She was disgusting! I would be ashamed if I seen my children at college openly disrespecting another person especially someone older than them. It’s okay to disagree but it’s not okay to curse, insult, degrade, or threaten another human being. They are paying money to go to college to get dumber!
@@liamforeman5885 ok cool, still doesn't matter. Just saying. She had a view and expressed it the wrong way. I cannot fault anyone for that. Agree to disagree and move on.
She any many others are the type of girls that don't want accountability for there actions. If Abortion Never Existed The Majority would think twice about who they spread there legs for. But since there's Abortion Women are like Fuk it I'll just get a Abortion. If you not ready to have a child Don't have sex Or use protection Don't KILL your OWN child Because you wasn't ready to birth a child But you was ready to have sex. It's sad and it's Wrong. PERIOD.
This is what happens when you have a population thats never held accountable, a population that can literally throw a temper tantrum and still hear "You Go Girl!"
Roe vs wade has not stopped abortion…these women can get an abortion in any state that approves abortion…such as illinois…but these women have choice of NOT GETTING PREGNANT ALSO. It is murder to kill the child in the womb…these women want to murder the child after moving and kicking in the womb…up to the moment of delivery…sad to think they could hate life that much.
The young lady's profanity, racist slur, attacks, intolerance, sarcasm, and disrespect were profoundly disgraceful. She shamed herself, discredited her own position, and should have been removed early on. I love how Kristan maintained her composure and dignity, and stuck to her argument points through it all.
Elephantnavel Translated: I'm a biased clown, and I will insult and denigrate the person I am ideologically opposed to, and the person whose ideology I approve of, I will compliment and laud.
@@Tayman47 Couldn't care less about Kristan's BS propaganda for the most part, where she takes the most unflattering clips to make the opposition look bad.
She will be alone for the rest of her life I’m completely convinced, either that or end up a lesbian at 60 with 6 cats munching the rug wishing she didn’t scare all the guys away
She’s an example of why her mother should have had her sorry ass dismembered and sucked down the drain. Worthless life full of hate, vitriol and satanism.
Sadly their number is increasing because of west failed society, rotten to the core which is family unit. This girls have no moral anchor, because their parents teach them to be entitled human being, without guidance and boundaries, free of doing anything regardless it is wrong or right.
Kristan Hawkins is NOT Pro-life. She is anti-abortion. She believes that women need to be punished for having sex even if that sex is rape. She doesn't care about babies any further than they are a punishment for having sex. This is also why she's anti-contraception. If you can have sex without the possibility of punishment (pregnancy or STD's), then everyone will have sex. Um, everyone does have sex. Sex is not just for getting pregnant. Otherwise, no one would have sex while they're pregnant or after menopause. This woman is sick. DO NOT LET HER FOOL YOU INTO THINKING SHE'S PRO-LIFE.
When you start screaming, name-calling, threatening, etc etc etc, you already know that you are threatened by the truth and you have nothing to argue with. It's such an embarrassment seeing our college students act so stupid before the world.
Funny that's exactly what conservatives do when you threaten to take away their guns on the premise that it is the leading cause of death for children. They are all emotional and saintly when they decide to sacrifice a woman's body against her will. But take away their guns and the response you get is "Come get 'em if you can from my cold dead hands." Hypocrites. Guns should go way before abortion.
Tbh the speaker had no valid points. The speakers point was "I believe a fetus is a human being", literally nothing else. She was bringing up slavery and African Americans for absolutely no reason but to make the young girl look bad.
@dabalishis1585 The speaker was making the no respect and worst attitude girl look bad? I'm sorry, but the speaker was keeping her cool while that girl WAS TRYING TO SHUT THE SPEAKER UP.
@@LizWolf-pe4lq I don't agree with the way the student handled her emotions, and I never said I did. I said the speaker had no valid points and used slavery and African Americans to redirect the convo and make the student look bad(or worse in this case) by implying that the student would want to own slaves which had nothing to do with the actual topic. The speaker did nothing but beat around the bush and indirectly answer questions with confidence to confuse the other party(along with the audience/you) and make it seem as if they had a point.
This young disrespectful girl is what’s the problem in our society today. It’s horrifying to watch her speak and amazing at the same time to see how well Kristan handles this with such grace and confidence.
You can clearly tell she didn’t get told No often if at all and there was certainly no punishment for bad behavior . It’s the disrespect, pride over something absolutely vile, Loud and ignorant shamelessness of this girl for me. What a disgrace A shame on her family and herself.
I don't care about that loud mouth, the responsible individuals are the "adults" that led this type of crap go unpunished. She should be sent to detention. It's sad that the adults (professors, politicians, doctors, lawyers etc) let themselves get push around just for the sake of being polite and "understanding" to these spoiled brats. The whip can go a long way, even Jesus used it against other adults breaking the rules of the temple back in his days.
@@jackiepeters7424 Well, all the more reason to reproduce responsibly. The abortion #s are in the millions per year, which proves this not about "healthcare," it's being used as "birth control" which means it's murder re-labeled. It's also about $ - this is a billion dollar industry. When did a business ever reveal facts or promote ideas that would deter customers? Nowhere never! I've seen people change their positions on abortion when they watched a CARTOON video of the process as that's horrifying enough. Ignorance is the biggest problem when it comes to abortion. And the uber feminist hook-up culture fuels the fire. Abortion is the biggest & longest-lasting genocide in history. 😞
@@Aurora-Reign Men can be legally required to support children that ARE NOT theirs. It is called paternity fraud. Why aren't women held accountable for committing paternity fraud?
She said she want's her question answered, and when Kristan answers her, she gets mad and interrupts and tells Kristan to shut up. This girl embarrassed herself in front of the world.
@@RDJ0506human & other biology is science thats been concurred upon for ever you need to do your own due diligence rather than troll spew your unwise output
Kristan didn't answer any questions with facts. "a fetus is human because biology says it's alive" is not a fact. no sh!t, everything is alive, are the plants in your garden considered human because biology says they are alive? No. Just because a fetus is alive and made by humans doesn't mean it's human yet. She then redirected to slavery and African Americans because she believes they correlate. Nothing but opinions. I don't want kids yet but if an accident was to happen, I'll be sure to leave the children I didn't want at y'all's door.
Kristan Hawkins is NOT Pro-life. She is anti-abortion. She believes that women need to be punished for having sex even if that sex is rape. She doesn't care about babies any further than they are a punishment for having sex. This is also why she's anti-contraception. If you can have sex without the possibility of punishment (pregnancy or STD's), then everyone will have sex. Um, everyone does have sex. Sex is not just for getting pregnant. Otherwise, no one would have sex while they're pregnant or after menopause. This woman is sick. DO NOT LET HER FOOL YOU INTO THINKING SHE'S PRO-LIFE.
You need to get tough because if you dont start engaging with them also then they will have the numbers to treat us like the jews. Theyre very fascist too. Their goal is to kick us all out of society
Her mum most likely unfortunately has to deal with her bad behaviour, if this girl goes around speaking to people like this then she speaks to her parents like this too , I feel sorry for parents now
Wow if this is the future of the world... These students becoming working class citizens... We are all in for huge issues ... Goodbye World. Immaturity rules the day....
Kristan Hawkins is NOT Pro-life. She is anti-abortion. She believes that women need to be punished for having sex even if that sex is rape. She doesn't care about babies any further than they are a punishment for having sex. This is also why she's anti-contraception. If you can have sex without the possibility of punishment (pregnancy or STD's), then everyone will have sex. Um, everyone does have sex. Sex is not just for getting pregnant. Otherwise, no one would have sex while they're pregnant or after menopause. This woman is sick. DO NOT LET HER FOOL YOU INTO THINKING SHE'S PRO-LIFE.
Well, forced-birthers would be the experts on patience…. They had to wait 50 years for Roe to be overturned….. through 63,000,000 abortions…… That’s a lot of patience….. Not much help, but a lotta patience…..
@@MarshalWalk3r Yes but that’s a debate tactic. She does that to further explain her point. In the video she asks the woman if it’s right to own a slave, then goes further into the why and shows how that statement is similar/the same as the statement they are debating. It’s trying to get to the root of the argument and working a solution from there.
She totally took everything she supposedly stands for and destroyed herself. No control, disrespect, and racism all in one. What a great person I bet she preaches equality as well.
She is the poster child for most of the youth in 2023; loud, annoying, disrespectful, know it all, pain in the rears who think they know beyond the number of years they have had on earth. Entitlementitis.
@@bethrowbottom5897 exactly, you can't even get a good education because professors too are like this. Everyone worrying about offending another person's believe.
I am a 23-year-old female and college student. I am proud to say that I am Pro-Life. This girl absolutely disgusted me and she's lucky she's not one of my family members. My grandma would've smacked her to the ground for speaking like that.
@@autumnemerald1019 You have a smart Grandma! That girl is eaten up with hate. She needs therapy in the worst way! NO pre-born child is safe around her.
She has every right to be disrespectful when her rights are being taken away by people like Kristin. Her right to do whatever she wants with living UNVIABLE tissue in her body that isn't anyone else's problem. It's like a Jew being "disrespectful" to Hitler at a presentation and then acting like they need to have a civil discussion over whether it's right or wrong to gas living viable people because you think they're inferior.
She thought the goal was to change her. She didn't know that she was just content for the campaign to show how irrational her position is. The goal was to convince the audience online. And Kristan has succeeded in this for many people out there. Thanks to that angry girl.
She thought the goal was to change her. She didn't know that she was just content for the campaign to show how irrational her position is. The goal was to convince the audience online. And Kristan has succeeded in this for many people out there. Thanks to that angry girl.
As a woman, I'm proud to say that abortion ISN'T a "human right." It's NOT in our Constitution, it's NOT in our Amendments, it's NOT in the Bill of Rights, it's not ANYWHERE to be found in our rights --- because it's NOT a "right."
Thank you for prefacing that with, “As a woman…”, because had a man said the same thing, he’d be branded a sexist, misogynist, and somehow the patriarchy would be weaseled in there.
Yea they need to do the right thing and actually try to have abortion right written into the Constitution, if they so want to have this right. But they don't want to do that, because obviously it is a much harder, and involve a lot of effort, they're lazy to go through all these legal process.
