We are also told to make no distinction among the prophets, meaning, regard them all the same way. I do not mention any other name when I pray. For me, it is safer that way. I do not want to risk committing shirk.
Wearing a Taweez is Shirk ( Real Proof ) MUSLIM A - Is Asking the dead for help shirk❓ MUSLIM B - Yes ✔️ MUSLIM A - How is it shirk, if l am asking this pious dead person to ask Allah to forgive us ❓ MUSLIM B - Allah has made it clear asking the dead for help is shirk, end of matter 🤦♂️ ✔️ MUSLIM A - Okay, Is wearing a Taweez shirk ❓ MUSLIM B - If the Taweez is asking others besides Allah for help then it is shirk, but if you are asking Allah for help then it is not shirk ❌ MUSLIM A - But the Prophet P.B.U.H made it clear `Whoever wears a taweez has committed shirk.” ( Masnud Ahmed 16969 ) end of matter 🤦♂️✔️
@@alexojideagu Well I can't deny that this is widespread among muslims. The Quran however seems to say something different!!!! : Say: 'We believe in God and that which had been revealed to us, and that which was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and that which was given to Moses and Jesus, and that which was given to the prophets from their Lord, we do not make any distinction (Arabic: Nufarriqu) between any of them, and to Him do we submit.'"[2:136] "The messenger believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, and (so do) the believers; they all believe in God and His angels and His books and His messengers; We make no difference (Arabic: Nufarriqu) between any of His messengers; and they say: We hear and obey, our Lord! Thy forgiveness (do we crave), and to Thee is the eventual course." [2:285] "And those who believe in God and His messengers and do not make a distinction (Arabic: yufarriqu) between any of them - God will grant them their rewards; and God is Forgiving, Merciful." [Quran 4:152]
Because Quran told that even Angel and Allah do shalawat to the Prophet (pbuh). Surah Al Ahzab, 33:56. And when the muslims did the shalawat, they will be rewarded by tenfold “Whoever sends Selawat upon me once, will be blessed by it tenfold, erased by it ten sins, and raised by it ten degrees in status” (Hadith Sunan An-Nasa’i)
Quran is the most funny religious book which does not fit its name. It gossip about Jews and Christians, force their opinion on the Christians belief and tell its readers what they think is wrong with Christians. What kind of religious book is that? I don't think I can find another one like it in this world. The commentaries of Bible break down scriptures and make it understandable to readers. The commentaries of Quran defend Muhammad's actions and tell its readers that people who speak against Muhammad were jealous of him. Oh I really don't know what to say. God bless the Muslim and open their eyes please.
@@huios974 you must be dumb. The Quran is the only book sent by Allah. The Hadith never was. It was written 200 years after. It’s pure bidah. I never follow Hadith. Only the word of Allah the Quran.
@Gehtdich Nichtsan Is this verse directed to the Quraish tribe who had never received any revelation from God? Or, it means that during the revelation of the Quran, hadithers had began writing their own books already?
@Gehtdich Nichtsan Or may be The Quran teaches us that when the judgment day comes and everything is brought forward, the prophet will be disappointed by what has been done to the message that he delivered. He will say, "my people have deserted the Quran" (25:30). Therefore, following or upholding baseless hadiths is something neither God nor His messengers want us to do: [Quran 31:6] Among the people, there are those who uphold baseless Hadith, and thus divert others from the path of God without knowledge, and take it in vain. These have incurred a shameful retribution. As a matter of fact, God and His messengers want us to follow the Word of God as the only source of religious guidance, otherwise we will end up disputing and dividing ourselves (3:103). The Quran is God's word in truth and justice; a blessing and beacon for those who want to submit to the Lord of the Universe, the Almighty. It's God's commandment that we should read it from cover to cover (73:4). Are we waiting for somebody to explain God's message to us while we can read it for ourselves? Therefore, read what your Creator wants to tell you for your own sake! Read it in a language that you can understand. When God says that He made the Quran easy to learn, He means it. He is the One who controls the hearts and minds of the people and guides them accordingly (28:56). He is teacher of the Quran for those who turn to Him (55:2).
Quran 6:159 Indeed, those who have divided their religion and become sects - you, [O Muhammad], are not [associated] with them in anything. Their affair is only [left] to Allah; then He will inform them about what they used to do.
@@justriaz29 though I agree with you about the baseless Hadiths I must applaud those who wrote the Hadiths for revealing who Muhammad is and what Islam is all about. It can't be they are so silly as shooting at their own feet and revealing the dark side of Islam.
"When you read the Quran, we place between you and those who do not believe in the Hereafter an invisible barrier.We place shields around their minds, to prevent them from understanding it, and deafness in their ears. And when you preach your Lord, in the Quran alone, they run away in aversion" [17:45-46]
@G1 Sallaam. Thanks for sharing that beautifull verse. Only thing worth noting is that the word وحده (alone) in verse 46 refers to the word ربك (lord). So the onenes that is beeing discussed is regarding Allah and not the Quran. May Allah bless you ❤.
@@appiefarid2651 (Alone)وَحْدَهُ is placed after the word “Quran” and not after the word (Your lord) رَبَّكَ Scholars interpret this verse by changing the order of key words to mean: “when you mention your Lord alone in the Quran” If God wanted to say "if you mention your Lord alone in the Quran" God would have placed the word "Alone وَحْدَهُ" after "Your Lord رَبَّكَ " and not after “Quran”. The word "Alone وَحْدَه" appears in the Quran a total of 6 times, they are in 7:70, 39:45, 40:12, 40:84, 60:4 and 17:46 where in the first five mentioned verses the word "Alone وَحْدَه" is placed after the word "God", but only in 17:46 does this word come after the word Quran. Bearing in mind that God is mentioned in 17:46 "Your Lord", this can only be a deliberate arrangement by God to deliver a specific meaning. God could have placed the word "Alone وَحْدَه" after "Your Lord رَبَّك" if that was the intended meaning, just like God has done in all other five verses, but the deliberate placing of this word after the word "Quran" confirms that "Alone وَحْدَه" speaks of the Quran only. The Arabic word “Alone وَحْدَه” refers to God in 7:70, 39:45, 40:12 & 84, and 60:4. If you add these numbers, you will get 361=19×19. But if you include 17:46, which refers to the Quran, the product is not a multiple of 19. “Alone,” therefore refers to the Quran in 17:46 *May God bless all of us🤲
@@user-jw7fc8ui3b Sallamoen 3alaik, Thank you for your elaborate response. I appreciate and respect the time and insight you've put in to it. If I understand correctly, your claim is that وحده refers to the Quran because the word has been placed right after the word Quran. I respect your opinion and see where you're coming from but I don't share it. I am of the opinion that that the word فى refers to something that is described inside the book (القرءان) namely the onenes of Allah. An example can be found in Surat Isra (17:60) where Allah says: والشجرة الملعونة فى القرءان. I don't want to misrepresent your view but if we follow your approach and say this refers to a caractaristic of the Quran, because it is mentioned right in front of it with the same فى, we would have to conclude that the word accursed refers to the Quran. In surat Baqara (2:11) you can also read how Allah uses the word فى to address corruption that is beeing performed "in" the earth (فى الارض). It's not talking about the earth itself being corrupt but rather in her corruption takes place. Just as the verse (17:46) you brought up describes the onenes of Allah in the Quran and not the quran itself beeing alone. Apart from that, you yourself mention that the word is frequently used to refer to Allah's onenes. So I believe that my claim is not that big of a stretch. I would love to go in to the numerological claim you make about 19 but I'm afraid it will make my reply to long and will discourage people from reading on. I would advise you to test this theory using surat al Qalam (chpt 68). I have a lot of respect and gratitude towards Dr. Khalifa for digitalizing the Quran. No one can deny the man's credentials. However the "19" claim doesn't always hold up. Finaly I would like to thank you again. I think we share more commonalities than differences. I too believe the Quran is the only religious source of inspiration and devine law. May peace and blessing be upon us all❤.
The Quran says to make no distinction among the messengers, unless you say all of the prophet’s names, you are making a distinction by only saying Muhammad’s.
@@truefaith1718 follower the the "last prophet" do not lead you to God. All the previous prophets have similarities. Only the so called last prophet don't. He is the black sheep in the sheepfold.
@@truefaith1718 JESUS don't have to claim divinity. It is others who claim his divinity. Which is better?You announcing who you are or people claimed who you are? JESUS DIVINITY confirmed by MAN Nathanael answered and said to Him, “Rabbi, You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!” John 1:49 NKJV JESUS DIVINITY confirmed by DEMONS And the unclean spirits, whenever they saw Him, fell down before Him and cried out, saying, “You are the Son of God.” Mark 3:11 NKJV JESUS DIVINITY confirmed by GOD And a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is My beloved Son. Hear Him!” Luke 9:35 NKJV One more for you free. GOD calling Jesus GOD But to the Son He says: “Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom. Hebrews 1:8 NKJV
@@truefaith1718 Matthew 7:21-23 This scripture is Jesus disciplining the children of God. Your dawah teach you to bring this scripture against Christians because they have no depth. Not surprising since your Quran is telling you that @!!@h is mad with all the Christians. But I have a good Muslim who quoted this : "Quran tells me the Christians are the closest to us in our faith and among them we can find many Christians of intellect." So will an intellect not know what God requires? And will Jesus rebuke those who are obedient?
That's a very good question, because Sunni-Islam is glorifying prophet Muhammad above all the other prophets and puts him right beside Allah, no diffident in practice than how Jesus Christ is treated in Christianity, even though no such personality can be identified in the whole of Quran, so prophet Muhammad is most likely a later invention that was made for political purposes by founders of the Hadith, inspired by the messianic aspect of Christianity.
Yeah, sure, as long as we completely disregard any and all of the historical and documentary records. This idea, while interesting, is not viable, is contradicted by historical record, and mostly makes no sense due to the number of assumptions it must make in its premise.
@@jamcam9 The only historical records are the Hadith, which came centuries after the supposed canonization of the Quran, when there was a serious conflict of political nature within the Caliphate, what explains why the Hadith fundamentally differs in case of Shia's and Sunni's.
@Holy Bible From the Christian perspective, imitation is the purest form of worship, while the Sunnah, which is the practical side of Islam, consists in about 90% of the Hadith, or more precisely on personal actions (imitation) of Muhammad.
You got me in the first half, but calling Muhammad a made up prophet is completely nonsensical. The gentile prophet is the prophet who delivered the message of the Quran and wrote it down (unlike what sunnis claim, that he's supposedly "illiterate" despite being no numbers at the time, and that he was a successful merchant, so he had to use the geometrical values of LETTERS to do trade)
Salah should be to God alone. There is no reason to include prophet Muhammad in prayers, since we don't discriminate between prophets. That's other quranic principle.
We should also rip out the ayahs of quran where God said to prostrate to Adam as that is clearly shirk, our master iblees was right in refusing to Prostrate to Adam as he is a true sunni muwahid holding his index finger up.
