Look at this on eBay www.ebay.com/itm/97-03-Ford-F150-Nitro-Drop-2-Front-Shocks-for-3-to-5-Drop-Pair-/392348951432?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0
Me and the kid drop the rear. We did it cause we saw your channel. So appreciateit. Now time to do front. So basically we just need drop springs and front drop shocks and camber bolts?? Lowering trucks here in Alief 🤘
You think I can put a flip kit on with one leaf in the rear? I have two inch shackles with a mono leaf and I’m gonna do what you did with the blocks and I have a notch.
If your snapping studs all the time you should.invest in a tourqe wrench. Yiur are way over tightening the studs.
Looking better and better bro 👍👍
Yeah man thanks little by little...
Where did you get the shocks from
I got them from Ebay, ill send you a link
Look at this on eBay
Me and the kid drop the rear. We did it cause we saw your channel. So appreciateit. Now time to do front. So basically we just need drop springs and front drop shocks and camber bolts?? Lowering trucks here in Alief 🤘
Yes sir that's all you need, glad I can help you out.
You think I can put a flip kit on with one leaf in the rear? I have two inch shackles with a mono leaf and I’m gonna do what you did with the blocks and I have a notch.
I'm sure you can but it's going to bottom out really bad.
What is the total drop u did on truck front and rear
I have 3 inches on the front and 8 in the back I used to have 10 in the back but it was hitting the c notch