But where does it say that it's forbidden on the other hand? Here Kristan Hawkins says that being pro-choice is "radical view". Not really. In fact being "pro life at all cost" is radical. Listen... If you have definitive prohibition of abortion even if it's rape or life threatening to a woman then it's the right end of the scale. Being pro choice isn't the other end of this scale... As insane as it might sound, the left end of it is forced abortion. Like one child only policy in China... So that is the second radical and extreme end of scale. Considering when to give women the choice is not radical at all, it's looking for some common ground.
@@kuba6156 It's not forbidden by Federal Law, and therefore it's up to each state to decide whether they want it legalized. Being pro-choice or pro-life doesn't make anyone "radical", but I think Kristan was talking about respecting the life inside a mother's womb. So the argument is that whether you think this life inside a mother's womb has no value, or has less value than a born baby. I personally don't mind killing off lives if people had made some poor decisions in life, but don't pretend to be all righteous about it and scream "It's my body my choice".
@@dark3031 That’s why Roe v. Wade was a bulls**t ruling. The role of SCOTUS is to interpret the Constitution, not legislate from the bench, which is what they did. It was unconstitutional.
Big shoutout to Kristan Hawkins for standing her ground and staying respectful, actually trying to answer the girl's "questions". It's wild to me that so many people treat others with so much disrespect when they don't even know them personally. I could never scream, insult, or act like that in such a situation. Especially if I actually wanted to be taken seriously and had some (!) self-respect.
Yes, sadly at least where I live, almost every woman acts this way about anything when it's negative and offends them. Moreso the ones between 13-50 years old.
Bet you that girl was raised in a very unstable home, perhaps without a father, and definitely without any values. Pray for these Gen Z'ers. They will destroy our nation and the world.
I will never understand how another human can be so vile and full of hate simply bc they can not terminate another human that’s absolutely helpless. Pure evil.
P U R E evil! but here is the explanation from God about this "woke" insanity: Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. 20 For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. 24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. 26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
The forced-birthers would be experts on patience…. they had to live with abortion for decades…. They had to wait 50 years for Roe to be overturned…. Abortion still hasn’t gone anywhere…. it’s legal and available to 70% of the American people….
@@martinsanders6915 How did this help any “babies”?….. While she was standing there so patiently, a lot of fetuses got marched into the abortion clinic….. About 2300 a day is the figure I heard….. Shouldn’t she be where the fetus could use her help?…. or does she like an audience better?…..
@@hexl702too5 Pro death abortion activist are just one degree away from a total mental breakdown when someone questions them about the words that they have been parroting from money hungry abortionist.
@@martinsanders6915 Lol silly!….. Actual murder isn’t legal anywhere…. it’s always punished if we catch the perp…. Abortion isn’t murder, it’s a justifiable homicide….. Even forced-birthers themselves don’t want to put women in prison for life (ask em)…. You don’t do that if you think someone is a murderer…..
We did not fail them. We had no impact on how they were raised or who they were taught by, or how there parents raised them, or the friends they associated with. There parents failed them, the schools failed them, the teachers failed them, and society on the side of the left is continuing to fail these people. God bless you and all them, never fall into despair for there is always hope. Pray and and trust in God.
I don't know what's worse. That they constantly contradict themselves without realizing it, or that they think that simply because they yell and use profanity, trying to be the loudest person in the room, they're automatically right.
@chicagolondongirl2906 Agreed. There's a fine line between righteous and avaristic anger. If your friend has more money than you, and you're angry because of it, that's avaristic anger, as the stem of your anger does not involve an injustice, but jealousy. However, if your friend became richer by committing immoral acts, and you're angry because of it, that's righteous anger, as the stem of your anger is because an injustice has taken place. Needless to say, the girl had an avaristic anger. It's a shame that she believes that yelling and shaming someone else is the best way to confront someone with an opinion she doesn't like... ...however... ...there is benefit to her action: It reveals the true colors of abortion. She yelled constantly and interrupted constantly, leaving no room for basic logic, established sciences, and morality set in. That's what abortion is: Forcing oneself to believe that killing a child is completely moral, and lying to oneself loudly to prevent basic logic, established sciences, and morality set in. It's what the devil wants; chaos, hatred, closed-heartedness, and lifelessness, that he and the other demons may feast upon the ruin of souls throughout the world. We need to pray and take action. Actions are being taken every day, even to the point of death. We need to prepare. The smoke of the devil has long since infiltrated the world, and now even the highest places of holiness are in danger...the Church, the minds of our people, the womb...some folks say it's the end of the world, but it's come to this point many times before. God help us all. Let's get to work.
I used to be pro-choice. It was behavior like her’s and the constant and consistent intolerable behavior, along with their baseless defenses with just modern day mottos of the pro-choice side to defend their side, but no science, statistics, or facts. Just pure emotion and anger and rage - I began to think I was on the wrong side. Now I am fully pro-life. Keep up the fight.
Kudos to you for being open minded enough to entertain the possibility that you were on the wrong side of the issue. We need to have a lot more of that going around.
That's a really good point Alli. Always base your position on what other people do and your emotions. Like if the opposing side is embarrassing, then emotionally you should not want to be on their side. It's like with all the Catholic sex scandals and how horrible Christians have behaved over centuries and that they are almost always ethical hypocrites, and then you have frauds like Ken Ham, or Kent Hovind or Ravi Zacharias, people should not want to be Christian. The truth of a position and whether you should accept it should depend on how people behave that hold to it.🙄
@@Dhorpatan you missed where I also mentioned science and statistics to support their beliefs/stance :) I was also deep into New Age until I had a radical encounter with God that transformed me overnight. It’s sad to see people in the faith fall like this. However, fallen people and their actions doesn’t mean that God doesn’t exist. It just goes to show that there is a standard of good in the world. If there wasn’t a God, we wouldn’t care about this standard of morality.
@@allibarrett6809 You had a radical encounter with nothing but your silly imagination and wishful thinking. You had a radical encounter with an invisible magic being? Really? You had a radical encounter with God about as much as a person had a radical encounter with an alien spaceship and alien probes.
@@Dhorpatan There was nothing wishful about my imagination when God encountered me. I probably would agree that I had a lot of wishful thinking and imagination experiences when I was in the New Age. But nothing - absolutely nothing - compares to the encounter I had with God, and ones I’ve had since then. It is supernatural how He changed me overnight. Where I used to struggle, strive, have depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts - He replaced with joy, peace, and hope. There is a God out there, and He knows the intimate and deepest places of you and your soul. I pray that He encounters you in the exact way that you need, and then you’ll see. 🙏🏻 Much love to you friend, I pray that you seek Him, and you will find Him.
First of all this is poorly organized. Second: My body, my choice argument is not valid as a human right. My hand is part of my body but if I kill somebody with it. It's a crime. My right to use my body is relevant to how it affects others around me. Third: The "lump of cells" thing is stupid. Who ever came up with that àrgument is ... LoL. Every human being that has ever existed is a lump of cells. A fetus is a human being, a defenseless one at that and should be protected by both parents and by their community. Fourth: Murder is a crime anyone who is guilty of murder should be punished accordingly.
This girl is so out of control and ridiculous... Won't even allow a rational discussion.... "I'm waiting!". For what? She won't even shut up long enough to let her speak. She just can't stop yelling.
Absolutely, they completely lost their critical thinking ability and logical reasoning. That's why you have to teach people wisdom and also not what to think but how to think and logical deducting.
But her degree is in lesbian dance interpretation, personal pronoun effluence or some such shit.....much better if it was in making sandwiches or cleaning the house.....or better still, the fine art of not becoming a loud obnoxious fat there is a degree she could be proud to own.
Does anyone know where this young woman is now? I wonder how she feels, what has happened in her life since this video was made public. She should be ashamed, embarrassed, and 1000% mortified!😮😮
My ex who I met in college we were together for years. I got pregnant and he wanted me to have an abortion. I didn’t want to. I finished college because having a baby the federal government gave me free tuition and in fact gave me money for cost of living to go to school and take care of my baby. Fast forward today my daughter is in a prestigious university with high honors.
Wow this woman should've been escorted out of the room long before she finished her argument. No place for this level of disrespect, she brings shame to the woman who truly have those issues.
Not only does she have to answer to her Maker, she also has to answer to the internet bc this recording will never disappear, even after she decides to change her beliefs later down the road when she gets a clue or has her own child. It would have been much better for her if she had been escorted away before making herself look worse and worse. Good luck to her future self getting a job, finding a man, or making her family proud 😬
When I was younger (I’m 38 today) NO ONE EVER talked to adults like this!!!!! It’s SO disrespectful 😨 Keep yourself together and have some respect young lady…😡
There are two things in my life that I have lived to regret. One is I was pro-choice. The other is I was a Democrat. Thank the Lord I came to my senses and rectified both bad choices.
Don’t feel bad, the democrats/leftists target young people with their identity politics. This young woman is clearly ideologically possessed. I’m not a religious person per say, I wish I were, but the idea was so thoroughly mocked my whole life, not to mention the scandals, that it seemed like an absurd proposition. That said, I think I understand what was meant about demonic possession. How else would you describe that behavior? As an aside, this cringe is what it would sound like if a leftist on Twitter had to read their tweets out loud. They think it’s “owning” someone to just speak over them, while never bothering to actually wrestle with question at hand. Simply put; if your position on abortion can fit on a activist placard in block letter, perhaps you need to speak less and listen more.
If you want to ask a question, it's always good to wait for your Answer🤔 Before firing Anger, Frustration, and Racist slurs at a person🤨 If her friend was R***d and ended up Pregnant, then she should be allowed to do what she feels is right, Her body Her decision😔 The big mouth was all over the place with her words, went from here to there, from this to that, I think she was escalating the actual topic and using Anger and Racist words to make her point🙄😤 And this is why I agreed with 1818 comment 🤨😬 Comment by Tracy Iraia 🇳🇿🌏🇳🇿 NZ 😎
I actually am pro choice, but I disagree with every single thing about this animals (college girl) existence. Her parents should have probably taken care of her as a fetus if ya know what I mean.
San antonio is wack. Only place i ever seen kids with clear backpacks in the south. I asked my buddy why the kids have clear backpacks and he said its because theyre worried about school shooters and i was like "these twp specific kids theyre worried might sneak in a gun?" Like bro, they give their kids backpacks they cant even hide behind. Not even bulletproof. My highschool was shot up and i didnt want to make everyone have to use clear backpacks. These people are crazy
3:22 omg she is so immature. This is a teenager arguing with their mom, not a young adult who is going to college to educate and better herself. My God I can’t even finish watching videos with deplorable little kids throwing a tantrum. Barf!
