Hello my Sweet Project Car Friends, we work hard to produce every video we can that you request. This video is short sweet and to the point on how to prevent issues with your power seats. This method is much cheaper to do than replacing the seat motors. We have a motto here, where there is a will there is away...you have to look at it this way, if your seat motors go bad you will have to remove the seat or seat cushion to fix them, so with that being said, you might want to find a way to remove the seat or its cushion to lube them up, which you would have to do anyhow to replace the motors, but it will be much cheaper to lube them then replace the motors.... We hope you all enjoy and it helps you.
I am going to do this for my seat! It's not been done since the car was built in 2000! I'm sure it'll be so much happier once I get to all the moving parts. 😊
Trish Pipkins you are very correct, it will be easier on the older cars, now on the newer cars..the problem is if the motors go bad they will have to remove the cushion or seat anyhow, but the cost will be dramatically more than a little PM :) thank you, my friend,, glad to have you here with us and for supporting our channel :)
AWESOME!!! I just installed some power seats in my 59 Biscayne and they were a little slow cant wait to take them out and apply this to them!!!! Thank you as always!!
Thank you Sir. I have owned my pristine 2004 Denali since new. It is reaching that age that this type of "rare maintenance" tips will keep running perfectly.
although my car does not use automatic seat but I can feel that many people will be thankful that this video has saved their money. keep up with the best video .. thank you
Spozz I'm with you on this subject, we always deal with trying to do videos that will help the masses and not just a few....so it is always on our minds to do videos to try and help as many as we can. :)
Sweeeeeeeeeet!!! How is it you know about every issue I'm having with my truck??? 😁 Thanks for sharing and the GREAT tip my friend. Have a Blessed day!!! 🚀🚀
Ha, gotcha Dan! My seat power is already guaranteed to last a lifetime (well unless I lose a couple of hands) BUT, when I do get another more luxury car I'll know what to do.
Thanks my friend you have make my day. Let me ask you this, do you know how to adjust the door so it can close on its own, and or not to make noise when bumping the door? Well I have lubricated the hinches , still some of my doors I need to push a littel bit, while others I just let it go and closes properly.
Coolissim0 Unl1mited if you have power closing door like ith an s500 M then it is inthe locking mechanism if you don't then it would need the locking pin moved back just a little at a time until it closes on its own and is tight :)
Hi my friend its a normal door, its not the that it will not close, is the hinge does not give the impulse to force the closing, when you let it go, on his own from a certain distance
Did this on my 2004 Corvette seat when I took them out to clean a spill that went under it. While I had them out I lubed it with the syn grease and all the pivots. The thing of it is, you just don't want to go to the trouble if it is not broken. What you need to realize is that straining them is going to bust them and then you are up shits creek. Prevent this horror. Do what you are told or it will cost you. When I had them out I fixed the foam with glue and then reinforced the areas where the frame dug into the foam to split it. This is a known problem with these seats. I also went into the tubing for the lumbar support bags and checked it out and 303'd them. and zip tied the connections. There are side supports laterally which leak down slowly after they are pumped up and I do not know if they are supposed to do that. There is a fix for the lumbar and side support airbags that involves using adult and child size blood pressure cuffs instead of trying to get the factory parts which cost hundreds. Use the right size blood pressure cuff bags and velcro them in place, attach the tubes and you are supported like new. There are are many size cuff bags, like the infant, child, adult and the extra large. Just saying. If you got that kind of seats and the motors are pumping check if the motors hold pressure. If they hold pressure then the leak is the bags or tubing and you can get the feature back. If the motors do not run, use a jumper to see if the switches are bad. You might be able to pull them apart like window switches, clean em up and be back in business at no cost for switches that may not be available. Some of this stuff runs switches to a module controller which can be looked into. Sometimes all it takes is to heat up the solder joints and eliminate a cold solder. You never know. Done this with stereo stuff that was bounced around going to and from college in the 70's and 80's. As long as you have them out you got nothing to lose going through them. Might get lucky.
Absolutely!! It blows all of those other products away Susan! This tinyurl.com/bdf6a6ky is a fantastic product! Thank you for watching and asking, have a great week my friend. mad Mike the hammer SPC
The power seat in my wife's fusion will go forward and back but the front tilt down and up and the overall up and down on the seat doesn't work, I heard that sometimes the connectors or the switch can get dirty and I saw a video where they just disconnected everything then sprayed it all with CRC Electric Cleaner, let it dry and reconnect the motors and the seat worked, have you heard of this method, I haven't tried this yet but sounds better than $100+ for a new board.
