Game Dev is OVER in 2024 | Unity Devlog

  • Опубліковано 10 сер 2023
  • Game Dev is coming to an end in 2024! The AI revolution is changing the way games are made and lowering the barrier to entry meaning that almost anyone will soon be able to make their own video games.
    Watch this lasted mini-devlog to see how I made a game using only FREE AI tools such as ChatGPT and Midjourney in under 60 minutes.
    But fret not, in this video and on this channel I teach you how to use emerging AI tools to drive the efficiency of your indie game development studio.
    I use Unity but this is applicable to all engines from Unreal to Godot to Gdevelop!


  • @DanGameDev
    @DanGameDev  10 місяців тому +3

    What do you think the future holds for game dev? Let us all know in the comments below!

  • @seekeroftheball
    @seekeroftheball 10 місяців тому +20

    The problem is that yes it can write simple scripts but if you’re really talking about building a full game with immersive experiences, that takes a human touch. Art is about emotional connections. That won’t be replaced.

    • @DanGameDev
      @DanGameDev  10 місяців тому +4

      100% agree. At this moment, Ai art can’t replicate the emotion that goes into creative works - but who knows, AI may learn to have emotions of its own. Would love if you’d subscribe!
      Thanks for watching!

    • @SomeYouTuberGuy
      @SomeYouTuberGuy 9 місяців тому +2

      The key word is "for now." AI development is growing at a speed which we can't even fathom. With more and more resources being put into AI research it will happen sooner than you realize.

    • @devincarter7020
      @devincarter7020 9 місяців тому +1

      Exactly, just look at silent hill and the silent hill team from konami...people really only like the first 4 which was made by team silent....mainly the first 2 Konami took over and made it completely trash because the corporate robot deciding to just throw out trash. It will become a money grab with a.i but just like silent hill and it's original status as the "lesser resident evil clone" to now held as one of the best horror games to date. Thats my dream with my indie dev career. To make staples, hidden gems to onr day be loved by thousands. (The first two silent hills didn't sell well at all at the time btw) they almost ditched silent hill altogether.

  • @uwealth
    @uwealth 10 місяців тому +8

    Great video - and yep, I think things are going to change big time with AI game engines in the future

    • @DanGameDev
      @DanGameDev  10 місяців тому +1


    • @seekeroftheball
      @seekeroftheball 10 місяців тому +1

      Now THAT I’m excited for. The tools won’t replace us. They’ll just get immensely better and easier to make better games.

    • @DanGameDev
      @DanGameDev  10 місяців тому +1

      @@seekeroftheball true, but what if everyone can make a game? Game dev would no longer be commercially viable as anyone would be able to create their own games with a few clicks.

  • @borntobusiness2883
    @borntobusiness2883 10 місяців тому +4

    Love it

  • @danstastudios2602
    @danstastudios2602 10 місяців тому +2

    Lovely video!

  • @22_quite63
    @22_quite63 10 місяців тому +1

    I love the editing! I also really like ur points on Chat GPT being erratic in its accuracy.

    • @DanGameDev
      @DanGameDev  10 місяців тому +1

      Thanks for your continued support!

  • @lostsocket
    @lostsocket 10 місяців тому +3

    From my perspective, this video misses an essential point: the devil is in the details. In this era, anyone can quickly set up a basic game using templates, Stack Overflow, open-source code, and various asset packs. But as development progresses, the complexities become apparent-interaction snags, UX dilemmas, synchronization issues, and an array of glitches.
    While AI's potential in the realm of coding is evident, our real challenges aren't always about writing the code but about debugging, testing, and adjusting finer elements like lighting, physics and a long line of other elements... Moreover, when it comes to generative AI producing assets and music, it's worth noting that while vast catalogs exist, it falls to human designers to ensure thematic cohesion and proper emotional conveyance.
    The claim that AI could eclipse indie developers due to its generative prowess seems like an oversimplified view. Videos with such bold claims should tread carefully, as they risk deterring the next generation of game developers. For those feeling overwhelmed by AI's capabilities, remember: AI might streamline many processes, but the last leg of game development is often the most labor-intensive. As AI refines art and code, strong game design and aesthetic discernment will become even more paramount.

