Hey everyone! I just want to be super clear about something towards the end of the video - it's not that spinach, potatoes and beans should be avoided by all individuals at all times (or that they're unhealthy). The issue is that once someone has a kidney stone, the likelihood of them developing another stone within the next few years is EXTREMELY high. It's these individuals that will need to make the most drastic dietary changes. For most everyone else, diets high in citrate and that include a significant water intake are usually seen to be a best practice. As always though, consult your doctor and find the best path forward for you. Thanks!
There's 3 different kind of stones. Calcium Oxalate being the hardest to treat as they are stronger than diamonds. Many Doctors recommend hydration & a low oxalate diet. Also suggested is to consume calcium foods along with foods containing oxalates as it might prevent stones. I say "suggest" however there is research to back it up.
One of the things that gave me so much pain during my kidneystones were also the pressure of urine sitting in the kidney while the stone was passing... my kidney was swollen and SO painful!!! So it’s not only the stone squeezing through a narrow tube!!
Don't drink a lot of sugar drinks. I know a lot of people who are prone to them & doctors have told all of them it's because they drink too much sweet tea (we're southern)
Drink lemonade or other citrus drinks every day. The most common stones caused by diet and lifestyle are composed of calcium oxalate which doesnt dissolve in water but can dissolve in citrate. You can also avoid foods high in oxalate and make an attempt to stay hydrated to prevent calcium oxalate from accumulating. Other stones are generally genetic or occur alongside conditions such as gout
@@litchtheshinigami8936 Regular water keeps you hydrated which is good for preventing formation of stones, but the material they're made from won't dissolve in water. They will eventually dissolve in citrate so including that in your diet should be even more beneficial
I passed a kidney stone when I was 9 months pregnant. The pain was so bad I thought I was in labor and went to the hospital. Luckily it passed and they sent me home. 5 days later I delivered my son and I can say indefinitely the kidney stone pain was much worse.
i also had a kidney stone when I was 9 months pregnant and on top of that I had bronchitis and a UTI. I had these coughing spells then I felt like someone took a knife and stabbed me in my right flank. It took my breath away. It was very painful. I thought I hurt my back from coughing. I saw my dr the next day and he told me i have a kidney stone and i told him no i don't but i did. My son was born a week later healthy(i also had oligohydramnios, low amniotic fluid)a little crinkled up and my placenta looked like beef jerky, but no problems, thank God. The pain of the kidney stone was worse than the birth, but not the 1st kid, that one was worse!
That’s wild! I passed an 8mm stone at 6 months pregnant and the pain of childbirth was way worse for me!! Kidney stone was just really uncomfortable and annoying that it took 2 weeks to pass.
@Douglas Hanlon Hard to avoid any cognitive biases but it seems like inherent optimism bias and terror management theory will always help regardless of ideologies such as antinatalism based on consent and efilism.
I had a teacher who had kidney stones. Occasionally they'd hurt him during class and he'd lean on his desk, head down, teeth clenched and say: "Kids, drink your water! Please, drink your water!!"
@Legendary Ra LOL!! The fact is it is true. He was my standard 9 (that's grade/year 11) Afrikaans teacher while I was at school in South Africa... way back in the early 90s.
I had a kidney stone in 2019. As a man, I am extremely reluctant to complain about pain, but I ended up in the ER, and after the nurses waited around for a while, I broke down and started SHOUTING from the room in which they had left me, all the way out to the nurses' station/waiting room "Help! Help! Help!" I almost couldn't form multi-word sentences. All social restraint was gone. The nurse said my eyes were rolling around in my head and she thought I was going to pass out at any moment, so THEN they took me seriously, and my 1.3 cm stone was removed surgically, thank God.
The feeling of relief when it passes is incredible. I was nauseous, and doubled over in pain with a stone for hours. When it moved on, the pain and nausea disappeared in minutes. The euphoria of going from one exteme to another cannot be decribed !!!
@@alankirkby465 I didnt quite understand that completely. Literally small stones fall while you pee? Like if you were to look at your pee closely you would see stones? And those you see in your pee are as big as the ones shown or they are just little fragments?
I had kidney stones twice with my last pregnancy. They were too big to pass and blocked my ureter so nothing could pass to my bladder. Had to have it surgery to remove when I was 6 Mos pg then at 36 weeks the same thing happened so I was induced and had baby so I could have surgery again. That was 20 years ago. Have only had big stones twice since. Surgery both times for those also.
Ive had kindey stones multiple times, I remember the first time, it was 8 years ago, I was 12. Me and my parents were watching a movie at night thats when I first started feeling a kind of unexplainable pain, I thought it was my back but it wasnt, I hid the pain away until the morning. I woke up in the biggest pain I will ever experience. I threw up 17 times that day because of the pain. After throwing up 12 times, the last 5 times were just blood because I didnt have anything else to throw up. We were of course at the hospital for a few days and I going to the cafeteria with my mom. I saw a kid at my age that had cancer. That child died a few days later... I will never forget the pain of the kidney stones, but at the same time... I will never ever explain how thankful I was to have ONLY kidney stones...
To me the pain wasn't the worst part, it was that bad, it's just pain, and you also get morphine. the worst part was the aftermath of the surgery, I had one of those tubes from the kidney to the bladder, and it made me feel like I had to pee all the time, I had to put myself on a schedule, and only allow myself to go to the bathroom once every hour, else I would have lived in there. Walking made it worse and going to pick up food sometimes had me doubled over. I'm really happy I still had some morphine left.
Yes it is the only pain in my life I've ever experienced that would actually make you nauseous because it hurts so much... I feel bad for you being so young when you had it I was in my mid-20s when I had my first one and I have an extremely high tolerance for pain... It's the only pain in my life that actually had me curl up like I was a child in the fetal position on the ground
Yup I heavily feel you, because of this it just taught me to come to terms with death. Traumatizing as well if even a little pain strikes somewhere in my body I sometimes break down.
@@China-wh5td exactly! I was in horrible pain but also at peace. Super weird, I wasn’t scared or anything. I also get so nervous when I get pain back there because I’m like oh nooooo not again lol but it only happened once.
The first time I had kidney stones I didn't know what was happening to me. I thought I was going to die because there was strong pain with no apparent reason. That scared me to my core. The second time that happened (a year or so later) I already knew what the feeling was with kidney stones so I was able to drive myself to the ER and explain to the doctors what was going on. The second time was much easier but still painful.
Yep. First time, i truly thought I was dying....and hoped I would, honestly. I was 18 and my mom figured it out on the way to the e.r.(she experienced them, too). Worst 2 days of my life until the 2nd bout with them. Godawful stuff.
Same thing here I had just finished high school at 17 I just woke up one day and barely could’ve walked, then it was the fever then it was the drinking water and literally peeing a minute later the the worst part the pain. I literally thought I was dying and tbh I didn’t mind if I did with this. Took a while before I found out what it was because they missed it the first time. I think the only good thing that came out of that was coming to terms with death.
Ive had about 12 kidney stones. If you want to know what they feel like, imagine you go to the bathroom and then suddenly feel a very sharp pain in your upper back that slowly ramps up overtime, and as it ramps up it begins radiating to your stomach and lowerback. Then about 5 minutes in, the pain reaches its peak and stays there for the next 12 - 36 hrs usually. You cant escape it with any twist or turn, standing or laying down. After awhile you'll just start throwing up and then you'll be so weak from doing that you kinda just pass out hoping that by the time you wake up its gone. It never is. So you repeat the process over and over again. You probably forget to eat because youre too busy "managing" the pain or youre just afraid youll throw it all up anyways. Oh and any pain medication that isnt administered through IV is useless for the same reason, as you can rarely even keep water down. (these are the stones that dont need medical intervention btw. the ones that do usually get stuck or pass much slower and can take multiple days to even a week of that pain level to pass.)
My grandpa had kidney stones a few months ago. He is 86 years old and he is a colonel of the air force, i’ve never seen him asking for help, in pain or complaining. As far as i can remember under all circumstances he preserved a strong posture and never asked for help. When he got kidney stones it was the first time that he desperately called for help during the night and my grandma said that he wept in the hospital, and she said it was the first time of that happening. Stay safe friends
@@beaulieuc8910 yeah same for me big tough old former London Police Sergeant ..I was crying in pain and screaming for hours like a child, at a certain point 99.999% of us are only human we eventually break.
this morning i passed my first kidney stone. i would listen to people tell me how bad they hurt in the past, so i had an idea in my head of what i thought it would be like if it ever happened to me. let me tell you, I HAD NO IDEA!! it was literally the most painful thing i have ever felt in my life. the pain was so intense that i began to sweat and vomit. i was crawling on my bathroom floor, thought i was honestly dying. i was in that condition for a little over 4 hours until it finally passed. i pray i never have to go through that again.
Happen to me. Did not drink any water for 24 hours due to overwhelmingly busy. The next day, felt like my stomach about to explode. I think im gonna die. Manage to drive to hospital and get the pain killer, after checking, it was kidney stone. Xray said 15mm. CAT scan, its 5mm. It was intense. Need to hydrate and drink water daily..
A long time ago when I was dealing with a huge kidney stone and didn't know it, my ex husband yelled at me as I am on the verge of feeling like death, 'it's because you don't take care of yourself!". I look back at that and think, man he really was an awful human being. Can you imagine someone saying that to you as you are in so much pain from a ks?
I had a kidney stone a few years ago, thought I was literally dying. I thought at first it was a massive painful shit, but after I realized I couldn't crap, I collapsed on the bathroom floor in pain. I then told my job at the time that I had to leave. On my way back home I stopped at about ten restrooms thinking I had massive poop pains but yet nothing helped and it felt like my intestines were melting. I then went back home and after an hour of severe pain I called a friend to drive me to a hospital as I thought I was about to die. I then was puking while in the emergency room from the pain and then after a couple of hours I pissed it out and almost immediately the pain went away. Ive had blood clots, and had them slice into my leg without any painkillers or being asleep for them to pump in anticoagulant into my veins and pushing the tube up my deep veins in my leg (because of the severity of my condition they had to operate on me without putting me to sleep and with no painkillers, because it would have lowered my heart rate too much). Anyways, the kidney stone hurt worse then them slicing into my veins and shoving shit up them. But the worst pain was afterwards when I got a 20k medical bill for them doing nothing and just pissing out the kidney stone for being in the emergency room for three hours, yay America!
I'm glad I live in Canada. I passed kidney stones once a month for a year and a half and had to go in twice to get then removed by laser because they were too big to pass. All hospital visits, all tests, all operations, didn't cost me a penny. They found out I was getting stones because I had a parathyroid tumor. So back into the hospital for another operation. Again not costing me a penny. I've been kidney stone free for over 5 years now. =)
When you live in murica and do not buy medical insurance... 200IQ move there mate. Even the most basic coverage could have prevented any liquidation of your assets. If you don't want to buy insurance consider moving to canada or europe
I had a cat scan done, and it showed one passing, and a few more sitting in my kidney. Once the morphine kicked in, I was good. Kidney infection on top of stones were not good. 😩
Let me give you a tip! I dealt with a kidney stone in September of 2022 and it was the worst pain I ever experienced. Not because it’s unbearable, but because it’s never ending. It’s a constant flow of horrible pain. During the first night of dealing with the stone I suffered greatly. I couldn’t sleep or even sit still without the horrible pain making me worried that I may be possibly dying. I would easy get dizzy and light headed because of how extreme the pain is. Overtime I found a home remedy. Whenever the pain would come back and I could tolerate it no longer, I would step into the shower for about 20 minutes and let the hot water just hit my kidney. By that time my kidney would start numbing and I would no longer feel the pain. When I was good, I would go lay down and try to sleep. When the pain came back and I would wake up in the middle of the night, I would do the same thing. Shower, numb, sleep. Keep doing this over and over and trust me, it will make your experience a lot easier!
How about using a heating pad instead of a shower. Will that help? I can't imagine waking up my family to have constant showers at all hours of the night.
Folks, i tried all these, ithelped if even, only for a lil time. I was in emergrncy room twice a week, and there was no doc to make a stone removal, covid times. After a year and half of extreme suffering, i arranged a private clinic, payed 1000 e, but they fixed me in 4 hours. Of coure, jj stent, and cystoscopic removal followed.
@@noturningbackever493 nothing works until the stone is removed/gone. had cancer at 48 and had a lot of problems relating to the radiation treatment/damage. When I was 65 had the 1st stone - woke up in the middle of the night - I just thought it was another problem relating to radiation. Finally hubby made me get up & took me to nearby clinic. After the nurse took vitals the doctor RAN into the room. Asked which local hospital I preferred - told him & he said go NOW. It was an election day so I told him I'll vote & then go to the hospital. He said NO - YOU GO NOW. At ER vitals were again taken & I was immediately hooked up to an IV with morphine. Turns out I had sepsis - 2 days ICU and a week in the hospital. This was the beginning of a 5 year battle with stones. After 9 lithotripsies (sonic wave treatment to break up stones) had to have the left kidney removed.
When my cousin was 8 months pregnant, she thought she was going into early labor, but it turned out her excruciating pain was from kidney stones. When she gave birth 3 weeks after passing her stones, we all asked her what was more painful, natural childbirth, or kidney stones, (since she experienced both so close to eachother) and she said hands down, kidney stones are worse!
When I told the ER doctors I didn't need pain medication and he slammed that script in my hand and literally begged me to take it I knew it wasn't going to be fun. I have never felt pain like that in my entire life. Good thing he made me take the pills. I thought I was going to die.
got up one morning to go work out and it dropped me to my knees. some how drove myself to the ER. They gave me morphine after I was admitted and it did not do shit! They give that to people that have been shot!
@@richardreinhard8864 I had to walk to the Er after almost passing out in pain, that thing is not a joke, I had another one last weak, after I realized what it was I went straight to the hospital, thankfully both times it was a great and free treatment.
@@richardreinhard8864 Hear hear! Same thing happened to me. 10 minutes after they gave me the shot of morphine I asked them when they were going to give me my pain shot. They said we already did. Obviously it didn't do shit. When I was on the X-Ray table the doc injected me with hypaque (a contrast dye.) He said you might feel a little nauseous from it and I puked all over him before he finished the shot! My pain stopped instantly and he told me I must have passed the stone. Little did he nor I know that I would be nursing that stone for 30 more days!
@@richardreinhard8864 once it's at peak pain level theres hardly anything they can do. I'm sure it's better than nothing though. I was in the hospital for days over one that was stuck. I passed it eventually when it began moving and they released me. I've also passed others at home with just slight kidney pain.
They asked me in the hospital how I rated the pain; I said, it started around a 7, jammed up to 11, then dropped to between 2 and .5 after I vomited before creeping up again. At the time it was between 5 and 6, but then all of a sudden someone jammed a blunted pencil right through my lower back and we hit 12. I didn't know my personal pain scale went quite that high, and I'd sooner not have found out. And that was a medium 4mm stone.
@@markhughes2611 Absolutely hilarious. It's like you're in training: "At the start, 5mm took me down. Now 7mm, and I calmly say, 'Bring it!'" Fabulous! I've had them too, and the way you write about them is spot on.
Keen to know how it went? Which removal method did they do? How did you know you had a stone? I've had 2x surgeries in 2x years . 1st one was a 1 inch big stone. Never knew I had it until an ultrasound looking for the cause of other pain. Roll on 18 months, I went for a routine CT scan and found 2x more. Didn't know I had them either. Guess I got lucky, the most painful part for me is the afterpain from surgery. Having a stent installed for a week, and then getting that removed.
I had a massive kidney stone a few years ago, ended up having to have two surgeries to get rid of it. I felt like someone had dug their dull fingers into my body and they were slowly tearing me in half. I was surprised at the amount of mental anguish too; there was just no escape from the pain. It never diminished and nothing could ease it. It got to the point where everything around me faded and only my pain existed, it was almost like my mind so badly wanted to be unconscious but the pain wouldn't allow it.
Oh my gosh, that sounds terrible! I had liver & kidney failure about 14 years ago & it was one of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced! My whole body felt like i had been lit on fire & I was burning alive. I couldn’t see & I could only hear muffled, like I was underwater & the only thing I heard was someone screaming from a distance & eventually I finally realized it was me, I was screaming. The whole experience is surreal & while I don’t think about a lot, I still remember the pain very vividly. What’s funny tho, is I had just finished reading the last Twilight book (I kno, I kno, it’s kinda cheesy, but we ALL have our guilty pleasures, lol!) & there’s a section where the main character is turning into a vampire & the author describes it as her feeling like she’s burning alive, like lava inside her, & the transformation typically took 2 1/2 - 3 days. Well, when I was going thru this, my mind wasn’t all there (I’d also had respiratory failure/lack of oxygen) & I remember thinking, “oh my god, a vampire bit me & now I’m gonna have to go thru this agony for 3 days!!!” I can laugh about it now, but my fucked up brain at that moment was really freaked out about it 😂
This definitely hurts more than childbirth. 100% it’s the worst thing a human can go through aside from purposeful torture. The sweat, the loss of limb control, the vomiting, the loss of bladder and bowl control…never have I thought I was dying the way I did that day. I’ve also passed a premature pregnancy and it was painful too, throwing up, shaking, shitting, bleeding, but nothing compared to the kidney stone. Ibuprofen worked for passing the fetus but I wouldn’t stop involuntarily shaking until they gave me morphine to the vein for the kidney. I thought my spine had somehow broken and I was genuinely afraid I wouldn’t be able to walk again. My husband and I have both had them so thankfully someone near me understood.
I said this before and will say it again a women who says childbirth is worse than a kidney stone is a liar or never had children. I have had amputations and surgical reattachments that literally take years to heal enough you don't feel constant pain and still it was nothing to having a 2cm kidneystone. Im.sure I have had worse but that was the first time they could tell me the size and they also.found blood.in my urine.
My dad has passed two kidney stones and holy shit seeing my extremely tough mexican dad scream out in painful crys still is the scariest thing i've ever witnessed.
