to move your point even further. you've won...when people insult you....AND you carry yourself with such grace and dignity, and rational passion that (and i'm making an assumption here) you are a model representative, servant and ambassador for the Great Master. well done lydia. this is my alma mater. maybe the university should consider changing its mascot from the rams to the goats.
I think it says a lot about the parenting of these spoiled brats. They degenerate into personal attacks and expletives. So immature. I’d like to take that guy in the white shirt and put him one on one with Charlie Kirk. Lol
I find it interesting that it's always the "tolerant and loving" crowd that usually devolves into a hate-fueled mob of hyenas whenever their views are challenged.
You cannot reason with people like this. It makes for entertaining content, but even then it gets exhausting watching well-meaning folks argue with a wall. Kudos to the young lady in the cream hoodie for trying to have a civil conversation. She is gleaming hope in a sea of her peers.
Tolerant and loving ONLY if you agree with their views 😅. Leftist says LOVE EVERYONE (except for people who view things differently) no wonder Trump was voted in, the majority of people are tired of this nonsense 😂
It's just a loud weaponized mob shouting over anyone rational. A large enough unchecked minority can cause a massive culture shift. That's why we all need to speak out for life!
Don't be since you guys are importing the same problem from AFrica that America has been dealing with for 300 years. Have fun with all that DIE VERSITY.
That woman who went through the molestation- prayers and thoughts going out to her. It seems she's on the verge of coming to the truth, and it was so sweet how she defended Lydia from people despite her disagreeing with Lydia.
Give the whole be a man nonsense a rest pal. You are not the arbiter of what right and wrong is. And it is literally their body and is their choice. That is just a fact.
God bless you, Lydia Taylor Davis. Satan is not happy when you shine the light of Christ. He sends his miserable hordes of demons to attack. Keep up the great fight against evil.
Nah, they’re cowards. After a couple times being yelled out, you could handle these whiney little brats. I just think it’s funny, how many feminine men yelled at her. It’s like sorry fatty no girl is going to sleep with you because you pretend to care about this issue.
If you don't want a child, don't engage in sex. If you were irresponsible and created a life with a partner then that's the consequences for BOTH of you from very bad choices. You BOTH have to live with it and take care of it. I don't understand why it has to be more complicated than that. Make the right choice in the first place.
People have no self control and don't like taking accountability or responsibility. It's why you find most of them online because they can avoid confrontation.
@beingroxy Abortion is healthcare. Sex is not consent to any irreparable harm. Pregnancy does harm. It's often immeasurable on the pain scale and perma changes the body of the pregnant person. Doing so without consent is immoral.
The student saying "this is what white supremacy does to our community" while advocating for abortion is the most ignorant thing you could say in an abortion debate. Around 9:50
What’s the craziest is that abortion was *promoted* by white supremacists to reduce the minority and poor population. So, being a pro-life activist is actually more loving than what the pro-abortionists are proposing. I mean, look at the violent reactions!! They are not thinking at all. They are reacting insanely!!
Its funny because the abortion movement constantly use the argument that abortions lower crime rate. Forgetting that black people commit a disproportionate amount of crime meaning that youre basically saying killing black babies lowers crime. Which is a very racist argument.
I can't take this utter disregard for life and this mob. Look at them! Look at how they have been so thoroughly indoctrinated. It's absolutely disgusting.
This whole video was absolutely horrible and disgusting. Just that so many would be so disrespectful and hell bent on killing children. They didn't even care about the woman who was sharing her own story of having been r*ped, all because she didn't agree with their sick blood thurst. I didn't even want to finish this video because of them. How can we live in a world with such horrible people. Such horrible, disgusting, and manipulative people. They would take the tragedy of one woman's experience to justify their selfish behavior. The fact is that abortion is used as birth control so women with bad lifestyles can continue to sleep around all they want. That's horrible. Lives are being taken so some wh*re can keep sleeping with everyone they see without the consequences of their actions.
At a school that preaches inclusivity, VCU students are some of the more ignorant and intolerant people I’ve ever met. As pro life students at VCU, we’ve been yelled at, followed around, spit on, stolen from, harassed, had false reports made against us, and so much more. Many students don’t want to hear opposing viewpoints and instead of allowing free speech, they would rather shut down the conversation. This day was insane as a student and I hope that in the future my fellow students choose to hear other opinions instead of screaming at them.
Intolerant huh? So they should do nothing as women's rights are taken away? Not saying they couldn't have been more polite but they have good reason to be angry.
@@albaraka7519but people who are prochoice have the idea that a good debate to them is when you don’t allow the opposing side to have the chance to speak. Both sides should be able to speak and say what they want to say. That’s the way it should be. But most of the time people who are prolife have to fight to be able to speak and say how they feel about abortion. It’s amazing how stupid some of the prochoice people were. The young women who said that an unborn baby was a parasite, how dumb do you have to be to say and believe that? But Lydia was absolutely correct that a parasite has to be a different species than the host and it has to harm the host as well.
Wow Lydia you are a fireball!! It’s inspiring how you kept your cool, stood your ground and brushed off the insults and gross behavior! We need more people like you to stand up for what is right and to stand with the truth no matter what! 🙌🏽
As someone who used to be a moderate pro choicer, the pro choicers fighting with the one neutral pro choice girl just because she wasn’t an extremist are insane.
Where have you been? Alt-lft people have literally RESTRUCTURED HYPOCRISY. And I am 55 yrs young and was always a pro choice until 3 years ago. I took a deep dive into the beginnings of PP l, totally the work of a devil. And, what really changed my mind was a story that a OB-GYN surg nurse told me. The Dr she worked for did abortions, the bulk of them were bc the baby was not the gender THEY WANTED. 😢
The level of immaturity, entitlement, & ignorance is bewildering. I dont even know where to start.Some of them wont have to worry about this stuff because theyre too anti social to even have a spouse/significant other. The disrespectful grandstanders have no clue what real life is all about. Period. That said she did amazing considering what she faced, with a smile & clear, concise facts.
I totally agree. God bless her with protection cause what she said made sense know one listened because they following the trend of hating the abortion law.
Had to turn this off cus honestly it was so hard to watch I just can’t listen to a bunch of people screaming saying that a literal baby is not worth life these people are sick and I applaud this woman for the hard work she’s doing to protect these vulnerable people. 🥺❤️
You are awesome. I was pro choice until I stopped listening to my emotions and started paying attention to my brain. Now I’m pro life and now Christian too
That whole video was cortisol-inducing. Extremely brave of Lydia to show up and remain as eloquent and respectful as she did. Wow that was a trial. Thank you for speaking truth in the face of so much group-think vitriol.
@nonyab3843 oh no, they're teaching critical thinking skills!!! oh gawd, how ever will Elon keep cheap labor, if we don't keep popping out kids in poverty for him?! Think of think of the billionares!!! 😫 #procreateforprivilegedprolifers
It seems like the less educated they are, the louder they want to yell and the more disgusting the language. An actual intelligent person can talk about something without hurling insults and using foul language. Just cuz you're loud doesn't make you right.
