Brown gets personal

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • Gordon Brown opens up to Piers Morgan about his deal with Tony Blair and the death of his daughter.
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  • @michaelw9285
    @michaelw9285 14 років тому +9

    I agree, I have met the man and he is one of the nicest people I have met, I asked David Cameron a question and he said "I don't have an answer for that and I don't think I ever will have"

  • @SRPC21
    @SRPC21 5 років тому +11

    I liked Gordon Brown (much more than Blair).
    Everyone had enough of Labour by the time he took over though, we were in recession almost the moment he took charge and there was much less empathy for people on benefits and EU open boarders.
    He was ‘modern old labour’ (anti-Blairite but not a Corbyn fan either!)

  • @ambercharlotte99
    @ambercharlotte99 14 років тому +7

    I think some people who are commenting on this video are truly pathetic, these interviews are used to get an insight into the lives of these people not to win votes. Think how you would feel if you lost your first child, would you want to read things like that. Dont get me wrong I am no fan of Mr Brown but some of these comments are unnecessary and cruel.

  • @chrisalops
    @chrisalops 14 років тому +10

    I think the people that are saying crap about Gordon Brown need to put themselves in his shoes. He did not actually cry here, and anyone who doesn't get emotional about a family members death ( especially a child ) is not human.

  • @lottiebelottie
    @lottiebelottie 2 місяці тому +1

    Same thing happened to us. My son Jack had a brain haemorrhage and we lost him at two hours old...

  • @matchbox555
    @matchbox555 14 років тому +8

    this is a real human being
    unlike that tory boy cameron

  • @UglowD
    @UglowD 14 років тому +2

    What an incredibly arrogant comment to make. Brown hasn't led us into any wars. Blair did. And who are you to judge what he does or does not feel about the death of his own child. Hope this might prompt a period of reflection from you.

  • @xellenfx
    @xellenfx 14 років тому +2

    @UglowD But the thing is, everyone is blaming Gordon Brown for leading us into the rescession, but now, everything is sorted out. And when the Tories come into power, they are going to take all the credit for "ending the rescession in it's tracks". I am actually quite scared of when the Tories are going to come into power, (which they will).

  • @matthewking5612
    @matthewking5612 2 роки тому +1

    A genuine guy.

  • @mollym461
    @mollym461 4 роки тому +1

    Does anyone have full episode?

  • @Dinosreviews
    @Dinosreviews 14 років тому

    Maybe you should check your history books and see how well this country was doing economically before Labour took over in 1997, and then proceeded to take the credit for it while planing to squander it all in the years that came after, so there was no money there when we got into another recession. I feel sorry for what happened to Gordon Brown, I would not wish that on my worst enemy, but I can't see how anybody could do as much harm to this country as this useless wasteful government.

  • @abominableangel
    @abominableangel 14 років тому +1

    what did you ask David Cameron?

  • @jazzythegreatest
    @jazzythegreatest 14 років тому +1

    @TheAmazingShinto how could you say that, how would you feel if you lost a child.

  • @Abdikareem0
    @Abdikareem0 13 років тому

    @ddaavveee Brown acted 3 years as Prime Minister and 10 years as Exchequer.

  • @Bellalodicci9
    @Bellalodicci9 14 років тому

    You will be needing a Pickfords lorry for 7th May Brown and I hope it takes you far,far away.

  • @and551
    @and551 13 років тому +2

    Worst PM in history, but i cried when he talked about his girl dying

    • @andrewhuckle803
      @andrewhuckle803 5 років тому +2

      He wasn't the worst PM in history. Heath was a great deal worse.

  • @incredibleXMan
    @incredibleXMan 13 років тому +1

    @JuanMacready Out of line.

  • @abominableangel
    @abominableangel 14 років тому

    but cameron would never ever ever do that
    Rolls eyes* and now even Clegg's son is in hospital with breathing difficulties ... its an epidemic ... it would appear going into politics adversely effects your childrens health and can lead to death ...

  • @SilentSlumber3
    @SilentSlumber3 12 років тому

    @wideshutuk Wow, fancy seeing you here causing such a stir! About 75% in agreement with you here. It can't be confirmed that he did actually know about the question though and I don't think it's completely naive to think otherwise. I just wouldn't doubt it!

  • @dangoesforth
    @dangoesforth 13 років тому +1

    @wideshutuk dude thats too far man

  • @anSiarach
    @anSiarach 14 років тому

    Is there no depth to which Gordon Brown and Labour won't stoop? Absolutely pathetic and - given his previous comments on bringing family into politics - disgustingly hypocrtical.

  • @7heAre7s
    @7heAre7s 14 років тому

    This is a way of trying to get votes. Emotion only goes so far in this world.
    A tragedy in his family is horrible--to him. It seems that a lot of people here are falling into the "sympathy vote" trap. Life is life and we must learn to accept that; there on after we should look at the future, not just being trapped in the past. Staying focused on what is important to the country is what we need to do.

    • @DJItchyBoo
      @DJItchyBoo 8 місяців тому

      I sincerely hope 13 years later you’ve changed your view from “life is life, don’t cry about your dead baby” to something more empathetic.

    @PHONEYPOLITICS 14 років тому

    Care to tell us why else he would go onto such a program and talk about such? What were his motivations? For sympathy? Empathy? So the Great British people could know the man better? WHY? WHY? WHY? The only conclusion is 'political gain' perhaps an indirect one but none the less. Its you that is NIAVE as you obviously do not know just what power is - by any means - those are the rules - FACT - Brown has some real bad advisors (they might even be conservative plants) but Brown could have said NO.

  • @mhl8396
    @mhl8396 8 років тому

    Struck a deal as to who will be PM? Democracy at it's best!

  • @wideshutuk
    @wideshutuk 13 років тому

    @ogicabp4u All of humanity is very important to me, but obviously not to Gordon Brown.

  • @express375
    @express375 14 років тому

    He also says a Muslim country sent him a whole pig as a gift????
    Liar! Liar! pants on fire :)
    The Labout party should make one last law before it's to late........Don't let Gordon infront of a TV.

  • @fingleweed
    @fingleweed 14 років тому

    dose he play his part well do you think he might get an oscer or a grammie ;O)

  • @dragonskinstudio
    @dragonskinstudio 14 років тому

    This man needs to go directly to jail.....

  • @Wyrdtimes
    @Wyrdtimes 14 років тому

    He's really done wonders losing his Scottish accent. I've no time for the Conservatives but Brown would sell his granny for a few more votes.