Yes the generator is nice the head lights work along with turn signals and tail light. May put a radio in it next. This project took about a day to do. I have access to the equipment to make it easy. You will need to get the clutch pulley bored out to 1" I drilled and taped it on the back side to put a set screw I used a bolt they are easier to use. I did grind a small flat spot on the shaft to put the screw against so it can't turn on the shaft. That's been working just fine. I know because my kids have been pretty hard on it. Have to make a plate to mount it on I used 1/4". Lined up the motor with diff pulley. Marked the plate drilled it out. Drive belt is a dayco HP 2028. It could have been an inch or two shorter but that's what I could find locally. Then I fit the generator under the cylinder using the original tensioner. I made 3 mounting brackets as close to the bottom of the plate as possible fit the belt lined it up and tacked the pivot bracket first then mounted the tension bolt bracket about a half in narrower than the hole pattern so when the belt goes on it has tension. Easy right!
I agree, unless your dumbass friend shorts the negative part of the harness and the negative going into the stator magneto catches on fire and you have to take all that shit apart and replace shit lol
Nice build but your audio my phone is turned up all the way I can't hear you my friend I don't need a hearing aid you doing it very nice job my friends
I think this mod will work for my old Yamaha as well because mine has a 4 stroke engine now but needs a new engine that doesn’t burn a quart of oil every 2 weeks. I think I will be able to keep the reverse since it has the forward and reverse lever going to some gear box similar to a differential. I may have to get a smaller harbor Freight engine.
Hello Arron , bro just put a little smaller predator engine on our yamaha golf cart that was also a 2 stroke , . We had more issues putting it on since ours has a reg car type differential in it so the engine is mounted sideways to power the pinion , and was wider than the 2 stroke so we had to notch some of the floor plate in front of the swingarm to keep the engine from hitting when it bottoms out . the only thing that sucks is : it has forward only . because of the engine not being able to fire in reverse
@@arronporter6215 I thought of maybe putting a small flywheel /flexplate on the pinion and hooking up a starter motor for backing it up. it would not effect anything unless the starter is engaged . we have a lathe and mill and lots of other tools so I am sure we can think up something . dirt track cars also have small diam flywheels that use special top mount and reverse mount starters . we will do some thinking on that , the flintstone method sucks
@@arronporter6215 we are in the process of putting the starter on it now . I happened to have a starter and flywheel here off a dirt track late model car ( lightweight racing parts ) and it is a small dia. , only 9-1/4" outer diam . . we are making a plate to fit the yoke on the rear diff and then the secondary clutch goes back on like normal . we have to make brackets to mount the starter still but not a big deal to do that . I will take pics and make a short video showing what we did and how it works
That’s cool can’t wait to see it. My son and I are starting a 4 wheel bike project. We are going to do an all electric setup. Keep an eye out for the video.
trying to hook up a long tail kit to one of these motors but they sent the wrong mounting bolts can you tell me the size/thread of the bolt holes that are the second set of holes if you start from the shaft going out.. or maybe the middle set of bolt holes... thanks man.
I'd deffintly like to see more thats an awesome set up, I'm interested in the same generator set up as well go run some lights and what not. Any responses would be much appreciated! Thanks man
Hi and thanks for posting the video. I have a Yamaha g16 golf cart with a dead motor and would like ot do this conversion. You mentioned boring out the clutch I believe and was wondering if there were any other major problems to doing this conversion? how did you mount priginal starter generator? Any help would be great as I need all the help I can get. Danny
I am doing the same thing, just bought the engine today, but my dad says that the clutch from oringinal engine is on the opposite side than the new engine. Did you get a new clutch? He also says that it will not start with the peddle like it used to with the original engine, instead it will be more like a car, you turn the key and it stays on. What did you do?
What did you use to mount the generator? I’m about to start putting my predator engine in my g1 just waiting for my generator pulley to come in. And what engine mount did you use or did you fabricate one for yourself?
Can anyone tell me which wire on the Predator 420 motor will give 12 volts to power a simple LED light? I do not want to install a battery. I just need the 12v from the charging system and there is no data on this.
Yes you can start it with the generator. No reverse because the original engine could run backwards because it was t 2 stroke motor. This is a 4 stroke and can only run in one direction. But it has a lot more power!!
I think this mod will work for my old Yamaha as well because mine has a 4 stroke engine now but needs a new engine that doesn’t burn a quart of oil every 2 weeks. I think I will be able to keep the reverse since it has the forward and reverse lever going to some gear box similar to a differential. I may have to get a smaller harbor Freight engine.