She kept ranting about the speaker's logical fallacy when her invective, obscene filled argument contain only hysterical emotion and illogic. The young lady should have her mouth washed out with soap and so should her chorus of sign bearing foul mouthed harpies. A final thought, I feel certain the young lady has no understanding of what the first amendment is nor can she craft an argument so she just stands there and screams at the speaker.
I used to be pro choice. Slowly I started to listen with and open mind/heart to the pro life side and it all made sense to me. That is what is lacking on the pro choice side, LISTENING. A life is a life no matter how many times they change the words and definitions. It's all so simple. I recently became a mother and I never saw myself as a mom in my early 20s because of the left ideology I absorbed throughout college. I was wrong. Being a mother has been amazing and I love my baby more than anything in the universe. All unborn babies deserve a life.
Isn’t it amazing how motherhood can change the mind from pro choice to pro life? I’ve had the same experience. There’s no question about it. My children were very much alive and letting me know about it even in the earliest days of pregnancy!
@@sterlingfallsproductions3930 That is a gross oversimplification of the pro-life position - are you doing it on purpose? Pro-lifers don't support the idea that the baby should be born at all costs. On the contrary, "except when the life of the mother is at risk," is a big part of many of their slogans/platforms/etc., and discussion/debate about what circumstances make it acceptable for a woman to have doctors terminate her pregnancy is a big part of pro-life discussion, where the answer is almost never "none" when you really drill down into it. What pro-lifers support is the idea that we need to afford the same respect moral weight to what is in a mother's womb as we assign to the mother herself, because we have to acknowledge that what is in there is also a human being. Our attitudes toward pregnancy, the start of human life, greatly shade our attitudes about respect for human dignity more broadly. There are certainly some closed-minded pro-life people, that's true. But there is nothing closed-minded about the position itself, just like there is nothing inherently closed-minded about supporting abortion rights, even though some people (like the girl in this video) are not capable of even listening to ideas they don't agree with on the topic.
This is the results of allowing K thru college to teach your children (not kids - kids are baby goats) Train up your children when they are young and they will not depart
When people know they can't win an argument, that's when they start yelling. I'm actually surprised the moderators or organisers let this unstable girl go on with her rant and verbal abuse this long.
Because they probably agreed with the young girl which is why this mess was precipitated generations ago; conformity begats power and power begats conformity. Now we have a narcissistic generation who doesn't think, only cares for themselves (or perhaps those like them), and wants more power to control those who they believe are powerful, and, often in the name of "power is bad." Silliness.
Good for you keeping calm and treating the young woman with respect. She did not treat you with respect and it would have been easy to fall into the same. Good job!
I can’t stand people who ask questions but then won’t let the person answer, or even care to listen to the answer, or pretend like the person didn’t answer.
She has a valid point ... N she would do anything r listen to watevrr those racists say... As she has to put her point n make them understand no matter wat
As a member of Gen Z, these 'young ladies' disgust me. I refuse to recognize them as a part of my generation and am deeply disturbed that the world is being handed over to people like this. But fear not, guys, I'm going to work hard to make sure their flawed values don't affect society :)
Exactly. If that were to happen in my country, she would have been charged for sure. Western countries especially the US r so messed up with social degeneracy! Im so blessed to be living in this country of mine that dont tolerate such B^LLSH^^TZ!!! Thank u my country!!!!!💜💜💜
This is Really Hard to watch!!! Feelings of sadness and hopelessness after listening and watching this !!!! What has our world come to ?? This girl is a tragedy ! What happens to people like her ?? Such hate. Fury. ..
A few years ago I had the opportunity to take my daughter to the university of Texas as she wanted to make an application to attend that school, as we were touring around campus there was a rather good size crowd of young girls with signs "My body My choice" and they were yelling with their annoying high pitch voices "HAIL SATAN HAIL SATAN" as they walked in a clockwise circle. My daughter said that she would rather attend a trade school than have evilness corrupt her. Best choice a kid can make is one that shows discernity, giving a parent confidence that their child will be a great adult.
ah call this the devils last dance , an it's not gonny be a nice little waltz folks we got 7 more years till wormwood drops in , thats a long time for the crazys ti get up an running which they are already , so look an learn people , aye !
@@rusty-ole-boomstick1268 Seriously, they were actually saying "Hail Satan"?? .. Do these people live in delusion?.. How will Satan ever help them in the afterlife? Surely they can't be that naive and acknowledge the existence of Satan and not of God?? The more I hear about how society has become through the education system of our countries, the more I respect countries like Afghanistan and Qatar who's rather stick to religious teachings before allowing the so called "freedoms" we've allowed our youths
I love her patience. She’s so grounded in moral truth and absolute truth that she’s barely phased by the crazy that spews of the mouth of this deceived individual. Role model :)
Love how she shouted at her that she wasn't answering the question but then started not listening when it got to the point where the comparison was explained
@@amyjensen680it is the same when someone decides another’s persons life isn’t as valuable as theirs, whether is because they have black skin, or is small and helpless like an unborn baby in the mothers womb!
This is why we must debate and talk in academia. No fear, with civility, and patience. It brings-forth and exposes the regressive ideologies infecting our young adults. Bravo Kristan!
@@jilly6617and that’s understandable, but she is letting it get the better of her. She’s yelling, cursing, and calling Kristian names and interrupting her. You can be passionate about your beliefs and still communicate them in a respectful manner, but that’s not what she was doing.
@@jilly6617no one cares she was being racist ignorant and disrespectful slurring and all that, she has no dignity for herself only emotions that take advantage of her.
Unfortunately the young lady presetnted herself as angry, vicious and disrespectful. I see this time and time again with those who have closed their minds to the truth. This was not a debate or a conversation but a prodium for this young lady to spew her opinions.
@@axlenuts5418 im in college like her and I agree w you😭 luckily i have a boyfriend who’s pro life and helped me see the truth of why abortion is wrong. I used to be like this girl when I was pro choice, hopefully she’ll find a man like my boyfriend who will help her see the truth ☠️
@@laurenorourke2442 Coming from India, I was pro choice and quite liberal. But seeing the actual face of these pro choice radicals, I am a changed person. This is a radical political movement. It has nothing to do with woman's body. They thrive on projected victimhood and identiy politics.
@@zaidpatel8695 the way people will go so far to justify killing a human being is just horrific. no way i could ever be pro choice again, abortion is always taking a human life and its bodily autonomy away no matter what people think
Call them what they ARE, Pro Abortion, because they are not interested in any other choices, like adoption, birth control, the morning after pill, or God forbid, abstinence. Only the murder of the unborn for these lunatics...
Imagining all the hate, bitterness and anger inside of a person so young! How sad to think that she has to live with herself 24 hours a day, 7 days a week…in the absence of logic and reason, the insults take over… screaming!
That makes me really sad. Young college girls so deeply wrapped in their determination to shirk responsibility they scream and shout the roof down but make no sense.
While I do agree, there are is a-lot of problems with our generation, I do not think it is reasonable or fair to blame or be mad at the generation as a whole. There are good, bright people out there in our generation.
@@JoeFromKokomoI agree unfortunately however there are previous generations that view ours in a negative light because there are so many like her. Not saying that’s fair but I could see how easily that could happen. I’ve personally come across people that have said things like “you’ve had it too easy” or “you guys are entitled” seeing attitude like this from her it’s not surprising. I’m glad to say that for the most part I’ve been viewed as an individual though.
Im lost of words, these girls standing there to fight being able to kill their babies before they are born instead of using the same energy to NOT get pregnant in the first place. The fact that you are breathing today lady is that your mom chose not to kill you, let the voiceless have that same right. Thank you
The point you raise has been my view for all my adult life. Just use contraception!!! It's EASY! I'm not referring to sex without consent, that is a whole other matter. But consenting sex, use contraception.
Two-thirds of the parties involved have no voice; the baby and the father. The baby and the father are 100% at the mercy of the mother's "choice." There is something very wrong with that.
as a black woman, i agree with her statement when she compared slavery with abortion. the whole argument with abortion & slavery have the same concept.. a VALUE of life. there are many other things that can be compared to abortion besides slavery. she (pro-choice) got offended over something that didn’t apply to her, she knew what kristen meant, but used what she said & twisted it as derogatory, when really, it’s just the truth. sad future we have ahead of us.
I agree with you..except for your last point...we have a battle for Truth, Justice and Love here...but these three will prevail. Love always wins in the our immediate future might be tough, but our ultimate future will be Very Good. Where there is Love, there is always Hope. Love always wins.Hang in there, people! ❤🫂
The young woman was raised to be a narcissist. Her anger isn’t about ‘autonomy’, it’s about the lack of boundaries she experienced as a child. Civil discourse requires the abilities of listening and learning. She walked in with a flame-less torch yet thinks she lit up the room.
I just thought the student asking question didn't really learned anything from school, she must have been absent when the science of life was discussed in class. Why are children of today's generation acts like this? Is it the food we fed them, the milk? What happened to them?
@@flowfox6060 yeah it's hard. It's not exactly wrong to despise her and out her. She deserves it. But what she also doesn't deserve Is God's forgiveness but I'm some what used to be profanity slurred and filled as she was then again not really because I would never swear that much not much more than 1 word which would probably be damn. She CURSED more than I could count so she doesn't deserve it. But I highly doubt she would turn to the only True God Jesus Christ. Not because I doubt God's but because firstly she has to accept even slightly. But better for fully full fillment. She's sending herself to the true depiction of hell which is dark gloomy and away from God that's what hell is her own sending herself to damnation being away from God is hell itself because sin is inkling around you because you the human person decides to be there by their own pure free will 100%. That's gonna be her fault. None else. I still wouldn't give her the gospel but it's be great if someone else would. Because then she has warned. But sure amen that this particular Christian prays for her I just cant. Don't wanna waste my time all I gain is easier forgiveness for them.
@Christabelle Garcia They are accepted because the Deans, Teachers and operatives in the educational field are part of teh broader based problem with society
One of my favorite lines from the Ray Bradbury novel DANDELION WINE: "When you're 17, you know everything. When you're 27, if you still know everything, you're still 17."