@@amarabidali5316 Incompatible analogy. Iblis' refusal to prostrate before Adam was undoubtedly condemnable, as it was a direct command from God. However, God Almighty has given us no command to mention Muhammad (SAW) in the second-person perspective during salat.
@@amarabidali5316 The Salah is for us to glorify God, and we should only speak to him. The salaam in tashahud to the Rasulullah is in the second person, which means we are speaking to the prophet, and not to God. I do not know what makes God angry and what doesn't, but I see this as unacceptable.
But we should not call him in the prayer as most Muslim mistakenly does in Tashahhud. : ‘Assalamu alaika ayyuhan nabiyyu’, instead it should be : ‘Assalamu alan nabiyyu’. What’s your comment?
I totally agree with you. I've always struggled with this part of the Tashahud all my life. Why should it be "peace be onto you o Prophet"? Why not "and peace be onto the Prophet"? This sounds more appropriate, doesn't it?
Thanks for the realization. And convey it to others, because it’s a great mistake. As the general Muslims don’t know the meaning they are not aware of that.
@@ahmfarooq1823 But how have all scholars missed this point for the past 1400 years? Was this topic debated in the early days of Islam? Do you have a source for the right version of the Tashahhud?
You can add any dua in the sitting position of the salah as Dr. Shibbir Ally said. But you can’t invoke anyone beside Allah in your prayer. It is now agreed upon by renowned scholars.
@@ahmfarooq1823 You said "It is now agreed upon by renowned scholars." Do you have sources (youtube videos, online article, etc)? I don't want to go around telling people this information without credible backing.
First: I care on Sunnah too! do not generalize, in fact most Muslims are Sunnis. Second: Why? give me one proof we shouldn't (of course from Quran alone.) Third: The Quran tells to ask Allah to send blessings upon him? Fourth: Already by doing this, you are praying to Allah, because you said "Allahumma" so you are saying dua, and dua is an important part of prayer.
@@Syria_Free_Palestine_will_too 1)where does quran say you must follow the sunnah?and how about Muslims which are not most sunnis! 2)Quran is zero mentioned to follow sunnah 3)send blessings in who? 4)You alone address to Allah not muhammad 👍
@@rassb3427 First: Here's proofs to follow Sunnah. Group 1: *Example:* [2:151]: (Just as We have sent among you a messenger from yourselves reciting to you Our verses and purifying you and teaching you the Book and *wisdom* and teaching you that which you did not know.) *Others:* [2:231] [3:164] [4:113] [62:2] and [33:34] *Explanation:* You may say that The Wisdom is not The Sunnah, but then tell me what is it? and if you read other Ayats which mention it we will have more knowledge of what is the Wisdom that mentioned along side The book. 1- We know it's readable and especially by wives of The Prophet [proof: 33:34] 2- We know it's for all believers and not a specific group [proof: 3:164] 3- We know it's a revelation and not anything [proof: 4:113] 4- We know it's revealed to other Prophets not only Muhammad (saw) [proof: 5:110] So what is the thing that we have, and verifies all these conditions? It's Hadiths. because: 1- Everyone knows that the most people that helped to preserve the Sunnah are The wives of The Prophet. 2- There's a hadith tell that the people after The Prophet should follow Sunnah. 3- There's a hadith tell that the Prophet said that there's other revelation with Quran. Group 2: *Example:* [4:59] (O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger) *Others:* [5:92] [24:54] [24:56] [47:33] [64:12] and more *Explanation:* Obey "x" means to follow what says/does... so Obey Allah means follow The Quran and obey The Messenger means to follow The Sunnah. and in fact: Quran always mention to obey Allah and obety The Messenger, never "obey Allah" mentioned alone, but "obey The Messenger" mentioned once alone in [24:56] and don't forget that obeying The Messenger is a condition to obey Allah [4:80] you may use these arguments: 1- Obeying The Messenger is only to companions. --> The Quran tells in [4:59] that obeying The Messenger is to all believers, so you either say I will, or you say I'm not a believer (and this is a proof of preservation of Sunnah, how Allah will command us to follow something when it no longer exist between us, it's like if he says follow The Torah (the one that revealed to Moses not the corrupted one.)) 2- "Rasool" (Messenger) means "Risalah" (Message = Quran): let's suppose it's correct, but this interpretation will make problems in [5:92]: (And obey Allah and obey the Messenger and beware. And if you turn away - then know that upon Our Messenger is only [the responsibility for] clear notification.) so by using it it will then be: (And obey Allah and obey the Message and beware. And if you turn away - then know that upon Our Message is only [the responsibility for] clear notification.) It's clear, that's it's illogic to interpret messenger as message, and despite that it will be a repetition so if we suppose "Obey Allah" = "Obey The Messenger" then why mentioning them both together? Group 3: *Example:* [16:44]: (And We revealed to you the message that you may make clear to the people what was sent down to them and that they might give thought.) *Explanation:* Allah sent his Prophet to make clear to us (all people) what was sent down to us. Examples: Prayer is obligatory! [2:110] common questions: how to pray? when to pray? did Quran answered to these questions, I challenge you to find where? The Quran gave you how to know how to pray, The Prophet is the responsible to make clear to people what was sent down to us. Answer to all challenges: 1- Find other interpretation of word "wisdom" 2- Find other meaning of "obey The Messenger" 3- Find how to pray from Quran.
@@rassb3427 1- [An-Najm: 3-4] (Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination. It is not but a revelation revealed.) and of course he spoke things with Quran (his daily life and sayings), it's too a revelation. So Quran + Sunnah are revelations
[6:162] Say, "My Contact Prayers (Salat), my worship practices, my life and my death, are all devoted absolutely to GOD alone, the Lord of the universe. The idol worshippers cannot comprehend this verse, and insist on making up justifications to mention somebody besides God.
Says makes no distinction between prophets but then in prayers it ask for Muhammad and his family be equal to Abraham and his family… this doesn’t make any sense. Why would Mohammed ask people to pray for his family and him to be equal to Abraham, if we make no distinction… it’s unsettling… and this isn’t a satisfying answer to me… do all sects pray the same? And peace be upon all prophets for ever
What explanation? The explanation doesn't make sense. Why do you, the sinner, have to pray for God to bless Mohammed if he, Mohammed, is righteous, he is in heaven, and is already blessed? It just doesn't make sense...
@@TheTruth-hc7ww 1. As the prophet taught it, it becomes a mandatory in salat. 2. Ultimately Allah determines everything, including what our parents name us.
@@wanrazul 1. Well Like I said as a Muslim you “Have to” send Blessing and Praises to the “Praise Worthy One”. 2. Are you saying that “The Praise Worthy One’s” parents were Muslims and worshipped Allah?
While the Quran clearly says: You cannot be heard by those in the graves. (35:22) The followers of the Arab religion all over the world are sending greetings to Prophet Abraham and Muhammad and their families no need to wait for them to reply, then greet the ‘two angels sitting on both of your shoulders’ again, no reply is expected. Greeting only the dead prophet Ibrahim, Muhammad and their families five times a day! Aren't we supposed to make any distinction between the prophets???? but Isaac, Jacob, Ishmael, Joseph, David, Solomon, Moses, Aaron, Zachariah, John , and Jesus were somehow left out of this private club. When people are willing to memorise without understanding it is a sign of their willingness to be shackled without thinking. While God says : 17:36 "You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them." If we train a parrot to say 'good morning', it will say good morning to people even during the night. People of the previous scriptures who follow a religion under a brand name and those who receive the Quran but follow a religion are termed as idolworshipers. There is only one way in life for mankind to observe : "God's Way" Knowledge is the cure for one's ignorance. "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." [Bible, John 8:32 20:114 ... say, "My Lord, increase me in knowledge."
@rats We're rats Your doubt is right but falling into this lie again is getting you no where. No explanation given by any scholars can marred the truth that your Quran teaches you to include this shalawat in your daily prayers. And worse still is this verse in your Quran that says shalawat sent upon Muhammad will be blessed by it tenfolds, erased by it ten sins and raised by it ten degrees. Muhammad just made himself above Allah. Who decide whether to show mercy or not? Muhammad? Gotcha Muhammad just made himself above Allah.
Salam brother shabir, when will you come to Qur'an alone and leave all hadith and external sources for guidance? You interestingly translated "salat" as "ritual prayer" when you should know very well that "salat" does NOT mean ritual prayer. May Allah give you the strength and courage to come to Qur'an alone, for guidance, soon insha'Allah. The channel is "Let the Qur'an Speak" and yet there is repeated reliance on hadith. May Allah guide us all. Ameen Peace
Allah exulted some prophets over others in rank and status. We believe in all the prophets equally and love and respect them all. Ibrahim made a prayer to Allah to grant from his lineage prophets, Mohammed is the fulfillment of the prayer through the lineage of Ishmeal as. Additionally, as Muslims we understand that Mohammed sws is the peak of Allahs creation, and through loving and emulating the Prophet sws we are showing gratitude to Allah for blessing us with such a remarkable leader and teacher. Surah Baqara 2:253 Those messengers - some of them We caused to exceed others. Among them were those to whom Allāh spoke, and He raised some of them in degree. And We gave Jesus, the son of Mary, clear proofs, and We supported him with the Pure Spirit [i.e., Gabriel]. Those messengers - some of them We caused to exceed others. Among them were those to whom Allāh spoke, and He raised some of them in degree. And We gave Jesus, the son of Mary, clear proofs, and We supported him with the Pure Spirit [i.e., Gabriel].
It’s not “peace be upon the prophet”… “it’s peace be open you, o prophet” that’s clearly not praying for someone it’s directly addressing someone ..he didn’t answer the question lol
the 5 times is mentioned in the quran but for the specific method of praying the quran suggest that it was already taught to the people at the time of the prophet . the prayer was then orally transmitted from generation to generation to end up to us and only some parts of how to perform it have been mentioned but again i agree this should have been taught somewhere in hadith for new generations
Also Sunnis ignore the the whole verse. How do you send greeting to the prophet if he’s not here? And the verse after says annoy the prophet. Obviously you cant annoy someone who’s dead.
And of the people is he who trades the amusement/hoax narrations/statements (LAHWA AL-HADITH) to mislead from the way of God without knowledge and takes it (the way of God) as ridicule. Those will have a humiliating punishment. (31:6)
@Gehtdich Nichtsan And when our verses are recited to him, he turns away arrogantly as if he had not heard them, as if there was in his ears deafness. So give him tidings of a painful punishment. (31:7) They have exchanged/traded God's revelations for a cheap price, so they diverted others from His path. How evil is what they did. (9:9)
The last part of the Salah is the culmination and the part where we make pleas to God. There is nothing wrong to ask for peace for the prophet or all the prophets. Might even ask for peace for all prophets. Might even ask for peace for all people. It's not equal to worshiping the people mentioned. And blessings of peace are mentioned in the Quran, it was part of Abrahamic tradition prior to the prophet Muhammad and God himself sends peace upon the prophets in the Quran (see surah maryam)
Am I wrong I thought we did not differentiate between the Prophets so always in my mind when doing Salawat I always assumed I was asking for all the prophets of Allah? Or does it matter?