@albaraka7519 if they are shouting nastiness and profanity like these people are, then they need to reevaluate themselves as well. It's a little different when you are begging a mother to not murder her own child.
I just want to say its so inspiring to me how emotionally strong you are. I would be crying the first hour of doing this if I had people verbally attacking me in my face. You are doing Gods work
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. This is exactly what we see here. How incredibly sad to see that man calling her a demon when he was full blown manifesting a demon of rage and anger. These people are so blind. May the Lord lift the veil.
I’m scared that people like this live in my country.. terrifying! Did you see they even started turning on their own kind? People that had the same views as them they started cussing out and getting aggressive towards. Very scary. So many people against protecting children and babies.. it’s very sad.
"Do you have a medical degree? So you can't sit up here and say that this isn't happening." Well, does that individual have a medical degree... if not, then she shouldn't be speaking on this situation by her own logic!
I shouldn’t need a medical degree or PhD to objectively say that slavery, murder, the holocaust, etc. is wrong… it’s heartbreaking in this society standard that requires a piece of paper or certificate to be the sole “requirement” for the knowledge of objective facts regarding basic morality
Like half of these students, regurgitating dysfunctional and pathological mental habits they picked up at home or from their other peers Keeping the youth in my prayers, and their parents, asking God to watch over and guide them
It's a logical fallacy to make an argument of appealing to authority. They don't understand logic and have been completely brainwashed by the liberal agenda.
Exactly! If I had a kiosk right beside Lydia supporting abortion and proclaiming it’s benefits, more than likely none of them would have asked if I had a medical degree and what gave me qualification to make that statement.
Lydia Taylor Davis - you are one of my new heroines. You have the courage of a lioness! May God give you the strength to carry on this most important battle!
Like Lauren Handy was to prolifers, before or after we found out she kept corpses in her basement? We are not surprised. Prolife follow criminals as saviors while calling who they dislike, criminals. Make it make logic.
Keeping someone pregnant without permission is the opposite of strong. It's unholy. The removal of free will from others is unholy. You want to take free will fron others to ensure you feel moral, but deciding for these mothers is the taking of their free will, which we know IS unholy. Even God won't take that. Why should you decide on the path we take to solve the choices for the problems God wants me to solve? Why should you get to remove my gift from God? You'd be livid if anyone took yours.
Some of those students are so stupid for going to college and are totally ignorant and clueless to reality. Especially the one who said that an unborn baby was a parasite, she has either been lied too or is so stupid that she doesn’t have a clue about unborn babies.
@@Knittingsteve I’m a retired elementary school teacher. Elementary students behave much better than this. At least the students I had. This looks like a mob of 2 year olds having tantrums because someone disagrees with them. Maybe she should bring pacifiers and sippy cups to hand out. You want to act like a 2 year old? Then we’ll treat you like a 2 year old.
The women screaming at her are just embarrassing. How do you get so lost in life that you believe the shit that comes out of their mouths and also believe that you need to scream it in order to seem more right?
I was literally scared for her because I thought at some point someone was going to assault her. But then I saw the bodyguards in the back and of course they weren't going to let that happen but it was crazy. I literally got anxiety just looking at this video so I could imagine if I was literally in person.
@SentientOrganism yes you absolutely can and i admire anyone who is against murder though it should be a default setting. But you cannot be Christian and be pro choice.
Isaiah 5:20 King James Version 20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! The King James Bible is the perfect word of God monitoring translations lied to you they take out scripture God's words from the KJV have you given your life to Christ you can be saved can I have everlasting life through our Lord Jesus Christ who is the one true God
The only way you will get through to these lost people is preaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and tell them there's one man you can save you that is the Lord Jesus Christ and then all these views of them will go away because the Lord Jesus Christ is truth
We feel the same about prolifers. They're going to get before God and have to answer why they removed the gift of free will from us. These life trials are ours to make decisions, and prolifers took others free will to avoid their own uncomfortable feelings of mortality. God won't like that the word wasn't spread, it was demanded.
Lydia, you a rock star. You kept your cool in the face of all of those people yelling profanities and terrible things. I admire what you are doing - keep it up. SO hard to believe that these are "college" students and yet are so ignorant.
May God protect you and bless you for what you are doing. May He give you strength and courage as you continue the fight. Remember you are not alone He is with you
We know you'd protect this prolifer. It's us you won't protect. That's why we're mad to begin with. You don't care if a pregnancy shortens our life expectancies. Why should we care if people scream at prolifers? They're killing us.
I was neglected and abused. I have lived a huge chunk of my life falsely believing that my value was based off of my parents. It is false. I am worthy and valuable. They were wrong not me.
ONLY in the delusional minds of the anti-abortion control freaks is abortion murder SINCE over a million lawful abortions performed last year in America and no one has been convicted of murder.
I wish it was possible to have a tv or projector in the background continuously showing a video of the abortion process in real life and photos of dismembered babies. Lets see what they say then. Abortion is so wrong. I have so much respect for Lydia ❤
Thank you so much for what you do. I can only imagine how difficult it must have been to be there and be criticized for and hated for doing what's right.
@@albaraka7519 bro. "making women give birth" Explain in DETAIL your statement. Without using buzz words, and with directly addressing the topic. I GUARANTEE that you are not capable of doing that.
So the man in glasses is screaming at the lady trying to have a conversation, and then the girl in the blue hat is blaming Lydia for the man’s hatefulness??
Yes the blue hat girl made no sense 😂I'm like this can't be real. She blamed Lydia for the man losing his temper. 🤦🏾♀️ That man cannot clearly control his OWN emotions. Lydia "controlled" it i guess 🤷🏾♀️
It's strange how they claim men can't have a say in abortion, unless that man is advocating _for_ abortion. It was also weird how that guy in the glasses was screaming at Lydia, insisting she doesn't care about his life - Is he pregnant? I don't get how defending pre-born children equals wanting some random, hateful young man on a random college campus to die. I hope all those kids seek and find Jesus before it's too late.
@justkim9827 yeah the world is very messed up and will continue to get worse. Amen we need to keep praying for the younger and also older people to come to Christ by any means necessary. The guy with the glasses had me confused as well and Im surprised the security didnt level him when he hit her hands.
I feel so bad for that young woman who thought her life was less valuable because she was born with birth defects. She been made to feel like she wasn't worth having and that is awful 😢
I believe that you don't get to choose when we believe we are a burden to society or our families. You aren't there. You can't pay their medical bills. What good is your beliefs in our value? Moot.
It is worse when you realize that some of these people arguing for the killing of babies will use her to argue their due point. People who she probably thinks are friends are agreeing that she should have been murdered as a fetus, instead of building her up. Truly evil and saddening.