I must say, I know for a fact that my right kidney is bigger than my left one. Because my left kidney is gone! Lol! Donated it to my Mom in Oct.99’! Sign your drivers license people. Gave my Mom another 14 years off the dialysis machines. Wouldn’t change a thing. Great show.
Bless his heart! My adult son was plagued with them for several years, and they finally seemed to have let up, at least for the past few years. Docs say his kidneys are full of them.😳 The only time I ever saw my dad cry other than the deaths of my grandparents was when he had a kidney stone. I can’t imagine the pain, but women who’ve had them swear they’d rather have a baby! Yikes!
I died and having a kidney stone is worse. Joking aside, sympathies to all of you who went through this. I'm here to learn and avoid this at all costs.
Can it even be avoided? Im thinking of going to a doctor and asking for some pills or whatever as a prevention. Even if i have like 1 molecule of stone i wanna expell it while it's only 1 molecule.
@@prezlamen7906 They can't be avoided entirely, but you can change your diet to bring the risk down. My doctor said less sugary stuff and limit alcohol and drink a lot of water.
When I was 16 I was diagnosed with infantile ureters. This meant the tube from my kidneys to my bladder did not grow. They remained very small. This caused my body to retain waste. This caused a build up of scar tissue and kidney stones. I was really sick. My urologist said they would have removed this kidney but the other kidney was damaged as well. Both kidneys weren’t working as well as one normal person’s kidney. I had numerous surgeries to correct the problem and remove kidney stones. After the first surgery my doctor presented me with a specimen cup with about twenty stones.
My kidney stone was, according to the doctor, just 1,5 milimeters in diameter. But I was still shaking in pain. Drenched in sweat, screaming and vomiting at the same time while a nurse was shooting pain killers into my lower back. Peeing blood, vomiting any water I drank, so an IV had to be put in. Limping on the left leg because of the stone after the worst had passed and then about 2 weeks of constant pain suppressed by chewing pain killers. Without a doubt the most all encompassing horrific pain I have ever experienced to this day. And yes.. 1,5 milimeters diameter was all it took for me..
I have one of 3 mm and I don't feel anything. The surprising thing is I'm in stage 4 of chronic kidney disease, so my kidneys are monitored very closely. I supose is accurate to say pain is subjective and I'm lucky where the stone is located 🤷♀️
Bro i went through the same exact thing a week ago.. it was the worse pain ever and to top it ,it was 12mm. Truly wish that you won't experience it again !
My son had kidney stones when he was 4 due to long term meds and he is actually paralysed from the waist down due to a health Condition. And for the first time ever i was actually greatful for the fact that he is paralysed when we found out he had them. I can't imagine seeing my 4 year old on agony because of them. I never thought I would be greatful for paralysis!
@@donzmilky5961 unfortunately that is out of my control. Without the meds he will pass away eventually. So that's not something I could have prevented.
@@donzmilky5961 also he isn't on a ' ton' of meds. Just one dose a day. But because he's had to be given the meds since he was a baby it unfortunately caused the stones.
@@unknownuser4816 he is the happiest boy I know. Im so thankful 😊 he just army crawls around the house and doesn't care less about his legs not working. He amazes me!
Had extreme pain in my right abdomen and diagnosed with a 1.6 cm stone. The first procedure installed a stent and the next procedure will use a laser to break up the stone. I'm looking forward to getting back to normal. Plan to drink a lot more water and modify my diet to prevent forming more stones in the future. This video was very informative!
I've had an 8mm kidney stone about 3 years ago, and it was hands down the most painful experience of my entire life. Take every broken bone, every dental treatment without local anaesthetics, every headache and stomachache combined, multiply them by 10 and you're not even close. I woke up in the middle of the night and literally screamed with pain. Called myself a taxi, crawled outside on the street, waited what felt like an eternity for the taxi to arrive, then told him to get me to the nearest hospital as fast as he can. There, I limped to the reception in slow motion, tried to tell the lady what my problem is but could barely form a sentence through all the pain. Luckily though, she guessed what happened and declared an emergency, so I "just" had to wait for about 10 minutes (it felt like 8 hours, honestly). After I squirmed with pain and almost passed out, a doctor came and finally gave me some really strong pain meds. Trust me, I don't even want this to happen to my worst enemy!
You lucky bastard. Mine was also in the middle of the night, so I crawled in with PJ's and bedhead. In Seattle, WA. Where they just *assume* you're a drug addict when you walk in. They made me writhe in pain for nearly 2 hours before they confirmed that I had a stone and would give me morphine. The nurses were real bitches about it too. Worst night of my life.
@@thelastmanonearth2631 Holy mother of god... I'm so sorry this had happened to you!! Forgot to mention that I'm from Vienna, Austria, so when I arrived at the SMZ Ost (my nearest hospital at that time), I was treated fairly well and I'm still infinitely thankful that the nurse at the reception realised how serious my pain was, and declared an emergency. I couldn't even imagine the horror of having to wait for 2 hours while in such a pain!! 😱😵
I passed a gall stone last year but it got stuck and it was the most horrific thing I’ve ever experienced. I’ve never had kidney stones but when I was in the ER I was next to a man passing a kidney stone. We were both screaming. It was like a choir of pain.
@@RhaegarATT my mom said it was kinda funny to hear because you could here both of us in the waiting room (because of Covid regulations she wasn’t allowed in the ER) but yeah not at all fun to experience. It was funny when both of us got pain meds because we both stopped screaming in sync😂😂the pain meds hit us at the same time
Hi! Did your gallstone / gallstones go into the cystic duct, common bile duct? That’s extremely dangerous, how was it solved? My dad’s female friend had the same thing happening to her and she had an inflamed pancreas as a consequence. She succumbed to this, was 45 years old. Was your gallbladder removed, and did doctors remove the gallstone from the cystic duct?
I honestly don’t get why we don’t watch videos like this in my biology class because I’ve learned more in this video that’s I have in a whole year of classroom learning
Biology is the base science of organic matter, you wouldn’t learn this stuff unless you take human anatomy classes as those focus specifically on the human body.
@@andrebrown8969 I don’t really pay attention in class but it’s probably because it’s boring with the teacher just non stop talking about stuff that’s why I’m saying videos like this would be better
I had kidney stones a few years ago. When I walked into the emergency room, the attendant looked at me and said, “By the look on your face, I can see that you have kidney stones!”…It’s the look of death. While I was lying there in agony, for the first time, I had pain so significant that death seemed like a viable alternative. Once they gave me some IV drugs, I was in heaven. I went from feeling as bad as I’ve ever felt, to feeling the best I’ve ever felt inside of five minutes.
@@JoseRodriguez-mz5zi genuine question, what’s the point in spreading the gospel? I’ve never been religious, so whenever I see a comment like that it seems like you’re just trying to beat the concept into my head. Especially when it’s under a video not related to religion at all.
I actually got rushed to the hospital on my 19th birthday back on May 20th because of a kidney stone. It genuinely sucked but the "good" news is that it's only 1 millimeter. But it still sucks.
This is one of the BEST chronic kidney disease videos I’ve ever seen. Thank you so much. I got diagnosed with CKD (nephrotic syndrome$ when I was 17 and I still take medications everyday to maintain the kidney function I still have. GOD has been good to me. Having resources like your channel is such a blessing.
This is bringing up some PTSD feelings in me. I had a kidney stone that was so large it ripped the ureter and with each push my body tried, it ripped further. It was the most miserable experience of my life. The pain was so excruciating that I stayed in the bathroom on the toilet because the overwhelming need to pee and everytime I did, I would pass out from the pain- it was that intense. I would then wake up on the bathroom floor countless times with my pants still down and the extreme urge to pee. I'd hop back on the toilet and the process kept repeating itself for a few hours until my husband got home and took me to the ER. I don't remember much at the hospital because of all the painkillers they put me on but I do remember getting the ultrasound water thing. As a mom of 3 who's had natural childbirth- Id gladly do the natural childbirth all over again too. I'd do all 3 again on the exact same day, one after the other if it was a choice between that and a kidney stone. At least in natural childbirth I wasn't passing out from pain and got a cute baby as a reward.
Same! Unfortunately I am in the rare hereditary grouping and there is no end in sight to my stone formations. Working hard on #593 right now. I'm the only female in my family with this, but I have a few male uncles and cousins that share my misery. I hate how traumatic your experience was, but I've had a few like that. I would stack laundry baskets with towels around the toilet to keep from busting my head when I passed out. My doctor is a sadist and would treat me horribly for being a young female. Most of his patients were old men. I deal with almost everything on my own. The rules are, only seek treatment if I'm running a high fever or have experienced a complete blockage for more than 24 hours. I would rather have more children than a gravel driveway as well.
@@LoriCrabtree31 I'm sorry to hear you're going through it that much. My heart goes out to you❤.... On a lighter note maybe me and you should start a gravel driveway business. Or at least fish tanks. We've got a never-ending supply😂😂😂😂❤
@@LoriCrabtree31 humans showed that low doses of boron (3 and 10 mg/day) prevented kidney stone formation. just wondered if you knew. Boron is a necessary mineral for calcium absorption. People are low in it like they are low in d3.
@@sarcasticcat4982 Thank you so much for trying to help, but sadly I've been through everything. Going on 18 years of this now. Just glad you didn't say, "That's easy, drink more water"
@@LoriCrabtree31 no....drinking more water ain't gonna help unless possibly its bottled steamed distilled water because steam distilled water eats calcium. If you drink unmineralized water you need to be on a calcium supplement for sure. The medical community hides tons.of things from people in order to promote their obedience to and their payoffs from big pharma. I read a lot of.medical journals and studies because of it. I found that one on boron recently. I haven't had a kidney stone ever, and from reading comments on here, I damn sure don't want one. So ill be starting boron today....😺I hope you find some relief. It sounds unbearable.
My mom got kidney stones when she was 48 She screamed in pain and fell on the floor and she cried her eyes out she could not even get up so we called the hospital. I still get chills from this day.
I have passed a number of stones, and like some of the commentators, the first time I had no clue what was happening to me. I do remember the sudden and complete cessation of pain as the stone reached my bladder. Relief for sure, but i know enough anatomy to realise that the next instalment (i.e reaching daylight) might be worse. So I drank and drank, and ignored any urge to have a wee. I let the pressure really build up, and when I had to go - the point of no return- the stone came flying out at a rate of knots with barely a twinge. The urethra is wider for sure (and I'm not bragging) but a good head of pressure helps a lot. Morphine also helps. A lot.
@@jamieb1178 If you can imagine a .22 air rifle pellet, squashed into a vaguely spherical shape but with sharp spikey bits. It was analysed and found to be principally oxalate.
I passed one a few months back that stuck with me for 3 weeks. Grown man and it made me AND my wife cry. I actually thought about dying a few times as the pain was just all consuming. On one of the rides to the hospital I just started wailing and talking about dying and my wife had a mental breakdown too. It was 1mm in size. If you get one, please find out what caused it, and if you haven't had one, please eat foods responsibly.
I had one very tiny kidney stone (I never saw it's size so who knows if I passed it). The pain was so bad that the doctor thought it was a burst appendix. I could barely breathe through the pain, and almost passed out a couple of times. They had to dope me up on morphine, and a nurse held my hand until it kicked in. How I didn't break that woman's hand is beyond me. I literally saw stars, and was in so much pain I couldn't cry or hardly breathe. Not an experience I ever want again, nor do I ever want to experience the side effects of such heavy pain meds ever again.
Omg my appendix burst when I was about 12 whilst I was on a train in a remote part of northern Queensland (Australia). I have NEVER felt pain like that. Either before or since. Everyone on the train thought I was just being an over reactive child with a stomach ache until I passed out (from pain) and turned blue. It was only then that an air medic was called. I just remember waking up in a small hospital to find out I’d just been operated on. I still felt awful as I’d started to go septic. I’ve often hear that kidney stones can feel similar depending on size and such so I just pray that I never experience them again! I never want to feel that again 🥴
You describe my kidney stone passing so so so well, had this exact experience.. I was on vacation alone with my 16-years old little sister, and suddenly I woke up at night feeling really weird.. then suddenly I saw moon and stars and I had so much pain I couldn’t stop screaming, so my sister woke up and called an ambulance and no one spoke English/Danish/Norwegian as I do, so I couldn’t really communicate with staff and I threw up everywhere and I was so sure I was going to die 😂
i had appendicitis (did not quite rupture, was within a couple hours of doing so, they did emergency surgery) and a nasty kidney stone .. both were horrific lol. i think the kidney stone was slightly worse i was literally writhing, screaming in pain while my gf drove me to hospital
When I had kidney stone pain back in 2018 I couldn’t cry aswell, I was in pain for like 3/4 hours before going to the hospital, kept taking short hot showers and going all wet to bed, did the same thing for more than 15 times, there was a point I was just walking inside my house. Started feeling kinda “drunk” because of so much pain and sometimes I just wanted to go outside and walk forever. Pain didn’t go totally away even with the medicine they gave me. Also had gallstones couple years ago, that pain made me cry. Seems light acid burning you inside
My grandma had one of those in her right kidney. She, who could literally Lift me of the ground, was knocked out by the Pain. Now she drinks a lot of water
Bear with me…I was standing in line at the bank with two people ahead of me. Out of nowhere I starting sweating and then a slow steady feeling of a dull knife pushing slowly through my back, through my body core and up to the right front near the appendix as the pain intensified it continued to get stronger to the point I fell to my knees and passed out from the pain. I woke up with the medics putting me on the gurney as the pain was still radiating to the maximum. They couldn’t give me pain meds because they didn’t know the cause. A cat scan showed I had a 10mm jagged shaped stone stuck in my ureter trying to escape my kidney. It was too large to pass. So, fortunately this hospital had a lithotripsy unit that uses ultrasound waves to blast and pulverize the stone into basically sand and then you pass it through your bladder. I’ve passed a few smaller ones in the years since but I have never experienced pain on a scale of that magnitude and I hope none of you ever experience one tenth of that pain.
I’ve had similar incidents and know the pain you speak of. I’m a rather big guy and for people to see me roll on the floor in acute pain, is one of the weirdest things they have ever seen. On one occasion a person calling for help, had thought I’d been stabbed. Imagine the confusion when the medics couldn’t see any blood.
Feel that, but not that big. I was home alone, going to get some food and suddenly i feel this knife stab on the back. Took me 15 minutes to get my strength back and call my dad to get me. Horrible shit for sure
Had two kidney stones when I was 21. They were indeed extremely painful. Went to the hospital and they gave me iv morphine. Luckily the ones I had were small and I was able to pass them on my own. I can't imagine the pain of larger ones
I've had 2 kidney stones. I don't remember their size, but I remember they were on small/medium border. Anyway, the first time it happened I was 100% sure I was constipated. I had several incidents growing up where I got acutely constipated (I guess "blockage" is a better word...as I've since learned that people mostly use that term to describe longer bouts, even chronic bouts, of just plain "difficulty" going, where my incidents were ACUTE, pretty terrifyingly agonizing, and always ended shorty after using a suppository or enema). Anyway, this was the first time in my life where using suppository/enema wasn't working, so I was just beside myself. I was in utter agony but was embarrassed about going to the ER for it.... (I even tried calling several ERs, pleading with them, but to no avail as they refused to give any medical advice over the phone). I finally just couldn't take it anymore. I had been literally laying/rolling on the ground in the fetal position (and remained on the floor of the backseat of my father's car as he drove me to the hospital). As I ran up to the front desk I told them what I thought was the issue - I was constipated. BADLY. Anyway, they asked a few questions and seemed to look more and more to them as if it might be a kidney stone. I was like...what?? I mean, my whole life I've always heard that they were the most painful thing you can experience. Sometimes worse than childbirth! And I wasn't in acute/sharp pain. I still have problems with even using the word "pain" in describing my 2 incidents. They were, however, a solid 9 or 10 on the shear uncomfort/agony scale. Needless to say, the nurses/doctors were right, as the urine test did indeed show signs of blood, which is what they were expecting to see. They were pretty positive it was a stone, and after the quick tests/scans it turned out it was. The second time around it was exactly the same, only I realized what was happening well before the agony began (still felt like constipation at first -- not acute "blockage" ; just "i really feel like I should be going but I can't") and once the slight "ache" started slooowly around the groin I was sure and just drove myself to the ER. Same result each time - intravenous NSAID (forgot the name - starts with a "T"). This particular drug they couldn't/wouldn't give orally (either in the ER or as a short-term Rx to take home) as it is apparently horrid on the liver when taken orally. They said they don't give narcotic/opioids for stones anymore as this NSAID works just as well because it's really strong (for an NSAID) and supposedly also targets a certain...something (receptor?) that helps with kidney pain/inflammation (same as with Ibuprofen - which is the only Rx they gave me both times to go home with - just a couple 600mg Ibuprofen). I was a bit upset the first time, as I was in such agony I wanted something strong (and I heard my friend , who seemed to be very susceptible to stones, talk about the intravenous morphine and/or dilaudid they would give him). I didn't expect anything else to work -- although I was wrong, as that intravenous NSAID (whatever it was - Toraval or something like that) did work 100% for quit a long time (pretty much until I went home several hours later, by which time the stone "pain"/agony died almost completely down (in both cases, along with the ibuprofen I started taking). Okay, this turned out to be a fuck ton of typing to tell my story.....so if you actually read this what I was trying to get at or ask is what is up with the "pain" people talk about? Is it always more of an ache/supreme agony/discomfort type of thing? Or do the larger stones HURT as in like a bad burn or stepping on a 3" sharp nail with your bare feet? And what's the deal with them telling me they don't use narcotics to treat them anymore (even for larger ones , they told me both times at the 2 diff hospitals)? How would you describe your experience with your first (or worst) stone when it came to the onset and feeling? Sorry for writing such a novel but this has confused me ever since my first one (about 13 or so years ago -- second was about 7 years ago).
also, I passed both of mine within 2 days of going to the ER. Both times I would have missed it if not for the little contraption they gave me to filter my pee. Didn't feel a thing. I guess I only felt it while it was moving (slowly...so maybe "stuck" somewhere) further up in the kidney/tube/whatever. I realize there are many different types and shapes of stones -- mine were not smooth or round but also weren't TOO edged/spikey. Still, though....my whole life hearing about the unbearable pain of kidney stones no one ever specified that only certain types and sizes were scary. Was brought to believe the stones didn't discriminate in that way...lol.