@Robert Cummins What do you think when the Quran tells you that sending shalawat to Muhammad can gives you tenfold blessing and reduce 10 sins? So that you can commit sin again and say shalawat again? This is from God? Stop what you are doing now and go learn the truth about Islam from any ex Muslim or from Christian Prince. You don't want to end up being punish for your sins in hell
@@huios974please please please… show us ONE verse in the Quran supporting what you just wrote (that Quran promise recompenses tenfolds to those who send salawaat to the prophet). We are waiting… and I know we will be waiting for ever because you’ll never come back here with such proof. Go educate yourself on the QURAN properly first before making such ridiculous statements. 😅
The TRUE SHAHADA is found in the QURAN: (3:18) God bears witness (SHAHADA) that there is no god but He (‘La Ilaha Illa Allah’), and so do the Angels and those of knowledge, upright with equity: there is no god but He, the Almighty, the Wise. However the SUNNI SHAHADA is in SURAH MUNAFIQUN: (63:1) “When the HYPOCRYTES come to you they say “We bear witness that you are the messenger of Allah” Allah knows that you are His messenger, and Allah bears witness that the hypocrites are liars” ......ALAHU AKBAR! The Bayyinat (Clear Evidence) brings us to scrutinize three important verbs in the verse: 1- The hypocrites say “we bear witness” (nashhad) that you are the messenger of Allah” 2- ” Allah “knows” (ya”lam) that you are His messenger” 3- ” Allah “bears witness” (yashhad) that the hypocrites are liars” If you will, you should notice that the verse starts with the words “bear witness” and ends with the same words, so why does Allah use the word “knows” in the middle of the verse? This is a very good question and point to make according to what Allah is saying. Why did Allah not say ==> Allah bears witness that you are His messenger? “Allah bears witness concerning what He has revealed to you. He has revealed it with His knowledge. And the angels bear witness as well, BUT ALLAH IS ENOUGH AS A WITNESS” Sura 4:166. Again this is what the Messenger told the companions. Allah is enough as a witness. Allah also discourages attempts at witnessing other Messengers: “You were not on the slope of the western Mount when we gave Moses the commandments. YOU WERE NOT A WITNESS” Sura 28:44. If Allah says 1,400 years ago that hypocrites say this Shahadah about the Messenger this is clear that people cannot “witness” the messengership of the Messengers !!!! Again, Allah says He will certainly expose the hypocrites 29:11. Allah says the Messenger can recognize them from what they say 47:30. So when the hypocrites come and insist that they want to bear witness on the Messenger, they expose themselves as hypocrites. And Abu Hurairah (if he really existed) has fooled millions of Muslims into reciting the same thing everyday of their lives. The first part of Abu Hurairah’s Shahadah is “I bear witness that there is no god except Allah”. “ash hadu anlaa ilaaha illallah” The Quran says: “Allah bears witness that there is no god except He, and so do the angels and those endowed with knowledge, in truth and justice. There is no god except He, the mighty, the wise” Sura 3:18. Allah is enough as a Witness Again Allah says that His own witness is enough: “Say, Whose testimony is the greatest” Say, “Allah’s (testimony is the greatest). HE IS THE WITNESS BETWEEN ME AND YOU that this Quran has been inspired to me, to preach it to you and whomever it reaches..” Sura, 6:19. Thus “…Allah suffices as a witness…” Sura 4:79 and 4:166., “The word of your Lord is complete, in truth and justice. Nothing shall abrogate His words. He is the hearer, the knower”. Sura 6:114 The HADITH regarding the SUNNI SHAHADA says: One day Abu Hurairah went to the people and told them that the Messenger had authorised him to go and tell them to recite the Shahadah “ash hadu anlaa ilaha illallhu wa ash hadu anna muhammadar-rasulullah”. Another version reads ” muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluhu”. The first person Abu Hurairah came across to give the Shahadah was Saidina Omar (later the second caliph). When Omar heard it he promptly punched Abu Hurairah in the chest and knocked him to the ground. Then Omar put his foot on Abu Hurairah’s neck and asked him how dare he utter such a blasphemy. Abu Hurairah (who is recorded in the hadith as having received quite u few beatings from Saidina Omar during his lifetime) then cried out and named the Messenger as his authority. When again challenged by Saidina Omar, Abu Hurairah pulled out a pair of leather slippers and showed them to Omar. The slippers, he said, were given to him by the Prophet, as proof for what he was saying. Recognising the prophet’s slippers, Omar simmered down. Everyone then happily started reciting the shahadah. This most incredible story is the background to the Shahadah of Abu Hurairah, which has been adopted by millions of Sunni !!! Allahu Akbar !
Although I follow the Quran alone and I believe that the shahada should mention Allah subhanahu watala alone. I believe you are taking things out of context. I don't agree with you calling sunni Muslims hypocrites or idolators for them reciting the shahada the way they do. Their intentions are not to worship the prophet Muhammad. You are not their judge and neither are they your judge.
I live under the guidance of my father's junior brother after the death of my father early in my life,we work together with his son and he became very rich, suddenly he died,do I deserve something from what he left behind interm of wealth?
the tashahhud is not just unquranic but contradict several verses of the quran. du'a for our children & parents & probably mentioning their names isn't the same as mentioning Muhamad & Ibrahim (pbut)'s names. you do du'a for people who've been guaranteed paradise, seriously?
A sample of comments shoes your position is not right. Then you quote 33 v 56 badly in translation it says Allah and angels pray to Mohamed not blessings .Be honest. Some Muslims even argue that Muslims take Mohamed to same level some christians Revere Jesus as Worshipped.even shahadah in it's form is not in Quran so it was a later invention. Accept the facts.
Prophet Muhammad didn't do any rituals, even though Hajj is a pagen ritual and kissing black stone is a Shirk. (Anything you have to think that this isn't Shirk is Shirk and anything you have to think this isn't a pagen ritual is a pagen ritual)
@Gehtdich Nichtsan Umar said he knows the Stone has no power which is why he trying to figure out why your prophet is kissing it. Also your prophet says in another Hadith that the Stone will witness for you on the day of judgment for those who touch it. Which means that there is Power in the Stone correct?
Shabir may say it is not necessary to say the shalawat or gives excuse for the shalawat because they realized that this practise is wrong. If they don't cover up for this, they will be labelled as equating partners to Allah. However, no matter how you try to give Quran a new look you cannot take these verse out from the Quran and many Muslims are still sending shalawat to Muhammad. So? Is Islam a monotheistic religion?
Where are we making distinction when you see family tree of prophets in quran ,their ancestors they all are same family ,so we are blessing entire family it means we are including all Prophets indirectly !
Subhan Allah brother Shabbir had explained excellently.....please my request to make one video on did Allah mentions dialogues between earlier prophets and Adam is the verbatim or Allah paraphrased it.
@Tariq Yasiin God is removing the veils over your eyes. Do not accept this as an answer. This is in your Quran. Man can manipulate it till you believe they are right. But understand yourself the verses. Why you have to send shalawat to Muhammad to be blessed tenfold? Why shalawat sent to Muhammad can erase by ten sins? If you continue to send shalawat you are in danger of equating partners to Allah. Follow I A and find out why you face the kaaba and why you follow the Hadiths (rules made by man) God bless you. I pray God will guide you to the right path.
@@Noname31a to God belongs the east and west, the qiblah is nothing more than a unified direction to pray to, and God changing the qiblah then returning it was a test to see the true believers. Kissing the supposed "divine" rock is nothing but idol worship and folklore. Same with the hadith
@@huios974 Praying towards the Kaaba is not a rule made by man, but by God. But that doesn't mean you should kiss it or ever consider it to be more than it is, a lifeless small house to worship God alone.
The word صلو does not mean to bless or to pray. It means to connect to. Allah subhanahu watala does not have to say blessings to the prophet. If He wills to bless the prophet, He will just bless him. Prayer should be all about God.
The disrespect to Muhammad and his ahlulbayt peace be upon them has made you hate to mention them in your salah but God forces you to respect them 5 times a day when though you hate to do so. You claim that is shirk but not the belief that God has body parts and breaks his chair for being extremely overweight.
@Gehtdich Nichtsan Well if everyone was born a Muslim, then what makes Abraham’s role different. Doesn’t the Quran say make no distinction between prophets?
@Gehtdich Nichtsan Every Human is Born with natural ‘Fitrah’ that only One God Exist? Is it the Quantity of Allah or the Quality of Allah that makes him God?
He is not merely mentioned, which in itself is a very strange thing to do for people claiming submission to only God, but he is addressed to DIRECTLY in the tashahhud- unequivocal idolatry.
@Gehtdich Nichtsan Translate the tashahhud in English? Muhammad is already dead, so is Abraham. Their journey through this life is already completed and they will be judged according to how they’d lived. Constantly and compulsorily mentioning “pbuh” every single time their names are mentioned will not change anything. Think about it. You’re crowding your prayers with senseless supplications several times a day, making dead men the ultimate preoccupation of your prayers, on a daily basis, as if God to whom you pray can be swayed by the silly repetitions of the same request day in day out. That’s very silly. You pray without faith, and that’s why you feel the need to constantly repeat the same stuff hundreds of times every single day. You can’t pray for Abraham nor Muhammad, they’re both dead. Worry about the living. In the tashahhud, you address Muhammad directly. That is idolatry at the highest degree. If you can’t see that, I don’t know what else to say to you.
@@delpthepath127 To be honest with you.... Don't feel offended... Your nonsense reached out of your boundaries... Firstly you don't understand islamic theology... you don't know what you're talking about... And implying your nonsense understanding upon Islamic discourse.... Salam upon Ibrahim (pbuh) : O Allah, bestow Your favor on Muhammad and on the family of Muhammad as You have bestowed Your favor on Ibrahim and on the family of Ibrahim, You are Praiseworthy, Most Glorious. O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as You have blessed Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim, You are Praiseworthy, Most Glorious. Here is why we convey salam upon the prophets & their family : when one is making this dua he is praying TO GOD ALMIGHTY to bestow favour upon the prophets & their family & thats why there is no chance to make the prophets & their family members DIVINE as you & your fellow christians did.....
@@ExposingHindutva101 did you even read what I wrote. The justification you’ve provided only makes it worst. Please read my other response to the other person in the thread. This fixation on Muhammad is in itself idolatry. Muhammad was a sinner and is dead. Why crowd your prayers with senseless repetitive supplications like those? To compound this issue even further is the case of Muhammad being addressed to directly. Do you believe Muhammad can hear you? This is a matter of incoherent theology. The implications of all those things is that you’ve brought yourself to a level of reverence for a dead sinner that borders towards worshiping the dead sinner. I simply don’t understand how you can justify such behavior towards a dead sinner without attributing some kind of divinity to him.