I can't help but notice that she thinks that way yet at the same time is attending college in the hope of making her life better. That is totally dependant on what she's studying of course. Also..... she thinks her life lacks value then why hasn't she offed herself.
BUT BUT BUT it can't live outside the womb on it's own. It's not like different stages of life has some resource requirement that must be met to sustain life e.g take a human out of an oxygenated environment of a certain pressure and they just die because you've just eliminated a resource requirement.
@@asandax6 Your comment made me think...... a person underwater and drowning is just as much a human life as the person on the surface of the water paddling out to rescue them.
I am so embarrassed of what I just watched! Where are the parents of all of these so called human beings. There is NO respect in any of the children. It is so pitiful!
I thought the same! Overwhelming to watch! So negative! They looked like monsters while they were screaming their heads off!! …These people are supposedly educated??!!
These people are so hateful.... they're adults, right? Why can't they have adult conversations without having a tantrum? Where has the respect gone? I greatly appreciate the people who were able to hold a respectful conversation and who were brave enough to stand up against that violent crowd. That woman is an absolute saint for using compassion and grace instead of aggression and violence that's being thrown at her.
And which side is trying to make women give birth thus causing the problem in the first place? Ya, where was their tolerance and inclusion in the first place?
As an Australian, I have never seen such vile behaviour from college students. This is terrifying to see the seeds of behaviors that have led to so many atrocities against humanity that have occurred throughout the centuries. Devastating.....
All of this because a person doesn't want another person to have a special right to kill their unborn child. Ridiculous that people are fighting so hard for this. Its babies being torn to pieces.
Here in my state of MA, back during the first half of 2024, there was a story that came out about fetal body parts being sold on the black market. If I recall correctly, Harvard medical school was one of the places selling aborted fetal parts and tissue.
@@justkim9827 I saw a video of a man showing pictures of body parts in a box he found outside of an abortion clinic, legit outside, behind the building, on the ground. Limbs, guts, everything.
So y'all can Google when life begins, but not define an abortion when a context box is provided on the exact same page as your video. How convenient! 🤔
Are there really that many people who just engage in unmarried sex but don't realize the consequences of sex? Pro-choice yet can't make the right choice to begin with.
Women always bring up abortions from non consented intercourse, but the problem with that is: 1, more women will lie about being r worded. 2, most abortions aren't because of that in the first place.
You are so courageous and strong to stand there and speak up for babies in the womb while people disrespect you and tell you rude things and nonsense things much respect to you may Gods favor always be with you and protection ❤️
@@freedomishavingachoice3020and so is murdering an innocent child that you chose to create... maybe stop denying science and admit you're a bigoted pos?
It's amazing to me that some of these people feel so confident in their ridiculous arguments. Ex. The lady who called babies parasites lol. I don't think this woman has ever been challenged on her views, which is weird because they're in University. Maybe that says more about how higher education has failed. I think the reason why they shout over people with different views is because their own views can't hold up to scrutiny. I feel sorry for these people.
"I think the reason why they shout over people with different views is because their own views can't hold up to scrutiny." And have you seen videos of pro life people shouting at women in front of medical clinics? What does that tell you?
@@albaraka7519 no I have not seen videos like that. Do you think that's the vast majority of pro-lifers? I can surely tell you the vast majority of pro-choicers are just like what we see in this video. Having said that, please share that video, or videos? I have yet to see one.
I kept thinking how easy it would be to just google parasite. I mean who doesn’t have access to the internet these days? That one girl trying to refute that babies dream in the womb also obviously has never researched a thing.
@@albaraka7519some people are terrible people crazy Protestants don’t account for the entire pro life movement. Just because one nazi might have been good doesn’t make hitler good at all, and just because a few pro-life people are bad doesn’t make the ideals bad
This lady I admire her work her massage and courage standing against all these youngsters who don't know enough about what they're standing against its outrageous. Well done dear abortion is evil.
@@albaraka7519 I apologize in advance for a long answer, but this is why I think abortion is evil. I mean, not trying to project views (you can believe what you want but don't attack me or get triggered for not having the same view), but in abortions, the unwanted baby, or fetus, or clump of cells (or whatever you want to call it) is a human being denied the rights to live. It's not a different species. It's still 100% human. I'd understand if this is a responsible woman who has been, y'know (in that case it's not her fault), but it's heartbreaking to see how innocent lives are murdered just because some are irresponsible and take no precaution when engaging in activities. "My body, my choice" sort of projects the opposite for what pro-choicers preach, as none of these babies want this to be happening to their bodies. Heck, even those who survived are denied healthcare and they are forced to die. I'm not the absolute 100% pure extremist of pro-life (kudos to Lydia and Kirsten tho), but I'm still someone who cares about the suffering of someone if it could've been prevented entirely altogether. To sum it up, abortion is murder disguised as healthcare to fix one's mistakes out of the expense of another's life. Thanks for your time. Have a blessed day.
@albaraka7519 bc ur ending a life not only that it's wrong bc can't end kids or newborns or pregnant women but we can end the unborn in the womb lmfao 😂 make it make sense
This woman is very brave to go into a den of vipers and stand up for life and truth. To see people celebrating and chanting for the murder of children is disgusting. We truly live in a time where people call good evil and evil good.
These young people have no clue about the real world. I had a miscarriage at a very early in my pregnancy. I do not agree with abortion. I have 3 boys and i still get upset about my miscarriage. These people do not have a clue. All life is precious and life to me starts as soon as conception. Lydia just bring me with you next time. Ill shut these people down. A baby is not a parasite omg!
@@jessicahunsucker4478 The woman who kept insisting that a fetus is a parasite and wouldn’t even listen to the explanation of why it isn’t.. Wow. And not in a good way. My condolences on your miscarriage. I had 2 and no living children even though we (mostly me) went through infertility treatment and prayed for 15 years. I will see my baby girls in Heaven.
Because the Wicked take the Truth to be hard.... They LOVE Evil and Sin. And when good stands against their ability to Harm others, they don't like it at all.
Thank God for brave young women like this. Against all the aggressive, narrow-minded ignorance concerning life, she stood her ground with truth and dignity.
God help us Americans in college have become brain washed if there parents had an abortion none of them would be here arguing. Killing any baby is committing the ultimate sin in the eyes of God. Love the fight in this young lady women like her are hard to find nowadays she’s a keeper. Your faith will show you the path to success.
The behavior of these people is actually horrifying.
Very disturbing.
Demons...that much is clear
Its bewildering
Grown ass adults acting like children! How embarrassing 🤦🏽♀️
Seemed possessed
respect to the girl who was having an actual civil conversation and checking other people for interrupting her and attacking her
Yeah big props to her
That loud mouth boy wants to have sex and not be responsibility if the girl gets pregnant. He would just force her to have a abortion .
she totally squared up. It was great!
