From my silver experience, this was one of the “my support isn’t healing” because they’re used to having a mercy who only knows how to hold the yellow beam. You see a lot of that in low console.
My dude, you see that in low everywhere. A lot of these players expect supports to get stuck to their side, making them functionally immortal, and have zero awareness to notice when their support gets dived (which they will then be too busy being an "awesome DPS" to bother to help with) and dies. Because supports are expected to heal them even when waiting for the respawn counter.
they literally acknowledge they did that in their submission. it's not ego and audacity when they explicitly say they know they did it and clearly imply they know it was a mistake and they never said their supports suck. they just said they believed one of their supports wasn't doing very well. there is a difference.
@@sethescope How does that make any difference? People have said those lines before to insinuate someone was the problem. They even said "after noticing the deficit." That means they thought the supports weren't doing their job. Also 1:00 to prove my point.
I dislike "diffs" and telling each other we are trash. Smh...i don't mind if they say I'm feeding or whatever but no p9int in insults to my skill. Some of us have been playing OW a long time.
@@damon6086 noticing someone isn't doing their job is a pretty neutral statement of perceived fact. it doesn't mean someone sucks. "sucks" is a directly negative word that speaks to someone's overall ability. someone not doing their job or not contributing as much as the team needed them to isn't the same. the tone and framing of the issue are significantly more neutral. stating that someone didn't do well is saying something negative (as opposed to a positive like "they did great") but it's not a judgment or an attack against the person as a whole. nuance is important. word choices and phrasing are important. it's clear that you imputed an intent that isn't present in the submission because you want to believe something bad about the submitter but there's no textual basis for it.
thats the standard in overwatch. People just do whatever they want and have no idea why they are dying and blame supports. I've literally had games where we have twice the healing as the other team and they are flaming the supports instead of, you know, not standing right in front of a bastion/mauga comp. The lack of awareness players have in this game is insane.
its like this in any game tbh, everyone is just like "Welp we have healers so clearly I'm invulnerable to dying. oh I died because i walked right into the enemy's face? Damn healers are throwing."
Literally. Had a comp game where a Mei was so upset by my healing she purposefully blocked my Bap wall I intended to use to heal the tank, and every time after that. Atp we had double the healing of the enemy; by the end of the match the enemy barely cracked 5k while my mate and I racked up 15k by the end of the match and we STILL LOST. And don't get me wrong, we weren't healbotting hence why they thought we weren't healing because I dared to shoot at the sombra coming for us. Jfc, the drives are not worth playing at the end of the season with these dumbasf ppl.
yeah it’s kind of annoying to hear good players rec things like oh play here or oh do this when doing that in a given rank may actually be extremely disadvantageous thanks to how the rest of the team is playing. a play may be “optimal” but that’s only assuming your team will be supporting that play/position, and you can’t expect your team to be exactly on that wavelength in a lower rank/level of play. There are of course things that are always good to do, but recognizing the game state is pretty important
Flats does that too, but his shtick is being mean lol. He’ll try not to be too harsh on lower rank players; unless they have a huge ego and blame the entire team when they’re clearly the problem lol
i had a torb on my team say they werent getting any heals yesterday, i replied with "no, you were def getting heals. everyone in front of me was getting heals, its why i have 10k heals." it was the first round on defense and i was already at 10k healing on juno
This VOD perfectly demonstrates my support mantra: HELP ME TO HELP YOU. Also, harrasing your supports is a great way of making them *not* want to spend extra attention on you.
Real anytime a dps complains about not getting heals because I don’t wanna peel for someone who’s fighting the enemy team ALONE without waiting for group up I straight up have to tell them like, “I can’t heal bad game sense bro” like I need you to fucken chillax from time to time so I can give you some stimmys homie 😭😭. I’m a Doomfist/Genji main rn & ik how frustrating it is to heal those two so whenever I need it I immediately run to my supps and sit still for them so they can get me lmao
@@BinatLoves I don't use VC purely for my own sanity (I'm low enough rank - it's not going to matter as much), and fortunately my ADHD allows me to miss 90% of chat during the game. ;)
@emongg I feel like this is the type of player that needs to be shown their Supports view of their position. I've fallen from G4 to S4 Support in two weeks. I admit that I was brute forcing Moira and even though I reached Plat before with her, if my team isn't playing close-ish to each other or aggressive it doesn't work. I started maining LW for the long range heals/ reload but also and MUCH more importantly, I can correct bad positioning. It has been so prevalent these past couple weeks. Climbing again, but even still I'll have teammates overcommit down a hallway way out of any Support LOS. We aren't going to sacrifice our uptime for one person in Narnia when everyone else is in position. Think it's a great idea to show them this view.
100% agree. And I'm a DPS. If you review your games from your supports' perspective, you will immediately see how many mistakes you actually make. Half the time the poor supports are sitting back trying not to lose their shit as you 1v5 out of their LOS on cooldown. Lol.
I agree with this take, everyone should see it from the supports pov. I’ve had games where people claim they “get no heals”, while they ring around the Rosie me, play dbd but I’m in the monster, or just straight up sit inside a Winston bubble or in front of a sig shield, or walk out in an already pinged widow for the 10th time. Although, a suggestion for climbing. I’d suggest playing someone like, Kiri, Bap, Illari, as you’d get a lot more value out of these 3 & as a support it really isn’t your job to “correct” bad positioning. That’s the reason they’re stuck in that elo in the first place. However, I’m also very much a person who plays what I enjoy no matter what’s considered “good”, so. 😂
While I agree with you that its nice to be able to correct positioning mistakes, I would want to tell you that sometimes there is a reasoning behind these positioning ESPECIALLY TANKS (atleast in higher ranks). Like if you ever have a rein on your team and a doomfist against you and you see your rein pinning towards the enemy backline, never and I mean ever pull him away before he gets a kill. Because what he is doing is probably the only viable thing, trading backlines. If you pull him back he is now not able to do anything because he has a half broken or broken shield by the time he reaches the same spot or is too low hp because half your team is busy dealing with a doomfist. It's not the reins job to deal with the doomfist for instance because he literally can't. His job is to push the squishies and or payload or stall the objective while your team deals with the doomfist. Basically just pull the rein back when you see him hard shielding himself in narnia, is spamming i need healing, his shield is low and he's low hp and the enemies surrounding him are basically full hp. Because in that situation he's truly stuck and cannot trade. Otherwise never pull your rein back when he charges plz. I say this as a tank main, you may not understand what he's doing, but he definitely has a plan, especially with limited resources. If he's struggling you can always ask what can we do to help you rein (or any tank support or dps). I 100% guarantee you that asking someone who is struggling: "rein i see that you are struggling, is there something we can do to help you or play differently?" works 100 x better than sayings swap rein for instance, because that basically says you think hes the reason why you are not doing well while in reality the rein thinks its the dps who are shooting the wrong target (often this is the case in lower ranks) for him to do something as a tank (not only while playing rein). Telling a person what can we do to help means that if they are having a rough game, it tells them their teammates may help them out and adjust so they can play better instead of being told you suck, they are getting told its fine its a team effort.