@@delpthepath127 We don't believe Muhammad hearing us. We pray to ALLAH for our prophet sothat his/his family members soul rest in peace. We also pray to Allah for our dead relatives also sothat their soul rest in peace. All the worship belongs to Allah.
@@ExposingHindutva101 @delpesh271 you both are talking with no reference to the Quran. @exposinghinduism101 your write up is logical but try to back it up with the Quran. It will help substantiate your thinking. @delpesh271 where in the Quran did the idea of including the prophets name in prayer. You see if the hadith is interpreting the Quran, we should at least be able to make reference in the Quran. Making what did not originate from the Quran a law is misleading and breaks my heart.
Where is the good answer? The explanation doesn't make sense. Why do you, the sinner, have to pray for God to bless Mohammed if he, Mohammed, is righteous, he is in heaven, and is already blessed? It just doesn't make sense...
You are referring to man made hadith that is a historical account full of inconsistencies like any other historical narrative. Why don't Muslims stick to the glorious Koran alone and worship Allah alone instead of worshipping prophet Muhammad pbuh alongside and that too in a twisted manner to pretend to be monotheists. Religion with Allah is Islam alone, and a believer must be a strict monotheist in words and actions.
We can't include any body else in prayer in Christianity by gospel teaching other than closing in the name of Jesus but we address the prayers to God almighty our father. No Mary ,no praying to Jesus or worship to Jesus or to saints. It's to God in Jesus' name as our high priest.
Can you explain how can you read Surah 108 back to Allah. How can you tell Allah in salat: We have given you many bounties. In appreciation, you shall serve your Lord and be charitable. Your enemy will henceforth be the loser. Surah 108 And also how can you read surah 109 in salah and tell Allah: Say!: O you disbelievers, I do not serve what you serve, nor are you serving what I am serving. I will never serve what you are serving, nor will you ever serve what I am serving. To you is your own way, and to me is my own way. Surah 109 And surah 111 Say!: He is God, the only one. The absolute God. He never begets, nor was He ever begotten. There is none equal to Him. Surah 111 Explain how can you read these back to Allah.
@@wanrazul Show me the hadith where it tell us how to pray even 2 rakaat. There is no hadith tell us how to pray, I'm challenging you. Show your hadith. You didn't even read your hadith it seems.
A true representative of God asks God to bless the people and exhorts the people to bless God. A cult leader always asks his followers to bless himself.
@Gehtdich Nichtsan The greatest leaders of God's people in the Bible were willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of the people: Moses (Exodus 32:32), David (2 Samuel 24:17), and of course, Jesus (Mark 10:45). Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." John 10:10-11
Jesus was sinless and sacrificed his life for us. Jesus also atoned for our sins. False doctrines and religions do not lead to heaven, they are only sufficient for hell. Only God's guidance leads to salvation. God's justification opens the door for the sinner and he is received into paradise. A Muslim who turns to God in faith and repentance and confesses his sins before God is forgiven by faith alone, by grace alone, without the work of the law. Whoever believes that Jesus is the promised Messiah, Savior, God-like man and true God, the way is the truth and the life. In conclusion, I must say that no one will go to heaven if they deny the salvation that Jesus deserves, they will end up in eternal hell fire.
Then what about the family of Jesus (PBUH), family of Moses (PBUH) ? Today all the prophets are NO longer among us. They are dead and buried (except some). Quran says, we should not differentiate among prohpets. So why should we invoke one Prophet in a ritual prayer ? The best we can do is "pray for' or "remember" or "give salutations" to all the prophets/messengers in a generic way.
Very unconvincing reply. If you don’t follow the family of prophet you gonna lose the right path. The holy family of Prophet Muhammed is from Hazrat Fatima and Imam Ali. Succession of Imamat is through Imam Ali, Imam Hasan and HuSaiN.❤️
Chapter 72 verse 18 of the Quran, Allah says not to mention any names besides the name of God. فلاتدعوا مع الله احدا: سوره الجن ایه ۱۸ who gave this guy authority to manipulate the Word of Allah Almighty. This guy just promoting idol worshiping which is an unforgivable sin. That's it.
Lidten to Quran only and manority of Muslims today worship Mo eith Allah Over 10 verses say Allah AND Mo. They mention him In false shahadah.. Ir Allah AND Mo Again hr is desd but thry sslute him...2b muslims he mudt be omnipresent. Listen to Quran only show hiw hafith hijacked Quran by scholars. Mo in Quran is diffetent from Mo in Quran. In Quran he is a plain warner 10 times never mentioned by Muslims. In hadith he us the greatest of all messengers
Five daily prayers are pagan. Pure bidah. No where in the Quran. Worship Allah and only rely on his Quran. Or be pagan and worship forefathers who lied.
Although I follow the Quran alone, I disagree with you regarding salah. The word salah comes from the Arabic root word صلو which means to connect to. In the Quran two words are derived from صلو sali which is connection. For example in 33:43 Allah subhanahu watala says that He and the angels do sali upon us in order to bring us from darkness into light. In this case, the word sali means to connect to us. It also means the same in 33:56. However, in verses such as 4:102-103, the terms aqimus salawata is used. When used in this way it means to connect with Allah through prayer. Verse 102 proves that aqimus salawata means to connect with Allah through prayer, it mentions standing and prostrating positions. I don't think that you understand that the establishment of prayer was part of a living tradition that was established by Ibrahim and Ismael. This practice of prayer was passed down from generation to generation. During the time that the Quran was being revealed, the practice and details of prayer were already widely known by the community of prophet Muhammad. This is why the details of the prayers are not mentioned in the Quran. One more point, I understand your desire to follow the Quran alone. However going into the opposite extreme of traditional Muslims is not the answer. This will only further divide the already divided Muslim world. Your approach is not making things better for Islam.
@@hassanabdur-rahman1559interesting that u used connect to for salah.. Connect to means there was an interruption or discontiuation, u think allah had disconnscted and then connecting again?
@@vishalramesh2307 the meaning of the root word صلو means to connect. We pray in order to connect with Allah. If what you claim is true. Why are there daily prayers. Allah does not disconnect from us. We discontinue to connect with Allah when we become engrossed in our lives and activities. That is why we have to connect with Allah throughout the day.
@@hassanabdur-rahman1559 thanks. But what you say makes perfect sense from humans pov but surah 33.56 is from God's pov.. Indeed, Allah showers His blessings upon the Prophet, and His angels pray for him. O believers! Invoke Allah’s blessings upon him, and salute him with worthy greetings of peace. If u remove "showers his blessings" and add ur meaning of "connect to" will give out a lot of contradictions. Im honestly curious how u would interpret it now.. Thanks
@Gehtdich Nichtsan SALAT just means COMMITMENT and not SPECIFIC COMMITMENT which is accepted by majority of muslims to mean PERFORMING RITUAL WORSHIP FACING THE KAABA. The specific meaning of commitment in a verse depends on what was mentioned in that particular verse. Generally, during the time of Moses, the commitment mentioned in the verse relates to the Torah, during the time of Jesus, the commitment mentioned in the verse relates to the Bible and during the time of Muhammad, the commitment mentioned in the verse relates to the Quran. But it was NEVER a specific commitment that relates to RITUAL WORSHIP FACING THE KAABA (the biggest sin as it is BLASPHEMY for associating stone idol with God).
We are also told to make no distinction among the prophets, meaning, regard them all the same way. I do not mention any other name when I pray. For me, it is safer that way. I do not want to risk committing shirk.
You are in the straight path brother😊
But most Muslims clearly do make a distinction. Mohammad is always put above the others.
Wearing a Taweez is Shirk ( Real Proof )
MUSLIM A - Is Asking the dead for help shirk❓
MUSLIM B - Yes ✔️
MUSLIM A - How is it shirk, if l am asking this pious dead person to ask Allah to forgive us ❓
MUSLIM B - Allah has made it clear asking the dead for help is shirk, end of matter 🤦♂️ ✔️
MUSLIM A - Okay, Is wearing a Taweez shirk ❓
MUSLIM B - If the Taweez is asking others besides Allah for help then it is shirk, but if you are asking Allah for help then it is not shirk ❌
MUSLIM A - But the Prophet P.B.U.H made it clear `Whoever wears a taweez has committed shirk.” ( Masnud Ahmed 16969 ) end of matter 🤦♂️✔️
@@alexojideagu Well I can't deny that this is widespread among muslims. The Quran however seems to say something different!!!! :
Say: 'We believe in God and that which had been revealed to us, and that which was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and that which was given to Moses and Jesus, and that which was given to the prophets from their Lord, we do not make any distinction (Arabic: Nufarriqu) between any of them, and to Him do we submit.'"[2:136]
"The messenger believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, and (so do) the believers; they all believe in God and His angels and His books and His messengers; We make no difference (Arabic: Nufarriqu) between any of His messengers; and they say: We hear and obey, our Lord! Thy forgiveness (do we crave), and to Thee is the eventual course." [2:285]
"And those who believe in God and His messengers and do not make a distinction (Arabic: yufarriqu) between any of them - God will grant them their rewards; and God is Forgiving, Merciful." [Quran 4:152]
We are the ummah of Muhammad, as the Jews of their time are the ummah of Moses, and Christiand of their time are the ummah of Jesus.
I have the same problem… I can’t believe Mohammed wanted us to pray for him and his family… it makes me feel uncomfortable
Because Quran told that even Angel and Allah do shalawat to the Prophet (pbuh). Surah Al Ahzab, 33:56.
And when the muslims did the shalawat, they will be rewarded by tenfold
“Whoever sends Selawat upon me once, will be blessed by it tenfold, erased by it ten sins, and raised by it ten degrees in status”
(Hadith Sunan An-Nasa’i)
Don’t do it. Only pray for Allah and to Allah. One that is dead can’t do nothing for you or himself.
@@Noname31a Either embrace Islam totally or reject it totally. You cannot accept part and reject part. That won't get you to Allah
Quran is the most funny religious book which does not fit its name. It gossip about Jews and Christians, force their opinion on the Christians belief and tell its readers what they think is wrong with Christians.
What kind of religious book is that? I don't think I can find another one like it in this world.
The commentaries of Bible break down scriptures and make it understandable to readers.
The commentaries of Quran defend Muhammad's actions and tell its readers that people who speak against Muhammad were jealous of him.
Oh I really don't know what to say.
God bless the Muslim and open their eyes please.
@@huios974 you must be dumb. The Quran is the only book sent by Allah. The Hadith never was. It was written 200 years after. It’s pure bidah. I never follow Hadith. Only the word of Allah the Quran.
[34:44] We did not give them any other books to study, nor did we send to them before you another warner.