@@angiemaritza2408 💯💯💯
Cuz she's actually her own person with her own opinions not formed by everyone around her
You’ve won your argument when people start hurling insults. So much intelligence seeping out of these students. Respect and class all the way.
to move your point even further. you've won...when people insult you....AND you carry yourself with such grace and dignity, and rational passion that (and i'm making an assumption here) you are a model representative, servant and ambassador for the Great Master. well done lydia. this is my alma mater. maybe the university should consider changing its mascot from the rams to the goats.
I think it says a lot about the parenting of these spoiled brats. They degenerate into personal attacks and expletives. So immature. I’d like to take that guy in the white shirt and put him one on one with Charlie Kirk. Lol
I find it interesting that it's always the "tolerant and loving" crowd that usually devolves into a hate-fueled mob of hyenas whenever their views are challenged.
You cannot reason with people like this. It makes for entertaining content, but even then it gets exhausting watching well-meaning folks argue with a wall. Kudos to the young lady in the cream hoodie for trying to have a civil conversation. She is gleaming hope in a sea of her peers.
Because they are neither tolerant nor loving, it’s all conditional. They are everything they accuse us republicans of being.
Every time
Resembles the fruit of Gov't Schools and Evilution Teaching
Tolerant and loving ONLY if you agree with their views 😅. Leftist says LOVE EVERYONE (except for people who view things differently) no wonder Trump was voted in, the majority of people are tired of this nonsense 😂
Sorry but as a European I am HORRIFIED at what has happened to American Universities / colleges.
So are we.
It's just a loud weaponized mob shouting over anyone rational. A large enough unchecked minority can cause a massive culture shift. That's why we all need to speak out for life!
We here in America are too.
Don't be since you guys are importing the same problem from AFrica that America has been dealing with for 300 years. Have fun with all that DIE VERSITY.
Libs,brainwashed 😢😢
That woman who went through the molestation- prayers and thoughts going out to her. It seems she's on the verge of coming to the truth, and it was so sweet how she defended Lydia from people despite her disagreeing with Lydia.
as a gen z i never felt so disgusted by the behavior of these kids, hope they’ll find Jesus before it’s too late, God bless you Lydia!!
What happened to you guys? Everything devolved into madness so quickly.
Too late? You haven't shown a god or Jesus to be real. So that's misplace of you.
These people can't even realize they're someone's pawns to keep a dumb rethtoric going
As a man, it's YOUR JOB to protect the weak and defenseless. Stop the "it's not my body" nonsense. It's not the mother's body either.
2 many weak men
Exactly. “Mind your business” does not apply here. When others are harmed or dehumanized, it’s EVERYONE’S business
Give the whole be a man nonsense a rest pal. You are not the arbiter of what right and wrong is. And it is literally their body and is their choice. That is just a fact.
@@immortalspy3005 "Exactly. “Mind your business” does not apply here." Ya it does. Do other people get to use your body without your consent?
@@immortalspy3005 "When others are harmed or dehumanized, it’s EVERYONE’S business". And making women give birth isn't harming or dehumanizing them?
God bless you, Lydia Taylor Davis. Satan is not happy when you shine the light of Christ. He sends his miserable hordes of demons to attack. Keep up the great fight against evil.
Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha
I’d probably break down in tears with that many people yelling in my face. I give her a lot of credit for holding her own!
I'm not even a woman and I'd CRY. this lady got more balls than me
She knows it's demonic
Yes!! I was thinking the same thing!
Nah, they’re cowards. After a couple times being yelled out, you could handle these whiney little brats. I just think it’s funny, how many feminine men yelled at her. It’s like sorry fatty no girl is going to sleep with you because you pretend to care about this issue.
@Brooke-st3oz don't take lifesaving medical aid from the general public, and generally, they won't hate you. Protip.
Everyone FOR abortion was NOT ABORTED.
Everyone AGAINST abortion was NOT ABORTED TOO? duh? 😬
This was too subtle for you, I see
And it’s crazy cause the ones for abortions usually say “I wish I was aborted” obviously suffering some mental health issues to begin with.
@@denniswakabayashi9000The pro infanticide people want to deny other people that same right.
If you don't want a child, don't engage in sex. If you were irresponsible and created a life with a partner then that's the consequences for BOTH of you from very bad choices. You BOTH have to live with it and take care of it. I don't understand why it has to be more complicated than that. Make the right choice in the first place.
People have no self control and don't like taking accountability or responsibility. It's why you find most of them online because they can avoid confrontation.
Lydia Lydia Lydia! I am speechless at your bravery!! May the Holy Spirit CONTINUE to be your strength and comfort!
Luigi was brave. This chick just stands there and supports only the unborn, while putting us in irreparable medical debt that inevitably kills us.
That's because greedy doctors don't care, it's not the unborns fault @@freedomishavingachoice3020
@freedomishavingachoice3020 OH please!!! She's the bravest I know. Even while these unhinged students are throwing insults but no facts🤦🏾♀️
@beingroxy Abortion is healthcare. Sex is not consent to any irreparable harm. Pregnancy does harm. It's often immeasurable on the pain scale and perma changes the body of the pregnant person. Doing so without consent is immoral.
Amen! ❤️🙏🏻✝️
The student saying "this is what white supremacy does to our community" while advocating for abortion is the most ignorant thing you could say in an abortion debate. Around 9:50
And also you are "cakey make-up face" and not smart because you don't want to off little babies .I really don't get these people 🙄
One google check nd they would about Margaret?
What’s the craziest is that abortion was *promoted* by white supremacists to reduce the minority and poor population. So, being a pro-life activist is actually more loving than what the pro-abortionists are proposing. I mean, look at the violent reactions!! They are not thinking at all. They are reacting insanely!!
@@Wokevolution Exactly
Its funny because the abortion movement constantly use the argument that abortions lower crime rate. Forgetting that black people commit a disproportionate amount of crime meaning that youre basically saying killing black babies lowers crime. Which is a very racist argument.
Notice how there is more violence, hatred, and cursing on the side that wants to normalize abortion?
Just because you're loud doesn't mean you're right
I said that when lifers were screaming I was a murderer.
Tell Kristan.
That's what these LOUD idiots think is true.
Force doctrine... Just sayin'
Oh my. Massive kudos to the young girl who stood up for you.
I can't take this utter disregard for life and this mob. Look at them! Look at how they have been so thoroughly indoctrinated. It's absolutely disgusting.
This whole video was absolutely horrible and disgusting. Just that so many would be so disrespectful and hell bent on killing children. They didn't even care about the woman who was sharing her own story of having been r*ped, all because she didn't agree with their sick blood thurst. I didn't even want to finish this video because of them. How can we live in a world with such horrible people. Such horrible, disgusting, and manipulative people. They would take the tragedy of one woman's experience to justify their selfish behavior. The fact is that abortion is used as birth control so women with bad lifestyles can continue to sleep around all they want. That's horrible. Lives are being taken so some wh*re can keep sleeping with everyone they see without the consequences of their actions.