Armchair Psychologist here: This feels like a player with an ego disproportionate to their rank, constantly searching for scapegoats on their team. I picture them internally blaming their supports and going mentally insane in that moment, completely unaware of the existence of spawn healing in that moment.
At that point actually getting healing isn't what the player is concerned with, you can feel how they are raging at their support for not doing their job. That and probably fear of the moira skill orb.
because this player is not bright. they are the type to blame everyone else but themselves.... the type of player that turns off brain when they play then blames everyone when they get shit on for being dumb.
i swear it is insanely unrealised just how many metal rank games are lost due to DPS players having no idea how to actually play the game, while blaming everyone else. in my experience it is MOST of the time DPS who are dragging down a team, mostly because they dont get as much/the right clear instant feedback when they make a choice. e.g - spamming the choke farms damage and prevents deaths, but in reality doesnt help the team. - sneaking around the first 30 seconds of a team fight might make you lose, but lines up a juicy triple kill after the fact. it is painfully obvious when a tank or support is throwing, but harder to see when a DPS is - however you will feel it just as much in your overall performance
i am gold 4 as dps (new player) and i really struggle to play support because the dps almost never make plays. like they'll just sit behind tank and pewpew.
@@verboseessays On average, the enemy's dps will be doing the same thing. So if you are playing better as support than your equivalent, you'll eventually climb. There's no need to blame the dps, it'll just tilt them and probably make them play worse.
This is why I never take getting flamed too seriously (especially since I only play MH and QP), cause I know If I went and watched the replay it would be this.
The best way to *not* get healed is to talk shit to the healers. The best way to *get healed*? Flirt with the supports. Praise them. Get them Christmas presents. Treat them well and they will keep you alive longer than God
If I had a penny for every time I've decided that I'd rather pocket the Ramattra who gave me headpats in spawn than the Pharah who flamed me for not rezing them even though I was dead I would still be broke because pennies are worthless but I'd have a lot of them.
Accountability! Something, some people are uncapable of doing. A character is being an issue? Time to demand other people to switch! I remember this game were Pharah was being a nuisance. I knew we needed hitscan so I swiched to Bap to aid with the issue. Moment I switch, we start rolling them and ended up winning the match. People should try to take a proactile role with issues rather than complain and expect your teammates to deal with it.
I remember a game where our supports (me) were getting bullied by a widow. We told the team and started playing defensively. Good news: it worked. Bad news: the team didn't listen and pushed W anyway, blaming us for their deaths So again we beg the DPS to deal with widow. And their amazing fucking response immortalised in my memory: "You're playing kiri, just snipe her" If you know how to fit shaped blocks into shaped holes, you will understand how stupid that sentence is.
@@DodgeThatAttacktbf depending on the map kiri is a good counter to widow, but you're not gonna outsnipe her lol. Also it shouldn't fall on only a supp to deal with a problem enemy.
@@DodgeThatAttack obviously this team was full of silly geese. however, if I may offer my personal way of approaching the problem of an enemy widow who is doing well. there are two options, and you should feel free to pick whichever one sparks the most joy for you 1. go Moira, dive the widow yourself (use fade defensively, flat bounce healing orb to keep yourself alive, dodge and strafe) 2. go mercy, build valk, pop valk for the sole purpose of killing widow, and approach the widow from an unexpected angle and delete them with headshots while spamming space and crouch and strafing in the air will this always 100% deal sufficiently with the widow? no. sometimes a widow just dominates and it would take teamwork to deal with them. but it WILL be personally satisfying and that's important too
@@sethescope The way I usually deal with widow as a 'one-trick' ana main is I just play sight-lines and ignore widow. The only times a widow should ever get me is if they over-extend to a position where they would be a free pick for my team regardless of what we are playing or if I over-peak the widow by accident. So far this has worked pretty well for me, though I've only been in plat/diamond so can't say if I'd be forced to switch at some point at some higher rank. Would have to ask a higher ranked player for that.
@icycloud6823 (this is a joke) but that's so boring (this is less of a joke) but it does not do anything to actually deal with the widow that's harassing your team. sure you stay alive and that's generally good but you can't outheal a widow one shot. sometimes you gotta be the one to deal with the bullshit, and ofc what that looks like will vary by hero
I genuinely wonder if there will ever be a time when the DPS players don't blame the Supports for why they lost the game or why they were not dominating everyone.
i love being a support main and sweating every game so i dont get blamed by the team cause im trying to keep myself in a decent mood so i dont stop playing after one game lol
best way to keep yourself in a good mood is to turn all chats off. you can decide other people don't even get the opportunity to be jerks to you or be stupid in general.
Honestly, this person's biggest problem is positioning. They are constantly out of position the entire game no matter what character they were on. They need to be more aware of the strengths of their characters and play to those while playing against the strengths of the enemy team. This player doesn't seem to be thinking about any of that and is just running in after the miss a few shots and their bad positioning gets them in a really bad situation.
This is the worst gameplay I’ve ever seen. I’ve been playing for 7 years and never seen someone so bad at the game it’s so frustrating to watch. It’s like watching a child trying to force a triangle shaped block into a circle shaped entrance.
the reason this guy was playing low ground echo is, that he hasn't changed his jump to L2 so he can do super jumps and glide while aiming. You can also just play claw, but the L2 on jump is a must for echo on console.
thats most overwatch players. From what I've seen, up to diamond at least, most people just get by with their aim and have actually no idea how the game works or whats going on. Which is frustrating for me because I'm the opposite and cant aim but have really good awareness. So I feel lke im just watching blind idiots wander aimlessly around the map.
3:17 genuinely what made this person think this was the play? Obviously staying high ground is good but there are other high grounds and they chose the one where they have the least sight on the battle field. They just…stood there. No attempt to get some shots in or add value they just watched their team die because they didn’t want to adjust their positioning. The tank did really mess that up but overwatch is a team game and you can’t control what you teammates do so you gotta adjust accordingly
@@wwerty234 Really? In this current meta maybe a third of the supports are in the meta. Another 1/3rd are middling currently. The last 3rd are crap. My opinion.
@ kiri, brig, ana, juno, bap all op. Zen is good in the right comp. Life weaver and illari are the only supports in a bad spot but you can make up for that on Illari by hitting shots bc her hit scan is bigger. than all the other dps and she can Out damage half the dps in a 1v1. Moria is Moria anyone can be good on her with positioning. Lucio is great in higher ranks and mercy is for healbots to play with. Support has been OP for the last like 10 seasons. I do love that it is OP tho don’t get me wrong I have 3,200 hours on support and only like around 1500 hours on dps.
Had a venture flanking all game and dying solo and spamming about heals the whole time. The one time I tried as Juno to get to them a mile away they still spammed it and acted like I could do anything well out of fall off range.
