10 Board Games We've "Cooled" On | The Games We Feel Differently About Now

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024


  • @AllYouCanBoard
    @AllYouCanBoard  Рік тому +4

    What are some games that you have liked less the more you've played? Or just simply feel differently about now than you originally did?
    We're super curious, let us know in the comments!

  • @JJEMcManus
    @JJEMcManus Рік тому +16

    My takeaway from this discussion is that if you play any boardgame online the risk of burnout is exponentially higher. In my own case I can name three games I have no interest in because I played the app or wandered into on BGA.

    • @Pdhooge
      @Pdhooge Рік тому +1

      Depends on what you value most, no? Do you want to have a "minimum X amount of plays"? Then online is your friend, you'll get your games in way quicker. Do you value "X amount of years in your collection", then stay away from digital gaming. I've played Through the Ages 50+ times on Steam, something that never would've happened with the cardboard version. But I cherish my physical collection and try to stay away from their digital versions, so that burnout doesn't happen to quickly.

  • @WisecrackJax
    @WisecrackJax Рік тому +9

    7 Wonders: Duel!? Blasphemy!

  • @drccddmm
    @drccddmm Рік тому +5

    this series is fantastic, it is good to hear why people cooled on certain games. Please keep this a recurring series

    • @AllYouCanBoard
      @AllYouCanBoard  Рік тому +1

      Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it and we'll definitely consider continuing to do them.

  • @jamjams1000
    @jamjams1000 Рік тому +8

    That’s a lot of online plays. I think its a fun way to play a game every once in awhile but I think the fear of jamming out games too much on there can lead to a lot of this

    • @AllYouCanBoard
      @AllYouCanBoard  Рік тому

      It's always a risk, for sure. But I think it can go both ways. I've played TONS of 7 Wonders Duel, Castles of Burgundy, Can't Stop, Coloretto, For Sale and 6nimmt online and I haven't tired or faded on any of those games. So while I agree that playing any game that many times can risk illuminating things about it or having you cool on it over time, it still really comes down to the game and the lasting power it has for you specifically. Whether you play that many times with the physical copy or the digital one.

  • @rockthemic12
    @rockthemic12 Рік тому +3

    Great to hear your thoughts. +1 to the follow up list of games that you didn’t initially like, but that have grown on you over time.

    • @AllYouCanBoard
      @AllYouCanBoard  Рік тому +1

      Thanks Nate! We'll definitely do that video at some point in the near future!

  • @thing12games44
    @thing12games44 Рік тому

    Deckbuilding and deck construction often get conflated as the same thing…and I noticed that was done in this video during the end of the Dominion discussion.
    Magic, Marvel Champions, etc are *deck construction*. You build a deck prior to the game starting.
    Games like Dominion, Clank, etc are *deck building* because you build your deck while you play.
    The words, on their face, sound the same but they are different within gaming and it’s important to clarify because they are also very different experiences.
    That said, this was a great video with a lot of interesting input. Really enjoyed it! 🤟

    • @AllYouCanBoard
      @AllYouCanBoard  Рік тому +1

      Thanks! And you're absolutely right - I don't even remember us using that term in the video, and I know Dylann and I have each corrected each other about this in the past but we might've just not realized what the other person said in here.
      Super important distinction to make though, as they are very different.

  • @keatonhawkswell5714
    @keatonhawkswell5714 Рік тому +1

    It's great to hear how your opinions shifted over time/additional plays. New York Zoo is just a touch too fiddly, I liked it but sold it when I basically figured out I never really felt like playing it.

  • @nunocorreia3531
    @nunocorreia3531 Рік тому +1

    Hi, loved the video, really interested to see how we evolve with the games and changes or game choices for play :)
    Carlos, I love 7 Wonders Duel, and I play it regularly with my daughter. But a certain point I felt the same, there were only one good way to win (blue cards) and the rest was only ways to push the other to make different paths so wouldn’t be an easy choice. But then I found Pantheon expansion, and then the game gained a new life. This expansion allows to brake the normal play path (by not talking a card), gives strong new powers that make it easy to win with the military or scientific path, and win new small rules the game have more replayability. Just give one more try with Pantheon and you will see ;)
    Enjoy and good games.

  • @mikec5563
    @mikec5563 Рік тому

    Dylan, I'm totally with you on the deckbuilding thing. I was never really crazy about Dominion in particular, but deckbuilding used to absolutely dominate my game collection. But now that so many games have deckbuilding combined with other things (cooperation, movement/racing, negotiation, worker placement, etc), I'm usually bored by pure deckbuilding.

