Laning is fun, but jungle just feels better idk why. It feels safer but also feels like it lets you unleash across the map instead of just begin stuck in a lane most of the time.
its still good but i go nashors shadowflame every jungle game so when i play top i like to play bruiser and soak damage its fun. shadowflame 2nd is good vs squishies and riftmaker good vs tanks/bruisers/cc
Is there some bug with the skin? What is that chirp sound at 1:28, 4:23 like you didn.t close the microwave door. Had this happen and it's annoying as hell
I’ve played with flash on D since 2014, all my buddies have called me bronze for keeping the default. Thank God ninkey shows me I was never wrong ❤️
flash on d > flash on f dont listen to the people who say "oh but faker plays with flash on f"
Should try singed 😔
when gta 6 comes out ill play singed
@@ninkeygwen ı take it as a promise. I take screen shot. Be careful
Laning is fun, but jungle just feels better idk why. It feels safer but also feels like it lets you unleash across the map instead of just begin stuck in a lane most of the time.
jg is for the lp, laning is for the dopamine hit
hey im learning to master gwen right now, what runes do you take and do you always take flash over tp?
hi. if i can ask, shadowflame is not good anymore to buy as 2nd item after either nashor or riftmaker?
its still good but i go nashors shadowflame every jungle game so when i play top i like to play bruiser and soak damage its fun. shadowflame 2nd is good vs squishies and riftmaker good vs tanks/bruisers/cc
i will never not build riftmaker i love you riftmaker
Must've felt like coming home
Is there some bug with the skin? What is that chirp sound at 1:28, 4:23 like you didn.t close the microwave door. Had this happen and it's annoying as hell
when u get max q stacks it makes that sound
@@ninkeygwen That sound became satisfying as hell to me lol, I've grown to like it
6:18 as a representative of Eune gold playerbase, I would like to decline the alligations. Maybe these guys will find their place in low bronze