Reminds me of the matches I had last night. Enemy team had teammates that completely threw a tantrum and the match once they got killed. People usually blame everyone except themselves 🤦♀️
THATS WHAT IM SAYIN like im in the same rank as this mf but bros mechanics are horrendous n thats not even me tryna flex im casual asf with this game 😭😭
This is the reason that i stuggle to really get into overwatch cause youll have teammates just like this being toxic as hell meanwhile they are the problem. Ive seen him do some good but you cant just keep running in hoping to get healed especially when healers are at spawn. Thats one of the things thatll set me off in overwatch is being told that i need to heal when im in spawn. Its funny ill have some games where my team will sing my praise. And then immediately the next game get flamed for not healing enough. I find that its especially bad if you play LW. Ill have games where im 5/15/2 with 500 to 1000 damage and 10,000+ healing and ill still get flammed and told that i need to heal. Typically on QP which is typically much shorter than a ranked game. Anytime i try to get into ranked ill play 2 maybe 3 games and get tired of the toxicity and absolute try hardiness that goes into it. Im competitive but im not going to throw a bitch fit cause its not going well. And honestly theres a bit of difference in how QP VS ranked plays but i never get good at the differences cause i can never play more than a few games before my teammates piss me off.
don't give people the opportunity to flame you - turn chat off. best decision I ever made in overwatch and it's why I've been able to play for so long.
Do i play competitive overwatch 2: No. Do i still listen for tops in tricks for improvement in unranked: Yes. I have seen plenty of people like this player in unraked far too many times. They expect ranked style plays, and when something doesn't go their way they loose their minds. Then they'll quit or throw the game because they think they are superior when 90% of the time they cause the issue they complain about
It's always interesting to me whenever someone rages in qp over things that are obviously mostly their fault. I recently had an enemy ashe tell in match chat to report their tank for throwing which was confusing to me because he's the only one actually managing to hold us back at times. The ashe was positioning on low ground, almost at open space in numbani so they die quickly every fight. I also remember an enemy widow throw because they kept getting oneshot by our hanzo. The widow wasn't throwing because of the obvious skill diff but because she wasn't getting healed. Healed. From a oneshot arrow to the dome. lmao. I am not against typing in chat about some stuff like "hey rein, you can shield the ram ult" because ow is a game that is complicated and a new-ish player can be in your team when it's unranked (if the delivery isn't rude of course). There's those occasional players that are mad about the ridiculous things that confuse me.
FR the otehr day I saw someone tell me that I was "trolling" when playing Dva, when I was trying to hold the last point in a flashpoint game so my teammates could get to it in time. Like, we couldn't win ause we were all obviously not that skilled, but its literally for fun only. We are not playin ranked.
What I see is that there's a need to improve with game awareness within your own team. It's good to hold other angles but it's also good to be aware where your teammates are. Awareness on who on your team is dead/alive is good too. Supports that have gone back to spawn cannot heal you.
mind boggling watching the supports get picked off by the reaper *in this players view* and then theyre typing in chat not understanding why they didnt get healed by their dead supports.
The tanks blame damage for not getting kills, dps blame supports for no healing, and supports blame tank for feeding, it's pretty consistent in my games
I love how they don’t realize at this rank that if Reaper fades in he probably is going to ult. I instinctively yelled reaper ult!!! at my screen three times before he got ult off consistently.
Guy goes in to 1v5 multiple times, never plays near his supports, and mostly isn't hitting the enemy when shooting. He wasn't getting healed, but when the tank is 50 meters up, the supports are 40 meters up, and he's on highground in the back... he's LoSing himself from supports. There's only so much a support CAN do. They can't pocket you in the back without leaving their tank to die.
Something that I didn't see emongg comment on: on second point attack, they had their ult for almost 4 minutes and didn't use it. They got it at 1:40 first point and didn't use it until 1:00 left of second point
Nah, I play on console and not everyone aims this way. It's just way more common in lower ranks. Same as if you were on pc, lower ranks typically means worse aim/mechanics/game knowledge.
I'm a support main and these guys are always the ones typing "support diff" when they lose the match for us acting like this. He also completely disregarded the reaper killing his supports... a lot. Like a lot a lot.
The DPS complained I wasn't healing enough as Ana, me being a payload princess, so I told them I would gladly heal more if they cared to stay on the payload... Or when you have to take care of your Ana as brig, while the DPS decide to die in out of position... No kidding, I got the same kills as brig as him in Soldier, and he still spam chat to report me because I wasn't healing enough... the other team DPS had to call him out saying that I was busy protecting the backline while he was busy dying alone...
Their ego is absurd especially considering their gameplay. im assuming the person was complaining because the supporters were dying quite a lot (usually first) and we can’t see scoreboard. (Halfway thru) Edit… wow… I’m not even done but holy moly he’s struggling with everything, and I think expects the supports to heal every inch of damage, rather than knowing/taking health packs
I totally get the f-up at 18:58. 1 HP reaper. Gotta get him before ...ah crap, forgot about the health pack in the small tight reaper loving, space, after I just put myself on flight cool down.
Flats mentioned in a few videos the reason people go in on mid/long range characters is they don't have confidence in their aim, which makes a lot of sense.
Has he considered once that maybe, just maybe, the enemy team is living for longer not because their supports are better, but because he is in their spawn half the time and can’t kill anyone? Like he will hit the occasional headshot on ashe which looks good and then spend the next 5 seconds roaming around randomly, throwing a useless dynamite or just missing every single shot. Obviously the enemy supports are going to look good when it takes you ages to kill someone.
this guy blamed the supports and called them "lacking," meanwhile two supps and a sigma held the line 3v5 for a solid minute while this egomaniac ran all in on flanks and only sometimes succeeded. genuinely, all jokes and jabs aside, if you feel like you aren't getting healed, instead of blaming the supports, ask if you're going too far in or consistently out of los; ask what YOU can do to help the supps take care of you. yes, there will occasionally be a toxic supp out there who'll throw shade at you, but the majority of the time, they will happily explain "yeah, just don't go quite so deep," or "nah, sorry i just got too focused on healing the tank," or whatever else it may be. stop immediately blaming anyone and everyone but yourself when you die constantly, and start asking what you can do better next time.
Maybe on pc, but not console. I climbed out of silver easily on my first season ever maining, basically one tricking her. I was hard stuck gold for 2 seasons tho
At 15:16 they're probably pissed, but at a certain point of taking damage with the team clumped should think of the other spots to go do damage from. Like Sig with the windows. But I get paranoid as support looking around if I only see 4 of the enemy team in one area, tweaking out like wheres the 5th? 😂
The only defense I can really give him on his echo play is that on controller it’s pretty hard to float and aim unless you change your keybinds. Everything else is on them
7:44 What’s the deal with pushing Reaper into his support and tank?? Can someone be that clueless and then complain about their supports? If I had been that Juno, I’d roast you in chat while waiting to respawn, dude. "My supports aren't healing D''': YEAH CAUSE YOU KILLED THEM. 9:39 Oh, sure, fine. Your team’s wiped, and instead of retreating and regrouping, you decide to charge at Junkrat right in front of the entire enemy team, revealing your position for them to all come after you... Honestly, the more I watch the video, the more bad decisions I see, and then they have the nerve to blame the supports.
