Rent is Too High Documentary Series: episode 1

  • Опубліковано 22 жов 2024


  • @MyBabybabz
    @MyBabybabz Рік тому +77

    Lord knows I’m grateful. I purchased my home in 2011. I’m happy that I got my credit together & worked multiple jobs just to be able to purchase the house. Now working one job. My mortgage is cheaper than a one bedroom apartment.

    • @diamondintheroughiamthelaw9682
      @diamondintheroughiamthelaw9682 Рік тому +5

      Very good story! 🌟

    • @rosegarcia5069
      @rosegarcia5069 Рік тому +3

      Keep Saving .

    • @AndyinMTL
      @AndyinMTL Рік тому +1

      GOD bless Mara

    • @igotvictory3591
      @igotvictory3591 Рік тому +2

      Glorifying yourself during other struggles. When the Bible tells us to not exalt urself over others but to exalt orders over you. I am not saying what you did was not good but it is not nice to do it knowing others are struggling.

    • @MyBabybabz
      @MyBabybabz Рік тому +4

      @@igotvictory3591 it’s helps seeing someone who was uncomfortable in their own situation. To show what solutions they used to become comfortable. Not to show boat. Encourage peoples sacrifice aren’t in vain.

  • @vu4uboo582
    @vu4uboo582 Рік тому +78

    The companies that are buying up these houses rent out rooms. Renting a room is the new normal. Theres like ten people sharing one house and doubled up in rooms. They're turning housing into jails.

    • @vonydavis1150
      @vonydavis1150 Рік тому +6

      I heard of this years ago. I didn't know it was true.

    • @jasonphilips4731
      @jasonphilips4731 Рік тому +16

      It's the only way tenants can afford the rent that's why we do it. Depending on your state you will see more storage facilities popping up.

    • @diane1390
      @diane1390 Рік тому +1

      So true. My sister and I are in a tiny one bedroom apartment. The rent in this town is insane. They charge $1,200 a month for these cracker boxes! Disgusting!

    • @Pitchithard
      @Pitchithard Рік тому +2

      They have been doing this in Russia and China for decades and in certain parts of Europe and South America lately. The politicians have turned this country into a worldwide economy and Americans are now paying the price!

    • @2Que4
      @2Que4 Рік тому +7

      We are slowly becoming like the former Soviet Union…

  • @Sgt75bravo
    @Sgt75bravo Рік тому +47

    I wish that Federal law could be changed that bans Corporations from purchasing residential real estate. That’s what the issue is.

    • @freewifi7163
      @freewifi7163 Рік тому

      That will be a death blow to our economy. Anywhere in this country or any country where government has trying to control the housing market has not gone well.

    • @jayrock2288
      @jayrock2288 Рік тому

      I agree

    • @Purpleloveme
      @Purpleloveme Рік тому

      Absolutely! And these city officials taking kick backs for allowing it.

  • @timgilreath3792
    @timgilreath3792 Рік тому +51

    "Living Wage."...... That fixes nothing. My young son even understands it.
    " When I was only making $8 dollars an hour I could get a burger and fries for about $6. Now that I make $15.75 an hour the same burger and fries costs $13."

    • @dcg590
      @dcg590 Рік тому +4

      Why do you think that is? Cost of doing business has risen. The burger flipping , zero education skillless workers want $20 an hour prices go up

    • @djwoosie98
      @djwoosie98 Рік тому +7

      @@dcg590 your logic is wrong

    • @cody5596
      @cody5596 Рік тому +4

      People just don't think about the upstream consequences. It's extremely short sighted to think raising the minimum wage is a solution to affordability.

    • @cindyjohnson1025
      @cindyjohnson1025 Рік тому

      They are way too dumb to understand anything. They are broken records over and over They are repressed victims. Their constant demands for free stuff, covid money, welfare et driving costs up!

    • @rosegarcia5069
      @rosegarcia5069 Рік тому

      Stop going out to eat.

  • @sc00b3rt
    @sc00b3rt Рік тому +24

    I make 50k at one job, and work a second job making 17k. I live in Colorado. Its hard to get by some months. I try and save as much as possible but some times, if something unexpected happens it sets me back. I feel like I am peddling backwards.

    • @2023roadstervet
      @2023roadstervet Рік тому +1

      same here brother.. My rent is $1700 for a one bedroom. I bring in 50k from my pension and I work door dash on average. Bring in 1200 to 1600 a month. Then I gotta pay taxes on that.

    • @royharper2003
      @royharper2003 Рік тому

      will you send me some eidbles?

    • @ionwhy2561
      @ionwhy2561 Рік тому

      @@royharper2003lol fax!!

  • @Mike-ll3mm
    @Mike-ll3mm Рік тому +31

    I absolutely understand this... I've paid for the mistakes I made as a young man but I swear it NEVER ENDS. I have been sober 16 yrs... I was an addict and did 3 different prison sentences and I got out and been clean since 2007. I'm assistant manager in the grocery industry... I work ALL THE TIME... ALL WEEKENDS ALL HOLIDAY... OFTEN 6 days a week. I own a 1000 square foot townhome and with 2 people same industry... we just get buy... well my girl got hurt... no money... I'm sinking by the week and it's sad. Back to the hood for me. Back around drug use for me... even though I hate the thought... I dont see any other way. I work soooooo hard man. As a xfelon I feel trapped. I try to do the right thing but I now understand WHY people do illegal things to get by. You have no other choice. 2 jobs wont pay you enough to live in todays world. Illegal things pay handsomely for the risk. I dont sleep... but at least work takes my mind off things. Not sure what's going to happen... but no matter what we will live.

    • @jasonphilips4731
      @jasonphilips4731 Рік тому +5

      There are residential group homes that may take you and your gf in.
      Or get your CDL permit and drive a truck with your gf. A lot of companies will pay for your license and are ok with your gf with you on the road. If she gets her license too, then that is double the income for your household.

    • @amandaeubanks7093
      @amandaeubanks7093 Рік тому +3

      Bless you sir.

    • @Melanatedminimalist
      @Melanatedminimalist Рік тому +5

      Yes get a skillset that can increase income from trucking, to tech inexpensive, plumbing, electrician, welding-many programs are free call your local community college or unemployment office and ask about these programs!!!! You must see there is a chance to WIN!

    • @kg4021
      @kg4021 Рік тому

      the only way to salvation is Jesus Christ
      Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
      Thieves will not inherit god’s kingdom
      1 Corinthians 6:9-10 9Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
      Revelation 21: 8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
      Matthew 16:24-26
      24Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
      25For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
      26For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
      Matthew 6:30-33 … 30Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
      31Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
      32(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
      33But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

    • @rosegarcia5069
      @rosegarcia5069 Рік тому

      Rent a room out in your home.