I'm watching this video on my bed in the hospital right now. I was about to lose my mind and kill myself after 4 days of excruciating pain before the surgery. Didn't get to sleep, didn't get to eat, nor shower.
I had my first kidney stone in 2014 and it woke me up out of a dead sleep and I was SCREAMING! If you can imagine being stabbed in them kidney with a red hot jagged spike, then it being twisted over and over, you KINDA get the idea. I thought I was dying and got no relief until I begged the ER for meds to make it stop. Worst pain I’ve ever experienced and I’ve had it twice.
Exactly the same thing happened to me ............... twice 😮. The first one passed naturally but the second time I needed to have removed surgically and a stent was put in for a week. You can imagine how they remove a stent from a guy .......... without pain relief 😮. Over the years I've broken bones, had plenty of stitches etc etc, but NOTHING compares with kidney stone pain. When mum passed away from cancer she had a 2cm stone 😢
Happened to me last thursday. Exactly same scenario. Firstly thought that my stomach hurts and it should stop soon. 2 hours later I was lying on ground, screaming and begging for ER to come faster...
Ahh man, I feel so bad for my son. He's 16 in april and had three removed June last year, they had to operate because they were tricky ones. In August he had a scan to make sure all okay and it showed 2 even bigger ones. Then the pediatric lazer went out of commission so he's just waiting for adult urology to blast them. It's March now and he's got 5 of the buggers between 12 and 5 mm. He's not doing so great. Watching this I can get more of an idea of the pain he must be in. I'm going to stop trying to get him in to school, he can retake those GCSEs next year 😢
When I had a kidney stone, vomiting in the fetal position, the female nurses all said a kidney stone is worse than childbirth...I'll never claim to know how painful childbirth is, but I know I don't wish that kind of pain on even my most hated enemy
My kidneys stones where definitely worse than childbirth & I've given birth to 3 children. I passed one stone & felt like i was gonna die literally. I had more stones & had to wait 1 month for removal. In the meantime time i was so scared to eat anything because of the pain so i ate broth & drunk water only for the whole month until surgery. Lost 30lbs. Thats how scared i was to pass another stone lol
The pain was worse when the stone was still inside. Passing it was quick. But by far THE WORST pain ever. Like someone was slowly pressing a dull stake in my back.
@@BIGDROC99 Worst one I ever had was a 10mm sucker that had a 6 mm spike on one end. Imagine trying to pass a chicken leg out of your body. That was what I had to pass last year.
I've passed 3 stones. The first was pure torture. Pain medication didn't help. The second was not too bad, even though the stone was the same size as the first. By the third stone, I barely noticed. So the amount of pain is unpredictable.
First time I passed a kidney stone, I called my dad. I was so afraid, I had no idea what happened. I bled a little bit. Bleeding is normal for females, but for a male it is scary.
The way I can put into words the pain is basically it felt like someone stabbed me in the back and was crushing my testicles. I didn’t know it was a kidney stone at first, I genuinely thought I had really really bad testicular tortion
@@sriprakash7245 It's not junk food. Until recently, I had to avoid potatoes, carrots, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, tofu, nuts, pineapple, and dozens of other foods that were the bulk of what I ate. It's been miserable. Any foods with even an elevated level of oxalates had to be avoided.
I have had kidney stones. They hurt. A lot. BUT! There is a long way from kidney stone pain to the worst pain I have experienced. I won't go into it. I just want to tell you to be kind to people in pain. You have No Idea how bad it is for them. Alleviate their suffering as best as you can, and do it with as much compassion as you can muster. I remember a nurse running back and forth for hot towels for half her shift and I still tear up from gratitude for that relief. My heros are the ones who relieve my pain and do even basic care like bringing me an orange or any silly little things ... I am on palliative care for my pain.
I teared up earlier thinking about the hospital that took me in and helped me. Thankful. People nonchalant towards ppl in agony= will suffer the exact same. Thankful for ppl who help ppl
Thank you for explaining kidney stones so clearly. I’ve had so many people, and doctors, try to explain it, but it never made sense to me until now. You’re a great teacher and you explain it in laymen’s terms.
I had one recently. Worst three weeks of my life. One night I woke up with the most incredible back pain I’ve ever experienced. Actually peeing out the stone is not too eventful, it’s the weeks leading up to that as it moves that’s the worst
I had to have two surgeries to get my 7mm stone out... the bladder spasms were worse then the severe attacks. I have had worse pain. Compound fracture requiring a skin graft won the pain war. Ouch.
I’m 21 and have barely experienced pain, fractured my foot and that’s all for bones, I’ve had chest pains which I can only resemble to a heart attack, they were bad, just feels like bein stabbed in the heart 😂 but yeah idk other than that I’ve just had head impacts or trapped nerves which aren’t really painful, the fractured foot was less pain than a trapped nerve 🤣
@@bukboefidun9096 yeah, I'm sure some Cancer's can get very intense, a septic or infected wound is another one.. it's tough, as chronic pain from which death is the only release? I'd have to say, the Bends is probably the worst way to go out..I've heard they can simulate a severe heart attack and bring you back with a certain drug, and people beg for death before going through that again.. I think it's kind of subjective as different people experience pain different ways..
I’ve experienced some shit in my life like a melon sized tumor literally tearing through my uterus during my period, but none of it compares to having a kidney stone. Especially since I didn’t know what was happening... I thought I was dying. When your in the midst of the pain you don’t even know where it’s coming from, it’s on another level. Plus the doctor not believing me until I puked all over the waiting room didn’t help the experience much either.
Not knowing what it was was the worst part, by far. Any time my body feels pain in an unexpected way, my mind goes to “is it cancer, again?”. Luckily, the ER doc treating me figured out I was a survivor and one of the first things they told me was it wasn’t cancer.
Omg I had this happen too!! Doc didn’t believe me and sent me away until I collapsed and showed I had blood in my urine 😭 unbelievable how heartless some doctors can be when it’s literally their only job to help people and make them feel better.
Same. Didn’t know what a kidney stone was but I blacked out from the pain and threw up all over the ER and the doctor😂. They only discovered it after an X ray.
great guys. I have recently found out about my kidney stone and watching this video and reading the comments really is very encouraging. So I haven't had any symptoms yet but now I know what is going to happen to me. It's worse than giving birth to 6 children and possibly the worst pain a human being can experience. Wise choice of words! Thankyou 😂
Think of it this way, all this unimaginable pain, yet we still survive. I like to think of the body as extremely fucking resilient instead of brittle, cause it is. You hear stories about people having half their face obliterated and live, losing the lower half of their body and live, losing 3/4 of their brain and live. Its amazing and i love it
I had a stone when I was 10 that was 7mm. I would have to sit in class in pain because nobody believed that it was that bad. When we found out I had one and how big it was by going to the ER one morning, I had a laser ureteroscopy the next day. When I passed the microscopic remains it was still incredibly painful and my pee was as dark red as blood. I've had more sense then, I wish it would never happen again. I hate that people think medication will make pain go away, there is no drug in the world strong enough.
I keep a gallon of water next to my bed, next to the TV and, yes, next to the toilet. I drink while I urinate to keep the same equal amount or more of h2o in my ststem. I HATE KIDNEY STONES!!!!!
@@tj5641 "Carfentanil is an opioid that is used by veterinarians for very large animals like elephants. It is not for human use. It is approximately 100 times more toxic than fentanyl and 10,000 times more toxic than morphine."
I had kidney stones back in 2019 and one moment it's like "ok something feels kinda weird" and then the next moment you're on the floor screaming in pain
The pain is like nothing else. I felt like i was having an out of body experience 😂 the pain was so bad and my body didnt know how to respond so it just kept letting me pass out repeatedly 😂
That's exactly it, I clearly remember what it was like. The kind of pain where you just don't know how to be. Usually when you have an ache, you can change position or something to make it (slightly) better. With kidney stones, nothing helps and you just have to sit through it, or go to ER like me (and that was 'only' 3-4mm).
This was so helpful. Yes three weeks i had this happen to me and to hear you explain to us how painfull it is makes me feel much more understood. Thank you for your detailed and compassionate video.
One of the symptoms of passing kidney stones is vomiting. I think the pain is so intense that the body tries to release it by making you vomit. I felt a little better after vomiting, but it’s a relentless pain that doesn’t fully go away until the stone passes. I’ve passed three back to back a month apart.
I feel you. I threw up at least twice. Once was at the doc in the box, where the nurse diagnosed it as just back cramps. Lol. Never went to any of those again!
Last time I had one vomiting seemed to force the stone through, must have been the pressure. Was in agony and it passed after vomiting, was ready for the hospital before that.
In the bathrooms in our office building there are “urine colour charts” showing what colour is urine when a person is dehydrated and what it’s supposed to look like when your body has enough liquids.
I was in more pain from kidney stones moving around, than when i was dying of sepsis from a ruptured appendix. I also have a stupid high pain tolerance so that makes a difference.
I have Nothing left to be taken out of me, so that means I’ve had a Ruptured Appendicitis to when they did Emergency surgery on me & the Drs all said that my APPENDIX WAS GANGRENE and I should have died, but I’m still here. I’ve had Gall stones and my Gallbladder removed because of gallstones and those were a breeze next to kidney stones. Then I Still have Pancreatitis attackers and the Drs tell me that I will Never know the Difference between a Heart attack and a Pancreatitis attack. That’s how Bad that one is & last but not least I have had 3 Children. Out of All of these situations I’ve gone through, kidney stones are the worse 🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️ Oh and my pain tolerance is Waaaaaaaaay high because one year I found out that I was walking on a Huge fractured hip and didn’t even know it 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I must say that this is a very impressive video. The way you explained everything so that it can be clearly understood is amazing. You are an amazing teacher. I truly learned a lot & will be sharing this video so that others can educate themselves. Thank you so very much! God bless you! I definitely subscribed as I look forward to learning more from you! 🙏🏽🎯
I’ll always remember when I had my kidney stones because it was when Infinity War was in theaters. I already went to the doctor and I was recommended to pass it naturally. My wife and I affectionately called them my Infinity Stones.
I had 3 stones in 7 years. I ended up having treatment to break up more that were forming. I’ve never had pain like passing a stone. My 3rd stone was so painful that it got to the point where they couldn’t even give me any more morphine! I changed my diet, lost weight and 7 years on, touch wood, no more problems.
@@massilez6720 I was sent to a clinic for them to do a full check as to why I formed stones so quickly. It was inconclusive but the doctor suggested I try a healthier diet. Less dairy etc. I ended up cutting my saturated fats, stopped snacking on sweets, biscuits etc and upped my water intake. I also started exercising three days a week. I lost three stone in three months. In the past few years I’ve been less strict with the diet and allow myself to have the occasional fatty meal or sweet. My weight however has remained fairly constant at 175lbs. No more stones and I’m far healthier these days.
I learned more about the human body in the real world through research and watching vids on the internet than I ever did in school. Not all teachers are proficient at explaining things.
Great video. I’m 28 and just finally passed a 6mm stone after SIX months. July of last year I felt a pain in my right side/back that almost felt like my stomach right as I was getting in bed. Sat on the toilet, tried to throw up, nothing helped. I tried to lay down and go to sleep but the pain started increasing to a point of panic. At one point I knew that I could either drive myself to the first ER I hit right at that moment or I’d have to go in an ambulance. When I TELL YOU the mental fortitude I had to get myself to the ER…I’m honestly proud of myself. Mind you I was freaking out-I’d never had any health issues before nor had I been to an emergency room as a patient. I had no basis to compare this pain to, so my anxiety was through the roof. I lived alone with my puppy and, not knowing how long I’d be gone, had to secure her in her crate with food and water before getting myself in my car and on the road. I searched for emergency rooms near me, not caring at all about who was in network with my insurance. The nearest one was a straight shot down the main road, but damnit if I didn’t hit EVERY red light. It was the middle of the night so I did what I needed to do while hunched over and clutching my side. This ER was small and family-owned. I must have looked crazy walking in. The guy at the front desk was handing me forms as I was doubled over, incoherently scribbling on them and mumbling to him that I could barely fill them out. Eventually they took me back and immediately got me on an IV. The whole time, I’m shaking violently and uncontrollably. Next, pain meds. Whatever they gave me first did NOT help. I’m not sure what it was, but I was still in pain and shaking as they wheeled me for a CAT scan. Then, they doctor came in to tell me about the massive 6mm stone I had and that 6mm is around the size they consider intervention. They gave me morphine, and my god. The relief. I’ve never felt anything like it. Imagine being in inescapable pain and panic in the middle of the night, unable to sleep with no idea when it will end, shaking uncontrollably, then all of those feelings going away at once and being replaced by the most comfortable warmth you thought you’d never feel. I got to hang out for a bit while they completed my urinalysis and bloodwork, then hours later they released me to go home with some Gatorade and a few prescriptions. The plan was to pass it, and I spent the next couple weeks drinking a ton of water and using my meds + a heating pad to manage the pain. At one point I assumed I passed it. I felt fine, had no sensations in my ureter or bladder, and that was that. I was also in the middle of cross-country move, so maybe I was hoping the worst was behind me. SIX months later, I’m seeing blood in my urine and feeling a slight tingling pain on my right side. I go to the clinic for a UTI, provide a urine sample, start antibiotics, and fly home the next day for the holidays. Two days later, my mom is taking me to the ER at the hospital I was born at for the same exact pain from six months ago. Everything I wrote before happened again-IV, drugs, CAT scan, all of it. Imagine my shock when the doctor told me that same stone has traveled down my ureter for the last 6 months and was blocked at 99% of the way. He tried to get the urologist to do the lithotripsy right then and there but he wasn’t available. I flew back home a couple days later, started aggressively drinking water again and adding an herbal “stone breaker” supplement I found online, and hoped to have to avoid having (and paying for) the procedure. I am very happy to say that I passed the stone after 6 months just the other morning right after waking up. I can’t tell you how many people have told me kidney stones are worse than childbirth. I hope I never have to deal with one again!
same thing happened to me, massive pain on my right flank, drove myself to the ER almost passing out from the pain... stopping on the side of the road to stand up and stretch my abdomen (made it feel slightly better). Then getting back in my car to drive. Once at the ER I was given Toradol which helped immensely with the pain (helps relax smooth muscles which is exactly what your ureters are). It was only a 5mm stone, doctor said it would pass on its own and sent me home with Toradol, and flomax. 7 months later, I am urinating blood, go to the same ER because it felt like I was peeing glass shards and there was discharge. Doctor said the kidney stone is almost passed as is on the edge of entering the bladder, same pain treatment, which worked wonders. He sent me home with some meds and antibiotics, next morning it passes and I felt so much relief. I was able to capture it and get it analyzed, it was an oxalate stone (most common form) and haven't had one since.
I had a 7mm kidney stone. Spent a day in the ER, and the ER doctor referred me to a urologist for a followup. During the MRI, my urologist found another 7mm stone in the other kidney that hadn't given me problems yet. The urologist did two separate uteroscopy surgeries to break up the stones. I had to wear an internal Stent in my ureter for about three weeks each time, and I was prescribed flo-max to help expand my ureter so the broken up stones would pass. My urologist advised against leaving the stones alone for months, and trying to pass them naturally, because it could cause damage to the kidneys. The kidney stones were actually a blessing in my case, because when the urologist was doing a cystoscopy to remove the stents, he found a tiny tumor in my bladder and removed it fir a biopsy. It was a bladder cancer, and he feels he removed it in time. I just have to go back for follow up cystoscopys to check everything. Mh urologist said that sometimes, bladder tumors are not caught in time, and the whole bladder needs to be removed. I would advise anyone with a kidney stone, no matter how minor, to see a urologist.
Great stuff! Thanks for explaining all of the very complicated subjects, I will need to replay all of this at least another five or six times. I will do exactly as you've suggested. Thanks again!
I had a kidney stone 3 weeks ago. The doctor said it was small, I peed it out without knowing. But I have to tell you, the pain I felt before it got to my bladder was something else. I have never in my life experienced anything as painful as this. It literally paralyzed me when it started. It was on my left side. It started as a sharp pain, felt like a back pain at first. But it kept getting worse. Also it started after I went to pee, I guess I moved the thing. After 30 minutes I was in my bed, I couldn't move from the pain, it felt like my stomach was about to burst. By that point it wasn't just one little spot that hurt, it was my entire stomach. There was a point I actually wanted to scream from the pain. Spend 2 days in a hospital, couldn't sleep at all. The doctor said that most people have a kidney stone at least once in their life. I hope this was my last.
I can truly agree that the kidney stone I had was easily the most pain I have ever experienced, and also the fact that it was 22mm big and I was 11. Dont feel like I can feel any more pain than that for life lol
I passed one and I just turned 23 it was about 8 mm and passing it isn’t the worst part it’s the days where you can just feel the pain in your kidney and just know you’re gonna be in constant pain and vomiting for hours
Had a UTI and peed a 1 piece of Kidney Stone. I didn't feel anything when it came out though, been in the tip in my D all night and when I woke up I pick it up and felt amazingly satisfying lol. You might prefer to pee them out rather than surgically remove them unless you have dozens of them. Also best prefer to stay healthy coz this hurts like hell for a lot of hours, lower back pain or side abdominal pain would really make you feel suicidal once that pain kicks in if you have Kidney Stones or UTI, though Kidney Stones are a lot more painful from my experience. Since then I've been drinking lots of water coz I never want to go back and feel this again. I promise you it's like torture straight up, no shit, and it last for hours per day.
Had kidney stones at a younger age. One of the most painful things I've ever been through. It got to the point where I wanted to throw up because whenever I threw up I felt slight relief and my mind got distracted because of that. Drink more water...
i’m 17 and had a whopper of a kidney stone in october...the puke was nonstop and miserable but i felt better for just a few minutes when it was happening. still haven’t learned my lesson and my water intake is awful
@@cassiopeia5115 same for me. Kinda. I drink alot of pop and water. So I kind of drink both. I got kidney pains again. They're not bad pains but everytime i get this pain I fear for the worst.
