Hey there ;) I'm German and yes, we can get emotional too. To answer your question: This pilot is a legend in aviation. His name is Jürgen Raps, also known as "Captain JR". He was Chiefpilot of the German Lufthansa and he flew 41 years in total. He was the first airline-pilot worldwide with a flight license for the A380. When you count all his flights together, he flew about 15 million kilometers in total. Hes has my total respect!
He was the chiefpilot at Lufthansa for the B737 Fleet and then A380 Fleet, also He has flying the first A380 for Lufthansa. From Toulouse to Frankfurt. He was the Teachor for over 600 Pilots in their education. He also was the first West-German Pilot to Land in DDR (GDR). He was flying the first Cargo Plane (DC-10) and the first B737 in the 1970's. He was flying over 1400 intercontinental flights and has over 19.000 Flight hours. And after 41 years in active he said with 60 goodbye 😊
man that part when he took his jacket off and took off his bars and his wings got me. This was the top guy in the entire fleet and stood there in front of everyone and did that. I respect him and I live in Florida. I didn't understand a word but understood everything though.
Jurgen Raps....such a charismatic and clearly beloved pilot by so many. His characteristics crack me up. Had he ever been Captain on any flight I was on, I would know that I was in very good and safe hands. He is a man very passionate about flying and a consummate professional. I wish him nothing but more happiness in his retirement.
I teared up towards the end when Jurgen handed over his epaulets. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I wish Captain Jurgen blue skys and tail winds in his retirement. -From Texas !
By far the greatest pilot i have ever seen!!!! My dream since i was 6 is to become a pilot and i am still working toward it at 17!!!! one day i hope to become a pilot like Captain Jurgen!!!! Simply the best pilot i have ever seen and this video definitely brings tears to my eyes, WE LOVE YOU CAPTAIN JURGEN!!!!
Watch the video of his interview here on youtube. You will find it amazingly inspiring. Also, I wish you all the best in becoming a successful pilot and have a long career like he had. :)
Man ist nicht nur Pilot, sondern auch ein Vorbild. Es ist schön zu sehen, mit was für einen Respekt die Leute miteinander umgehen. Ich hoffe nur, dass die Fliegerei so bleib... und nicht alles in einer Lohndumping-Nummer wie Ryanair ausartet..!
Das hoffe ich auch, es müssen aber alle große Unternehmen ihren Gewinn immer maximieren und konkurenzfähig bleiben und ich glaube da bleibt auch dieser wunderbare Beruf davon nicht davon verschont bleiben :-(
Manuel, haga clic con el botón derecho del mouse y luego haga clic en "traducir al español". O copie y pegue las publicaciones alemanas en el servicio "Google Translate" también.
I never met the man, nor flew on any of his flights in which he was at the controls (at least, I don't I have), but I got to know Jurgen Raps through the many, many videos I watched here on UA-cam, from beginning to end and many I've repeated cause it never got boring or repetitive for me. You sir, are a great pilot and Lufthansa is saying "goodbye" to an elite pilot of the A380. Thank you sir for your many hours of service in the air, getting people where they needed to go safely and efficiently. May you enjoy your many years of retirement.
Nach all den Jahren in denen ich immer wieder auf dieses Video zurück komme, bekomme ich immer noch Gänsehaut. Ein Toller Mensch mit einer wunderschönen Karriere.
Mehr als nur ein symbolischer Akt, sich vor lfd. Kamera und der ganzen Mannschaft die Schulterklappen abzulegen. Wowh.... das nenn ich Demut. Jürgen Raps, wohl ein cooler, tougher und zugleich bescheidener Typ. Gibts nicht allzuoft heutzutage in dieser egozentrischen Welt. Danke für den Clip, ein echter Motivator auch in anderen Berufen. :-)
i'm seventeen and live in the united states, to be quite honest Jurgen Raps has made me feel and know aviation in a very different and positive way. he has finally made me know more about my future career and how fun its gonna be. This shows that you've really influenced a lot of people and that we are all proud of you.
Wenn man hier so manche Kommentare liest, kommt einem das Kotzen. Keinen Respekt, keine Empathie und keinen Anstand. Man scheint zu vergessen, dass einen niemand gezwungen hat, hier einen Kommentar abzusondern ! Mir hat das Video erstklassig gefallen. Wer Interesse an dieser Thematik hat, der kennt Herrn Raps. Wenn nicht, kann man auch einfach mal die viel zu große Fresse halten.
