Quantum Internet: Evolutionary and Revolutionary Perspectives

  • Опубліковано 21 вер 2024
  • Speakers:
    Bernardo Huberman - Fellow and Vice President of Next - Gen Systems - CableLabs - USA
    Marcello Caleffi - Professor - University of Naples “Federico II” - Italy
    Stephan Ritter - Director of Applications of Quantum Technologies - TOPTICA Photonics AG - Germany
    Stefano Pirandola - Founder and CEO - nodeQ - Professor - University of York - UK
    Claudio Cicconetti - Senior Researcher - National Research Council - Italy
    Andrea Passarella - Research Director - National Research Council - Italy
    As Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) technology approaches maturity, the scientific community is now turning its attention to more advanced applications of quantum networks at metropolitan and international scales, such as distributed/delegated quantum computing and quantum sensor networks, requiring end-to-end entanglement of qubits, quantum memories, and varying degrees of fault tolerance. To make a leapfrogging advance, the co-existence of upcoming quantum networks with classical networks is also becoming more focal, with a significant impact at the physical level (i.e., the sharing of a telco fiber or rack space in an exchange point) and from a logical perspective (i.e., the integration with control/management planes of an Internet Service Provider or the interplay with classical jobs to be executed in a High-Performance Computing infrastructure). In this panel, we will discuss the research and development trends currently occupying the top positions of the priority list to make the Quantum Internet a real thing, with a tangible impact on industry, science, and society.