  • @elkauppila
    @elkauppila Рік тому +1

    Great Video! I think, ironically, I've cooled on Furnace. It was a hit when we first picked it up at Origins last year, but it's been hard to get it to the table since that initial rush of playing it. I'm not super fond of the theme, or the art and my friend who is more fond of it owns a copy. I think I'll eventually end up culling it, just for that reason alone. I think there are so many other games that do the engine-building thing better/equally well with a better theme. The auctioning thing is pretty cool, but not cool enough for me to love it for that reason.

  • @snowchamp
    @snowchamp Рік тому +1

    Totally agreed on your comments of Aeons End. Not a fan of co-op especially due to my play of Aeons End. Played 4p and had a weak-ish player amongst us, lost the first 3 games and finally won the 4th. Definitely wasn’t a good experience when 1 weak player costs the whole game for all others. Totally understand the issue you mentioned on the player count. Issue was with us and not the game but doesn’t change that bad experience of so much time playing a losing game through no fault of your own play skills. That’s likely why I generally prefer competitive over cooperative games.
    As for Seasons, wow! Exactly!! It’s a lot more limited than it appears. Not as fun as it somehow promises to be. Your decisions isn’t as meaningful and you’ve not as much control on your game.
    Can’t really agree with your choice of Dominion although I can’t fault your reason. There are times I love mixing up deck-building with other mechanics and yet there are times I just love a pure deck-building. I love mixing up simple games like Dominion in between sessions I go on Tekhenu / Gaia Project.
    Oh no! You can’t cool on Teotihuacan! It’s too good a game!! 😂. The Late Preclassic Period and the Expansion Period does so much more. Your pyramid strategy isn’t anywhere near the dominant strategy unless you only have the base game which then would make your comments valid. It’s akin to saying A Feast for Odin is stale and you’ve not ever played with Norwegians expansion. Unless, you’ve played with the 2 expansions I mentioned and still felt this way?
    New York Zoo… hahaha, exactly! Fully agreed!! Prefer Barenpark for the simplicity of a good polyomino from the 1st time I played New York Zoo. Even though I have no issues with the rules part of New York Zoo, doesn’t change my thoughts and fully aligned to yours! I didn’t cool on New York Zoo as your current thoughts was my initial thoughts to start with. 😊
    Amongst the Clever series, I feel that just the basic That’s Pretty Clever is good enough. Your comments are so real! I would like to play this say maybe a few time a year. No, I wouldn’t play this too often so I don’t get to your experience of not enjoying the game as much. 😅
    Surprised me a little on 7 Wonders Duel being brought up. Can understand what you’re saying. It’s still a fun game, but yeah, don’t over-play that game to keep the game awesome. Generally that’s how I deal with games especially light strategy games. Don’t play them too often. 😇

  • @veerchasm1
    @veerchasm1 Рік тому +1

    7WD has definitely cooled on me. Targi would be on my list

  • @jacobjslee
    @jacobjslee Рік тому

    I think you explained your thoughts about Nidavellir well, but I still love it. For this reason, I try not to play it too often so that I don't get tired of it. But I do agree with you about the high scores. What I have been planning to try out for my next game is a ranked scoring system where each colour is a category plus a coin category and a "white" category for the extra dwarves: in a 3p game, each colour gives 3/2/1 VP to whoever would get the first/second/third points in each category as long as they have at least 1 VP. Then it doesn't help my score so much to have 12 green cards when the second player only has 3. It will change the strategy, but I'll see how much of a difference it makes.
    Regarding Dominion, I love deckbuilding as a mechanism. Other games do it differently by adding things like a board or whatever. But they're not better to me. Just different. When I want to simply build my deck and not worry about anything else . . . I still love Dominion for that. And I'm glad my friends agree with me.

  • @seth7447
    @seth7447 Рік тому +2

    As we build our collection we find ourselves asking … what would We rather play? We have culled a number of games as new games come in. We have really tailored our interests.

  • @Pdhooge
    @Pdhooge Рік тому +1

    This video is a good reminder for people to take reviewers' opinions with a grain of salt, because they usually won't play games often enough to come to conclusions as discussed in this video. It's also a good reminder for reviewers (not only talking to you guys at All you can Board directly here) to choose their words carefully (write scripts!), because you won't get to this point.