I can tell the issues easy from first round. Really bad positioning. Really bad repositioning. Stood behind the supports and did not use the ping for healing function even once so the supports would no be able to see or hear that DPS behind them needed heals. Also, most of their deaths happened when the supports were already dead. Dead supports can't heal.
This game was just a constant cycle of tank and suppprts dying first, which is a bad look on them, then the dps not knowing to regroup and staggering themselves. This literally repeated all 1st round and each stagger put their whole team at a disadvantage and messed up thier ult economy. Also, this player is decent and could be gold, but they dont seem to play around their tank. If they did they could have helped with the reaper flanking all the time and supports might have lived a lot more. Lastly, dps need to recognize they are not the only ones who need healing. If you you're not in imminent danger just chill. Minimize getting blown up and one shot on dps and you will go far.
Dps should only play with tank when rotating to a new position. During downtime between fights the dps get to set up at different angles from the tank to deny that space and set up better sightlines; being with the Sigma there is a bad decision. A better one would've been moving to the highground behind Sigma to have a better angle on where the enemy team is approaching from since they clearly went towards the left choke, since you could spam them out better, get dynamite in on more than one, and have a good spot to shoot squishies like the reaper from. The only main exception to this rule are in certain dive comps; then the dps will converge with the tank to take out targets, or in other more gimmicky play styles like setting up Mauga deathballs with Reaper+Venture or Venture+Genji. Otherwise denying the enemy team as much space as you possibly can is a lot more consistent.
every time i watch this im just laughing at the few times emongg decides to roast himself xD (he may be a tank main but hes still a hell of lot better than me at support)
@Emongg Sir, right now you're my go to streamer and I watch hours and hours of your videos. I love your way with your viewers and you go the extra mile to be nice and respectful and fun. .... BUT I GOTTA ASK.... I mean I thought it was just a quirky fun thing you do but I'm really confused this time. Do you know you're not watching live gameplay?? 😂 9:42 "okay dude we had this whole discussion about this and you're still doing it!" 😂
"Its everyones fault i did nothing wrong they are the reason i lost the game that costs me thousands in this tournament" every new overwatch player now a days
As a very strong flex player, I double encourage anyone who thinks their supports did not heal or "underperform" to watch the replay Outside of being picked by widow 24/7 as of recent changes, it will be most likely that they were saving someone who deserved saving more and were at 110% capacity the entire game
This person probably saw one of their supports didn’t have high heal stats and started blaming them. Completely ignoring that they haven’t been given a chance to heal them because of their positions
Players like this aren't "hardstuck." They're digging deeper because they're too busy looking at other players for things to blame them for that they never bother to look at their own actions for things to improve.
Personally, I feel like he’s walking straight into the enemy without any regard for his safety because his aim is bad and he’s subconsciously trying to get closer to have an easier time hitting shots. My suggestion: hit the aim labs or at least switch to Reaper/Venture so you don’t feed as easily in close quarters
I'm always telling players like this that support can't heal stupidity! I can't heal you if you are constantly out of position and not doing anything to keep their DPS off me.
3:11 bros horizontal movement spots is too fast. Bro looks like he turned off aim assist and aim ease in to like 40. Bro has a crazy wide strafe to his shots. Go into practice range and firing range and set up bits and just shoot for a while and just tweak your controls and dial your aim in.
the worst players are the ones who always blame the others. good players know where they're lacking and try to work on it, bad players will always try to find excuses
jesus... this is the type of dps player i hate having on my team. i main support and most of the time i find myself having to dps to pick up their slack. mind yo ui main lucio so i do that anyways being a lucio OTP and favoring Froggers play style. but even when im not on lucio still..... ppl blame supports but forget that YOU AREN'T THE WHOLE TEAM we have to focus on everyone else not just your dumbass putting yourself in stupid situations then failing to land any shots when you get caught by the enemy team. (on lucio i can usually save that kinda dumb plays but not on other supports that i am not that good with)
From my silver experience, this was one of the “my support isn’t healing” because they’re used to having a mercy who only knows how to hold the yellow beam. You see a lot of that in low console.
it’s the same on pc tbh. had a cass yelling at our supports because they were zen illari and he kept walking straight into the enemy backline
A literal pro mercy could have pocketed them the entire game and it'd make no difference lol....
a mercy cant heal you if you get one shot by a junk 10 times out of position anyway
Mercy can't heal stupid
My dude, you see that in low everywhere. A lot of these players expect supports to get stuck to their side, making them functionally immortal, and have zero awareness to notice when their support gets dived (which they will then be too busy being an "awesome DPS" to bother to help with) and dies. Because supports are expected to heal them even when waiting for the respawn counter.
"My supports suck, but let's ignore me booping Reaper into my support." The ego and audacity of this person.
they literally acknowledge they did that in their submission. it's not ego and audacity when they explicitly say they know they did it and clearly imply they know it was a mistake
and they never said their supports suck. they just said they believed one of their supports wasn't doing very well. there is a difference.
@@sethescope How does that make any difference? People have said those lines before to insinuate someone was the problem. They even said "after noticing the deficit." That means they thought the supports weren't doing their job. Also 1:00 to prove my point.
I dislike "diffs" and telling each other we are trash. Smh...i don't mind if they say I'm feeding or whatever but no p9int in insults to my skill. Some of us have been playing OW a long time.
Average dps player
@@damon6086 noticing someone isn't doing their job is a pretty neutral statement of perceived fact. it doesn't mean someone sucks. "sucks" is a directly negative word that speaks to someone's overall ability. someone not doing their job or not contributing as much as the team needed them to isn't the same. the tone and framing of the issue are significantly more neutral.
stating that someone didn't do well is saying something negative (as opposed to a positive like "they did great") but it's not a judgment or an attack against the person as a whole.
nuance is important. word choices and phrasing are important. it's clear that you imputed an intent that isn't present in the submission because you want to believe something bad about the submitter but there's no textual basis for it.
this exact attitude is what i hit avoid on, blaming your supports when youre actively taking bad positions is insane
thats the standard in overwatch. People just do whatever they want and have no idea why they are dying and blame supports. I've literally had games where we have twice the healing as the other team and they are flaming the supports instead of, you know, not standing right in front of a bastion/mauga comp. The lack of awareness players have in this game is insane.
good lmao nobody wants to play with trash players like you who cant accept responsibility or critique
its like this in any game tbh, everyone is just like "Welp we have healers so clearly I'm invulnerable to dying. oh I died because i walked right into the enemy's face? Damn healers are throwing."
Literally. Had a comp game where a Mei was so upset by my healing she purposefully blocked my Bap wall I intended to use to heal the tank, and every time after that. Atp we had double the healing of the enemy; by the end of the match the enemy barely cracked 5k while my mate and I racked up 15k by the end of the match and we STILL LOST. And don't get me wrong, we weren't healbotting hence why they thought we weren't healing because I dared to shoot at the sombra coming for us. Jfc, the drives are not worth playing at the end of the season with these dumbasf ppl.