Yup, the liber**** love to take accountability for their actions😒
At a school that preaches inclusivity, VCU students are some of the more ignorant and intolerant people I’ve ever met. As pro life students at VCU, we’ve been yelled at, followed around, spit on, stolen from, harassed, had false reports made against us, and so much more. Many students don’t want to hear opposing viewpoints and instead of allowing free speech, they would rather shut down the conversation. This day was insane as a student and I hope that in the future my fellow students choose to hear other opinions instead of screaming at them.
Intolerant huh? So they should do nothing as women's rights are taken away? Not saying they couldn't have been more polite but they have good reason to be angry.
Agreed. If we can’t have civil discourse then we are doomed.
@@albaraka7519 Right to do what?
@@albaraka7519but people who are prochoice have the idea that a good debate to them is when you don’t allow the opposing side to have the chance to speak. Both sides should be able to speak and say what they want to say. That’s the way it should be. But most of the time people who are prolife have to fight to be able to speak and say how they feel about abortion. It’s amazing how stupid some of the prochoice people were. The young women who said that an unborn baby was a parasite, how dumb do you have to be to say and believe that? But Lydia was absolutely correct that a parasite has to be a different species than the host and it has to harm the host as well.
Women's rights taken away ewooooo😅😅
These people can vote..... let that sink in
They dont....too lazy
Brandon were cooked brother smh.
Just think, this generation will be the one in power in a few years. Yikes. Glad to be a Millenial, the last generation with common sense
@@brandonammon3769 I bet they don’t though. They yell the loudest and don’t show up when it counts. Which is fine by me. lol!
It is because these creatures get to vote that the West has devolved into Sodom and Gomorrah.
Wow Lydia you are a fireball!! It’s inspiring how you kept your cool, stood your ground and brushed off the insults and gross behavior! We need more people like you to stand up for what is right and to stand with the truth no matter what! 🙌🏽
Ted Bundy also kept his cool. Calm does not equal moral.
As someone who used to be a moderate pro choicer, the pro choicers fighting with the one neutral pro choice girl just because she wasn’t an extremist are insane.
Where have you been?
Alt-lft people have literally
And I am 55 yrs young and was always a pro choice until 3 years ago. I took a deep dive into the beginnings of PP l, totally the work of a devil.
And, what really changed my mind was a story that a OB-GYN surg nurse told me.
The Dr she worked for did abortions, the bulk of them were bc the baby was not the gender THEY WANTED.
Fr. And they call everyone else fascists.
shout out to the one college girl for sticking up for lydia! people have the right to voice their opinions. abolish abortion!
How'd that turn out for you in Kansas? States rights still exciting and fun? No?
@@freedomishavingachoice3020 elaborate
@@freedomishavingachoice3020How did it?
The level of immaturity, entitlement, & ignorance is bewildering. I dont even know where to start.Some of them wont have to worry about this stuff because theyre too anti social to even have a spouse/significant other. The disrespectful grandstanders have no clue what real life is all about. Period.
That said she did amazing considering what she faced, with a smile & clear, concise facts.
I totally agree. God bless her with protection cause what she said made sense know one listened because they following the trend of hating the abortion law.
Had to turn this off cus honestly it was so hard to watch
I just can’t listen to a bunch of people screaming saying that a literal baby is not worth life these people are sick and I applaud this woman for the hard work she’s doing to protect these vulnerable people. 🥺❤️
Exactly. My baby kicks inside me and they have the nerve to say it’s not a human.
The sick one is you. You think making women give birth is protecting someone?
she was out there for hours.. we only gotta watch 27 minutes of it..
Yes we need to be able to stand strong in the midst of a perverse generation.
They tell themselves pretty little lies to help them square their own conscience.
You are awesome. I was pro choice until I stopped listening to my emotions and started paying attention to my brain. Now I’m pro life and now Christian too
Praise Jesus!
Praise Jesus! Welcome to the light. ❤☺️
God bless you! ❤
God bless you
Same for me. I am now Christian and pro-life ❤
That whole video was cortisol-inducing. Extremely brave of Lydia to show up and remain as eloquent and respectful as she did. Wow that was a trial. Thank you for speaking truth in the face of so much group-think vitriol.
The fact that these are college students is absolutely frightening.
Where have you been? It starts in kindergarten. Abstract concept teaching.
@nonyab3843 oh no, they're teaching critical thinking skills!!! oh gawd, how ever will Elon keep cheap labor, if we don't keep popping out kids in poverty for him?! Think of think of the billionares!!! 😫 #procreateforprivilegedprolifers
you're supposed to fear education
That's how they keep you so dumb
It seems like the less educated they are, the louder they want to yell and the more disgusting the language. An actual intelligent person can talk about something without hurling insults and using foul language. Just cuz you're loud doesn't make you right.
And what does that say when the pro life people shout at women in front of medical clinics?
@albaraka7519 if they are shouting nastiness and profanity like these people are, then they need to reevaluate themselves as well. It's a little different when you are begging a mother to not murder her own child.
“The mark pf an intellectual fool is throwing around perjoratives when they don’t have wisdom” -Charlie Kirk
Also Socrates said something like that
@@christineschaefer8216 Ah the old M7rder claim. And can you cite a definition of that word and the dictionary source to prove it is m7rder?
@albaraka7519 the unjustified taking of a humans life.
I just want to say its so inspiring to me how emotionally strong you are. I would be crying the first hour of doing this if I had people verbally attacking me in my face. You are doing Gods work
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. This is exactly what we see here. How incredibly sad to see that man calling her a demon when he was full blown manifesting a demon of rage and anger. These people are so blind. May the Lord lift the veil.
The first sentence is the Democrats
amen 🙏
In Jesus' mighty name, Amen! ❤️
That's Satan my friend
Keep it in prayer cause wow. Lift the veil alright.
This honestly makes me cry seeing these people be so horrific to her while she’s just speaking up for those who can’t.
The more we see it the better it will get and the less we'll see it I guess
We're just speaking up for those so can't, too. Nevaeh Crain was not heard.
@@freedomishavingachoice3020not sure what this is saying or what this means but okay 👌🏼 protect babies! End of story.
I’m scared that people like this live in my country.. terrifying! Did you see they even started turning on their own kind? People that had the same views as them they started cussing out and getting aggressive towards. Very scary. So many people against protecting children and babies.. it’s very sad.
20:00 how does ANYONE associate abortion with miscarriage?
These are college students?
I keep hearing that lately & i have the same question. These people will believe anything as long as it seemingly validates their ideology...
One word: following the herd. Whatever side you're on, you need to learn the science.
Because people call miscarriages “spontaneous abortions” now😢
They must think murder and dying in your sleep are the same thing.
Their parents paid thousands of dollars for their children to turn out like this? The most emotional and illogical generation ever.