@@ianrios1697 Same had two kidney stones at 22 in the time of 2months.... The first one made me think I was going to die, I didn't know what it was and why it was so intense. And when I was in ER I did experience pain induced puking. Doc was making jokes while I was literally feeling like dying. XD He was a nice doc.
I've had a kidney stone. Was about the size of a pea, a humongous pea, and shaped like the asteroid in the film Armageddon. With all its jagged edges. And yes it was effing painful.
@@seapeajones The pee hole is actually the easy part. If you're lucky, the stone will dissolve in the bladder. The hours of agony come from traveling down the ureter: the tube from the kidney to the bladder which is HAIR THIN.
OMG tht must be sooo painful. I had one and was a square shape. Went to Emergency unit twice and was given morphine to control the pain. Will never forget it.
@@MyNameIsBucket The ureter can pass up to 3mm stones with no problem. Add in a Flomax and you can pass 6mm ones. It is NOT hair thin. He showed it several times.
I had kidney stones once and got very lucky. I passed them after only about 3 hours after the pain started. I was actually at the doctor when I passed them. Needless to say, if anything I drink too much water now. That pain is absolutely no joke.
I had one out of nowhere and I can confirm the pain. Suffered some injuries over time as an athlete but I’ve never felt pain like that. I crawled on my knees on my way to the ER, in tears and could barely talk. Doctor told me it’s the “equivalent to child birth”.
This video structure is how all anatomy should be taught in school. Quick, visual, interesting while using the difficult anatomically correct terms but also explaining in simpler terms as well. Father in law just found out he has a 10mm stone and this helped him understand why intervention was necessary.
I remember passing one of these when I was like 14-16 WORST PAIN EVER. I developed one because my job at the time provided free boxes of Gatorade/Powerade and I constantly use them as my primary hydration source. Literally drank like 4-5 a day for months… rarely consumed water. I will never forget the feeling of me thinking I had to take a mean shit and afterwards just pure stinging pain in my lower abdomen. Pain was so agonizing having clothes on was impossible to bare. Literally laid on my bathroom floor naked in a fetal position just waiting for the ability to release some pee or shit. Finally I managed to google what the sharp pain was and discovered it most likely was a kidney stone. I started pissing in a glass jar instead of the toilet just so I can confirm it was a kidney stone and after a few hours of laying in pain I pissed out a small rock. It was the smallest rock ever and the pain relief was instant but that lingering painful mental sensation has forever been ingrained into my soul. After that experience I have never consumed flavored drinks(soda, juice, sports drinks, etc.) unless it’s accompanied with water. I truly believe God was punishing me… nothing should be that naturally painful☠️😭.
I don’t think you understand what electrolyte drinks are. If anything, they helped you. You need electrolytes to stay hydrated, water alone isn’t enough to keep your body hydrated. Gatorade and Powerade are not the problem.
To be fair, 4-5 gator/Powerades is nowhere near enough to keep you hydrated for a whole day. If that's *all* you were drinking, no water outside of the Gatorades, then the dehydration from simply not getting enough water was probably enough to give you the kidney stone by itself.
@@RayRayHamWater alone is more than sufficient for hydration. Everything else we need is had through food consumption. Otherwise, our streams and lakes and oceans would be full of Gatorade, since nothing else would be sufficient to support life. Sure, during extraordinarily high levels of physical activity, you'll sweat out enough electrolytes you'll need more than just water alone to sustain yourself, but there isn't a single job on the planet that is intense enough over a prolonged period of time to *require* sports drinks over water aside from specifically athletics, assuming a healthy diet. All of that said, if you knew anything about kidney stones, you'd realize it's the mineral content and other solubles in your urine that cause kidney stones. While it's not necessarily guaranteed that sports drinks would contribute to the kidney stone formation, it's certainly not unthinkable. Several of the ingredients in sports drinks are directly linked to kidney stone formation. Regardless, water will *always* be more effective than any other drink at preventing kidney stone formation.
Peed mine out a few years back and my pee looked like straight blood. I was in the ER when it happened and I thought I was gonna die. I literally heard the stone hit the toilet it was terrifying
After my surgery, the stent started coming out on its own. It was Friday night and the nurse said “take a deep breath, you’re going to need to pull it out yourself.” Nothing, and I mean nothing compares to that moment. I would have welcomed death.
This man is an amazing teacher. His knowledge of the body is astounding. I feel as If I’m working towards a medical degree watching and dissecting this treasure chest of videos from this channel thanks 😊
this is a huge fear of mine, i've heard stories from people who've had kidney stones. didn't matter whether they were a tough guy or not, every one of them dropped to the floor and screamed in pain when passing a stone
Should be your biggest fear. It's mine, having another one, that is. Now I think to myself "you have no reason to be negative after surviving a kidney stone." Makes a hard core atheist turn extremely religious. I used to be both....SERIOUSLY CONSIDERING REINVITING GOD INTO MY LIFE!!!!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏
A telltale sign for kidney stones is extreme lower back pain out of nowhere on the left or right side right above your hip. Trust me, you'll want to go to the hospital after 20 minutes of that pain. I have kidney stones almost yearly and it's kind of messed up. Since 14 (2004) I've had Colitis and then Crohn's disease (2009) and I had my large intestine removed in 2006 so it's difficult for me to stay hydrated (Not really going to get into the dozen or so surgeries I've had for other things, like Hernias). The largest kidney stone I ever had was 9mm, imagine pissing out a literal bullet. I've had doctors and nurses try to tell me I was faking the pain just they get pain medicine and refuse to treat me until I've had a CAT scan or Ultrasound, even when I'm vomiting like crazy. Fun fact, I've had over 40 CAT scans so I'm basically destined for cancer. I didn't make this post for pity though, just wanted to share my experience. Life goes on if you keep your head up and stay positive and take care of yourself! Edit: Just wanted to say thank you for all the personal stories, positive messages and Good Vibes in this thread! Y'all are awesome! As a stand-up comedian, my pain definitely formed my sense of humor and my upbeat attitude towards life. I'd just like to add that anytime you think you have a kidney stone, try not to get a CAT scan if you can get an Ultrasound instead! Sometimes my stones don't even show up on either but I'd still piss them out, a few of those times they didn't believe me but now that I'm an established patient, they're much nicer towards me and my situation. If anyone would like to personally message me about Crohn's, Colitis, or Kidney Stones, my Facebook is BetweenTheLyons as well!
I also have Crohn's, just had my large intestines and rectum removed at the end of 2019. I get so severely dehydrated with this ileostomy its crazy. I found myself sleeping during the day and coming out at night to avoid the sun. I get a ton of stones, most pass easily but theres the pesky ones that need to go get litho'd out. I really hate how the medical system treat people like us as drug seeking junkies. I dealt with that for years, but luckily I found a great hospital that runs in the same system as all my specialist now and they take things pretty serious now when I show up. Not a lot of people get that kind of treatment. I would also like to second your sentiment about staying positive and pushing forward.
I've had three stones, first one made me feel like my whole body was dying, there was no hope. I vomited any time I stood or tried to ingest medication. The second was in my ureter, and I think it was small enough to pass without pain. There's another in my kidney last I checked, thankfully no symptoms yet so it may break down. Stones are 95% of the reason why I'm getting a healthier diet, limiting chips and cutting soda entirely.
After having kidney stones two months ago. I've stopped soda, chips and am getting my diet sorted out. Worst this I've ever experienced and I've dislocated my knee before
Thank you, I have had Kidney stones since the age of 15. Dr Laughed then and couldn't work out what was wrong. I have passed over the last three weeks several stones, some small and a couple at 4.5mm. I had more pain and needed to attend the emergency room, had a CT and they told me there is a very unusually shaped stone that is blocking the flow but is in a position they couldn't get to. I have learned a lot from this video and thank you for this. ATB
I wouldn’t wish the pain from passing a kidney stone on my worst enemy. This is coming from someone who passed 18 kidney stones in my 20’s. My parents nicknamed me the gravel pit.
That is a horrible nickname and I'm even more horrible for laughing at that nickname. My dad has had kidney stones since his 20s, says beer helps to pass them easier. My mom hasn't had any. I'm 29 and I haven't had one, but I assume I'm at risk of having them at some point at my life.
@@Megadriver I'm 49 and went to the hospital with my first one just a few days ago. It wasn't too big, but was probably formed over the course of several years. I'm drinking lemon juice every day now to make it easier to pass any other ones I may have and to make sure I don't get any new ones.
Hey everyone! I just want to be super clear about something towards the end of the video - it's not that spinach, potatoes and beans should be avoided by all individuals at all times (or that they're unhealthy).
The issue is that once someone has a kidney stone, the likelihood of them developing another stone within the next few years is EXTREMELY high. It's these individuals that will need to make the most drastic dietary changes.
For most everyone else, diets high in citrate and that include a significant water intake are usually seen to be a best practice.
As always though, consult your doctor and find the best path forward for you.
more painful than giving birth?
There's 3 different kind of stones. Calcium Oxalate being the hardest to treat as they are stronger than diamonds.
Many Doctors recommend hydration & a low oxalate diet. Also suggested is to consume calcium foods along with foods containing oxalates as it might prevent stones. I say "suggest" however there is research to back it up.
Okay thanks doc
I've never had kidney stones before and I hope I don't but it sounds pretty damn scary.
One of the things that gave me so much pain during my kidneystones were also the pressure of urine sitting in the kidney while the stone was passing... my kidney was swollen and SO painful!!! So it’s not only the stone squeezing through a narrow tube!!
Well I’ve never had a kidney stone and this comment section makes me wanna do literally everything I can to avoid getting one
yep same, i think they are now my worst fear
Don't drink a lot of sugar drinks. I know a lot of people who are prone to them & doctors have told all of them it's because they drink too much sweet tea (we're southern)
Drink lemonade or other citrus drinks every day. The most common stones caused by diet and lifestyle are composed of calcium oxalate which doesnt dissolve in water but can dissolve in citrate. You can also avoid foods high in oxalate and make an attempt to stay hydrated to prevent calcium oxalate from accumulating.
Other stones are generally genetic or occur alongside conditions such as gout
@@SuLokify wouldn’t regular water be better though?
@@litchtheshinigami8936 Regular water keeps you hydrated which is good for preventing formation of stones, but the material they're made from won't dissolve in water. They will eventually dissolve in citrate so including that in your diet should be even more beneficial
I passed a kidney stone when I was 9 months pregnant. The pain was so bad I thought I was in labor and went to the hospital. Luckily it passed and they sent me home. 5 days later I delivered my son and I can say indefinitely the kidney stone pain was much worse.
My wife passed a kidney stone during labor. She said it was much worse than giving birth! I remember that very vividly.
i also had a kidney stone when I was 9 months pregnant and on top of that I had bronchitis and a UTI. I had these coughing spells then I felt like someone took a knife and stabbed me in my right flank. It took my breath away. It was very painful. I thought I hurt my back from coughing. I saw my dr the next day and he told me i have a kidney stone and i told him no i don't but i did. My son was born a week later healthy(i also had oligohydramnios, low amniotic fluid)a little crinkled up and my placenta looked like beef jerky, but no problems, thank God. The pain of the kidney stone was worse than the birth, but not the 1st kid, that one was worse!
That is incredible.
That’s wild! I passed an 8mm stone at 6 months pregnant and the pain of childbirth was way worse for me!! Kidney stone was just really uncomfortable and annoying that it took 2 weeks to pass.
@Douglas Hanlon Hard to avoid any cognitive biases but it seems like inherent optimism bias and terror management theory will always help regardless of ideologies such as antinatalism based on consent and efilism.
I had a teacher who had kidney stones. Occasionally they'd hurt him during class and he'd lean on his desk, head down, teeth clenched and say: "Kids, drink your water! Please, drink your water!!"
Yeah my mom is Obama
@@mjribes I saying that i think you made up story and what you said is not true
@Legendary Ra LOL!! The fact is it is true. He was my standard 9 (that's grade/year 11) Afrikaans teacher while I was at school in South Africa... way back in the early 90s.
that really cracked me up
I had a kidney. I had to go to the hospital at 2 am
I had a kidney stone in 2019. As a man, I am extremely reluctant to complain about pain, but I ended up in the ER, and after the nurses waited around for a while, I broke down and started SHOUTING from the room in which they had left me, all the way out to the nurses' station/waiting room "Help! Help! Help!" I almost couldn't form multi-word sentences. All social restraint was gone. The nurse said my eyes were rolling around in my head and she thought I was going to pass out at any moment, so THEN they took me seriously, and my 1.3 cm stone was removed surgically, thank God.
1.3 really I just had 3 and none were removed
13mm stones, that's no damn joke.
Good that you got help and was relieved from pain and discomfort - 🙏🏼
1.3cm are 13mm, so 4 times yours @@apriljohnson9734
The feeling of relief when it passes is incredible. I was nauseous, and doubled over in pain with a stone for hours. When it moved on, the pain and nausea disappeared in minutes. The euphoria of going from one exteme to another cannot be decribed !!!
I know this when I go to the hospital and they give me morphine! It's the only drug I know that actually helps relieve my ks pain.
Yes, I understand what you mean, it happened to me several years ago. It suddenly/ unexpectedly,
Passed through me. What a relief !!
Peace to all.
@@alankirkby465 I didnt quite understand that completely. Literally small stones fall while you pee? Like if you were to look at your pee closely you would see stones? And those you see in your pee are as big as the ones shown or they are just little fragments?
I had kidney stones twice with my last pregnancy. They were too big to pass and blocked my ureter so nothing could pass to my bladder. Had to have it surgery to remove when I was 6 Mos pg then at 36 weeks the same thing happened so I was induced and had baby so I could have surgery again. That was 20 years ago. Have only had big stones twice since. Surgery both times for those also.
@@Conraa8 you wouldn’t see them as they’re urine colored. They have you strain your urine until they pass.
Ive had kindey stones multiple times, I remember the first time, it was 8 years ago, I was 12. Me and my parents were watching a movie at night thats when I first started feeling a kind of unexplainable pain, I thought it was my back but it wasnt, I hid the pain away until the morning. I woke up in the biggest pain I will ever experience. I threw up 17 times that day because of the pain. After throwing up 12 times, the last 5 times were just blood because I didnt have anything else to throw up. We were of course at the hospital for a few days and I going to the cafeteria with my mom. I saw a kid at my age that had cancer. That child died a few days later... I will never forget the pain of the kidney stones, but at the same time... I will never ever explain how thankful I was to have ONLY kidney stones...
God blessed you with wisdom and compassion, that's really cool
You just left me speechless with that end, it must have been really shocking to you.
To me the pain wasn't the worst part, it was that bad, it's just pain, and you also get morphine. the worst part was the aftermath of the surgery, I had one of those tubes from the kidney to the bladder, and it made me feel like I had to pee all the time, I had to put myself on a schedule, and only allow myself to go to the bathroom once every hour, else I would have lived in there. Walking made it worse and going to pick up food sometimes had me doubled over. I'm really happy I still had some morphine left.
@@daniellundberg2875 the aftermath sounds similar to a UTI.
Yes it is the only pain in my life I've ever experienced that would actually make you nauseous because it hurts so much... I feel bad for you being so young when you had it I was in my mid-20s when I had my first one and I have an extremely high tolerance for pain... It's the only pain in my life that actually had me curl up like I was a child in the fetal position on the ground
This happened to me and it was so painful that I just made my peace. I thought it was over...
Yup I heavily feel you, because of this it just taught me to come to terms with death. Traumatizing as well if even a little pain strikes somewhere in my body I sometimes break down.
@@China-wh5td exactly! I was in horrible pain but also at peace. Super weird, I wasn’t scared or anything. I also get so nervous when I get pain back there because I’m like oh nooooo not again lol but it only happened once.
Girl for real I thought I up and died. Just gone. I’ve had 4 and every time I’m not prepared. Every time I feel like It’s my time
Take care of yourself dear.
@@leahrussell459 humans showed that low doses of boron (3 and 10 mg/day) prevented kidney stone formation.
What a wonderful, young man who explains everything with such enthusiasm. We need more like him.
It’s not easy to teach and be enthusiastic. Not to mention he’s just talking to a camera. Really great stuff
Watch MrBallen
I think it's safe to say that a lot of us started drinking more water after watching this.
u came from the trash taste, didn't you? u sneaky devil
We all came from trash taste
@@laxkunn4913 Maybe the real Trash Taste was the Just Some Guy without a Mustache comments all along...
@@rjt001 i was thinking the same thing LMAO i always see this guy in trash taste vids
I can’t escape you 😂😂 I see you’re comments everywhere
The first time I had kidney stones I didn't know what was happening to me. I thought I was going to die because there was strong pain with no apparent reason. That scared me to my core. The second time that happened (a year or so later) I already knew what the feeling was with kidney stones so I was able to drive myself to the ER and explain to the doctors what was going on. The second time was much easier but still painful.
How long did it take to get it out?
Yep. First time, i truly thought I was dying....and hoped I would, honestly. I was 18 and my mom figured it out on the way to the e.r.(she experienced them, too). Worst 2 days of my life until the 2nd bout with them. Godawful stuff.
Same thing here I had just finished high school at 17 I just woke up one day and barely could’ve walked, then it was the fever then it was the drinking water and literally peeing a minute later the the worst part the pain. I literally thought I was dying and tbh I didn’t mind if I did with this. Took a while before I found out what it was because they missed it the first time. I think the only good thing that came out of that was coming to terms with death.
How did u get rid of them???
Ive had about 12 kidney stones.