Correct me if i'm wrong, but Emongg is the only OW CC I've heard acknowledge that each rank plays differently. Kudos to him for sure.
yeah it’s kind of annoying to hear good players rec things like oh play here or oh do this when doing that in a given rank may actually be extremely disadvantageous thanks to how the rest of the team is playing. a play may be “optimal” but that’s only assuming your team will be supporting that play/position, and you can’t expect your team to be exactly on that wavelength in a lower rank/level of play. There are of course things that are always good to do, but recognizing the game state is pretty important
Flats does that too, but his shtick is being mean lol. He’ll try not to be too harsh on lower rank players; unless they have a huge ego and blame the entire team when they’re clearly the problem lol
@@lilkittyk4742Do be fair, that is the whole gimmick of his replay reviews: roast the hell out of them
Flats and karq and freedo does. I don't reaaaaally know who doesn't actually.
@@VoidHxnter that’s what I said. It’s his shtick, his character. Love the reused walnut joke he uses almost every video lol
"When in doubt, blame someone else" that's what I always say
Legit why hardly anyone plays fighting games 😂. The most you can blame is the opponents character... Or lag
i had a torb on my team say they werent getting any heals yesterday, i replied with "no, you were def getting heals. everyone in front of me was getting heals, its why i have 10k heals." it was the first round on defense and i was already at 10k healing on juno
This VOD perfectly demonstrates my support mantra: HELP ME TO HELP YOU.
Also, harrasing your supports is a great way of making them *not* want to spend extra attention on you.
Real anytime a dps complains about not getting heals because I don’t wanna peel for someone who’s fighting the enemy team ALONE without waiting for group up I straight up have to tell them like, “I can’t heal bad game sense bro” like I need you to fucken chillax from time to time so I can give you some stimmys homie 😭😭. I’m a Doomfist/Genji main rn & ik how frustrating it is to heal those two so whenever I need it I immediately run to my supps and sit still for them so they can get me lmao
Do you want to know how to fix those people? Turn off chat. It's perfect harmony.
That's such an amazing mantra, I'll start using it as well!
That's the part that always confuses me, all yelling at me is going to do is make me even less interested in healing your dumbass.
@@BinatLoves I don't use VC purely for my own sanity (I'm low enough rank - it's not going to matter as much), and fortunately my ADHD allows me to miss 90% of chat during the game. ;)
I don't know that I have ever seen Emongg so visibly frustrated
Can't blame him, this one was awful, constantly feeding with awful positioning, couldn't hit any shots on Ashe, etc
Wow what a throw. Holy cow, like I didn't really think the supports were gonna be the issue, but this is next level.
@emongg I feel like this is the type of player that needs to be shown their Supports view of their position. I've fallen from G4 to S4 Support in two weeks. I admit that I was brute forcing Moira and even though I reached Plat before with her, if my team isn't playing close-ish to each other or aggressive it doesn't work. I started maining LW for the long range heals/ reload but also and MUCH more importantly, I can correct bad positioning. It has been so prevalent these past couple weeks. Climbing again, but even still I'll have teammates overcommit down a hallway way out of any Support LOS. We aren't going to sacrifice our uptime for one person in Narnia when everyone else is in position. Think it's a great idea to show them this view.
100% agree. And I'm a DPS. If you review your games from your supports' perspective, you will immediately see how many mistakes you actually make. Half the time the poor supports are sitting back trying not to lose their shit as you 1v5 out of their LOS on cooldown. Lol.
I agree with this take, everyone should see it from the supports pov. I’ve had games where people claim they “get no heals”, while they ring around the Rosie me, play dbd but I’m in the monster, or just straight up sit inside a Winston bubble or in front of a sig shield, or walk out in an already pinged widow for the 10th time.
Although, a suggestion for climbing. I’d suggest playing someone like, Kiri, Bap, Illari, as you’d get a lot more value out of these 3 & as a support it really isn’t your job to “correct” bad positioning. That’s the reason they’re stuck in that elo in the first place. However, I’m also very much a person who plays what I enjoy no matter what’s considered “good”, so. 😂
While I agree with you that its nice to be able to correct positioning mistakes, I would want to tell you that sometimes there is a reasoning behind these positioning ESPECIALLY TANKS (atleast in higher ranks).
Like if you ever have a rein on your team and a doomfist against you and you see your rein pinning towards the enemy backline, never and I mean ever pull him away before he gets a kill. Because what he is doing is probably the only viable thing, trading backlines. If you pull him back he is now not able to do anything because he has a half broken or broken shield by the time he reaches the same spot or is too low hp because half your team is busy dealing with a doomfist. It's not the reins job to deal with the doomfist for instance because he literally can't. His job is to push the squishies and or payload or stall the objective while your team deals with the doomfist.
Basically just pull the rein back when you see him hard shielding himself in narnia, is spamming i need healing, his shield is low and he's low hp and the enemies surrounding him are basically full hp. Because in that situation he's truly stuck and cannot trade. Otherwise never pull your rein back when he charges plz. I say this as a tank main, you may not understand what he's doing, but he definitely has a plan, especially with limited resources.
If he's struggling you can always ask what can we do to help you rein (or any tank support or dps).
I 100% guarantee you that asking someone who is struggling: "rein i see that you are struggling, is there something we can do to help you or play differently?" works 100 x better than sayings swap rein for instance, because that basically says you think hes the reason why you are not doing well while in reality the rein thinks its the dps who are shooting the wrong target (often this is the case in lower ranks) for him to do something as a tank (not only while playing rein).
Telling a person what can we do to help means that if they are having a rough game, it tells them their teammates may help them out and adjust so they can play better instead of being told you suck, they are getting told its fine its a team effort.
Am I missing something at 15:21? Why does he just not go to the spawn doors to heal lol
Armchair Psychologist here: This feels like a player with an ego disproportionate to their rank, constantly searching for scapegoats on their team. I picture them internally blaming their supports and going mentally insane in that moment, completely unaware of the existence of spawn healing in that moment.
Probably heard somewhere he should let supports build ult by letting them heal instead and took it too far.
At that point actually getting healing isn't what the player is concerned with, you can feel how they are raging at their support for not doing their job. That and probably fear of the moira skill orb.
because this player is not bright. they are the type to blame everyone else but themselves.... the type of player that turns off brain when they play then blames everyone when they get shit on for being dumb.
Too busy angrily thinking, "OMG why am I not getting healed?" while also miles back from a team fight
i swear it is insanely unrealised just how many metal rank games are lost due to DPS players having no idea how to actually play the game, while blaming everyone else.
in my experience it is MOST of the time DPS who are dragging down a team, mostly because they dont get as much/the right clear instant feedback when they make a choice. e.g
- spamming the choke farms damage and prevents deaths, but in reality doesnt help the team.
- sneaking around the first 30 seconds of a team fight might make you lose, but lines up a juicy triple kill after the fact.
it is painfully obvious when a tank or support is throwing, but harder to see when a DPS is - however you will feel it just as much in your overall performance
i am gold 4 as dps (new player) and i really struggle to play support because the dps almost never make plays. like they'll just sit behind tank and pewpew.
