Build Tells All

  • Опубліковано 11 кві 2024
  • On this edition of the Sams Report, Microsoft Build reveals the future, Xbox gets a dashboard update, and Windows keeps chasing ARM.
  • Ігри


  • @avianspies
    @avianspies 2 місяці тому +3

    18:36 you’re forgetting that I’ll need a way to bring my physical og Xbox and 360 games into a all-digital future.

  • @techieg33k
    @techieg33k 2 місяці тому +3

    My old 4790K was too old for W11, so I built a new computer (and switched to Linux full time)

  • @LordBeef
    @LordBeef 2 місяці тому +1

    Uploaded exactly at 10 am…our guy is definitely scheduling the upload. Nice

  • @nohandlehere55
    @nohandlehere55 2 місяці тому +2

    Xbox just needs to have a good store-front between PCs and Console. If they can work something out w/ Steam, then even better. I have an Xbox X and it sits in the guest gaming is done on my PCs. Bring the games and make it cross-play and available on console and PC (and even cloud for non-twitch games).

  • @Minetheground
    @Minetheground 2 місяці тому +2

    when windows 10 ends support, i will continue to use it, because all Windows operating systems, can be used in the modern world, an example is Windows XP, if Microsoft to just update the code inside of the OS, the XP would still be a good OS in 2024, but Microsoft has to stay profitable, so they make new releases, instead of using the same product name.

  • @LAdudeBRA
    @LAdudeBRA 2 місяці тому +2

    Not saying you need to add more classic titles to your backlog, but HoMM3 is like THE BOMB. I think you'd enjoy it

    • @paavopalantera9583
      @paavopalantera9583 2 місяці тому

      To me, HoMM3 is the greatest game of all time.

    • @LAdudeBRA
      @LAdudeBRA 2 місяці тому

      @@paavopalantera9583 I wont disagree with that. I continue to play it today, and recently received the official board game that was made for it!

  • @onlineidentity6826
    @onlineidentity6826 2 місяці тому +1

    I believe strongly that there will be some backtracking by Microsoft as far as the current Win 11 requirements are concerned, in order for them to keep their user base. This will allow current Win 10 users who want to upgrade, the ability to do so on hardware that is currently foul of the (ridiculous) restrictions in place. They are facing a PR disaster, although the thing that will ultimately initiate this backtracking will be lost revenue ( what a surprise). Their PR department will spin it differently although we all can see through the b*ll even before they have started. The average user will not move over to Linux and just wants something similar to what they currently have to work with minimal fuss.

  • @technicallyme
    @technicallyme 2 місяці тому +2

    One advantage Apple has imo is Apple seems to be able to force developers to optimize for there platform, Microsoft not so much

    • @markygp1766
      @markygp1766 2 місяці тому +1

      And that's a slavery, if you want to force me to obey, or worse to pay for using nothing but your tools, I opt out, goodbye.

    • @technicallyme
      @technicallyme 2 місяці тому

      @@markygp1766 opt out how. Google has a ton of malware by not having control and microsft very much wants the control but can't figure out how to do it

  • @LordBeef
    @LordBeef 2 місяці тому

    13:20 There is a significant difference between a Series X Pro and a Handheld. A handheld is actually a step down in hardware power, but in a different form factor. The Pro is unappealing because the hardware power is already sufficient, and it wouldn’t offer a different enough experience.

  • @MakeLifeExtraordinary
    @MakeLifeExtraordinary 2 місяці тому +1

    This is seemingly setting up the next Xbox for these chips and arm processing. Which would be a giant leap in processing power for consoles. Especially with AI and machine learning at the helm. not to mention, processors specifically for these two features. I think, whatever they can offload from the CPU would be a great thing. Free it up to do the lifting it needs in order to get the frame rates gamers want. Same thing for the GPU.
    We also need a leap in memory. At least 24 GB next generation. Separate slower, memory, maybe six or 8 GB… For background processing and the OS. Again, freeing up resources specifically for games. Which I’m surprised they didn’t do this current generation.
    We will see, but if any of this technology that they’re talking about, makes it into the new console… Which is almost a given… Then, we may be looking at something that changes the way people look at consoles. The question is, can they do this efficiently in order to bring the system out at a decent price. or do they need to? If rumors persist about Microsofts, taking the hardware, third-party and licensing the design out. Which means, maybe they can add more memory, more hard drive space and such. We will see. Definitely interesting information.

  • @inamulbhuyan
    @inamulbhuyan 2 місяці тому

    Snapdragon X Elite ❤Windows on arm

  • @josephlemons
    @josephlemons 2 місяці тому +3

    I'm planning on building a new PC this year for 3D software use since my current one can’t upgrade to Win 11, however I am worried about all the ads that are now appearing in the Windows 11 start menu, will Start11 remove all those ads?

    • @marksapollo
      @marksapollo 2 місяці тому

      Microsoft is going full ads I’m afraid. They plaster them all over the Xbox dashboard and you cannot remove them, I expect Windows will get worst and be the same.

  • @obvinpro
    @obvinpro 2 місяці тому

    are you saying that mac is better for web browsing?

  • @PrinsessePeach
    @PrinsessePeach 2 місяці тому

    Microsoft gets a lot of publicity when they are trying to beat Apple, and you just proved them right. It’s a fun competition between Microsoft and Apple.