If you want to know what they feel like, imagine you go to the bathroom and then suddenly feel a very sharp pain in your upper back that slowly ramps up overtime, and as it ramps up it begins radiating to your stomach and lowerback. Then about 5 minutes in, the pain reaches its peak and stays there for the next 12 - 36 hrs usually. You cant escape it with any twist or turn, standing or laying down. After awhile you'll just start throwing up and then you'll be so weak from doing that you kinda just pass out hoping that by the time you wake up its gone. It never is. So you repeat the process over and over again. You probably forget to eat because youre too busy "managing" the pain or youre just afraid youll throw it all up anyways. Oh and any pain medication that isnt administered through IV is useless for the same reason, as you can rarely even keep water down. (these are the stones that dont need medical intervention btw. the ones that do usually get stuck or pass much slower and can take multiple days to even a week of that pain level to pass.)
I never had Kidney stone myself and i don't wanna experience it
I had them for 6 days
this vid got recommended to me and I had a kidney stone 2 days ago and had to wait in the hospital for so long
So how does it go away?
Never expected the legend himself to be here, also I hope you doin good after having it 👍.
My grandpa had kidney stones a few months ago. He is 86 years old and he is a colonel of the air force, i’ve never seen him asking for help, in pain or complaining. As far as i can remember under all circumstances he preserved a strong posture and never asked for help. When he got kidney stones it was the first time that he desperately called for help during the night and my grandma said that he wept in the hospital, and she said it was the first time of that happening. Stay safe friends
that is really helpful, one feels a wuss as just seen as 'ibs;
@@beaulieuc8910 yeah same for me big tough old former London Police Sergeant ..I was crying in pain and screaming for hours like a child, at a certain point 99.999% of us are only human we eventually break.
this morning i passed my first kidney stone. i would listen to people tell me how bad they hurt in the past, so i had an idea in my head of what i thought it would be like if it ever happened to me. let me tell you, I HAD NO IDEA!! it was literally the most painful thing i have ever felt in my life. the pain was so intense that i began to sweat and vomit. i was crawling on my bathroom floor, thought i was honestly dying. i was in that condition for a little over 4 hours until it finally passed. i pray i never have to go through that again.
You just described my night. I literally just got back from the er thinking I was dying. I never thought I'd ever vomit and pass out because of pain.
Happen to me. Did not drink any water for 24 hours due to overwhelmingly busy. The next day, felt like my stomach about to explode. I think im gonna die. Manage to drive to hospital and get the pain killer, after checking, it was kidney stone. Xray said 15mm. CAT scan, its 5mm. It was intense. Need to hydrate and drink water daily..
A long time ago when I was dealing with a huge kidney stone and didn't know it, my ex husband yelled at me as I am on the verge of feeling like death, 'it's because you don't take care of yourself!". I look back at that and think, man he really was an awful human being. Can you imagine someone saying that to you as you are in so much pain from a ks?
My mom almost died recently because of kidney stones. I’m just crossing my fingers hoping I never deal with what she did lol
How do you pass a kidney stone? Do you just like, pee it out?
I had a kidney stone a few years ago, thought I was literally dying. I thought at first it was a massive painful shit, but after I realized I couldn't crap, I collapsed on the bathroom floor in pain. I then told my job at the time that I had to leave. On my way back home I stopped at about ten restrooms thinking I had massive poop pains but yet nothing helped and it felt like my intestines were melting. I then went back home and after an hour of severe pain I called a friend to drive me to a hospital as I thought I was about to die. I then was puking while in the emergency room from the pain and then after a couple of hours I pissed it out and almost immediately the pain went away. Ive had blood clots, and had them slice into my leg without any painkillers or being asleep for them to pump in anticoagulant into my veins and pushing the tube up my deep veins in my leg (because of the severity of my condition they had to operate on me without putting me to sleep and with no painkillers, because it would have lowered my heart rate too much). Anyways, the kidney stone hurt worse then them slicing into my veins and shoving shit up them. But the worst pain was afterwards when I got a 20k medical bill for them doing nothing and just pissing out the kidney stone for being in the emergency room for three hours, yay America!
I'm glad I live in Canada. I passed kidney stones once a month for a year and a half and had to go in twice to get then removed by laser because they were too big to pass. All hospital visits, all tests, all operations, didn't cost me a penny. They found out I was getting stones because I had a parathyroid tumor. So back into the hospital for another operation. Again not costing me a penny. I've been kidney stone free for over 5 years now. =)
@@Lyralope your comment makes you sound like a gloating ass wipe lol I'm sure you're not but that's how it seems
When you live in murica and do not buy medical insurance... 200IQ move there mate. Even the most basic coverage could have prevented any liquidation of your assets.
If you don't want to buy insurance consider moving to canada or europe
@@justinwalker2460 he should, America is dogshit
I literally crawled into the ER because of kidney stones. That pain is no joke.
Yep!! It's awful 😩😩
Ditto ..... Within 9 minutes they shot morphine into the just placed IV port .... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ,,,,, YESSSSSSSSSSSS
Same here & drive myself over 20 miles to the ER. Don’t even know how I got there it hurt so f@cking bad!
Same here. If you can handle this nothing comes close.
I had a cat scan done, and it showed one passing, and a few more sitting in my kidney. Once the morphine kicked in, I was good. Kidney infection on top of stones were not good. 😩
Let me give you a tip! I dealt with a kidney stone in September of 2022 and it was the worst pain I ever experienced. Not because it’s unbearable, but because it’s never ending. It’s a constant flow of horrible pain. During the first night of dealing with the stone I suffered greatly. I couldn’t sleep or even sit still without the horrible pain making me worried that I may be possibly dying. I would easy get dizzy and light headed because of how extreme the pain is. Overtime I found a home remedy. Whenever the pain would come back and I could tolerate it no longer, I would step into the shower for about 20 minutes and let the hot water just hit my kidney. By that time my kidney would start numbing and I would no longer feel the pain. When I was good, I would go lay down and try to sleep. When the pain came back and I would wake up in the middle of the night, I would do the same thing. Shower, numb, sleep. Keep doing this over and over and trust me, it will make your experience a lot easier!
How about using a heating pad instead of a shower. Will that help? I can't imagine waking up my family to have constant showers at all hours of the night.
@@noturningbackever493 man when your in extreme pain your family will understand
@@jubilant714Okay, I understand. Never had one and hope that I never will.
Folks, i tried all these, ithelped if even, only for a lil time. I was in emergrncy room twice a week, and there was no doc to make a stone removal, covid times. After a year and half of extreme suffering, i arranged a private clinic, payed 1000 e, but they fixed me in 4 hours. Of coure, jj stent, and cystoscopic removal followed.
@@noturningbackever493 nothing works until the stone is removed/gone. had cancer at 48 and had a lot of problems relating to the radiation treatment/damage. When I was 65 had the 1st stone - woke up in the middle of the night - I just thought it was another problem relating to radiation. Finally hubby made me get up & took me to nearby clinic. After the nurse took vitals the doctor RAN into the room. Asked which local hospital I preferred - told him & he said go NOW. It was an election day so I told him I'll vote & then go to the hospital. He said NO - YOU GO NOW. At ER vitals were again taken & I was immediately hooked up to an IV with morphine. Turns out I had sepsis - 2 days ICU and a week in the hospital. This was the beginning of a 5 year battle with stones. After 9 lithotripsies (sonic wave treatment to break up stones) had to have the left kidney removed.
When my cousin was 8 months pregnant, she thought she was going into early labor, but it turned out her excruciating pain was from kidney stones. When she gave birth 3 weeks after passing her stones, we all asked her what was more painful, natural childbirth, or kidney stones, (since she experienced both so close to eachother) and she said hands down, kidney stones are worse!
Yep.. I have heard the same from multiple women who gave natural birth.. I joke about my stones being my children.
I mean some people have an easier labor, but to each their own
Getting kicked in the balls hurts more than giving birth
Chris Cornell It’s true but only for a second. Imagine getting kicked in the balls every second for hours. That’s giving birth.
ua-cam.com/video/BK_XmGmD4N8/v-deo.html WRITE THAT DOWN...
When I told the ER doctors I didn't need pain medication and he slammed that script in my hand and literally begged me to take it I knew it wasn't going to be fun. I have never felt pain like that in my entire life. Good thing he made me take the pills. I thought I was going to die.
The er Dr didn't give me pills, just one shot at 6 PM, and a prescription, only thing the drug store didn't open until morning, it was a long night!
got up one morning to go work out and it dropped me to my knees. some how drove myself to the ER. They gave me morphine after I was admitted and it did not do shit! They give that to people that have been shot!
@@richardreinhard8864 I had to walk to the Er after almost passing out in pain, that thing is not a joke, I had another one last weak, after I realized what it was I went straight to the hospital, thankfully both times it was a great and free treatment.
@@richardreinhard8864 Hear hear! Same thing happened to me. 10 minutes after they gave me the shot of morphine I asked them when they were going to give me my pain shot. They said we already did. Obviously it didn't do shit. When I was on the X-Ray table the doc injected me with hypaque (a contrast dye.) He said you might feel a little nauseous from it and I puked all over him before he finished the shot! My pain stopped instantly and he told me I must have passed the stone. Little did he nor I know that I would be nursing that stone for 30 more days!
@@richardreinhard8864 once it's at peak pain level theres hardly anything they can do. I'm sure it's better than nothing though. I was in the hospital for days over one that was stuck. I passed it eventually when it began moving and they released me. I've also passed others at home with just slight kidney pain.
"the pain is subjective". On a scale of 1-10, it starts out as an 11 and then subjective kicks in.
They asked me in the hospital how I rated the pain; I said, it started around a 7, jammed up to 11, then dropped to between 2 and .5 after I vomited before creeping up again. At the time it was between 5 and 6, but then all of a sudden someone jammed a blunted pencil right through my lower back and we hit 12. I didn't know my personal pain scale went quite that high, and I'd sooner not have found out. And that was a medium 4mm stone.
@@markhughes2611 Epic post, and so true!
@@markhughes2611 Absolutely hilarious. It's like you're in training: "At the start, 5mm took me down. Now 7mm, and I calmly say, 'Bring it!'" Fabulous! I've had them too, and the way you write about them is spot on.
I have surgery Monday for a kidney stone. I am looking forward to relief but terrified too. Thank you for this explanation
Keen to know how it went? Which removal method did they do?
How did you know you had a stone?
I've had 2x surgeries in 2x years . 1st one was a 1 inch big stone. Never knew I had it until an ultrasound looking for the cause of other pain.
Roll on 18 months, I went for a routine CT scan and found 2x more. Didn't know I had them either.
Guess I got lucky, the most painful part for me is the afterpain from surgery. Having a stent installed for a week, and then getting that removed.
I had a massive kidney stone a few years ago, ended up having to have two surgeries to get rid of it. I felt like someone had dug their dull fingers into my body and they were slowly tearing me in half. I was surprised at the amount of mental anguish too; there was just no escape from the pain. It never diminished and nothing could ease it. It got to the point where everything around me faded and only my pain existed, it was almost like my mind so badly wanted to be unconscious but the pain wouldn't allow it.
Scary 😟
Oh my gosh, that sounds terrible! I had liver & kidney failure about 14 years ago & it was one of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced! My whole body felt like i had been lit on fire & I was burning alive. I couldn’t see & I could only hear muffled, like I was underwater & the only thing I heard was someone screaming from a distance & eventually I finally realized it was me, I was screaming. The whole experience is surreal & while I don’t think about a lot, I still remember the pain very vividly.
What’s funny tho, is I had just finished reading the last Twilight book (I kno, I kno, it’s kinda cheesy, but we ALL have our guilty pleasures, lol!) & there’s a section where the main character is turning into a vampire & the author describes it as her feeling like she’s burning alive, like lava inside her, & the transformation typically took 2 1/2 - 3 days. Well, when I was going thru this, my mind wasn’t all there (I’d also had respiratory failure/lack of oxygen) & I remember thinking, “oh my god, a vampire bit me & now I’m gonna have to go thru this agony for 3 days!!!” I can laugh about it now, but my fucked up brain at that moment was really freaked out about it 😂
@@lilred0130 that's pretty funny haha good story. And I'm so sorry you went through that
Sorry you went through this. You are very strong.❤️
Been there my friend
My mom has these right now and she’s going to get her surgery soon. Wish her luck.
Wishing her a speedy recovery man🙏🙏
Praying for her my dude, she'll be all good✌🏽
Good luck to your mother be by her side at all times!
dont worry this surgery isnt serious.No chance of anything going bad
I still can't get over that most UA-camrs have a play button or something in the background, but my dude over here just has three bodies.
I didnt even realize
@@giorgoschatzinikolaou8285 looks like it xD
Dawg 😂
don't you mean 3 confirmed kills?
This definitely hurts more than childbirth. 100% it’s the worst thing a human can go through aside from purposeful torture. The sweat, the loss of limb control, the vomiting, the loss of bladder and bowl control…never have I thought I was dying the way I did that day. I’ve also passed a premature pregnancy and it was painful too, throwing up, shaking, shitting, bleeding, but nothing compared to the kidney stone. Ibuprofen worked for passing the fetus but I wouldn’t stop involuntarily shaking until they gave me morphine to the vein for the kidney. I thought my spine had somehow broken and I was genuinely afraid I wouldn’t be able to walk again. My husband and I have both had them so thankfully someone near me understood.
damn....I started drinking apple cider vinegar (home made) with warm water after my stones. about 7-8 dcl every morning. I think it helps.
I said this before and will say it again a women who says childbirth is worse than a kidney stone is a liar or never had children. I have had amputations and surgical reattachments that literally take years to heal enough you don't feel constant pain and still it was nothing to having a 2cm kidneystone. Im.sure I have had worse but that was the first time they could tell me the size and they also.found blood.in my urine.
My dad has passed two kidney stones and holy shit seeing my extremely tough mexican dad scream out in painful crys still is the scariest thing i've ever witnessed.
How's him being Mexican relevant in any way?
@@bossman4121 it gives you *the image*
@@bossman4121 shut up
@@unclehotpocket6241 No, I don't think I will.
@@bossman4121 shut up buddy ur 11
I must say, I know for a fact that my right kidney is bigger than my left one. Because my left kidney is gone! Lol! Donated it to my Mom in Oct.99’! Sign your drivers license people. Gave my Mom another 14 years off the dialysis machines. Wouldn’t change a thing. Great show.
You are a very kind person thank you so much for donating 🥺 We need more people like u in the world
@@thegenevaconvention5623 :thank you, but how could I say no to Mom? She gave it to me in the first place!
You are nature’s true CHAD
Well done, that’s the best thing ever 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
why didn't you get it back
My husband had kidney stones, it was the worst pain he’s ever experienced. He named two of the biggest ones Bertha and fang.
Bless his heart! My adult son was plagued with them for several years, and they finally seemed to have let up, at least for the past few years. Docs say his kidneys are full of them.😳 The only time I ever saw my dad cry other than the deaths of my grandparents was when he had a kidney stone. I can’t imagine the pain, but women who’ve had them swear they’d rather have a baby! Yikes!
@@gomphrena-beautifulflower-8043 I've had both and I'd much rather have another kid.😱😂
Big Bertha and her kidney child Fang. lol An 8mm kidney stone changed my life aka dr malpractice.
Now that's a canidate for the double whammy of pain right there.
I just want to know what to drink to disolve stoned.
We really should be so grateful 🙏 when our bodies are working well. And grateful to the donors who are helping us understand our bodies. Thank you !
Imagine thanking a dead person 😂
Very thankful I have never had any major medical issues or kidney stones
I'm praying tonight for all those in / working ER.
Amen 🙏🏽
“Noo getting kicked in the groin is more painful!”
“Noo birth is!”
Kidney stones: “Let me introduce myself.”
In walks testicular torsion.
@@DurpVonFronz in walks testicular dislocation
I have a student who has had stones AND kids...she says the stones were worse.
I've had 4 of the bastards....I believe her.
I've had gall stones and 3 natural labors. Give me child birth any day.
@@Midgar_Blues My wife said the same thing about tearing her ACL (Knee injury and surgery). We have 6 kids
I died and having a kidney stone is worse.
Joking aside, sympathies to all of you who went through this. I'm here to learn and avoid this at all costs.
Can it even be avoided?
Im thinking of going to a doctor and asking for some pills or whatever as a prevention. Even if i have like 1 molecule of stone i wanna expell it while it's only 1 molecule.
@@prezlamen7906 Kidney stones and gallstones hurt worse than being shot and I've been shot three times.
@@buckyg632 Ok, but that's not an answer to my question.
@@prezlamen7906 They can't be avoided entirely, but you can change your diet to bring the risk down. My doctor said less sugary stuff and limit alcohol and drink a lot of water.
Yeah me too😂. I accidentally got poisoned and I don’t remember the pain but I sure as hell do remember the kidney stones.
i just drank a bottle of water after watching this video 🤣
Me too
Dont drink too much water
I'm going to drink water reading your comment. I haven't even completed watching the video. Just 3 minutes in.
Gonna go get mine right now!
When I was 16 I was diagnosed with infantile ureters. This meant the tube from my kidneys to my bladder did not grow. They remained very small. This caused my body to retain waste. This caused a build up of scar tissue and kidney stones. I was really sick. My urologist said they would have removed this kidney but the other kidney was damaged as well. Both kidneys weren’t working as well as one normal person’s kidney.
I had numerous surgeries to correct the problem and remove kidney stones. After the first
surgery my doctor presented me with a specimen cup with about twenty stones.
My kidney stone was, according to the doctor, just 1,5 milimeters in diameter. But I was still shaking in pain. Drenched in sweat, screaming and vomiting at the same time while a nurse was shooting pain killers into my lower back. Peeing blood, vomiting any water I drank, so an IV had to be put in. Limping on the left leg because of the stone after the worst had passed and then about 2 weeks of constant pain suppressed by chewing pain killers. Without a doubt the most all encompassing horrific pain I have ever experienced to this day. And yes.. 1,5 milimeters diameter was all it took for me..
😮😮😮 I'm sorry you went through that.
That was me, but mine was on steroids 😰😱. 8 mm 😭😭
I have one of 3 mm and I don't feel anything. The surprising thing is I'm in stage 4 of chronic kidney disease, so my kidneys are monitored very closely. I supose is accurate to say pain is subjective and I'm lucky where the stone is located 🤷♀️
Bro i went through the same exact thing a week ago.. it was the worse pain ever and to top it ,it was 12mm. Truly wish that you won't experience it again !
bruh it must suck for people who get kidney stones who dont have healthcare
I just love how his back ground is a bunch of dead bodies.