@@verboseessays On average, the enemy's dps will be doing the same thing. So if you are playing better as support than your equivalent, you'll eventually climb. There's no need to blame the dps, it'll just tilt them and probably make them play worse.
and those supports were probably sweating hard to try to keep the other useful teammates up to win the game
Honestly funniest part of this video is watching someone in chat argue that console aim assist is broken while watching this gameplay hehe
The aim assist was most noticeable with echo tbh. As I was watching I was like damn holy aim assist
This is why I never take getting flamed too seriously (especially since I only play MH and QP), cause I know If I went and watched the replay it would be this.
The best way to *not* get healed is to talk shit to the healers. The best way to *get healed*? Flirt with the supports. Praise them. Get them Christmas presents. Treat them well and they will keep you alive longer than God
If I had a penny for every time I've decided that I'd rather pocket the Ramattra who gave me headpats in spawn than the Pharah who flamed me for not rezing them even though I was dead I would still be broke because pennies are worthless but I'd have a lot of them.
Don't know what you are talking about my supports never let me down. Health packs are always willing to heal me.
Accountability! Something, some people are uncapable of doing. A character is being an issue? Time to demand other people to switch! I remember this game were Pharah was being a nuisance. I knew we needed hitscan so I swiched to Bap to aid with the issue. Moment I switch, we start rolling them and ended up winning the match. People should try to take a proactile role with issues rather than complain and expect your teammates to deal with it.
I remember a game where our supports (me) were getting bullied by a widow.
We told the team and started playing defensively.
Good news: it worked.
Bad news: the team didn't listen and pushed W anyway, blaming us for their deaths
So again we beg the DPS to deal with widow.
And their amazing fucking response immortalised in my memory:
"You're playing kiri, just snipe her"
If you know how to fit shaped blocks into shaped holes, you will understand how stupid that sentence is.
@@DodgeThatAttacktbf depending on the map kiri is a good counter to widow, but you're not gonna outsnipe her lol.
Also it shouldn't fall on only a supp to deal with a problem enemy.
@@DodgeThatAttack obviously this team was full of silly geese. however, if I may offer my personal way of approaching the problem of an enemy widow who is doing well.
there are two options, and you should feel free to pick whichever one sparks the most joy for you
1. go Moira, dive the widow yourself (use fade defensively, flat bounce healing orb to keep yourself alive, dodge and strafe)
2. go mercy, build valk, pop valk for the sole purpose of killing widow, and approach the widow from an unexpected angle and delete them with headshots while spamming space and crouch and strafing in the air
will this always 100% deal sufficiently with the widow? no. sometimes a widow just dominates and it would take teamwork to deal with them. but it WILL be personally satisfying and that's important too
@@sethescope The way I usually deal with widow as a 'one-trick' ana main is I just play sight-lines and ignore widow. The only times a widow should ever get me is if they over-extend to a position where they would be a free pick for my team regardless of what we are playing or if I over-peak the widow by accident. So far this has worked pretty well for me, though I've only been in plat/diamond so can't say if I'd be forced to switch at some point at some higher rank. Would have to ask a higher ranked player for that.
@icycloud6823 (this is a joke) but that's so boring
(this is less of a joke) but it does not do anything to actually deal with the widow that's harassing your team. sure you stay alive and that's generally good but you can't outheal a widow one shot. sometimes you gotta be the one to deal with the bullshit, and ofc what that looks like will vary by hero
I genuinely wonder if there will ever be a time when the DPS players don't blame the Supports for why they lost the game or why they were not dominating everyone.
i love being a support main and sweating every game so i dont get blamed by the team cause im trying to keep myself in a decent mood so i dont stop playing after one game lol
Realll 💀
best way to keep yourself in a good mood is to turn all chats off. you can decide other people don't even get the opportunity to be jerks to you or be stupid in general.
inner peace is needed...
Honestly, this person's biggest problem is positioning. They are constantly out of position the entire game no matter what character they were on. They need to be more aware of the strengths of their characters and play to those while playing against the strengths of the enemy team. This player doesn't seem to be thinking about any of that and is just running in after the miss a few shots and their bad positioning gets them in a really bad situation.
This is the worst gameplay I’ve ever seen. I’ve been playing for 7 years and never seen someone so bad at the game it’s so frustrating to watch. It’s like watching a child trying to force a triangle shaped block into a circle shaped entrance.
lol. That comment reminds me of the Idiocracy IQ test prison scene with the people trying to put the wooden blocks in the correct holes.
the reason this guy was playing low ground echo is, that he hasn't changed his jump to L2 so he can do super jumps and glide while aiming. You can also just play claw, but the L2 on jump is a must for echo on console.
what do you bind the stickies to?
@@anuarabegum1123I binded stickies to Left stick. I hope this comment doesn’t just randomly disappear
@@anuarabegum1123 I don't change the bind for stickies. I change my beam to X (ps5 controller) because itss not longer bound to jump.
to ignore people around you, blame others, and not understand what heroes do is wild
thats most overwatch players. From what I've seen, up to diamond at least, most people just get by with their aim and have actually no idea how the game works or whats going on. Which is frustrating for me because I'm the opposite and cant aim but have really good awareness. So I feel lke im just watching blind idiots wander aimlessly around the map.
3:17 genuinely what made this person think this was the play? Obviously staying high ground is good but there are other high grounds and they chose the one where they have the least sight on the battle field. They just…stood there. No attempt to get some shots in or add value they just watched their team die because they didn’t want to adjust their positioning. The tank did really mess that up but overwatch is a team game and you can’t control what you teammates do so you gotta adjust accordingly
This is the dps that complains about supports being OP on reddit
I mean I’m master 3 support main and 1 dps atm and think support heros are OP in this meta.
@@wwerty234 Really? In this current meta maybe a third of the supports are in the meta. Another 1/3rd are middling currently. The last 3rd are crap. My opinion.
@ kiri, brig, ana, juno, bap all op. Zen is good in the right comp. Life weaver and illari are the only supports in a bad spot but you can make up for that on Illari by hitting shots bc her hit scan is bigger. than all the other dps and she can Out damage half the dps in a 1v1. Moria is Moria anyone can be good on her with positioning. Lucio is great in higher ranks and mercy is for healbots to play with. Support has been OP for the last like 10 seasons. I do love that it is OP tho don’t get me wrong I have 3,200 hours on support and only like around 1500 hours on dps.
Low ranks are funny; "I was out of position and died, it's (pick a role, sometimes even the same role)'s fault!"
Had a venture flanking all game and dying solo and spamming about heals the whole time. The one time I tried as Juno to get to them a mile away they still spammed it and acted like I could do anything well out of fall off range.
Reminds me of the matches I had last night. Enemy team had teammates that completely threw a tantrum and the match once they got killed. People usually blame everyone except themselves 🤦♀️
23:01 emongg is looking for a battery sponsorship. 😂😂
damn i thought i was bad
THATS WHAT IM SAYIN like im in the same rank as this mf but bros mechanics are horrendous n thats not even me tryna flex im casual asf with this game 😭😭
Fr I was watching this and going "hm... maybe I'm not that bad at this game after all."