@Gehtdich Nichtsan I understand very well and what's wrong by sharing a verses, are you getting 🔥
@Gehtdich Nichtsan Is this verse directed to the Quraish tribe who had never received any revelation from God?
Or, it means that during the revelation of the Quran, hadithers had began writing their own books already?
25:30. The messenger said, "My Lord, my people have deserted this Quran."
@Gehtdich Nichtsan Or may be
The Quran teaches us that when the judgment day comes and everything is brought forward, the prophet will be disappointed by what has been done to the message that he delivered. He will say, "my people have deserted the Quran" (25:30). Therefore, following or upholding baseless hadiths is something neither God nor His messengers want us to do:
[Quran 31:6] Among the people, there are those who uphold baseless Hadith, and thus divert others from the path of God without knowledge, and take it in vain. These have incurred a shameful retribution.
As a matter of fact, God and His messengers want us to follow the Word of God as the only source of religious guidance, otherwise we will end up disputing and dividing ourselves (3:103). The Quran is God's word in truth and justice; a blessing and beacon for those who want to submit to the Lord of the Universe, the Almighty. It's God's commandment that we should read it from cover to cover (73:4). Are we waiting for somebody to explain God's message to us while we can read it for ourselves?
Therefore, read what your Creator wants to tell you for your own sake! Read it in a language that you can understand. When God says that He made the Quran easy to learn, He means it. He is the One who controls the hearts and minds of the people and guides them accordingly (28:56). He is teacher of the Quran for those who turn to Him (55:2).
Quran 6:159 Indeed, those who have divided their religion and become sects - you, [O Muhammad], are not [associated] with them in anything. Their affair is only [left] to Allah; then He will inform them about what they used to do.
@@justriaz29 though I agree with you about the baseless Hadiths I must applaud those who wrote the Hadiths for revealing who Muhammad is and what Islam is all about.
It can't be they are so silly as shooting at their own feet and revealing the dark side of Islam.
"When you read the Quran, we place between you and those who do not believe in the Hereafter an invisible barrier.We place shields around their minds, to prevent them from understanding it, and deafness in their ears. And when you preach your Lord, in the Quran alone, they run away in aversion" [17:45-46]
Isn't that going against Dawah teaching?
Thanks for sharing that beautifull verse. Only thing worth noting is that the word وحده (alone) in verse 46 refers to the word ربك (lord).
So the onenes that is beeing discussed is regarding Allah and not the Quran.
May Allah bless you ❤.
@@appiefarid2651 (Alone)وَحْدَهُ is placed after the word “Quran” and not after the word (Your lord) رَبَّكَ
Scholars interpret this verse by changing the order of key words to mean:
“when you mention your Lord alone in the Quran”
If God wanted to say "if you mention your Lord alone in the Quran" God would have placed the word "Alone وَحْدَهُ" after "Your Lord رَبَّكَ " and not after “Quran”.
The word "Alone وَحْدَه" appears in the Quran a total of 6 times, they are in 7:70, 39:45, 40:12, 40:84, 60:4 and 17:46 where in the first five mentioned verses the word "Alone وَحْدَه" is placed after the word "God", but only in 17:46 does this word come after the word Quran. Bearing in mind that God is mentioned in 17:46 "Your Lord", this can only be a deliberate arrangement by God to deliver a specific meaning. God could have placed the word "Alone وَحْدَه" after "Your Lord رَبَّك" if that was the intended meaning, just like God has done in all other five verses, but the deliberate placing of this word after the word "Quran" confirms that "Alone وَحْدَه" speaks of the Quran only.
The Arabic word “Alone وَحْدَه” refers to God in 7:70, 39:45, 40:12 & 84, and 60:4. If you add these numbers, you will get 361=19×19.
But if you include 17:46, which refers to the Quran, the product is not a multiple of 19. “Alone,” therefore refers to the Quran in 17:46
*May God bless all of us🤲
Sallamoen 3alaik,
Thank you for your elaborate response. I appreciate and respect the time and insight you've put in to it.
If I understand correctly, your claim is that وحده refers to the Quran because the word has been placed right after the word Quran.
I respect your opinion and see where you're coming from but I don't share it.
I am of the opinion that that the word فى refers to something that is described inside the book (القرءان) namely the onenes of Allah.
An example can be found in Surat Isra (17:60) where Allah says: والشجرة الملعونة فى القرءان.
I don't want to misrepresent your view but if we follow your approach and say this refers to a caractaristic of the Quran, because it is mentioned right in front of it with the same فى, we would have to conclude that the word accursed refers to the Quran.
In surat Baqara (2:11) you can also read how Allah uses the word فى to address corruption that is beeing performed "in" the earth (فى الارض). It's not talking about the earth itself being corrupt but rather in her corruption takes place. Just as the verse (17:46) you brought up describes the onenes of Allah in the Quran and not the quran itself beeing alone.
Apart from that, you yourself mention that the word is frequently used to refer to Allah's onenes. So I believe that my claim is not that big of a stretch.
I would love to go in to the numerological claim you make about 19 but I'm afraid it will make my reply to long and will discourage people from reading on.
I would advise you to test this theory using surat al Qalam (chpt 68). I have a lot of respect and gratitude towards Dr. Khalifa for digitalizing the Quran. No one can deny the man's credentials. However the "19" claim doesn't always hold up.
Finaly I would like to thank you again. I think we share more commonalities than differences. I too believe the Quran is the only religious source of inspiration and devine law.
May peace and blessing be upon us all❤.
@@alexojideagu you shouldn’t give dawah to anyone unless they show interest in Islam or willingness to learn
The Quran says to make no distinction among the messengers, unless you say all of the prophet’s names, you are making a distinction by only saying Muhammad’s.
Because we are the follower of last prophet.
@@truefaith1718 follower the the "last prophet" do not lead you to God.
All the previous prophets have similarities. Only the so called last prophet don't. He is the black sheep in the sheepfold.
Jesus never claimed divinity.
Read Matthew: 7(21-23)
@@truefaith1718 JESUS don't have to claim divinity. It is others who claim his divinity. Which is better?You announcing who you are or people claimed who you are?
Nathanael answered and said to Him, “Rabbi, You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!”
John 1:49 NKJV
And the unclean spirits, whenever they saw Him, fell down before Him and cried out, saying, “You are the Son of God.”
Mark 3:11 NKJV
And a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is My beloved Son. Hear Him!”
Luke 9:35 NKJV
One more for you free. GOD calling Jesus GOD
But to the Son He says: “Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom.
Hebrews 1:8 NKJV
@@truefaith1718 Matthew 7:21-23
This scripture is Jesus disciplining the children of God. Your dawah teach you to bring this scripture against Christians because they have no depth.
Not surprising since your Quran is telling you that @!!@h is mad with all the Christians.
But I have a good Muslim who quoted this :
"Quran tells me the Christians are the closest to us in our faith and among them we can find many Christians of intellect."
So will an intellect not know what God requires? And will Jesus rebuke those who are obedient?
I would keep on saying that a lot of Muslims worship Muhammed without realising it.
That's a very good question, because Sunni-Islam is glorifying prophet Muhammad above all the other prophets and puts him right beside Allah, no diffident in practice than how Jesus Christ is treated in Christianity, even though no such personality can be identified in the whole of Quran, so prophet Muhammad is most likely a later invention that was made for political purposes by founders of the Hadith, inspired by the messianic aspect of Christianity.
Yeah, sure, as long as we completely disregard any and all of the historical and documentary records. This idea, while interesting, is not viable, is contradicted by historical record, and mostly makes no sense due to the number of assumptions it must make in its premise.
@@jamcam9 The only historical records are the Hadith, which came centuries after the supposed canonization of the Quran, when there was a serious conflict of political nature within the Caliphate, what explains why the Hadith fundamentally differs in case of Shia's and Sunni's.
@Holy Bible From the Christian perspective, imitation is the purest form of worship, while the Sunnah, which is the practical side of Islam, consists in about 90% of the Hadith, or more precisely on personal actions (imitation) of Muhammad.
You got me in the first half, but calling Muhammad a made up prophet is completely nonsensical. The gentile prophet is the prophet who delivered the message of the Quran and wrote it down (unlike what sunnis claim, that he's supposedly "illiterate" despite being no numbers at the time, and that he was a successful merchant, so he had to use the geometrical values of LETTERS to do trade)
What are you talking about? Surah 3:144 explicitly mentions Prophet Muhammad’s name and also Surah 47:2. lol and there are more…
Salah should be to God alone. There is no reason to include prophet Muhammad in prayers, since we don't discriminate between prophets. That's other quranic principle.
All glory To God. Mohammed was a false prophet. Jesus holds the world in his hands with no pride in his eyes.
We should also rip out the ayahs of quran where God said to prostrate to Adam as that is clearly shirk, our master iblees was right in refusing to Prostrate to Adam as he is a true sunni muwahid holding his index finger up.
@@amarabidali5316 Incompatible analogy. Iblis' refusal to prostrate before Adam was undoubtedly condemnable, as it was a direct command from God. However, God Almighty has given us no command to mention Muhammad (SAW) in the second-person perspective during salat.
@@decade0240 you are saying salaam in your tashahud to rasoulallah, and you think that makes God angry?
@@amarabidali5316 The Salah is for us to glorify God, and we should only speak to him. The salaam in tashahud to the Rasulullah is in the second person, which means we are speaking to the prophet, and not to God. I do not know what makes God angry and what doesn't, but I see this as unacceptable.
But we should not call him in the prayer as most Muslim mistakenly does in Tashahhud. : ‘Assalamu alaika ayyuhan nabiyyu’, instead it should be : ‘Assalamu alan nabiyyu’. What’s your comment?
I totally agree with you. I've always struggled with this part of the Tashahud all my life. Why should it be "peace be onto you o Prophet"? Why not "and peace be onto the Prophet"? This sounds more appropriate, doesn't it?
Thanks for the realization. And convey it to others, because it’s a great mistake. As the general Muslims don’t know the meaning they are not aware of that.
@@ahmfarooq1823 But how have all scholars missed this point for the past 1400 years? Was this topic debated in the early days of Islam? Do you have a source for the right version of the Tashahhud?
You can add any dua in the sitting position of the salah as Dr. Shibbir Ally said. But you can’t invoke anyone beside Allah in your prayer. It is now agreed upon by renowned scholars.
@@ahmfarooq1823 You said "It is now agreed upon by renowned scholars." Do you have sources (youtube videos, online article, etc)? I don't want to go around telling people this information without credible backing.
It should not mentioning them..hadith is made from traditionalist Muslims...we Muslims care Quran alone..
First: I care on Sunnah too! do not generalize, in fact most Muslims are Sunnis.
Second: Why? give me one proof we shouldn't (of course from Quran alone.)
Third: The Quran tells to ask Allah to send blessings upon him?
Fourth: Already by doing this, you are praying to Allah, because you said "Allahumma" so you are saying dua, and dua is an important part of prayer.