  • @richardyeagerjr8200
    @richardyeagerjr8200 Рік тому +28

    Rent need to be 20 percent of average income to live comfortably. So if you make $2000 a month, rent need to $400. That's the problem. I'm Philly back in the 70s averaged monthly income was $600 but rent was only $120 a month. Groceries $150 a month. You was making it okay.

    • @bogdan78pop
      @bogdan78pop Рік тому

      Try and ask the Grocery stores to give all your food needs for the next month, for 20 % of your monthly income . and tell me how it went...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @ruffian-wl1nd
      @ruffian-wl1nd Рік тому

      😂 like that's going to happen.

  • @teetrav
    @teetrav Рік тому +34

    2020 rent was 750 this year rent was 1300 WHO IS GETTING ALL THIS MONEY? I am doing a real documentary on this I can't take it anymore.

    • @Purpleloveme
      @Purpleloveme Рік тому +2

      Hit me when you do. TN rent is crazy!

    • @teetrav
      @teetrav Рік тому +3

      @@Purpleloveme I'm putting it together right now too many people are having problems with these greedy ridiculous landlords

    • @ruffian-wl1nd
      @ruffian-wl1nd Рік тому

      The government of your state is getting all the money, probably to back their loans.

  • @CryptoUno
    @CryptoUno Рік тому +39

    It’s literally like a game of monopoly , only problem is . Because you’re young , these companies pretty much started the game before you . Imagine playing a game of monopoly where the other player got to go around the board 10 times before you got to roll the dice , you’re going to lose Everytime .

    • @auggiet8380
      @auggiet8380 Рік тому +7

      I’ve noticed folks in this comment section who were born into privilege and great support systems (and are bragging about it) dogging people who weren’t born into privilege and therefore haven’t had access to the opportunities they had.
      I don’t believe there is any reaching these smug aholes, but your analogy is spot on.
      Not everyone’s family has money. Not everyone’s family is kind, loving, caring, and supportive. Not everyone is given access to opportunities. Nepotism is a real problem.
      Speaking to these people who are so in love with themselves that they exhibit sociopathic behaviors towards those less fortunate…you aren’t better than anyone else. All you are is lucky.

    • @nosphosfer
      @nosphosfer Рік тому

      @@auggiet8380 spittin the damn truth!!!

    • @iheartmia2020
      @iheartmia2020 Рік тому +1

      You just described what it’s like to be black in America, nobody cares….but when it affect everyone we should do something! Nope bill urself up by ur own bootstraps but the kicker is u have no boots! We didn’t get to go around the board for 400 plus years!

    • @KnockOutCutie
      @KnockOutCutie Рік тому

      @@auggiet8380 all facts. They are sick in the head if they think it’s a fair deal across the board. It’s not

    • @paystyles5429
      @paystyles5429 Рік тому

      Skill set thou?

  • @ButcherBird-FW190D
    @ButcherBird-FW190D Рік тому +17

    I live in Warner Ranch in Tempe, AZ. It's a suburb of Phoenix. Yassir. Rents in the Phx area LEAPT through the roof these past 3-5 years. It's been horrific. Mercifully, I purchased my home in 2016, and it has doubled in price. I'm really cool with one of my adult children living with me in that I only charge him $500 a month, all-in. He's happy as a clam with it, and gets to store his car in my garage when he travels for work. Had I not purch'd when I did..... Noting my house has leapt from $400k to $700k in just 6 years.... But, yeah. Thank God I purch'd this puppy when I did.

  • @supermichaelssecondchannel4342
    @supermichaelssecondchannel4342 Рік тому +10

    Rent is a human right, not a luxury. I couldn’t of said it better myself.

    • @krisangel7080
      @krisangel7080 Рік тому

      You girls used to have free rent and no work. You didn’t want that.

    • @royharper2003
      @royharper2003 Рік тому +1

      it isn't a human right

  • @GuitarsRgood7
    @GuitarsRgood7 Рік тому +14

    The only choice when you make low wages is to live with other people. I got lucky and moved in with my two friends. The 3 of us shared a 2 bedroom apartment, and turned the living room into a third room. $1400 in Orange County, CA was a fantastic price for 2015. I was only paying around $500 a month including utilities.

    • @deidradahl2802
      @deidradahl2802 Рік тому

      The government of Jamaica instituted a plan in 1976, to deduct a small tax of 2% from the gross salary , of every employed citizens, matched by 3% from the government. This is used to build thousands, and thousands of Low Income Homes for Low Wage earners. The population when this started was just under 2 million, so minus the kids, the unemployed and the very old, under 1 million paid into the scheme. Contributors not eligible for a home, because they have one already, started receiving their refunds annually ten years later, with interest. No homelessness, no one camping on sidewalks, or living in cars. Can you imagine what over 200 million US citizens could do with a scheme like this for our fellowmen?

    • @paystyles5429
      @paystyles5429 Рік тому +1

      Up your skillset!

    • @jgdooley2003
      @jgdooley2003 Рік тому +1

      @@paystyles5429 This doesn't work for everyone. In my country (Ireland ) there is now a recruiting crisis for nurses, policemen, Bus drivers, trades people, care assistants and countless other jobs because of the overly high cost of rents, especially in our major cities. The kicker is that houses are only cheap in areas where there are little or no jobs. Same is happening in the UK.
      This is now seen as a major impediment to economic growth and is driving investment away.

  • @DG704eastside
    @DG704eastside Рік тому +13

    15hr isn't going to cut it either maybe if you have a spouse helping but as a single person $15 will get your bills paid if you stay somewhere 1 bedroom for $800 a month

  • @edge918
    @edge918 Рік тому +52

    My rent jumped too high during COVID-19. The 3 years rent increase is almost double what I paid when I moved in 11 years ago.
    I lost my job due to covid and had to have a couple of surgeries. I've lived in the same exact apt for these past 11 years, I am a good tenant, there have been no upgrades in the entire time I've lived here but still at the age of 58, I am worried to be homeless.

    • @lorrainea.285
      @lorrainea.285 Рік тому +11

      11 years living in an apartment, 58 & YOU NEVER THOUGHT TO BUY A HOUSE in cheap Arizona???? 🤦‍♀️ Maybe plan your life better!!!

    • @datnohi8612
      @datnohi8612 Рік тому +5

      Praying things get better for you.

    • @javier1715
      @javier1715 Рік тому +4

      @@lorrainea.285well said

    • @marybell9358
      @marybell9358 Рік тому +27

      @@lorrainea.285 I'm a nurses aid.. my uncle told me 10yrs ago.. I better make a better plan and get more education or I would b unemployed.. while his children who are my age now went to college 4 8yrs lost their jobs and r back living with him at. 40 something, while I've worked during the entire pandemic and have my own place.. so a better plan doesn't work out all the time.. my uncle is so ashamed his kids with college degrees can't find work.. he can't look me n the eye.

