I met him in early 2014 and went on street dawah with him, we were really shy and reserved and he gave a great speech that time which changed things immediately!
Hamza T is man who has developed over time. Someone who acknowledged this shortfalls and has grown into such a mumble yet confident person. He is the epitome of self development and self reflective growth alhamdulillah
To say the epitome of self development and self relflective growth is maybe a bit too far in praise for him. We know the prophet was the best of all men but even with him we don't go to extremes in the praise of him
@@ia1399 if your Creed is sound, then there is no concept of over praising Rasul Allah ﷺ. You should praise the praise worthy again and again, as the Lord of ALL creation commands us to do. To ascribe anything false to Rasul Allah ﷺ isn't praise by definition, even if one thinks it is. Hence, with sound Creed, there is no fear in *soundly praising Rasul Allah ﷺ* and instead we see this as not only a good deed, but one that Allah Himself Commands of us. As for praising Hamza Tzortzis, I'm sure the brother wasn't being literal and just meant he's a GREAT example of the principles underlying self-development. But, I see your point and it's true we should be measured. I think Hamza Tzortzis has been one of the clearest modern publicly accessible examples online, however.
Bro I’m not even gonna lie when I saw the title I started to tear up. Hamza has certainly made a difference in the dawah world and I make Dua that Allah grants him blessings in abundance we will all miss you hamza 👋🥺💕
Sister , I have seen some people who do dawah say that a girl shouldn't put hearts to them in the comments , so how about you check that out with a trusted scholar ?
I was literally crying when listening to all the deep things Ustadh was saying. I wish I had the same passion for the cause of Dawah as he and you have. May Allah bless you all..Amin
His experiences have formed his wisdom, and everytime Hamza speaks you learn, and you think. Definitely will be missed. Definitely, definitely. May Allah grant Hamza Jannatul Firdaws and keep him steadfast on the straight path, Allahumma ameen.
Hamza Tzortis, a blessed revert has probably reverted many, Alhamdulilah, may Allah grant you the goodness in this world and in the world of our final destination. Ameen
I love brother hamza tzortzis, may allah grant you and your family janatul ferdous, its sad that you are going, no matter where we are going our job as muslims continues till the day, allah invites us to himself.
This podcast was too short!!! JazakAllahuKhairan for all your hard work and efforts in providing us, Biidhnillah, with such high Quality informative and edifying content but these are too short.....we need MORE!!! May God reward you all and accept every single bit of your good deed. Amen!
Im a christian and I realy appreciate Hamza because of the way he shares his faith ! SO many could learn from him about how to interact to people not off their kind ! Not be ironic and proud making bad jokes but being serious because the reality of eternity is serious ! Thank you Hamza !
Brother Hamza, all praise to Allah SWT!! I admire your passion, knowledge and Ikhlas! I love your conversations with the Atheists and people of another faiths. But to be honest, They are not easy to listen to, one need to be actually seated and be quiet and listen attentively to understand ( most of the time they are filled with so much knowledge and wisdom). You are a fountain of knowledge and May Allah SWT increase you in both dunya and Akhira Stay connected with us And please let me know how can I learn when you are in Australia for any lecture or courses Allah bless
Congratulations Bro Hamzah TzorTzis!!! Wa JazaakaLLAHU bi Khairi Jazaai'hi, ameen!!! Great Job and well done. We beseech ALLAH(SWT) to reward you and the iERA team with the best places in Jannatul-Firdausi, ameen!!! "Leaders create more leaders" comment at 6.46 - 6.49 is a veritable reminder to me of our Late Sheikh Uthman bn Fodio (RahimahuLLAHU Ta'alaa wa ardaahu, ameen) of the Sokoto Caliphate, West Africa, who after his Islamic Revival movement or Jihad in the Hausa/Fulani areas of West Africa, especially in Northern Nigeria, and the solid establishment of the Caliphate, decided to relinquish power as the Ameer, and divided the Caliphate between his younger brother Sheikh Abdullahi and his son, Muhammad Bello( May Allah have mercy on both of them), and dedicated the rest of his life to worship and return to His Creator, Allah!! So we are grateful to Allah for having Muslim Brothers like you who follow the footsteps of such worthy leaders and pious predecessors even though they may not be aware. This is Islam the true religion of Allah(SWT). Thank you.