You can try that and see if it works for you doesn’t hurt to try it for sure, the switch may also be bad and or the motor controlling those functions may have decided to stop working depends on how old the car is
Great to see how to grease your car seats ! What is the best way to get to your screws drives on your seats when they are not exposed and open with out tearing down your car seats ? I have a 2008 RX 350 Lexus. One other thing I have lighted bottom door step plates and one is out went to dealership and they told me that my car doesn’t have them ???? I showed them and they couldn’t find a part for this year. What do you think about this any ideas. Thanks.
David Kisler we have a motto here, where there is a will there is away...you have to look at it this way, if your seat motors go bad you will have to remove the seat or seat cushion to fix them, so with that being said you might want to find a way to remove the seat or its cushion to lube them up which you would have to do anyhow., but it will be much cheaper to lube them then to repalce the motors.... as far as the dealership not knwing what parts go on your car, you may want to find another delareship that knows what was intalled on your car when it was manufactured hope this helps :)
Wow, great video in time for my latest dilemma with the Mercury. Crazy how I was just tackling this same exact seat issue about 2 weeks ago. The passenger seat would not slide back or forth and had been that way for a year. Finally I had time to fix the issue. First I had to figure out why it was not sliding and binding up the motor. I had one track jammed with a large piece of fabric. There was a shirt under the seat and it grabbed the track and roller gear. What a nightmare to free it up, since it was nearly impossible to get to the tight area. I eventually used a small torch to burn the fabric to the point that I could move the seat past that section. It took almost an hour of slowly moving and burning, back and forth till it all moved with me forcing the seat with my body weight. I sprayed down the tracks with 3 in 1 lube but know that I need to put the grease on everything like you showed. Thank you for the great tip. I will be definitely doing this to my car, the seats and motors are I desperate need of it after 20 years
Halsey Marcoux that does sound like a nightmare and glad to hear you repaired it...and your part about the time to fix it..that is another issue many people have, trying to work and do family life and work on all the honey do's, then find time to keep the car up and running is tough, and a big issue for many, that's why we try to do our videos as efficiently as possible to help good people like you out :)
Sweet Project Cars I own a 2002 Cadillac DTS and my electric tilt/telescope wheel only works when it wants to. I wish I knew how to go about fixing it.
HOGSIDE SJ T.V. I know what you mean I have a 66 and it can be tough, but if the motors go you will end up removing the seats to replace them anyhow and it will cost you much more $$$.
Forget about the PITA doing the job swapping the motor... on most modern cars the motors aren't sold separately from the dealer and you have to buy a whole adjuster assembly and it's crazy $$$. I know on my 14y/o dodge truck it's $800 (you can safely guess that when mine stopped moving I took it apart and fixed it).
How about a video on lubricating the sun roof? Mine moves really slow and seems like the motor is struggling sometimes. Probably needs a good lube there.
USMC65UH34D LOL is funny how when something is not working a wife knows right where to go...and the same to you my friend, happy St. Pats..my entire family is of Irish decent and we love corned beef and cabbage lol :)
If you look under the seat you’ll see that the edge of the seat cover has plastic that snaps onto a steel Ridge you just push on those and they come right off
there is or not a video how to prevent rubber at the bottom of the car or in the spring, the joints from being cracked or damaged and make it last longer .. thanks
You are the best and you never disappoint everyone who sees it. I'm looking forward to seeing the best videos from Sweet Project Cars. thank you so much...thumbs up
I wanted to know why during the cold weather my steering wheel turning left or right makes a slight noise, but on a warm weather it doesn't? Just like to know how I can prevent or get rid of the noise.... Truly appreciate it, if u can help out.....
Well it can be a number of things like the clock spring in the steering wheel or a ujoint in the steering shaft if I was there I could find it in a second you may have to have a trusted mechanic take it for a spin
I have done this before. It seems that people would wait too long to bring in their seats for Lube. And The old power seats were already shot.. Lube it all up and it would work well... until the customer sat down. . And then the moter were worn-out already. . So my question is are the newer car power seat Moters more resilient than the "last 20 years"
Truck Manjr you are very correct on this and we found no matter the car or truck they should be lubed every 7 to 10 years ...a little PM can go along way thank you, my friend,,, glad to have you here with us and for supporting our channel :)
Hey my friend this is Neil Strike..just changed my name to troll some people haha. As always great video!!! despite not having mother put a spanking on it ha! Quick question.... Have you ever thought about putting a commercial or 2 so you can get some money for your videos? I would watch them threw without skipping commercials just to help as I can! I am sure others feel the same way because it's the least we could do to help you out for your amazing content!