    • @diamondintheroughiamthelaw9682
      @diamondintheroughiamthelaw9682 Рік тому +11

      @@marybell9358 very good story. All work is honorable. 😊🇺🇸 Best wishes. ☺️

  • @ronaldharris53
    @ronaldharris53 Рік тому +28

    This is so sad, sending my love and prayers to everyone struggling

  • @gochuckyourself-yf2rz
    @gochuckyourself-yf2rz Рік тому +2

    I want a free place to live my children deserve a free place to live in fact everything in our lives should be free !

  • @dorawilliams4628
    @dorawilliams4628 Рік тому +24

    My rent increase this month $80 dollars, my rent is so high i can't shop no more and food is expensive, something got to give

    • @tomp1428
      @tomp1428 Рік тому +1

      Shop for what?

    • @diamondintheroughiamthelaw9682
      @diamondintheroughiamthelaw9682 Рік тому +3

      I don't think landlords are going to help.
      Maybe move to cheaper area or consider buying delinquent property. 🙂

    • @shalontehernandez6752
      @shalontehernandez6752 Рік тому +2

      @@tomp1428 nosey

    • @tomp1428
      @tomp1428 Рік тому

      @@shalontehernandez6752 No, I am been nosy.

    • @dcg590
      @dcg590 Рік тому +7

      @@diamondintheroughiamthelaw9682 why should they? No one paid during Covid. They operated their business without being paid. They have families, jobs,which they lost, bills. They had to make their bills while you sat around and paid zero. Do you think the irs and city care of your tenants didn’t pay? Nope, pay your taxes. Insurance had to be paid, upkeep, mortgages. You didn’t care though. Now all their losses are needing to be made up and their cost of owning has risen so rent goes up and let’s not forget, it’s a business, not a charity house. Pay or leave

  • @TT-ns4yt
    @TT-ns4yt Рік тому +75

    These guys are missing the ball on taxation. What good is a wage increase, when government turns around and keeps raising taxes..

    • @jamiecurran3544
      @jamiecurran3544 Рік тому

      True they're just a bunch of Indian givers, 'give with one hand n then take back with the other', it's not just the US either it's happening worldwide!, I live in the UK n we're having strikes in all careers from nurses to postal worker's to teacher's, these rich idiots n politicians running the world need to have huge paycuts see how they like it, we need a whole monetary reset n start from scratch, with no exploitation of the average citizens n give these homeless people a roof over their heads too!🤔✌️

    • @dcg590
      @dcg590 Рік тому

      You can thank all these entitled lazy aholes. You gotta pay for their lives.

    • @carliebeau5329
      @carliebeau5329 Рік тому +2

      The rich will always remain above you.

    • @jamiecurran3544
      @jamiecurran3544 Рік тому +2

      @@carliebeau5329 Really, well what was all that stuff that happened during the French revolution then?🤔😂✌️

    • @krnpowr
      @krnpowr Рік тому

      Move to a country with no taxes.

  • @thomasanders1314
    @thomasanders1314 Рік тому +19

    It's not anymore about being happy, it's about surviving!:) It has been critical for so many people. Imagine what's going on in poorer countries (Eastern Europe) right now!:) I have two jobs, living with my family I struggle to buy petrol for a month.

  • @AaronMDubya
    @AaronMDubya Рік тому +26

    Very well made, and couldn't be any more relevant. Liked and subbed, looking forward to the rest of the series

  • @rosemaryoneale6694
    @rosemaryoneale6694 Рік тому +7

    GREED!!! Money 💰 over human’s!! Very 😢that comes and goes

  • @Pitchithard
    @Pitchithard Рік тому +10

    A lot of the rate increases are due to tax’s. The local governments and school boards keep begging for more money so the owners must raise there rates.

    • @helena3631
      @helena3631 Рік тому +1

      In nyc they raise to Property tax every year then people wonder why the rent too high

    • @cody5596
      @cody5596 Рік тому

      I think their complaints are about the corporations like BlackRock. I don't think they're necessarily complaining about the ordinary people with 1 or 2 rental properties who are forced to raise rents to afford their property.

    • @ezerlenewatkins9644
      @ezerlenewatkins9644 Рік тому

      And another thing about the rent in arizona. They start out at 2 or three thousand and then they allow them to keep adding stuff 50 dollars for the parking lot 20 dollars for the sidewalk 40 dollars for the patio. And what ever you sign the lease for they keep adding to it. And you have already committed to the price in the lease. But no one. Try r to remedy the rent situation in arizona.

  • @SpecialEdDHD
    @SpecialEdDHD Рік тому +6

    We need a Revolution!

    • @Roccofan
      @Roccofan Рік тому

      You really don’t. Read histories on revolutions. You don’t want a revolution.

  • @RARochester
    @RARochester Рік тому +20

    Housing is not a right anymore than having a car is a right; you have to adjust your living standards. I shopped at the Dollar Store and bought work clothes at The Goodwill Store and bought work shoes at Walmart for $15.00 and ate at KFC's $5.00 menu.
    It can be done; it's called money management. When the property management company raised my rent; it was a blessing in disguise; it pissed me off so much that I chose not to renew my lease and rented a room from a family for three years. I was able to save so much that I bought my condo that has appreciated by over $200k. It can be done..........

    • @soesl
      @soesl Рік тому +2

      Amen Robert! Well said.

    • @kiru86
      @kiru86 Рік тому +1

      Absolutely! It all comes down to smart money management and living within means.

    • @ChrisCollins068
      @ChrisCollins068 Рік тому +3

      Not everybody has family

    • @kiru86
      @kiru86 Рік тому +3

      @@ChrisCollins068 sure, but they can get roommates and pay nominal rent. Get some bunk beds in that sucker and live the dorm life. Even without that, it’s doable.

    • @RARochester
      @RARochester Рік тому

      @@ChrisCollins068 You're right but read my post again; I wrote that I rented a room FROM a family for three years. I felt better about spending my rent money to help a family pay their mortgage than give my money to greedy property managers.
      Nobody is coming to help these people; the politicians will TALK and patronize to get votes but in the end they are beholden to special interest.

  • @DeadAir21
    @DeadAir21 Рік тому +5

    Unfortunately raising wages won’t solve the issue. Raising wages will just increase demand and raise prices even more. What they need is cities to develop more affordable housing and install rent control in order for the people to afford to live there. Unfortunately that means the expense to maintain these properties falls on the owner of the building so a for profit entity isn’t going to want to participate meaning getting a low profit.