Amazing brother Hamza..... you just made me re-think of an incident I had in a barber shop. I snapped back at a man who was preaching about Jesus being God however what I have realized is that I should have reached out to his hart as per what the Prophet (swt) tought us. Alhumdolillah and thank you.
I have to say Alhamdulillah, I benefited from one of the advanced courses of iera and it literally changed my direction in doing Da’wah. May Allaah bless iera and those with them.
Its a logical move. Rather than creating noise on social media, go to the people and do dawa directly. Its always good to assess strategy and course correct. Arguments seldom win hearts, though it can retain hearts and act as a show of force
iERA is truly like no other Islamic organization that conveys the message of Islam while staying true to its roots and simultaneously innovating and reframing itself masha Allah! May Allah give you tawfeeq and reward you for all of your sincere efforts, ameen. And ameen to your beautiful du'aas, Ustadh Hamza! May Allah bless you wherever you go, with whatever you do, as long as you are holding onto the rope of Allah insha Allah. Ameen ya Rabb. We need more thinkers like you to represent our community and the Message. :)
Hello Times sure are different now. The art of socialising is a lost art. What ever happened to actually meeting with someone sharing good vibes and hitting it off. So many people today are stuck inside 24/7 on the internet. Lol it's happened to me at times. Go e are the days of going to the video store renting a movie and watching with your family over the weekend. Now everyone has their own devices and watches their own shows in seperate rooms. However it doesn't have to be like that. We could all connect back to each other and nature. Do you ever feel the world has changed so much?
Hamza, I personally view as a role model for energetic passionate muslims living in west looking to deliver/share message of islam. He is a burning candle that can ignire many more unlit candles. A guru worth following. He is intelligent, transparent & articulate. What more do we want from a muslim community leader? May Allah accept Hamza's efforts/forgive his short-comings. May Allah, allow all muslims to be like Hamza so that we can be our best selvesm, for sake of Allah. As subur comforted the man, All we need is Allah's mercy, and all hurdles will clear.
Salam Times sure are different now. The art of socialising is a lost art. What ever happened to actually meeting with someone sharing good vibes and hitting it off. So many people today are stuck inside 24/7 on the internet. Lol it's happened to me at times. Go e are the days of going to the video store renting a movie and watching with your family over the weekend. Now everyone has their own devices and watches their own shows in seperate rooms. However it doesn't have to be like that. We could all connect back to each other and nature. Do you ever feel the world has changed so much?
MahsaAllah. Always moving forward, reflecting, evaluating about what has been previously accomplished and then developing a vision, and setting a new goal. Taking action. Constantly seeking improvement. With mercy, intelligence and compassion. A minute by minute Jihad. Making the statement, Islam in every home , a reality. Alhamdulillah.
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. Thanks brother Hamza. May Allah keep you in blessing in this life and in the hereafter. Love for you both. Dua for you both.
Jazakallah Khair Sheikh Hamza Tzortzis for your countless efforts to make Islam accessible for all people through your logic, intellect, wisdom and knowledge on various subjects which the modern society finds itself in.
Bro Hamza - May Allah have mercy on you in whatever you undertake for the sake of islam. Please clear the ground for anyone taking your place at iERA - do not let any doubt about why you left .. kitchen affairs remain in the kitchen. People should not infer anything on why you left insha Allah...
