I think if i was the op i would take revenge by giving her cat to an association and let her think that he just flee since she doesn't seem to know much about cat so she'll probably not know that cat doesn't just go away
1st story I’m so happy to hear that they have a couple of kittens in there apartment it’s never easy giving up a pet but she kept that kitty safe from that obnoxiousness alcoholic
First story I'm really sorry to hear about everything that bad happened to you. I understand having to give up the kitten, and how much it hurts. I just recently lost mine about a week ago, Friday April 7th 2023, worst day of my life. She was my baby girl, my daughter, and medically speaking my emotional support animal. He comforted me after every surgery and every procedure I went through over the last 10 years and was essentially just there for me everyday. All she asks for was food, water, a clean litter box, treats, total obedience, and that I adore the ground she walked on. It was a fair trade in my opinion. She died in my arms on April 7th. I'm never going to stop messing her. She was my beautiful daughter and I was her papa. But I'm happy you were able to move out and get a couple new little babies with your boyfriend. And I wish you the best of luck in a long happy life with them
It was definitely hard for op or for anyone to return a pet back but it was for the kittens sake You don't want to have your fluffy friends near a psychopath
Last story about wife firing people. Do not listen to am I the jerk. You're not making s*** up when you're hearing her talk to her employees like that. You are HEARING it first hand. Thats all the proof you need that shes walking a bad path. Confront her. Kindly, out of concern, but for sure confront the situation. These are peoples lives she is PLAYING with. Something am i the jerk totally missed the ball on. These are peoples lives. How they make money and survive in this world. She is threatening to fire people who might lose their loved ones soon. Saying "its either your job or your personal life" Like, that ^ is pure freaking evil. If i were you, id report her to her bosses. But im not married to her. So i get it.
Story 2: tell that mother if she keeps this up that you would cut her out of your life and that she will never see her grandchild again it’s not right what she is doing
Last story, Maybe she does not realize what she sounds like. Maybe if she hears what you hear she will realise how bad it is. Record her and let her listen from the outside. I had a manager that we did that with because he was not really self aware. It helped, alot.
That was a cute story 1. Her new kitten reminds me of 2 cats I've had in my life. My cat used to play with my hair when I had beads in my hair. My ex boyfriend's parents had a cat around the time I got pregnant and when he was a kitten he had been curled up in my arm purring away (I have this weird thing where animals bond with me kind of quickly.) and he bit my arm. Shortly after he began licking my arm where he bit almost as if apologizing.
2003 my late wife and I brought a pair of kittens into our home. Turned out we had made a mistake in getting what was apparently either the alpha or beta in the litter order( Smudge) and the omega of the litter ( Muhgi)and while we lavished attention on both the one was acting out in destructive ways so my wife and I decided we needed to find a new home for that one. We didn't want to just drop her at a shelter but my wife had a coworker interested in getting a cat and that worked out. We got updates and Muhgi was absolutely a total and complete darling once she was sole queen of the roost and didn't feel she needed to compete with her sister. Have no idea on Muhgi's life now but would have to assume since Smudge crossed the rainbow bridge after a long and loved life in 2019 Muhgi has probably left a similar cat shaped hole in her fur parents lives as well.
There’s no such things as alpha, beta, and omega. That’s a myth based off of improperly conducted research. Your cats just had different personalities than expected.
@@_Iscream Yes - the person who came up with the terms has spent much of their career since trying to get people to stop using them because they were a mistake!
With the last one, I'd be looking at a divorce. I could never be with someone who is so callous or nasty to people. I would tell her I want a separation because she isn't the person I fell in love with, or would be able to love. Can't love someone who has none in their heart.
0:20 Just a suggestion, when you say that a story is a continuation of something you have previously covered, can you put the URL to that video in the info box below? It'd make it easier to find the video. Thanks :)
NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE the Lady from Story Three is a SO BAD manager, if you try to push your employees away *INSTEAD* of tying to make things better with them ou're doing things SO WRONG beside... SHE'S NOT EVEN SEEING THE EMPLOYEES DIECTLY which makes it even worse and from what was said with that call.... no you just CAN'T say such things to someone having a bad moment in their life to mle it just sounds like this lady loves Power, even tho she KNOWS how it feels to be fired, she WANTS to abuse that power ...i wonder if she showed other signs of that in her private life...
dude brandi is such a jerk like op can't have a cat of her own and she thinks that the cat will scratch up the couch when in reality she has a cat who scratches up everything.
2nd story: The mother is pissed and resentful that she didn't get to be at the birth. But that is nobody's choice but the person giving birth. Get over yourself and be glad they're allowing you to even visit the NICU.