Vous n'aurez pas jamais commentaires sur mesures avec une qualité comme les vôtres qui n'encensent pas non plus un détour dans l'ultra commentaires à retenir...relisez-vous.... que dites vous ? ? ? excuser du peu...
What a wonderful video to watch, to see the respect for a colleague on display. All my flying has been done as a passenger, and many times a a boy I was privileged to be allowed in the cockpit for a visit and was treated with respect by the professionals I encountered. Of course the world was gentler place back then ... I wish you many happy years of retirement Captain :)
CONGRATULATIONS to Captain Juergen Raps on his retirement and reaching a milestone in his more than 41 years long career. I have seen a few of his videos from the cockpits and saw his interview on his retirement just a short while ago. Captain Raps is an absolutely amazing pilot and an inspiring professional who served aviation industry and particularly his company in an exemplary fashion. He achieved in his career what millions could only dream of. If he does not serve Lufthansa or aviation industry any more, then his departure is a monumental loss of this industry. His experience and knowledge must not just go away with him only because he has now retired. As he has trained hundreds of pilots during his career, I do hope he continues sharing his knowledge and experience somehow for the good of this and future generations to come as long as he comfortably can. My best wishes to Captain Raps and thank you Sir for your services.
Huge respect for you sir, you are a great example of a Captain and a true gentleman, We all can tell that you really enjoyed your job. This video really touched me. Enjoy your retirement captain.
What a beautiful life... My dad retired on the 777 for United not too long ago and I can say it was the most emotional I've ever seen him... This job truly pays in ways non pilots will never understand I guess. Congrats Jurgen.
This man is a perfect display of professionalism. I think we all as airline pilots should follow his example and be the best we can where ever our flying takes us. Ein Prosit mein Guten piloten Herr Jurgen.
Happy ground time, Capt. Raps, thank you for your long service, and may you have a long and enjoyable retirement! We love you here in America! (I've been watching Capt. Jurgen Raps from Frankfurt into SFO and San Francisco into Frankfurt and his final flight. What a great man, I like the humor in his eyes, his happy, easy manner, and the fact that his father was a pilot and he was interested in aviation at the age of 5, and continued his interest through his 41-year career. He explained some ups and downs of the career but also how much he has enjoyed it. I love that they had a little farewell in the aircraft. He certainly had the respect of his colleagues and had many "Happy Landings.." I got tears at the end and I didn't even know what he was saying! ) Carry on, Captain!
This is now the third story I see about a captain of Lufthansa and every story is enviable full of emotions, every captain is humble and admirable and Lufthansa can really be proud to have such women and men as pilots who pass on their knowledge and charisma to the next generation !!👍
An inspiration to anyone who tries to achieve something positive, no matter high big or how small, just to get as far as you possibly can. That's a true inspiration. Godspeed Jurgen Raps!
I can imagine that if it's time to stop with flying it can be very emotional for a pilot. After all flying was in his/her blood, the love of their life, what they loved to do for living. Thumb up from The Netherlands.
That moment @2:46 sold me on being a pilot. Sitting in peace, enjoying the sunset, with the clouds above and below you, being the master of a beautiful machine. Nothing seemed more enjoyable in the world. Enjoy retirement sir! Blue skies!
das mit den schulterklappen war am emotionalsten ! vor allen wie lange man dafür fliegen musste. Und dann alle vier goldene streifen mit schulterklappen übereicht
What a superb, truly experienced, professional Pilot & Captain in his time!! What a wonderful career! This upload is wonderful to watch. I hope you are truly enjoying your retirement Captain. May other young, international & domestic Pilots, take a leaf out of your page.
What an amazing send-off....watched this almost five times, back to back! One day, in a future not far from now, I hope to finally achieve my dream of becoming a pilot. I want to spend the rest of my life in the clouds; bring joy to people, connect families, experience life, interact with people from all races and possibly, achieve at least a half of what Retired Captain Raps has. I understand zero from the speeches and the keynote speakers due to language barrier, but, I understand the emotions. I felt it all. What a life well lived & experienced. All the best in your retirement Captain! With admiration, from Nairobi, Kenya.
Very emotional moment when he handed his epaulets. This captain looks so professional. I hope he continues flying, this time as a passenger :) Best wishes
Happy Retirement JR, its been great pleasure to see all the flights of you, your crew with you on video and your dedication towards Lufthansa. Wish you the best of your retirement...
