ ህዝባ ኾይና ታሪኽ ሰሪሓ መሰስ ከምትብል ምንም ጥርጥር የብልናን ከምኒ አሉላ ዝበሉ ሰብ ክልተ መልሓስ ግን ታሪኩም ታሪኽ ከልቢ ኾይኑ ከምዝነብር ንምርአይ የብቃዓና
ቺዲ ሓተላ ኣሊላ እዩ ታሪክ ዝሰሪሓ ዘሎ እንበር ህውሓት ከም ሑሩፁ ተበቲነዊሊ ኮ እሉኩም ጎይታኩም ካብ መንእስይ ወሎዶ ወፂኡ ካብ ልበ ህዝቢ ተነቃሉ እዩ
Renegade, do you think having power and avoiding the reactionaries and inactive f8rces in the interim, a good portion required for the people could be done.
ወላ ኳ ኣብዚ ሕጂ እዋን ክውን ንምግባር ዘፀግም ኩነታት እንከሎ; ንቕድሚት ዘይቕየር ቅዋምና ግና ህዝብታት ትግራይን ኤርትራን ናብ ዝሓሸ ዝምድና ክምዕብል ይግባ ዝብል እዩ!!!
Alula anta haswi leba bring ou4 mekete money u & getachow used people off disopra
You are absolutely
ንሓደ ሓቂ ዘይኰነ ነገር ኣቐሚጥካ ፤ ብዛዕብኡ ትንታነ ሂብካ ፤ አብ መደምደምታ ምብፃሕ ንኣሉላ ክንደየናይ ቀሊል ምኻኑ ዘመላኸተ ቃ/መሕትት ::
abyet neket
ሰብ ስኢንኩም ዲኹም ነዚ ሳሙና'ዚ ተቕርቡ?
እማ ካሓፂበካ እዩኮ ባኣለሻ ዝመፂኢ ዘሎ ኣታዮ😂
You are absolutely right
Tesasiyo kea tibil tikidim nera dea bel banda wahid
Alula, dormant, power is instrument, to suppress the public like Getachew and Tsadekan group or on the Democrat side power for public service and welfare development
ሕማም ካንሰር ቀታሊ ዩ:: ን ተድሮስ ሰበይቱ ብካንሰር ተቐቲላ ኣብ ኤርትራ ኔራ እንተ ትኸዉን ሕክምና ስኢና ሞይታ ምበለ ኔሩ:: ሃለውሳ መሊኣ ሓንጎሉ 😂😂
ልፍንቲ ልፍንቲ እናበልኩም ሰብ ኣይተፅሙሙ ፤ ዝረብሕን ዘይረብሕን ናይ ወየነ ልፍንቲ ይበዝሕ ነይሩ ?
Alula ......Gmae eka okay......msliene
Alula, where is the fundraising money that was collected before the war against Tigrai? It was half million dollars you collected.
You are the enemy of Tigrai than fascist Aby Ahmed