@@couldcarelesslol_actually no. You cant. You cant drink yourself into oblivion or do drugs while pregnant. And she cant kill the child herself... she has to enlist the help of an abortionist. Then he will likely send her home to take pills that dont fully work and her dumbass will wait at home til she dies of sepsis like the resr of the women. I mean, its her body to kill herself, but the childs body isnt hers. ALL MOTHERS recognize that we dont innately own the child we carry to term. Motherhood is a great HONOR bestowed on us by humanity and life itself. To kill such a child out of madness is barbaric and evil. Ive been raped. I used Plan B to stop pregnancy. I use condoms and VCF now. With Plan B in emergency. You get 15% chance of pregnancy in any month. You youre too stupid to stop pregnancy before it begins?😂
No matter what that girl’s argument was, she discredited everything she said with all that profanity, disrespect, and immaturity
She was disgusting! I would be ashamed if I seen my children at college openly disrespecting another person especially someone older than them. It’s okay to disagree but it’s not okay to curse, insult, degrade, or threaten another human being. They are paying money to go to college to get dumber!
So? And? You didn't need to listen to it. Curse words are still words and is considered language. Just saying.
@@swagaliciouscapybara2013 it wasn’t just the profanity though. It was the blatant disrespect and childlike behavior that she had
Upholding stupid college indoctrination behavior
@@liamforeman5885 ok cool, still doesn't matter. Just saying. She had a view and expressed it the wrong way. I cannot fault anyone for that. Agree to disagree and move on.
The anger. The disrespect. The classlessness. The embarrassment. She doesn't need to become anyone's mother until she grows up and let her anger go.
She has daddy issues !
She doesn't even deserve to be a mother, period.
And that's why this young lady will die alone and have a miserable life in case her ideas never change.
She any many others are the type of girls that don't want accountability for there actions.
If Abortion Never Existed
The Majority would think twice about who they spread there legs for.
But since there's Abortion
Women are like
Fuk it I'll just get a Abortion.
If you not ready to have a child Don't have sex
Or use protection
Don't KILL your OWN child
Because you wasn't ready to birth a child
But you was ready to have sex.
It's sad and it's Wrong.
Precisely why we should let her abort lmao.
What really sucks is people who think that the louder they talk, the more right they will be.
she’s like a little kid
@@ibox9s almost all the students in this series. Where's their basic manners 🙄
that comes from blaqq culture lol
@@ibox9sNo, they become more right by clapping their hands as they speak.
@@TheYamahog12 lol
This is what happens when you have a population thats never held accountable, a population that can literally throw a temper tantrum and still hear "You Go Girl!"
She didn’t want to ask a question or debate. She just wanted to shout
When do women ever listen?
They usually do that so that you won't be heard
@@Womanfemale12 Kristan listened beautifully in this clip. Generalisations are dangerous.
Shes just right in being angry
Roe vs wade has not stopped abortion…these women can get an abortion in any state that approves abortion…such as illinois…but these women have choice of NOT GETTING PREGNANT ALSO. It is murder to kill the child in the womb…these women want to murder the child after moving and kicking in the womb…up to the moment of delivery…sad to think they could hate life that much.
The young lady's profanity, racist slur, attacks, intolerance, sarcasm, and disrespect were profoundly disgraceful. She shamed herself, discredited her own position, and should have been removed early on. I love how Kristan maintained her composure and dignity, and stuck to her argument points through it all.
Elephantnavel Translated: I'm a biased clown, and I will insult and denigrate the person I am ideologically opposed to, and the person whose ideology I approve of, I will compliment and laud.
@@Dhorpatan which lady do you believe was more respectful in this conversation? did you watch the whole clip?
@@Dhorpatan You actually just exposed your own blatant bias
@@Dhorpatan Wow you proved you're a hypocrite and defeated your own argument in just one sentence. Congratulations!
@@Tayman47 Couldn't care less about Kristan's BS propaganda for the most part, where she takes the most unflattering clips to make the opposition look bad.
To the person who may marry this girl in the future, you have my condolences.
I can’t agree more. Maybe she hates herself so much that she sees the need for abortion so that less people like her comes into existence. Haha…
There is not enough beer in the world for that.
She’s the psychopath who slashes your tires because you broke up with her. She needs medicine.
Nuhh. If they're stupid enough to marry her then he deserves the world of pain she's going to put him through.
bro is cooking@@MasterYoist
"I'm quiet!" she screamed.
Hahajaa yeah that's true good one!!
I feel sorry for any man that gets involved with that woman.
She’s gonna end up alone and childless for the rest of her life
My hand would be hurt from punching the fuck out of her
She will be alone for the rest of her life I’m completely convinced, either that or end up a lesbian at 60 with 6 cats munching the rug wishing she didn’t scare all the guys away
I don’t think there’s any danger of that.
@@tbut155 Keep the cats out of it-they are the #1 videos on UA-cam and great creatures.
I would be so ashamed as a parent if I had a kid who acted like her, and was older than two.
Even 2 years old is too old for that
She’s an example of why her mother should have had her sorry ass dismembered and sucked down the drain. Worthless life full of hate, vitriol and satanism.
@@jeffg.8964 That seems a bit harsh.
Same here 🙋🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
Thank you for sharing your opinion with the group.
Whenever you're feeling dumb, remember that this girl exists.
We need more women like Kristan.
Love her to pieces.
More obese monsters spouting ignorance? We need fewer women like both of them.
Sadly their number is increasing because of west failed society, rotten to the core which is family unit.
This girls have no moral anchor, because their parents teach them to be entitled human being, without guidance and boundaries, free of doing anything regardless it is wrong or right.
Good point, that girl is at a university and I'm wondering how she even got accepted in
@@eboniemm1 Yeah, it's a little concerning to me.
The pro choice woman is fine than a mothalova. She got them hips and cakes.
Kristan is one brave woman. Thank you, Kristan. Thank you for fighting for the unborn.
Kristan Hawkins is NOT Pro-life. She is anti-abortion. She believes that women need to be punished for having sex even if that sex is rape. She doesn't care about babies any further than they are a punishment for having sex.
This is also why she's anti-contraception. If you can have sex without the possibility of punishment (pregnancy or STD's), then everyone will have sex.
Um, everyone does have sex. Sex is not just for getting pregnant. Otherwise, no one would have sex while they're pregnant or after menopause. This woman is sick. DO NOT LET HER FOOL YOU INTO THINKING SHE'S PRO-LIFE.
When you start screaming, name-calling, threatening, etc etc etc, you already know that you are threatened by the truth and you have nothing to argue with. It's such an embarrassment seeing our college students act so stupid before the world.
Bet her parents are proud 😂
I would have just said, "I'm taking the next person because you're a child who can't control her emotions."
Funny that's exactly what conservatives do when you threaten to take away their guns on the premise that it is the leading cause of death for children.
They are all emotional and saintly when they decide to sacrifice a woman's body against her will.
But take away their guns and the response you get is "Come get 'em if you can from my cold dead hands."
Guns should go way before abortion.
She doesnt want an answer shes just venting her idiocy.
Well said
Most people are like that horrible girl
Tbh the speaker had no valid points. The speakers point was "I believe a fetus is a human being", literally nothing else. She was bringing up slavery and African Americans for absolutely no reason but to make the young girl look bad.
@dabalishis1585 The speaker was making the no respect and worst attitude girl look bad? I'm sorry, but the speaker was keeping her cool while that girl WAS TRYING TO SHUT THE SPEAKER UP.
@@LizWolf-pe4lq I don't agree with the way the student handled her emotions, and I never said I did. I said the speaker had no valid points and used slavery and African Americans to redirect the convo and make the student look bad(or worse in this case) by implying that the student would want to own slaves which had nothing to do with the actual topic. The speaker did nothing but beat around the bush and indirectly answer questions with confidence to confuse the other party(along with the audience/you) and make it seem as if they had a point.
This young disrespectful girl is what’s the problem in our society today. It’s horrifying to watch her speak and amazing at the same time to see how well Kristan handles this with such grace and confidence.
The parents of this young woman,Have mercy on them Lord
You can clearly tell she didn’t get told No often if at all and there was certainly no punishment for bad behavior . It’s the disrespect, pride over something absolutely vile, Loud and ignorant shamelessness of this girl for me. What a disgrace
A shame on her family and herself.
I don't care about that loud mouth, the responsible individuals are the "adults" that led this type of crap go unpunished. She should be sent to detention. It's sad that the adults (professors, politicians, doctors, lawyers etc) let themselves get push around just for the sake of being polite and "understanding" to these spoiled brats. The whip can go a long way, even Jesus used it against other adults breaking the rules of the temple back in his days.
They talk about A woman reproductive rights, but never about a woman's reproductive responsibilities
How about a man's reproductive responsibilities? Where are they?
@@Aurora-Reign Oh they exist. Ask any man who has paid child support.
@@Aurora-ReignI was just going to say the same.No matter what a girl chooses,the men don't get to have their lives changed that much.
@@jackiepeters7424 Well, all the more reason to reproduce responsibly. The abortion #s are in the millions per year, which proves this not about "healthcare," it's being used as "birth control" which means it's murder re-labeled. It's also about $ - this is a billion dollar industry. When did a business ever reveal facts or promote ideas that would deter customers? Nowhere never! I've seen people change their positions on abortion when they watched a CARTOON video of the process as that's horrifying enough. Ignorance is the biggest problem when it comes to abortion. And the uber feminist hook-up culture fuels the fire. Abortion is the biggest & longest-lasting genocide in history. 😞
@@Aurora-Reign Men can be legally required to support children that ARE NOT theirs. It is called paternity fraud. Why aren't women held accountable for committing paternity fraud?
She said she want's her question answered, and when Kristan answers her, she gets mad and interrupts and tells Kristan to shut up. This girl embarrassed herself in front of the world.
Kristan didn't answer a single question just put forward her own beliefs as if that is the ultimate truth
@@RDJ0506human & other biology is science thats been concurred upon for ever
you need to do your own due diligence rather than troll spew your unwise output
@@RDJ0506shows how little you actually paid attention to what was said...
@@RDJ0506 What Kristen was saying is the scientific truth. The girl wasn't allowing Kristen to answer her questions
Kristan didn't answer any questions with facts. "a fetus is human because biology says it's alive" is not a fact. no sh!t, everything is alive, are the plants in your garden considered human because biology says they are alive? No. Just because a fetus is alive and made by humans doesn't mean it's human yet. She then redirected to slavery and African Americans because she believes they correlate. Nothing but opinions. I don't want kids yet but if an accident was to happen, I'll be sure to leave the children I didn't want at y'all's door.