+Leeroy Jenkins Naja meine Flugangst besteht eher daraus das irgendwas mit dem Flugzeug ist und nicht wegen der fehlenden Kompetenz der Piloten.... Obwohl eigentlich die meisten Unfälle eher wegen Pilotenfehlern passieren. Aber Angst brauchst du keine haben. Was denkst du wie viele Flugzeuge tag täglich Starten und Landen, aber im Vergleich wie wenig Unfälle passieren! es gibt Airlines die fliegen schon Jahrzehnte und da ist noch NIE irgendwas vorgekommen ;)
I wanna be such a great pilot like you, Jürgen 😊 flying is amazing. I had a vision and since that I can’t stop thinking about it 😊 best dream, passion, love and hobby ever ✈️
Wenn man mit der A380 fliegt, findet man den kompletten Film im Bordprogramm :-) Muss aber ehrlicherweise sagen, dass diese gut 6 Minuten das aller aller schönste im Film sind. Was aber ebenso schön war, sind die Aufnahmen, als die ganze Crew im Cliffhouse feiert.
Ein Pilot mit Seltenheitswert. Fröhlich und alle Parameter, die es zum Fliegen braucht, hat er integriert. Er lebt diesen Beruf. Ganz anders, als bei vielen anderen UA-cam Beiträgen aus dem Cockpit. Da spürt man, das die meisten Flugzeugführer einfach nur das gesamte Procedere auswendig gelernt haben. Sie sind weit weg, von der kompetenten Entspannung, die Jürgen Raps ausstrahlt. So ähnlich, wie bei vielen Medizinern. Die können Pillen und Salben verschreiben - mehr nicht. Große Klasse dieser Mann. Ihm gebührt mein voller Respekt und Anerkennung !
This is the BEHAVIOR when "YOU LOVE WHAT YOU DO"..! Congrats to JR and Congrats to PilotsEye for Making us "ENJOY" this VIDEO..! PilotsEye Thanks 4 Upload this..! Greetings From USA..!
Raps, Sullenberger, Absmeier, Bennett .... und tausende andere - wenn alle Piloten dieser Welt dieses Wesen, dieses Wissen, diese Leidenschaft und dieses Gefühl für das Fliegen haben... dann kann in der Luftfahrt kaum noch was passieren. Ich weiß, dass es sie gibt ... und deswegen fühle ich mich als Passagier immer sicher und aufgehoben. Allen Piloten dieser Welt ... Danke. Every time happy landings ...
What a delightful experience to watch this Pilot and a party he clearly deserved. HE was my inspiration to learn to identify aircraft model & design and (prior to 9/11) I listened to the cockpit every time I flew. Your entire crew are the best of the best and it’s my privilege to have flown with you. Enjoy your retirement, Captain 🌹
Jürgen raps als pilot warst und bist der beste gewesen ich feier dich...so ein sympathischer mensch gibt es selten schade das du nicht mehr fliegen tust...mein größter vorbild bist du goldener kapitän der lüfte...
Even as only a PPL holder I can relate with this a 100% .. Whether it is flying a Piper Archer or a 380.. the raw emotions of pilots is the same! .. Happy retirement Capt Raps!
i cry with this video and the captian Jürgen Raps is my inspiration and the cap still continuous to fly in private flights, The Aviation is my life and i I will never stop flying never
Auch mir als Mann und begeistertem Flieger standen die Tränen in den Augen ! Er (JR) ist und war ein Fliegervorbild ! Ich hoffe,daß er lange seinen (Un)Ruhestand genießen kann.Mit dem Herzen bleibt man immer Flieger .
Touching, emotional and beautiful tribute to his retirement. I wish I had been aboard one of his flights, it would have been an honor. Godspeed and happiness in all you do, Captain Raps
Ein so sympathischer Mann und erfahrener Pilot. Ich bin echt immer wieder zu Tränen gerührt bei diesem Video: Gerne würde ich ihn mal privat Treffen um über die Luftfahrt zu philosophieren. Hoffentich belege ich dann in einigen Jahren Ihren Platz, Herr Raps. Danke für die Einblicke :)
Jürgen Raps, toller Pilot, gutes Vorbild, herrlicher Mensch mit viel Humor und Coolness. Sehr ergreifend die Abschiedsszene, das Weinen des Kabinenpersonals, das ihn so oft begleitet und geschätzt hat. Captain, ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen und langen Ruhestand, bleiben Sie gesund !