Rick Harrison I already talked to them about this same question a year ago. I feel that They should really reap the UA-cam rewards and it will be nice bonus for their amazing efforts in helping all of us out.
00 99 you most likely have a motor that has gone bad and will now have to remove the seat to replace it...but then you can grease and lube everything :)
It's this amzn.to/2AfQfIC and just a reminder, all of the products/tools we use in our videos can always be found in the SHOW MORE of the videos description, if you can't find it let us know and we will help you. Thanks for watching Jeff. mad Mike the hammer SPC
Hello my Sweet Project Car Friends, we work hard to produce every video we can that you request. This video is short sweet and to the point on how to prevent issues with your power seats. This method is much cheaper to do than replacing the seat motors.
We have a motto here, where there is a will there is away...you have to look at it this way, if your seat motors go bad you will have to remove the seat or seat cushion to fix them, so with that being said, you might want to find a way to remove the seat or its cushion to lube them up, which you would have to do anyhow to replace the motors, but it will be much cheaper to lube them then replace the motors.... We hope you all enjoy and it helps you.
Another job I desperately need to do today. All killer, no filler!
Brad Conklin you will be glad you did my friend :) thank you, my friend,, glad to have you here with us and for supporting our channel :)
I am going to do this for my seat! It's not been done since the car was built in 2000! I'm sure it'll be so much happier once I get to all the moving parts. 😊
Trish Pipkins you are very correct, it will be easier on the older cars, now on the newer cars..the problem is if the motors go bad they will have to remove the cushion or seat anyhow, but the cost will be dramatically more than a little PM :) thank you, my friend,, glad to have you here with us and for supporting our channel :)
AWESOME!!! I just installed some power seats in my 59 Biscayne and they were a little slow cant wait to take them out and apply this to them!!!! Thank you as always!!
Thumbs up first👍🏻. Then play the video.
pal1216 thank you, my friend,, glad to have you here with us and for supporting our channel :)
Love your videos! They're always so straight to the point, informative, & easy to understand. Thank you!
Thank you very much we truly appreciate that
Thank you Sir. I have owned my pristine 2004 Denali since new. It is reaching that age that this type of "rare maintenance" tips will keep running perfectly.
kylemlm we are very glad to help great people like yourself :) PM is always good to keep larger issues from arising :)
although my car does not use automatic seat but I can feel that many people will be thankful that this video has saved their money. keep up with the best video .. thank you
Spozz I'm with you on this subject, we always deal with trying to do videos that will help the masses and not just a few....so it is always on our minds to do videos to try and help as many as we can. :)
I don’t have power seats but the same method works great on garage door hinges and if you have a screw drive. Thanks again SPC
Stranger Danger it sure does work on them thank you my friend for sharing :)
I use KY to lubricate everything and I have no problems with my Rod 🤗
Thanks for sharing Buddy. Great video. I have to get my car seats up to par. 👍
Thanks for watching and sharing EL EVO, keep the ky flowing my friend. Have a great day. mad Mike the hammer SPC
This is a great method to keep your sunroof working smoothly also!! Re-greasing the tracks.
Brian William you have that correct and we will be doing a video on this as well for the sunroof owners :)
Never seen anyone fixes these in this way , awesome as always .
Eyad Jam thank you my friend for supporting our channel of DIY car and truck methods :)
That was a really smart preventative measure. Awesome tip SPC
Tuddie thank you very much, my good friend, for the great comment :) it is much appreciated :)
Hi there. New sub from across the big pond in the UK. Came across your channel and love your channel. Big thumbs up from Yorkshire!!!
Steve Clarky Clarkson from Yorkshire thank you, my friend,, glad to have you here with us and for supporting our channel :)
How nice of you to do that. Good job. Enjoyed your video.
Glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for the view and your comment, we appreciate it. Have a great day. mad Mike the hammer SPC
Love your work can you please upload a video on how to clean white seatbelts
MrBalloy we have that video right here my friend :) ua-cam.com/video/Ob0AJvTbR_k/v-deo.html it's an older video but we use it daily :)
Sweeeeeeeeeet!!! How is it you know about every issue I'm having with my truck??? 😁 Thanks for sharing and the GREAT tip my friend. Have a Blessed day!!! 🚀🚀
Jay glad we can be or a value to you and we are very happy you support our channel :) Mike
Thanks Mike, you have the Best best channel on UA-cam!!! Far better than any other!!! GREAT VIDEOS my friend!!! 👍👍👍
Jay that means a lot to us as we work hard to try and do videos that have a value to them, to help others. :) Mike
Just did this. Worked good.
Nice work John T! Thank you so much for watching and sharing, we really appreciate it. Have a fantastic weekend my friend. mad Mike the hammer SPC
Ha, gotcha Dan! My seat power is already guaranteed to last a lifetime (well unless I lose a couple of hands) BUT, when I do get another more luxury car I'll know what to do.
Leonardokite thank you, my friend,, glad to have you here with us and for supporting our channel :)
thanks didnt even think about it
tim wilhelmson you are very welcome :)
As always another great video brother many thanks.
208miuwu thank you, my friend,, and thank you for supporting our channel :)
my work truck dr side barely reclines
have to give this a shot
tim jackson you will love the results my friend :)
thank you, partner!!! I need to do this procedure soon, thank you for sharing! God Bless.
jimbola77 thank you very good friend :)
Thanks my friend you have make my day. Let me ask you this, do you know how to adjust the door so it can close on its own, and or not to make noise when bumping the door? Well I have lubricated the hinches , still some of my doors I need to push a littel bit, while others I just let it go and closes properly.
Coolissim0 Unl1mited if you have power closing door like ith an s500 M then it is inthe locking mechanism if you don't then it would need the locking pin moved back just a little at a time until it closes on its own and is tight :)
Hi my friend its a normal door, its not the that it will not close, is the hinge does not give the impulse to force the closing, when you let it go, on his own from a certain distance
Coolissim0 Unl1mited I wish you could shoot a little video of what it is doing and I know I could help you fix it my friend :)
thanks my friend will do that
No work on the car today it’s in the shop.so just watching spc videos oh yeah!
Stephen Smith thanks for that, we love it that comment :)
Did this on my 2004 Corvette seat when I took them out to clean a spill that went under it. While I had them out I lubed it with the syn grease and all the pivots. The thing of it is, you just don't want to go to the trouble if it is not broken. What you need to realize is that straining them is going to bust them and then you are up shits creek. Prevent this horror. Do what you are told or it will cost you.
When I had them out I fixed the foam with glue and then reinforced the areas where the frame dug into the foam to split it. This is a known problem with these seats. I also went into the tubing for the lumbar support bags and checked it out and 303'd them. and zip tied the connections. There are side supports laterally which leak down slowly after they are pumped up and I do not know if they are supposed to do that. There is a fix for the lumbar and side support airbags that involves using adult and child size blood pressure cuffs instead of trying to get the factory parts which cost hundreds. Use the right size blood pressure cuff bags and velcro them in place, attach the tubes and you are supported like new. There are are many size cuff bags, like the infant, child, adult and the extra large.
Just saying. If you got that kind of seats and the motors are pumping check if the motors hold pressure. If they hold pressure then the leak is the bags or tubing and you can get the feature back. If the motors do not run, use a jumper to see if the switches are bad. You might be able to pull them apart like window switches, clean em up and be back in business at no cost for switches that may not be available. Some of this stuff runs switches to a module controller which can be looked into. Sometimes all it takes is to heat up the solder joints and eliminate a cold solder. You never know. Done this with stereo stuff that was bounced around going to and from college in the 70's and 80's. As long as you have them out you got nothing to lose going through them. Might get lucky.
Great vid!👍what’s the name/type of Syn grease u used?! Thx🚙
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet Project Cars. Totally could have slipped a "handy dandy" in there somewhere.
Claude Smoot we like to change it up a bit when doing these videos so we don't sound like the robot in the Lost in Space episodes :) LOL
Would you use the AIM plant safe lubricants now instead of what you used 5 years ago?
Absolutely!! It blows all of those other products away Susan! This tinyurl.com/bdf6a6ky is a fantastic product! Thank you for watching and asking, have a great week my friend. mad Mike the hammer SPC
The power seat in my wife's fusion will go forward and back but the front tilt down and up and the overall up and down on the seat doesn't work, I heard that sometimes the connectors or the switch can get dirty and I saw a video where they just disconnected everything then sprayed it all with CRC Electric Cleaner, let it dry and reconnect the motors and the seat worked, have you heard of this method, I haven't tried this yet but sounds better than $100+ for a new board.