  • @deliciaford4343
    @deliciaford4343 Рік тому +4

    I know people think that if the federal minimum wage went up $15 or more an hour. But what they don't understand is that everything else will go up to cover that cost.😳🤔🤓😭🙏

  • @sylviaceo
    @sylviaceo Рік тому +2

    I just got a 60 day notice that they’re not renewing my lease. I only been here 10 months it cost me 7500 to get the key. Moving cost security deposits on lights in I told my landlord, that I cannot afford to move she sold all her property and she wants to live in the one I am in. I don’t have another $7500 to vacate and 60 days. 😢 things need to change.

    • @ButcherBird-FW190D
      @ButcherBird-FW190D Рік тому

      Heck, you're Gorgeous. Just do what my ex-wife did. Get knocked up and live off your Hub !

  • @lilpinkbubbles6592
    @lilpinkbubbles6592 Рік тому +3

    Rent in Arizona is horrible. Jobs pay nut bottom money. My rent has increased by $650 since 2019. This makes it difficult to save for a house.

  • @TT-ns4yt
    @TT-ns4yt Рік тому +11

    We need to talk about government waste and mismanagement, driving taxes higher to all of us. We need to cut government.

  • @sheldonhchambliss1385
    @sheldonhchambliss1385 Рік тому +3

    I have been homeless twice and my life and it's hurtful

  • @KC-dr3cg
    @KC-dr3cg Рік тому +2

    Very clever people in a one-bedroom apartment create a second bedroom by dividing the area that was meant to be the living room into a 2nd bedroom & livingroom.. By putting things in storage I'm being very careful to rent three small storage units instead of one large one in case I run short of storage unit $.. being able to pay the storage fee for at least 1 of the 3 I have a way to keep personal things that are important while living in very small quarters..Change expectations. Longer range plans.

  • @radolfkalis4041
    @radolfkalis4041 Рік тому +3

    A friend of mine was in the same apartment for 19 years. Late on rent twice due to being in the hospital, I paid it for him. They kicked him out 2 weeks ago, because he could not afford the 50% rent increase and the new requirement that he make 3 times the rent to stay there. He lives with me now, with no hope of ever being independant again. I rest this solely on the no eviction b.s.. So many landlords got burned I doubt things will ever go back to the way they were. Good renters are facing homelessness because of crooked, no rent paying, squatting thieves.

  • @bobby7844
    @bobby7844 Рік тому +16

    Sorry lady, but Australia doesn't have more affordable housing than you. We have very limited public housing. And the median home price is around a million dollars. There's no way you would find it easier in Australia.

    • @myyt3824
      @myyt3824 Рік тому


    • @coopsnz1
      @coopsnz1 Рік тому +3

      Australia taxes 5th highest in the world the government screw middle class & upper class

  • @kevingarris198
    @kevingarris198 Рік тому +2

    Jimmy McMillan is about due for a resurgence in popularity!

  • @robertmalone4161
    @robertmalone4161 Рік тому +3

    In Germany home owners pay very little property taxes, a fraction of that of America's. This helps keep costs down for landlords and therefore rent is much cheaper. The US government is stealing our money through property taxes.

  • @canonrebel626
    @canonrebel626 Рік тому +15

    Why not move to a low cost of living area? How about places like Pittsburgh area? In Washington, PA you can still find a decent 2 bedroom in a safe area for $800. I’m a landlord and have nice affordable places to rent and tenants live comfortably.

    • @ionwhy2561
      @ionwhy2561 Рік тому +1

      That’s always my advice!! There’s plenty of rural not so rural areas you can move to and commute!!

  • @deidradahl2802
    @deidradahl2802 Рік тому +2

    Get together as a community, stage a sit in on a piece of land, for however long it takes. Put up tents and porta toilets and demand the government build Low Income Houses for the poor

  • @peterinasolvesit3702
    @peterinasolvesit3702 Рік тому +4

    Very informative documentary. Thank you for sharing!

  • @celenalynn1848
    @celenalynn1848 Рік тому +9

    It's sad and to see people get excited about $15, this wage will not do much now. Wages must be connected to rent plus inflation of basic consumables in every county to truly protect people

    • @tomp1428
      @tomp1428 Рік тому

      So the landlord should pay for your fuck ups.

    • @lenalynn4978
      @lenalynn4978 Рік тому

      @@tomp1428 ya they should bro, any other questions cupcake

    • @tomp1428
      @tomp1428 Рік тому

      @@lenalynn4978 Yes cupcake, I have more questions. Why don't you get a better job that pays well...buttercup.

    • @coopsnz1
      @coopsnz1 Рік тому

      The government causes inflation

  • @sheldonhchambliss1385
    @sheldonhchambliss1385 Рік тому +1


  • @MrWaterbugdesign
    @MrWaterbugdesign Рік тому +10

    I'm old. When I was young it was common for several people to live in the same apartment. People still considered marriage as a way to share expenses. People went to colleges they could afford or it was still OK for men to work in trades. There weren't so many "must have" things to spend money on like smartphones, internet subscriptions, cable TV, $5 cups of coffee, eating out so often, $50k cars, vacations, $15 movies. Rent isn't affordable after blowing 30% of income on crap.

    • @kiru86
      @kiru86 Рік тому +5

      Exactly. Minimum wage is doable with roommates and making sacrifices by not having all the trendy things. Youth today think they should have their parents’ lifestyle without having to work for it. The fault of a lot of the parents, making it too easy for their kids. Now we have adult babies crying that they have to be mildly uncomfortable for a few years.

    • @ChrisCollins068
      @ChrisCollins068 Рік тому +3

      Misinformed boomers 😂😂

    • @ChrisCollins068
      @ChrisCollins068 Рік тому

      @@kiru86 A few years? Depends where you live dumbass

    • @kiru86
      @kiru86 Рік тому +2

      @@ChrisCollins068 lol i live in NJ, one of the most expensive areas. Went to college and graduated in 2008 into the housing bubble recession, lived at home for 5 years and sacrificed to pay down my loans and saved up a small downpayment (all while making $35k). Bought my first house at 27 for $150k after jumping jobs up to $50k, which after 5 years made it to $75k. Sold it 4 years later and bought a house for $350k. 3 years later jumped jobs again up at $85k and now i make $103k and was able to swing a very nice house. It is entirely possible to make it today. But i never had new things. I didn’t have the latest cell phone or travel internationally, go to concerts, etc. no, i buckled down and made smart decisions. If everyone else did the same, they would make it too. The point is our parents worked for 20 years to get the lifestyle we grew up with. Most of our generation thinks we should get the fruit of those 20 years from the jump and that’s not how life works.

    • @amandaeubanks7093
      @amandaeubanks7093 Рік тому

      Just today, I had to ask my almost 19 year old stepdaughter to move out.
      She moved in last year, and we had set goals for her, that she had to work and save money, and get her drivers license.
      She has quit several jobs because “they won’t let her be herself” and has failed to get even her drivers permit, because “she wants it to be something her and her mother to do together and she never has the time.”
      I was raised that you go to work or you go to school if you want mom and dad’s help and she just wants it all handed to her.
      I had to work for what I’ve got, and she’s gonna hafta work to enjoy what I’ve got too!!