  • @jrobinson5053
    @jrobinson5053 Рік тому +1

    Cooling on Winter Kingdoms? Wait for the Summer edition.

  • @JJ_TheGreat
    @JJ_TheGreat Рік тому +1

    For me, 7 Wonders (Regular) is my #1 game which I had cooled on. I started out not knowing what I was doing - and so I had just started matching resources which I could use to buy random cards and nothing else. I enjoyed the game for quite some time - when I had first started going to my Game Nights - and that game was a staple for the group, especially when we had 6 ot 7 players.
    Then, as I started getting to know the game and the strategies, the more I thought about strategy and the less I enjoyed the game each time I played it (and also, the game seemed broken to me, but I will leave my rationale concerning that for another day). So the bottom line is that I both enjoyed the game AND played my best at it the 1st time I had played the game...
    And that is my #1 game I had cooled on - 7 Wonders.

    • @AllYouCanBoard
      @AllYouCanBoard  Рік тому +1

      I've heard the sentiment about cooling on the original 7 Wonders a lot actually from people. I actually only ever played it a few times so it still has novelty to me, but I definitely prefer the Duel version.

  • @JonathonV
    @JonathonV Рік тому +1

    Great list! Not that I agree on everything, but I understand! My thoughts:
    AEON’S END: The theme didn’t really appeal to me from the get-go, and I don’t generally gravitate to combat as a game mechanic, so this didn’t thrill me on my first play. It was fine but I could die contentedly not having played it again. 😂
    SEASONS: I heard of a fan expansion for Dominion that brought the Season mechanic and that got me super excited to try the original game. I tried Seasons on BGA and I think my expectations were too high. It’s one of those games that I may have tried too late in my gaming life, so I was underwhelmed.
    DOMINION: This was my gateway game so I’ve definitely never cooled on it! But I understand how people could. Over 50 plays since 2019, and hopefully more in the future! Doesn’t come up often (it’s heavy to lug my collection around!) but I always appreciate when it does come out!
    DOPPELT SO CLEVER: I quite like this one. I’ve played the original more, but this one is a great added challenge. Never liked CLEVER HOCH DREI, because this one is better for scores and power-ups, and the original is better for action combos, so it never had a niche for me. But the first two games I’d play any time, despite GANZ SCHÖN CLEVER being my most played game of the last few years.
    7 WONDERS DUEL: I like a lot about this game, but my second game of it was a bad experience: my card choice forced my opponent to take military cards, which caused them to win the tug of war and kill me. Before that moment I wasn’t convinced about an instant-win mechanic in a point salad game, but after that moment I knew it felt wrong. It’s the same issue I have with AGRICOLA (sorry, Carlo) … I don’t like having the illusion of a choice of strategies if there’s actually no choice and I have to go a certain way in order to not lose.
    Haven’t played the other games you mentioned.

    • @JonathonV
      @JonathonV Рік тому

      My list:
      Honourable Mention: GIZMOS: Nothing wrong with this game; it’s an excellent game. It’s only cooled slightly, and that’s because I was on an absolute high on my first few plays of it. It has such thrilling action combos and engines! But now, after over 50 plays of it, the games are starting to feel a bit same-y. Still a great game I wouldn’t refuse to play. If an expansion were to come out, I’d buy it instantly and play the heck out of it!
      5. CALL TO ADVENTURE: A friend of mine who really enjoys RPGs introduced this to me, and I was hoping this game would bridge the gap for me because I’ve never liked RPGs and story games. I had a good experience and thought it’d be a good game to introduce as a bridge game for other RPG people. But the more I played it, the more I discovered the reliance on luck and the cracks in the gameplay mechanics. These days I’d probably suggest something else.
      4. PARKS: This game is gorgeous and has some fun mechanics, but it’s extremely confusing thematically. The people to whom it appeals the most don’t tend to enjoy it in my experience, because they play it for the theme, but the theme application makes no sense. It’s also too long for what it is, in my opinion. I’d find myself reaching for something like WINGSPAN or MEADOW instead.
      3. THE CAPTAIN IS DEAD: Awesome quirky sci-fi co-op that is actually quite challenging. I just played it enough that I came to anticipate what to do, which character to be, and so on, so it lost its original lustre.
      2. SECRET HITLER: I’ve cooled significantly on all social deduction games, so there are many that fall into this category that I could have put here, but this is the biggest cooling because (a) the bluffing mechanic was more interesting to me so I loved this one a lot, but now I feel like it’s too long for what I want it to be, and (b) as I become more socially conscious I realise that flippantly throwing around the name of someone who committed genocide as part of a pasted-on game theme really is in poor taste, and I don’t want to be hurtful to people for the sake of a party game when there are so many great, inoffensive games to choose from.
      1. SMASH-UP: I played this game shortly after it came out and thought it was awesome! I was still on my Dominion deckbuilding high, and I thought the base control mechanic was super interesting. Had a great time! Didn’t play it for about 7 years, so I decided to give it a go with my friend when it was the deepest throes of the pandemic. We noticed that the entire game was essentially just reading cards and doing what they said, with lots of “take that” and slowing each other down. In our over 500 plays of over 150 games together, he and I had never quit a game halfway through … until we played Smash-Up. We just got so bored by the repetitive back-and-forth.
      Thanks for the video, folks! 👋