Finally, someone called it.
Can't you see he's a pathologist .
@@michaell3711 so?
So it would be normal for him to be surrounded by cadavers.
My son had kidney stones when he was 4 due to long term meds and he is actually paralysed from the waist down due to a health Condition. And for the first time ever i was actually greatful for the fact that he is paralysed when we found out he had them. I can't imagine seeing my 4 year old on agony because of them. I never thought I would be greatful for paralysis!
Damn that's bullshit, I hope he is healthy and happy nowadays
But if he wasn't paralyzed and on a ton of meds he would never have kidney stones at the age of four.
@@donzmilky5961 unfortunately that is out of my control. Without the meds he will pass away eventually. So that's not something I could have prevented.
@@donzmilky5961 also he isn't on a ' ton' of meds. Just one dose a day. But because he's had to be given the meds since he was a baby it unfortunately caused the stones.
@@unknownuser4816 he is the happiest boy I know. Im so thankful 😊 he just army crawls around the house and doesn't care less about his legs not working. He amazes me!
Had extreme pain in my right abdomen and diagnosed with a 1.6 cm stone. The first procedure installed a stent and the next procedure will use a laser to break up the stone. I'm looking forward to getting back to normal. Plan to drink a lot more water and modify my diet to prevent forming more stones in the future. This video was very informative!
I've had an 8mm kidney stone about 3 years ago, and it was hands down the most painful experience of my entire life. Take every broken bone, every dental treatment without local anaesthetics, every headache and stomachache combined, multiply them by 10 and you're not even close. I woke up in the middle of the night and literally screamed with pain. Called myself a taxi, crawled outside on the street, waited what felt like an eternity for the taxi to arrive, then told him to get me to the nearest hospital as fast as he can. There, I limped to the reception in slow motion, tried to tell the lady what my problem is but could barely form a sentence through all the pain. Luckily though, she guessed what happened and declared an emergency, so I "just" had to wait for about 10 minutes (it felt like 8 hours, honestly). After I squirmed with pain and almost passed out, a doctor came and finally gave me some really strong pain meds. Trust me, I don't even want this to happen to my worst enemy!
Jesus..that sounds horrible. Glad you're okay now.
You lucky bastard. Mine was also in the middle of the night, so I crawled in with PJ's and bedhead. In Seattle, WA. Where they just *assume* you're a drug addict when you walk in. They made me writhe in pain for nearly 2 hours before they confirmed that I had a stone and would give me morphine. The nurses were real bitches about it too. Worst night of my life.
@@thelastmanonearth2631 Holy mother of god... I'm so sorry this had happened to you!! Forgot to mention that I'm from Vienna, Austria, so when I arrived at the SMZ Ost (my nearest hospital at that time), I was treated fairly well and I'm still infinitely thankful that the nurse at the reception realised how serious my pain was, and declared an emergency. I couldn't even imagine the horror of having to wait for 2 hours while in such a pain!! 😱😵
Same! When the nurse came in to shoot me with pain meds I saw him sprout a halo and wings 😂
Didn't call the ambulance ha, you must be in the US.
I passed a gall stone last year but it got stuck and it was the most horrific thing I’ve ever experienced. I’ve never had kidney stones but when I was in the ER I was next to a man passing a kidney stone. We were both screaming. It was like a choir of pain.
I've had kidney stones and gallstones, gallstones are definitely worse and a million times worse than childbirth.
@@nb2842 it is a pain I cannot even describe. It took my breath away and I felt like I couldn’t breath. Absolutely aweful! I hope you are well now😊
funny to hear, terror to experience
@@RhaegarATT my mom said it was kinda funny to hear because you could here both of us in the waiting room (because of Covid regulations she wasn’t allowed in the ER) but yeah not at all fun to experience. It was funny when both of us got pain meds because we both stopped screaming in sync😂😂the pain meds hit us at the same time
Hi! Did your gallstone / gallstones go into the cystic duct, common bile duct? That’s extremely dangerous, how was it solved? My dad’s female friend had the same thing happening to her and she had an inflamed pancreas as a consequence. She succumbed to this, was 45 years old. Was your gallbladder removed, and did doctors remove the gallstone from the cystic duct?
I honestly don’t get why we don’t watch videos like this in my biology class because I’ve learned more in this video that’s I have in a whole year of classroom learning
Biology is the base science of organic matter, you wouldn’t learn this stuff unless you take human anatomy classes as those focus specifically on the human body.
Maybe you should be paying attention in class.
@@alexcardwell2246 but were learning about the heart so it would make sense to learn about kidneys too
@@andrebrown8969 I don’t really pay attention in class but it’s probably because it’s boring with the teacher just non stop talking about stuff that’s why I’m saying videos like this would be better
I had kidney stones a few years ago. When I walked into the emergency room, the attendant looked at me and said, “By the look on your face, I can see that you have kidney stones!”…It’s the look of death. While I was lying there in agony, for the first time, I had pain so significant that death seemed like a viable alternative. Once they gave me some IV drugs, I was in heaven. I went from feeling as bad as I’ve ever felt, to feeling the best I’ve ever felt inside of five minutes.
Hi mate. I was the same. Gas and air 1st then on a line and nothing was happening. Gave me mophine and it was heaven...wow lol. Best of health bud
For some reason even IV morphine barely made any difference to my pain. Thankfully within a few hours I was in surgery so was knocked out for that!
@@bergeracvandamme I had the same experience, morphine did not help but mine passed in a few hours
Same happened to me - soon as they gave me Dilaudid the pain instantly stopped. I had the surgery shortly thereafter.
Can guys have these?
Alternate title: Man scares you into keeping hydrated
@Miles not the time or the place and please dont push your religion on others gives a bad reputation to christians
@@jereki4995 You spread the Gospel in every place you can according to the Bible tho. Mark 16:15. You do you @Miles
@@JoseRodriguez-mz5zi God bless
@@JoseRodriguez-mz5zi genuine question, what’s the point in spreading the gospel? I’ve never been religious, so whenever I see a comment like that it seems like you’re just trying to beat the concept into my head. Especially when it’s under a video not related to religion at all.
@@mmklthn well no one is forcing you lmao do u
I actually got rushed to the hospital on my 19th birthday back on May 20th because of a kidney stone. It genuinely sucked but the "good" news is that it's only 1 millimeter. But it still sucks.
yay I recognize you from many other comments
1 millimeter you got lucky lol
HYDRATE (no alcohol) and cuT down on your
ayo same birthday
Anything above 8mm usually needs surgical removal. Also, happy belated birthday, and hope you don't get more.
This is one of the BEST chronic kidney disease videos I’ve ever seen. Thank you so much. I got diagnosed with CKD (nephrotic syndrome$ when I was 17 and I still take medications everyday to maintain the kidney function I still have. GOD has been good to me. Having resources like your channel is such a blessing.
This is bringing up some PTSD feelings in me. I had a kidney stone that was so large it ripped the ureter and with each push my body tried, it ripped further. It was the most miserable experience of my life. The pain was so excruciating that I stayed in the bathroom on the toilet because the overwhelming need to pee and everytime I did, I would pass out from the pain- it was that intense. I would then wake up on the bathroom floor countless times with my pants still down and the extreme urge to pee. I'd hop back on the toilet and the process kept repeating itself for a few hours until my husband got home and took me to the ER. I don't remember much at the hospital because of all the painkillers they put me on but I do remember getting the ultrasound water thing. As a mom of 3 who's had natural childbirth- Id gladly do the natural childbirth all over again too. I'd do all 3 again on the exact same day, one after the other if it was a choice between that and a kidney stone. At least in natural childbirth I wasn't passing out from pain and got a cute baby as a reward.
Same! Unfortunately I am in the rare hereditary grouping and there is no end in sight to my stone formations. Working hard on #593 right now. I'm the only female in my family with this, but I have a few male uncles and cousins that share my misery. I hate how traumatic your experience was, but I've had a few like that. I would stack laundry baskets with towels around the toilet to keep from busting my head when I passed out. My doctor is a sadist and would treat me horribly for being a young female. Most of his patients were old men. I deal with almost everything on my own. The rules are, only seek treatment if I'm running a high fever or have experienced a complete blockage for more than 24 hours. I would rather have more children than a gravel driveway as well.
@@LoriCrabtree31 I'm sorry to hear you're going through it that much. My heart goes out to you❤.... On a lighter note maybe me and you should start a gravel driveway business. Or at least fish tanks. We've got a never-ending supply😂😂😂😂❤
@@LoriCrabtree31 humans showed that low doses of boron (3 and 10 mg/day) prevented kidney stone formation. just wondered if you knew. Boron is a necessary mineral for calcium absorption. People are low in it like they are low in d3.
@@sarcasticcat4982 Thank you so much for trying to help, but sadly I've been through everything. Going on 18 years of this now. Just glad you didn't say, "That's easy, drink more water"
@@LoriCrabtree31 no....drinking more water ain't gonna help unless possibly its bottled steamed distilled water because steam distilled water eats calcium. If you drink unmineralized water you need to be on a calcium supplement for sure.
The medical community hides tons.of things from people in order to promote their obedience to and their payoffs from big pharma.
I read a lot of.medical journals and studies because of it. I found that one on boron recently. I haven't had a kidney stone ever, and from reading comments on here, I damn sure don't want one. So ill be starting boron today....😺I hope you find some relief. It sounds unbearable.
My mom got kidney stones when she was 48 She screamed in pain and fell on the floor and she cried her eyes out she could not even get up so we called the hospital. I still get chills from this day.
thats awful :(( i hope shes okay!! this made me tear up a bit so i hope shes well.
pulling and holding your knees to your chest can relieve some of the pain
@Spinner she's okay now! She just go surgery on her kidney.
@Tate Chasers thank you for your info :)
@@tatechasers2393 This is actually true 🤣. Only thing that helped me was lying on the couch in the fetal position.
I have passed a number of stones, and like some of the commentators, the first time I had no clue what was happening to me. I do remember the sudden and complete cessation of pain as the stone reached my bladder. Relief for sure, but i know enough anatomy to realise that the next instalment (i.e reaching daylight) might be worse. So I drank and drank, and ignored any urge to have a wee. I let the pressure really build up, and when I had to go - the point of no return- the stone came flying out at a rate of knots with barely a twinge. The urethra is wider for sure (and I'm not bragging) but a good head of pressure helps a lot.
Morphine also helps. A lot.
what size were they?
It was great once u piss them out, hitting the toilet, ting, ting. O what a relief it is.
@@jamieb1178 If you can imagine a .22 air rifle pellet, squashed into a vaguely spherical shape but with sharp spikey bits. It was analysed and found to be principally oxalate.
Where do you feel them? In the middle of your body or was it one side?
@@dontstopme9527 it's on whichever side is passing the stone
I passed one a few months back that stuck with me for 3 weeks. Grown man and it made me AND my wife cry. I actually thought about dying a few times as the pain was just all consuming. On one of the rides to the hospital I just started wailing and talking about dying and my wife had a mental breakdown too. It was 1mm in size.
If you get one, please find out what caused it, and if you haven't had one, please eat foods responsibly.
Lmfaoooo me too dude. I want to just die and go to heaven when it passes
Mine was very small too 2.6 mm
This video made me want to drink more water immediately
@@UsuallyCupidx um I still think drinking plenty of water can dilute those oxalates, or better said, not drinking enough can concentrate them
Lol, also watch your calcium intake, that's what a doc told me.
That's why water is actually more valuable than diamonds.
@TRUTH ZONE I'm down. I was born with asthma and I don't have insurance at 43. Inhalers are expensive. Thanks for the distilled water tip too.
the first thing i thought about was to drink water and the kidney stones might get better😂😂😂
I had one very tiny kidney stone (I never saw it's size so who knows if I passed it). The pain was so bad that the doctor thought it was a burst appendix. I could barely breathe through the pain, and almost passed out a couple of times. They had to dope me up on morphine, and a nurse held my hand until it kicked in. How I didn't break that woman's hand is beyond me. I literally saw stars, and was in so much pain I couldn't cry or hardly breathe. Not an experience I ever want again, nor do I ever want to experience the side effects of such heavy pain meds ever again.
Omg my appendix burst when I was about 12 whilst I was on a train in a remote part of northern Queensland (Australia). I have NEVER felt pain like that. Either before or since. Everyone on the train thought I was just being an over reactive child with a stomach ache until I passed out (from pain) and turned blue. It was only then that an air medic was called. I just remember waking up in a small hospital to find out I’d just been operated on. I still felt awful as I’d started to go septic. I’ve often hear that kidney stones can feel similar depending on size and such so I just pray that I never experience them again! I never want to feel that again 🥴
You describe my kidney stone passing so so so well, had this exact experience.. I was on vacation alone with my 16-years old little sister, and suddenly I woke up at night feeling really weird.. then suddenly I saw moon and stars and I had so much pain I couldn’t stop screaming, so my sister woke up and called an ambulance and no one spoke English/Danish/Norwegian as I do, so I couldn’t really communicate with staff and I threw up everywhere and I was so sure I was going to die 😂
i had appendicitis (did not quite rupture, was within a couple hours of doing so, they did emergency surgery) and a nasty kidney stone .. both were horrific lol. i think the kidney stone was slightly worse i was literally writhing, screaming in pain while my gf drove me to hospital
When I had kidney stone pain back in 2018 I couldn’t cry aswell, I was in pain for like 3/4 hours before going to the hospital, kept taking short hot showers and going all wet to bed, did the same thing for more than 15 times, there was a point I was just walking inside my house. Started feeling kinda “drunk” because of so much pain and sometimes I just wanted to go outside and walk forever. Pain didn’t go totally away even with the medicine they gave me. Also had gallstones couple years ago, that pain made me cry. Seems light acid burning you inside
Morphine doesn’t work for the pain when I get stoned trying to pass- I’ve had the ER give me Dilaudid. It works wonders.
My grandma had one of those in her right kidney. She, who could literally Lift me of the ground, was knocked out by the Pain. Now she drinks a lot of water
Bear with me…I was standing in line at the bank with two people ahead of me. Out of nowhere I starting sweating and then a slow steady feeling of a dull knife pushing slowly through my back, through my body core and up to the right front near the appendix as the pain intensified it continued to get stronger to the point I fell to my knees and passed out from the pain. I woke up with the medics putting me on the gurney as the pain was still radiating to the maximum. They couldn’t give me pain meds because they didn’t know the cause. A cat scan showed I had a 10mm jagged shaped stone stuck in my ureter trying to escape my kidney. It was too large to pass. So, fortunately this hospital had a lithotripsy unit that uses ultrasound waves to blast and pulverize the stone into basically sand and then you pass it through your bladder. I’ve passed a few smaller ones in the years since but I have never experienced pain on a scale of that magnitude and I hope none of you ever experience one tenth of that pain.
jesus mother of god.. what did the wave blasts feel like ??
I’ve had similar incidents and know the pain you speak of. I’m a rather big guy and for people to see me roll on the floor in acute pain, is one of the weirdest things they have ever seen. On one occasion a person calling for help, had thought I’d been stabbed. Imagine the confusion when the medics couldn’t see any blood.
Good lord
Feel that, but not that big. I was home alone, going to get some food and suddenly i feel this knife stab on the back. Took me 15 minutes to get my strength back and call my dad to get me. Horrible shit for sure
What was the bill? Assuming you live in th US
Had two kidney stones when I was 21. They were indeed extremely painful. Went to the hospital and they gave me iv morphine. Luckily the ones I had were small and I was able to pass them on my own. I can't imagine the pain of larger ones
The largest one I had was 13 mm. It was stuck in the kidney, and there was no way it was going to come out on its own.
I had an 11 mm one and a 7mm in the same kidney
Shit was terrible
I've had 2 kidney stones. I don't remember their size, but I remember they were on small/medium border. Anyway, the first time it happened I was 100% sure I was constipated. I had several incidents growing up where I got acutely constipated (I guess "blockage" is a better word...as I've since learned that people mostly use that term to describe longer bouts, even chronic bouts, of just plain "difficulty" going, where my incidents were ACUTE, pretty terrifyingly agonizing, and always ended shorty after using a suppository or enema). Anyway, this was the first time in my life where using suppository/enema wasn't working, so I was just beside myself. I was in utter agony but was embarrassed about going to the ER for it.... (I even tried calling several ERs, pleading with them, but to no avail as they refused to give any medical advice over the phone). I finally just couldn't take it anymore. I had been literally laying/rolling on the ground in the fetal position (and remained on the floor of the backseat of my father's car as he drove me to the hospital).
As I ran up to the front desk I told them what I thought was the issue - I was constipated. BADLY. Anyway, they asked a few questions and seemed to look more and more to them as if it might be a kidney stone. I was like...what?? I mean, my whole life I've always heard that they were the most painful thing you can experience. Sometimes worse than childbirth! And I wasn't in acute/sharp pain. I still have problems with even using the word "pain" in describing my 2 incidents. They were, however, a solid 9 or 10 on the shear uncomfort/agony scale. Needless to say, the nurses/doctors were right, as the urine test did indeed show signs of blood, which is what they were expecting to see. They were pretty positive it was a stone, and after the quick tests/scans it turned out it was. The second time around it was exactly the same, only I realized what was happening well before the agony began (still felt like constipation at first -- not acute "blockage" ; just "i really feel like I should be going but I can't") and once the slight "ache" started slooowly around the groin I was sure and just drove myself to the ER.