This is the reason that i stuggle to really get into overwatch cause youll have teammates just like this being toxic as hell meanwhile they are the problem. Ive seen him do some good but you cant just keep running in hoping to get healed especially when healers are at spawn. Thats one of the things thatll set me off in overwatch is being told that i need to heal when im in spawn. Its funny ill have some games where my team will sing my praise. And then immediately the next game get flamed for not healing enough. I find that its especially bad if you play LW. Ill have games where im 5/15/2 with 500 to 1000 damage and 10,000+ healing and ill still get flammed and told that i need to heal. Typically on QP which is typically much shorter than a ranked game. Anytime i try to get into ranked ill play 2 maybe 3 games and get tired of the toxicity and absolute try hardiness that goes into it. Im competitive but im not going to throw a bitch fit cause its not going well. And honestly theres a bit of difference in how QP VS ranked plays but i never get good at the differences cause i can never play more than a few games before my teammates piss me off.
don't give people the opportunity to flame you - turn chat off. best decision I ever made in overwatch and it's why I've been able to play for so long.
Do i play competitive overwatch 2: No.
Do i still listen for tops in tricks for improvement in unranked: Yes.
I have seen plenty of people like this player in unraked far too many times. They expect ranked style plays, and when something doesn't go their way they loose their minds. Then they'll quit or throw the game because they think they are superior when 90% of the time they cause the issue they complain about
It's always interesting to me whenever someone rages in qp over things that are obviously mostly their fault. I recently had an enemy ashe tell in match chat to report their tank for throwing which was confusing to me because he's the only one actually managing to hold us back at times. The ashe was positioning on low ground, almost at open space in numbani so they die quickly every fight. I also remember an enemy widow throw because they kept getting oneshot by our hanzo. The widow wasn't throwing because of the obvious skill diff but because she wasn't getting healed. Healed. From a oneshot arrow to the dome. lmao.
I am not against typing in chat about some stuff like "hey rein, you can shield the ram ult" because ow is a game that is complicated and a new-ish player can be in your team when it's unranked (if the delivery isn't rude of course). There's those occasional players that are mad about the ridiculous things that confuse me.
FR the otehr day I saw someone tell me that I was "trolling" when playing Dva, when I was trying to hold the last point in a flashpoint game so my teammates could get to it in time. Like, we couldn't win ause we were all obviously not that skilled, but its literally for fun only. We are not playin ranked.
What I see is that there's a need to improve with game awareness within your own team. It's good to hold other angles but it's also good to be aware where your teammates are. Awareness on who on your team is dead/alive is good too. Supports that have gone back to spawn cannot heal you.
mind boggling watching the supports get picked off by the reaper *in this players view* and then theyre typing in chat not understanding why they didnt get healed by their dead supports.
I love how nice you are man, it's refreshing
I don't understand how people can blame others without realizing what they could've done better. Istg ego in in this game is so high
remember always blame tank
Nah the tanks always blame us supps
The tanks blame damage for not getting kills, dps blame supports for no healing, and supports blame tank for feeding, it's pretty consistent in my games
Looks like the classic case of "dps on a life support", then without the pocket they cannot survive.
"My supports weren't healing me! ... after they've already died in the teamfight and I was out of position."
newsflash : you cant get healed if you get one shotted out of position :o
I love how they don’t realize at this rank that if Reaper fades in he probably is going to ult. I instinctively yelled reaper ult!!! at my screen three times before he got ult off consistently.
i'm loving the moments of standing still and comtributing nothing
Guy goes in to 1v5 multiple times, never plays near his supports, and mostly isn't hitting the enemy when shooting. He wasn't getting healed, but when the tank is 50 meters up, the supports are 40 meters up, and he's on highground in the back... he's LoSing himself from supports. There's only so much a support CAN do. They can't pocket you in the back without leaving their tank to die.
Something that I didn't see emongg comment on: on second point attack, they had their ult for almost 4 minutes and didn't use it. They got it at 1:40 first point and didn't use it until 1:00 left of second point
How is this guy even silver ?? He’s aiming with his toes
This is console. So of course their aim's going to look like this lol
Nah, I play on console and not everyone aims this way. It's just way more common in lower ranks. Same as if you were on pc, lower ranks typically means worse aim/mechanics/game knowledge.
@@icycloud6823 Nah this isn't a console issue, this is a bad aim issue.
I'm a support main and these guys are always the ones typing "support diff" when they lose the match for us acting like this. He also completely disregarded the reaper killing his supports... a lot. Like a lot a lot.
The amount of Dunning-Kruger in this....
The DPS complained I wasn't healing enough as Ana, me being a payload princess, so I told them I would gladly heal more if they cared to stay on the payload... Or when you have to take care of your Ana as brig, while the DPS decide to die in out of position... No kidding, I got the same kills as brig as him in Soldier, and he still spam chat to report me because I wasn't healing enough... the other team DPS had to call him out saying that I was busy protecting the backline while he was busy dying alone...
Their ego is absurd especially considering their gameplay. im assuming the person was complaining because the supporters were dying quite a lot (usually first) and we can’t see scoreboard. (Halfway thru)
Edit… wow… I’m not even done but holy moly he’s struggling with everything, and I think expects the supports to heal every inch of damage, rather than knowing/taking health packs
I want a coffee and a vegetable from JJS mini market
I totally get the f-up at 18:58. 1 HP reaper. Gotta get him before ...ah crap, forgot about the health pack in the small tight reaper loving, space, after I just put myself on flight cool down.
Flats mentioned in a few videos the reason people go in on mid/long range characters is they don't have confidence in their aim, which makes a lot of sense.
1:08 - 1:11 am I trippin or does that whole sentence sounds like it was cut and edited lmaooo
holy player worthy of going to aimlabs
This is a console game. There are no aimlabs
@@teamili7957they NEED to find something because jm pretty sure rhey hit 2 shots whole game
@ then god help them
@@teamili7957my friend actually found a decent one
@@teamili7957 xbox has aimlabs
"My kiriko isn't tping to me! I am alone in a 1v3 and she doesn't is going to help me!"
Always blame the support , When you can hear the stomping Reaper in the backline and ignored him .....
Has he considered once that maybe, just maybe, the enemy team is living for longer not because their supports are better, but because he is in their spawn half the time and can’t kill anyone? Like he will hit the occasional headshot on ashe which looks good and then spend the next 5 seconds roaming around randomly, throwing a useless dynamite or just missing every single shot. Obviously the enemy supports are going to look good when it takes you ages to kill someone.
this guy blamed the supports and called them "lacking," meanwhile two supps and a sigma held the line 3v5 for a solid minute while this egomaniac ran all in on flanks and only sometimes succeeded.
genuinely, all jokes and jabs aside, if you feel like you aren't getting healed, instead of blaming the supports, ask if you're going too far in or consistently out of los; ask what YOU can do to help the supps take care of you. yes, there will occasionally be a toxic supp out there who'll throw shade at you, but the majority of the time, they will happily explain "yeah, just don't go quite so deep," or "nah, sorry i just got too focused on healing the tank," or whatever else it may be. stop immediately blaming anyone and everyone but yourself when you die constantly, and start asking what you can do better next time.
