COMIC STRIP PRESENTS - A Fistful Of Traveller's Cheques (Hotel Bastardos)



  • @JoeRivermanSongwriter
    @JoeRivermanSongwriter 12 років тому +12

    My favourite Comic Strip bar none.

  • @oxygene65
    @oxygene65 12 років тому +6

    my second favourite comic strip after Mr Jolly Lives Next Door. Thanks for posting, its nice that there are some comic strip vids on youtube that channel 4 havent managed to remove so they can put it on 4OD. I used to be a matador, but I lost my drivers license, so now I work up abbatoir up the road. LOVE the soundtrack to this ep, wish they'd release it.

  • @fatbastid2
    @fatbastid2 11 років тому +2

    this is gold!, can't believe its thirty years old.

  • @paulfiggis5887
    @paulfiggis5887 11 років тому

    Priceless humour.

  • @paulgolder
    @paulgolder 11 років тому

    which town/bar is it?

  • @mart773
    @mart773 12 років тому

    what does the moustached fellow say or what is his name as Mayall and Richardson beat a hasty retreat!