  • @hahahahaha7069
    @hahahahaha7069 Рік тому +3

    Very well informative video great piece. I really do hope that we can all get the help. We need and lower cost in this country and actually do something to help the poor people who makes the rich rich.

  • @Hello-rl6lp
    @Hello-rl6lp Рік тому +3

    I am not sure why anyone would want to stay living in certain cities to pay high rent. Rents are up nationwide but there are still many parts of the country with decent jobs/wages with a much lower cost of living.

    • @GeorgeG472
      @GeorgeG472 Рік тому +1

      Want to know what happens when housing and rental markets are flooded with new people? Just look at Florida. They aren't going to have affordable housing for like 10 years.

    • @GeorgeG472
      @GeorgeG472 Рік тому +1

      Moving is a solution for an individual, but en masse, it would be a disaster moving some many people.

    • @Hello-rl6lp
      @Hello-rl6lp Рік тому

      @@GeorgeG472 Blacks always use the term "affordable housing." There is never a solution for certain groups of people, even if rents were cut in half.

  • @datingandlifeadvicechannel7534

    In london uk the same problem. I’m 2018 I rented a studio for 800 pounds a month now it’s 1600 a month doubled 5 years

  • @cathtf7957
    @cathtf7957 Рік тому +8

    I live in Canada. Same thing. An apartment is $1500.00 to $2500.00 per month. Houses are closer to $3000.00
    Nobody is renting these units, however, because they are priced way too high. So, more folks remain homeless and the greedy landlords sit back and wait for somebody with a few more dollars.
    Seems like a futile exercise.

    • @coopsnz1
      @coopsnz1 Рік тому

      The government taking more from landlords why rents go up

    • @dcg590
      @dcg590 Рік тому +3

      Why are people running a business called greedy? Do you say that about your mechanic? Their prices have skyrocketed because the cost of parts and labor have. You pay them. Do you say that about your pizza place? Prices also gone way up. You don’t call call them greedy. I have a 2200 sq foot home. My ho insurance went up $200 last year and property taxes went up $976. Don’t you think it’s the same for Landlords? Their costs rise, rent rises. Don’t like it? Move. Buy your own house. Then let people move in and not pay while you pay the mortgage plus everything else. See how you like it. Then when they break things or it needs a roof or heating system you pay for it. It’s fun!

    • @ezerlenewatkins9644
      @ezerlenewatkins9644 Рік тому

      Oh yeah! And then they. Add on a sales tax city abd state after you have signed the lease now. So you always owe a balance after you have paid your rent in full. The 2 or 3 thousand they say you owe even though that is not the price on the lease. Something really needs to be done about these practices.

    • @ezerlenewatkins9644
      @ezerlenewatkins9644 Рік тому +1

      Yeah.carguy but if my mechanic gives me a price on my car. Then that is what is is when i pick it up. You must be a landlord. Because anyone in his/her right mind can see that these people are greedy. But these are end times they will call right wrong and wrong right

    • @jejelaurent9495
      @jejelaurent9495 Рік тому

      In Canada wow

  • @trommelbiel
    @trommelbiel Рік тому +3

    Looks like the US laws don't protect tenants. Here in the UK it is difficult to be kicked out by a landlord.

    • @royharper2003
      @royharper2003 Рік тому

      so if you don't pay rent they will let you stay there for free?

    • @trommelbiel
      @trommelbiel Рік тому

      @@royharper2003 once you have signed a contract only the courts can evict you and it takes time. The system will do everything to find you alternative accommodation.

    • @royharper2003
      @royharper2003 Рік тому

      @@trommelbiel In the US, landlords must have you evicted through the courts but the courts do not find you alternative housing. These laws are to protect the landlords in case someone stops paying their rent or is destroying the house , etc. That only makes sense if you ask me.

    • @trommelbiel
      @trommelbiel Рік тому

      @@royharper2003 Judging from the homelessness l see on TV l think the system doesn't care about homeless people in America despite all that wealth. I lived in Germany for a few years and l never saw a homeless person, including illegal migrants, for one day in any city. Everyone has a roof over his head. It's a van system when you can suddenly become a billionaire or suddenly sleep on thd Street.

    • @royharper2003
      @royharper2003 Рік тому

      @@trommelbiel In the US, people are not allowed to live somewhere for free (actually some people on government assistance do). They get evicted and if they become homeless then they have to deal with it. There are resources for homeless and people with low incomes but many homeless are drug addicts who don't want help. The US does not ensure everyone has a roof over their heads, it is not the government's responsibility. Just because you didn't see any homeless doesn't mean there aren't any. Labor Ministry reports 63% of homeless are men, 35% women while average age of those without permanent living condition is 44. There are more than 260,000 homeless people in Germany, according to government statistics published Friday - Dec 10, 2022. AND: Posted 11 Jan 2023
      New research from Shelter shows at least 271,000 people are recorded as homeless in England, including 123,000 children.

  • @joyjustus6873
    @joyjustus6873 Рік тому +7

    Looking into van life at this point

  • @arkanasstatelinerobinsons2209
    @arkanasstatelinerobinsons2209 Рік тому +3

    How did america get to this point in life where people have a job but not making enough money to pay rent?

  • @TOrganic
    @TOrganic Рік тому +2

    The same thing is going on St. Petersburg, Fl. They building up the downtown area. And they pushing the middle class out of that area.

  • @housingrevolution2024
    @housingrevolution2024 Рік тому +2

    Of course inflation is outpacing soon as wages increase, those controlling housing and other vitals simply raise rents and sales prices. Wages will never solve the greed of landlords and real estate investors. On the contrary, raising wages fuels that greed.
    Sooner or later we need to deal with the root problem: constantly inflating and hyperinflating housing costs, and our unlimited, feudalistic property laws that enable real estate investors and landlords to hoard more housing than needed for their own personal use, and to then raise sales prices and rents at will.
    I will be releasing a 12-year plan to decommodify housing in the next month or so. Please watch out for it.

  • @d.baileyspeaks
    @d.baileyspeaks Рік тому

    Open, free market! Build skills that are in demand. Don’t reproduce without the means. Delay gratification. Prioritize spending.

  • @gettingtooold9247
    @gettingtooold9247 Рік тому +1

    Your democratic president is doing a great job!

  • @the_rubbish_bin
    @the_rubbish_bin Рік тому +3

    These rent hikes are unethical!

  • @GamerGee
    @GamerGee Рік тому +4

    4:04 People got comfortable when rent was cheap and never had plans to buy a home UNTIL investors came in. You never get comfortable.