Ustath Hamza one of the usatitha that we love and pray for them ..May Allah bless him whenever he will be.. I just like to ask about dr Jeffrey Lang ..where he is .. is he fine.. as his lectures influence many people around the world.. just want to know that he's fine
Hello Times sure are different now. The art of socialising is a lost art. What ever happened to actually meeting with someone sharing good vibes and hitting it off. So many people today are stuck inside 24/7 on the internet. Lol it's happened to me at times. Go e are the days of going to the video store renting a movie and watching with your family over the weekend. Now everyone has their own devices and watches their own shows in seperate rooms. However it doesn't have to be like that. We could all connect back to each other and nature. Do you ever feel the world has changed so much?
Hello Times sure are different now. The art of socialising is a lost art. What ever happened to actually meeting with someone sharing good vibes and hitting it off. So many people today are stuck inside 24/7 on the internet. Lol it's happened to me at times. Go e are the days of going to the video store renting a movie and watching with your family over the weekend. Now everyone has their own devices and watches their own shows in seperate rooms. However it doesn't have to be like that. We could all connect back to each other and nature. Do you ever feel the world has changed so much?
Just a reminder some of chapter and mostly says in Quran. I make it simple, God is above the throne and very close within our reach. Far and close at the same "Time" 😎
Hope brother Hamzah T can come to Malaysia. I love to see our muslim youth be tweak by him. I want our youth be modern yet spiritual, our type of teaching kind of old. Busy arguing within wahabi, salafi, sufi, sunnah, bidaah issue rather than focus on development of leaders, fund raise to help the poor and mualaf, islamic branding and others. Malaysia is a multiracial country, our problem always on racism. Politics here ruining our youth mind and always spreading hate on non muslim rather than unity. What im saying, this act of racism make Islam look bad. May when this racism is cure, our economy will be good and Malaysia as islamic country can contribute more on Islam globally. inshAllah.
Tzortzis....km hrs trus ada to iera...dimana ada iera.....ada hamza tzorzis di dlmnya....kalian terpilih ...to bisa mewujudkan mimpi nabi muhamad saw....buktikn cinta kalian kpd Allah...to menyatukn umat muslim di dunia...dan islam kn dunia dgn rahmat seluruh alam....salamun qaulam mir rabbir rahim...
Assallamu Aleykum, may Allah bless you guys and all of your work. I just wanted to inform you that the link is misspelled and therefore is not working. May Allah bless you guys!
Man my name is Hamza too, and i just think hamza's struggle for doing good and his regret that he could,ve done better just gives me hope that even people at that level has same kind of struggles as we do, May Allah use us too to spread his message across the world.
This is how islam should be the focus is Allah.We can have different views but still we all work towards the same goal and stick together so no friction at all.
Brother Hamza T has done many great thing for Islam... I pray Allah will take care of him where ever he is...
آمين يا رب العالمين
Can always see sincerity when I see him speak.
| جزاك الله خيراً
Ameen Ya Rabb
He has benefited from Islam. May Allah give him more success.....
I met him in early 2014 and went on street dawah with him, we were really shy and reserved and he gave a great speech that time which changed things immediately!
Hamza T is man who has developed over time. Someone who acknowledged this shortfalls and has grown into such a mumble yet confident person. He is the epitome of self development and self reflective growth alhamdulillah
Did you mean 'humble'?
To say the epitome of self development and self relflective growth is maybe a bit too far in praise for him. We know the prophet was the best of all men but even with him we don't go to extremes in the praise of him
@@ia1399 if your Creed is sound, then there is no concept of over praising Rasul Allah ﷺ. You should praise the praise worthy again and again, as the Lord of ALL creation commands us to do. To ascribe anything false to Rasul Allah ﷺ isn't praise by definition, even if one thinks it is. Hence, with sound Creed, there is no fear in *soundly praising Rasul Allah ﷺ* and instead we see this as not only a good deed, but one that Allah Himself Commands of us.
As for praising Hamza Tzortzis, I'm sure the brother wasn't being literal and just meant he's a GREAT example of the principles underlying self-development. But, I see your point and it's true we should be measured. I think Hamza Tzortzis has been one of the clearest modern publicly accessible examples online, however.