Respect to the speaker. The girl was trying desperately to bring her down to her level but she maintained her dignity.
Kristan Hawkins is NOT Pro-life. She is anti-abortion. She believes that women need to be punished for having sex even if that sex is rape. She doesn't care about babies any further than they are a punishment for having sex.
This is also why she's anti-contraception. If you can have sex without the possibility of punishment (pregnancy or STD's), then everyone will have sex.
Um, everyone does have sex. Sex is not just for getting pregnant. Otherwise, no one would have sex while they're pregnant or after menopause. This woman is sick. DO NOT LET HER FOOL YOU INTO THINKING SHE'S PRO-LIFE.
I admire anyone who can even bother to engage with these people.
You need to get tough because if you dont start engaging with them also then they will have the numbers to treat us like the jews. Theyre very fascist too. Their goal is to kick us all out of society
You people aren't worth engaging, to be honest. You're just another extremist and negligible minority of crazies.
Me too. Pro-lifers are a piece of work!
Bro deadass I would’ve started swinging onna bitch 😂😂😂I don’t have patience like this at all
@@Kikithep Violence is definitely the pro-life answer. Make them comply one way or the other. The ends justify the means.
Her mother will be ashamed of her. She will.
@@opaulamorgan4265maybe? Wtf.
Her mum most likely unfortunately has to deal with her bad behaviour, if this girl goes around speaking to people like this then she speaks to her parents like this too , I feel sorry for parents now
Maybe she got it from her mother . 🤷♀️
@@ellerizza1157 I doubt they are around. She probably ran off. She will 150% live a miserable life.
That girl was an ignorant, angry and evil person.
disgusting too.
However, she’s a good argument for pro abortion: She makes me want to abort her.
Most ugly chick's are.
You missed out 'stupid'
her daddy must be so proud 😈
Imagine how she talks to people in real life😭 she seems like she’s manipulative and always gets her way just based off of her immaturity.
she talks to every1 the same
She's gonna get snarky at the wrong person & they're gonna teach her not to be so rude.😮😅
Wow if this is the future of the world... These students becoming working class citizens... We are all in for huge issues ... Goodbye World. Immaturity rules the day....
really somebody trespasse on your personal right and what do you do cover them with hugs and kisses. abortion is every womans right
Kristan Hawkins is NOT Pro-life. She is anti-abortion. She believes that women need to be punished for having sex even if that sex is rape. She doesn't care about babies any further than they are a punishment for having sex.
This is also why she's anti-contraception. If you can have sex without the possibility of punishment (pregnancy or STD's), then everyone will have sex.
Um, everyone does have sex. Sex is not just for getting pregnant. Otherwise, no one would have sex while they're pregnant or after menopause. This woman is sick. DO NOT LET HER FOOL YOU INTO THINKING SHE'S PRO-LIFE.
Kristan's greatest talent isn't speaking; it's patience.
You nailed it.
Well, forced-birthers would be the experts on patience….
They had to wait 50 years for Roe to be overturned…..
through 63,000,000 abortions……
That’s a lot of patience…..
Not much help, but a lotta patience…..
No kidding bro lol poor Kristan
Which sadly I kinda lack 😞
@Hexl702 too Forced birthers? O you poor thing. It is almost like rights have responsibilities and actions have consequences. Welcome to adulthood.
Have mercy on this girl Jesus😢
that woman will never have to worry about getting pregnant
That's probably what's she's mad about.
100% TRUTH
Harsh but fair
Not true. Some loser will use her.
Kristan: *starts answering the question*
It’s not the answer she’s looking for. She wanted her to admit she was right or use responses that were justifying her beliefs
@@thebumblebeemovie3514 Kristan nearly always answers a question with a question. She deflects.
@@MarshalWalk3r Yes but that’s a debate tactic. She does that to further explain her point. In the video she asks the woman if it’s right to own a slave, then goes further into the why and shows how that statement is similar/the same as the statement they are debating. It’s trying to get to the root of the argument and working a solution from there.
@@thebumblebeemovie3514 It's deflection. Kristan is an amateur.
@@MarshalWalk3r *holds hands up* Fine by me then.
She totally took everything she supposedly stands for and destroyed herself. No control, disrespect, and racism all in one. What a great person I bet she preaches equality as well.
She is the poster child for most of the youth in 2023; loud, annoying, disrespectful, know it all, pain in the rears who think they know beyond the number of years they have had on earth. Entitlementitis.
I’m glad it was recorded so she can watch herself acting like an idiot for the rest of her life 🤣
And everyone can remind her
@@billyb4790 I wonder if she is considered employeable after this
I wonder if her mother thinks like this
Kristan’s patience and logical are amazing!!
She is emotional and aggressive, so many college students are like this when you disagree with them.
I can assure you that neither of sons would have acted that way. They were taught respect and manners.
They couldn’t fill a thimble with what they know. They think they are so superior
@@bethrowbottom5897 exactly, you can't even get a good education because professors too are like this. Everyone worrying about offending another person's believe.
I am a 23-year-old female and college student. I am proud to say that I am Pro-Life. This girl absolutely disgusted me and she's lucky she's not one of my family members. My grandma would've smacked her to the ground for speaking like that.
@@autumnemerald1019 You have a smart Grandma! That girl is eaten up with hate. She needs therapy in the worst way! NO pre-born child is safe around her.
She's not listening to understand but to argue. She's so disrespectful yet demands respect, such an embarrassment
She has every right to be disrespectful when her rights are being taken away by people like Kristin. Her right to do whatever she wants with living UNVIABLE tissue in her body that isn't anyone else's problem. It's like a Jew being "disrespectful" to Hitler at a presentation and then acting like they need to have a civil discussion over whether it's right or wrong to gas living viable people because you think they're inferior.
This girl's own behavior is her own worst enemy - and it dehumanizes everyone in that room including herself.
These leftist children were not taught that throwing a tantrum is not a convincing debate tactic.
She thought the goal was to change her. She didn't know that she was just content for the campaign to show how irrational her position is. The goal was to convince the audience online. And Kristan has succeeded in this for many people out there. Thanks to that angry girl.
She thought the goal was to change her. She didn't know that she was just content for the campaign to show how irrational her position is. The goal was to convince the audience online. And Kristan has succeeded in this for many people out there. Thanks to that angry girl.
abortions NOT slavery is the Black holocaust.
I have never ever before strongly felt how much values, culture, parenting, education, and listening are the need of the hour.
Imagine having a video of yourself like this online forever
We don't know maybe she's even proud of herself while watching this
She’s probably proud of it lol
@@Nursegirlalexandra She may be proud NOW, give it time... hopefully she will be ashamed. Maybe it will humble this foaming at the mouth maniac.
She won’t be proud in a few years 😅
she’s so disrespectful, she forgot that screaming does not get people to join nor listen to her. the fact that she’s around my age is insane
@Christabelle Garcia IKR! I have the same exact problem. I don't know how to tell you this, but my I.Q. is yours plus 20 points. LOL 😂
Screaming & disrespect probably are fine in her world view. Consider that your generation is the first to mostly not believe in God.
@@vashmatrix5769 You are so lame Vash!
@@vashmatrix5769 big facts 😭 the amount of people in this generation to shame religion (mainly Christianity) and have no empathy lol
@@Dhorpatan that is funny I was just thinking the same thing about you ,what a coincidence.
“No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot.” - Mark Twain
@@sterlingfallsproductions3930 The quote still applies.
Kristan you are so brave!! Thank you!!
The gentle patience she has for these raging prideful students must be a gift from God
She's a Christian soldier!
They're are just angry little brats who are suffering from a severe case of Daddy issues
You got it! 🎯
As a woman, I'm proud to say that abortion ISN'T a "human right." It's NOT in our Constitution, it's NOT in our Amendments, it's NOT in the Bill of Rights, it's not ANYWHERE to be found in our rights --- because it's NOT a "right."
Thank you for prefacing that with, “As a woman…”, because had a man said the same thing, he’d be branded a sexist, misogynist, and somehow the patriarchy would be weaseled in there.
Yea they need to do the right thing and actually try to have abortion right written into the Constitution, if they so want to have this right.
But they don't want to do that, because obviously it is a much harder, and involve a lot of effort, they're lazy to go through all these legal process.
But where does it say that it's forbidden on the other hand? Here Kristan Hawkins says that being pro-choice is "radical view". Not really. In fact being "pro life at all cost" is radical. Listen... If you have definitive prohibition of abortion even if it's rape or life threatening to a woman then it's the right end of the scale. Being pro choice isn't the other end of this scale... As insane as it might sound, the left end of it is forced abortion. Like one child only policy in China... So that is the second radical and extreme end of scale. Considering when to give women the choice is not radical at all, it's looking for some common ground.
@@kuba6156 It's not forbidden by Federal Law, and therefore it's up to each state to decide whether they want it legalized. Being pro-choice or pro-life doesn't make anyone "radical", but I think Kristan was talking about respecting the life inside a mother's womb. So the argument is that whether you think this life inside a mother's womb has no value, or has less value than a born baby.
I personally don't mind killing off lives if people had made some poor decisions in life, but don't pretend to be all righteous about it and scream "It's my body my choice".
That’s why Roe v. Wade was a bulls**t ruling. The role of SCOTUS is to interpret the Constitution, not legislate from the bench, which is what they did. It was unconstitutional.
Kristan destroyed that rude girl with class and intelligence. Love it!
And she doesn't need to worry about being impregnated. Even beer goggles have their limits.
Lol silly!….
Forced-birthers always think they destroy the abortion argument…..
They just can’t destroy abortion itself….
there’s still 2200 a day…..
No, she didn't. Her slave comparison to abortion was irrelevant to the subject at hand, and I don't agree with her stance on abortion.
@@seaor2k122 okay Epstein
@@seaor2k122Yes she did. The slavery argument is about the value of life.
Big shoutout to Kristan Hawkins for standing her ground and staying respectful, actually trying to answer the girl's "questions". It's wild to me that so many people treat others with so much disrespect when they don't even know them personally. I could never scream, insult, or act like that in such a situation. Especially if I actually wanted to be taken seriously and had some (!) self-respect.