Same result each time - intravenous NSAID (forgot the name - starts with a "T"). This particular drug they couldn't/wouldn't give orally (either in the ER or as a short-term Rx to take home) as it is apparently horrid on the liver when taken orally. They said they don't give narcotic/opioids for stones anymore as this NSAID works just as well because it's really strong (for an NSAID) and supposedly also targets a certain...something (receptor?) that helps with kidney pain/inflammation (same as with Ibuprofen - which is the only Rx they gave me both times to go home with - just a couple 600mg Ibuprofen). I was a bit upset the first time, as I was in such agony I wanted something strong (and I heard my friend , who seemed to be very susceptible to stones, talk about the intravenous morphine and/or dilaudid they would give him). I didn't expect anything else to work -- although I was wrong, as that intravenous NSAID (whatever it was - Toraval or something like that) did work 100% for quit a long time (pretty much until I went home several hours later, by which time the stone "pain"/agony died almost completely down (in both cases, along with the ibuprofen I started taking).
Okay, this turned out to be a fuck ton of typing to tell my story.....so if you actually read this what I was trying to get at or ask is what is up with the "pain" people talk about? Is it always more of an ache/supreme agony/discomfort type of thing? Or do the larger stones HURT as in like a bad burn or stepping on a 3" sharp nail with your bare feet? And what's the deal with them telling me they don't use narcotics to treat them anymore (even for larger ones , they told me both times at the 2 diff hospitals)? How would you describe your experience with your first (or worst) stone when it came to the onset and feeling? Sorry for writing such a novel but this has confused me ever since my first one (about 13 or so years ago -- second was about 7 years ago).
also, I passed both of mine within 2 days of going to the ER. Both times I would have missed it if not for the little contraption they gave me to filter my pee. Didn't feel a thing. I guess I only felt it while it was moving (slowly...so maybe "stuck" somewhere) further up in the kidney/tube/whatever. I realize there are many different types and shapes of stones -- mine were not smooth or round but also weren't TOO edged/spikey. Still, though....my whole life hearing about the unbearable pain of kidney stones no one ever specified that only certain types and sizes were scary. Was brought to believe the stones didn't discriminate in that way...lol.
I'm watching this video on my bed in the hospital right now. I was about to lose my mind and kill myself after 4 days of excruciating pain before the surgery.
Didn't get to sleep, didn't get to eat, nor shower.
I had my first kidney stone in 2014 and it woke me up out of a dead sleep and I was SCREAMING! If you can imagine being stabbed in them kidney with a red hot jagged spike, then it being twisted over and over, you KINDA get the idea. I thought I was dying and got no relief until I begged the ER for meds to make it stop. Worst pain I’ve ever experienced and I’ve had it twice.
Stupid kidney stones 😞 My first one was a dumbbell😭 That was the worst one... Well, besides the one that made me septic. Kidney stones suck...
Exactly the same thing happened to me ............... twice 😮. The first one passed naturally but the second time I needed to have removed surgically and a stent was put in for a week. You can imagine how they remove a stent from a guy .......... without pain relief 😮.
Over the years I've broken bones, had plenty of stitches etc etc, but NOTHING compares with kidney stone pain.
When mum passed away from cancer she had a 2cm stone 😢
Happened to me last thursday. Exactly same scenario. Firstly thought that my stomach hurts and it should stop soon. 2 hours later I was lying on ground, screaming and begging for ER to come faster...
The fact you have to beg for meds is wild….
Your description is 100% correct
Ahh man, I feel so bad for my son. He's 16 in april and had three removed June last year, they had to operate because they were tricky ones. In August he had a scan to make sure all okay and it showed 2 even bigger ones. Then the pediatric lazer went out of commission so he's just waiting for adult urology to blast them. It's March now and he's got 5 of the buggers between 12 and 5 mm. He's not doing so great. Watching this I can get more of an idea of the pain he must be in. I'm going to stop trying to get him in to school, he can retake those GCSEs next year 😢
When I had a kidney stone, vomiting in the fetal position, the female nurses all said a kidney stone is worse than childbirth...I'll never claim to know how painful childbirth is, but I know I don't wish that kind of pain on even my most hated enemy
My kidneys stones where definitely worse than childbirth & I've given birth to 3 children. I passed one stone & felt like i was gonna die literally. I had more stones & had to wait 1 month for removal. In the meantime time i was so scared to eat anything because of the pain so i ate broth & drunk water only for the whole month until surgery. Lost 30lbs. Thats how scared i was to pass another stone lol
@Jo Ol why do you get so many ?? Im scared to get one!!
The pain was worse when the stone was still inside. Passing it was quick. But by far THE WORST pain ever. Like someone was slowly pressing a dull stake in my back.
@@BIGDROC99 Worst one I ever had was a 10mm sucker that had a 6 mm spike on one end. Imagine trying to pass a chicken leg out of your body. That was what I had to pass last year.
@@BIGDROC99 yes, it's like having a dull spoon digging out the insides of your lower back. They are awful!!
I was kinda hopping that someone in comments would say “I had kidney stones and it was not that bad” but nope, everyone’s story is scary.
I had one, it was really painful, not as bad as others because I ha e beat myself up so much and it was small
I had many kidney stones.. still have like 2 on each side and words cant describe the pain
I've passed 3 stones. The first was pure torture. Pain medication didn't help. The second was not too bad, even though the stone was the same size as the first. By the third stone, I barely noticed. So the amount of pain is unpredictable.
First time I passed a kidney stone, I called my dad. I was so afraid, I had no idea what happened. I bled a little bit. Bleeding is normal for females, but for a male it is scary.
The way I can put into words the pain is basically it felt like someone stabbed me in the back and was crushing my testicles. I didn’t know it was a kidney stone at first, I genuinely thought I had really really bad testicular tortion
Never had a kidney stone. This has fucking terrified me.
Bro I’m have kidney stone pain 4th time experiencing and I’m 13 if I can give you any advice just drink water
@@bluerr7904 like only that's what we need to do?
We should not eat junk food
Is there any criteria like this
And how many litres per day
@@sriprakash7245 just be healthy this pain sucks it really does
@@sriprakash7245 update pain is setting down
@@sriprakash7245 It's not junk food. Until recently, I had to avoid potatoes, carrots, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, tofu, nuts, pineapple, and dozens of other foods that were the bulk of what I ate. It's been miserable. Any foods with even an elevated level of oxalates had to be avoided.
I have had kidney stones. They hurt. A lot. BUT! There is a long way from kidney stone pain to the worst pain I have experienced. I won't go into it. I just want to tell you to be kind to people in pain. You have No Idea how bad it is for them. Alleviate their suffering as best as you can, and do it with as much compassion as you can muster. I remember a nurse running back and forth for hot towels for half her shift and I still tear up from gratitude for that relief. My heros are the ones who relieve my pain and do even basic care like bringing me an orange or any silly little things ... I am on palliative care for my pain.
I teared up earlier thinking about the hospital that took me in and helped me. Thankful.
People nonchalant towards ppl in agony= will suffer the exact same.
Thankful for ppl who help ppl
Which is worse, a unbearable migraine, or a kidney stone. This is like a challenge of the year. 😂
@FortunateOneee kidney stone bro.
Migraines are miserable but bearable. Kidney stones make you want death
Thank you for explaining kidney stones so clearly. I’ve had so many people, and doctors, try to explain it, but it never made sense to me until now. You’re a great teacher and you explain it in laymen’s terms.
I had one recently. Worst three weeks of my life.
One night I woke up with the most incredible back pain I’ve ever experienced.
Actually peeing out the stone is not too eventful, it’s the weeks leading up to that as it moves that’s the worst
I had to have two surgeries to get my 7mm stone out... the bladder spasms were worse then the severe attacks.
I have had worse pain. Compound fracture requiring a skin graft won the pain war. Ouch.
I feel for you both. I can’t even imagine. Good luck to you both and take care.
I’m 21 and have barely experienced pain, fractured my foot and that’s all for bones, I’ve had chest pains which I can only resemble to a heart attack, they were bad, just feels like bein stabbed in the heart 😂 but yeah idk other than that I’ve just had head impacts or trapped nerves which aren’t really painful, the fractured foot was less pain than a trapped nerve 🤣
@@bukboefidun9096 yeah, I'm sure some Cancer's can get very intense, a septic or infected wound is another one.. it's tough, as chronic pain from which death is the only release? I'd have to say, the Bends is probably the worst way to go out..I've heard they can simulate a severe heart attack and bring you back with a certain drug, and people beg for death before going through that again..
I think it's kind of subjective as different people experience pain different ways..
I’ve experienced some shit in my life like a melon sized tumor literally tearing through my uterus during my period, but none of it compares to having a kidney stone. Especially since I didn’t know what was happening... I thought I was dying. When your in the midst of the pain you don’t even know where it’s coming from, it’s on another level. Plus the doctor not believing me until I puked all over the waiting room didn’t help the experience much either.
Not knowing what it was was the worst part, by far. Any time my body feels pain in an unexpected way, my mind goes to “is it cancer, again?”. Luckily, the ER doc treating me figured out I was a survivor and one of the first things they told me was it wasn’t cancer.
Omg I had this happen too!! Doc didn’t believe me and sent me away until I collapsed and showed I had blood in my urine 😭 unbelievable how heartless some doctors can be when it’s literally their only job to help people and make them feel better.
Same. Didn’t know what a kidney stone was but I blacked out from the pain and threw up all over the ER and the doctor😂. They only discovered it after an X ray.
@@emreptar3048 it’s the people that fake being sick to get drugs
Throwing up from the pain. I remember it well.
When I was young, I stumbled upon a hornet's nest and got stung 21 times. The kidney stone was worse.
I would rather give birth to a coffee table then to have another kidney stone
Ooh, I need a new coffee table... get cracking Patty!
Congrats! its a Oak with drawers and a polished finish.
great guys. I have recently found out about my kidney stone and watching this video and reading the comments really is very encouraging. So I haven't had any symptoms yet but now I know what is going to happen to me. It's worse than giving birth to 6 children and possibly the worst pain a human being can experience. Wise choice of words! Thankyou 😂
its scary to think how fragile we all are, millions of tiny moving parts working 24/7 to keep us alive. Makes me feel brittle.
everytime you breathe you reset a few minute timer till your body dies from lack of oxygen
We are fragile, but the body is also so resilient
Think of it this way, all this unimaginable pain, yet we still survive.
I like to think of the body as extremely fucking resilient instead of brittle, cause it is.
You hear stories about people having half their face obliterated and live,
losing the lower half of their body and live,
losing 3/4 of their brain and live.
Its amazing and i love it
@@LEGIONCABAL at the same time people can die just from breathing or doing any mundane activity.
@@mattheholic2 Yeah i guess so, the body is wacky
I had a stone when I was 10 that was 7mm. I would have to sit in class in pain because nobody believed that it was that bad. When we found out I had one and how big it was by going to the ER one morning, I had a laser ureteroscopy the next day. When I passed the microscopic remains it was still incredibly painful and my pee was as dark red as blood. I've had more sense then, I wish it would never happen again. I hate that people think medication will make pain go away, there is no drug in the world strong enough.
Have you tried carfentanil?
Cocaine codeine heroin all those ease the pain for me lol
I keep a gallon of water next to my bed, next to the TV and, yes, next to the toilet. I drink while I urinate to keep the same equal amount or more of h2o in my ststem.
You are absolutely right, I have a 5 mm stone at the entrance to my bladder, I took 3 Percocets and they did absolutely nothing to dull the pain.
"Carfentanil is an opioid that is used by veterinarians for very large animals like elephants. It is not for human use. It is approximately 100 times more toxic than fentanyl and 10,000 times more toxic than morphine."
I had kidney stones back in 2019 and one moment it's like "ok something feels kinda weird" and then the next moment you're on the floor screaming in pain
Omg facts I had them a year ago and I had nausea too. I also felt weak of how painful it was.
The pain is like nothing else. I felt like i was having an out of body experience 😂 the pain was so bad and my body didnt know how to respond so it just kept letting me pass out repeatedly 😂
I've had 5 of them so far, one was a trip to the ER
Lindsey; Yes, me too. And then you are more susceptible to create more and faster.
That's exactly it, I clearly remember what it was like. The kind of pain where you just don't know how to be. Usually when you have an ache, you can change position or something to make it (slightly) better. With kidney stones, nothing helps and you just have to sit through it, or go to ER like me (and that was 'only' 3-4mm).
This was so helpful. Yes three weeks i had this happen to me and to hear you explain to us how painfull it is makes me feel much more understood. Thank you for your detailed and compassionate video.
One of the symptoms of passing kidney stones is vomiting. I think the pain is so intense that the body tries to release it by making you vomit. I felt a little better after vomiting, but it’s a relentless pain that doesn’t fully go away until the stone passes. I’ve passed three back to back a month apart.
I feel you. I threw up at least twice. Once was at the doc in the box, where the nurse diagnosed it as just back cramps. Lol. Never went to any of those again!
It made me so sick when I had mine. I've had severe stones 4x in my life and each time was just awful.
Isn't it fun?
Last time I had one vomiting seemed to force the stone through, must have been the pressure. Was in agony and it passed after vomiting, was ready for the hospital before that.
Vomitting makes you feel better temporarily afterwards too. Might be trying to get any hit of dopamine that it can lol.
In the bathrooms in our office building there are “urine colour charts” showing what colour is urine when a person is dehydrated and what it’s supposed to look like when your body has enough liquids.
Thanks for that
That is pretty helpful. Preventative steps through accessible information.
Thank you, that gave me an idea to suggest the same to our office management and to also print one to put in my bathroom.
That’s cool 😎
I was in more pain from kidney stones moving around, than when i was dying of sepsis from a ruptured appendix. I also have a stupid high pain tolerance so that makes a difference.
Can you give me some scale comparison of both? Like from 1-10..
@@andromaxbse6459 kidney stones were a 10, appendix rupturing was about a 9.
I had a stone blocking my bladder ( it turns out), I thought I was tough....I rang for an ambulance within an hour of waking up in pain🤕🤕🤕
I have Nothing left to be taken out of me, so that means I’ve had a Ruptured Appendicitis to when they did Emergency surgery on me & the Drs all said that my APPENDIX WAS GANGRENE and I should have died, but I’m still here. I’ve had Gall stones and my Gallbladder removed because of gallstones and those were a breeze next to kidney stones. Then I Still have Pancreatitis attackers and the Drs tell me that I will Never know the Difference between a Heart attack and a Pancreatitis attack. That’s how Bad that one is & last but not least I have had 3 Children. Out of All of these situations I’ve gone through, kidney stones are the worse 🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️ Oh and my pain tolerance is Waaaaaaaaay high because one year I found out that I was walking on a Huge fractured hip and didn’t even know it 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I must say that this is a very impressive video. The way you explained everything so that it can be clearly understood is amazing. You are an amazing teacher. I truly learned a lot & will be sharing this video so that others can educate themselves. Thank you so very much! God bless you! I definitely subscribed as I look forward to learning more from you! 🙏🏽🎯
anyone else just feel so fragile when watching anatomy videos?
it honestly depends on the lesson. I'll tense up with things that involve blood or other fluids, but remain stoic with something like earwax or acne.
I'm hungry for scrambled eggs
@@popeyethesailor6337 i love them raw
“This, too, shall pass! It’s gonna pass like a kidney stone, but it will pass!” 😱
Not always I can't pass them
@@jamesridoni I didn’t pass one of mine. It was a 7. Finally had surgery and a stint put in...also, NOT FUN
@@jamesridoni so sorry you get them, too! They are horrid little stones
NOT always ...... trust ME
From all the videos that I have seen yours were the more informative...
Thanks for sharing
I’ll always remember when I had my kidney stones because it was when Infinity War was in theaters. I already went to the doctor and I was recommended to pass it naturally. My wife and I affectionately called them my Infinity Stones.
I had 3 stones in 7 years. I ended up having treatment to break up more that were forming. I’ve never had pain like passing a stone. My 3rd stone was so painful that it got to the point where they couldn’t even give me any more morphine! I changed my diet, lost weight and 7 years on, touch wood, no more problems.
What kind of diet? What personally do you think was the cause?
How did your diet change?
@@massilez6720 I was sent to a clinic for them to do a full check as to why I formed stones so quickly. It was inconclusive but the doctor suggested I try a healthier diet. Less dairy etc. I ended up cutting my saturated fats, stopped snacking on sweets, biscuits etc and upped my water intake. I also started exercising three days a week. I lost three stone in three months. In the past few years I’ve been less strict with the diet and allow myself to have the occasional fatty meal or sweet. My weight however has remained fairly constant at 175lbs. No more stones and I’m far healthier these days.
"touch wood" gay
knock on wood makes more sense
@@putridabomination depends on if you’re using British English or American English. I’m British.
They do better explaining then any of my science teachers ever did.
I learned more about the human body in the real world through research and watching vids on the internet than I ever did in school. Not all teachers are proficient at explaining things.
...and textbooks.
@@metarugia2176 ah yes.... "research"
That's probably because your science teachers didn't have any human corpses available.
same until my teachers actually started doing dissections with us. u learn a lot more when it's infront of u
I found this video gave me more precious information than my doctor gives. In less time too. Thank God for this woman.
Great video. I’m 28 and just finally passed a 6mm stone after SIX months. July of last year I felt a pain in my right side/back that almost felt like my stomach right as I was getting in bed. Sat on the toilet, tried to throw up, nothing helped. I tried to lay down and go to sleep but the pain started increasing to a point of panic. At one point I knew that I could either drive myself to the first ER I hit right at that moment or I’d have to go in an ambulance. When I TELL YOU the mental fortitude I had to get myself to the ER…I’m honestly proud of myself. Mind you I was freaking out-I’d never had any health issues before nor had I been to an emergency room as a patient. I had no basis to compare this pain to, so my anxiety was through the roof. I lived alone with my puppy and, not knowing how long I’d be gone, had to secure her in her crate with food and water before getting myself in my car and on the road. I searched for emergency rooms near me, not caring at all about who was in network with my insurance. The nearest one was a straight shot down the main road, but damnit if I didn’t hit EVERY red light. It was the middle of the night so I did what I needed to do while hunched over and clutching my side.