Playing Echo in silver is already a recipe for disaster
Maybe on pc, but not console. I climbed out of silver easily on my first season ever maining, basically one tricking her. I was hard stuck gold for 2 seasons tho
At 15:16 they're probably pissed, but at a certain point of taking damage with the team clumped should think of the other spots to go do damage from. Like Sig with the windows.
But I get paranoid as support looking around if I only see 4 of the enemy team in one area, tweaking out like wheres the 5th? 😂
The only defense I can really give him on his echo play is that on controller it’s pretty hard to float and aim unless you change your keybinds. Everything else is on them
7:44 What’s the deal with pushing Reaper into his support and tank?? Can someone be that clueless and then complain about their supports? If I had been that Juno, I’d roast you in chat while waiting to respawn, dude. "My supports aren't healing D''': YEAH CAUSE YOU KILLED THEM.
9:39 Oh, sure, fine. Your team’s wiped, and instead of retreating and regrouping, you decide to charge at Junkrat right in front of the entire enemy team, revealing your position for them to all come after you... Honestly, the more I watch the video, the more bad decisions I see, and then they have the nerve to blame the supports.
Watching them go in every time their supports were killed and still have the audacity to blame them when half the team was down is actually crazy 💀
Ah, yes, the coffee and vegetables i remember this stream
I can tell the issues easy from first round. Really bad positioning. Really bad repositioning. Stood behind the supports and did not use the ping for healing function even once so the supports would no be able to see or hear that DPS behind them needed heals. Also, most of their deaths happened when the supports were already dead. Dead supports can't heal.
This game was just a constant cycle of tank and suppprts dying first, which is a bad look on them, then the dps not knowing to regroup and staggering themselves. This literally repeated all 1st round and each stagger put their whole team at a disadvantage and messed up thier ult economy. Also, this player is decent and could be gold, but they dont seem to play around their tank. If they did they could have helped with the reaper flanking all the time and supports might have lived a lot more. Lastly, dps need to recognize they are not the only ones who need healing. If you you're not in imminent danger just chill. Minimize getting blown up and one shot on dps and you will go far.
Dps should only play with tank when rotating to a new position. During downtime between fights the dps get to set up at different angles from the tank to deny that space and set up better sightlines; being with the Sigma there is a bad decision. A better one would've been moving to the highground behind Sigma to have a better angle on where the enemy team is approaching from since they clearly went towards the left choke, since you could spam them out better, get dynamite in on more than one, and have a good spot to shoot squishies like the reaper from.
The only main exception to this rule are in certain dive comps; then the dps will converge with the tank to take out targets, or in other more gimmicky play styles like setting up Mauga deathballs with Reaper+Venture or Venture+Genji. Otherwise denying the enemy team as much space as you possibly can is a lot more consistent.
They should be bronze but yes I agree
“It’s never my fault” ahh game
always a good day when emongg uploads
This guy is the epitome of the useless feeder DPS lol. Guy self-staggered 1v4 or 1v5 like every time and is blaming team
every time i watch this im just laughing at the few times emongg decides to roast himself xD
(he may be a tank main but hes still a hell of lot better than me at support)
@Emongg Sir, right now you're my go to streamer and I watch hours and hours of your videos. I love your way with your viewers and you go the extra mile to be nice and respectful and fun. .... BUT I GOTTA ASK.... I mean I thought it was just a quirky fun thing you do but I'm really confused this time. Do you know you're not watching live gameplay?? 😂 9:42 "okay dude we had this whole discussion about this and you're still doing it!" 😂
It was more of a “…I was just praising you then you immediately f it up.” Then a “I told you not to do that and you did it anyway”
@yesman12345ful he does it all the time
Controller sticky on Echo is L2 or LT (PlayStation and Xbox) by default
17:20 Least predictable Reaper ult.
Personally Ashe is just a weird dps even on console, when adsing i can't tell if she is a hitscan or projectile with how inconsistent it hits enemies.
"Its everyones fault i did nothing wrong they are the reason i lost the game that costs me thousands in this tournament" every new overwatch player now a days
I will never understand the people playing FPS games on console.
i like that they got lost alot, im suprised they were even in silver
"why can't my support make me play better, hit my shots, get more kills, position better, and heal me to max through all damage?!?!?!"
At least half of their shots missed.. 😂
As a very strong flex player, I double encourage anyone who thinks their supports did not heal or "underperform" to watch the replay
Outside of being picked by widow 24/7 as of recent changes, it will be most likely that they were saving someone who deserved saving more and were at 110% capacity the entire game
I hope this DPS player watches this video, reads the comments, and changes his toxic attitude
I see someone who has more room to improve than the supports. Absolutely terrible DPS play
I don't laugh at people. I'm not rude. Except that flank at 5:49 omg I spit my dinner onto my ottoman.
Well this looks just like over half of the window-lickers in my games.
This person probably saw one of their supports didn’t have high heal stats and started blaming them. Completely ignoring that they haven’t been given a chance to heal them because of their positions
7:30 how rare is that voiceline
Clasic dps player. Tanks and supports get all the heat while they play team death match...
Bad Positioning Bad Target Priority. Supports, DPS, Tank in that order unless someone just ints and gives u a free kill.
Players like this aren't "hardstuck." They're digging deeper because they're too busy looking at other players for things to blame them for that they never bother to look at their own actions for things to improve.
Personally, I feel like he’s walking straight into the enemy without any regard for his safety because his aim is bad and he’s subconsciously trying to get closer to have an easier time hitting shots.
My suggestion: hit the aim labs or at least switch to Reaper/Venture so you don’t feed as easily in close quarters
I need y'all to stop telling people to go to aimlabs when it literally doesn't improve your aim.
I'm always telling players like this that support can't heal stupidity! I can't heal you if you are constantly out of position and not doing anything to keep their DPS off me.
What in the 720 is this
How are they higher up as ash than with echo…..
why 720p
3:11 bros horizontal movement spots is too fast. Bro looks like he turned off aim assist and aim ease in to like 40. Bro has a crazy wide strafe to his shots. Go into practice range and firing range and set up bits and just shoot for a while and just tweak your controls and dial your aim in.
the worst players are the ones who always blame the others. good players know where they're lacking and try to work on it, bad players will always try to find excuses
jesus... this is the type of dps player i hate having on my team. i main support and most of the time i find myself having to dps to pick up their slack. mind yo ui main lucio so i do that anyways being a lucio OTP and favoring Froggers play style. but even when im not on lucio still..... ppl blame supports but forget that YOU AREN'T THE WHOLE TEAM we have to focus on everyone else not just your dumbass putting yourself in stupid situations then failing to land any shots when you get caught by the enemy team. (on lucio i can usually save that kinda dumb plays but not on other supports that i am not that good with)
Yeah it not the support fault, they have to heal the tank, it a problem if they don't heal you at times and only the tank.
Playing Ash on console is fucking Bold af...
How am I in bronze 1 and this guy is in silver 3!!!!
No amount of healing can fix bad positioning
im 83% sure i had this exact game in bronze 4 or 5 a few months ago--
i’ll just stick to my lucio one trick..