I just used a slightly longer belt so it fit a little looser or set it up so the belt is not to tight. You can see there is a little extra stack in the belt.
Hello Arron how are yah, I've commented awhile back but now I'm starting back up on this project and I wanted to ask you a few things about the generator set up, please get back to me if you can!
How about reverse the 2 stroke runs backwards for reverse???you took out a Japan engine and replaced it with a Cheap China Clone?? not sure you did the right thing.. my 2 stroke will dust it..
Sorry no more videos. This was a father sons project. They have moved on to the CNC plasma cutting. If you need custom parts let me know. I can cut them out.
Arron Porter Hey man. Have a question. once you bore out the clutch how do you keep it from spinning on the shaft? plus the generator pulley is a 1 1/4 diameter. Hows that work on the 1 in shaft?
to keep the clutch fro. spinning I ground a small flat spot on the shaft and used a bolt or set screw to tighten it up. It worked fine for me. My pulley just needed to be opened up a little bit.
good question , my bro just put a little smaller one on our yamaha golf cart that was also a 2 stroke , but I cant get it to start in reverse like a 2 stroke will . he was convinced it would but I had heard the 4 stroke wont . I'm posting this answer as a question also
how about you put it in reverse, oh wait you can't. The original 2 strokes that came in these are very reliable if you know again about a 2 stroke, plus you can keep reverse. Your part that was probably bad on your 2 storke was your crank seal, air leaks on a 2 stroke can cause them to run bad.
Stewie6000 neighbor gave me a Yamaha gen 1 had been sitting for over 5 yrs probably closer to 10 battery and fresh gas it fired right up took longer to pull all the weeds that grew up into the motor and wheels then getting it started it’s faster then other gas carts I’ve been in as well. Things were built better then they are today.
Yes the generator is nice the head lights work along with turn signals and tail light. May put a radio in it next. This project took about a day to do. I have access to the equipment to make it easy. You will need to get the clutch pulley bored out to 1" I drilled and taped it on the back side to put a set screw I used a bolt they are easier to use. I did grind a small flat spot on the shaft to put the screw against so it can't turn on the shaft. That's been working just fine. I know because my kids have been pretty hard on it. Have to make a plate to mount it on I used 1/4". Lined up the motor with diff pulley. Marked the plate drilled it out. Drive belt is a dayco HP 2028. It could have been an inch or two shorter but that's what I could find locally. Then I fit the generator under the cylinder using the original tensioner. I made 3 mounting brackets as close to the bottom of the plate as possible fit the belt lined it up and tacked the pivot bracket first then mounted the tension bolt bracket about a half in narrower than the hole pattern so when the belt goes on it has tension. Easy right!
@Kalvyn Hernandez The clutch bore.
You did an amazing job on this build. Utilizing the stock clutch, starter/generator, and stock wiring.
That is a great idea to drill out the original clutch so you could use the original generator, starter.
I used the original clutch. I did have to machine the bore out a little.
how did you bore out
We have a Yamaha g8 electricit. I would like to convert it to gas. Thanks for sharing.
Can't get a 4 stroke to run backwards like the old 2 stroke. Those 2 strokes are bulletproof.
I agree, unless your dumbass friend shorts the negative part of the harness and the negative going into the stator magneto catches on fire and you have to take all that shit apart and replace shit lol
Nice build but your audio my phone is turned up all the way I can't hear you my friend I don't need a hearing aid you doing it very nice job my friends
I think this mod will work for my old Yamaha as well because mine has a 4 stroke engine now but needs a new engine that doesn’t burn a quart of oil every 2 weeks. I think I will be able to keep the reverse since it has the forward and reverse lever going to some gear box similar to a differential. I may have to get a smaller harbor Freight engine.
some of the old 2 stroke yamahas were designed to run in reverse , rather than a reversing mechanism in the transmission ,
I just want to know..... IS IT PRETTY FANTASTIC ?? OR IS IT NOT ?? I really couldn't tell if he thinks it is
so only 2 strokes run reverse? or is there a way to attach a reverse gear?
Lmfao 😂
Did you use the original drive belt ?? Is there any chance I could get the #'s off the belt you have on there now ?