Turns out when we control reproductive rights populations do not increase.
Their parents? lmao. You mean tax payers.
@tpjmadrigal12 did you miss the mob of prolifeproudboys on the 6th? How.
Wow, this woman is incredible. She deals with so much!! Way to go for continuing to debate, talk, converse in a gentle intelligent way. So awesome.!!!
"Do you have a medical degree? So you can't sit up here and say that this isn't happening." Well, does that individual have a medical degree... if not, then she shouldn't be speaking on this situation by her own logic!
I shouldn’t need a medical degree or PhD to objectively say that slavery, murder, the holocaust, etc. is wrong… it’s heartbreaking in this society standard that requires a piece of paper or certificate to be the sole “requirement” for the knowledge of objective facts regarding basic morality
Like half of these students, regurgitating dysfunctional and pathological mental habits they picked up at home or from their other peers
Keeping the youth in my prayers, and their parents, asking God to watch over and guide them
It's a logical fallacy to make an argument of appealing to authority. They don't understand logic and have been completely brainwashed by the liberal agenda.
There are doctors with medical degrees and they’re not good doctors
If I had a kiosk right beside Lydia supporting abortion and proclaiming it’s benefits, more than likely none of them would have asked if I had a medical degree and what gave me qualification to make that statement.
Lydia Taylor Davis - you are one of my new heroines. You have the courage of a lioness! May God give you the strength to carry on this most important battle!
Like Lauren Handy was to prolifers, before or after we found out she kept corpses in her basement? We are not surprised. Prolife follow criminals as saviors while calling who they dislike, criminals. Make it make logic.
I am so proud of her! It takes a strong person to be able to do what she just did! Thank you for standing up for life!!
Keeping someone pregnant without permission is the opposite of strong. It's unholy. The removal of free will from others is unholy. You want to take free will fron others to ensure you feel moral, but deciding for these mothers is the taking of their free will, which we know IS unholy. Even God won't take that. Why should you decide on the path we take to solve the choices for the problems God wants me to solve? Why should you get to remove my gift from God? You'd be livid if anyone took yours.
these students just made Virginia Commonwealth University look like an elementary school!
Some of those students are so stupid for going to college and are totally ignorant and clueless to reality. Especially the one who said that an unborn baby was a parasite, she has either been lied too or is so stupid that she doesn’t have a clue about unborn babies.
@@Knittingsteve I’m a retired elementary school teacher. Elementary students behave much better than this. At least the students I had. This looks like a mob of 2 year olds having tantrums because someone disagrees with them. Maybe she should bring pacifiers and sippy cups to hand out. You want to act like a 2 year old? Then we’ll treat you like a 2 year old.
Cool. I'll write in crayon that abortion is healthcare for you. Whateves.
May God protect this brave lady and everyone who fights for life.
Brave as a healthcareCEO, just as liked by the public. They'd be far safer not being part of a cult that denys care to the public.
She entered the fire and came out unscathed, amazing!
Lol. Yes. We're as dangerous as fire because we'd keep you from medical care. Oh wait. That's y'all.
The women screaming at her are just embarrassing. How do you get so lost in life that you believe the shit that comes out of their mouths and also believe that you need to scream it in order to seem more right?
That's a good question. My mother is the same way. She will scream like a banshee because she thinks she's right.
I was literally scared for her because I thought at some point someone was going to assault her. But then I saw the bodyguards in the back and of course they weren't going to let that happen but it was crazy. I literally got anxiety just looking at this video so I could imagine if I was literally in person.
nah that dude was horrifying. i bet he would have hurt her if he could have.
They are brainwashed and it's deliberate.
THINK about that. Become aware.
@@nothankspleasehe would have.
It all changes when these people encounter Jesus. And they will, either by choice or judgement. ❤
You can still oppose abortion even if you're not a Christian.
@SentientOrganism yes you absolutely can and i admire anyone who is against murder though it should be a default setting. But you cannot be Christian and be pro choice.
I love this woman's strength and self confidence!
Their own words are going to condemn them if they don't repent. In the last days, right will become wrong, and wrong will be called right.
“Your makeups effed up” is their argument. JFC
Isaiah 5:20
King James Version
20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! The King James Bible is the perfect word of God monitoring translations lied to you they take out scripture God's words from the KJV have you given your life to Christ you can be saved can I have everlasting life through our Lord Jesus Christ who is the one true God
The only way you will get through to these lost people is preaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and tell them there's one man you can save you that is the Lord Jesus Christ and then all these views of them will go away because the Lord Jesus Christ is truth
We feel the same about prolifers. They're going to get before God and have to answer why they removed the gift of free will from us. These life trials are ours to make decisions, and prolifers took others free will to avoid their own uncomfortable feelings of mortality. God won't like that the word wasn't spread, it was demanded.
@@BeastlyChowderstop trying to own women, slaver
Lydia, you a rock star. You kept your cool in the face of all of those people yelling profanities and terrible things. I admire what you are doing - keep it up. SO hard to believe that these are "college" students and yet are so ignorant.
And it's a worldwide problem.
Rock stars have been known to keep people pregnant without permission. Sure. We called them immoral though. What happened?
May God protect you and bless you for what you are doing. May He give you strength and courage as you continue the fight. Remember you are not alone He is with you
Didn't hear the presenter curse once, yet made her educated points. I'd go to your speech, God Bless and protect this young woman. Courageous... ❤❤
We know you'd protect this prolifer. It's us you won't protect. That's why we're mad to begin with. You don't care if a pregnancy shortens our life expectancies. Why should we care if people scream at prolifers? They're killing us.
I was neglected and abused. I have lived a huge chunk of my life falsely believing that my value was based off of my parents. It is false. I am worthy and valuable. They were wrong not me.
You and I are both valuable. Neither get rights to unwilling bodies when we are not viable. Value doesn't grant involuntary labor.
Sorry everyone’s yelling at you. You’re doing so so well at keeping your cool and staying level headed. Love your work!
23:12 this is genuinely insane, a grown man yelling like that at a woman and nobody says anything? crazy.
That’s because most of the people in that crowd are as awful as he is. He is everything he was accusing her of being.
Like these mental pro lifers do outside abortion clinics?
@prcelani I don’t think we can expect gentlemanly behavior from people who think it’s ok to kill babies. Sad.
Its because he hasnt been around a real man long enough to check him
Im worried for any women that is near him, he seems very hateful towards women.
As a Gen Zer, it saddens me to see my generation not understand abortion is PURE MURDER. Keep up the good fight, Lydia! 🙏
ONLY in the delusional minds of the anti-abortion control freaks is abortion murder
SINCE over a million lawful abortions performed last year in America and no one has been convicted of murder.
Keep preaching sister!
I wish it was possible to have a tv or projector in the background continuously showing a video of the abortion process in real life and photos of dismembered babies. Lets see what they say then. Abortion is so wrong. I have so much respect for Lydia ❤
"Abortion is so wrong." Actually abortion is right.