I agree with what you said about the last story. He needed to talk to his wife and ask about her day to understand more about the situation. OP also needs to understand that not every boss is going to be compassionate towards the employee most has to do their job. I understand my husband is this way towards employees. He can be impatient with them and if he feels like they move too slowly, he fires them. I don't agree, but it's his job and I'm not their and I may be missing something, so I always keep it to myself.
BULLSHIT..When wrong is being done it needs to be addressed. That's a problem with people nowadays everyone rather minds their business and makes up excuses instead of calling people on their shit. There is no justification for disrespecting a person especially when you're in a position of power that gives you an advantage over them. A person doesn't have to be malicious to do their job at all. He's hearing his wife clearly as day belittling someone fuck her day the same way she as a boss isn't being compassionate towards her employee. Because as soon as she is on the receiving end she'll want understanding too. And this is coming from a person who has been a manager for years treat your employees with respect especially when you don't own the company. You never know when you may need someone or they just may end up your boss.
Guy whos wife mistreats her employee's, You could tell her that her behavior is unacceptable and unprofessional. That if she keeps it up, her power trip will come to a crashing end. And if she tried to fight you because of that, just know thats what a guilty mind who has jumped through enough self brainwashing hoops to convince their self otherwise that they arent bad. She knows what shes doing is bad, she must just get a kick out of it. Call her put on that too. Dont give her time to pull her spoiled princess card, shut her down on every part.
And no, Do not listen to am I the jerk,? You're not making up s*** up when you're hearing her talk to her employees like that. You are HEARING it first hand. Thats all the proof you need that shes walking a bad path. Confront her. Kindly, out of concern, but for sure confront the situation. These are peoples lives she is PLAYING with. Something am i the jerk totally missed the ball on.
That first story sounds like their dealing with a whiny 5 year old child and not a grown ass adult. Literally having Temper tantrums when things don't go exactly how she wants it. Hopefully karma bit her hard
Thank god I never had a roommate like that I love cats as well I had two orange tabby cats one boy and one girl and they were litter mates we lost the girl at age 9 to cancer and lost her brother 2 years later now we have a 2 year old gray cat I think the coat pattern is called black tiger but I’m not sure any way he is gray and striped and still full of energy always running around after his mouse and spring toys
Wow. Talk about a crazy duo. OP and her roommate were a nightmare. OP isn't innocent in the matter either. Putting aside the matter of the kitten, OP did step over boundaries of her roommate when she got the kitten. Regardless if the roommate had a cat or not, the roommate did say she didn't want another cat in the house. It's no different than the guy in the city who didn't want a big dog, and his ex got him a husky, and then ditched less than a week later, and he was forced to contact the breeder, and explain the situation. He was upset and felt bad for the dog, but he couldn't take care of the husky. His ex stomped all over his boundaries. The matter with the cat is a bit crueler, cause OP got the kitten, then brought it back, potentially traumatizing the kitten, which knowing her roommate said no, OP went ahead and did it anyways, so OP was an AH towards the kitten. She let her love of cats be an excuse to diss Brandi. Brandi's no innocent and absolutely nuts, but OP isn't any better, especially when she comes across as an unreliable narrator, as she puts Brandi on blast, and I'm sure Brandi would say the same about OP. Honestly, both women have problems, and both have boundary stomping behaviour. If I had to give advice to both boyfriends, it would be to run away, fast. And honestly, if OP racked up an AC bill of about 200 to 400$ for the AC, which could be far higher than usual, and the roommate stayed with her bf during that time, if I was in the roommate's shoes, I would be upset too, cause that is significant, and OP does need to take some accountability over that, because technically, OP was taking advantage of her roommate's money, and trying to find some way to weasel out of paying what she should have paid, and the roommate was covering OP's ass. If I was OP, I would have covered at least 2/3rd of the bill in that event. Even when the roommate does similar things. These are some of the worst and most toxic roommates to be paired up together. I'm looking past the kitten and looking at everything else. I'm upset for the kitten, cause OP brought it over out of spite. And that's never a good thing for a pet or child.
years ago when I lived in an apartment with my mom, sister, brother, we had 4 cats that shared a litter box and 3 kittens that shared a small litter box. There were surprisingly few accidents.
Wait if Brandy isn't there half the time why would she care if you got a cat. She needs to start taking her meds because she really needs to. Thank God you found a better place to live. Such a crazy toxic person
Story 2: I was born 2 months early, I was about as small as a rabbit, and my head could fit in the palm of my parents hands, they don't have very big hands.
ok the roommate w a cat is a terrible, awful human being, but she is correct- cats should NOT be forced to share litter boxes. you always need 1 extra litter box more than the amount of cats you have (ie: 2 cats = 3 boxes, 5 cats = 6 boxes).