    • @JJ_TheGreat
      @JJ_TheGreat Рік тому

      @@JonathonV I had my worst gaming experience ever with Dune: Imperium my 2nd game (with the 1st Expansion) - it took forever, because one of the players was analyzing everything on the board; there were some player dynamics, which weren't cool - and also, I felt like I could do so little on my turn - especially since I didn't draw the icon actions I needed - AND the player before me took the exact action on the board which I wanted to do - so even though I had the card to do that action, it was no longer available - and it was RIGHT BEFORE my next turn - annoying...
      But I do still enjoy the game, even though it was the game in which I had my worst gaming experience with (but I haven't played it since - since I stopped going to Game Nights a little after that incident, which happened this past February).

  • @JJ_TheGreat
    @JJ_TheGreat Рік тому +1

    18:32 Totally with you! I am meh on pure deck-building, too. To me, it has to be deck-building with a board.

  • @bushibayushi
    @bushibayushi Рік тому +2

    Loved the discussion ;)

  • @chloebackshall4588
    @chloebackshall4588 Рік тому +1

    I've just borrowed seasons from my sister and we are enjoying it still atm, but we still need to add the next cards in and have an expansion so I think we have a few bits to explore.
    We also enjoy lords of xidit but don't pick it that often to play.
    Quacks of quedlinberg is the game that isn't being picked from our shelf but I've bought the witches expansion for Christmas so hopefully will make us want to play it more often again.

    • @AllYouCanBoard
      @AllYouCanBoard  Рік тому +1

      I could actually see Quacks being a common game for people to cool on over time. I still really enjoy it, but I can also recognize that over time, and as new games comes out, it may eventually just stop hitting the table for me as well.

  • @VinegarAndSaltedFries
    @VinegarAndSaltedFries Рік тому +1

    I know for my personally whenever I’ve purchased a Board Game App or start playing one online I always grow to dislike the game because I’ve just played so much of it and the digital implementation helps fast track my brain into efficiency without all the fun distractions in front of me while actually fiddling with the board.The only one that hasn’t happened with for me is Ticket To Ride. Kinda an interesting thing to think about. I for sure am no longer playing online.

  • @Astrophage1978
    @Astrophage1978 Рік тому +1

    I agree with Dominion. There are so many other deckbuilders that have come out since that improve on the formula. However, I still think Dominion is good, but I just don't want to sit at the table and go through a game of it. The app (which I believe is still in Beta) is amazing. It gives you the full Dominion experience, in about 10 minutes. And the AI is really good as well. Highly recommend looking at the app when it comes out.

  • @IndianaGeologist
    @IndianaGeologist Рік тому +1

    I love this series, but like many others have said, I think online plays is a cautionary tale. Not to say we shouldn't play board games online, but rather it's easier to binge on a game because of less overhead.

  • @TheHallbjorn
    @TheHallbjorn Рік тому +1

    Not only is Dominion a rather unthematic experience, my biggest issue with it is that players have ZERO investment in the other players' combos unless they are forced to react--the feeling at the table is impatient disinterest since you can't quite tell what actions the other players are chaining together and you are really just wanting them to hurry up so you can go ahead and play your own hand. There are plenty of hybrid deck-builders now but I think a pure one that always engages better than Dominion is Star Realms.