@@Syria_Free_Palestine_will_too 1)where does quran say you must follow the sunnah?and how about Muslims which are not most sunnis!
2)Quran is zero mentioned to follow sunnah
3)send blessings in who?
4)You alone address to Allah not muhammad 👍
First: Here's proofs to follow Sunnah.
Group 1:
*Example:* [2:151]: (Just as We have sent among you a messenger from yourselves reciting to you Our verses and purifying you and teaching you the Book and *wisdom* and teaching you that which you did not know.)
*Others:* [2:231] [3:164] [4:113] [62:2] and [33:34]
You may say that The Wisdom is not The Sunnah, but then tell me what is it? and if you read other Ayats which mention it we will have more knowledge of what is the Wisdom that mentioned along side The book.
1- We know it's readable and especially by wives of The Prophet [proof: 33:34]
2- We know it's for all believers and not a specific group [proof: 3:164]
3- We know it's a revelation and not anything [proof: 4:113]
4- We know it's revealed to other Prophets not only Muhammad (saw) [proof: 5:110]
So what is the thing that we have, and verifies all these conditions? It's Hadiths. because:
1- Everyone knows that the most people that helped to preserve the Sunnah are The wives of The Prophet.
2- There's a hadith tell that the people after The Prophet should follow Sunnah.
3- There's a hadith tell that the Prophet said that there's other revelation with Quran.
Group 2:
*Example:* [4:59] (O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger)
*Others:* [5:92] [24:54] [24:56] [47:33] [64:12] and more
*Explanation:* Obey "x" means to follow what says/does... so Obey Allah means follow The Quran and obey The Messenger means to follow The Sunnah.
and in fact: Quran always mention to obey Allah and obety The Messenger, never "obey Allah" mentioned alone, but "obey The Messenger" mentioned once alone in [24:56] and don't forget that obeying The Messenger is a condition to obey Allah [4:80]
you may use these arguments:
1- Obeying The Messenger is only to companions.
--> The Quran tells in [4:59] that obeying The Messenger is to all believers, so you either say I will, or you say I'm not a believer (and this is a proof of preservation of Sunnah, how Allah will command us to follow something when it no longer exist between us, it's like if he says follow The Torah (the one that revealed to Moses not the corrupted one.))
2- "Rasool" (Messenger) means "Risalah" (Message = Quran): let's suppose it's correct, but this interpretation will make problems in [5:92]: (And obey Allah and obey the Messenger and beware. And if you turn away - then know that upon Our Messenger is only [the responsibility for] clear notification.)
so by using it it will then be: (And obey Allah and obey the Message and beware. And if you turn away - then know that upon Our Message is only [the responsibility for] clear notification.)
It's clear, that's it's illogic to interpret messenger as message, and despite that it will be a repetition so if we suppose "Obey Allah" = "Obey The Messenger" then why mentioning them both together?
Group 3:
*Example:* [16:44]: (And We revealed to you the message that you may make clear to the people what was sent down to them and that they might give thought.)
*Explanation:* Allah sent his Prophet to make clear to us (all people) what was sent down to us.
Examples: Prayer is obligatory! [2:110]
common questions: how to pray? when to pray?
did Quran answered to these questions, I challenge you to find where?
The Quran gave you how to know how to pray, The Prophet is the responsible to make clear to people what was sent down to us.
Answer to all challenges:
1- Find other interpretation of word "wisdom"
2- Find other meaning of "obey The Messenger"
3- Find how to pray from Quran.
@@Syria_Free_Palestine_will_too I never read the revelation of sunnah was revealed...keep it up
1- [An-Najm: 3-4] (Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination. It is not but a revelation revealed.)
and of course he spoke things with Quran (his daily life and sayings), it's too a revelation. So Quran + Sunnah are revelations
[6:162] Say, "My Contact Prayers (Salat), my worship practices, my life and my death, are all devoted absolutely to GOD alone, the Lord of the universe.
The idol worshippers cannot comprehend this verse, and insist on making up justifications to mention somebody besides God.
That does seem a little weird I doubt Muhammad said bless himself
Says makes no distinction between prophets but then in prayers it ask for Muhammad and his family be equal to Abraham and his family… this doesn’t make any sense.
Why would Mohammed ask people to pray for his family and him to be equal to Abraham, if we make no distinction… it’s unsettling… and this isn’t a satisfying answer to me… do all sects pray the same? And peace be upon all prophets for ever
no i’m pretty sure that verse means u can’t accept some prophets and deny others, they are all messengers of God
This still didnt answe the question. How did muhammad pray and teach us to pray. Did he send blessings on himself or not.
I agree, the question was dodged, and extra things were added in the answer
In one ayat I don’t remember which sura Allah says in place of worship do not bring alongside My name any other name
Alhamdulilah. Excellent explanation Dr. Shabir. May Allah be pleased with u and reward u greatly.
What explanation? The explanation doesn't make sense. Why do you, the sinner, have to pray for God to bless Mohammed if he, Mohammed, is righteous, he is in heaven, and is already blessed? It just doesn't make sense...
But Jesus was mentioned more than Muhammad in the Quaran......how come you don't pray to him just as Muhammad?????
Now I’m confused the Quran is saying to pray 3 times but Hadith says 5 but Quran don’t mention Hadith it specifically say the book itself is enough.
Why do Allah, The Angels and The Muslims have to send blessing to “The Praise Worthy One” 🤔
Where does it say "have to"? God blesses his flock all the time. And the "praiseworthy one" is just "Muhammad" translated in english.
1.Are you saying that Surah 33:56 is optional?
2. Who do you think gave him the name Muhammad which means “Praiseworthy One”?
@@TheTruth-hc7ww 1. As the prophet taught it, it becomes a mandatory in salat.
2. Ultimately Allah determines everything, including what our parents name us.
1. Well Like I said as a Muslim you “Have to” send Blessing and Praises to the “Praise Worthy One”.
2. Are you saying that “The Praise Worthy One’s” parents were Muslims and worshipped Allah?
@Gehtdich Nichtsan
If being the “Praise Worthy One” is a Status then what Status is Allah?
No reference was given to support his view
Why does the translation say "Blessings Upon You O'Prophet" ?
Before askings for blessings upon Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) & Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) ???
Why do you have to pray for God to bless Mohammed if he Mohammed is righteous, he is in heaven, and is already blessed? It doesn't make sense.
While the Quran clearly says:
You cannot be heard by those in the graves. (35:22)
The followers of the Arab religion all over the world are sending greetings to Prophet Abraham and Muhammad and their families no need to wait for them to reply, then greet the ‘two angels sitting on both of your shoulders’ again, no reply is expected.
Greeting only the dead prophet Ibrahim, Muhammad and their
families five times a day!
Aren't we supposed to make any distinction between the prophets????
but Isaac, Jacob, Ishmael, Joseph, David, Solomon, Moses, Aaron, Zachariah, John , and Jesus were somehow left out of this private club. When people are willing to memorise without understanding it is a sign of their willingness to be shackled without thinking.
While God says : 17:36 "You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them."
If we train a parrot to say
'good morning', it will say good morning to people even during the night.
People of the previous scriptures who follow a religion under a brand
name and those who receive the Quran but follow a religion are termed as idolworshipers.
There is only one way in life for mankind to observe : "God's Way"
Knowledge is the cure for one's ignorance.
"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." [Bible, John 8:32
20:114 ... say, "My Lord, increase me in knowledge."
I was LITERALLY just questioning this yesterday mashallahhhhh thank you for the videos as always 🙏🙏
@rats We're rats
Your doubt is right but falling into this lie again is getting you no where.
No explanation given by any scholars can marred the truth that your Quran teaches you to include this shalawat in your daily prayers.
And worse still is this verse in your Quran that says shalawat sent upon Muhammad will be blessed by it tenfolds, erased by it ten sins and raised by it ten degrees.
Muhammad just made himself above Allah. Who decide whether to show mercy or not? Muhammad? Gotcha
Muhammad just made himself above Allah.
Parents and kids are an overall criteria but Ibrahim and Muhammad are very specific names.
Salam brother shabir, when will you come to Qur'an alone and leave all hadith and external sources for guidance?
You interestingly translated "salat" as "ritual prayer" when you should know very well that "salat" does NOT mean ritual prayer.
May Allah give you the strength and courage to come to Qur'an alone, for guidance, soon insha'Allah.
The channel is "Let the Qur'an Speak" and yet there is repeated reliance on hadith.
May Allah guide us all. Ameen
Follow quran only
Allah exulted some prophets over others in rank and status. We believe in all the prophets equally and love and respect them all. Ibrahim made a prayer to Allah to grant from his lineage prophets, Mohammed is the fulfillment of the prayer through the lineage of Ishmeal as. Additionally, as Muslims we understand that Mohammed sws is the peak of Allahs creation, and through loving and emulating the Prophet sws we are showing gratitude to Allah for blessing us with such a remarkable leader and teacher.
Surah Baqara 2:253
Those messengers - some of them We caused to exceed others. Among them were those to whom Allāh spoke, and He raised some of them in degree. And We gave Jesus, the son of Mary, clear proofs, and We supported him with the Pure Spirit [i.e., Gabriel]. Those messengers - some of them We caused to exceed others. Among them were those to whom Allāh spoke, and He raised some of them in degree. And We gave Jesus, the son of Mary, clear proofs, and We supported him with the Pure Spirit [i.e., Gabriel].
It’s not “peace be upon the prophet”… “it’s peace be open you, o prophet” that’s clearly not praying for someone it’s directly addressing someone ..he didn’t answer the question lol
Skipped it straight
@@ob7633I really need help understand guys so this is fine to say in tashahud or no
Which Sahih Hadith shows how to pray from start to finish, mentioning rakat and what to say .. and that it needs to be 5 times a day?
the 5 times is mentioned in the quran but for the specific method of praying the quran suggest that it was already taught to the people at the time of the prophet . the prayer was then orally transmitted from generation to generation to end up to us and only some parts of how to perform it have been mentioned but again i agree this should have been taught somewhere in hadith for new generations
@ sometimes I wonder if Allah kept it vague to allow people to pray however … just as long as they pray. Respect to different cultures etc.
My question too
Isn’t it like reverting The Prophet PBUH
Just like how the Christians do with Jesus PBUH
Also Sunnis ignore the the whole verse. How do you send greeting to the prophet if he’s not here? And the verse after says annoy the prophet. Obviously you cant annoy someone who’s dead.
And of the people is he who trades the amusement/hoax narrations/statements (LAHWA AL-HADITH) to mislead from the way of God without knowledge and takes it (the way of God) as ridicule. Those will have a humiliating punishment. (31:6)
@Gehtdich Nichtsan And when our verses are recited to him, he turns away arrogantly as if he had not heard them, as if there was in his ears deafness. So give him tidings of a painful punishment. (31:7)
They have exchanged/traded God's revelations for a cheap price, so they diverted others from His path. How evil is what they did. (9:9)
Also how did Allah himself prayed?