Einer der ganz Großen... Wir haben nicht mehr viele von diesen Menschen. Ich werde die wenigen Flüge die ich mit dir fliegen durfte sehr vermissen. JR.. Gott möge Dich beschützen 🍀
Auch wenn dieses video schon ein paar jahre alt, geht mir das ganze durch den kopf und sitze grade ihr und heule. Das Video geht von den Augen,Ohren bis runter zu den Knien. P.s:Ich wünschte ich währe sein sohn!
ja ich ich ich bin einfach nur sprachlos. Und warte mal ich muss hier mal die Zwiebeln mal raus bringen. #heul. Aber ohne witz ich sitze aber auch gerade da und heul SUPER VIDEO!!!
I didn't understand a word but i watched and enjoyed every second of it.
Enjoy your retirement captain
turn on the English subtitles
ehsan83 Schnitzel
I am with you, I watched ever second of the video. I did not understand a word but I knew what they were saying. It was all from the heart.
there are subtitles available for this video.
Opubose Productions Were ? Pls upload tq
Hey there ;) I'm German and yes, we can get emotional too. To answer your question:
This pilot is a legend in aviation. His name is Jürgen Raps, also known as "Captain JR". He was Chiefpilot of the German Lufthansa and he flew 41 years in total. He was the first airline-pilot worldwide with a flight license for the A380. When you count all his flights together, he flew about 15 million kilometers in total.
Hes has my total respect!
Lukas_Zed Aviation how many flight hours that he has obtained?
@@Br4m76 You have distance, all you need is the typical flight speed in the sky and you have a rough number surely.
He flew for 41 years???????? He has officially earned all of my respect!
@@Br4m76 that is approximately 350 orbits around the earth !!!
He was the chiefpilot at Lufthansa for the B737 Fleet and then A380 Fleet, also He has flying the first A380 for Lufthansa. From Toulouse to Frankfurt.
He was the Teachor for over 600 Pilots in their education.
He also was the first West-German Pilot to Land in DDR (GDR).
He was flying the first Cargo Plane (DC-10) and the first B737 in the 1970's.
He was flying over 1400
intercontinental flights and has over 19.000 Flight hours. And after 41 years in active he said with 60 goodbye 😊
man that part when he took his jacket off and took off his bars and his wings got me. This was the top guy in the entire fleet and stood there in front of everyone and did that. I respect him and I live in Florida. I didn't understand a word but understood everything though.
turn on the subtitles.
Along the bottom right corner, look for the icon that looks like a gear and click on that, select subtitles and English should be an option.
Best pilot ever, congrats M. Raps ! Very emotional ! :')
Thats the best flight Pilot forewewer and the best Teacher of the World!!!
is he retired now?
He has a face and smile that makes you feel comfortable and travel around the world without worrying about anything.
Jurgen Raps....such a charismatic and clearly beloved pilot by so many. His characteristics crack me up. Had he ever been Captain on any flight I was on, I would know that I was in very good and safe hands. He is a man very passionate about flying and a consummate professional. I wish him nothing but more happiness in his retirement.
Da ist einer der Ganz Ganz Großen gegangen!
Was er in 41 Jahren geleistet hat, wird ihm so schnell keiner nachmachen.
Hut ab vor diesem Piloten!
I teared up towards the end when Jurgen handed over his epaulets.
Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I wish Captain Jurgen blue skys and tail winds in his retirement.
-From Texas !
Sir you are legend
By far the greatest pilot i have ever seen!!!! My dream since i was 6 is to become a pilot and i am still working toward it at 17!!!! one day i hope to become a pilot like Captain Jurgen!!!! Simply the best pilot i have ever seen and this video definitely brings tears to my eyes, WE LOVE YOU CAPTAIN JURGEN!!!!
Insha'aALLAH you gonna be a pilot one day just work on it hard, Actions are loader than the words,
Watch the video of his interview here on youtube. You will find it amazingly inspiring.
Also, I wish you all the best in becoming a successful pilot and have a long career like he had. :)
Farhan Fazni It's been 5 years since you posted. How are you and are you in flight school? Best wishes.
Are you pilot yet?
And 10 years later the question remain. Are you a pilot today?
Man ist nicht nur Pilot, sondern auch ein Vorbild. Es ist schön zu sehen, mit was für einen Respekt die Leute miteinander umgehen. Ich hoffe nur, dass die Fliegerei so bleib... und nicht alles in einer Lohndumping-Nummer wie Ryanair ausartet..!