  • @FireFox64000000
    @FireFox64000000 9 місяців тому +2

    On the bright side chatgpt keeps getting dumber. It's getting where it can't even add two plus two to arrive at 4.

  • @ecoamica4165
    @ecoamica4165 10 місяців тому +2

    Great editing!!

  • @d.r1775
    @d.r1775 10 місяців тому +3

    for me, AI is an efficient way to find what I need in that ugly place knowing as "unity documentation".

    • @DanGameDev
      @DanGameDev  10 місяців тому

      Haha I use it for that too!

  • @Chazzi
    @Chazzi 10 місяців тому +1

    Ooh interesting 🤩🤩

    • @DanGameDev
      @DanGameDev  10 місяців тому

      Thank you and thanks for watching again!

  • @jullcepts8780
    @jullcepts8780 9 місяців тому +1

    AI replacing human devs and artists also have to do with it's legalization and regulation. Artists and companies are very sensitive about protecting their IPs and you can't call a piece of code or art done by AI yours. In fact as of today it still belongs in the public domain. So before that can really happen copyright law has to change to accept giving ownership over assets done by AI to companies and individuals. Something that still hasn't been done. Every single judge so far has clearly ruled "it NEEDS human touch involved in it". Companies like OpenAI are still appealing and filing cases trying to get a W but nothing so far. AI can make a videogame with the touch of a button but until the law changes they'll still be nothing more than a useful tool that requires the touch of an expert or just a fun thing to toy around with.

  • @Pahan75D1
    @Pahan75D1 10 місяців тому +1

    Actually any special profession witch need huge amount of experience is not die, like the futuristic books or philosophy question - "You can't write correct answer if you don't understand most of the answer". And correction like you can answer the AI about it its not actually try - because its not your experience just in reading books you can't program or do gymnastic you need some time and touch with this things. But any way its good instrument to touch 1000 books or do monotonous things, if you know what you need and not just an answer - ... understanding and practice in context. Because actual result need for humans.
    Also to finalize it if got this ai in 100 years ago (like data and information) and on this data actually don't know about atom or other physics process like quantum mechanics this think AI can't predict it - i write about 100 years because also can't predict what is next human achievement). So its mostly good averaged information about everything but not the future, if future will be in AI hands its not our future i think, will be better or not - don't know may be, but averaged result good achievement but its not growing... its like an soup for all

  • @cheesymcnuggets
    @cheesymcnuggets 10 місяців тому +3

    The internet's entire collected data would never be able to make an interesting game by itself, AI eliminates outliers from their data in order to create accuracy but it backfires and ends up being generic. Who wants a generic game? AI struggles with diversity and variety. At best AI could probably create a generic shooter game or a lame horror game by itself when it's more developed but without sentience, it can't compare. It will always be a tool and require the hard work and skill of us developers to be used for any good product. The market flood however is something to worry about, not even a grain of rice can stick out in a mountain of sand. Money hungry idiots with learn the bare minimum to using it so they can upload broken empty games on steam similar to the flood mobile games experienced a while back. Soon those copy and paste mobile ads are no longer just gonna be for mobile games. As always though, any game worth playing will be spread by the community, not trash ads. Without community, selling a game is doomed for failure with or without a flooded market. But as I was saying, I don't think AI could replace us developers, our intuitive nature is what makes us better, always and forever.

    • @DanGameDev
      @DanGameDev  10 місяців тому +1

      I totally agree with you on the flooding of the markets, it is a worry. It's already very difficult to launch a game on Steam with success due to the huge number of asset flippy games that use the same Unity store packs. Thanks for watching! Would love if you'd subscribe if not already!

  • @MaliciousTachyons
    @MaliciousTachyons 10 місяців тому +2

    As an intermediate coder, I've used GPT to code an entire top-down shooter (with a bit of edits, of course) and it lacks a lot of things when it comes to writing clean code. There are times it will just screw up and you have to correct it, then it goes back to the last screwed-up code snippet it sent you.
    I find that labeling the code snippets to help (so tell GPT, call this new code snippet 1.0A or something so you and it can reference it). Even so, it took me about three days to get a top down shooter working. Which, arguably, is faster than I would have done it had I been writing the code manually. Can it help you dev games faster? Sure. Can it do so off the bat? Nah. Does it still need some debugging to work? A lot.