Story 2 really forget abt it. Story 3 I didn't hear everything but heres the deal it is her job and u can't exactly judge her for her job. Like u said she knows what being fired is about.
NEVER give up a cat for a human, you've immediately made a mistake and lost a friend for life ( the cat , not the person) I've been trying to tell this to people, you don't get animals for yourself, you get them so you can take care of them and give them a better life.... If you get a pet for your own benefit, aside from service animals, you will lose in life.... NEVER TREAT PETS LIKE FURNITURE!!!!! THEY ARE LIVING BEINGS AND NEAD A STEADY ENVIRONMENT. NOT A MORON, ITS THE SAME WITH BABY DUCKS , CHICKS , ETC. DONT BUY THEM IF YOU DONT HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO SAVE THEIR LIVES. MY Gf had a bunny for Years ,she stopped acting like herself but we didn't have the money to take her to the vet. Weeks later , she literally died in my arms and I hate myself because of it. For all we knew , it was an easy fix. Please don't take pets for granted, they aren't for you , you are there to give them a better life. I'd do anything to go back in time and save that bunny , I think about it almost every day , and it hurts my soul. We miss her so much. To think we could have saved her but we couldn't via our own laziness haunts me and keeps me working 40+ hours a week just incase my cats or family need medical attention. It wasn't fair that she suffered and couldn't tell us , we should have known . It seriously destroys me nightly , I should have taken her to the vet . I'd pay anything to have her back , and she wasn't even my pet. I miss her but it's more that I know she probably suffered and could have been saved. It will never sit right with me. It's ripped a hole in my soul. So sorry daisy. We love u
1st Story: I am glad she moved out, seeing as how petty and crazy Brandi is, I feel like Brandi would try to get the kitten put down. Hope the OP has a good life and enjoy the cats. 2nd Story: It sounds like the mother is feeling like it’s a challenge of who’s the better grandmother. And quite frankly, sounds a little narcissistic. 3rd Story: It sounds like the OP’s wife is on a power trip. Yeah the employee is kinda a jerk for taking a month off of work, but that’s no excuse for the OP’s wife to completely insult him. Yes there may be more to the story. But i feel like the narrator is only saying this when it’s a wife that does something. But anyways, the OP isn’t a jerk for feeling bad about this employee and his concerns about his wife. Cause it sounds like the wife is on a power trip and feels like she is god
If you live with roommates, just don’t get a cat lol, odds are you’re not living on enough square footage to contain the whole place smelling like cat shit and cat piss. “But I scoop the litter frequently” no you don’t and it probably doesn’t matter
Story 1: That Brandi roommate sounded like an absolute snag. She was just as bad in the previous video, and now shes even worse. I guess a good and bad thing that they co-signed the lease, meaning the OP cant get evicted, but it also doesn't mean that Brandi is the queen of the castle here either. Good on the OP for not paying the extra in "security deposit" as well, which im pretty sure would've been that weekend's drinking money for Brandi. Also good for not paying the extra on the AC/gas and saying 'hey you owe me for the previous wi-fi'. Good way to fight pettiness by being petty yourself. Really sucks that the OP couldn't keep the original cat, but really glad to hear that she and her bf got 2 cats in the end. All worked out in the end, and good riddance to Brandi. Story 2: Wow, the OP's mom has a bad case of baby rabies here, and i honestly would be very cautious around her. She seems like kind of person who will always be like "this is MY grandbaby" and try to keep the MIL away, or just flat-out take the baby and run. OP needs to both ave a serious talk with his mom and set up some kind or rules or boundaries here, because some bad stuff happening is certainly on the horizon. Story 3: Your wife is a power hungry bitch, plain and simple. She gets super upset and emotional whenever she gets fired, and now that she has a 'position of power', shes quick to berate and fire? No, that's crap. You really need to call her out on this, who cares if it starts another fight, she is a terrible manager/boss.
Story 3: BULLSHIT..When wrong is being done it needs to be addressed. That's a problem with people nowadays everyone rather minds their business and makes up excuses instead of calling people on their shit. There is no justification for disrespecting a person especially when you're in a position of power that gives you an advantage over them. A person doesn't have to be malicious to do their job at all. He's hearing his wife clearly as day belittling someone fuck her day the same way she as a boss isn't being compassionate towards her employee. Because as soon as she is on the receiving end she'll want understanding too. And this is coming from a person who has been a manager for years treat your employees with respect especially when you don't own the company. You never know when you may need someone or they just may end up your boss.