  • @psykorobot6807
    @psykorobot6807 2 місяці тому +4

    "Don't give us a handheld" F'ck' that! Brad, I don't know who you have been talking to but most people presented with a possible Xbox mobile device have been in favor of one. So, yes Microsoft definitely give us a handheld. Everybody I know (include PS fanboys, saying it directly to me at work) would jump a on Xbox handheld. Especially one that blurred the lines by supporting PC and Console with multiple stores fronts available Xbox, Epic, Steam type of scenario. and with Phil really wanting push into Asia that is the only way he will be able to do it. Definitely not with a static consoled. Most of the Asia only care about handhelds. Of course, I am not talking now, this year, but I expect they will have one for 2026 the year many are expecting a new gen. In a play anywhere world how can you not expect a mobile device?

    • @Qwillo749
      @Qwillo749 2 місяці тому

      Thank you! A handheld would be the thing that could bring Xbox back in a meaningful way.
      Such a stupid statement. Handheld gaming is booming!!!

    • @JINORU_
      @JINORU_ 2 місяці тому

      Unless it's a fairly open device, it doesn't make much sense for a Xbox Mobile device

    • @Qwillo749
      @Qwillo749 2 місяці тому

      @@JINORU_ I kind of disagree with this. If it's more open, then, in essence, you might as well buy a Legion Go , Rog Ally, etc. A more closed experience will be a more optimised one, and when it comes to handheld gaming, that is incredibly important. They need to squeeze as much performance as possible via weaker hardware, and that's hard to do if they have an OS like Windows hogging the majority of the resources. Which i am only assuming would be the way to make it more open.
      Just my 2 cents though :)

  • @siegfried19888
    @siegfried19888 2 місяці тому

    Could we ever get Windows 11 on a phone?

    • @smudge0356
      @smudge0356 2 місяці тому

      Short answer... NO!
      Longer answer. We could have if Microsoft had continued with Windows Phone. I mean, in 2013/14, they bought Nokia (for $7.2 Billion), to further promote Windows Phone as 'THE FUTURE' of smart phones. Honestly, it was great, no... it was Beautiful! It just worked.
      Windows for Phone worked just like your PC (except it worked with tiles), which while horrible to use on PC worked on handheld mobile devices just perfectly, after all that's what it was designed for. It simply had a totally seamless integration with your PC, simply login to both devices with the same MS account, get the PC to recognise the phone, just once, and everything was then was uploaded to or transferred automatically... Job Done!
      However, After the upgrade from Win 8.1 to Windows 10, and after senior management changes, some short sighted dipsh*t at Micro{Soft_in_the_head}, decided to drop the development of Windows Phone and ultimately sold Nokia, at a huge loss, for $7.6 Billion. Game Over!
      Personally, I loved the platform. In fact, if someone hadn't stolen my Lumia 830 back in Aug '21, I'd still be using it today! 'Cause I f*kin' hate how complicated Android, seems to be, by comparison; and crApple can 'Do One', an' kiss my fat hairy @$$.

  • @inamulbhuyan
    @inamulbhuyan 2 місяці тому

    Snapdragon X Elite 🚀 🚀 🚀

  • @davidwineholt
    @davidwineholt 2 місяці тому +3

    Yup Xbox needs what it needed the past 8 years

    • @marksapollo
      @marksapollo 2 місяці тому

      And it isn't going to get that. In fact the complete opposite, but the console needs those exclusives like the 360 got.

    • @KyleSetFire
      @KyleSetFire 2 місяці тому +2

      Okay all games can't be Destruction All Stars (does anyone ever remember that SIE published disaster?), Foamstars or even The Last of Us Factions (oops, cancelled). Xbox clearly needed all this exclusives to be doing better like Playstation who are in their worst financial position in over a decade. Damn Xbox, why couldn't you copy Playstation? 😂

    • @marksapollo
      @marksapollo 2 місяці тому

      @@KyleSetFire Xbox down 47% in sales in Europe year over year, yet you ridicule Sony? Sony isn’t in any bad financial situation, Microsoft is massively losing sales and will be a third party publisher only soon.

    • @KyleSetFire
      @KyleSetFire 2 місяці тому +1

      @@marksapollo Playstation literally just had their WORST financial quarter in over a decade 😂
      Xbox selling 47% less consoles in Europe but 500% more console sales in Japan. You're literally using one piece of a large pie to make an argument about Xbox whilst ignoring Playstation as a WHOLE is performing the worst it has in a DECADE. Apologies I can't bring specially selected half statistics to try and make some bad faith argument like you. Just the statistic that Playstation in it's entirety isn't making any money. Ouch.
      I know that makes you want to throw a tantrum and deny it but don't change that fact buddy. Less than 1% gross profit.

    • @marksapollo
      @marksapollo 2 місяці тому

      @@KyleSetFire So they sold 5 consoles in Japan, well done, it’s laughable to highlight that as Japan literally mostly ignores Xbox and that’s a cold hard fact. 500% increase in Japan is like 0.5% of European sales, and devs aren’t considering dropping support for PlayStation unlike Xbox. Xbox has quite literally lost Europe, which includes the UK its second biggest market.

  • @willierhone6244
    @willierhone6244 2 місяці тому

    There it is a gain, the power narrative, Apple has software that people love that works. Why is MS bring a new system for gaming in 2026 when most of the console sold are the Series-S? and most of these guys will not buy $70 games" but MS think they can sell them a $600 system? when no one has or will ever see the true power of the Series-X?

  • @mgaming7
    @mgaming7 2 місяці тому

    dude, use a Mac for 5 minutes. macOS can do anything a MS laptop can do minus high end gaming. 98% of the programs on windows are available for MacOS including Office etc. The new Qualcomm chip might be faster than the M3, but windows ARM is trash and no one uses it or wants it. MacOS has a full blown ecosystem. To think the MacOS is a web browser shows you have NO idea what you are talking about ...... I won't watch videos from people that have no knowledge of the products they are bashing. bye.