New Dass no entiendo
Das hoffe ich auch, es müssen aber alle große Unternehmen ihren Gewinn immer maximieren und konkurenzfähig bleiben und ich glaube da bleibt auch dieser wunderbare Beruf davon nicht davon verschont bleiben :-(
Manuel, haga clic con el botón derecho del mouse y luego haga clic en "traducir al español". O copie y pegue las publicaciones alemanas en el servicio "Google Translate" también.
Made in Germany
Can your speak English or German please
I never met the man, nor flew on any of his flights in which he was at the controls (at least, I don't I have), but I got to know Jurgen Raps through the many, many videos I watched here on UA-cam, from beginning to end and many I've repeated cause it never got boring or repetitive for me. You sir, are a great pilot and Lufthansa is saying "goodbye" to an elite pilot of the A380. Thank you sir for your many hours of service in the air, getting people where they needed to go safely and efficiently. May you enjoy your many years of retirement.
wow brought tears to my eyes
+winter july Mine, too.
Nach all den Jahren in denen ich immer wieder auf dieses Video zurück komme, bekomme ich immer noch Gänsehaut. Ein Toller Mensch mit einer wunderschönen Karriere.
Mehr als nur ein symbolischer Akt, sich vor lfd. Kamera und der ganzen Mannschaft die Schulterklappen abzulegen. Wowh.... das nenn ich Demut. Jürgen Raps, wohl ein cooler, tougher und zugleich bescheidener Typ. Gibts nicht allzuoft heutzutage in dieser egozentrischen Welt. Danke für den Clip, ein echter Motivator auch in anderen Berufen. :-)
i'm seventeen and live in the united states, to be quite honest Jurgen Raps has made me feel and know aviation in a very different and positive way. he has finally made me know more about my future career and how fun its gonna be. This shows that you've really influenced a lot of people and that we are all proud of you.
So what happened?
@@GrowingPothos On n'a jamais la suite de ce genre de propos......cela suffit pour certains...ce qui intéresse très peu de gens....
Wenn man hier so manche Kommentare liest, kommt einem das Kotzen.
Keinen Respekt, keine Empathie und keinen Anstand.
Man scheint zu vergessen, dass einen niemand gezwungen hat, hier einen Kommentar abzusondern !
Mir hat das Video erstklassig gefallen.
Wer Interesse an dieser Thematik hat, der kennt Herrn Raps. Wenn nicht, kann man auch einfach mal
die viel zu große Fresse halten.
Thomas B
Dem ist nichts mehr hinzuzufügen, danke !
Chris, du bist auf der Liste. Du kommst als erstes ins Internierungslager, wenn Tag X kommt.
@@p1colo768 Und? Ist Tag X schon gekommen?
wie jezz?
hamma den rops jirgn verobschidet??? ja, hamma?
hamma zikke zakk libba jirgn gsungn??? hamma, na was wuisst ojdda???
Vous n'aurez pas jamais commentaires sur mesures avec une qualité comme les vôtres qui n'encensent pas non plus un détour dans l'ultra commentaires à retenir...relisez-vous.... que dites vous ? ? ? excuser du peu...
What a wonderful video to watch, to see the respect for a colleague on display.
All my flying has been done as a passenger, and many times a a boy I was privileged to be allowed in the cockpit for a visit and was treated with respect by the professionals I encountered. Of course the world was gentler place back then ... I wish you many happy years of retirement Captain :)
Thank you pilotseye for these videos. They are very special. Thank you
Fantastic Video May God Bless him and give peace and prosperity in his retired life
CONGRATULATIONS to Captain Juergen Raps on his retirement and reaching a milestone in his more than 41 years long career. I have seen a few of his videos from the cockpits and saw his interview on his retirement just a short while ago.
Captain Raps is an absolutely amazing pilot and an inspiring professional who served aviation industry and particularly his company in an exemplary fashion. He achieved in his career what millions could only dream of. If he does not serve Lufthansa or aviation industry any more, then his departure is a monumental loss of this industry. His experience and knowledge must not just go away with him only because he has now retired. As he has trained hundreds of pilots during his career, I do hope he continues sharing his knowledge and experience somehow for the good of this and future generations to come as long as he comfortably can.
My best wishes to Captain Raps and thank you Sir for your services.
Huge respect for you sir, you are a great example of a Captain and a true gentleman, We all can tell that you really enjoyed your job. This video really touched me. Enjoy your retirement captain.