During the end of my 8th grade my druggy sister started hosting massive parties when mom n dad started going out of town for work, when I came downstairs to get eat breakfast I saw the living room, dining room and kitchen trashed with beer bottles and food, I quickly got out of their, but when I got home druggy sis n her boyfriend ordered me to clean up their mess and told me I was sleeping on a air mattress because their friends were going to use my room, I refused and the boyfriend beat me up as my sister laughed n forced me to clean up their mess hitting me if I did hurry up , he then got angry and decked me in the face giving me a black eye and screamed faster, my sister had a Oh shit moment As they were arguing I ran upstairs and barricaded myself in my room, they tried to coax me out and then tried to break down the door, they tried to fool me by leaving but my room had two windows and both faced the front of the house and side of the house which overlooks the patio and back entrance to the house, I see them leave and saw them try to sneak back into the house, the boyfriend was pissed and ran upstairs and tried to kick in my door my druggy sister had to stop him from breaking the door in, luckily we never had a ladder long enough to reach my windows Thats just one of the incidents, i lost my baby weight and grew to 7ft and the boyfriend never tried to do anything to me again ( he was only 5ft 6inches, and i was 4ft 7 inches at the time )
The first story is plain stupid, The OP is a Co-Signer on the lease and I may not know a whole lot about this but I atleast know there is something wrong with the Room mate's action.
My cats are on the same level as my guns. If either one or both are not welcome, then neither am I and will therefore leave ASAP. I won't live anywhere my cats, my guns, or my I myself are not welcome. It's why Nevada, Alaska and Arizona are as far west I'm willing to go and will not set foot in certain states or if forced to land there will not leave the terminal or airport property ie: will get a room on the airport grounds but not leave their property.
I don't make a fuss about pet's unless they are horable little punks. And my roommate has 1 that is just God awfull. The only thing I harass my roommate to do is get rid of that horrible extremely Aggressive dominant female husky mix. That is so Aggressive she forced me to hit it hard upside her head with an iron skillet to get her to understand I'm not going to play her idiotic game. That stupiid dog would stand at the back door growling at me like she was going to attack. She never did it again after that. She knows I can really hurt her if I wanted to. Shiit dog is UN-TAINABLE. Never hated a dog in my life. I even forgave the dog that attacked me when I was 8. He was constantly tormented buy kids so yeah he's going to hate kids. BUT that dog would deliberately attack my dog and the other 2 dog's JUST FOR FUN. And those poor dog's are sweet as can be and there like "what the frack we do?"
Story 1 - Don't give back the kitten, get rid of the a-hole roommate. To hell with what the roommate says. She does not dictate what You do. I'd make it CRYSTAL CLEAR that my cat isn't going anywhere and if she touches it and tries that she will be listed as a missing person. Story 2 - You sit your mother and your mother-in-law down together and tell them to stop their BS or BOTH of them will be cut off until they do And again every time they start again. Longer and longer every time until its permanent.
for story 1 the fact the roommate make op get rid of her cat yet in fine with her own cat being a nuisance shows how much of a jerk the roomate is
Shoulda sold her cat too.
I think if i was the op i would take revenge by giving her cat to an association and let her think that he just flee since she doesn't seem to know much about cat so she'll probably not know that cat doesn't just go away
Story 1: I’m willing to believe that Brandi drank a lot of brandy 24/7 non-stop. What a nightmare person.
Brandy with beer
I wonder if she actually drank brandy so she named her Brandy? Also I'm sure the couple didn't last
1st story I’m so happy to hear that they have a couple of kittens in there apartment it’s never easy giving up a pet but she kept that kitty safe from that obnoxiousness alcoholic
Man that first roommate is H O R R I B L E
2:20 this is all false information cats can share litter boxes if they are blood related, but if not then it would probably make the cat sick
First story I'm really sorry to hear about everything that bad happened to you. I understand having to give up the kitten, and how much it hurts. I just recently lost mine about a week ago, Friday April 7th 2023, worst day of my life. She was my baby girl, my daughter, and medically speaking my emotional support animal. He comforted me after every surgery and every procedure I went through over the last 10 years and was essentially just there for me everyday. All she asks for was food, water, a clean litter box, treats, total obedience, and that I adore the ground she walked on. It was a fair trade in my opinion. She died in my arms on April 7th. I'm never going to stop messing her. She was my beautiful daughter and I was her papa. But I'm happy you were able to move out and get a couple new little babies with your boyfriend. And I wish you the best of luck in a long happy life with them
i’m cat lover don’t throw cats away :c
It was definitely hard for op or for anyone to return a pet back but it was for the kittens sake
You don't want to have your fluffy friends near a psychopath
I have a cat his name is dog
Yes ❤cats not karens
Just slide notes under Brandie’s door every week that says, “your cat will eat you when you die”
Last story about wife firing people. Do not listen to am I the jerk. You're not making s*** up when you're hearing her talk to her employees like that.