Bro I’m not even gonna lie when I saw the title I started to tear up. Hamza has certainly made a difference in the dawah world and I make Dua that Allah grants him blessings in abundance we will all miss you hamza 👋🥺💕
Ashley Maddison ?
Sister , I have seen some people who do dawah say that a girl shouldn't put hearts to them in the comments , so how about you check that out with a trusted scholar ?
May Allah reward Hamza for his past, present and future efforts for the sake of his religion
It's sad that bro Hamza leaves iERA, but he did well and he made best leaders. Loads of love from your bro from Kashmir, Tanveer.
I guess Indian occupied kashmir
Salam bhai... Biti chus koshur... Rozaan kati chu.
Boya theek chuka
“It’s better to err on mercy than to err in hardship” - golden
harshness* not hardship akhi
My name is Diego and my life is so sick I have a lot of of money and I have a big house
I was literally crying when listening to all the deep things Ustadh was saying. I wish I had the same passion for the cause of Dawah as he and you have. May Allah bless you all..Amin
His experiences have formed his wisdom, and everytime Hamza speaks you learn, and you think. Definitely will be missed. Definitely, definitely. May Allah grant Hamza Jannatul Firdaws and keep him steadfast on the straight path, Allahumma ameen.
Hamza Tzortis, a blessed revert has probably reverted many, Alhamdulilah, may Allah grant you the goodness in this world and in the world of our final destination. Ameen
I love brother hamza tzortzis, may allah grant you and your family janatul ferdous, its sad that you are going, no matter where we are going our job as muslims continues till the day, allah invites us to himself.
Hamza is a blessing of Allah,wherever he is !
we love you brothers for the sake of Allah! may Allah bless you and reward you
He is the reason i started researching so much. I cant wait to see what he has in store for us in the future.
Can't wait!😁
I have learn a ton from Hamza, even as a non-religious person.
Hope you all have a great day 🙏
May Allah guide your heart,brother.
@@ismetmedovic2863 Only the future holds the answer, or as the say in my native language, vidjećemo u budućnosti 😊.
@@KickingArts Brat Balkanac 😄👍
@Fahad Ekbel My father is from Montenegro and my mother is from Bosnia.
@@KickingArts May Allah guide you brother
Mashallah bro Hamza you are doing great work on this planet and we love you
This podcast was too short!!!
JazakAllahuKhairan for all your hard work and efforts in providing us, Biidhnillah, with such high Quality informative and edifying content but these are too short.....we need MORE!!! May God reward you all and accept every single bit of your good deed. Amen!
Love from Bangladesh!!
Im a christian and I realy appreciate Hamza because of the way he shares his faith ! SO many could learn from him about how to interact to people not off their kind ! Not be ironic and proud making bad jokes but being serious because the reality of eternity is serious ! Thank you Hamza !
Brother Hamza, all praise to Allah SWT!! I admire your passion, knowledge and Ikhlas! I love your conversations with the Atheists and people of another faiths. But to be honest, They are not easy to listen to, one need to be actually seated and be quiet and listen attentively to understand ( most of the time they are filled with so much knowledge and wisdom). You are a fountain of knowledge and May Allah SWT increase you in both dunya and Akhira
Stay connected with us
And please let me know how can I learn when you are in Australia for any lecture or courses
Allah bless
Congratulations Bro Hamzah TzorTzis!!! Wa JazaakaLLAHU bi Khairi Jazaai'hi, ameen!!! Great Job and well done. We beseech ALLAH(SWT) to reward you and the iERA team with the best places in Jannatul-Firdausi, ameen!!!