And 33:43 Allah and his angels send blessing on us not just the prophet
The last part of the Salah is the culmination and the part where we make pleas to God. There is nothing wrong to ask for peace for the prophet or all the prophets. Might even ask for peace for all prophets. Might even ask for peace for all people. It's not equal to worshiping the people mentioned.
And blessings of peace are mentioned in the Quran, it was part of Abrahamic tradition prior to the prophet Muhammad and God himself sends peace upon the prophets in the Quran (see surah maryam)
Am I wrong I thought we did not differentiate between the Prophets so always in my mind when doing Salawat I always assumed I was asking for all the prophets of Allah? Or does it matter?
@Robert Cummins
What do you think when the Quran tells you that sending shalawat to Muhammad can gives you tenfold blessing and reduce 10 sins?
So that you can commit sin again and say shalawat again? This is from God?
Stop what you are doing now and go learn the truth about Islam from any ex Muslim or from Christian Prince.
You don't want to end up being punish for your sins in hell
@@huios974please please please… show us ONE verse in the Quran supporting what you just wrote (that Quran promise recompenses tenfolds to those who send salawaat to the prophet). We are waiting… and I know we will be waiting for ever because you’ll never come back here with such proof.
Go educate yourself on the QURAN properly first before making such ridiculous statements. 😅
The TRUE SHAHADA is found in the QURAN: (3:18) God bears witness (SHAHADA) that there is no god but He (‘La Ilaha Illa Allah’), and so do the Angels and those of knowledge, upright with equity: there is no god but He, the Almighty, the Wise.
However the SUNNI SHAHADA is in SURAH MUNAFIQUN: (63:1)
“When the HYPOCRYTES come to you they say “We bear witness that you are the messenger of Allah” Allah knows that you are His messenger, and Allah bears witness that the hypocrites are liars” ......ALAHU AKBAR!
The Bayyinat (Clear Evidence) brings us to scrutinize three important verbs in the verse:
1- The hypocrites say “we bear witness” (nashhad) that you are the messenger of Allah”
2- ” Allah “knows” (ya”lam) that you are His messenger”
3- ” Allah “bears witness” (yashhad) that the hypocrites are liars”
If you will, you should notice that the verse starts with the words “bear witness” and ends with the same words, so why does Allah use the word “knows” in the middle of the verse? This is a very good question and point to make according to what Allah is saying.
Why did Allah not say ==> Allah bears witness that you are His messenger?
“Allah bears witness concerning what He has revealed to you. He has revealed it with His knowledge. And the angels bear witness as well, BUT ALLAH IS ENOUGH AS A WITNESS” Sura 4:166.
Again this is what the Messenger told the companions.
Allah is enough as a witness. Allah also discourages attempts at witnessing other Messengers:
“You were not on the slope of the western Mount when we gave Moses the commandments. YOU WERE NOT A WITNESS” Sura 28:44.
If Allah says 1,400 years ago that hypocrites say this Shahadah about the Messenger this is clear that people cannot “witness” the messengership of the Messengers !!!!
Again, Allah says He will certainly expose the hypocrites 29:11. Allah says the Messenger can recognize them from what they say 47:30. So when the hypocrites come and insist that they want to bear witness on the Messenger, they expose themselves as hypocrites. And Abu Hurairah (if he really existed) has fooled millions of Muslims into reciting the same thing everyday of their lives.
The first part of Abu Hurairah’s Shahadah is “I bear witness that there is no god except Allah”. “ash hadu anlaa ilaaha illallah”
The Quran says:
“Allah bears witness that there is no god except He, and so do the angels and those endowed with knowledge, in truth and justice. There is no god except He, the mighty, the wise” Sura 3:18.
Allah is enough as a Witness
Again Allah says that His own witness is enough:
“Say, Whose testimony is the greatest” Say, “Allah’s (testimony is the greatest). HE IS THE WITNESS BETWEEN ME AND YOU that this Quran has been inspired to me, to preach it to you and whomever it reaches..” Sura, 6:19.
“…Allah suffices as a witness…” Sura 4:79 and 4:166.,
“The word of your Lord is complete, in truth and justice. Nothing shall abrogate His words. He is the hearer, the knower”. Sura 6:114
The HADITH regarding the SUNNI SHAHADA says:
One day Abu Hurairah went to the people and told them that the Messenger had authorised him to go and tell them to recite the Shahadah “ash hadu anlaa ilaha illallhu wa ash hadu anna muhammadar-rasulullah”. Another version reads ” muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluhu”. The first person Abu Hurairah came across to give the Shahadah was Saidina Omar (later the second caliph). When Omar heard it he promptly punched Abu Hurairah in the chest and knocked him to the ground. Then Omar put his foot on Abu Hurairah’s neck and asked him how dare he utter such a blasphemy.
Abu Hurairah (who is recorded in the hadith as having received quite u few beatings from Saidina Omar during his lifetime) then cried out and named the Messenger as his authority. When again challenged by Saidina Omar, Abu Hurairah pulled out a pair of leather slippers and showed them to Omar. The slippers, he said, were given to him by the Prophet, as proof for what he was saying. Recognising the prophet’s slippers, Omar simmered down. Everyone then happily started reciting the shahadah.
This most incredible story is the background to the Shahadah of Abu Hurairah, which has been adopted by millions of Sunni !!! Allahu Akbar !
Can you give the exact source of this hadith?
Although I follow the Quran alone and I believe that the shahada should mention Allah subhanahu watala alone. I believe you are taking things out of context. I don't agree with you calling sunni Muslims hypocrites or idolators for them reciting the shahada the way they do. Their intentions are not to worship the prophet Muhammad. You are not their judge and neither are they your judge.
I live under the guidance of my father's junior brother after the death of my father early in my life,we work together with his son and he became very rich, suddenly he died,do I deserve something from what he left behind interm of wealth?
Yusalluna alannebiy doesn't mean send blessings upon the prophet. It means giving support...
the tashahhud is not just unquranic but contradict several verses of the quran.
du'a for our children & parents & probably mentioning their names isn't the same as mentioning Muhamad & Ibrahim (pbut)'s names. you do du'a for people who've been guaranteed paradise, seriously?
A sample of comments shoes your position is not right.
Then you quote 33 v 56 badly in translation it says Allah and angels pray to Mohamed not blessings .Be honest.
Some Muslims even argue that Muslims take Mohamed to same level some christians Revere Jesus as Worshipped.even shahadah in it's form is not in Quran so it was a later invention. Accept the facts.
Prophet Muhammad didn't do any rituals, even though Hajj is a pagen ritual and kissing black stone is a Shirk. (Anything you have to think that this isn't Shirk is Shirk and anything you have to think this isn't a pagen ritual is a pagen ritual)
Actually kissing the black stone is the pagan ritual.
@Gehtdich Nichtsan would prophet Muhammad support BLM? I highly doubt it
@Gehtdich Nichtsan
Umar said he knows the Stone has no power which is why he trying to figure out why your prophet is kissing it. Also your prophet says in another Hadith that the Stone will witness for you on the day of judgment for those who touch it. Which means that there is Power in the Stone correct?
72:18 says dont even call upon anyone while worshipping allah
"I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you"
Why quote Bible scripture?
Agreed. Theres no problem in this at all, and the prayers are mass transmitted through a living practice
So you are the one praying for the righteous now and that makes sense to you? 😂
Shabir may say it is not necessary to say the shalawat or gives excuse for the shalawat because they realized that this practise is wrong.
If they don't cover up for this, they will be labelled as equating partners to Allah.
However, no matter how you try to give Quran a new look you cannot take these verse out from the Quran and many Muslims are still sending shalawat to Muhammad. So? Is Islam a monotheistic religion?
Good Question 😊
Where are we making distinction when you see family tree of prophets in quran ,their ancestors they all are same family ,so we are blessing entire family it means we are including all Prophets indirectly !
Subhan Allah brother Shabbir had explained excellently.....please my request to make one video on did Allah mentions dialogues between earlier prophets and Adam is the verbatim or Allah paraphrased it.
Great question I often ask myself this question
I believe Mohammad never mention in Quran the companion added
Make video on attiyat is it compulsory to pray in first sitting
Omg, I was thinking about the same thing this morning after I finished my prayer.
Start questioning why we face the kabaa and why the hadiths and you’ll be more shocked
@Tariq Yasiin
God is removing the veils over your eyes. Do not accept this as an answer.
This is in your Quran. Man can manipulate it till you believe they are right. But understand yourself the verses.
Why you have to send shalawat to Muhammad to be blessed tenfold? Why shalawat sent to Muhammad can erase by ten sins?
If you continue to send shalawat you are in danger of equating partners to Allah.
Follow I A and find out why you face the kaaba and why you follow the Hadiths (rules made by man)
God bless you. I pray God will guide you to the right path.
@@Noname31a to God belongs the east and west, the qiblah is nothing more than a unified direction to pray to, and God changing the qiblah then returning it was a test to see the true believers. Kissing the supposed "divine" rock is nothing but idol worship and folklore.
Same with the hadith
@@huios974 Praying towards the Kaaba is not a rule made by man, but by God. But that doesn't mean you should kiss it or ever consider it to be more than it is, a lifeless small house to worship God alone.
The word صلو does not mean to bless or to pray. It means to connect to. Allah subhanahu watala does not have to say blessings to the prophet. If He wills to bless the prophet, He will just bless him. Prayer should be all about God.
The disrespect to Muhammad and his ahlulbayt peace be upon them has made you hate to mention them in your salah but God forces you to respect them 5 times a day when though you hate to do so. You claim that is shirk but not the belief that God has body parts and breaks his chair for being extremely overweight.
everytime the prophets name is mentioned in the 5 prayers the name Abraham is also mentioned
What happened to Adam, Noah who came before Abraham and Lott (Abraham’s nephew) who according to Islam was also a prophet of Allah?
@Gehtdich Nichtsan
Well if everyone was born a Muslim, then what makes Abraham’s role different. Doesn’t the Quran say make no distinction between prophets?
@Gehtdich Nichtsan
Every Human is Born with natural ‘Fitrah’ that only One God Exist? Is it the Quantity of Allah or the Quality of Allah that makes him God?
Ibrahim and mohammed is mentioned. What about other great profphets. ... hmmmmmm
He is not merely mentioned, which in itself is a very strange thing to do for people claiming submission to only God, but he is addressed to DIRECTLY in the tashahhud- unequivocal idolatry.
@Gehtdich Nichtsan Translate the tashahhud in English? Muhammad is already dead, so is Abraham. Their journey through this life is already completed and they will be judged according to how they’d lived. Constantly and compulsorily mentioning “pbuh” every single time their names are mentioned will not change anything. Think about it. You’re crowding your prayers with senseless supplications several times a day, making dead men the ultimate preoccupation of your prayers, on a daily basis, as if God to whom you pray can be swayed by the silly repetitions of the same request day in day out. That’s very silly. You pray without faith, and that’s why you feel the need to constantly repeat the same stuff hundreds of times every single day. You can’t pray for Abraham nor Muhammad, they’re both dead. Worry about the living. In the tashahhud, you address Muhammad directly. That is idolatry at the highest degree. If you can’t see that, I don’t know what else to say to you.