  • @BoardAllTheTime
    @BoardAllTheTime Рік тому +1

    Roll Player is one that I enjoyed a lot for a long time but recently has just become a generic dice placement game to me. And considering that the MOST generic dice placement, Kingsburg, is one that routinely excites me and I always love, it was a big shock. I ended up culling my big box version of it because I just never wanted to pull it out anymore.
    Anachrony is on the short list to go too - it's a great game but one that is brutal to relearn/teach, is a bear to get out and set up, and is way too much of all of that for the solo mode. It's a great game that I never want to play anymore.

  • @tyleryoung3158
    @tyleryoung3158 Рік тому +1

    Carlo, I'm struck by your list, because I feel like I tend to have similar preferences to you, and some of your games mentioned here are either ones that I myself cooled on (Seasons) or ones I am considering culling myself (7 Wonders: Duel and Teotihuacan). Perhaps I'll have to sell them!

  • @middleclassjoe
    @middleclassjoe Рік тому +1

    Seeing Nidavellir on your list breaks my heart. 😂
    Great list.

    • @AllYouCanBoard
      @AllYouCanBoard  Рік тому

      Haha sorry! I see the appeal and don't fault anyone for liking it. It just doesn't really land with me the same way anymore.

    • @middleclassjoe
      @middleclassjoe Рік тому

      @@AllYouCanBoard Haha! No worries. Games aren’t going to hit us all the same way and that’s totally cool. Good thing we have a lot of choices out there.
      However, I do think the new Idavoll expansion makes some very cool additions to the game. More so than even Thingavellir.

  • @tonycork2pa469
    @tonycork2pa469 Рік тому +1

    As I age, I have less energy which seems to contribute to a general "cooling" or trending away from all elaborate rules heavy games (although I was never much of a Feld or Rosenberg fan - I'm more into the Knizia, Schacht and Colovini orbit). One game I've gone cool on is "Tigris & Euphrates", perhaps because it can be too brain burning. I would rather play a series of fillers or lighter versions of heavier originals - e.g. Mercado de Lisboa and Terra Nova come to mind, in lieu of Lisboa and Terra Mystica.
    6 Nimmt - I've over played this on BGA and feel it takes from enjoyment of playing with the actual deck (also, BGA has shown me how bad I am at this "luck heavy" game).
    I'm curious to hear Dylann's #1 game that cooled and "re-heated".
    Nidavellir - I feel the high points totals and winning margin is a mirage - one could simply put a decimal point before the last digit to tighten things up - then, a 30 pts lead is only 3 :)

  • @johnpanagos5835
    @johnpanagos5835 Рік тому +1

    Seasons is amazing. Love, love, love it!

  • @simplybs9311
    @simplybs9311 Рік тому +1

    I fully agree with your opinion of Winter Kingdom, it adds too much complexity to a game that I believe in my opinion wasnt needed. My question to you is do you think if winter kingdom was the initial game would your opinion have changed?

    • @AllYouCanBoard
      @AllYouCanBoard  Рік тому

      That's a GREAT question. I honestly don't know but if I had never played Kingdom Builder and Winter Kingdom was my first experience, especially early on in my board gaming career, I feel like I may have been more enthralled with it. But I still don't think it would have had the lasting power that Kingdom Builder has had for me due to the added complexity.

  • @ryanbrink9604
    @ryanbrink9604 Рік тому +2

    Just curious, what are your current top 10/15 two player games? I still love 7 Wonders Duel, but what do you think is better that’s out there?

    • @AllYouCanBoard
      @AllYouCanBoard  Рік тому +1

      Hey Ryan! We did a 2-player games video previously but we may have an update in the works, coming soon! So keep an eye out on the channel and you'll likely have that question answered sooner, rather than later!

  • @suzanne202
    @suzanne202 Рік тому

    We really love 7 Wonders Duel. Just got it recently. We really like Splendor Duel too. Does anyone think we would like Targi??

    • @AllYouCanBoard
      @AllYouCanBoard  Рік тому +1

      Targi did not land for Carlo and I but many people love it! So it's probably worth a try for you to see if you like it. It's on Board Game Arena if you want a free way to try it out!

  • @amchasteenable
    @amchasteenable Рік тому +1

    I’m afraid that playing games in BGA would make me get sick of games. Playing repeatedly with people who are really competitive, I would either get frustrated losing or get bored realizing the repetitious strategy for winning. Eventually the rhythm of a games gets solved and the natural discovery of playing the physical copy turns stale. Maybe I am over exaggerating though.

