Karaoke Opera: Come Paride Vezzoso - L'Elisir d'Amore (Donizetti) Orchestra only with printed music

  • Опубліковано 31 тра 2020
  • Full Orchestra. Complete list of repertoire (150+) available www.karaokeopera.com
    This corresponds to the vocal version here: • Karaoke Opera: Come Pa...
    Belcore marches onto Adina's estate, salutes her, and presents her with a bouquet of flowers. He then proceeds to propose to her and explains, with considerable swagger, how it is no wonder that she should fall for him, since he is a sergeant, and women like a military man
    Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra
    John Landor
    A Musical Concepts production
    Come Paride vezzoso As charming Paris
    porse il pomo alla più bella, offered the apple to the most beautiful,
    mia diletta villanella, my darling rustic girl,
    io ti porgo questi fior. I offer you these flowers.
    Ma di lui più glorioso, But more glorious than he,
    più di lui felice io sono, I am happier than he,
    poiché in premio del mio dono because as a reward for my gift
    ne riporto il tuo bel cor. I carry off your lovely heart.
    Veggo chiaro in quel visino I see clearly in that little face
    ch'io fo breccia nel tuo petto. that I'm getting to your heart.
    Non è cosa sorprendente; It's not anything surprising,
    son galante, e son sargente; I am gallant, I'm a sergeant;
    non v'ha bella che resista there is no beauty who can resist
    alla vista d'un cimiero; the sight of military uniform;
    cede a Marte iddio guerriero, to Mars, the god of war,
    fin la madre dell'amor. even the mother of love yielded.