rift 100% wins that, i want to try it but this is the most ive ever climbed so im just locked in playing on main til a loss streak, then ill probably go on fear to test
As Briar OTP I'm getting more into Gwen. My issue is, that her early game is kinda weak. So if I play against a jungler who is strong early game they snowball very hard and I can't really contest that. How do you deal with that as Gwen? With Briar, I'd early invade, kill the jungler, counter gank them and keep them down at all times.
I love gwen jungle but is there any instances where you shouldn't play her based on draft? also who do u ban? I ban noc on diana and viego but when i play gwen i just ban yi
i first pick every game so i dont even get to see the draft, but there arent many draft counters to gwen for the enemy team (only assassins/people who can one shot you like garen), more like your team has to pick stuff thats bad with gwen to make it a bad pick. If your team picks scaling lanes and enemy team picks full early game comp you just get perma invaded and cant play. Ban bel veth/kha/kayn or just any invading jungler that u see a lot in your elo
its my default on jungle because when you are playing assassin build the hardest part is getting on top of people without dying. This game more specifically since lillia has high movement speed so ghost + blue pet to run her down
@@ninkeygwenI’m not watching your streams so I would like to ask have you ever taken flash on Gwengle? Most of junglers have mobility/ invisibility so they basically don’t need ghost. When I accidentally was taken flash i stead of ghost I just couldn’t reach my opponents, they ran away ;-;
edging fanum tax + riftmaker evasion + snip snip at birth combo... only kazahstan + turkmenistan hyperserver challengers will understand... what are gwens bad matchups i should ban? master gm euw always liked her but never bothered playing over riven kinda wanna try her again. on top not jg
This is kinda hard to watch when its so overedited. The vid is already 20min, are the matches really that much longer that you cant just upload the whole match?
@@ninkeygwen Hot take, but if you talk about what you plan to do with your next round and why, the dead space is educational space. If you flame your chat, the dead space is entertainment space.
Instructions unclear. Joined this Hustlers institution and got tipped out by the Sivir pizza delivery and arrested by the enemy Caitlyn mid
09:30, if you have rift maker, you can possibly turn it. Maybe w earlier, but that is from hindsight.
rift 100% wins that, i want to try it but this is the most ive ever climbed so im just locked in playing on main til a loss streak, then ill probably go on fear to test
@ ok, fear enough
As Briar OTP I'm getting more into Gwen. My issue is, that her early game is kinda weak. So if I play against a jungler who is strong early game they snowball very hard and I can't really contest that. How do you deal with that as Gwen? With Briar, I'd early invade, kill the jungler, counter gank them and keep them down at all times.
I love gwen jungle but is there any instances where you shouldn't play her based on draft? also who do u ban? I ban noc on diana and viego but when i play gwen i just ban yi
i first pick every game so i dont even get to see the draft, but there arent many draft counters to gwen for the enemy team (only assassins/people who can one shot you like garen), more like your team has to pick stuff thats bad with gwen to make it a bad pick. If your team picks scaling lanes and enemy team picks full early game comp you just get perma invaded and cant play. Ban bel veth/kha/kayn or just any invading jungler that u see a lot in your elo
this strat put me on a 5 game winstreak and then immediately after 4 losses
Ninkey hey, can you try a new build? Buy medjay first item then do whatever you want
why do you wait so late to get boots
blue smite movement speed when i walk into bush + ghost, i dont really need boots i can prioritize getting full items which spike harder on gwen
Why ghost instead of flash?
its my default on jungle because when you are playing assassin build the hardest part is getting on top of people without dying. This game more specifically since lillia has high movement speed so ghost + blue pet to run her down
@@ninkeygwen That makes sense
@@ninkeygwenI’m not watching your streams so I would like to ask have you ever taken flash on Gwengle? Most of junglers have mobility/ invisibility so they basically don’t need ghost. When I accidentally was taken flash i stead of ghost I just couldn’t reach my opponents, they ran away ;-;
he nins on the keys
(dont forget to tax your laners lol)
Ate that
very e
edging fanum tax + riftmaker evasion + snip snip at birth combo... only kazahstan + turkmenistan hyperserver challengers will understand... what are gwens bad matchups i should ban? master gm euw always liked her but never bothered playing over riven kinda wanna try her again. on top not jg
@@exidiumyt5137 not a kazahstan + turkmenistan hyperserver challenger ig
on the antarctica superserver (NA) i like to ban bel veth or kha for jungle and garen/riven for top lane
@@ninkeygwen ty. always nice to see someone from the antarctica superserver!
This is kinda hard to watch when its so overedited. The vid is already 20min, are the matches really that much longer that you cant just upload the whole match?
its like i can leave the entire unedited match with all grey screen timer and dead space of nothing happening, or i can go edit the dead space out
@@ninkeygwen Hot take, but if you talk about what you plan to do with your next round and why, the dead space is educational space. If you flame your chat, the dead space is entertainment space.