This young girls anger, hatred, disrespect, arrogance and immaturity is off the scale.
Yes, sadly at least where I live, almost every woman acts this way about anything when it's negative and offends them.
Moreso the ones between 13-50 years old.
Well yeah, it's young and a woman... What do you honestly expect?
And she's a university student.
Bet you that girl was raised in a very unstable home, perhaps without a father, and definitely without any values. Pray for these Gen Z'ers. They will destroy our nation and the world.
@@VYMQGSOH i guess you have a point you are trying to make. but it isn't clear
I will never understand how another human can be so vile and full of hate simply bc they can not terminate another human that’s absolutely helpless. Pure evil.
Inconvenience and a hesitation to be held accountable for hook up culture, among other factors.
You just described Hitler
Yes, she is under control of a demon.
P U R E evil!
but here is the explanation from God about this "woke" insanity:
Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
20 For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
@@raganpheneger Absolutely! This is demon-possession.
The patience that Kristan displayed is absolutely admirable.
The forced-birthers would be experts on patience….
they had to live with abortion for decades….
They had to wait 50 years for Roe to be overturned….
Abortion still hasn’t gone anywhere….
it’s legal and available to 70% of the American people….
How did this help any “babies”?…..
While she was standing there so patiently, a lot of fetuses got marched into the abortion clinic…..
About 2300 a day is the figure I heard…..
Shouldn’t she be where the fetus could use her help?….
or does she like an audience better?…..
It’s a good thing she’s patient….
she’ll have to keep being patient…
with abortion itself…..
It’s not going anywhere….
@@hexl702too5 Pro death abortion activist are just one degree away from a total mental breakdown when someone questions them about the words that they have been parroting from money hungry abortionist.
Lol silly!…..
Actual murder isn’t legal anywhere….
it’s always punished if we catch the perp….
Abortion isn’t murder, it’s a justifiable homicide…..
Even forced-birthers themselves don’t want to put women in prison for life (ask em)….
You don’t do that if you think someone is a murderer…..
The incredible patience of this woman is very impressive.
We failed these people.
They are completely lost.
Emotionally out of control.
Morally and spiritually. I have to remind myself that Christ died for them too.
@@RobertLasscheAmen 😔🙏
We did not fail them. We had no impact on how they were raised or who they were taught by, or how there parents raised them, or the friends they associated with. There parents failed them, the schools failed them, the teachers failed them, and society on the side of the left is continuing to fail these people. God bless you and all them, never fall into despair for there is always hope. Pray and and trust in God.
@@YaksoHD True, that!
@@YaksoHD Exactly 💯👏👏
I don't know what's worse.
That they constantly contradict themselves without realizing it, or that they think that simply because they yell and use profanity, trying to be the loudest person in the room, they're automatically right.
It’s pride and a hardened heart
The worse thing is those girls are college students..... That's our future.....God help us.
@@onangelwings462 There's about a 0% chance she's pursuing a career in anything that's going to affect our future
They act that way because they are being taught to. They're being taught that acting that way is "righteous," even though they couldn't be more wrong.
@chicagolondongirl2906 Agreed. There's a fine line between righteous and avaristic anger. If your friend has more money than you, and you're angry because of it, that's avaristic anger, as the stem of your anger does not involve an injustice, but jealousy. However, if your friend became richer by committing immoral acts, and you're angry because of it, that's righteous anger, as the stem of your anger is because an injustice has taken place.
Needless to say, the girl had an avaristic anger. It's a shame that she believes that yelling and shaming someone else is the best way to confront someone with an opinion she doesn't like...
...there is benefit to her action: It reveals the true colors of abortion. She yelled constantly and interrupted constantly, leaving no room for basic logic, established sciences, and morality set in. That's what abortion is: Forcing oneself to believe that killing a child is completely moral, and lying to oneself loudly to prevent basic logic, established sciences, and morality set in.
It's what the devil wants; chaos, hatred, closed-heartedness, and lifelessness, that he and the other demons may feast upon the ruin of souls throughout the world. We need to pray and take action. Actions are being taken every day, even to the point of death. We need to prepare. The smoke of the devil has long since infiltrated the world, and now even the highest places of holiness are in danger...the Church, the minds of our people, the womb...some folks say it's the end of the world, but it's come to this point many times before. God help us all. Let's get to work.
I used to be pro-choice. It was behavior like her’s and the constant and consistent intolerable behavior, along with their baseless defenses with just modern day mottos of the pro-choice side to defend their side, but no science, statistics, or facts. Just pure emotion and anger and rage - I began to think I was on the wrong side. Now I am fully pro-life. Keep up the fight.
Kudos to you for being open minded enough to entertain the possibility that you were on the wrong side of the issue. We need to have a lot more of that going around.
That's a really good point Alli. Always base your position on what other people do and your emotions. Like if the opposing side is embarrassing, then emotionally you should not want to be on their side. It's like with all the Catholic sex scandals and how horrible Christians have behaved over centuries and that they are almost always ethical hypocrites, and then you have frauds like Ken Ham, or Kent Hovind or Ravi Zacharias, people should not want to be Christian. The truth of a position and whether you should accept it should depend on how people behave that hold to it.🙄
@@Dhorpatan you missed where I also mentioned science and statistics to support their beliefs/stance :)
I was also deep into New Age until I had a radical encounter with God that transformed me overnight.
It’s sad to see people in the faith fall like this. However, fallen people and their actions doesn’t mean that God doesn’t exist.
It just goes to show that there is a standard of good in the world. If there wasn’t a God, we wouldn’t care about this standard of morality.
@@allibarrett6809 You had a radical encounter with nothing but your silly imagination and wishful thinking. You had a radical encounter with an invisible magic being? Really?
You had a radical encounter with God about as much as a person had a radical encounter with an alien spaceship and alien probes.
@@Dhorpatan There was nothing wishful about my imagination when God encountered me. I probably would agree that I had a lot of wishful thinking and imagination experiences when I was in the New Age. But nothing - absolutely nothing - compares to the encounter I had with God, and ones I’ve had since then. It is supernatural how He changed me overnight. Where I used to struggle, strive, have depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts - He replaced with joy, peace, and hope.
There is a God out there, and He knows the intimate and deepest places of you and your soul. I pray that He encounters you in the exact way that you need, and then you’ll see. 🙏🏻 Much love to you friend, I pray that you seek Him, and you will find Him.
First of all this is poorly organized. Second: My body, my choice argument is not valid as a human right. My hand is part of my body but if I kill somebody with it. It's a crime. My right to use my body is relevant to how it affects others around me. Third: The "lump of cells" thing is stupid. Who ever came up with that àrgument is ... LoL. Every human being that has ever existed is a lump of cells. A fetus is a human being, a defenseless one at that and should be protected by both parents and by their community. Fourth: Murder is a crime anyone who is guilty of murder should be punished accordingly.
This girl is so out of control and ridiculous... Won't even allow a rational discussion.... "I'm waiting!". For what? She won't even shut up long enough to let her speak. She just can't stop yelling.
We can blame these educational institutions for the way these people think
Absolutely, they completely lost their critical thinking ability and logical reasoning. That's why you have to teach people wisdom and also not what to think but how to think and logical deducting.
Yea, these liberal places are ruining these poor ignorant people
Is an agenda
It's a controversial topic.. but idk why.. don't talk about.. the 3 wars that we have front of us..
T rump 2024..
@@kerigoncalves484 I start with their parents
So that’s the kind of person that goes to university and gets a higher grade degree? That’s insane. Lord have mercy upon us
They don't want abstract thinkers.
They want "doers"
she is just one person, tho, not a representative of the entire college student population.
There are several disrespectful women
But her degree is in lesbian dance interpretation, personal pronoun effluence or some such shit.....much better if it was in making sandwiches or cleaning the house.....or better still, the fine art of not becoming a loud obnoxious fat there is a degree she could be proud to own.
Who said she's acquiring a high degree! Universities today are nothing but cesspools of radical, demonic teachings!
Does anyone know where this young woman is now? I wonder how she feels, what has happened in her life since this video was made public. She should be ashamed, embarrassed, and 1000% mortified!😮😮
My ex who I met in college we were together for years. I got pregnant and he wanted me to have an abortion. I didn’t want to. I finished college because having a baby the federal government gave me free tuition and in fact gave me money for cost of living to go to school and take care of my baby. Fast forward today my daughter is in a prestigious university with high honors.
I pay taxes for people like you who like to mess around, just great.
Wow that’s amazing!!! I’m so glad you didn’t listen to him and instead gave your beautiful daughter life :) I hope you both are doing okay now!!
And, may I ask, whatever happened to the father who wanted his daughter's life ended?
Big daddy government coming to the rescue with taxpayers' money.
Every notice the consistent ANGER that emanates from these individuals???
That's all they can do. They haven't got any actual rebuttals or arguments.
Amen to that.
Most trump haters are deranged individuals
Wow this woman should've been escorted out of the room long before she finished her argument. No place for this level of disrespect, she brings shame to the woman who truly have those issues.
Not only does she have to answer to her Maker, she also has to answer to the internet bc this recording will never disappear, even after she decides to change her beliefs later down the road when she gets a clue or has her own child. It would have been much better for her if she had been escorted away before making herself look worse and worse. Good luck to her future self getting a job, finding a man, or making her family proud 😬
Yelling doesn't make you win an argument, it's a sign of a less intelligent person.
Less EMOTIONALLY intelligent people.
That little girl just majorly embarrassed herself.
Her cake doesn’t look that little. 😂😂😂
Too much red cordial
When I was younger (I’m 38 today) NO ONE EVER talked to adults like this!!!!! It’s SO disrespectful 😨 Keep yourself together and have some respect young lady…😡
Her useless parents never told her no, or slapped her when she needed it. Utter disgrace
30s is still young tho
Diversity is clearly our strength…
Same. I’m in complete utter disbelief on how schools allow this crud. I can’t believe our society is heading down hill pretty damn fast
I work at a public school and I can tell you this is normal now, and it's disgusting
There are two things in my life that I have lived to regret. One is I was pro-choice. The other is I was a Democrat. Thank the Lord I came to my senses and rectified both bad choices.
Good for you.
Biden voted for Trump!!!!!