Hello Arron , bro just put a little smaller predator engine on our yamaha golf cart that was also a 2 stroke , . We had more issues putting it on since ours has a reg car type differential in it so the engine is mounted sideways to power the pinion , and was wider than the 2 stroke so we had to notch some of the floor plate in front of the swingarm to keep the engine from hitting when it bottoms out . the only thing that sucks is : it has forward only . because of the engine not being able to fire in reverse
Sorry 4 strokes won’t run in reverse. You would need a cart that has a reversing differential.
@@arronporter6215 I thought of maybe putting a small flywheel /flexplate on the pinion and hooking up a starter motor for backing it up. it would not effect anything unless the starter is engaged . we have a lathe and mill and lots of other tools so I am sure we can think up something . dirt track cars also have small diam flywheels that use special top mount and reverse mount starters . we will do some thinking on that , the flintstone method sucks
I am sure that would work. Might take a little bit but it would be worth it.
@@arronporter6215 we are in the process of putting the starter on it now . I happened to have a starter and flywheel here off a dirt track late model car ( lightweight racing parts ) and it is a small dia. , only 9-1/4" outer diam . . we are making a plate to fit the yoke on the rear diff and then the secondary clutch goes back on like normal . we have to make brackets to mount the starter still but not a big deal to do that . I will take pics and make a short video showing what we did and how it works
That’s cool can’t wait to see it. My son and I are starting a 4 wheel bike project. We are going to do an all electric setup. Keep an eye out for the video.
That's a fantastic golf cart
I used a lathe to bore out the clutch.
How far in the clutch did you have to bore?
what speed can you get up to with it?
You can't beat the predator 420cc for the price it's a great engine. You need to get you a header for that thing man
So what part of the old clutch got bored out? And to what point?
I'm in the process of doing this now. What size belt did you use and where did you find it?
I'm doing the same deals with a 420 predator on a G1 did you ever find out what size belt to use
I used automotive paint base clear. Sand it clean then paint.
Is that Apache Junction AZ?
Did you take the bodies off to paint it? Prepping to paint my G1. Thanks Aaron
What belt did you use?? I have g22 just did the motor swap.
Dayco HP High Performance ATV Drive Belt - HP2028
trying to hook up a long tail kit to one of these motors but they sent
the wrong mounting bolts can you tell me the size/thread of the bolt
holes that are the second set of holes if you start from the shaft going
out.. or maybe the middle set of bolt holes... thanks man.
Does it usually take that long to start? I drive a lot of short hops. Not sure is the battery or starter could handle it.
I'd deffintly like to see more thats an awesome set up, I'm interested in the same generator set up as well go run some lights and what not. Any responses would be much appreciated! Thanks man
Hi and thanks for posting the video. I have a Yamaha g16 golf cart with a dead motor and would like ot do this conversion. You mentioned boring out the clutch I believe and was wondering if there were any other major problems to doing this conversion? how did you mount priginal starter generator? Any help would be great as I need all the help I can get. Danny
Did you cut the shaft down
It was hard to start. Did you hook up a cable for the choke.
What belt did you use do you remember where it came from
I am doing the same thing, just bought the engine today, but my dad says that the clutch from oringinal engine is on the opposite side than the new engine. Did you get a new clutch? He also says that it will not start with the peddle like it used to with the original engine, instead it will be more like a car, you turn the key and it stays on. What did you do?
This was done in Vail Az
That’s fantastic 😂👍
Were you able to keep the reverse function
How did you go about hooking up the engine so that it shuts off when you fully let off the petal?
Is this the same one you bought? How did you mount it?
It was pretty easy to do. You do loose reverse. I sold the cart.
What did you use to mount the generator? I’m about to start putting my predator engine in my g1 just waiting for my generator pulley to come in. And what engine mount did you use or did you fabricate one for yourself?
I have a CNC plasma cutter so I just cut some half rounds for the bolts and welded them to the plate. it’s a tight fit but it works well.
I cut my own motor mount also.
What length belt did you use?
No reverse?
how did you paint it? Just primer? or something special for the fiberglass? Thank you
sanded it and used a base/ clear.
I've yet to find one video where you can still start the golf cart with just the gas pedal.
Bill Tee there’s many
Arron what is your drive belt... you got a part number?
Adam Thompson I believe the belt is a dayco hp2028
Arron Porter thanks Arron!
1:15 "...happened to have a lathe" HAHA. That install looks great! Are there "kits" available?
Need the same belt what’s the number or where did you buy
With this setup did you loose reverse
I would imagine so.
The four stroke engines will not run in reverse like a two stroke. You loose reverse on this type of cart.