You are HEARING it first hand. Thats all the proof you need that shes walking a bad path.
Confront her. Kindly, out of concern, but for sure confront the situation.
These are peoples lives she is PLAYING with.
Something am i the jerk totally missed the ball on.
These are peoples lives. How they make money and survive in this world.
She is threatening to fire people who might lose their loved ones soon. Saying "its either your job or your personal life"
Like, that ^ is pure freaking evil.
If i were you, id report her to her bosses. But im not married to her. So i get it.
Story 2: tell that mother if she keeps this up that you would cut her out of your life and that she will never see her grandchild again it’s not right what she is doing
Last story, Maybe she does not realize what she sounds like. Maybe if she hears what you hear she will realise how bad it is. Record her and let her listen from the outside. I had a manager that we did that with because he was not really self aware. It helped, alot.
That was a cute story 1. Her new kitten reminds me of 2 cats I've had in my life. My cat used to play with my hair when I had beads in my hair. My ex boyfriend's parents had a cat around the time I got pregnant and when he was a kitten he had been curled up in my arm purring away (I have this weird thing where animals bond with me kind of quickly.) and he bit my arm. Shortly after he began licking my arm where he bit almost as if apologizing.
That first story is why I’ll never live with roommates
I already intend to live with my best friend as a roommate
@@darkfrostWcueAndspeedpaint long as u guys get along good then that’s good. Better that than a stranger
@@lordrambo7898 she my bestie of course we gonna get along
In story #1 if she did end up moving the couch into storage you should have told her that if you got a new couch she wouldn’t be allowed to sit on it!
I don’t know what kind of privileged person but that’s not how it works
2003 my late wife and I brought a pair of kittens into our home. Turned out we had made a mistake in getting what was apparently either the alpha or beta in the litter order( Smudge) and the omega of the litter ( Muhgi)and while we lavished attention on both the one was acting out in destructive ways so my wife and I decided we needed to find a new home for that one. We didn't want to just drop her at a shelter but my wife had a coworker interested in getting a cat and that worked out. We got updates and Muhgi was absolutely a total and complete darling once she was sole queen of the roost and didn't feel she needed to compete with her sister. Have no idea on Muhgi's life now but would have to assume since Smudge crossed the rainbow bridge after a long and loved life in 2019 Muhgi has probably left a similar cat shaped hole in her fur parents lives as well.
There’s no such things as alpha, beta, and omega. That’s a myth based off of improperly conducted research. Your cats just had different personalities than expected.
@@_Iscream correct. probably just felt the need to compete for attention.
@@_Iscream Yes - the person who came up with the terms has spent much of their career since trying to get people to stop using them because they were a mistake!
With the last one, I'd be looking at a divorce. I could never be with someone who is so callous or nasty to people. I would tell her I want a separation because she isn't the person I fell in love with, or would be able to love. Can't love someone who has none in their heart.
Hooray OP1 got a happy ending
So glad your account is still up
0:20 Just a suggestion, when you say that a story is a continuation of something you have previously covered, can you put the URL to that video in the info box below? It'd make it easier to find the video. Thanks :)
“YOUR CAT HAS TO GO” (blue mess))
“no.” (Grey mess)
This roommate is exactly like some of my old roommates.
Good to see u didnt get taken down
I'm so glad you got your channel back congratulations
7:20 i would never imagine i would cry listening to this stories...
the Lady from Story Three is a SO BAD manager, if you try to push your employees away *INSTEAD* of tying to make things better with them ou're doing things SO WRONG
beside... SHE'S NOT EVEN SEEING THE EMPLOYEES DIECTLY which makes it even worse
and from what was said with that call.... no you just CAN'T say such things to someone having a bad moment in their life
to mle it just sounds like this lady loves Power, even tho she KNOWS how it feels to be fired, she WANTS to abuse that power
...i wonder if she showed other signs of that in her private life...
That poor kitten you can’t just buy a cat and give it back like It a Amazon package😢 within a week You didn’t even get to know the cat.
dude brandi is such a jerk like op can't have a cat of her own and she thinks that the cat will scratch up the couch when in reality she has a cat who scratches up everything.
but i'm glad that op left with her boyfriend and i hope they could have a happy life together at the end.
I have 4 cats and they always share the litter box so the fact that she said “cats can’t share litter box “is a complete lie.
Would love to know where the games you have in background of each video can be found. Thanks!
2nd story: The mother is pissed and resentful that she didn't get to be at the birth. But that is nobody's choice but the person giving birth. Get over yourself and be glad they're allowing you to even visit the NICU.