    • @DanGameDev
      @DanGameDev  10 місяців тому +2

      Yeah - I think the GPT models actually make a great alternative to the Unity documentation which I find overwhelming at times and quite confusing! Thanks for the tip by the way, I’ll try that next time! Thanks for tuning in!

    • @MaliciousTachyons
      @MaliciousTachyons 10 місяців тому +1

      @@DanGameDev As someone who has waded thru unity documentation that is (at some times) very obscure and obtuse, GPT can be a breath of fresh air.

    • @DanGameDev
      @DanGameDev  10 місяців тому +1

      @@MaliciousTachyons totally agree! Plus GPT is specific to your needs

    • @MaliciousTachyons
      @MaliciousTachyons 10 місяців тому

      @@DanGameDev The biggest thing that GPT offers game devs is freedom of choice in what we make. Like, even beginner coders aren't limited by what they can code.

  • @phen-themoogle7651
    @phen-themoogle7651 10 місяців тому +1

    I think AI still needs to improve a lot more before Indie Game Developers are it would need to be at the point of "Me: GPT5, make me a full game in Unity. GPT5: Of course, here's your full game with Music, Programming, Art, Smooth Gameplay, and it's all on par with a game at the level of Celeste. Enjoy"
    Right now, it can do some very plain games like Tetris, Pong, and a very cheap platformer (doesn't even have proper controlled jumps like in Mario Bros, it fails at a lot of things in the programming stage so would need someone more knowledgeable for that, or beginners have to reprompt it many times and many different ways until the code works) . It also makes some things harder than necessary when the projects get bigger. But it's cool for accomplishing things without tutorials sometimes, like I got it to figure out how to implement a Yoshi-flutter jump which I could never figure out on my own.
    It'll only feel threatening when it can literally do everything in Unity at the same time, and then the games are done in seconds or minutes. Like you mention at the end of the video it'll take people to manage the software for years to come...(Possibly...)
    I don't know though, I think by 2025 it could potentially be able to automate the whole process by itself with all the technology that's already out (AI making music, AI making art, AI doing programming) it just needs to be put together to work with the software...
    It'll be interesting when it's able to make more unique games and not just use templates from basic games. Like trying to get GPT to make Horizontal Tetris was kind of difficult...I just gave up on prompting it, but maybe it's better now lol
    It'll be scary when it can pump out a game as good as Celeste in seconds...but it'll also be fun to play the games since I like platformers like that xD (2025-2030?)
    And no matter how good it gets at making games, I think humans will still be able to make more appealing stories or have some sort of touch that we enjoy playing a bit more (at least until 2030). I think it'll take a lot of time before the gameplay feels really good. Like it's not able to test anything out and is just spewing out code. It doesn't know if the code even works or how the gameplay feels yet. It's close to RNG. RNG can be good in moderation but if the whole game is RNG how consistent will it be. I think it's gonna take a while before it feels on par with a masterpiece, so humans will probably still be able to make games or improve on the AI's foundation for a few years. But if we get AGI by 2025 and they are able to learn like humans but even faster , even as early as 2026 they could be a million times better than us at IDK, it just depends on if we don't get AGI and it's only the AI we know today....

    • @seekeroftheball
      @seekeroftheball 10 місяців тому +1

      There’s so much fear around it right now but the truth is it’s a tool and will only make our lives easier, not replace us.

    • @DanGameDev
      @DanGameDev  10 місяців тому +1

      I’d agree, but I don’t think AI should take the place of human creators such as composers and artists, but I don’t doubt it will open up new career paths too!

    • @phen-themoogle7651
      @phen-themoogle7651 10 місяців тому +1

      @@DanGameDev yeah it will make it more accessible for people that can't afford to hire a team to make the game and maybe they can just focus on their specialized skill. I love composing music and always wanted my music in a game so maybe I'll be able to boost that skill more. Having to do every aspect of game Dev was a bit too overwhelming for me.

