Is it possible to smooth the generated grid of voxel polygons so that only the edges are smooth? I wonder how the Foundry game was made. It seems to me that this is clearly not a Gridmap.
Would be possible I think yeah, you'd have to change how each block is rendered though. Maybe you could model each possible block appearance and have it add those into the chunk mesh. You could look at something like this wave function collapse video where they show an example that looks a bit like that or you could look into the marching cubes algorithm as well
This is sorcery. Thank you so much.
Is it possible to smooth the generated grid of voxel polygons so that only the edges are smooth? I wonder how the Foundry game was made. It seems to me that this is clearly not a Gridmap.
Would be possible I think yeah, you'd have to change how each block is rendered though. Maybe you could model each possible block appearance and have it add those into the chunk mesh. You could look at something like this wave function collapse video where they show an example that looks a bit like that or you could look into the marching cubes algorithm as well
when i try to do it, the character just falls through the ground, what am i doing wrong?!
you have no collision shape on either the player or the chunk