Isn’t the trans built with a reverse though?? It’s not the motor that’s Spins backwards that makes a reverse
@@Georgesgarage24 On the G1 it actually does run the engine in reverse stock but a 4 stroke engine won't do that.
Can anyone tell me which wire on the Predator 420 motor will give 12 volts to power a simple LED light? I do not want to install a battery. I just need the 12v from the charging system and there is no data on this.
You need to connect the choke!
Can you start the motor with the starter/generator set up?
Why did you loose reverse?
Yes you can start it with the generator. No reverse because the original engine could run backwards because it was t 2 stroke motor. This is a 4 stroke and can only run in one direction. But it has a lot more power!!
I think this mod will work for my old Yamaha as well because mine has a 4 stroke engine now but needs a new engine that doesn’t burn a quart of oil every 2 weeks. I think I will be able to keep the reverse since it has the forward and reverse lever going to some gear box similar to a differential. I may have to get a smaller harbor Freight engine.
Hey working on this project now. Having an issue with the belt not getting tight. Any suggestions?
go to a Napa or something like that and get a belt that fits properly.
after u bored it to 1" how did u get the keyway cut and did u have to cut the shaft on the engine
There isn't a key way you have to use the threads in the end of the shaft to tighten clutch on .
@@robh6638 so its a taper then?
Where could I find the plans for this ?
I designed it. I don’t have a set of plans sorry.
did you have any trouble with the clutch because the predator idles faster than the stock motor? Nice setup,im doing a g2 and having trouble at idle.
I just used a slightly longer belt so it fit a little looser or set it up so the belt is not to tight. You can see there is a little extra stack in the belt.
What kind of belt and clutch is that
the clutch came off the original motor.
With these engine conversions do you loose reverse?
Yes you will loose reverse.
Arron Porter *lose
that's the only thing that makes it a conversion to think about.....
Hello Arron how are yah, I've commented awhile back but now I'm starting back up on this project and I wanted to ask you a few things about the generator set up, please get back to me if you can!
That looks like Picture Rocks area.
@@arronporter6215 25 miles away!
So how do you bore out a clutch?
I did it with my lathe.
how did you do the clutch?
He bored it out to 1"
how fast is it?
I believe the belt is a dayco hp2028.
How about reverse the 2 stroke runs backwards for reverse???you took out a Japan engine and replaced it with a Cheap China Clone?? not sure you did the right thing.. my 2 stroke will dust it..
Any other videos of the swap? I'd really like to do this exact swap in my yamaha G cart.
Sorry no more videos. This was a father sons project. They have moved on to the CNC plasma cutting. If you need custom parts let me know. I can cut them out.
Arron Porter
Arron Porter
Hey man. Have a question. once you bore out the clutch how do you keep it from spinning on the shaft? plus the generator pulley is a 1 1/4 diameter. Hows that work on the 1 in shaft?
to keep the clutch fro. spinning I ground a small flat spot on the shaft and used a bolt or set screw to tighten it up. It worked fine for me. My pulley just needed to be opened up a little bit.
I had to purchase a new belt that was the correct length.
dos it go revers
good question , my bro just put a little smaller one on our yamaha golf cart that was also a 2 stroke , but I cant get it to start in reverse like a 2 stroke will . he was convinced it would but I had heard the 4 stroke wont . I'm posting this answer as a question also
you may have to purchase a new belt that fits correctly.
Do you know what part number that belt was? I'm planning on doing this exact thing! I have a lathe and tooling. Any input would help thanks!
I have a lathe so I bored it to size.
how about you put it in
reverse, oh wait you can't. The original 2 strokes that came in these are very reliable if you know again about a 2 stroke, plus you can keep reverse. Your part that was probably bad on your 2 storke was your crank seal, air leaks on a 2 stroke can cause them to run bad.
Stewie6000 neighbor gave me a Yamaha gen 1 had been sitting for over 5 yrs probably closer to 10 battery and fresh gas it fired right up took longer to pull all the weeds that grew up into the motor and wheels then getting it started it’s faster then other gas carts I’ve been in as well. Things were built better then they are today.
You sacrificed your reverse for 7 more horsepower and louder exhaust
People literally buy golf carts because they're quiet and versatile lol
Yes you loose reverse.
how deep did u have to bore the clutch
What size is belt drive measure?
What size belt did you use??
Did he get back to you with a size?
@@brandonmyers1007 no he never did!