    • @AllYouCanBoard
      @AllYouCanBoard  Рік тому

      It depends on the game and the person. I personally haven't cooled on any games specifically because of overplaying them. In fact, the games I've played the most of on BGA, for instance, are ones that I actually realize I like more now than I did before lol.

  • @gozzywozzy485
    @gozzywozzy485 Рік тому +3

    Deck building I agree with - in our household we've noticed it has to have a random market to stay "fresh". Fixed market gets stale quickly. So games like Clank!, DC DBG, etc will always get more love from us over games like Aeon's End & Dominion (even though, strangely, the concensus among the wider community is quite the opposite!)

    • @AllYouCanBoard
      @AllYouCanBoard  Рік тому +2

      Yeah it really comes down to playstyles and tastes! I don't fault anyone for preferring the style of dominion over the random market, I can see the appeal of both. But for me, the random market is definitely more fun to engage with.

    • @revimfadli4666
      @revimfadli4666 Рік тому +1

      Tbf it's the execution of most random market deckbuilders that give players less agency. Contrast with Dale of Merchants, Volfyirion, and Copycat

  • @nikolamanojlovicci
    @nikolamanojlovicci Рік тому +30

    I think you need to stop playing board games online, these digital plays seem to be ruining great games for you. Besides, board games are meant to be played on a table and not a computer.

    • @ringostarr7080
      @ringostarr7080 Рік тому +1

      That's it. I practiced Russian Railroads and first class online for a Tournament and now I'm done with the games.
      Fortunately there is German Railroads.
      I stopped playing online now for about one year and I enjoy the games in my shelf.

    • @JJ_TheGreat
      @JJ_TheGreat Рік тому +1

      I just cannot get myself to play games online. The whole joy of playing board games to me (rather than video games, for example) is to turn the clock back to a time before electronics - where we can socialize as a group.

    • @ClaeFace
      @ClaeFace Рік тому +3

      I love being able to get games to the table more than anything. Unfortunately it’s just so difficult to do, and the ease and convenience of BGA and Tabletop Sim can’t be understated.
      If I couldn’t play these games online, there’s a good chance I might never get to play them at all

  • @remingtonseitz3440
    @remingtonseitz3440 Рік тому +1

    That’s funny you came got that conclusion regarding T’zolkin vs teotihuacan because my buddy and I had the reverse conclusion with almost the same points, to the point We’re fine never playing T’zolkin again.
    Everdell is one that I’ve really cooled on, I wish I was more interested in it, but I feel like I’ve seen all Is there is to see out of the base game in six plays or so

    • @deanlowdon8381
      @deanlowdon8381 Рік тому +1

      As we virtually only ever play games 2-player we’ve also found that Teotihuacan has lasted much better than T’zolkin. In a 2-player game by far the best tactic was to just concentrate on trying to win the temple tracks.

    • @AllYouCanBoard
      @AllYouCanBoard  Рік тому

      Yeah I mean they're both good games and it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that someone would prefer Teotihuacan between them!

    • @deanlowdon8381
      @deanlowdon8381 Рік тому +1

      @@AllYouCanBoard I think we’d have stuck with T’Zolkin longer if we had more than 2 players, but at that player count by far the easiest way to score points was just to collect and place skulls to move up the temple tracks. The effort of collecting resources for the point scoring buildings never seemed to pay off.

  • @JJ_TheGreat
    @JJ_TheGreat Рік тому +1

    39:44 Now, How would you compare Tuscany to CoB: TCG (The Card Game)?
    I do not like the card game - it doesn't do anything for me... For example, it takes up pretty much the same amount of space as the board game - and I find the board game better in every way - to the point where I would just much rather play the board game EVERY TIME, in comparison to the card game.
    So if I want a different experience, I would play the dice game - or maybe I would play Tuscany.

    • @AllYouCanBoard
      @AllYouCanBoard  Рік тому

      I've only played the CoB card game a couple times and my thoughts were similar. I mostly just asked myself why I wasn't playing the full version haha.

  • @unlimitedrabbit
    @unlimitedrabbit Рік тому +1

    No Thanks! because it's not so much a game that you play with a few people as it is a number themed cardboard event that takes place on a table where you and a few people happen to be sitting. There's so much luck involved that there's only so far that experience and skill can take you.

  • @JSCards1
    @JSCards1 Рік тому

    Where is the full mutant genesis review!!!