You can try that and see if it works for you doesn’t hurt to try it for sure, the switch may also be bad and or the motor controlling those functions may have decided to stop working depends on how old the car is
OK, it's a 2010, always looking to save a buck first.
Proste, skuteczne rozwiązanie. Pozdrawiam!
Dariusz Markowicz Dziękuję bardzo, jesteśmy wdzięczni, że jesteście tu z nami :)
Great to see how to grease your car seats ! What is the best way to get to your screws drives on your seats when they are not exposed and open with out tearing down your car seats ? I have a 2008 RX 350 Lexus. One other thing I have lighted bottom door step plates and one is out went to dealership and they told me that my car doesn’t have them ???? I showed them and they couldn’t find a part for this year. What do you think about this any ideas. Thanks.
David Kisler we have a motto here, where there is a will there is away...you have to look at it this way, if your seat motors go bad you will have to remove the seat or seat cushion to fix them, so with that being said you might want to find a way to remove the seat or its cushion to lube them up which you would have to do anyhow., but it will be much cheaper to lube them then to repalce the motors.... as far as the dealership not knwing what parts go on your car, you may want to find another delareship that knows what was intalled on your car when it was manufactured hope this helps :)
Good advice and well done.
Thank you very much 😊
Awesome video thanks for sharing !
Neverr Quitt you are very welcome :)
Awesome tutorial thanks
brian thank you so much my friend :)
Wow, great video in time for my latest dilemma with the Mercury.
Crazy how I was just tackling this same exact seat issue about 2 weeks ago. The passenger seat would not slide back or forth and had been that way for a year. Finally I had time to fix the issue. First I had to figure out why it was not sliding and binding up the motor. I had one track jammed with a large piece of fabric. There was a shirt under the seat and it grabbed the track and roller gear. What a nightmare to free it up, since it was nearly impossible to get to the tight area. I eventually used a small torch to burn the fabric to the point that I could move the seat past that section. It took almost an hour of slowly moving and burning, back and forth till it all moved with me forcing the seat with my body weight. I sprayed down the tracks with 3 in 1 lube but know that I need to put the grease on everything like you showed.
Thank you for the great tip. I will be definitely doing this to my car, the seats and motors are I desperate need of it after 20 years
Halsey Marcoux that does sound like a nightmare and glad to hear you repaired it...and your part about the time to fix it..that is another issue many people have, trying to work and do family life and work on all the honey do's, then find time to keep the car up and running is tough, and a big issue for many, that's why we try to do our videos as efficiently as possible to help good people like you out :)
Can you do one of these for a power telescoping/adjustable steering wheel?
Daniel Powless we will see what we can do my friend what car do you have? :) mike
@@SweetProjectCars 2004 E320 Mercedes Wagon W211. Thank you!
Daniel Powless ok great when we get on in similar we will do a video for you TY mike
Sweet Project Cars
I own a 2002 Cadillac DTS and my electric tilt/telescope wheel only works when it wants to. I wish I knew how to go about fixing it.
Samuelfish that would be the switch all you need to do is replace it my friend
Good job.it sucks to do on a old Cadillac.lol
HOGSIDE SJ T.V. I know what you mean I have a 66 and it can be tough, but if the motors go you will end up removing the seats to replace them anyhow and it will cost you much more $$$.
Forget about the PITA doing the job swapping the motor... on most modern cars the motors aren't sold separately from the dealer and you have to buy a whole adjuster assembly and it's crazy $$$. I know on my 14y/o dodge truck it's $800 (you can safely guess that when mine stopped moving I took it apart and fixed it).
Thank you for sharing :)
Excellent, as always! Thanks!
michael mccartin thank you very much my friend :)
How about a video on lubricating the sun roof? Mine moves really slow and seems like the motor is struggling sometimes. Probably needs a good lube there.