  • @adrienebuford750
    @adrienebuford750 Рік тому +6

    It's just GREED!

  • @sheldonhchambliss1385
    @sheldonhchambliss1385 Рік тому

    What a story

  • @Stephan2P
    @Stephan2P Рік тому +1

    One solution is have a remote job and live abroad. Easier said than done if you're drowning in debt and have a family. For debt-free single people, easy.

  • @Yocyndie
    @Yocyndie Рік тому +4

    It’s getting rough out here

    • @kellynorvell5714
      @kellynorvell5714 Рік тому +1

      True, I sincerely pray that it does not get any worse because the average person does not have $$$ for extremely high rent 😭

  • @marianna1513
    @marianna1513 Рік тому +5

    Is it law for landlords to raise rent just because everything is going up? Or is it they're just doing it to be greedy? Do they're mortgage payments go up? Or does it stay the same, and landlords just get greedy?

    • @dcg590
      @dcg590 Рік тому +2

      Their taxes went way up, their homeowners insurance has gone way up, their cost of doing business has gone way up and guess what? They are running a business. Not a charity house. So yes, cost go up wether you like it or not. As far as mortgages, if you were the rest of them I’m sure the bank didn’t care that their tenants wouldn’t pay so I’m sure they had to restructure the loan and all those tens of thousands of dollars, even hundreds was added so yup, mortgage way up too. I know a lady rented their house in FL, tenant owes $45k in rent. Didn’t pay for 2; years How does someone recover from that? LL get screwed constantly

    • @coopsnz1
      @coopsnz1 Рік тому

      They have multi million dollar of debt my parents did

    • @FooFan-b3k
      @FooFan-b3k Рік тому +3

      Landlords don't set the rent, the market does. If I charge over the going rate my unit will stay empty. This is how markets work. I'm in a low cost area. I just had a tenant of 9 years leave to go to a nursing home. I never increased her rent from $450. Today the avg rent in my area for a 1 bedroom is $650-$750. My place is nicer than most but I advertised is for $650. In 4 days I've had 23 applications. Am I greedy for raising the rent 44% on that unit over what she was paying? Or am I a nice guy for charging 13% less than I could get?

  • @emilystevens6335
    @emilystevens6335 Рік тому +2

    these places will become slums when too many people live in them to pay the rent

  • @JayKennedy101
    @JayKennedy101 Рік тому

    Paying 1300 for a unit apart of a duplex in a historical district. The owners said agreed if we kept up the landscaping and empty lot next door the rent would be 1300 instead of 1700💀

  • @gafee2001
    @gafee2001 Рік тому +5

    People like to think there are housing problems, but these people all have money problems. If you're getting priced out of places routinely, you're not making enough to keep up with the community you're choosing to live in. Renting isn't a problem - many millionaires rent, and it works since they do well financially. The people who are having issues are the people without good income streams. Fix your income stream and suddenly housing isn't an issue.

    • @keishajohnson6765
      @keishajohnson6765 Рік тому +2

      It takes a while to fix your income. Not everyone can fix their income overnight.

    • @ChrisCollins068
      @ChrisCollins068 Рік тому +5

      @@keishajohnson6765 Not to mention people who are disabled mentally or physically. And senior citizens.

    • @Roccofan
      @Roccofan Рік тому +2

      But I’m the Senior Organizer in Arizona for the Families First Party. I should be able to afford…….wait….what??

    • @gafee2001
      @gafee2001 Рік тому

      @@reginacb79 If you don't have enough to purchase at a price to compete with "investors" and you're concerned about "wiggle room", then you don't make enough at the moment. I'm a 34 year old, single income person and I bought two houses in 2021, one of them in straight cash and another on a low interest mortgage due to my 800+ credit score. I'll likely purchase another for myself to live in myself sometime this year, but only if I feel that my purchase price is such that I will make further money from it. I can go out today and buy a house (it's a buyers market, for sure), but I only like to use my money in cases where I'm getting a great deal to help my longer term wealth. There are lots of great homes in the market and prices are down 10%+ from their highs a few months ago. I think it's likely that anyone buying homes today will have made money on their home 25yrs from now. I'm far from wealthy and still making it work....

    • @gafee2001
      @gafee2001 Рік тому

      @@reginacb79 Yes, it's important to have a financial strategy from a young age, and life does throw curve balls. Setting up a strategy to be able to weather those curveballs is important. Every person who wants to eventually buy a home NEEDS to have a financial strategy in place to do so, and it relies on having funds or being able to show another person that you're trustworthy enough to be able to take the loan. There's no way around it. I get that it's unfair, but the people preparing every day for their financial future are doing well.

  • @thatgirlPAIGE94
    @thatgirlPAIGE94 Рік тому +9

    Very unfortunate 😢

  • @cable30
    @cable30 Рік тому

    Yea, basically investors see gold if can buy places to become rentals and just hike the price to gain back what spent to get the places anytime. and states let it happen if the state can gain from higher rents and all. all corp greed any day. so we move out or move out of state or become homeless anytime.

  • @alllivesdomatter2298
    @alllivesdomatter2298 Рік тому +3

    So if there is a eviction band like California. One didn’t have to pay rent? So what happened to the rent money and the Covid bonus money? I’ve read that landlords couldn’t evict a tenant. Even on the sale of the house the buyer will put in a clause saying that the old tenants have to be out.

  • @ionwhy2561
    @ionwhy2561 Рік тому +1

    Rent is to high and wages are too low!! Make it make sense!! But check this!!! Let’s see the ladies instagram!! If I see anything fancy fake or real, then it’s not the system!! It’s priorities!!

  • @raymondcouture9374
    @raymondcouture9374 Рік тому

    Some who smoke must wish they could get back the thousands and thousands of dollars
    they willfully donated to the tobacco industry. Thanks to all these smokers, the executives
    at the tobacco corporations can get huge salary and bonusses and re invest part of their
    savings into real estate corporations that own these appartments units and increase the rents as much as they want.
    So as you see, the mony goes full circle.

  • @aj7009
    @aj7009 Рік тому +15

    To the people who say "You don't need a college degree"🤔

    • @kellynorvell5714
      @kellynorvell5714 Рік тому +6

      100% VERY true but a college degree will not guarantee a person a great paying job but what it will do..... is put them ahead of others who do not have a degree that are applying for jobs. Then again, I know of building maintenance workers who rack up the $$$ because of overtime and the locations of their jobs (hospitals, government buildings, large corporate buildings etc.).

    • @aj7009
      @aj7009 Рік тому +5

      @@kellynorvell5714 I'd rather have a degree & have options by relocating, than be homeless 🤔

    • @markdailey8526
      @markdailey8526 Рік тому +6

      @@aj7009 a degree is not required to be successful is the point. If a college degree works for you then go for it. College isn’t for everyone. Clearly it’s your calling.