@@albaraka7519how is abortion right?
@@albaraka7519 do you honestly spend all of your time spamming propaganda and getting ratio'd?
@@JuanAppleseed-ge6tb Odd because you have posted multiple comments as well. So any criticism you levy against me would also go towards you.
I honestly don’t think they would care :(
This woman is a powerhouse!! Extremely inspiring !!! Love students for life!! ❤
No prolifer is inspiring. They just kill off others for the fetus they value more. Poverty is prolife. Poverty is violent.
She is one of those who is spoken about in the Bible: Stand up and protect and speak for those that cannot speak for themselves.
Thank you so much for what you do. I can only imagine how difficult it must have been to be there and be criticized for and hated for doing what's right.
You need a microphone. I commend you for having the energy and patience to do this. It seems extremely draining.
You are a warrior. Thanks for being so strong for all those children. If anyone thinks evil does not exist, look at these students
Thank you all for doing this. Let's protect the children on our planet.
"Let's protect the children on our planet." By making women give birth?
@@albaraka7519women can easily not give birth by not having sec
@@albaraka7519 bro. "making women give birth"
Explain in DETAIL your statement. Without using buzz words, and with directly addressing the topic.
I GUARANTEE that you are not capable of doing that.
@albaraka7519 I think Lu¡g¡ is a better prolife advocate than students for life is.
@@albaraka7519 Exactly, that is indeed protecting children.
So the man in glasses is screaming at the lady trying to have a conversation, and then the girl in the blue hat is blaming Lydia for the man’s hatefulness??
I mean... this is how the entire world is now. The blame game.
Yes the blue hat girl made no sense 😂I'm like this can't be real. She blamed Lydia for the man losing his temper. 🤦🏾♀️ That man cannot clearly control his OWN emotions. Lydia "controlled" it i guess 🤷🏾♀️
It's strange how they claim men can't have a say in abortion, unless that man is advocating _for_ abortion.
It was also weird how that guy in the glasses was screaming at Lydia, insisting she doesn't care about his life - Is he pregnant? I don't get how defending pre-born children equals wanting some random, hateful young man on a random college campus to die.
I hope all those kids seek and find Jesus before it's too late.
@justkim9827 yeah the world is very messed up and will continue to get worse. Amen we need to keep praying for the younger and also older people to come to Christ by any means necessary. The guy with the glasses had me confused as well and Im surprised the security didnt level him when he hit her hands.
Standing up for children in front of a mob of hate ...what a brave woman God bless you young lady
I feel so bad for that young woman who thought her life was less valuable because she was born with birth defects. She been made to feel like she wasn't worth having and that is awful 😢
Broke my heart, too. That beautiful soul was made in the image of God. Literally tears in my eyes as i write this.
I believe that you don't get to choose when we believe we are a burden to society or our families. You aren't there. You can't pay their medical bills. What good is your beliefs in our value? Moot.
It is worse when you realize that some of these people arguing for the killing of babies will use her to argue their due point. People who she probably thinks are friends are agreeing that she should have been murdered as a fetus, instead of building her up. Truly evil and saddening.
I can't help but notice that she thinks that way yet at the same time is attending college in the hope of making her life better. That is totally dependant on what she's studying of course. Also..... she thinks her life lacks value then why hasn't she offed herself.
A fetus is just as much of a human life as any person in this video
But that doesn't mean it's ok to make women give birth.
BUT BUT BUT it can't live outside the womb on it's own. It's not like different stages of life has some resource requirement that must be met to sustain life e.g take a human out of an oxygenated environment of a certain pressure and they just die because you've just eliminated a resource requirement.
@@asandax6 Your comment made me think...... a person underwater and drowning is just as much a human life as the person on the surface of the water paddling out to rescue them.
It was a terrifying moment to hear from the woman who advocated for her own mercy k^lling… I got full body shivers.
I am so embarrassed of what I just watched! Where are the parents of all of these so called human beings. There is NO respect in any of the children. It is so pitiful!
I thought the same! Overwhelming to watch! So negative!
They looked like monsters while they were screaming their heads off!!
…These people are supposedly educated??!!
Well, they don't respect themselves or their offspring, either.
And what do you think when they are set up against the old.....Mao would be proud of this lot.
These people are so hateful.... they're adults, right? Why can't they have adult conversations without having a tantrum? Where has the respect gone? I greatly appreciate the people who were able to hold a respectful conversation and who were brave enough to stand up against that violent crowd. That woman is an absolute saint for using compassion and grace instead of aggression and violence that's being thrown at her.
Keeping someone pregnant when they do not give permission is hateful, disrespectful, aggressive, and violent.
@@freedomishavingachoice3020You mean the 2 percent that were forced and not the 90 percent that open their legs by choice.
@@freedomishavingachoice3020Give permission to what? 🤔
Give permission for what? @@freedomishavingachoice3020
@freedomishavingachoice3020 I think you got it backwards....
God Bless her!!!
So much for tolerance and inclusion
And which side is trying to make women give birth thus causing the problem in the first place? Ya, where was their tolerance and inclusion in the first place?
Stay adopted son survived 2 failed home abortions. He is 5 now and thriving ❤ He deserved a chance, they all deserve the chance to live.
God is good! God bless you and that miracle child!
You are not alone and not outnumbered. PRO LIFE GENERATION UP AND COMING!!! 💪💪 Keep speaking the truth without fear
When you have to start yelling and shouting to prove your point then you’ve already lost.
That was intense. I could feel my heart fluttering just watching the intense vitriol toward her. She is a brave soul!! Total respect! 🤯
As an Australian, I have never seen such vile behaviour from college students. This is terrifying to see the seeds of behaviors that have led to so many atrocities against humanity that have occurred throughout the centuries. Devastating.....
When you have no argument and you know you’re losing, just resort to cheap insults lol these ppl are going places… 🤦♀️🤷🏻♀️
All of this because a person doesn't want another person to have a special right to kill their unborn child. Ridiculous that people are fighting so hard for this. Its babies being torn to pieces.
Here in my state of MA, back during the first half of 2024, there was a story that came out about fetal body parts being sold on the black market. If I recall correctly, Harvard medical school was one of the places selling aborted fetal parts and tissue.
@@justkim9827 I saw a video of a man showing pictures of body parts in a box he found outside of an abortion clinic, legit outside, behind the building, on the ground. Limbs, guts, everything.
Support from Australia 🇦🇺
Life begins at the precise moment of conception.
Even google knows that.
Conception literal means BEGINNING
Life is sacred, life is sweet, protect the unborn heartbeat!
Literally, only a living organism can grow and produce cells is like ...
So y'all can Google when life begins, but not define an abortion when a context box is provided on the exact same page as your video. How convenient! 🤔
Only 2% are pregnancies from assault but the whole 98% is consented
Are there really that many people who just engage in unmarried sex but don't realize the consequences of sex? Pro-choice yet can't make the right choice to begin with.