This ER was small and family-owned. I must have looked crazy walking in. The guy at the front desk was handing me forms as I was doubled over, incoherently scribbling on them and mumbling to him that I could barely fill them out. Eventually they took me back and immediately got me on an IV. The whole time, I’m shaking violently and uncontrollably. Next, pain meds. Whatever they gave me first did NOT help. I’m not sure what it was, but I was still in pain and shaking as they wheeled me for a CAT scan. Then, they doctor came in to tell me about the massive 6mm stone I had and that 6mm is around the size they consider intervention. They gave me morphine, and my god. The relief. I’ve never felt anything like it. Imagine being in inescapable pain and panic in the middle of the night, unable to sleep with no idea when it will end, shaking uncontrollably, then all of those feelings going away at once and being replaced by the most comfortable warmth you thought you’d never feel. I got to hang out for a bit while they completed my urinalysis and bloodwork, then hours later they released me to go home with some Gatorade and a few prescriptions. The plan was to pass it, and I spent the next couple weeks drinking a ton of water and using my meds + a heating pad to manage the pain. At one point I assumed I passed it. I felt fine, had no sensations in my ureter or bladder, and that was that. I was also in the middle of cross-country move, so maybe I was hoping the worst was behind me.
SIX months later, I’m seeing blood in my urine and feeling a slight tingling pain on my right side. I go to the clinic for a UTI, provide a urine sample, start antibiotics, and fly home the next day for the holidays. Two days later, my mom is taking me to the ER at the hospital I was born at for the same exact pain from six months ago. Everything I wrote before happened again-IV, drugs, CAT scan, all of it. Imagine my shock when the doctor told me that same stone has traveled down my ureter for the last 6 months and was blocked at 99% of the way. He tried to get the urologist to do the lithotripsy right then and there but he wasn’t available. I flew back home a couple days later, started aggressively drinking water again and adding an herbal “stone breaker” supplement I found online, and hoped to have to avoid having (and paying for) the procedure. I am very happy to say that I passed the stone after 6 months just the other morning right after waking up. I can’t tell you how many people have told me kidney stones are worse than childbirth. I hope I never have to deal with one again!
So sad to hear such painful story that and happy too that you are out from such pain.
same thing happened to me, massive pain on my right flank, drove myself to the ER almost passing out from the pain... stopping on the side of the road to stand up and stretch my abdomen (made it feel slightly better). Then getting back in my car to drive. Once at the ER I was given Toradol which helped immensely with the pain (helps relax smooth muscles which is exactly what your ureters are). It was only a 5mm stone, doctor said it would pass on its own and sent me home with Toradol, and flomax.
7 months later, I am urinating blood, go to the same ER because it felt like I was peeing glass shards and there was discharge. Doctor said the kidney stone is almost passed as is on the edge of entering the bladder, same pain treatment, which worked wonders. He sent me home with some meds and antibiotics, next morning it passes and I felt so much relief. I was able to capture it and get it analyzed, it was an oxalate stone (most common form) and haven't had one since.
I had a 7mm kidney stone. Spent a day in the ER, and the ER doctor referred me to a urologist for a followup. During the MRI, my urologist found another 7mm stone in the other kidney that hadn't given me problems yet. The urologist did two separate uteroscopy surgeries to break up the stones. I had to wear an internal Stent in my ureter for about three weeks each time, and I was prescribed flo-max to help expand my ureter so the broken up stones would pass. My urologist advised against leaving the stones alone for months, and trying to pass them naturally, because it could cause damage to the kidneys. The kidney stones were actually a blessing in my case, because when the urologist was doing a cystoscopy to remove the stents, he found a tiny tumor in my bladder and removed it fir a biopsy. It was a bladder cancer, and he feels he removed it in time. I just have to go back for follow up cystoscopys to check everything. Mh urologist said that sometimes, bladder tumors are not caught in time, and the whole bladder needs to be removed. I would advise anyone with a kidney stone, no matter how minor, to see a urologist.
I have a question, did y'all drink much water daily? Just so I know if what I'm doing will prevent it
A bottle of water literally just spawned in my hands after this video
Lol no hesitation
Crap, i got a bottle of oxilates
Me too cause I'm a gamer
@Desu n o
Great stuff! Thanks for explaining all of the very complicated subjects, I will need to replay all of this at least another five or six times. I will do exactly as you've suggested. Thanks again!
I had a kidney stone 3 weeks ago. The doctor said it was small, I peed it out without knowing. But I have to tell you, the pain I felt before it got to my bladder was something else. I have never in my life experienced anything as painful as this. It literally paralyzed me when it started. It was on my left side. It started as a sharp pain, felt like a back pain at first. But it kept getting worse. Also it started after I went to pee, I guess I moved the thing. After 30 minutes I was in my bed, I couldn't move from the pain, it felt like my stomach was about to burst. By that point it wasn't just one little spot that hurt, it was my entire stomach. There was a point I actually wanted to scream from the pain. Spend 2 days in a hospital, couldn't sleep at all. The doctor said that most people have a kidney stone at least once in their life. I hope this was my last.
You get a little worried….like what is it….lol…so read my story….
perfectly described my situation right now
That's total BS! Having a kidney stone is not a once a life experience...it happens when you dont flush the body w H20. So just drink H20.
@@mtlfce how did you deal with the pain? anything help?
Interesting video. I've had kidney stones 3 times . I'm 49yo. And I don't wish my worst enemy to go threw the pain of kidney stones.
I can truly agree that the kidney stone I had was easily the most pain I have ever experienced, and also the fact that it was 22mm big and I was 11. Dont feel like I can feel any more pain than that for life lol
jesus 22mm is HUGE
@@anepB Yea I had to have 3 lithotripsies and then they surgically removed all the little pieces lol
I currently have a 14mm stone that formed back in September. I’m still waiting for a surgery date; covid has messed everything up.
@@ExplainTwitch I was on the hospital floor in agony from a 3 mm stone. Can’t even imagine the pain you must have gonna through
@@hovsepkrim2781 Hopefully you can get surgery very soon! Covid is just another pain in the side :(
I’d rather shit broken glass than ever have to piss out a kidney stone. I think I’d just rather get all of them surgically removed
Lol that is true. 😂
My father had, ans he peed it, ans said he didn't felt nothing when he peed it. But he remember the kidney stones pain as the worst he had ever had.
@@rbasket8 fam how ?.!?!?!
I passed one and I just turned 23 it was about 8 mm and passing it isn’t the worst part it’s the days where you can just feel the pain in your kidney and just know you’re gonna be in constant pain and vomiting for hours
Had a UTI and peed a 1 piece of Kidney Stone. I didn't feel anything when it came out though, been in the tip in my D all night and when I woke up I pick it up and felt amazingly satisfying lol. You might prefer to pee them out rather than surgically remove them unless you have dozens of them. Also best prefer to stay healthy coz this hurts like hell for a lot of hours, lower back pain or side abdominal pain would really make you feel suicidal once that pain kicks in if you have Kidney Stones or UTI, though Kidney Stones are a lot more painful from my experience. Since then I've been drinking lots of water coz I never want to go back and feel this again. I promise you it's like torture straight up, no shit, and it last for hours per day.
Had kidney stones at a younger age. One of the most painful things I've ever been through. It got to the point where I wanted to throw up because whenever I threw up I felt slight relief and my mind got distracted because of that. Drink more water...
i’m 17 and had a whopper of a kidney stone in october...the puke was nonstop and miserable but i felt better for just a few minutes when it was happening. still haven’t learned my lesson and my water intake is awful
@@cassiopeia5115 same for me. Kinda. I drink alot of pop and water. So I kind of drink both. I got kidney pains again. They're not bad pains but everytime i get this pain I fear for the worst.
Oh hell i barely or rarely drink a single cup of water a day, now thanks to this im gonna top that up to uh 8
@@gamesnig lmaooo. Probably for the best. I got my first kidney stone at 18 now I'm fearful I'll get them again.
@@ianrios1697 Same had two kidney stones at 22 in the time of 2months.... The first one made me think I was going to die, I didn't know what it was and why it was so intense. And when I was in ER I did experience pain induced puking. Doc was making jokes while I was literally feeling like dying. XD He was a nice doc.
I have had a kidney stone twice, I really hope there won't be a third. This was a brilliant video, thank you for the work and effort you put into it.
I've had a kidney stone. Was about the size of a pea, a humongous pea, and shaped like the asteroid in the film Armageddon. With all its jagged edges. And yes it was effing painful.
A pea?! No. can't get that through my dick hole. That can't go through a urethra. I'm getting anxiety the more I think of this
@@seapeajones The pee hole is actually the easy part. If you're lucky, the stone will dissolve in the bladder. The hours of agony come from traveling down the ureter: the tube from the kidney to the bladder which is HAIR THIN.
OMG tht must be sooo painful. I had one and was a square shape. Went to Emergency unit twice and was given morphine to control the pain. Will never forget it.
@@farahsali1 nigga what the fuck im drinking all the water in my fridge after reading yalls shit hol up
@@MyNameIsBucket The ureter can pass up to 3mm stones with no problem. Add in a Flomax and you can pass 6mm ones. It is NOT hair thin. He showed it several times.
"You can prevent kidney stones from being hydrated"
Me: *Grabs a bottle of water*
I had kidney stones once and got very lucky. I passed them after only about 3 hours after the pain started. I was actually at the doctor when I passed them. Needless to say, if anything I drink too much water now. That pain is absolutely no joke.
I feel more scared now
Do you one better
*grabs a gallon of water*
a bo'oh'o'wo'er*
Not always. I drink 5 20oz bottles of water daily. I'm very prone to stones. Yay me!!
My Aunt said the same thing. She's had 4 kids and still to this day says that passing a Kidney Stone was the worst pain she's ever felt.
but then imaging being a man, thats 100x worse:edit gotta clear that extra bit of tubing so to say*
I had one out of nowhere and I can confirm the pain. Suffered some injuries over time as an athlete but I’ve never felt pain like that. I crawled on my knees on my way to the ER, in tears and could barely talk. Doctor told me it’s the “equivalent to child birth”.
This video structure is how all anatomy should be taught in school. Quick, visual, interesting while using the difficult anatomically correct terms but also explaining in simpler terms as well. Father in law just found out he has a 10mm stone and this helped him understand why intervention was necessary.
We got pig kidneys at my school and everyone who wanted could just slice them it was fun
I remember passing one of these when I was like 14-16 WORST PAIN EVER. I developed one because my job at the time provided free boxes of Gatorade/Powerade and I constantly use them as my primary hydration source. Literally drank like 4-5 a day for months… rarely consumed water. I will never forget the feeling of me thinking I had to take a mean shit and afterwards just pure stinging pain in my lower abdomen. Pain was so agonizing having clothes on was impossible to bare. Literally laid on my bathroom floor naked in a fetal position just waiting for the ability to release some pee or shit. Finally I managed to google what the sharp pain was and discovered it most likely was a kidney stone. I started pissing in a glass jar instead of the toilet just so I can confirm it was a kidney stone and after a few hours of laying in pain I pissed out a small rock. It was the smallest rock ever and the pain relief was instant but that lingering painful mental sensation has forever been ingrained into my soul. After that experience I have never consumed flavored drinks(soda, juice, sports drinks, etc.) unless it’s accompanied with water. I truly believe God was punishing me… nothing should be that naturally painful☠️😭.
this made me laugh so hard even though I am in pain
I don’t think you understand what electrolyte drinks are. If anything, they helped you. You need electrolytes to stay hydrated, water alone isn’t enough to keep your body hydrated. Gatorade and Powerade are not the problem.
To be fair, 4-5 gator/Powerades is nowhere near enough to keep you hydrated for a whole day. If that's *all* you were drinking, no water outside of the Gatorades, then the dehydration from simply not getting enough water was probably enough to give you the kidney stone by itself.
@@RayRayHamWater alone is more than sufficient for hydration. Everything else we need is had through food consumption. Otherwise, our streams and lakes and oceans would be full of Gatorade, since nothing else would be sufficient to support life.
Sure, during extraordinarily high levels of physical activity, you'll sweat out enough electrolytes you'll need more than just water alone to sustain yourself, but there isn't a single job on the planet that is intense enough over a prolonged period of time to *require* sports drinks over water aside from specifically athletics, assuming a healthy diet.
All of that said, if you knew anything about kidney stones, you'd realize it's the mineral content and other solubles in your urine that cause kidney stones. While it's not necessarily guaranteed that sports drinks would contribute to the kidney stone formation, it's certainly not unthinkable. Several of the ingredients in sports drinks are directly linked to kidney stone formation. Regardless, water will *always* be more effective than any other drink at preventing kidney stone formation.
@@RayRayHam”water alone isn’t enough to keep your body hydrated” bro HAS to be trolling
Peed mine out a few years back and my pee looked like straight blood. I was in the ER when it happened and I thought I was gonna die. I literally heard the stone hit the toilet it was terrifying
but at the same time that sound must’ve been the best and most anticipated one? Considering the situation:)
Sounds like a great time?
@@brickboydior8126 wtf 😐
After my surgery, the stent started coming out on its own. It was Friday night and the nurse said “take a deep breath, you’re going to need to pull it out yourself.” Nothing, and I mean nothing compares to that moment. I would have welcomed death.
@@casualkave537 I’ve never heard anything more beautiful than the sound the stone made hitting the porcelain.
This man is an amazing teacher. His knowledge of the body is astounding. I feel as If I’m working towards a medical degree watching and dissecting this treasure chest of videos from this channel thanks 😊
this is a huge fear of mine, i've heard stories from people who've had kidney stones. didn't matter whether they were a tough guy or not, every one of them dropped to the floor and screamed in pain when passing a stone
"Too true," as they say.
I can say this is accurate. I've had a kidney stone. 2 times, and its the worse feeling ever I've ever had.
Well yea being tough don’t beat pain signals that’s inside of u lol
Should be your biggest fear. It's mine, having another one, that is. Now I think to myself "you have no reason to be negative after surviving a kidney stone." Makes a hard core atheist turn extremely religious. I used to be both....SERIOUSLY CONSIDERING REINVITING GOD INTO MY LIFE!!!!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏
It is the definition of, "incapacitated". You can't imagine it.
A telltale sign for kidney stones is extreme lower back pain out of nowhere on the left or right side right above your hip. Trust me, you'll want to go to the hospital after 20 minutes of that pain. I have kidney stones almost yearly and it's kind of messed up. Since 14 (2004) I've had Colitis and then Crohn's disease (2009) and I had my large intestine removed in 2006 so it's difficult for me to stay hydrated (Not really going to get into the dozen or so surgeries I've had for other things, like Hernias). The largest kidney stone I ever had was 9mm, imagine pissing out a literal bullet. I've had doctors and nurses try to tell me I was faking the pain just they get pain medicine and refuse to treat me until I've had a CAT scan or Ultrasound, even when I'm vomiting like crazy. Fun fact, I've had over 40 CAT scans so I'm basically destined for cancer. I didn't make this post for pity though, just wanted to share my experience. Life goes on if you keep your head up and stay positive and take care of yourself!
Edit: Just wanted to say thank you for all the personal stories, positive messages and Good Vibes in this thread! Y'all are awesome! As a stand-up comedian, my pain definitely formed my sense of humor and my upbeat attitude towards life. I'd just like to add that anytime you think you have a kidney stone, try not to get a CAT scan if you can get an Ultrasound instead! Sometimes my stones don't even show up on either but I'd still piss them out, a few of those times they didn't believe me but now that I'm an established patient, they're much nicer towards me and my situation. If anyone would like to personally message me about Crohn's, Colitis, or Kidney Stones, my Facebook is BetweenTheLyons as well!
Damn you’re a fucking champ for being able to pull through, that sounds awful. Proud of you homie, all the good vibes your way.
@@omeloithemarshmallow7663 Thank You yo, I really appreciate that! Sending positive vibes back as well! 🤙😎
I also have Crohn's, just had my large intestines and rectum removed at the end of 2019. I get so severely dehydrated with this ileostomy its crazy. I found myself sleeping during the day and coming out at night to avoid the sun. I get a ton of stones, most pass easily but theres the pesky ones that need to go get litho'd out. I really hate how the medical system treat people like us as drug seeking junkies. I dealt with that for years, but luckily I found a great hospital that runs in the same system as all my specialist now and they take things pretty serious now when I show up. Not a lot of people get that kind of treatment. I would also like to second your sentiment about staying positive and pushing forward.
I’m sorry you have to live with this :(
I've had three stones, first one made me feel like my whole body was dying, there was no hope. I vomited any time I stood or tried to ingest medication. The second was in my ureter, and I think it was small enough to pass without pain. There's another in my kidney last I checked, thankfully no symptoms yet so it may break down. Stones are 95% of the reason why I'm getting a healthier diet, limiting chips and cutting soda entirely.
After having kidney stones two months ago. I've stopped soda, chips and am getting my diet sorted out. Worst this I've ever experienced and I've dislocated my knee before
@@markhughes2611 yeah I have 5 in my kidneys right now. I've passed 4 previously. Why were they so bad for you?
How old are you?
Thank you, I have had Kidney stones since the age of 15. Dr Laughed then and couldn't work out what was wrong. I have passed over the last three weeks several stones, some small and a couple at 4.5mm. I had more pain and needed to attend the emergency room, had a CT and they told me there is a very unusually shaped stone that is blocking the flow but is in a position they couldn't get to. I have learned a lot from this video and thank you for this. ATB
Take pain killer like mobikare and eat grapefruit and take water
I wouldn’t wish the pain from passing a kidney stone on my worst enemy. This is coming from someone who passed 18 kidney stones in my 20’s. My parents nicknamed me the gravel pit.
That is a horrible nickname and I'm even more horrible for laughing at that nickname.
My dad has had kidney stones since his 20s, says beer helps to pass them easier. My mom hasn't had any. I'm 29 and I haven't had one, but I assume I'm at risk of having them at some point at my life.
May ik how you get those kidney stones? I tot it’s common for 30+ and not 20+
@@Megadriver I'm 49 and went to the hospital with my first one just a few days ago. It wasn't too big, but was probably formed over the course of several years. I'm drinking lemon juice every day now to make it easier to pass any other ones I may have and to make sure I don't get any new ones.
Asking cs am worried abt my health 🥲🥲
@@kevincmiles-cn6un how did you discover you have the first one?