  • @lovetownsend
    @lovetownsend Рік тому +1

    I bought the Dark Souls card game and was so disappointed in the art. They have breathtaking art in Dark Souls games and yet they had super dark, blurry art on cards. Ruined whole game for me, even though mechanics awesome

  • @deanlowdon8381
    @deanlowdon8381 Рік тому +1

    7 Wonders Duel really needs the Pantheon expansion to keep it fresh as it makes it less predictable. Also, it’s never really a good idea to set out for a science or military victory, play for points and only look for those should you notice an opportunity during the game.

    • @shortydancer
      @shortydancer Рік тому +1

      I disagree on the expansion. We’ve played over 50 times and it’s still great. The base game is fun enough. Its quick whereas the expansion adds downtime.

    • @deanlowdon8381
      @deanlowdon8381 Рік тому

      @@shortydancer It doesn’t really add a huge amount of time, but importantly it provides new ways to break the pattern of whose turn it is. Without it we had games where defeat was almost unavoidable because of how the cards would come out, especially if one player was unlucky with the selection of Wonders at the beginning and gets only one (or even no) wonders that give an extra turn.

    • @AllYouCanBoard
      @AllYouCanBoard  Рік тому

      I actually love playing with Pantheon, Agora or base game still. I haven't really felt like any of those options has been the "way to go" for me, I just switch between all the setups and still enjoy them all!

    • @deanlowdon8381
      @deanlowdon8381 Рік тому

      @@AllYouCanBoard We always just play with both expansions these days. The extra options help mitigate the luck of which cards turn over for you.

  • @kigerspirit
    @kigerspirit Рік тому +1

    100% agree with 7 Wonders Duel. I absolutely do not see how this game has the rating it does.

    • @deanlowdon8381
      @deanlowdon8381 Рік тому +1

      Well, it’s one of our favourite 2 player games (once you add the Pantheon expansion)…

  • @deanlowdon8381
    @deanlowdon8381 Рік тому +2

    Seems like you’ve cooled on many of these games simply because you’ve played the digital versions too much…

    • @AllYouCanBoard
      @AllYouCanBoard  Рік тому +1

      I wouldn't say that, out of the 5 games I covered, I've only played Nidavellir online and I've still played the physical version more than the online version. I played the web version of Dominion a couple times too, but have played the physical version probably at least a dozen more times. - Dylann

    • @deanlowdon8381
      @deanlowdon8381 Рік тому +1

      @@AllYouCanBoard It was more Carlo I was referring to. He mentioned playing a few of his games a lot online, which seems to have made him lose interest in them.

  • @scottmcfarlane7524
    @scottmcfarlane7524 Рік тому +1

    marvel champions lol

  • @longchampe
    @longchampe Рік тому +2

    7 Wonders Duel is so incredibly overrated.

  • @paulhamrick3943
    @paulhamrick3943 Рік тому +1

    You guys, your Dominion discussion was weak AF. First of all, you MTG as though it’s a “deck builder”. Games where you construct a deck before you play are called deck construction games. Secondly, Dylan didn’t specify which Dominion expansions he’s played. Have you played Intrigue, Seaside, and Prosperity?

    • @AllYouCanBoard
      @AllYouCanBoard  Рік тому +2

      Hey Paul, let's turn it down a few notches, lol. We don't have to agree on Dominion or any game, I think disagreeing and having different opinions and being able to discuss it constructively is part of the fun of hobbies in the first place!
      Carlo still really likes Dominion, it was just me that has cooled on it. And absolutely, MTG and Marvel Champions and other games I've played are deck construction and not deck-building but they can often scratch that itch for me in some ways. Which is the reason I brought it up, but maybe didn't articulate that well enough. Regardless, I stand by my feelings on Dominion and just gravitating more to other deck-builders that have a board or something else going on along with the deck-building. But that's just me! There are plenty of people who still love Dominion and buy all the new expansions and continue to explore that world, which is awesome. I'm sure it's the same with me and Marvel Champions. Carlo, for instance, isn't really drawn to MC at all.
      As for expansions, I've played with Intrigue and Prosperity and once or twice with Seaside and one other that is escaping me. But Intrigue is the one I played the most with.
      Thanks for the comment and watching the video!

    • @paulhamrick3943
      @paulhamrick3943 Рік тому +1

      @@AllYouCanBoard hahaha dude I’m just giving you $#!%