Interesting, and I'm so glad to hear about the change of heart
Don’t feel bad, the democrats/leftists target young people with their identity politics. This young woman is clearly ideologically possessed. I’m not a religious person per say, I wish I were, but the idea was so thoroughly mocked my whole life, not to mention the scandals, that it seemed like an absurd proposition. That said, I think I understand what was meant about demonic possession. How else would you describe that behavior?
As an aside, this cringe is what it would sound like if a leftist on Twitter had to read their tweets out loud. They think it’s “owning” someone to just speak over them, while never bothering to actually wrestle with question at hand. Simply put; if your position on abortion can fit on a activist placard in block letter, perhaps you need to speak less and listen more.
Reminds me of that joke Regan made
I’m so glad over a million people saw this girl be an embarrassment to her entire cause and everything she stands for
That girl is beyond disrespectful. She clearly wasn’t taught right from wrong. Her parents have failed her.
I agree with your Comment 110% 👍👍👍 Comment by Tracy Iraia 🇳🇿🌏🇳🇿 NZ 😎
Disrespect is forcing women to stay pregnant
If you want to ask a question, it's always good to wait for your Answer🤔 Before firing Anger, Frustration, and Racist slurs at a person🤨 If her friend was R***d and ended up Pregnant, then she should be allowed to do what she feels is right, Her body Her decision😔 The big mouth was all over the place with her words, went from here to there, from this to that, I think she was escalating the actual topic and using Anger and Racist words to make her point🙄😤 And this is why I agreed with 1818 comment 🤨😬 Comment by Tracy Iraia 🇳🇿🌏🇳🇿 NZ 😎
I actually am pro choice, but I disagree with every single thing about this animals (college girl) existence. Her parents should have probably taken care of her as a fetus if ya know what I mean.
@@DaveBpt Disrespect is when women kill their own children and say that those children aren't human
As a former 10-year-old, I can relate to that student.
Parents didn't discipline you enough 😌
More like 4 year old 😂
She is acting like she is lacking brain cells LOL 😆
😂😂😂 well taught by your family then.
I'm ashamed to say she is from my state of Texas...these girls are lost and have no dignity or worth for themselves. Truly sad.
She makes me not want to live in Texas
San antonio is wack. Only place i ever seen kids with clear backpacks in the south. I asked my buddy why the kids have clear backpacks and he said its because theyre worried about school shooters and i was like "these twp specific kids theyre worried might sneak in a gun?" Like bro, they give their kids backpacks they cant even hide behind. Not even bulletproof. My highschool was shot up and i didnt want to make everyone have to use clear backpacks. These people are crazy
@@censored4christ162 Clear backpacks are in many places in TX other than SA
@@kyle1070 On a minor note, regarding Texas, I heard that Texans once booed Bill Nye for saying the earth is a sphere.
Disclosure @kyle "the screaming lady does not reflect the views of about 99pct of Texans" must be from California. 😂
3:22 omg she is so immature. This is a teenager arguing with their mom, not a young adult who is going to college to educate and better herself. My God I can’t even finish watching videos with deplorable little kids throwing a tantrum. Barf!
She kept ranting about the speaker's logical fallacy when her invective, obscene filled argument contain only hysterical emotion and illogic. The young lady should have her mouth washed out with soap and so should her chorus of sign bearing foul mouthed harpies. A final thought, I feel certain the young lady has no understanding of what the first amendment is nor can she craft an argument so she just stands there and screams at the speaker.
You’re being REEEEEALLY generous with the word “lady”, Phil.
Definitely needs to get a refund for the lack of education she is getting at that school, lol...
Wash her mouth out with a straight left.
Don't call that screaming thing a lady.
@@bothanjedirogue That might do it...
I used to be pro choice. Slowly I started to listen with and open mind/heart to the pro life side and it all made sense to me. That is what is lacking on the pro choice side, LISTENING. A life is a life no matter how many times they change the words and definitions. It's all so simple. I recently became a mother and I never saw myself as a mom in my early 20s because of the left ideology I absorbed throughout college. I was wrong. Being a mother has been amazing and I love my baby more than anything in the universe. All unborn babies deserve a life.
Isn’t it amazing how motherhood can change the mind from pro choice to pro life? I’ve had the same experience. There’s no question about it. My children were very much alive and letting me know about it even in the earliest days of pregnancy!
@@sterlingfallsproductions3930 That is a gross oversimplification of the pro-life position - are you doing it on purpose?
Pro-lifers don't support the idea that the baby should be born at all costs. On the contrary, "except when the life of the mother is at risk," is a big part of many of their slogans/platforms/etc., and discussion/debate about what circumstances make it acceptable for a woman to have doctors terminate her pregnancy is a big part of pro-life discussion, where the answer is almost never "none" when you really drill down into it.
What pro-lifers support is the idea that we need to afford the same respect moral weight to what is in a mother's womb as we assign to the mother herself, because we have to acknowledge that what is in there is also a human being. Our attitudes toward pregnancy, the start of human life, greatly shade our attitudes about respect for human dignity more broadly.
There are certainly some closed-minded pro-life people, that's true. But there is nothing closed-minded about the position itself, just like there is nothing inherently closed-minded about supporting abortion rights, even though some people (like the girl in this video) are not capable of even listening to ideas they don't agree with on the topic.
God bless you Elizabeth!
Tube ligation is an option, totally reversible, and more easier.
@@sterlingfallsproductions3930 face palm. You little Nazi's try, so, so hard. 😅🤣😂
Kristan NEVER loses her cool. Great work, as always, Kristan .
She is amazing! Wow she is so patient and kind. I’m impressed by her more and more. I pray I can become this patient in the face of evilness!
She might not lose her cool but she loses count when she keeping track of her calorie intake.
"In the end my Immaculate Heart will Triumph"
Our Lady of Fatima
You mean Jesus will Triumph.
If they call themselves students, humanity is doomed.
Parents who see their kids like this should cut off paying for tuitions
I think the results of the 2022 Pennsylvania Senate election shows that humanity is doomed.
Well to be fair, she didn’t say she was an A+ student🤣🤣🤣
@@darealshredder8712 the horror is, she is a student.
Only American is doomed lol
The students in other countries especially in the eastern never behave like that
It's a difficult task to try to teach the youth the compassion they've lost.
It's not about compassion. It's about maturity, emotional control and respect for other adults.
You and KL have it right!!
Yep, it's about COMPASSION, I don't want to be around anyone that doesn't have any COMPASSION, they are evil😔
Children don't develop it, adults have it... simple as
This is the results of allowing K thru college to teach your children (not kids - kids are baby goats)
Train up your children when they are young and they will not depart
When people know they can't win an argument, that's when they start yelling. I'm actually surprised the moderators or organisers let this unstable girl go on with her rant and verbal abuse this long.
Because they probably agreed with the young girl which is why this mess was precipitated generations ago; conformity begats power and power begats conformity. Now we have a narcissistic generation who doesn't think, only cares for themselves (or perhaps those like them), and wants more power to control those who they believe are powerful, and, often in the name of "power is bad."
One needs to learn by seeing and watching own mistakes go viral
I'm not at all surprised that the moderators let it happen
Because when they make a spectacle about themselves, they out themselves.
You don't need to argue someone with a tin hat as nuts. Just let them talk.
Good for you keeping calm and treating the young woman with respect. She did not treat you with respect and it would have been easy to fall into the same. Good job!
This lady has so much patience I’m impressed
I can’t stand people who ask questions but then won’t let the person answer, or even care to listen to the answer, or pretend like the person didn’t answer.
She has a valid point ... N she would do anything r listen to watevrr those racists say... As she has to put her point n make them understand no matter wat
@@ksstores839 She doesn’t have a valid point. If you’re talking about the girl screaming, she doesn’t have a point.
@@ksstores839 They aren’t racist
As a member of Gen Z, these 'young ladies' disgust me. I refuse to recognize them as a part of my generation and am deeply disturbed that the world is being handed over to people like this. But fear not, guys, I'm going to work hard to make sure their flawed values don't affect society :)
Same here girl 🤗
Tell me about it. I'm not mad of my generation as a Gen Z, im just disappointed 😑
Same here! It disgusts me, what this world is coming to!
It's not a gen z thing. Baby boomers were acting this way when they were in college. It's a liberal thing.
I completely agree I'm gen z too.
I can’t believe how disrespectful university students are in America. She should have been cut off the moment she started swearing.
University’s will give students extra credit points for behaving just like this
If that were to happen in my country, she would have been charged for sure.
Western countries especially the US r so messed up with social degeneracy!
Im so blessed to be living in this country of mine that dont tolerate such B^LLSH^^TZ!!!
Thank u my country!!!!!💜💜💜
@@ducati3241 I am thankful you don't live in my country
@@ducati3241which country do you live in?
“”She should have been cut off!”
So forced-birthers support getting rid of unwanted people after all!
This is Really Hard to watch!!! Feelings of sadness and hopelessness after listening and watching this !!!! What has our world come to ?? This girl is a tragedy ! What happens to people like her ?? Such hate. Fury. ..
A few years ago I had the opportunity to take my daughter to the university of Texas as she wanted to make an application to attend that school, as we were touring around campus there was a rather good size crowd of young girls with signs "My body My choice" and they were yelling with their annoying high pitch voices "HAIL SATAN HAIL SATAN" as they walked in a clockwise circle. My daughter said that she would rather attend a trade school than have evilness corrupt her. Best choice a kid can make is one that shows discernity, giving a parent confidence that their child will be a great adult.
ah call this the devils last dance , an it's not gonny be a nice little waltz folks we got 7 more years till wormwood drops in , thats a long time for the crazys ti get up an running which they are already , so look an learn people , aye !
@@thomasw.glasgow7449 AYE! indeed. It's going to get worse before it gets better. Armor yourselves.
👏👏👏👏 smart girl!!!
@@rusty-ole-boomstick1268 Seriously, they were actually saying "Hail Satan"??
.. Do these people live in delusion?.. How will Satan ever help them in the afterlife? Surely they can't be that naive and acknowledge the existence of Satan and not of God??
The more I hear about how society has become through the education system of our countries, the more I respect countries like Afghanistan and Qatar who's rather stick to religious teachings before allowing the so called "freedoms" we've allowed our youths
Smart girl
I love her patience. She’s so grounded in moral truth and absolute truth that she’s barely phased by the crazy that spews of the mouth of this deceived individual. Role model :)
Love how she shouted at her that she wasn't answering the question but then started not listening when it got to the point where the comparison was explained
Except there is no comparison between enslaving a living human and aborting a fetus.