I agree with what you said about the last story. He needed to talk to his wife and ask about her day to understand more about the situation. OP also needs to understand that not every boss is going to be compassionate towards the employee most has to do their job. I understand my husband is this way towards employees. He can be impatient with them and if he feels like they move too slowly, he fires them. I don't agree, but it's his job and I'm not their and I may be missing something, so I always keep it to myself.
BULLSHIT..When wrong is being done it needs to be addressed. That's a problem with people nowadays everyone rather minds their business and makes up excuses instead of calling people on their shit. There is no justification for disrespecting a person especially when you're in a position of power that gives you an advantage over them. A person doesn't have to be malicious to do their job at all. He's hearing his wife clearly as day belittling someone fuck her day the same way she as a boss isn't being compassionate towards her employee. Because as soon as she is on the receiving end she'll want understanding too. And this is coming from a person who has been a manager for years treat your employees with respect especially when you don't own the company. You never know when you may need someone or they just may end up your boss.
Dang.... what a story... I would've hated playing that PSX Nickelodeon kart racer.
I love cats
NO KITTY😭😭😭 Im a cat lover
Oh hell no she be the one out
I have 3 cats and they are pains in my butt but I love them too death
Brandi needs a reality check and attitude adjustment lets call John Cena
For someone who owns cats I know that they share litter boxes even if they have others
Make her disown your apartment you need help op maybe its time for revenge
Guy whos wife mistreats her employee's,
You could tell her that her behavior is unacceptable and unprofessional. That if she keeps it up, her power trip will come to a crashing end.
And if she tried to fight you because of that, just know thats what a guilty mind who has jumped through enough self brainwashing hoops to convince their self otherwise that they arent bad.
She knows what shes doing is bad, she must just get a kick out of it.
Call her put on that too.
Dont give her time to pull her spoiled princess card, shut her down on every part.
And no, Do not listen to am I the jerk,? You're not making up s*** up when you're hearing her talk to her employees like that.
You are HEARING it first hand. Thats all the proof you need that shes walking a bad path.
Confront her. Kindly, out of concern, but for sure confront the situation.
These are peoples lives she is PLAYING with.
Something am i the jerk totally missed the ball on.
That first story sounds like their dealing with a whiny 5 year old child and not a grown ass adult. Literally having Temper tantrums when things don't go exactly how she wants it. Hopefully karma bit her hard
Not my aunt having 6 to 5 cats they share one litter box 2:27 2:27 2:27
Thank god I never had a roommate like that I love cats as well I had two orange tabby cats one boy and one girl and they were litter mates we lost the girl at age 9 to cancer and lost her brother 2 years later now we have a 2 year old gray cat I think the coat pattern is called black tiger but I’m not sure any way he is gray and striped and still full of energy always running around after his mouse and spring toys
Wow. Talk about a crazy duo. OP and her roommate were a nightmare. OP isn't innocent in the matter either. Putting aside the matter of the kitten, OP did step over boundaries of her roommate when she got the kitten. Regardless if the roommate had a cat or not, the roommate did say she didn't want another cat in the house. It's no different than the guy in the city who didn't want a big dog, and his ex got him a husky, and then ditched less than a week later, and he was forced to contact the breeder, and explain the situation. He was upset and felt bad for the dog, but he couldn't take care of the husky. His ex stomped all over his boundaries. The matter with the cat is a bit crueler, cause OP got the kitten, then brought it back, potentially traumatizing the kitten, which knowing her roommate said no, OP went ahead and did it anyways, so OP was an AH towards the kitten. She let her love of cats be an excuse to diss Brandi.
Brandi's no innocent and absolutely nuts, but OP isn't any better, especially when she comes across as an unreliable narrator, as she puts Brandi on blast, and I'm sure Brandi would say the same about OP. Honestly, both women have problems, and both have boundary stomping behaviour. If I had to give advice to both boyfriends, it would be to run away, fast.
And honestly, if OP racked up an AC bill of about 200 to 400$ for the AC, which could be far higher than usual, and the roommate stayed with her bf during that time, if I was in the roommate's shoes, I would be upset too, cause that is significant, and OP does need to take some accountability over that, because technically, OP was taking advantage of her roommate's money, and trying to find some way to weasel out of paying what she should have paid, and the roommate was covering OP's ass. If I was OP, I would have covered at least 2/3rd of the bill in that event. Even when the roommate does similar things.
These are some of the worst and most toxic roommates to be paired up together.
I'm looking past the kitten and looking at everything else. I'm upset for the kitten, cause OP brought it over out of spite. And that's never a good thing for a pet or child.