Doug L we are actually going to be doing a video on this my friend :)
You Gotta Be Talking To My Wife ! LOL Happy Irish Heritage Day my friend. JD
USMC65UH34D LOL is funny how when something is not working a wife knows right where to go...and the same to you my friend, happy St. Pats..my entire family is of Irish decent and we love corned beef and cabbage lol :)
Had mine yesterday with colcannon and soda bread, yummy 🇮🇪
PARDS2 thank you very much my friend :)
Thank you , very helpful. 👍
Scoopy thank you for supporting our channel of DIY car and truck methods :)
thank you, partner, for sharing Excellent video!!!!!
jim you are very welcome :)
Thank you 4 sharing , great information
Axel Bart thank you, my friend,, glad to have you here with us and for supporting our channel :)
Sweet Project Cars your welcome picked up the mineral oil and going to apply to the seal around the windshield, thank you
Axel Bart you will love the results, and it will pay off in the long run :)
But how you remove the seat cushion/cover? Even my factory service manual doesn't say.
If you look under the seat you’ll see that the edge of the seat cover has plastic that snaps onto a steel Ridge you just push on those and they come right off
Nice job, great advice!
HUBBABUBBA DOOPYDOOP thank you, my friend, for supporting our channel like you do :)
there is or not a video how to prevent rubber at the bottom of the car or in the spring, the joints from being cracked or damaged and make it last longer .. thanks
Spozz we have that coming my good friend :)
You are the best and you never disappoint everyone who sees it. I'm looking forward to seeing the best videos from Sweet Project Cars. thank you so much...thumbs up
Spozz thank you very much for your unwavering support of SWEET PROJECT CARS :)
Another great tip
spoonman73 thank you, my friend,, glad to have you here with us and for supporting our channel :)
I wanted to know why during the cold weather my steering wheel turning left or right makes a slight noise, but on a warm weather it doesn't? Just like to know how I can prevent or get rid of the noise.... Truly appreciate it, if u can help out.....
Im4ever2b it all depends on the car...what make model and year do you have with this issue :)
I have a 2004 Mercedes E320 W211, truly appreciate it if you can resolve this issue thanks......enjoy all your video's! Thanks
Well it can be a number of things like the clock spring in the steering wheel or a ujoint in the steering shaft if I was there I could find it in a second you may have to have a trusted mechanic take it for a spin
Thank you so much!!!
Nancy Offenhiser you are very welcome my friend :)
I have done this before. It seems that people would wait too long to bring in their seats for Lube. And The old power seats were already shot.. Lube it all up and it would work well... until the customer sat down. . And then the moter were worn-out already. . So my question is are the newer car power seat Moters more resilient than the "last 20 years"
Thanks for sharing. And keep up the great Videos. And the help in responding to us that have questions! !
Truck Manjr you are very correct on this and we found no matter the car or truck they should be lubed every 7 to 10 years ...a little PM can go along way thank you, my friend,,, glad to have you here with us and for supporting our channel :)
Truck Manjr we try to help everyone we can and thank you again :)
Truck Manjr *motor 😁✌
Hey my friend this is Neil Strike..just changed my name to troll some people haha. As always great video!!! despite not having mother put a spanking on it ha! Quick question....
Have you ever thought about putting a commercial or 2 so you can get some money for your videos? I would watch them threw without skipping commercials just to help as I can! I am sure others feel the same way because it's the least we could do to help you out for your amazing content!
Rick Harrison I already talked to them about this same question a year ago. I feel that They should really reap the UA-cam rewards and it will be nice bonus for their amazing efforts in helping all of us out.
Have a fix if only one rail moves and the other is stuck?
00 99 you most likely have a motor that has gone bad and will now have to remove the seat to replace it...but then you can grease and lube everything :)
Your videos Rock!
Thank you very much 😃
What type of grease are you using?
It's this amzn.to/2AfQfIC and just a reminder, all of the products/tools we use in our videos can always be found in the SHOW MORE of the videos description, if you can't find it let us know and we will help you. Thanks for watching Jeff. mad Mike the hammer SPC
"Glad you're here with us! "Another awesome vid by SPC!!!! (And give a shout out to your biggest fan "TYLER DURDEN"!
TYLER DURDEN you have a monster SHOUT OUT coming your way for your unbelievable support of our channel :)
Nice Video Thanks
otherstuffbybob thank you, my friend,, glad to have you here with us and for supporting our channel :)
It’s always dodge with seat issues. Wether it’s tracks, motors, gears, or cushions.
Awesome AGAIN!!
Canesser thank you very much my friend :)
Thank you very much we truly appreciate that have a great day
2thumbs up
Ronald Neal thank you, my friend,, glad to have you here with us and for supporting our channel :)
Thank you💯🙌🏿
You are very Welcome glad we could help.