Jürgen war einer der ersten Piloten, der mir eine Landung im Cockpit ermöglichte. VIELEN DANK dafür und alles gute!
I nearly cried. I still wish I met Jurgen because he flew to San Francisco before.
What a beautiful life... My dad retired on the 777 for United not too long ago and I can say it was the most emotional I've ever seen him... This job truly pays in ways non pilots will never understand I guess. Congrats Jurgen.
the best pilot and co pilot match ever much respect.... thank you
This man is a perfect display of professionalism. I think we all as airline pilots should follow his example and be the best we can where ever our flying takes us. Ein Prosit mein Guten piloten Herr Jurgen.
Happy ground time, Capt. Raps, thank you for your long service, and may you have a long and enjoyable retirement! We love you here in America! (I've been watching Capt. Jurgen Raps from Frankfurt into SFO and San Francisco into Frankfurt and his final flight. What a great man, I like the humor in his eyes, his happy, easy manner, and the fact that his father was a pilot and he was interested in aviation at the age of 5, and continued his interest through his 41-year career. He explained some ups and downs of the career but also how much he has enjoyed it. I love that they had a little farewell in the aircraft. He certainly had the respect of his colleagues and had many "Happy Landings.." I got tears at the end and I didn't even know what he was saying! ) Carry on, Captain!
This is now the third story I see about a captain of Lufthansa and every story is enviable full of emotions,
every captain is humble and admirable and Lufthansa can really be proud to have such women and men as pilots
who pass on their knowledge and charisma to the next generation !!👍
I don,t speak German bit it was self explanatory. Wonderful moment!
There were English subtitles you know, but yes the video was really emotional and amazing. I will miss Mr Raps.
Ach wiiiieeeee oft schau ich mir JR Videos an... jede Woche... einfach unvergesslich!!! Danke Jürgen
Great pilot and such a nice person -I always look at your videos and greetings from Ireland!
Great video, great captain Jurgen! I really shrugged out when the captain spoke and gave epaulets.
An inspiration to anyone who tries to achieve something positive, no matter high big or how small, just to get as far as you possibly can. That's a true inspiration. Godspeed Jurgen Raps!
I can imagine that if it's time to stop with flying it can be very emotional for a pilot.
After all flying was in his/her blood, the love of their life, what they loved to do for living.
Thumb up from The Netherlands.
That moment @2:46 sold me on being a pilot. Sitting in peace, enjoying the sunset, with the clouds above and below you, being the master of a beautiful machine. Nothing seemed more enjoyable in the world. Enjoy retirement sir! Blue skies!
das mit den schulterklappen war am emotionalsten ! vor allen wie lange man dafür fliegen musste. Und dann alle vier goldene streifen mit schulterklappen übereicht
da muss Ich dir recht geben den solche Schulterklappen bekommt man nicht einfach so. Trotz allem Respekt vor Jürgen Raps !!!!!!
I think for Jurgen the most important thing was he loved his job up in the air !
What a superb, truly experienced, professional Pilot & Captain in his time!! What a wonderful career! This upload is wonderful to watch. I hope you are truly enjoying your retirement Captain. May other young, international & domestic Pilots, take a leaf out of your page.
This is the man who made me love aviation and inspired me to follow my dream of becoming a pilot, thanks Jürgen!
Jürgen, du gibst mir Mut, sehr emotional!
What an amazing send-off....watched this almost five times, back to back!
One day, in a future not far from now, I hope to finally achieve my dream of becoming a pilot. I want to spend the rest of my life in the clouds; bring joy to people, connect families, experience life, interact with people from all races and possibly, achieve at least a half of what Retired Captain Raps has. I understand zero from the speeches and the keynote speakers due to language barrier, but, I understand the emotions. I felt it all.
What a life well lived & experienced. All the best in your retirement Captain! With admiration, from Nairobi, Kenya.
From Bahraini pilot... Wish you all the best cap in your retirement happy live ....
i m an indian so i can't undetstand what Mr.JR is saying but i m great fan of this man. God always bless him with good health and cheerfull smile
Manjit Singh Kahlon You're very sweet.
Hello from Seattle,Washington ,,,you sir are my guy to watch! Congrats on your retirement!!!
Ein liebevolles Video für einen beliebten Kollegen der Luftfahrt. Alles Gute dem Jürgen Raps. Bin begeistert!
I really miss this cool man everyday. Love lots from the Philippines
Very emotional moment when he handed his epaulets.