    • @jasonphilips4731
      @jasonphilips4731 Рік тому +5

      @@aj7009 There are plenty of ppl getting a degree. Unfortunately most ppl get useless degrees and stuck with heavy amounts of student debt. It would have been better to get a trade imo.

    • @aj7009
      @aj7009 Рік тому +3

      @@jasonphilips4731 I agree 👍

  • @jamalasdad8087
    @jamalasdad8087 Рік тому +4

    That's wild individualistic greedy capitalism that's behaving like stone _hearted hyenas in the savage Savana wilderness.A modern big cities wilderness where low_income families are inhumanely exploited by landowners and employers and by everyone.

  • @marcielynn4886
    @marcielynn4886 10 місяців тому

    Then buy!

  • @LovelyTrueRed
    @LovelyTrueRed Рік тому

    Everyone who pay rent need to all stand as one on a date to start # nopay and continue this until a change happens. A thing only have a value that we as consumers are willing to pay for it. You can price something as you will but it doesn't mean that's the value unless someone is willing to pay the price set. 1/2 of the world's citizens bound to be homeless within the next yr and a half. So why keep giving all you have when the end result is still being homeless. Use your dollar and your voice to fight back.

    • @royharper2003
      @royharper2003 Рік тому

      Great idea. Stop paying rent get evicted ruin your credit no one will rent to you and become homeless. There is always someone who can afford the rent.

  • @randolphdukes5383
    @randolphdukes5383 Рік тому

    Sooooooo should more money be giving out?

  • @lyfe680
    @lyfe680 Рік тому +2

    You do realize this is not an accident right??

  • @junkvista61
    @junkvista61 Рік тому

    Do the 12 million Illegal immigrants in the US have anything to do with housing demand vs supply imbalance?

  • @user-et8sn3hy8r
    @user-et8sn3hy8r Рік тому

    Healthcare is optional.
    Cell phone is optional.
    Car is optional.
    Americas wages aren't ridiculous. Your spending is.
    Wants vs needs people!

  • @greenbug3335
    @greenbug3335 Рік тому +1

    Co‐op living is a new normal. Everybody need to huddle up. Don't worry we still the number one country.

  • @ronaldhaynes9161
    @ronaldhaynes9161 3 місяці тому

    These people are clueless as to what is a burden to landlords.
    Our property taxes and insurance as with all associated with owning, have increased substantially.
    Besides a lot of these individuals bought T.V.'s and crappy cars and never paid rent. With free handouts by our government.
    You must pay rent, not consistently cry about high rents.
    Now the situation is bad for renters and landlords!!

  • @anyb5020
    @anyb5020 Рік тому +1

    Try living in NYC. It’s insane

  • @tayc9034
    @tayc9034 Рік тому

    Everyone start to hate the thousand dollar rent price.

  • @coopsnz1
    @coopsnz1 Рік тому +14

    Everyone struggling not just the poor

    • @Facebook-sb3eo
      @Facebook-sb3eo Рік тому +3

      You sound ridiculous people with money doesn't have too worry about being homeless because of rent to expensive 🙃 everyone have problems but the rich have a home to live

  • @markpayne6803
    @markpayne6803 Рік тому +1

    Finding an affordable place to live in I agree with but it's not a right and let's think about what happened during the height of the pandemic people who got assistance to pay rent weren't paying the rent knowing they couldn't get evicted so the landlord has the mortgage to pay taxes to pay property insurance to pay they the landlord weren't given a pass take time to think in some cases they may have raised the rent to catch up provided they were still property owners so big corporations with plenty of money move in buy the property and raise the rents so basically there is enough blame to go around and have people done any research to find out that major real estate investment firms are basically in China you would be surprised how much real estate Chinese firms own in this country

  • @blaq7892
    @blaq7892 Рік тому

    I had to work ,save and maintain a suitable credit score. And Im black with those issues.
    I worked in a racist industry, bout lose my mind,but ,we own our home.
    Sacrifice is key.

    • @Kaygeedagee
      @Kaygeedagee Рік тому +2

      Why is it about race all the time

    • @blaq7892
      @blaq7892 Рік тому

      @@Kaygeedagee Historically we were never to own property.
      Blacks in Amerikkka were the collateral for wealth building. Then it was your house,wait Blacks weren't permitted to have a mortgage, when that changed Someone came up with Red lining to kill the value of urban black homes? Yatta
      Though eryone has the right to maje money save invest aquire the Amerikkkan dream, that begain generational wealth for most Yt Americans?
      History is not your Strong suit i guess . You in Florida ?

    • @Kaygeedagee
      @Kaygeedagee Рік тому +1

      @@blaq7892 go ahead and continue to be a “victim” hold on to the past. You’ll continue to live like a victim that lashes out at those that point out… ONLY YOU ARE HOLDING YOURSELF DOWN

    • @blaq7892
      @blaq7892 Рік тому

      @Karina Gonzalez women, it is just facts I have more than my share. Lol

    • @ver2uswoman
      @ver2uswoman Рік тому

      ​@Karina Gonzalez it's abt race bcuz many racist make it abt race

  • @vlsice663
    @vlsice663 Рік тому

    It’s OK to up the wage unfortunately to the places they overvalued the places there are buying and renting where it is overvalued for the for the place that is being bought or rented to where it’s not even worth the money you were actually paying it is OK to wait nice for Terrio but an overall it shouldn’t B what the house is worth? It’s nice to have those nice things but as long as you have four walls add doors an amenity that ever hopefully has which I know some places in the world they don’t have what is over here here, in the UK in the United States, where it comes kind of you know standard.

  • @drewsmith8054
    @drewsmith8054 Рік тому

    So sad to listen to these poor people wanting to depend on politicians to fix their problems when indeed these senators work for the rich and corporations. Only when you fix the root of the problem then you have a better world. Bitcoin fixes this

  • @rp6635
    @rp6635 Рік тому

    I don't understand, luxury appartments!

  • @mom4u412012
    @mom4u412012 Рік тому +2

    Try with dealing with trauma of finding your best freind decomposing body. Grief. Loss of your caregiver job due to his death. Denied your inheritance because a detective too interested in closing the case blocks you from getting the documents you needed and let someone who had a million reasons to make sure the will dissappear have the only access. Bills coming in and check from new job not arriving fast enough

    • @SHAWNA499
      @SHAWNA499 Рік тому +3

      I’m so sorry

    • @kellynorvell5714
      @kellynorvell5714 Рік тому +2

      Hold on. Try to see if their are any pro-bono (free community lawyers) who can help you with your case and look around for non profit organizations that ONLY specialize in helping people secure affordable apartments.