"Leaders create more leaders" comment at 6.46 - 6.49 is a veritable reminder to me of our Late Sheikh Uthman bn Fodio (RahimahuLLAHU Ta'alaa wa ardaahu, ameen) of the Sokoto Caliphate, West Africa, who after his Islamic Revival movement or Jihad in the Hausa/Fulani areas of West Africa, especially in Northern Nigeria, and the solid establishment of the Caliphate, decided to relinquish power as the Ameer, and divided the Caliphate between his younger brother Sheikh Abdullahi and his son, Muhammad Bello( May Allah have mercy on both of them), and dedicated the rest of his life to worship and return to His Creator, Allah!! So we are grateful to Allah for having Muslim Brothers like you who follow the footsteps of such worthy leaders and pious predecessors even though they may not be aware. This is Islam the true religion of Allah(SWT). Thank you.
Beautiful advice an amazing brother May the Almighty increase him in goodness
Amazing brother Hamza..... you just made me re-think of an incident I had in a barber shop. I snapped back at a man who was preaching about Jesus being God however what I have realized is that I should have reached out to his hart as per what the Prophet (swt) tought us. Alhumdolillah and thank you.
I have to say Alhamdulillah, I benefited from one of the advanced courses of iera and it literally changed my direction in doing Da’wah. May Allaah bless iera and those with them.
Is that an online course? Can you please link the details?
@@TehreemAyesha it wasn’t. But reach to iera directly. Maybe they have something equivalent
@@muaawiyahtucker Thanks a lot.
🤲Hamza👌 you are the man.
Love from 🇵🇰
I am a Pakistani. Congratulations for our new map.
Br Hamza Tzortzis, may Allah pleased with you and reward you 🙏
He talks about leaving iera at 6:00
Jazak allahu khayran
May ALLAH bless you my brother hamza and bring all your beloved in Islam..
I love you guys for the sake of ALLAH
Watching you from Morocco🙋
Beautiful recitation MashaAllah. Great message. JazakAllahu Khairan, may Allah reward you all
Its a logical move. Rather than creating noise on social media, go to the people and do dawa directly. Its always good to assess strategy and course correct. Arguments seldom win hearts, though it can retain hearts and act as a show of force
Masha Allah as always inspiring and emotional....need more of him
iERA is truly like no other Islamic organization that conveys the message of Islam while staying true to its roots and simultaneously innovating and reframing itself masha Allah! May Allah give you tawfeeq and reward you for all of your sincere efforts, ameen. And ameen to your beautiful du'aas, Ustadh Hamza! May Allah bless you wherever you go, with whatever you do, as long as you are holding onto the rope of Allah insha Allah. Ameen ya Rabb. We need more thinkers like you to represent our community and the Message. :)
Times sure are different now. The art of socialising is a lost art. What ever happened to actually meeting with someone sharing good vibes and hitting it off. So many people today are stuck inside 24/7 on the internet. Lol it's happened to me at times.
Go e are the days of going to the video store renting a movie and watching with your family over the weekend. Now everyone has their own devices and watches their own shows in seperate rooms.
However it doesn't have to be like that. We could all connect back to each other and nature. Do you ever feel the world has changed so much?
33:33 I'm no longer chief entertainment officer, was very funny but Hamza is very humble person.
Lots of love bro from Somalia Mogadishu
Hamza, I personally view as a role model for energetic passionate muslims living in west looking to deliver/share message of islam. He is a burning candle that can ignire many more unlit candles. A guru worth following. He is intelligent, transparent & articulate. What more do we want from a muslim community leader?
May Allah accept Hamza's efforts/forgive his short-comings. May Allah, allow all muslims to be like Hamza so that we can be our best selvesm, for sake of Allah. As subur comforted the man, All we need is Allah's mercy, and all hurdles will clear.
Es selamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh from Germany. Respect what great platform you guys created. May Allah rewards you all.
JazakAllah khair hamza bhai for your work at iera. Looking forward to sapience institute & all the academic work it is going to produce insha Allah
Being Allah centric and not ego centric.. SubhanAllah 😍
Times sure are different now. The art of socialising is a lost art. What ever happened to actually meeting with someone sharing good vibes and hitting it off. So many people today are stuck inside 24/7 on the internet. Lol it's happened to me at times.