One literbox for 2 cats, are you crazy?!
years ago when I lived in an apartment with my mom, sister, brother, we had 4 cats that shared a litter box and 3 kittens that shared a small litter box. There were surprisingly few accidents.
Hope that brandy is living in out of a,box now or become a mad bag lady
Hey am I the jerk I’m glad you didn’t get banned from UA-cam is my have a lot of auto cracks
Wait if Brandy isn't there half the time why would she care if you got a cat. She needs to start taking her meds because she really needs to. Thank God you found a better place to live. Such a crazy toxic person
So saw the video title and was immediately up in arms. Like no psycho b you're the one being kicked out, not my new best friend.
*Story 1:* Talk about an awful roommate!
Story 3: Don’t jump through hoops that fast.
I have 2 kittens and the litter box thing I agree with an I the jerk
Story 2: I was born 2 months early, I was about as small as a rabbit, and my head could fit in the palm of my parents hands, they don't have very big hands.
Why the cat it hasn't done anything to you
Wow the roommate in story one hates cats
ok the roommate w a cat is a terrible, awful human being, but she is correct- cats should NOT be forced to share litter boxes. you always need 1 extra litter box more than the amount of cats you have (ie: 2 cats = 3 boxes, 5 cats = 6 boxes).
And such a great video😊
Story 2 really forget abt it.
Story 3 I didn't hear everything but heres the deal it is her job and u can't exactly judge her for her job. Like u said she knows what being fired is about.
Wow, what karens do not like cats
i know right my sister has cats and i like cats.
Off the top of my head: the ones who are allergic.
@@JamesDavy2009 or people who don't like cats and perfer dogs over cats.
I love cats too much to give it away :c
NEVER give up a cat for a human, you've immediately made a mistake and lost a friend for life ( the cat , not the person)
I've been trying to tell this to people, you don't get animals for yourself, you get them so you can take care of them and give them a better life....
If you get a pet for your own benefit, aside from service animals, you will lose in life....
MY Gf had a bunny for Years ,she stopped acting like herself but we didn't have the money to take her to the vet.
Weeks later , she literally died in my arms and I hate myself because of it.
For all we knew , it was an easy fix.
Please don't take pets for granted, they aren't for you , you are there to give them a better life.
I'd do anything to go back in time and save that bunny , I think about it almost every day , and it hurts my soul.
We miss her so much. To think we could have saved her but we couldn't via our own laziness haunts me and keeps me working 40+ hours a week just incase my cats or family need medical attention.
It wasn't fair that she suffered and couldn't tell us , we should have known .
It seriously destroys me nightly , I should have taken her to the vet .
I'd pay anything to have her back , and she wasn't even my pet.
I miss her but it's more that I know she probably suffered and could have been saved.
It will never sit right with me.
It's ripped a hole in my soul. So sorry daisy. We love u
One word privileged
1st Story: I am glad she moved out, seeing as how petty and crazy Brandi is, I feel like Brandi would try to get the kitten put down. Hope the OP has a good life and enjoy the cats.
2nd Story: It sounds like the mother is feeling like it’s a challenge of who’s the better grandmother. And quite frankly, sounds a little narcissistic.
3rd Story: It sounds like the OP’s wife is on a power trip. Yeah the employee is kinda a jerk for taking a month off of work, but that’s no excuse for the OP’s wife to completely insult him. Yes there may be more to the story. But i feel like the narrator is only saying this when it’s a wife that does something. But anyways, the OP isn’t a jerk for feeling bad about this employee and his concerns about his wife. Cause it sounds like the wife is on a power trip and feels like she is god
If you live with roommates, just don’t get a cat lol, odds are you’re not living on enough square footage to contain the whole place smelling like cat shit and cat piss. “But I scoop the litter frequently” no you don’t and it probably doesn’t matter
I'm a dog person I wish u didnt give away the cat
Story 1: That Brandi roommate sounded like an absolute snag. She was just as bad in the previous video, and now shes even worse. I guess a good and bad thing that they co-signed the lease, meaning the OP cant get evicted, but it also doesn't mean that Brandi is the queen of the castle here either. Good on the OP for not paying the extra in "security deposit" as well, which im pretty sure would've been that weekend's drinking money for Brandi. Also good for not paying the extra on the AC/gas and saying 'hey you owe me for the previous wi-fi'. Good way to fight pettiness by being petty yourself. Really sucks that the OP couldn't keep the original cat, but really glad to hear that she and her bf got 2 cats in the end. All worked out in the end, and good riddance to Brandi.
Story 2: Wow, the OP's mom has a bad case of baby rabies here, and i honestly would be very cautious around her. She seems like kind of person who will always be like "this is MY grandbaby" and try to keep the MIL away, or just flat-out take the baby and run. OP needs to both ave a serious talk with his mom and set up some kind or rules or boundaries here, because some bad stuff happening is certainly on the horizon.