To be honest with you.... Don't feel offended... Your nonsense reached out of your boundaries... Firstly you don't understand islamic theology... you don't know what you're talking about... And implying your nonsense understanding upon Islamic discourse....
Salam upon Ibrahim (pbuh) : O Allah, bestow Your favor on Muhammad and on the family of Muhammad as You have bestowed Your favor on Ibrahim and on the family of Ibrahim, You are Praiseworthy, Most Glorious. O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as You have blessed Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim, You are Praiseworthy, Most Glorious.
Here is why we convey salam upon the prophets & their family : when one is making this dua he is praying TO GOD ALMIGHTY to bestow favour upon the prophets & their family & thats why there is no chance to make the prophets & their family members DIVINE as you & your fellow christians did.....
@@ExposingHindutva101 did you even read what I wrote. The justification you’ve provided only makes it worst. Please read my other response to the other person in the thread. This fixation on Muhammad is in itself idolatry. Muhammad was a sinner and is dead. Why crowd your prayers with senseless repetitive supplications like those? To compound this issue even further is the case of Muhammad being addressed to directly. Do you believe Muhammad can hear you? This is a matter of incoherent theology. The implications of all those things is that you’ve brought yourself to a level of reverence for a dead sinner that borders towards worshiping the dead sinner. I simply don’t understand how you can justify such behavior towards a dead sinner without attributing some kind of divinity to him.
We don't believe Muhammad hearing us.
We pray to ALLAH for our prophet sothat his/his family members soul rest in peace.
We also pray to Allah for our dead relatives also sothat their soul rest in peace.
All the worship belongs to Allah.
@@ExposingHindutva101 @delpesh271 you both are talking with no reference to the Quran. @exposinghinduism101 your write up is logical but try to back it up with the Quran. It will help substantiate your thinking. @delpesh271 where in the Quran did the idea of including the prophets name in prayer. You see if the hadith is interpreting the Quran, we should at least be able to make reference in the Quran. Making what did not originate from the Quran a law is misleading and breaks my heart.
Good question... and a good answer.
Where is the good answer? The explanation doesn't make sense. Why do you, the sinner, have to pray for God to bless Mohammed if he, Mohammed, is righteous, he is in heaven, and is already blessed? It just doesn't make sense...
@@mzbernardful why not?
You are referring to man made hadith that is a historical account full of inconsistencies like any other historical narrative. Why don't Muslims stick to the glorious Koran alone and worship Allah alone instead of worshipping prophet Muhammad pbuh alongside and that too in a twisted manner to pretend to be monotheists. Religion with Allah is Islam alone, and a believer must be a strict monotheist in words and actions.
2:51 it should be 17:24 not 14:40
Some people worship statue others worship graveyards and walls and stones and majar
And the place of worship are for Allah so invoke not any one along with Allah.
Man I’m a little confused with the beard.. he shaved it huh? 👀
Excellent answer, shaikh,
Great answer to a good question 👏✌
We can't include any body else in prayer in Christianity by gospel teaching other than closing in the name of Jesus but we address the prayers to God almighty our father.
No Mary ,no praying to Jesus or worship to Jesus or to saints.
It's to God in Jesus' name as our high priest.
This is idolatry no debate
How ? Because you aren’t used to it?
Can you explain how can you read Surah 108 back to Allah.
How can you tell Allah in salat:
We have given you many bounties. In appreciation, you shall serve your Lord and be charitable. Your
enemy will henceforth be the loser. Surah 108
And also how can you read surah 109 in salah and tell Allah:
Say!: O you disbelievers, I do not serve what you
serve, nor are you serving what I am serving. I will
never serve what you are serving, nor will you ever
serve what I am serving. To you is your own way,
and to me is my own way. Surah 109
And surah 111
Say!: He is God, the only one. The absolute God. He
never begets, nor was He ever begotten. There is
none equal to Him. Surah 111
Explain how can you read these back to Allah.
Not telling him, quoting him, acknowledging his words.
@@wanrazul You are reading the Quran back to Allah, simple like that. Where Allah says to read the Quran back to him please quote.
@@justriaz29 When his prophet teaches us to pray. Where did you learn to pray from?
@@wanrazul Show me the hadith where it tell us how to pray even 2 rakaat. There is no hadith tell us how to pray, I'm challenging you. Show your hadith. You didn't even read your hadith it seems.
@@justriaz29 In the video Shabir quoted a scholarly dalil work on the salat. Pick up that book.
Isn’t being a homosexual a sin In Muslim countries
With Jesus you don't have this problem because he is God in the flesh
Why so many shia in this comment.
Yes you pray 5x to muhammad ask SAM SHAMOUN he will Tell you
A true representative of God asks God to bless the people and exhorts the people to bless God. A cult leader always asks his followers to bless himself.
@Gehtdich Nichtsan The greatest leaders of God's people in the Bible were willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of the people: Moses (Exodus 32:32), David (2 Samuel 24:17), and of course, Jesus (Mark 10:45).
Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." John 10:10-11
Jesus was sinless and sacrificed his life for us. Jesus also atoned for our sins. False doctrines and religions do not lead to heaven, they are only sufficient for hell. Only God's guidance leads to salvation. God's justification opens the door for the sinner and he is received into paradise. A Muslim who turns to God in faith and repentance and confesses his sins before God is forgiven by faith alone, by grace alone, without the work of the law. Whoever believes that Jesus is the promised Messiah, Savior, God-like man and true God, the way is the truth and the life. In conclusion, I must say that no one will go to heaven if they deny the salvation that Jesus deserves, they will end up in eternal hell fire.
Then what about the family of Jesus (PBUH), family of Moses (PBUH) ? Today all the prophets are NO longer among us. They are dead and buried (except some). Quran says, we should not differentiate among prohpets. So why should we invoke one Prophet in a ritual prayer ? The best we can do is "pray for' or "remember" or "give salutations" to all the prophets/messengers in a generic way.
Because you are ordered to respect the family of rasoulallah peace be upon him and his pure family.
Because islam is false and Muhammad is the agent of satan
Very unconvincing reply. If you don’t follow the family of prophet you gonna lose the right path. The holy family of Prophet Muhammed is from Hazrat Fatima and Imam Ali. Succession of Imamat is through Imam Ali, Imam Hasan and HuSaiN.❤️
Looks like you’re idolizing them
Very hypocritical.
Masha Allah ❤
Chapter 72 verse 18 of the Quran, Allah says not to mention any names besides the name of God.
فلاتدعوا مع الله احدا: سوره الجن ایه ۱۸
who gave this guy authority to manipulate the Word of Allah Almighty.
This guy just promoting idol worshiping which is an unforgivable sin. That's it.
Lidten to Quran only and manority of Muslims today worship Mo eith Allah
Over 10 verses say
Allah AND Mo.
They mention him
In false shahadah..
Ir Allah AND Mo
Again hr is desd but thry sslute him...2b muslims he mudt be omnipresent.
Listen to Quran only show hiw hafith hijacked Quran by scholars.
Mo in Quran is diffetent from Mo in Quran.
In Quran he is a plain warner 10 times never mentioned by Muslims.
In hadith he us the greatest of all messengers
Why sabir ally not debating to samsamoune face by face in this topic I will not said am requesting because I knows sabir answers 😅😊😂
Why the translation is different.
Allah and his angels pray to prophet
Not blessing
Salat means blessings and it also means connection, that’s why prayer is called salat, you’re connecting with Allah swt
Shirk at its highest
Ahadees are as a test. So donot follow ahadees
Five daily prayers are pagan. Pure bidah. No where in the Quran. Worship Allah and only rely on his Quran.
Or be pagan and worship forefathers who lied.
Islam is false 😂
Although I follow the Quran alone, I disagree with you regarding salah. The word salah comes from the Arabic root word صلو which means to connect to. In the Quran two words are derived from صلو sali which is connection. For example in 33:43 Allah subhanahu watala says that He and the angels do sali upon us in order to bring us from darkness into light. In this case, the word sali means to connect to us. It also means the same in 33:56. However, in verses such as 4:102-103, the terms aqimus salawata is used. When used in this way it means to connect with Allah through prayer. Verse 102 proves that aqimus salawata means to connect with Allah through prayer, it mentions standing and prostrating positions.
I don't think that you understand that the establishment of prayer was part of a living tradition that was established by Ibrahim and Ismael. This practice of prayer was passed down from generation to generation. During the time that the Quran was being revealed, the practice and details of prayer were already widely known by the community of prophet Muhammad. This is why the details of the prayers are not mentioned in the Quran.
One more point, I understand your desire to follow the Quran alone. However going into the opposite extreme of traditional Muslims is not the answer. This will only further divide the already divided Muslim world. Your approach is not making things better for Islam.
@@hassanabdur-rahman1559interesting that u used connect to for salah.. Connect to means there was an interruption or discontiuation, u think allah had disconnscted and then connecting again?
@@vishalramesh2307 the meaning of the root word صلو means to connect. We pray in order to connect with Allah. If what you claim is true. Why are there daily prayers. Allah does not disconnect from us. We discontinue to connect with Allah when we become engrossed in our lives and activities. That is why we have to connect with Allah throughout the day.
@@hassanabdur-rahman1559 thanks. But what you say makes perfect sense from humans pov but surah 33.56 is from God's pov..
Indeed, Allah showers His blessings upon the Prophet, and His angels pray for him. O believers! Invoke Allah’s blessings upon him, and salute him with worthy greetings of peace.
If u remove "showers his blessings" and add ur meaning of "connect to" will give out a lot of contradictions.
Im honestly curious how u would interpret it now.. Thanks
Ritual? Isn't that Shirk?
@Gehtdich Nichtsan Can you tell me where you got the step-by-step ritual, show reference or you are just following your forefather
@Gehtdich Nichtsan Who make ritual prayer obligatory, show your proof in the Quran.
@Gehtdich Nichtsan SALAT just means COMMITMENT and not SPECIFIC COMMITMENT which is accepted by majority of muslims to mean PERFORMING RITUAL WORSHIP FACING THE KAABA. The specific meaning of commitment in a verse depends on what was mentioned in that particular verse.
Generally, during the time of Moses, the commitment mentioned in the verse relates to the Torah, during the time of Jesus, the commitment mentioned in the verse relates to the Bible and during the time of Muhammad, the commitment mentioned in the verse relates to the Quran. But it was NEVER a specific commitment that relates to RITUAL WORSHIP FACING THE KAABA (the biggest sin as it is BLASPHEMY for associating stone idol with God).
Allah huma salli Allah Muhammedin wa ale Muhammed