This captain looks so professional. I hope he continues flying, this time as a passenger :)
Best wishes
Wonderful! Congrats and all the best!
Seht gutes Video !!!Jürgen Raps ist für mich ein sehr großes Vorbild!!
Vielen, vielen Dank für dieses Video!!!
Nicht nur das er ist auch Vorbild für alle anderen Piloten !!! Jürgen Paps ist ein Unikat.
Happy Retirement JR, its been great pleasure to see all the flights of you, your crew with you on video and your dedication towards Lufthansa. Wish you the best of your retirement...
Diese Videos helfen mir meine Flugangst etwas in den Griff zu bekommen, vielen Dank dafür!
+Leeroy Jenkins Naja meine Flugangst besteht eher daraus das irgendwas mit dem Flugzeug ist und nicht wegen der fehlenden Kompetenz der Piloten.... Obwohl eigentlich die meisten Unfälle eher wegen Pilotenfehlern passieren. Aber Angst brauchst du keine haben. Was denkst du wie viele Flugzeuge tag täglich Starten und Landen, aber im Vergleich wie wenig Unfälle passieren! es gibt Airlines die fliegen schon Jahrzehnte und da ist noch NIE irgendwas vorgekommen ;)
What a legend! Got me all choked up! Hope the Captain is enjoying his retirement! God bless!
I wanna be such a great pilot like you, Jürgen 😊 flying is amazing. I had a vision and since that I can’t stop thinking about it 😊 best dream, passion, love and hobby ever ✈️
In the future I'll pilot the A380. This video is very emotional and exciting. Thank you for the excellent pilot.
Wenn man mit der A380 fliegt, findet man den kompletten Film im Bordprogramm :-)
Muss aber ehrlicherweise sagen, dass diese gut 6 Minuten das aller aller schönste im Film sind. Was aber ebenso schön war, sind die Aufnahmen, als die ganze Crew im Cliffhouse feiert.
Ein Pilot mit Seltenheitswert. Fröhlich und alle Parameter, die es zum Fliegen braucht, hat er integriert. Er lebt diesen Beruf. Ganz anders, als bei vielen anderen UA-cam Beiträgen aus dem Cockpit. Da spürt man, das die meisten Flugzeugführer einfach nur das gesamte Procedere auswendig gelernt haben. Sie sind weit weg, von der kompetenten Entspannung, die Jürgen Raps ausstrahlt. So ähnlich, wie bei vielen Medizinern. Die können Pillen und Salben verschreiben - mehr nicht. Große Klasse dieser Mann. Ihm gebührt mein voller Respekt und Anerkennung !
Would be fantastic to see an update on how Captain Jurgen has adjusted to retirement. From Canada
Mir sind die Tränen gekommen. Hammer Video. War sehr emotional!
Grandissimo,uno dei migliori piloti che abbia mai visto,grandeeeee
these are the only videos that I don't understand a word...that I enjoy the most!
Jürgen Raps ist mein Lieblingspilot.
Dieser YT-Kanal macht immer viel Spaß.
This is the BEHAVIOR when "YOU LOVE WHAT YOU DO"..! Congrats to JR and Congrats to PilotsEye for Making us "ENJOY" this VIDEO..! PilotsEye Thanks 4 Upload this..! Greetings From USA..!
Raps, Sullenberger, Absmeier, Bennett .... und tausende andere - wenn alle Piloten dieser Welt dieses Wesen, dieses Wissen, diese Leidenschaft und dieses Gefühl für das Fliegen haben... dann kann in der Luftfahrt kaum noch was passieren. Ich weiß, dass es sie gibt ... und deswegen fühle ich mich als Passagier immer sicher und aufgehoben. Allen Piloten dieser Welt ... Danke. Every time happy landings ...
Super Video.....
JR prägte Generationen von Piloten!
What a delightful experience to watch this Pilot and a party he clearly deserved. HE was my inspiration to learn to identify aircraft model & design and (prior to 9/11) I listened to the cockpit every time I flew. Your entire crew are the best of the best and it’s my privilege to have flown with you. Enjoy your retirement, Captain 🌹
Thank You for the reply and to answer my questions.What a special man.WOW
Ein sehr guter Documentarfilm über den Piloten Jürgen Raps.
Thanks for sharing this video with us. Enjoy your retirement Jürgen Raps.
Das hast du wunderbar gemacht👍
Always love this german captain... smart & stunning. well, the journeys ended. Enjoy your life & retirement time captain Jurgen. God bless you
Wonderful and inspiring video ! long life JR.