  • @petenrita
    @petenrita Рік тому +1

    For rent to double in ten years, LL would have to be raising rents by 7.18% a year. For 5% a year, it would be doubling every 14.2 years. Say the sweet spot is between these two POV, call it 6% a year. $1000 would go to $1060 then to $1124 to $1191 to $1262 to $1338. 6% caps would cover increases in expenses plus insert a small profit margin for the LL. Would not this form of rent control be attractive for both renter and LL? Seems better than the 50% to 100% increases in one year. In years, when the market softens, LL could increase rents by less.
    Houses in which a substantial rebuild is required must be able to capture back those expenses. Why not change tax law to allow for that instead of force LL to jack up rents? Tenants should support LL in such efforts.
    Also, why not allow for much smaller capital gains taxes for small Mom and Pop landlords? If so more units would be made available for sale.
    These are solutions within reach. But by no one getting creative and trying to help both sides, LL will either become slumlords, sell to corporate LL, or become indifferent .
    The US should consider the HDB scheme of Singapore. Home ownership rate is 88.9%.

    • @dcg590
      @dcg590 Рік тому

      You should move there then if it’s so great. Always blaming the LL.

  • @bobmiller5059
    @bobmiller5059 Рік тому

    It's amazing how smart people get when the ladder starts to fall....oh s#hit should've tied it off 30 years ago 🙄

  • @ChatBloom
    @ChatBloom Рік тому

    Yeah? so, are property taxes!!!

  • @freddy2bfree
    @freddy2bfree Рік тому


    • @freddy2bfree
      @freddy2bfree Рік тому


    • @ezerlenewatkins9644
      @ezerlenewatkins9644 Рік тому

      All I have to say is what is these greedy devils gonna tell Jesus when he comes. Anybody remember the rich man in the bible that died and went to hell; and was down there begging for water? I'm just saying. And you can only do so much with all of that money. And I don' t know but i have never been to a funeral and saw a truck carrying money. Neither have i been to a funeral and saw a uhaul truck. So you can't take it with you!

  • @playadremingrl
    @playadremingrl Рік тому +2

    The man talking about he cant go to basketball games anymore -_- bruh honestly if you have a support system and/or no kids take your booty to school so you can get a better job. Now to the single moms with no support system...America really does need more resources for them. We need more resources for people to help themselves.

    • @kiru86
      @kiru86 Рік тому

      Eh they have child support. They get food stamps and all kinds of freebies if they’re poor enough. Always love the stories of women on welfare making more babies. Too many people have been rewarded for making bad decisions.

    • @ezerlenewatkins9644
      @ezerlenewatkins9644 Рік тому +1

      America has always been a place that keep the people down. The food supply is messed up. Chicken, pork beef. All the vegetables and fruit is messed up you can hardly eat the food. But the very rich still get food they can eat. Eggs are watery and very nasty. But the charge a lot for food. As long a i have been living i have never known a dozen eggs to cost 10 dollars. A loaf of very nasty sara lee whole wheat bread 4 dollar and the slices are very little and thin. America has always been against 99 percent of the people who live here.

    • @playadremingrl
      @playadremingrl Рік тому

      @@ezerlenewatkins9644 im aware i live here too. My point was that you cant compare not going to a basketball game to being homeless with your kids.

  • @truegrit7697
    @truegrit7697 Рік тому

    Unbridled capitalism is cruel. The poor (or lower income people) are easily trampled by money-hungry investors, and the government doesn't give a damn. It should be illegal to buy-up swaths of homes, double the rent and rent them out. How on earth can middle income Americans purchase a home??

  • @AngelLopez-ux4pd
    @AngelLopez-ux4pd Рік тому

    What good is inflation if income goes up.smh it's a conspiracy. 🤔

  • @Ih8nine
    @Ih8nine Рік тому

    People or companies can charge whatever they want if they own it. All you can do is make more money or be creative. Unfortunately life is not fair. Buy a van and learn to live off grid or move to a city or state that has more opportunities and low cost of living.

  • @eliot5220
    @eliot5220 Рік тому +9

    I think people have normalized renting. The goal for folks should be to buy a home. Nothing else should matter. It’s like people are trying to do all these things in life but they disregard providing housing for themselves. If they changed their mindset that would solve a lot. You shouldn’t live in a state where you can’t afford a house. That’s where the problem starts. People should live in states where you can afford a house and if you don’t move. So people are trying to live in areas where the housing costs are high and then they wonder why they run into problems.

    • @leekh-a3933
      @leekh-a3933 Рік тому

      Doing like you got up n moved a couple time ?

    • @star3779
      @star3779 Рік тому +4

      Some metro areas have too many people living there for everyone to purchase a home even if they wanted too. In addition, not everyone wants to own a home. I saw my single mom struggle owning a home growing up one needs money for taxes, repairers, no husband there to cut the grass or repairs.

    • @eliot5220
      @eliot5220 Рік тому +3

      @@star3779 my tenant told me the same thing. She’s spent 250,000$ on rent. My point is you’re going to spend more money renting trying to house yourself. You can hire a handyman to do things.

    • @star3779
      @star3779 Рік тому

      @@eliot5220 that's true

    • @ChrisCollins068
      @ChrisCollins068 Рік тому +1

      There’s still another thing you’re not considering: Saving up to move. A lot of people are too poor to be able to save up to move in the first place.

  • @ntwadumela374
    @ntwadumela374 Рік тому +1 the lady who claims australia's affordable housing no it does not. not at all

    • @mnkwazi
      @mnkwazi Рік тому +1

      @Matt Hatfield I agree. As a Canadian I have heard about Australias high costs as well. Most of the Western world seems to have astronomical housing costs in general.

    • @ntwadumela374
      @ntwadumela374 Рік тому

      @@mnkwazi yeah in australia almost every homesale is a literal bidding war. it's crazy over there

    • @kiru86
      @kiru86 Рік тому

      It’s just lies to make the US look bad. Most people in the US won’t research anything, especially if it’s something they want to believe. Oh yeah it’s soooo awful here. Suree. Meanwhile my coworker visiting south africa for business has to deal with rolling blackouts as there isn’t enough power to keep it on in all areas at once. I am an American and it’s sad to see all of my fellow Americans who have no conception of what life is like in other countries but want to bash the US. They all need to be forced into some perspective.

  • @bernicewise8313
    @bernicewise8313 Рік тому +1


  • @1Star_TV
    @1Star_TV Рік тому +1

    Minimum wage isn't supposed to be a living wage. That's pay for kids and recent high school grads. Why are grown ppl trying to raise kids off kid wages 😒 🤔

  • @georgestephens2038
    @georgestephens2038 Рік тому +1

    if you will notice it mostly people of color

  • @judithgrace9850
    @judithgrace9850 Рік тому

    Move to a safer and less expensive country