@@amyjensen680 difference is one living human is fully aware about what's going on the other living human isn't
@@amyjensen680it is the same when someone decides another’s persons life isn’t as valuable as theirs, whether is because they have black skin, or is small and helpless like an unborn baby in the mothers womb!
@@MC-bp1dm Nah, cuz as an RhNegative woman, my body views it as a parasite.
@@mrsgolden6526 because one of them isn't living. Do you eat eggs? Do you consider them alive or nah?
This is why we must debate and talk in academia. No fear, with civility, and patience. It brings-forth and exposes the regressive ideologies infecting our young adults. Bravo Kristan!
And she’s a college student…is this the kind of educated young women colleges are producing? What an embarrassment to our country.
And people wonder why some people don't feel they should have to pay off her debt.
Yup there’s a lot of women in college like this. It’s muy triste.
Sadly it is
Oh, it's not just the educated ones. This entire generation of young women is vulgar, entitled and narcissistic.
Seems hopeless. Hope that lady doesn’t have any children.
This girl’s parents must be so ashamed of her,so disrespectful.
She is just passionate about how she feels
@@jilly6617and that’s understandable, but she is letting it get the better of her. She’s yelling, cursing, and calling Kristian names and interrupting her. You can be passionate about your beliefs and still communicate them in a respectful manner, but that’s not what she was doing.
@@jilly6617no one cares she was being racist ignorant and disrespectful slurring and all that, she has no dignity for herself only emotions that take advantage of her.
probably wondering where they went wrong , unless the apple didn't fall far from the tree
@@NatDC2012 fell on there heads, that’s why they can’t control there emotions there mentally damaged!
It's appalling that people can't have a proper conversation. Big ups to the lady being so patient and quiet too👏🏾
6:11 So ironic that immature kid said that, because that’s a question everyone in the room should be asking her.
As soon as someone starts insulting it means they have no argument
@@arcticangel1628 It's ironic that that's the best you've got
@@haunteddreams7856 Wrong
@@MarshalWalk3r nope
Unfortunately the young lady presetnted herself as angry, vicious and disrespectful. I see this time and time again with those who have closed their minds to the truth. This was not a debate or a conversation but a prodium for this young lady to spew her opinions.
The “tolerant” pro-choice movement at its finest.
@@axlenuts5418 either that or she’s the last resort pig they dump into
@@axlenuts5418 im in college like her and I agree w you😭 luckily i have a boyfriend who’s pro life and helped me see the truth of why abortion is wrong. I used to be like this girl when I was pro choice, hopefully she’ll find a man like my boyfriend who will help her see the truth ☠️
@@laurenorourke2442 Coming from India, I was pro choice and quite liberal. But seeing the actual face of these pro choice radicals, I am a changed person. This is a radical political movement. It has nothing to do with woman's body. They thrive on projected victimhood and identiy politics.
@@zaidpatel8695 the way people will go so far to justify killing a human being is just horrific. no way i could ever be pro choice again, abortion is always taking a human life and its bodily autonomy away no matter what people think
Call them what they ARE, Pro Abortion, because they are not interested in any other choices, like adoption, birth control, the morning after pill, or God forbid, abstinence.
Only the murder of the unborn for these lunatics...
Imagining all the hate, bitterness and anger inside of a person so young! How sad to think that she has to live with herself 24 hours a day, 7 days a week…in the absence of logic and reason, the insults take over… screaming!
That makes me really sad. Young college girls so deeply wrapped in their determination to shirk responsibility they scream and shout the roof down but make no sense.
To 'have' responsibility? Don't you mean 'shirk' responsibility? But I agree!
@@DarrellSCady Almost all abortions are for convenience sake alone. 1/2 the people who enter an abortuary never come out alive. 😢
@@DarrellSCady edited! Thanks.
I am prolife, proabundant life, and pro eternal life...God bless the prochoice folks who seem demonized by anger and they seem to hate themselves.
I am ashamed of my own generation . This is unbelievable
While I do agree, there are is a-lot of problems with our generation, I do not think it is reasonable or fair to blame or be mad at the generation as a whole. There are good, bright people out there in our generation.
@@JoeFromKokomoyour generation is literally the worst
@@JoeFromKokomoI agree unfortunately however there are previous generations that view ours in a negative light because there are so many like her. Not saying that’s fair but I could see how easily that could happen. I’ve personally come across people that have said things like “you’ve had it too easy” or “you guys are entitled” seeing attitude like this from her it’s not surprising. I’m glad to say that for the most part I’ve been viewed as an individual though.
@@thatoscarguy9965 Yeah, I have heard people say stuff about our generation too, I just like to think in all the darkness there is light
I’m glad to know, not all like her.
In the moment that immature little hobbit thought she was killing it. She made herself look so stupid. I love it.
more like an Orc than a hobbit . a mega fugly orc at that , aye !
Im lost of words, these girls standing there to fight being able to kill their babies before they are born instead of using the same energy to NOT get pregnant in the first place. The fact that you are breathing today lady is that your mom chose not to kill you, let the voiceless have that same right. Thank you
You're right 💯 %!
The point you raise has been my view for all my adult life. Just use contraception!!! It's EASY! I'm not referring to sex without consent, that is a whole other matter. But consenting sex, use contraception.
@@davidholmes2283 Rape is no reason to murder an unborn child.
I think her behavior is an excellent pregnancy deterrent.
Two-thirds of the parties involved have no voice; the baby and the father. The baby and the father are 100% at the mercy of the mother's "choice." There is something very wrong with that.
as a black woman, i agree with her statement when she compared slavery with abortion. the whole argument with abortion & slavery have the same concept.. a VALUE of life. there are many other things that can be compared to abortion besides slavery. she (pro-choice) got offended over something that didn’t apply to her, she knew what kristen meant, but used what she said & twisted it as derogatory, when really, it’s just the truth. sad future we have ahead of us.
I’m with you on that one. It is the same concept and people fail to realize this.
Thank you for explaining this to me…that big mouth brat was being way too loud for me to even hear the exchange.
I agree with you..except for your last point...we have a battle for Truth, Justice and Love here...but these three will prevail. Love always wins in the our immediate future might be tough, but our ultimate future will be Very Good. Where there is Love, there is always Hope. Love always wins.Hang in there, people! ❤🫂
As a black women you should quit obsessing over slavery, you weren’t there
The young woman was raised to be a narcissist. Her anger isn’t about ‘autonomy’, it’s about the lack of boundaries she experienced as a child. Civil discourse requires the abilities of listening and learning. She walked in with a flame-less torch yet thinks she lit up the room.
Your right about that a little narcissistic psycho!
Oh she lit up the room alright, even Stevie Wonder Could See the ignorant Fire coming out of her mouth
Yes, poor parenting certainly has a lot to do with it.
Add to the recipe the fact that universities have become little bolshevik factories.
Succinct and precise … simple realy .. thank you
I hope her future employers see this when she graduates and starts applying for jobs 💯
Climate activists will hire her
@@lilianthuo8446I wonder if she's the type that would glue herself to a road.
Save the whales, kill the babies.
Don’t worry her clownery and none sense will catch up to her. You reap what you sow.
@@lilianthuo8446those ppl who block the roads are just as crazy as this ignorant woman yelling
I just thought the student asking question didn't really learned anything from school, she must have been absent when the science of life was discussed in class. Why are children of today's generation acts like this? Is it the food we fed them, the milk? What happened to them?
That young lady's heart is so full of hatred and anger. I pray that she will get better some day
Thank u for 🙏 for her instead of calling her out her name. You are the only human to do this😊.
@@flowfox6060 yeah it's hard. It's not exactly wrong to despise her and out her. She deserves it. But what she also doesn't deserve Is God's forgiveness but I'm some what used to be profanity slurred and filled as she was then again not really because I would never swear that much not much more than 1 word which would probably be damn. She CURSED more than I could count so she doesn't deserve it. But I highly doubt she would turn to the only True God Jesus Christ. Not because I doubt God's but because firstly she has to accept even slightly. But better for fully full fillment. She's sending herself to the true depiction of hell which is dark gloomy and away from God that's what hell is her own sending herself to damnation being away from God is hell itself because sin is inkling around you because you the human person decides to be there by their own pure free will 100%. That's gonna be her fault. None else. I still wouldn't give her the gospel but it's be great if someone else would. Because then she has warned. But sure amen that this particular Christian prays for her I just cant. Don't wanna waste my time all I gain is easier forgiveness for them.
She should tune in to 'The View' sometime for a glimpse at her future self. There is no such thing as a happy feminist.
Why do you all keep calling her a Lady? She's a Tramp dummy
Yeah, it's sad to see. She is deeply dead in sin and her father is satan, so that is the consequence.
All the girl did was embaress herself and prove her level of insanity.
Not only that her immaturity and delusion as well!
Embarrassed her parents and family.
I think she's a fruitcake.
What about the slave thing?
I don’t understand why these kind of people go to college when they already know everything.
@Christabelle Garcia They are accepted because the Deans, Teachers and operatives in the educational field are part of teh broader based problem with society
One of my favorite lines from the Ray Bradbury novel DANDELION WINE: "When you're 17, you know everything. When you're 27, if you still know everything, you're still 17."
Bob from Accounting, Great comment!!
@Christabelle Garcia the universities will accept anyone now, they exist only to indoctrinate and create more of these girls
It’s not a right to kill your baby. It’s not your body. That girl needs help
I mean.. its inside their body so yea they can do whatever they want to it
@@couldcarelesslol_actually no. You cant. You cant drink yourself into oblivion or do drugs while pregnant.
And she cant kill the child herself... she has to enlist the help of an abortionist. Then he will likely send her home to take pills that dont fully work and her dumbass will wait at home til she dies of sepsis like the resr of the women.
I mean, its her body to kill herself, but the childs body isnt hers. ALL MOTHERS recognize that we dont innately own the child we carry to term. Motherhood is a great HONOR bestowed on us by humanity and life itself. To kill such a child out of madness is barbaric and evil.
Ive been raped. I used Plan B to stop pregnancy. I use condoms and VCF now. With Plan B in emergency.
You get 15% chance of pregnancy in any month. You youre too stupid to stop pregnancy before it begins?😂