    • @DanGameDev
      @DanGameDev  10 місяців тому +1

      @@phen-themoogle7651 I totally agree! By the way, I would LOVE if you could subscribe if you’re not already, I love having conversations with like minded devs in the comments!

  • @awesometuts
    @awesometuts 9 місяців тому

    we're all doomed... ai is going to replace all game developers and programmers by 2026...

  • @jeanprofite4341
    @jeanprofite4341 9 місяців тому

    Funny how there are more dislike then likes but there are not much bad comments, are you manually removing them ?

    • @DanGameDev
      @DanGameDev  9 місяців тому

      No. I encourage people to have constructive conversations & debates regarding topics such as this and how they choose to react is up to them :)

  • @maykefernandesdossantos7374
    @maykefernandesdossantos7374 10 місяців тому +3

    great more of the same a guys saying: "ai gonna take you job", come on man! better content not just click bait

    • @DanGameDev
      @DanGameDev  10 місяців тому +2

      It’s not clickbait, I think it’s an interesting topic and relevant to current times. I talk a lot about making efficient use of AI technology on my channel so this ties in well. Ai has its benefits but it also has its negatives which I’ve attempted to explain in this video :)

    • @notcornelius123
      @notcornelius123 10 місяців тому +3

      @@DanGameDev The title "Game Dev is OVER in 2023" speaks for itself in terms of clickbait. You should have instead mentioned Steam's active ban on games with AI generated content, as you need to prove ownership of your assets in terms of images, text and so on. And it is undoubtful that in most cases people cannot claim ownership of something that cannot be copyrighted as in AI content. Steam's main goal is to sway off any legal gray area which is currently going on with AI generative software. This is a good move against the many people using this software in the most shovelware & grift level possible.

  • @Emanuel-kl2dt
    @Emanuel-kl2dt 10 місяців тому +2

    AI will help developer realize their games. Not replace them `facepalm

    • @DanGameDev
      @DanGameDev  10 місяців тому

      Hopefully it won't and I don't think it will for quite a long time still. But I do think AI game engines will emerge allowing pretty much anyone to build and release a game with ease.

  • @nil7118
    @nil7118 10 місяців тому +1

    What is so sinister about it? This is perfect for those who don't want to be ripped off my company's nickle and dining them, allowing people to make their dream game without the motivation loss and not being good at coding, in such a world only good games will stand out. Yeah its sad people will lose their jobs but the benefits outweigh the negatives not to mention I highly doubt indie devs will not take advantage of their knowledge to make games easier.

    • @DanGameDev
      @DanGameDev  10 місяців тому

      Thanks for watching! Yep, it will make the development process better and easier for indie devs and I am excited to see where it goes! I just hope the human touch of creative work isn’t replaced!
      Thanks for watching again!

    • @notcornelius123
      @notcornelius123 10 місяців тому

      Your naivety speaks for itself. In a marketplace oversaturated with shovelware games made heavily with AI and churned out in tens per minute, for some sort of passive income, no matter how good a game is, it won't get it's deserving visibility. Even now it is an issue for some games to gain visibility. You can't distinguish easily a grain of gold inside a trashyard.
      You should instead invest your time to primarily learn the aspects of game dev itself, from coding to art to game design and so on, and maybe then use some generative tool as a supplement in the worst case scenario. If you do not know proper fundamentals in terms of game narrative / writing, even using ChatGPT and prompting all day won't result to anything but falling flat and making something generic and pretentious. Coding is not some magic, and art is not some priviledge. If you cannot put the time to learn some fundamentals in the field, you are basically trying to do a job without to learn its rules. And people have used such rules creatively to push beyond, think outside the box and tell a refreshing story with some novelty. Cheating your way through will only give you some short-termed gratification. Take this from someone working professionally on the respective fields.
      Also, Unity just got into scandals of using a supposed 3D AI generator, which basically scraped copyrighted models from Sketchfab. If you want to have your game's assets end up there one day, keep your eyes in alert. Godot FTW.
      On the other side, I agree with you on not working on current AAA companies, since they prioritize grift and profit rather than making games that used to be fun.