Women always bring up abortions from non consented intercourse, but the problem with that is:
1, more women will lie about being r worded.
2, most abortions aren't because of that in the first place.
It's a shame when a woman calls her own child a parasite. Actually it's disturbing.
Sanctimony so you can make it all about yourself
Its a term created by left extremist to fit their term defined as 'humane'.
Do we even deserve do go on as a species at that point....
Our country is done. Our youth have been subverted. It's sad, scary and dangerous. Stand for truth. Protection is a must.
You are so courageous and strong to stand there and speak up for babies in the womb while people disrespect you and tell you rude things and nonsense things much respect to you may Gods favor always be with you and protection ❤️
Forcing pregnancy is cowardly and weak.
@@freedomishavingachoice3020and so is murdering an innocent child that you chose to create... maybe stop denying science and admit you're a bigoted pos?
The amount of anger is directly proportional to the lack of reasoning
You can sue those spitting on you. It’s considered biological warfare
She should sue
It's also assault - and in a post-covid world, possibly attempted murder
Keeping others pregnant when they don't want to be is biological warfare. We should be able to sue those who remove access to abortion.
Stop saying "you're sitting here". She's not sitting. She's standing.
lol 😂
That's what happens when too much emotion overwhelms a person. Logic goes out the window
@@LuminescentShine and these college students that still continue to speak like ghetto fools.
Keep up the good works guys...Love from South Africa ❤❤❤❤❤
That university must be so proud of all the children they’re educating. Way to go university.
We know involuntary labor is slavery. Education works to identify human rights. It's why prolife people hate it.
It's amazing to me that some of these people feel so confident in their ridiculous arguments. Ex. The lady who called babies parasites lol. I don't think this woman has ever been challenged on her views, which is weird because they're in University. Maybe that says more about how higher education has failed. I think the reason why they shout over people with different views is because their own views can't hold up to scrutiny. I feel sorry for these people.
"I think the reason why they shout over people with different views is because their own views can't hold up to scrutiny." And have you seen videos of pro life people shouting at women in front of medical clinics? What does that tell you?
@@albaraka7519 no I have not seen videos like that. Do you think that's the vast majority of pro-lifers? I can surely tell you the vast majority of pro-choicers are just like what we see in this video. Having said that, please share that video, or videos? I have yet to see one.
I kept thinking how easy it would be to just google parasite. I mean who doesn’t have access to the internet these days? That one girl trying to refute that babies dream in the womb also obviously has never researched a thing.
@@albaraka7519yes please I would love to see the videos you claim exist. Please share
@@albaraka7519some people are terrible people crazy Protestants don’t account for the entire pro life movement. Just because one nazi might have been good doesn’t make hitler good at all, and just because a few pro-life people are bad doesn’t make the ideals bad
Keep it up!! Save the babies!!! 👶🏻
This lady I admire her work her massage and courage standing against all these youngsters who don't know enough about what they're standing against its outrageous. Well done dear abortion is evil.
And why do you think abortion is evil?
@@albaraka7519 I apologize in advance for a long answer, but this is why I think abortion is evil.
I mean, not trying to project views (you can believe what you want but don't attack me or get triggered for not having the same view), but in abortions, the unwanted baby, or fetus, or clump of cells (or whatever you want to call it) is a human being denied the rights to live. It's not a different species. It's still 100% human. I'd understand if this is a responsible woman who has been, y'know (in that case it's not her fault), but it's heartbreaking to see how innocent lives are murdered just because some are irresponsible and take no precaution when engaging in activities. "My body, my choice" sort of projects the opposite for what pro-choicers preach, as none of these babies want this to be happening to their bodies. Heck, even those who survived are denied healthcare and they are forced to die. I'm not the absolute 100% pure extremist of pro-life (kudos to Lydia and Kirsten tho), but I'm still someone who cares about the suffering of someone if it could've been prevented entirely altogether.
To sum it up, abortion is murder disguised as healthcare to fix one's mistakes out of the expense of another's life. Thanks for your time. Have a blessed day.
@@albaraka7519 because it's murder.
Is that difficult for you to comprehend?
@albaraka7519 bc ur ending a life not only that it's wrong bc can't end kids or newborns or pregnant women but we can end the unborn in the womb lmfao 😂 make it make sense
@albaraka7519 bc it's wrong and ur killing babies duh 🙄🤦
mob mentality is so scary
This woman is very brave to go into a den of vipers and stand up for life and truth. To see people celebrating and chanting for the murder of children is disgusting. We truly live in a time where people call good evil and evil good.
These students are so childish and naive.
Exactly the whole education under Trump world wide will have overhaul education. Stop the corruption full stop
These young people have no clue about the real world. I had a miscarriage at a very early in my pregnancy. I do not agree with abortion. I have 3 boys and i still get upset about my miscarriage. These people do not have a clue.
All life is precious and life to me starts as soon as conception.
Lydia just bring me with you next time. Ill shut these people down. A baby is not a parasite omg!
I am sorry for your loss.But you there parents out there who do not want their kids.Imwanted kids being abused is areal thing
They don't have a clue or you don't? You said "All life is precious". And you demonstrate that by making women give birth?
Will be praying for you:(
@@jessicahunsucker4478 The woman who kept insisting that a fetus is a parasite and wouldn’t even listen to the explanation of why it isn’t.. Wow. And not in a good way.
My condolences on your miscarriage. I had 2 and no living children even though we (mostly me) went through infertility treatment and prayed for 15 years. I will see my baby girls in Heaven.
I am sorry to hear that
That is one strong and patient lady! Good job!
Why are they so angry and full of hate?
They're possessed by demons
Because their "productive and healthy" lifestyles are at stake.
Because the Wicked take the Truth to be hard.... They LOVE Evil and Sin. And when good stands against their ability to Harm others, they don't like it at all.
Because they support baby murder.
and we all know they are doing all of this so they can remove the responsibility of what they are doing in their beds.
There's absolutely no way that these are college students: the next generation of leaders of our country.
oh don’t worry, they won’t. once these videos surface when they want to run for any type of political position.. we’ll vote for them out.
Im not sure it will get to that. We are so closecto the end. I just pray for people to call on Jesus before they cant anymore.
@@OHKYmusic the access Hollywood tape didn't decrease votes. I'm unconcerned for these students.
These numbskulls aren't leading anyone.
Thank God for brave young women like this. Against all the aggressive, narrow-minded ignorance concerning life, she stood her ground with truth and dignity.
God help us Americans in college have become brain washed if there parents had an abortion none of them would be here arguing. Killing any baby is committing the ultimate sin in the eyes of God. Love the fight in this young lady women like her are hard to find nowadays she’s a keeper. Your faith will show you the path to success.
One, you haven't shown a god to exist. Two, the bible supports abortion.