@PilotsEYE.TV Wahnsinnig tolles und berührendes Video😊
Jürgen raps als pilot warst und bist der beste gewesen ich feier dich...so ein sympathischer mensch gibt es selten schade das du nicht mehr fliegen tust...mein größter vorbild bist du goldener kapitän der lüfte...
Yes, there will be english subtitles of the whole (140min) film.
unglaublich dieser mann!! sehr emotionales video! macht weiter so, ihr seit super
gruss aus wien
The song at the start is : Brighter World - Michael Holborn
Very emotional. These largely unsung heroes, the pilots and their skill, are why we get from A to B safely
Even as only a PPL holder I can relate with this a 100% .. Whether it is flying a Piper Archer or a 380.. the raw emotions of pilots is the same! .. Happy retirement Capt Raps!
Man, that was touching, what a man to have created such team spirit and loyalty in the cutthroat world of commercial airlines., says a lot.
i cry with this video and the captian Jürgen Raps is my inspiration and the cap still continuous to fly in private flights, The Aviation is my life and i I will never stop flying never
I Too but Jürgen Raps will be makes the Helikopter flighter !!!
He is the Best Pilot in the World.
Auch mir als Mann und begeistertem Flieger standen die Tränen in den Augen !
Er (JR) ist und war ein Fliegervorbild ! Ich hoffe,daß er lange seinen (Un)Ruhestand genießen kann.Mit dem Herzen bleibt man immer Flieger .
mir auch ein super Pilot
ein wahnsinnig sympathischer typ!
Danke Schone Mr.Jürgen Raps. You did a great job...
Touching, emotional and beautiful tribute to his retirement. I wish I had been aboard one of his flights, it would have been an honor. Godspeed and happiness in all you do, Captain Raps
Der Sympatischteste Pilot und Mensch ever. Mein höchster Respekt
Ein so sympathischer Mann und erfahrener Pilot. Ich bin echt immer wieder zu Tränen gerührt bei diesem Video: Gerne würde ich ihn mal privat Treffen um über die Luftfahrt zu philosophieren. Hoffentich belege ich dann in einigen Jahren Ihren Platz, Herr Raps. Danke für die Einblicke :)
Nice video. Great pilot, with a good sense of humour
yes, this sequel shows (the best of) the last flights of him.
Watching this in 2019. Understood only 10% of the words. Understood 100% of the emotion. Moved me to tears.
Why am I even crying! I don't speak German and I've only watched 2 videos about him! The scene where he promoted his Co-pilot was touching.
Viel Erfolg für die Zukunft. Bin leider an der FQ gescheitert. PilotsEye zeigt das, was man nun verpasst.
Flying was not his proffesion, it was his way of life !! Thank you Captain !!
Einfach nur Hammer 🔨🔨🔨👍👍👍🙂🙂🙂 allergrößter Respekt... vielen Danke dafür 👃
Jürgen Raps, toller Pilot, gutes Vorbild, herrlicher Mensch mit viel Humor und Coolness. Sehr ergreifend die Abschiedsszene, das Weinen des Kabinenpersonals, das ihn so oft begleitet und geschätzt hat. Captain, ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen und langen Ruhestand, bleiben Sie gesund !
Einer der ganz Großen... Wir haben nicht mehr viele von diesen Menschen.
Ich werde die wenigen Flüge die ich mit dir fliegen durfte sehr vermissen.
JR.. Gott möge Dich beschützen 🍀
Great or even the greatest captain, I just love the professionalism!!!!
Captain Juergen Raps , is a great captain , leaving a great legacy behind , wish i could have the honor of meeting him and learning from him :)
I watched this video morethan 5 times and still like to watch ....
Auch wenn dieses video schon ein paar jahre alt, geht mir das ganze durch den kopf und sitze grade ihr und heule.
Das Video geht von den Augen,Ohren bis runter zu den Knien.
P.s:Ich wünschte ich währe sein sohn!
Ja bei mir auch so. Hammer Typ sehr viel Respekt
+Tim Ch. Respekt ....
ja ich ich ich bin einfach nur sprachlos. Und warte mal ich muss hier mal die Zwiebeln mal raus bringen. #heul. Aber ohne witz ich sitze aber auch gerade da und heul SUPER VIDEO!!!
+LieberBecksBier alsShakespeare dein Name ist so der Hammer *-*
Well done Captain Raps, my respect from Chile