Go e are the days of going to the video store renting a movie and watching with your family over the weekend. Now everyone has their own devices and watches their own shows in seperate rooms.
However it doesn't have to be like that. We could all connect back to each other and nature. Do you ever feel the world has changed so much?
MahsaAllah. Always moving forward, reflecting, evaluating about what has been previously accomplished and then developing a vision, and setting a new goal. Taking action. Constantly seeking improvement. With mercy, intelligence and compassion. A minute by minute Jihad. Making the statement, Islam in every home , a reality. Alhamdulillah.
Allah protect you Brothers 🎓
My favourite show. Respect to all the brothers and sisters behind the scenes. Brother Musa must be making his dad proud Masha’Allah
it's really heartbreaking, love you Br. hamza tzortzis.
Listen to this part 14:12
Ma sha Allah Br Musa has matured a lot as an interviewer
May Allah bless our brother Hamza
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. Thanks brother Hamza. May Allah keep you in blessing in this life and in the hereafter. Love for you both. Dua for you both.
Jazakallah Khair Sheikh Hamza Tzortzis for your countless efforts to make Islam accessible for all people through your logic, intellect, wisdom and knowledge on various subjects which the modern society finds itself in.
You've done a lot for us & we hope you will be doing whereever you are eengaged in.We love you ustadh Hamza
May Allah increase you in knowledge brother hamza and humbleness
I grew up watching Hamza through Iera!
Ma sha Allah
Same Ma’sha’Allah tabarkAllah
May Allah bless him and give him success in whatever role he undertakes in life for the sake of Allah!
MasyaAllah Sheikh Hamzah. I respect your leadership ideology and vision.
I could listen to this over and over. A lot of wisdom in this video. May Allah bless you.
This is one of the rare videos i felt like i need to rewatch
A high level of pereception;
Hamza's way of assessing things is extraordinary.
Iera team will miss you brother
True that
His book is groundbreakimg for the whole Atheism
What's the name of his book?
@@Raul-vs6ff "The divine reality,islam,God and the Mirage of Atheism "
Bro Hamza - May Allah have mercy on you in whatever you undertake for the sake of islam. Please clear the ground for anyone taking your place at iERA - do not let any doubt about why you left .. kitchen affairs remain in the kitchen. People should not infer anything on why you left insha Allah...
Ustath Hamza one of the usatitha that we love and pray for them ..May Allah bless him whenever he will be.. I just like to ask about dr Jeffrey Lang ..where he is .. is he fine.. as his lectures influence many people around the world.. just want to know that he's fine
Great video i could almost taste the sweetness of barakah in it👍🏻😄May Allah be pleased with everything we do🤲Ameen
Brilliant discussion. I gotta be that guy though, pause at the right time between 1:32 and 1:33.
May Allah bless hamza he’s done a lot for the community
45:47. Key point, massive point, profound..
Shukran akhi
Eagerly waiting the program May Allah protect u bro Hamza wherever you are. Big love
u will be missed bro Hamza
Aslam o alaikum to you both .may Allah put barakah in your efforts .happy to see you all time alhamdullela
Times sure are different now. The art of socialising is a lost art. What ever happened to actually meeting with someone sharing good vibes and hitting it off. So many people today are stuck inside 24/7 on the internet. Lol it's happened to me at times.
Go e are the days of going to the video store renting a movie and watching with your family over the weekend. Now everyone has their own devices and watches their own shows in seperate rooms.
However it doesn't have to be like that. We could all connect back to each other and nature. Do you ever feel the world has changed so much?
Wallahi,the reason behind his decision to leave iera has increased the boundless regard that I had for him. May Allah bless you and your family bro.
Times sure are different now. The art of socialising is a lost art. What ever happened to actually meeting with someone sharing good vibes and hitting it off. So many people today are stuck inside 24/7 on the internet. Lol it's happened to me at times.