Story 3: Your wife is a power hungry bitch, plain and simple. She gets super upset and emotional whenever she gets fired, and now that she has a 'position of power', shes quick to berate and fire? No, that's crap. You really need to call her out on this, who cares if it starts another fight, she is a terrible manager/boss.
Good video❤
Story 3: BULLSHIT..When wrong is being done it needs to be addressed. That's a problem with people nowadays everyone rather minds their business and makes up excuses instead of calling people on their shit. There is no justification for disrespecting a person especially when you're in a position of power that gives you an advantage over them. A person doesn't have to be malicious to do their job at all. He's hearing his wife clearly as day belittling someone fuck her day the same way she as a boss isn't being compassionate towards her employee. Because as soon as she is on the receiving end she'll want understanding too. And this is coming from a person who has been a manager for years treat your employees with respect especially when you don't own the company. You never know when you may need someone or they just may end up your boss.
During the end of my 8th grade my druggy sister started hosting massive parties when mom n dad started going out of town for work, when I came downstairs to get eat breakfast I saw the living room, dining room and kitchen trashed with beer bottles and food, I quickly got out of their, but when I got home druggy sis n her boyfriend ordered me to clean up their mess and told me I was sleeping on a air mattress because their friends were going to use my room, I refused and the boyfriend beat me up as my sister laughed n forced me to clean up their mess hitting me if I did hurry up , he then got angry and decked me in the face giving me a black eye and screamed faster, my sister had a Oh shit moment
As they were arguing I ran upstairs and barricaded myself in my room, they tried to coax me out and then tried to break down the door, they tried to fool me by leaving but my room had two windows and both faced the front of the house and side of the house which overlooks the patio and back entrance to the house, I see them leave and saw them try to sneak back into the house, the boyfriend was pissed and ran upstairs and tried to kick in my door my druggy sister had to stop him from breaking the door in, luckily we never had a ladder long enough to reach my windows
Thats just one of the incidents, i lost my baby weight and grew to 7ft and the boyfriend never tried to do anything to me again ( he was only 5ft 6inches, and i was 4ft 7 inches at the time )
This Will Be The Sslucessor Of Inanimate Insanity In The Future I'm Telling Ya
story 1 you think shes a nightmare, i have someone sleeping on the floor on a studio apartment in just his underwear.
The first story is plain stupid, The OP is a Co-Signer on the lease and I may not know a whole lot about this but I atleast know there is something wrong with the Room mate's action.
I have like four cats
This lady made her throw her cat I don't like the lady her so mean
My cats are on the same level as my guns. If either one or both are not welcome, then neither am I and will therefore leave ASAP. I won't live anywhere my cats, my guns, or my I myself are not welcome. It's why Nevada, Alaska and Arizona are as far west I'm willing to go and will not set foot in certain states or if forced to land there will not leave the terminal or airport property ie: will get a room on the airport grounds but not leave their property.
I don't make a fuss about pet's unless they are horable little punks. And my roommate has 1 that is just God awfull.
The only thing I harass my roommate to do is get rid of that horrible extremely Aggressive dominant female husky mix. That is so Aggressive she forced me to hit it hard upside her head with an iron skillet to get her to understand I'm not going to play her idiotic game. That stupiid dog would stand at the back door growling at me like she was going to attack. She never did it again after that. She knows I can really hurt her if I wanted to.
Shiit dog is UN-TAINABLE.
Never hated a dog in my life.
I even forgave the dog that attacked me when I was 8. He was constantly tormented buy kids so yeah he's going to hate kids.
BUT that dog would deliberately attack my dog and the other 2 dog's JUST FOR FUN. And those poor dog's are sweet as can be and there like "what the frack we do?"
*scoffs* room mates SUCKS! >:(
Haha, you idiot, you were going to comment I'm wrong, but I did this on purpose just to lure you in. You fool!
Day 27 of saying the same thing until I get pinned
Karen's getting destroyed is one of the best parts of my life
I would like a heart with a little pin
For people confused this is a Reddit story, I don’t think the person reading this is not gay but idk so now you know.
Story 1 - Don't give back the kitten, get rid of the a-hole roommate. To hell with what the roommate says. She does not dictate what You do. I'd make it CRYSTAL CLEAR that my cat isn't going anywhere and if she touches it and tries that she will be listed as a missing person.
Story 2 - You sit your mother and your mother-in-law down together and tell them to stop their BS or BOTH of them will be cut off until they do And again every time they start again. Longer and longer every time until its permanent.
wow I'm 1 hr early
Nah more like 7th
I love cats