Go e are the days of going to the video store renting a movie and watching with your family over the weekend. Now everyone has their own devices and watches their own shows in seperate rooms.
However it doesn't have to be like that. We could all connect back to each other and nature. Do you ever feel the world has changed so much?
Shade On A Cool Day This has nothing to do with the video but nicely written, I totally agree with you.
I love Hamza T so much his way is very good ما شاء الله عليك أخى حمزه
Just a reminder some of chapter and mostly says in Quran.
I make it simple, God is above the throne and very close within our reach.
Far and close at the same "Time" 😎
Brother hamza cant wait🤗👏
Brother Hamza.. May Allah Bless you !
I wish i could be like you Hamza one day. 💙
Hope brother Hamzah T can come to Malaysia.
I love to see our muslim youth be tweak by him. I want our youth be modern yet spiritual, our type of teaching kind of old. Busy arguing within wahabi, salafi, sufi, sunnah, bidaah issue rather than focus on development of leaders, fund raise to help the poor and mualaf, islamic branding and others.
Malaysia is a multiracial country, our problem always on racism. Politics here ruining our youth mind and always spreading hate on non muslim rather than unity. What im saying, this act of racism make Islam look bad. May when this racism is cure, our economy will be good and Malaysia as islamic country can contribute more on Islam globally. inshAllah.
Subhanallah my prayers with my beloved Hamza
Tzortzis....km hrs trus ada to iera...dimana ada iera.....ada hamza tzorzis di dlmnya....kalian terpilih ...to bisa mewujudkan mimpi nabi muhamad saw....buktikn cinta kalian kpd Allah...to menyatukn umat muslim di dunia...dan islam kn dunia dgn rahmat seluruh alam....salamun qaulam mir rabbir rahim...
الحمد الله على نعمة الإسلام
Brother hamza is one of the great reverts of Islam
Can anyone provide a time stamp where he says about leaving iera in the video.
@@letsenglishwithmaha463 may Allah grant you firdous.
May Allah bless him ameen
جزاكم الله عنا كل خير
Assallamu Aleykum, may Allah bless you guys and all of your work. I just wanted to inform you that the link is misspelled and therefore is not working. May Allah bless you guys!
Jazak ALLAH Brothers
May Allah bless our brother Hamza for being a true worker for the deen.
Man my name is Hamza too, and i just think hamza's struggle for doing good and his regret that he could,ve done better just gives me hope that even people at that level has same kind of struggles as we do, May Allah use us too to spread his message across the world.
may Allah help and protect you all.
Macha Allah. Great interview
Hamza Don't leave Iera who will be with Abduraheem Green ???
Can someone please summarise why he's leaving iERA? And what are his plans for the future?
1. He realized he has done enough
2. As leader he knows one of his duty is to pave way to new leaders.
3. He is pursuing his study/writing now.
Please can you put an Arabic translation from the list. Thanks 💚.. الرجاء وضع ترجمة عربية من القائمة التلقائية 👍
لو تقومون بترجمة هذه المقاطع لتعم الفائدة أكثر
Mashaallah. I love brother Hamza
This is how islam should be the focus is Allah.We can have different views but still we all work towards the same goal and stick together so no friction at all.
really want to watch this
can't wait
be safe
I enjoyed the part about leadership😊
InshaAllah Hamza can devote his time to complete his studies and then contribute even more to the dawah movement..
He is the founder of iera how can he leave it..love u Allah
It’s too long for me to watch can someone summarize for me why he left please? Jazakum Allahu Khair
Same here, this culture of instant gratification has given me a short attention span
True leadership is creating other leaders. This is why he basically left his role in IERA.
Did they say who is going to replace him?
May Allah bless that man and increase him with the best. Love from Arabia.
So he is leaving to go where??
Salaam, what mic's and camera do you use on your podcast? I'm thinking of starting my own channel inshaaAllah!